4 THE OREGON STATESMAN, 1 SAJEM. OREGON TUESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 2, 1924 .a. (Stefan :0Urtpprc laaoad Daily Except Monday by THE STATESXAV 71TXLX8HXXO CttXFA' SIS Sooth Commercial Bt, Saleia, OreffOS X. 1. Hendrleka "h L. Brady .k Jaakoaal MZVBXK Or THE Tk Juaoeiatad Preta la xehisiva)y aaws dispatch credited to it or not otkerviaa craditad in this paper am alao taa local aava pabiuaM naralB. - r BUSINESS Taoaaa T. dark Co, Ntw York. 141-145 W.-at 86th St; Chlear. VarqnatU Build i. W. 8. GVothirahl. Mrr. (Pertland Offiea. 838 Woreeatar Bid, TELEPHONES: ! - . 88 ' Oircnlatioo Offiea - . - 83-108 ' Society Editor , Job Dprtmaat ,. 688 ! Boalaasa Office "'' Km Departmaat Zatarad at tka Paataffiea ia Salem, Orafon. as aaeoad-elaaa matter. - BIBLE THOUGHT AN1 PRAYER Prepared by Radio BIBLE SERVICE Bureau, Cincinnati, Ohio. If parents will have their children It will prove a priceless heritage to T September LOVE DESTROYS FEAR: love casteth oat fear; because fear Is not made perfect in love. -1 John 4: 18. i PRAYER: Lord, we will trust Thee and not be afraid. AIT INDIAN MONUMENT TO JASON LEE I There is a project on foot States and Canada to contribute a monument to Jason Lee, to be located in Lee Mission cemetery in Salem. . ! . The body of Jason Lee was brought in 1908 to Lee Mission cemetery, and with it came the white marble! slab erected at the original burial place at Stanstead, Quebec, Canada, the place of his birth and death, and of his departure for the Oregon Country, Stanstead is located a few miles over the Vermont .line, land it is the shire town of the; country .ntu that name. ! Last spring, the Stanstead Methodist elmrch celebrated the SOth anniversary of the preaching of iiisffarewell sermon de liYefed upon his departure for the Oregon mission field, which was in 1834. i There Ls a project also for the spending of $10,000 in im proving and making more beautiful Lee Mission cemetery, and the board of trustees having the title to the cemetery has in hand now about $3000 of this sum. This is the second largest missionary cemetery in the United States, and it is highly appro priate that it should be made a place of pilgrimage, and set apart as a fitting memorial to last throughout the years. The graves of most of the pioneer Methodist missionaries are in this cemetery. "-' j - ; "Beneath this sod, the first ever broken in Oregon for the reception of a white mother and child, lies the remains of Anna Maria Pitman, wife of Rev. Jason Lee, and her infant son." These are the words engraved at the top of the stone that marks the second grave Trom that of left being that of his second wife, i :- The slab brought from Canada, marking the grave of Jason Lee, begins to show the disintegration of the elements Some of t the letters are aJmost entirely and others nearly worn off. The f following is the language engraved on this stone : , f Sacred to the memory of Rev. Jason Lee, an itinerant min ister of the Methodist Episcopal church, member of the New England conference and the first missionary to the Indians be yond the Rocky mountains. He was born in Stanstead, L. C. (T),'June 27th, 1803; converted in 1826 under the labors of the Wesleyan missionaries, Mr. Pope, arid Turner, and commenced his ministry in 1832 among-the I "Wcsleyan Methodists, preaching in Stanstead and the adjoining towns till 1833, when he was called to engage in the Oregon-Mission. To this Godlike enter prize hedevoted all his talents in labor abundant. He laid all on the missionary altar, counting not his life dear that the Red manv might be saved. In this work he crossed the Rocky moun tains first in 1834 and again in 1838. July 16th, 1837, he mar ried 'Anna Maria Pitman of New York, who died in Oregon June Gth 1&3S. IIis second wife I Lucy (Thompson) of Barre, Vt, died in Oregon March, 1842. He sustained these painful bereave ments with great Christian fortitude and submission. In May. 1841;he returned a second time to the United States and in Augiist impaired health caused him to desist from his labors and find. an asylum among his relatives in his native town where he died' hi peace March 12th, 1845, aged 41 years, 3 months and 18 daya. K I ' -: : l'If araan die, shall he live again f All! the' days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change, come.', Job, 14:14. : f I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand fit tho latter day upon the earth. 'Job, 19 :25. i 'Thou shalt call-and I will answer Job, 14:15." - Jfan the reader think of a more appropriate thing than the erect on here with money contributed by the -American Indians of a monument to Rev.-Jason Lee, the first Missionary to the tribe west of the Rocky mountains? ? jtr r Vmd can he think of a more worthy object for preserving and perpetuating as a fitting memorial than Lee Mission cem etery, with all its hallowed surroundings! ; .This is along the line of the work of appreciation and love which The Statesman has long advocated ; the perpetuation of the Willamette Pageant ; the preservation of the Jason Lee home, the first dwelling house erected in Salem and the gather ing of the historic relics of the pioneers, to the end that Salem may be made a perpetual place of pious pilgrimage; all in the realm of things entirely fitting and altogether appropriate. "SUQAR BEETS IN OREGON" k ... . i (From the Oregonian of yesterday.V 'Since sugar .beets can be they should be a profitable crop in the Willamette valley, and the efforts of the Portland. Chamber of Commerce to introduce the industry here should have the support of other communities and of farmers. Success in growing flax as a new crop should "be an incentive to apply the soil to other new crops after tests have proved it adapted to the purpose and in what localities. : Oregon's great need is diversity, for that is the deadly enemy of adversity. ''-.' u'; :. , : Vj - t- J' ' .''Oregon has become a center for fruit-preserving on a large scale, hence will be a good home market for the sugar that it produces. It has cheap water transportation to carry any sur plus to other markets. Refuse from the sugar refinery would be of great use on the farm, helping to increase the yield of other crops or to fatten live stock. No part of the beet is .wasted. v'.--' ';..y: i ; iJ '--L i -I' v "Development of Oregon means the best use of all its re sources, in soil as well as in other forms. Progress has been marked by diversion of land from such primitive crops as hay and grain to fruit, vegetables hops, flax, nuts, dairying, and success has followed these new ventures. That Ls warrant for another venture." The above from the Oregonian hits the nail on the head; hits several nails on their several heads. But there is no war rant for casting doubt upon the ability of Willamette valley farmers to grow sugar beets With a high enough sugar content to make the industry practicable. -The Utah sugar people began experimenting 20 years ago. They were satisfied 10 years ajro poncernins the growing of good Editor Job Wt ASSOCIATED PRESS . antitled to the naa for paWiattoa af si - . OFFICE: ! Phono 6637 fc Roadway. O. F. Williams, Mrr.) 68S 108 memorix; the dally Bible selections. them in alter yean 2, 1924 j i - There is no fear in love; but perfect hath torment. He that feareth for the Indians of the United $10,000 to a fund for erecting Jason Lee, the first one on the grown profitably on Pucret sound. sugar beets in all the wmajn- 1 ctte valley counties. The Oregon Agricultural college has ex perimented for years. The college authorities say it is prac ticable; that several sections of the valley have produced beets with 25 per cent of sugar eontent; and 12 per cent is enough to make manufacturing economically sound. It is entirely a question of labor; hand labor in thinning and weeding that only besides capital or organization. These seem to be about on the point of coining. Salem, for one Willamette valley city, is ready for them. And a number of the rest night to be. TUB BUSINESS OUTLOOK The hopeful tone of business the last month has been noticed on every hand. People are in. better spirits, they expect big things. The vision has returned and prosperity is with us. One of the best articles on the subject of Improved business comes from the promotion department of the National City Bank of Chicago. Extracts follow: ' . - "The overshadowing develop ment affecting world business has been the breaking of the European deadlock over German reparations and the agreement by which the Allied nations have resolutely set their faces against war. This ls an achievement ; of immense im portance and must be helpful to business in the United States and in Europe. Some formalities re main to be completed, but world pressure is so great as to make It reasonably certain that the re forms' provided by the Dawes Com mission will be sacredly carried out.. As a consequence of the satisfactory conclusion of the negotiations in London, the world basis of doing business has chang ed within the month! and the "ex posure hazard" has been largely reduced. No one can forecast at. this time the far-reaching benefits of this famous pact, but it is be lieved the world can now face the future with a greater confidence than has been possible, at any lima llniu Vio amtlnA -- -I "-D " a I ed in 1918. A significant change! in business abroad must lead ulti mately to a release of foreign buying and raw materials of vari ous kinds. . : "There has been an increase in buying in the agricultural states, which are enjoying a prosperity not considered possible a few months ago. The crop promises a larger yield than last year, al though it is. still some S per cent below the average of 1918-1922. Wheat, being a world crop, has been naturally Influenced by the forecast of a deficient foreign har vest, while corn, according to 'the government's August forecast, is some 11 per cent below 'the five year, average. The money value will probably be exceotionallv large, with sufficient returns to gfve the producers a high degree of prosperity. Some judges pre dict that grain values will be more than double those of 1923 with the most notable gains in North Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, and other states which suffered sev erely from the depression of last rear. The Department of Agri culture August forecast of cotton places the probable yield at 12, 351,000 bales. This Is a gain pf 417,000 bales over; the forecast of July 15th, the indications fav oring the heaviest yield since 1914 with the exception of the extra ordinary crop of four years ago. The expectation Is for a crop about 0 p-r cent larger than last year and some 13 per cent above the five year average. The major crops are giving a good account of themselves, ;with prospects of a most beneficial effect upon farm ncome generally. ' The Presidential campaign thus far has not had an Important bearing upon business conditions, and the canvass is being conducted along conservative : lines. There ls nothing in the situation to in dicate that sensational' appeals to class prejudice will be resorted to by the dominant parties. Busi ness generally is being conducted with caution and the records show that average sales of life insur ance during the first half of 1924 were at the rate of $20,000,000 a day. This was a new record for the United States and reflected the strong buying power of the nation, which in certain sections is still far above normal. Certain of the basic Industries, however, includ ing the steel industry, are show ing a large falling off for the year. but demand is gradually broaden ing and the outlook is for moder ate expansion In various lines." ' REV. BERKXAP RETRIES Rev. fL s. Belknap one of t the best known preachers in the Ore gon conference has reached the age of three Bcore and ten years and has signified his intention to retire. - - - - 1 -! A.n interesting bit of history is connected with Mr. Belknap. I In the year 1856 Bishop Simoson made a trip to the Oregon terri tory. He wanted to organize: the Methodist Oregon conference out of 4he mission stations which had been doing such excellent work. The conference was on the McKea zie river where the summer resort of f Belknap is now- located, i It convened on Thursday, and was tn session until Sunday. It was ex pected momentarily that Bishop Sicpson would arrive." Finally Sunday morning the presiding el der was asked. to -prea.eli.aa. &opes for the Bishop's arrival had been given up. .,. . ; e On his part Bishop Simpson had left Salem Thursday morning. on horseback for the conference. The trip was hard at best but the trail were dim and muddy. The Bishop's horse mired, and caused much delay. In order to reach the conference for its final ses Bfon the Bishop rode all .night." As the presiding elder was conclud lag his sermon a tall man with Iron gray hair, besmattered with much mud entered the ' rear of the church. The presiding elder stopped his sermon and said, "Stranger, if you are Bishop Simp son please come to the platform. The man started for ward and began singing "On Life's Tempest uous Sea I Sailed." The congre gation was thrilled. ' There was laughing and crying, shouting and moaning, all at one and the same time.' ' (. ; I The Bishop preached his ser mon and then asked if there were any desiring the rites of baptism. One of the children baptised upon that occasion was the child who is now the well known minister Rev. L. S. Belknap, who retires from the ministry this month. WAR AND PEACE . Bill Sinclair of Waldo hills, has been doing considerable thinking since the defense day propaganda started. But let him tell the story in his own way. jcauor statesman: I hear a good deal of talk about preparing for war. I have no personal ob jection to that. I am too old to go to war and my children have always been adepts in proving alibis. However I am concerned In a way that I have- not seen mentioned. War Is bad enough but peace Is worse in many respects We had a few short years of war when we were all united hurray ing for the flag but trying to be come millionaires. Following the war the real trouble began. Things have not gone smoothly. We have been at each others throats throwing all sorts of projectiles at each other. In war there are rules but in peace everything goes tnat is getabie. Then, again a good many of us have lost the money we gained by profiteering- during the war. Anyway we have had little com fort in it. The schemes of the taxing machines have been as a ingenuous as the devices of the tax dodgers. Money has not been worth much to us. It has been too hard to 'hold. We have not had time for anything expect to deonunce somebody and while the heads were turned In tnat direction we did our level best to hide what we had from the tax collector etc. By the last af firmation I do not mean the stock salesman who has been received with open arms. He has a good deal of our surplus. Kings pro ducts could not have been floated before the war. . War is bad enough but we have enjoyed peace less. CANNOT CARRY VOTE In the old days various ward heelers used to boast that they carried their wards in their vest pockets. There Is nothing to that any. more. The Individual voter does his own choosing , and votes as he pleases. No organization can carry its full membership at the polls. The day is gone for a few men to barter away any organization. The individuals who do the voting also do the think ing. i Gompers cannot deliver labor this year. He make terms for himself s but the Individual voters are going to vote as they please. LESSONS IN THE CONSTITU TION ,! Q- -How many senators has each state? i A. Under the constitution each state has two senators. Are there any exceptions to this rule? ; A. Not legal ones but the practice does not always ""farry out the law. For instace, at the present time Idaho bas three- sen ators and Oregon has one. ; GOOD FOR EUGENE In one respect at least Eugene is ahead of Salem. The authori ties there are making arrests of those who put cord wood on the parking and leave It there. Salem does not even have an ordinance against this. Many of our best streets are disfigured by this wood piled up on the parking and left there for months. ; - ; REPUBLICANS ORGANIZING 1 A call has been Issued by Chair man Burris to organize a Coolldge and Dawes club In Salem. The first meeting will be held at the Armory on Wednesday evening. This is a republican meeting and any republican is invited ; to at tend and participate liiT the deli berations. It is desirable to get this club going early. Be on hand with your mind alert to help elect ithe right kind -of officers. The meeting convenes at 7:30. ; If corn were as persistent as weeds; the crop would doubtless be better. But corn gives up. too easily! and the weeds j never know when they ha v enough. MY MARRIAGE Adcle Garrlsfen'c Jvew Phase ol REVELATIONS OF A WIFE Copyright by Newspaper Feature Service ! CHAPTER NO. 257 WHAT MADGE'S FATHER , ASKED FOR HARRY . UNDERWOOD Lillian is the least i curious of women, but as I backed Dicky; car out of the garage I and drove it to the road in front fo our house were the automobile acci dent had occurred, I kept a wary, nervous eye upon the doors and windows. I feared , She might catch a. glimee of the man whom she had heard : called "Don Ra mon, but whom I had .recognized as her erstwhile husband, Harry Underwood.- , Luckily for my purpose the big limousine in which ' Mr. Under wood had taken shelter upon the pretense of being faint,' was upon our side of : the road. 1 So I de cided; to drive my car to the far side of it in such a position that he could step from one car to the other; without being seen from the house. . ' i , The scene near the car was very different from the one I had left a few minutes before. My father's efficient handiwork was evidenced by the neat bandages whl :h adorn ed the chauffeur's head and also the cordial relations which were apparently restored between him apd the taxi driver. - (With the aid of several farmhands drawn to the scene by the collision they had restored ' the overturned fliv ver to its proper position, and both : men were busy ' with the mechanism of the small car. My father, as I had1 expected. was seated, in the big car with Harry Underwood. I had known that the two men would be to gether, and I knew also that the interview had a poignant personal interest for both of them entirely apart from the secret, melodram atic message which one had sent the other. - ! : . ! Two Tried Comrades,' They had been tried comrades in a South American wilderness through a most stressful and pain ful experience, and 1 1 knew :' my father considered that upon at one occasion at least he owed life and reason to the younger man's courage and resourcefulness. ' Through all the obloquy, which had attached to Harry Under wood a name in the awful time following the attempt to murder Dicky by sawing the win of his airoplane, my father had insisted that a drunken and; perhaps drug crazed spree was the sole reason for the man's complicity In Grace Draper's dastardly scheme. ; He bolstered his theory by the undeniable tact that, at the last minute when Harry . Underwood had come to himself he -had rushed to the aviation field and had given information which en abled the ' ambulances and sur geons to be on hand In time to save Dicky's life, almost by the traditional hairs breadth- He had done this with the knowledge that he faced almost certain death as the penalty for his crime.' That Harry Underwood later had escaped his jailers by a clever ruse, did not, in my father's o pinion, detract from; the credit due his stoical facing of consequences. Harry Underwood's later brave re cord .: in the ambulance service auring ; me war, wnen ne naa saved Dicky's life at the risk of his own. and the additional pen alty of tortured months in an en emy prison were always cited by my father as proofs: of the man's reformation. ; A Momentous Interview. But no record in the world and no affection would weigh in my father's mind against the damning bit of evidence which the hand kerchief embroidered by Grace Draper presented. I had recog nized the needlework upon it as hers beyond a doubt j and I knew that before my father would suffer Harry Underwood to step Into the car beside me, or,, indeed, to speak to me again, the .younger man would have : to satisfy , him that the : possession of the handker chief did not mean association with Grace Draper. 1 . That my father had been given such assurance .1 knew from i the look on. his face when I drew Dicky's car close to the big lim ousine. It held no sternness, no doubt, but there was a great sad ness In It. and unmistakable: af fection, which showed Itself also in the comradely hand upon ; the younger . man8 shoulder.: r. vf PROBLEMS That the interview had been momentous one for both men could plainly see. For once, liar ry Underwood's face held no trace of mockery, and the brilliant black eyes from which he had re moved the thick-lensed glasses had lost their boldness. They held something which In a less unscrupulous man I should have dubbed remorseful sadness. The noise of my motor, of course, had warned . them: of my approach, so I received no hint of the talk which had been between them.. But something inscrutable, intangible In the eyes of both men gave me a pyschic little convic tion that part of their con versa tion at least had concerned me. My father, spoke first: "It is Imperative, my dear, that Mr. . Underwood leave here at once," he said. "Can you drive him to South arapton immediately?' , (To be continued) - Bread By Edgar Daniel Kramer While digging in the ruins : Of an Assyrian Tomb, He unearthed a loaf of bread And brought it from the gloom; He handled it with tender care And breathed, "It's clear to me That this came from the oven in about five-six B. C." He unwrapped the precious; loaf, That he had just found, While the others dropped . their ; , tools , And crowded close around. But when he broke bis knife on it He sighed, "For Heaven's eake! This bread is just exactly Like what mother used to make!' Saving His Breath The Judge eyed the prisoner sternly. "Have you anything to say before sentence is passed upon you?" he demanded. "What's the use, judge?" the .culprit asked. "You won't take my word against them twelve guys wot found me guilty." George Levis. There Are a Few Left "What sort of a feller is Sam Sussions?" ' : i "Good enough," replied old 'Squire Ramsbottom of Petunio, "but so durn' old fashioned that his horses skeer at automobiles r.k." Chivalry .... ,L , "What's the matter, Captain?" asked an excited passenger. . "Is the ship in danger?" "In danger?" shouted the chief officer Of the boat, "we've been captured by. pirates and they are going to make all of us walk the plank.; Run below QUICK, my man and- warn the other pas sengers! The man rushed below, and a few minutes later the Captain was startled to hear him shouting: "Women and children first! he was screaming, "women and children first! ' : Howard Watt. A Remembrance "Did you bring any souvenirs back from New York?" "Yes, an empty pocketbook." K. J. E. - Too Risky. Bib: "Do you ever- take your wife to a prize fight?" Ray; "Not on your life! She knows enough about scrapping now, without teaching her more." . Jack Faber" The Warm Canine The Hot Dog is a funny brute; ' He wags no tail in gay salute. He smells like neither Peke nor . Hound And yet you. know he is around. The Hairless Dogs of Mexico, Are famed, 'tis true; but this you know, Whene'er your hands a Hot Dog clutch. He has a Skin You Love to Touch. The Hot Dog breeds to beat the ; . band;. YouH find a litter at each stand, And for ten cents may iave your choice By harking for His Master's Voice. . The Hot Dog is a lovesome pup, So dear you want to eat him up; But if your stomach isn't right He II bark at you the livelong : night! ;. ' - Wallaee M- Bayliss f'l cannot laugh at your joke." said the sage. "'Excuse it, please I respect old age." ! On the Job The Girl: "I would like to see something my size in a bathing suit." The Clerk (absently) : "So would I." Wilfred Hanna lie Was Just Skidding Patron (entering red-front cigar store): "Pardon me, ls this a chain store?" Clerk: "Yes, sir. what can I do for you?" Patron: "Give me two for my car. The wheels are slipping and skidding to beat the band." 4 , Rodney tWaldhela. v ''Guard thechildis Those tiny teeth are a priceless gift guard them well ! WRIGLEVS is a wonderful help to keep teeth clean and sound, for it clears out the crevices, makes ' the mouth sweet and removes acid con ditions from Which most people suffer. A prominent physician says: "It is surprixinj how free from decay the teeth can he kept by timing gum after each meah? WRIGLEVS is good, not only for the teeth, but for the nerves and appetite and digestion, too. The whole family should use r-after ePety Different THE EDITOR'S GOSSIP SHOP We are very much pleased to have letters from readers wherein they state they have "found" themselves . Explaining that, since we advised them, to keep their j eyes and ears , open, they ( have found humor every- j where at . home or . with friends. Others hear it on street-cars. - Others ; while sitting in the motion picture theatre. '. .V- - ,v . -. j Humor is everywhere about you. Wherever people oongre- gate there is bound to be j someone .who : has a good sense of humor, and lie will j undoubtedly make- everyone I present laugh -with his wltti- f clsms- Most of the jokes will J undoubtedly be poor! BUT at the most unexpected mo- J ment a remark of unusual brilliance Is liable: to be made. AVatch for those re- j marks; Put them down on j paper. They mean money to J j you. "" ' I - Read the Classified1 Ads. JOE BUSH COLLECTS There was nothing romantic in the appearance of Amos Tuttle and little, unless an aggressive General Grant beard could be so called, that was unusual. Sixty years had slowed his step and liv ing alone had given to his eyes a dreamy, detached gaze, which at times, was disconcerting. As Amos hadj little to say and took no part in the life of the town he was ac cepted without comment or spec ulation.. A passing .delivery truck would have attracted more notice than an old man who was griev ing in his. heart because he was plunging deeper and deeper into debt. Amos asked no help or sym pathy. He- held his tongue and went his way. It; was his custom every even ingito play solitaire. There came a time when, the game wearying. he imagined an opponent and al ternated playing the game for him selflaDd this new companion. To make It more exciting he kept a record of the games, originated a system of scoring in which points were given as the game progress ed and found himself in exciting competition. It was a natural touch to give his imagined friend name and after tnat the score card was marked "Amos Tuttle vs. Joe Bush." , . . Through the winter the games went on Amos exulting over Joe in victory and threatening revenge In defeat. There was some pleas ure In this sort of contest, the old man thought. Joe was a friend In N .-.!---- K 1NIITE I IlLLu Ad Schuster 6 1 ' r m meaL Flav6rs &S;k CFERENT tLAVORS- rML Same Quauty 1 14 iJ it EJ9 need as agreeable a companion as could be found. In time Amos could picture Joe sitting opposite him and . he let the vision grow. There were some mighty arguments and hilarious laughter in the little room and it is fortunate for the reputation of Amos there were no neighbors who would look in upon him cr listen at the door. . "Joey," he said one night, "I'll just bet you a dollar I beat you." That was when the wagering started aad when the luck of Amos Turtle turned. Try as he would, Joe Bush beat him. Amos plunged heavier, raising the bet in' the hope of retrieving his loss es but Joe continued to win. Amos kept the accounts in a little book and as the total grew he hid it away lest someone would come upon it and discover his guilt. Against the record in the little book the old man balanced his saving account of 34,000. So long as there was a cent left he would play that Joe Bush and play him to a finish. What did Joe know about solitaire, he asked himself. A little luck was making Joe con ceited but Amos knew, as the whole world knew, that luck would turn, and then would come . revenge. "As a good sport he smil ed. "Just wait, Joey," he said'TU get you yet." And the game went on. v - , One night when Amos's Niight burned late and to the whole town be was an old man- sitting up alone, the total In the book reach ed 34,000 and there came to him a realization of poverty. He threw' the cards face down on the table, sat straight in his chair, and tried to brave it out. "That's all, Joey," he said in a quavering voice. "You've broke me. No, I'm not whining, you played square and asked no odds. Only, Joe, I'm" not one who will play when I haven't any money to pay. We're through, Joey, the game s over. Followed days and niehts of loneliness. Joe was gone and Amos knew he was ruined. He sought odd jobs, cut down on his expenses and wondered how he would live and all the time there was no one in Minden who gave him attention or guessed at his secret. " And when he died and it was discovered that in his destitution he had been selling his furniture and belongings for food, every one wondered why he had not used any of the 34.000 that was in his name at the bank. . (Copyright 1924 by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Tomorrow A Desperate Measnrn I FUTURE DATES T An rout 28-31 -Paifie GnrniK annual conference. Center Street Methodist church. September 3. 'Wednesday, LnTor dy. SeDteinber 12. I"ridT Xatioul I). fenM day. September 15. llonday. Willametta onU Teraity opens. ' September 22-27, Oregon State fair. September IT. WedoeadaT Constitu tion day. September 29. MondaT Salem cuiilia school! atari. XoTember 11, Tuesday- Armistice !iy. i -i 1 j 1 I ' i 4 ' " 4 --.. 4 " ' ". : 4 . ' 4 . ( ; V I : i f- V . I ! . 4 4 a a I a c k 5 4 a . 4- l ' 1 1 .- r 'A K 4. k i , A r i V i