The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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Breaks of Game and Fluke
Home Run Contribute to
Salem Downfall - '
Costly errors by Salem, the
breaks of the game and a fluke
..borne" run by Kearns of the visit
ing club, caused the Salem Sen
ators" to lose to the Knight's of
Columbus 'club of Portiand yester
day by psc6re of 5 to 2.'
On Sunday the Senators defeat
ed the Friedman All-stars of Port
land tly score of 12 to 2. The
gamewas uninteresting, though
only one error was marked against
each club. Keene pitched for Sa
,lem and bad things all his ' own
, j While It was . announced that
yesterday'!! game with "the KCs
would be the last of the season bw-
fnar ti ha Imnnoalhilitv nf p-ttlnp
"any more first class clubs here
this fall,' .Manager Biddy Bishop of
'the Senators said last night' that
since the Knights' won there Is a
chance to get "them back faext
Sunday for a rub-off game Each
team has won a game,' the Sena
tor .having beaten t he ''"Knights
early' In the season, so tile Port
landers have no claim to superior
ity ovefthe Senators. Had Salem
-won yesterday 'the game w6uld
hava been "decisive! 'Whether the
Knights can come to Salem next
Sunday depends on whether they
tin arrange to hare a game sched
uled In Portland for the "afternoon
t ransfefred to the forenoon". " In
wafh event they will come to Sa
JenTiri the afternoon. " r ! ;pJ"
c Yesterday's" game with the
Knights of Columbus at times was
an exhibition of good baseball 6n
both' sides. Heim, the KC pitcher,
a southpaw, was very eff ectiTe, "al
lowing ;on!y four "hits" td the Sen
ators, although he had little, on
the ball; The Senators have met
'few.. (eft-handed' pitchers this sea
son, and Helm's old aide-wheel
soup-bone .was the "Jinx.' Brough
toh, who pitched for Salem',' allow
ed -eight hits. - Hueslng; a Long
View man, pitched the last Inning.
" Wilier Proctor and Powers were
good for' another "neat double " In
the eighth when they put out Mc
Entee and Powers.
Baird and Edwards suffered in
yesterday's game. Baird receiving
Brennan's spikes 'M ' the fourth
when he raii to the plate to take
av throw wlttt Brennan between
home" and ' third1. A ' couple of
stitches were' 'necessary ia ,tbe
wound. Baird dropped the ball and
Brennan scored. . . r"
, .me lime; wuivt. .
" - First Inning
1 'KC- Kearns "but" Proctor to
Baird;" GT Simon out on strikes.
I. Simon dot by Baird unassisted.
'Salenr--MllIer ' walked - Jteln
fcart sacrificed .him to second, go
ing out Helm to Powers. Bishop
out Kearns to Powers, Miller" tak
ing third on the play. Keene out
Kearns td Powers. :? 4r-s t ": . A
... Second Inning . ,-
KC Butke filed to Keene, Coo
Tert :Janned. McEntee walked.
Powers singled, advancing McEntee-
to second.' f Beannan - whiffed.
- One' HUT. l" " " '
' '- Salem Baird out I Simon : to
Powers"" Proctor out Brennan to
Powers. Srtiackmann xut Kearns
to Powers.
-rr Third Inning
' KC Helm bVh'V d safely.
Ketrris'slammed k hit that bonnd
. ed hard ' against1 ie right ""field
fence; then bounded over .the fence
and wefat"fo a home run scoring
HelH 'ahead of Kearns O. Slm6n
fHiidr L. Simon safe ' on Mil
ler's' error lii throwing wildly to
Baird. 12 Sitooh a- going to sec
ond. Burke btit .Uishop to Baird,
li. SiHion taking third dn'the'play.
"Cooveft out" Miller to Baird. Two
tuns; two' hits,' one error."
, Salem Edwards singled.
Ttrnoehton fouled out to BurkeT,
TLfin.r ineled'. advancing Edward s
to second. - Relnhart safe' on X.
Eicon's . error, Edwards taking
etiirit and-Miller second. Bishop
went to bat with the bases full and
filed to L. Simon. Keene, alter
knocking a dozen fouls struck out.
TWhlfS.? '
- . Fourth Inning
-v ''V i .
tch--McEntee fanned. Powers
singled. Brennan grounded down
h first base Une. and Baird at
t.mntnH in throw out Powers at
second; .but '"Miller, let the ball go
by, allowing .Powers to go tnira.
Brettnan safe on fielder's choice.
TTotm rrnnded to Baird who tried
n ihrhw out Powers at the plate.
Everybody safe. ; Kearns ground-
to r.airdl who. to r prevent a
score, threw ' to Edwards and
headed 'off 'Brennan. rwith Bren
nan between Edwards and Bisnop.
nairfl'riin to Protect the tdate and
took' Bishop's throw; but dropped
it in'ftVfisiori"with Brennan; who
i : ri,:,i-fc,m.'-hfMnsr for
DV w va -
C. Slmon safe on fielder's choice
when Broughton tbTew out Helm
Mrd. Simon hit for two
bases and Cunningham1 was out at
the' plate,v Relnhart, to Broughton
- Caanse thoroaghly thn,
' r-t r;'.1-:::, r?'y t
' -1.
") 'c - r' o
c, nr.
to Edwards. Three runs; two bits.
Salem Baird safe and took sev-
ond on Brennans wild throw. Proc
tor fouled out to Burke. Schack-
mann fanned. &a wards' waiicea.
Broughton out L. Simon to Pow
ers One error. " " "' '
Fifth Innine
KC Burke" safe when Schack-
mann dropped a dead easy take.
Coorert sacrificed him to second,
going out Broughton to Baird. Mc-
Entee out Miller to Baird. Burke
taking third. ' Powers ' filed to
Keene. One error. -
Salem Miller filed to Cunning
ham. Relnhart fanned. Bishop
walked. Keene out Helm to Pow
ers. ;
i . Sixth Inning
KC Brennan stngled. Helm
safe on fielder's choice when
Brennan. was out Broughton to
Miller.' Kearns singled, advancing
Helm to second. Cunningham
fanned and Edwards nipped out
Kearns at first. 'Two hits.
Salem Baird out - L. . Simon to
Powers. Proctor safe on Powers'
error. Cchaekmann walked, forc
ing 'Proctor lb second. Edwards
flied to'McEntee. Broughton fan
ned; One error.
Keirmth. Inning
KC L.. ' Simon out Bishop to
Baird.' "Burke filed to Keene. Co
overt whiffed.
Salem Miller out L.. Simon to
Powers. Relnhart lined out to I.
Simon. "Bishop out Kearns to
Powers. j ' ' "
Eighth Inning
KC McEntee singled. Powers
hit into av double play, McEntee
going out Miller to Proctor and
Powers out! Proctor to Baird.
Brennan walked. Helm grounded
to Miller who threw out Brennan
at Second. " One' hit.
Salem Keene walked. Baird
singled,' Keene taking Becond.
Proctor flied to Coovert. Schacic
marin fanned;' Edwards was hit
by Helm and took first. Hueslng
hit a . long single, scoring Keene
and Baird. and Edwards attempt-
ng to Teach home was thrown out
at the plate by McEntee, KC right
fielder. "Two runs, two hits. '
Ninth Inning
KC Hueslng pitching for Sa
lem. Kearns filed to Miller. Cun
ningham fanned. L. Simon fan
ned. ' I ' ' ' .
f Salem Miller flied to Coovert.
Relnhart out L. Simon to Powers.
Bishop filed to L. Simon.
K. of C ' T" AB.B. H.PO. A. E
Kea mi 2b . 5 2
3 0
G. Simon cf .
Dnnnincbam cf -
2 0 0 O
S O 0 1
1 Simon u -. . a
Burks c . 4
1 3
0 8
0 2
1 1
2 12
1 0
1 0
Coorert If i 3
McEntee rf . .
Powers lb , 4
Brennan 3b 3
Heim p ... 4
36 5 8 2? 13 3
AB.B. H.PO. A. E.
Miller a
1 2
Reinhart ef
0 0
0 1
0 .. 3
1 9
O 2
0 0
1 10
0 - 0
1 0
. 4
Biahoo 3b
Keene If
Proctor 2b
, 2
. S
Schackmann rf
Edward C
Broughton p
Hneain g p
Total '.;;.l?':.....8a'-. 27 14 4
x .. vn X. L,eft on
fcaaea: KC 5. Salem 8. Stolen base:
v . cni kits- Rem hart ana
CooTert. DonMo play: Miller toProetor
..: j u. ma. ' Two base
hit: U 8imon. Hit by pitched ball: Ed
wards by tleun nases on
Broofhton 2; off Heim 5.. Strnck oot:
By' Brooghtoa ,7, , by Hueiing 2. by
Heim 5. i ' ( . .
Tims of game Two flour.
balls and strikei, JS.en-
nedy ; on baaea. Mason. ; . - ' .
George M. Bourquin Disqual-
ifies Himselt hrom rre--t
- siding at Trial
GREAT FALLS, Mont.. Sept. 1.
-Trial of Burtdn K. Wheeler,
Junior United States senator from
Montana and ' candidate for vice
president on the La Follette ticket,
during the term of federal court
which opened here today, became
a possibility regarded as remote
when Judge George M. Bourquin
disqualified himself at the'nioni-
ing session from presiding In the
case. ' Judge Bourquin s .action
places jurisdiction of the Wheeler
casd wholly twlth Judge Charles
S. Pray, who left Sunday with Mrs.
pray j for an absence from ' the
state i of a month or more.
Jl TET. 'Bildwln of Wheeler's
counsel, It was stated by attorneys
Informed Judge Bourquin that
Judge Pray would be satisfactory
to the trial judge. Judge Bour
quin sets -out In. his self disquali
catlon ' certificate ' that he ! deems
himself unable to preside at the
trial with "absolute Impartiality.
Senator Wheeler's case was called
this morning 'a demurrer to the
Indictment was entered by S. C,
Ford, former 'attorney general of
Montana and now associated with
Wheeler defense. District Attor
ney Slattery said after Judge Bour
quin "had disqualified himself it
would be impossible to approxl
mate the date pn which the case
can come before John Pray but
that trial will i take the ' regular
course before tine court. Should
Judge Pray i disqualify himself,
Judge William Gilbert of Portland,
Or.; senior circuit judge of the
ninth district will designate the
trial Judge. I 'I -
Defense counsel petitioned at
the proceedings today that Sen
ator Wheeler's case be transferred
to the Butte court but an objection
',... - 4
R.iwl lb 4
. a
Last Vednesday evening a great meeting was held at the West
Salem Methodist' church. Knthusiasm ran high, and there was a
general determination to put the building across. In that audience
were Ray and Nina Vincent,' the well-known entertainers. They
have offered to give one of their popular entertainments, the entire
proceeds to go to the completing of the, church, building fund.
. On Thursday evening of this week the Vincents will give one
of their very popular evening entertainments. Those who want an
evening of rare enjoyment, as1 well as those x who ' want to help the
church, are asked to go to West Salem to the Methodist church,
Wednesday evening. ; ;! ! ; '
was entered ry rrosecutor . Slat
ery on the ground that there Is
nothing in the statutes permitting
such a course and that the indict
ment and some of the circumstan
ces leading to it originated in
Great Falls.
Action on the application for a
change of venue as well as on the
demurrer both will await the- re
turn of Judge Pray, it was' stated
by court oficials.
Period of One Year Driest in
History of Local Fed- ;
eral Bureau i i
- . " i
- . .': . t
With only 22.88 Inches of rain
fall, nearly 16 inches below nor
mal, the period from September
1, 1923, to August 31, 1924, is
the driest ; in the history of the
local weather bureau. During the
first eight months of this year
there has been but 9.85 inches of
moisture, in comparison with
12.45 inches for the correspond
ing period in 1903, the driest
year on record. For the period of
Emotional firework! and
furious fan. Gloria as
dramatic skyrocket and
crackarjack comedienne t ry
A brand-new
We'U aay so!
1. 1
September 1, 1902 to August 31,
1903, there was but 29.41 inches
of rain. If the remaining four
months are as dry as the previous
eight months, allowing i for the
normal rainfall, this record may
be lowered. I
I Following is the record of the
seasonal rainfall month by month,
as compared with the average:
l.i . 23-24 Average
Sept. .70 1.84
Oct. ........... 2.21 i 2.81
Nov. .......... 3.80 6.4?
Dec. . . . . .V. . . . 6.22 5.51
Jan. ...... 3.54 . ; 5.77
Feb 2.59 i ": 4.34
March 1.29 3.94
April 1.07 2.68
May 61 2.48
June '.. .22 1.42
July .......... .00 .32
Aug . -. .53 . .39
22.88 38.1
Shortage 15.31
SEATTLE, Sept. l. City deliv
ery; barley white, $48; ditto
ground and rolled $50; ditto clip
ped $51; chick starter $63; coco
nut meal $38; corn $54; corn,
cracked and feed meal $56 ; air
falfa hay $23; ditto DC $26; ti
mothy hay $26; ditto DC $28;
mixed hay $23; linseed meal $57;
scratch food $58; soy bean $55;
white 12 pound sack $53.
: i-. ' ;
f a i
mm iotv
v- or I.
jfiww Warn--
Soilers," a Comedy Scream
Pathe News
382nd ; Infantry to Have
'Charge of Units on Na
tional Defense Day
Headquarters of the 382nd in
fantry; has Issued orders to units
of the 9Cth division and will take
charge and supervise, the activities
of these -units for the National
Defense day mobilization on Sep
tember 12, according to Col. Carle
Abrams, commanding officer of
the 382nd infantry.1 All officers
named in the orders, particularly
unit commanders,' will attend a
meeting of the Reserve Officers
association at the Gray Belle at
6:15 o'clock tonight.
Plans for the mobilization will
be perfected. In general, these
call for a parade starting from
Marion square at 6:30 o'clock,
with patriotic exercises at the ar
mory Immediately after the par
ade.; All officers are requested to
wear their uniforms. ,
The following named officers of
the Officers Reserve corps will
take active charge of each unit
as designated, raise It to war
strength by enrollment of citizens
in the organization for the one
day and to handle the unit in the
exercises; i .
Headquarters 382nd Infantry,
nine off leers, no enlisted men.-
Colonel Carle Abrams. Infantry
ORC, commanding; Captain T. A.
Brown; Adjutant; Second Lieute
nant L. C. Stdnstrom, Engr-ORC;
Second Lieutenant W. D. Simpson,
Engr-ORC; Second Lieutenant D.
It. Siewart, Cac-ORC; Second
Lieutenant E. AJ Robins, SS-ORC;
Second Lieutenant I. C. Roberts,
Engr-ORC; Captain A. R. An
drews, Vet-ORC. '
Attached Medical Personnel, 11
Officers; 87 enlisted men. Major
W. Carlton Smith. Med-ORC, com
manding; Major! F. N. Lewis, Med
ORC; Captain B. F. Pound. Dent
ORC; First Lieutenant A. J. Cree,
ly, Vet-ORC; First Lieutenant F.
L. Utter, Dent-ORC. '
; Headquarters Company 382 In
fantry. Three Officers, 121 en
J. Page, FA-ORC, commanding;
ed men. First i Lieutenant Lyle
Second Lieutenant Paul Pierre,
FA-ORC. :, : j . ' ' .-.
i Headquarters' and Headquarters
Co. Three Bn. 382nd Inf. - Seven
Officers, 76 enlisted men. First
Lieutenant A. R; Baird, Inf-ORC,
commanding; First Lieutenant B.
W. McDaniel, JAG-ORC; First
Lieutenant Karl i Pease. AS-ORC;
Second Lieutenant A. H. Madsen,
Inf-ORC; Second Lieutenant C. C,
Carson, Engr-ORC; Second Lieu
tenant I. J. Robertson. Inf-ORC.
U Company' "M" I (M. G.) 382nd
Infantry. Five Officers. 141 en
listed men. First Lieutenant Al
lan G. Carson, Inf-ORC. command
ing; First Lieutenant G. W. King,
Inr-ORC; Second Lieutenant Tink
ham Gilbert, r Inf-ORC; Second
Lieutenant C. E. Lachele, QM-
ORC. .; .. . , . '
.Motor Transport Company No:
382, Two Officers. "78 enlisted
men. ' Captain Donald A. Young,
QM-ORC,. commanding; Second
Lieutenant R. B.i Relnhart, QM
ORC. r .
' Headquarters and Headquarters
Battery, 2nd Bn. 412th Art. (155
How). Eight, Officers, 66 enlist
-.- -
ed men. First Lieutenant Lyle
J. Page, FA-ORC, Commanding;
Second Lieutenant Paul Pierve,
Combat Traln, 412th Art. Three
Officers, 118 enlisted men. Second
Lieutenant Richard D. Slater; FA
ORC;' Second Lieutenant Madson
Nichols, FA-ORC. J i
Battery "A" 412 Art. Four
Officers, 144 enlisted men. First
Lieutenant E. P. Thorn. FA-ORC.
commanding; Second Lieutenant
F. L. Siegmund. FA-ORC."
545th Motor Transport Co. Two
officers, 70 enlisted men. First
Lieutenant John B. Eakin. QM-
ORC, commanding; Second Lieu
tenant E. W. Lantis, QM-ORC.
430 Motor Repair Section. One
Officer,' 35 enlisted men. Second
Lieutenant C. A. Evans, M-ORC,
.109th Communication Section,
One Officer, 30 enlisted men. First
Lieutenant Parks WIghtmanj SIG
ORC, commanding.
German Methodists : An
; jiounce Assignment in
v District for Year t
Announcement of pastor assign
ments for the coming year featur
ed the closing sessions of the: 20th
annnual Pacific German confer
ence of the Methodist Episcopal
church here Sunday night. ' The
assignments were read by Bishop
E, S. Johnson of Portland,' who
has been in charge of the con
ference since it opened Thursday
morning. ; ! j '
Under a rule of the conference
that a district superintendent shall
not serve in such capacity more
than six out of 12 successive years.
Rev. A. F. Hilmer was relieved of
the duties of his charge and has
been assigned to the pastorate of
the Salem church. Rev. Mr, Hil
mer will be succeeded as district
superintendent by Rev. A." T. Cra
mer. Rev. Mr. Hilmer has made
his headquarters at Spokane, but
it has not yet been decided where
the Rev. Mr. Cramer will be loc
ated. '".''
Bishop Johnson announced that
no changes would be made In the
pastorate of the Portland church
es. Rev. E. E. Hertzler has! been
reassigned to First church, Port
land,' while Rev. F. A. Schiiman
again will fill the pulpit at the
Rodney avenue church. Rev. Mr,
Hertzler has been in charge of the
First church, Portland, for; nine
years, while Rev. Mr. Schumann
has held his present charge for
14 years.
Following is a complete list of
the pastor assignments as an
nounced by Bishop Johnson at the
closing session of the conference
District superintendent, Rev.lA. T.
Cramer; Bethany and Yamhill,
Rev. P. J. Schnert; Connell and
Paradise, Rev. G. J. Kleinbaeh;
, : : : 1 . ' 1 " 4.
JL COMEDY :-,..r.-T-.y-- -I
J&aF jb '':V:'Q' -v A. StoiT;, Consuming fx
yv!5, ??IV K Spanish Passion f' .
of the asaL':' m&. M.
Metolius, Rev. O. A. Maag; Elk,
Rev. H. B. Mann;-Newberg, Rev.
J. C. Muellgr; Oak Grove-Logan,
J. A. Beck; Portland, First church,
Rev. E. E. Hertzler; Portland,
Rodney avenue. Rev. F. A. Schu
mann; RIdgefleld, Rev. A, J.
Weigle; Ritzville, Rev. H. L.
Wehl; Rocklyn-Davenport, Rev.
E. J. Traglio;. Rosalia, Rev. C. A.
Wentsch; Salem, Rev. A. F. H ti
mer; Spokane Rev. H. F. Lange;
Walla Walla, Rev. G. S. Roeder.
Bishop Johnson occupied - the
pulpit at the Center street Meth
odist church Sunday morning, and
in the .afternoon related his ex
periences in Africa at an open air
meeting held In Willson park.
Ordination services followed the
morning sermon. At another ser
vice in the afternoon the sermon
was given by Rev. A. J. Bucher,
editor of the "Apologist," a church
publication. Dr. Bucher also
preached the night sermon. .
Bishop Johnson said the con
ference was attended by a large
number of delegates, and that the
reports showed the church to be
In satisfactory condition. Bishop
Johnson left Monday for Yakima,
Wash., where he will preside at
the Columbia River district, con
ference of the Methodist church.
With Gloria Swans'on In lMan-
handled" continuing to hold the
s -
screen at the Oregon theatre In
one of the most powerful produc
tions this popular star has yet
offered. The Liberty offers the
only new bill for tomorrow, "Ro
mance Ranch." a thrilling " love
story with John Gilbert. In ' the
lead. .
There are many unique features
about "Romance Ranch" that put
It' almost in a category of its own.
but the tumble of Gilbert and his
horse from a high cliff has no
exact parallel In screen thrills.
Here is how it happened: John
Gilbert, as Carlos Brent, meets
Virginia Brown Falre,-. who' plays
opposite him as Carmen" Hendiey,
on a narrow mountain road. Carlos
is . mounted on spirited horse,
Carmen is whizzing at a terlffic
rate of speed In a little roadster
To pass is Impossible. At the crisis
the star raises his mount on his
hind legs and Carmen speeds un
der his waving fore legs, safe.;
; Then the horse loses its balance
and crashes over the cliff. This!
is just as the author of the scen
ario would have It. Director
Howard Mitchell, however, had
planned to have the horse come
back on all fours and "shoot" the
fall at a lower place on the road.
But as Robert Burns said, the best
laid plans of mice' and men often
go wrong, and the star went to
what many who witnessed the
accident thought was sure death.
But Fate was "good to John
)kV ioUh the RED BAND mi v
Gilbert and his horse. At the
bottom of the cliff. In. thick pro
fusion," were those trees of the
desert, the sage bush, and aI-
though man and horse were badly
Scratched and torn no serious In
juries were sustained.'
The gossip for today concerns
Itself with our usual subject. What
we want In the way of material.
:' Readers are requested to con
tribute. All liumor: epigrams (or
humorous mottoes), jokes, anec
dotes, poetry, burlesques, satires
and bright sayings of children,
must be original and unpublished.
Accepted material will be paid for
at: from $1 to $10 per contribu
tion; from 25 cents to $1 per line
for poetry according to the char
acter and value of the contribu
tion as determined by the Editor
of The Fun Shop. All manu
scripts must - be, written oa one
side of the paper only, should bear
name of this newspaper. Unac
cepted contributions cannot be re
turned. -
1 .1 1
FQR lc ;
Plan now for winter cctafort
by asking for further L.:crcia
tion regarding the most econo
mical - heating plant on ' the
market. ' - 4 "
Eastman Sibloco
$79.60 and up
A le post card brings th
information without any obli
gation' on yonr part. .
Silverton Blow Px?2
" .:."" CO. ''. " .
Sflverton, Oregon
- . 4
. A
' a.
' -