t" ) THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNINp, SEPTEMBER 2, 124 ;, .. . . "Salem Fifty Thousand in 1930 ALEM '7 I DO SHOPPING : t, ": "'. - I 'r .V:'-t?,l$t ' ; ir J j H j V! V I A v J V i V k ; . i jk i A ? k -. i r y r. t -Are You Giving, Your, Children tli$ Grehi Admntdges of Good Mimic fJOW. many .parents will deprive themselves of many personal lux ; uries in order to provide all possible advantages for their children! Yet how often do they overloplf one of the most far-reaching inrluences in the early training and education of their little 'ones. "', ; - i; ' An appreciation of "good music must begin early. From earliest babyhood music should be part of the life of the home. ? ' ' ? ''!"" ' ' " " Now the cultural influence of the best in music is brought within the reach of homes of moderate circumstances. Good pianos j -J, are here in wide variety. -Famous music- i!) giving instruments: THE PHONOGRAPH, j THE PLAYER PIANO and greatest of all J the DUO-ART. ; . ? , ftt MOORE'iS MUSIC HOUSE you f iay select from tlie - wides range of , musical instruments of proven worth, and high standard, : '- ' ' ' Terms may be arranged to relieve your purchase of inconvenience. v- ndonirsniMG house Piano Sales Representatives for SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. . 405-415 Court ' Phone 983 MILLINERY If it's a hat new or remodeled give us a call. You will find " ;; ' .", ' my prices right. MILADY'S SHOP Absolutely guarantees if it is made with the needle she can help you. Give her a call and see what she has you would like for that shower or wed ding. .' Hi ' t Milady 's Shop, Mrs. J. H. Lammers :: Mrs. C A. Grtoia 517 Court Street. On Balcony Up Stairs Up-to-Date Designs in Men who love the woods, the fields and the open are looking forward to this year's camping trip. Tp get the most" enjoyment out of . those few great days you need the right outfit. ; ! - 7 ) GET READY Npy Tents and Camplns Outfits ' Gasoline Cook Stores ' Fishing Tackle' " Campins Axes Vacuum Bottles ' ! Guns' ' Ammunition Flashlights ' ' J,KnlTesi,,! Salem Hardware Go. " th a li ZX WNCftSTlA Z" 1 .-- ? ' t j i r JONE 172. 120 No. Commercial St. SALEM Woridrig Girls We are o?eneyenings by appointment. - ' Regular Hoars v. 8A.M TO 6 P.M. Maritiellp Beauty Parlors 24SN.fiigli. - . ' Thone 1630 Hadio CIcdncra Dycra and Hattcra The one who knows wears cieatt Clothes. , " 413 Bute Street ' PHONE 1S5 . Phone 167 or 1241-M Sili Scavczjcr KulLn-AH ICinds cf Rcfuiis 17 N. Commercial St T .-. lit' if J '.WheaToa 7 "O. ? " ere it'"- are at' Your FaTcrite Slo? Ask to See . , the Creations to -Ladies' Coats Mayer ,7 . .. . i Made In Salem From Pure Oregon Wool llsyer's Coats are 8tjle V. J. LlAYETll :"LadieA TkiW11, I 'cCcrnack XIJ j Jloota 7. W. J. Porter Wall Paper Paints Picture Framing - J , ' ArtSnppUes 455 COURT STREET. PHONE 485 We are personally responsible for work done tj .-.i our aanter. i - -v. First Grade WALL PAPER ... ' f ' ; Moderate Prices C C E BUSK ffliSESSUC'CESS The Kiddies sure like our bread, , and. its good, for them. too. Mistland Balcery 4 Glenn Gregg ; Earl Gregg : PHONE 514 1007 CHEMEKETA PHONE 171 And- have us call for your family J- Washlng-90 Cents and Up V IIOIIE VET VASfl lAUiTO Broilers for the Market and More Eggs Courtesy on the Part of Merchants and ; Clerks Complimented If ever there was a city on tiptoe that city ; is Salem: Things are happening fast and the prospect is Tbecomipg more roseate every hour.- A poul tryman f rom Chehalis, Wash ingrtonf came in yesterday. He was just "driving through when he was struck with the beauty of, the city:- He laid off to see the town and last night the told the Statesman that he had about . concluded toy remain ' here.' ; This: is brought to mind because of a letter received this week. Editor Statesman : ' I am ' persuaded : that the poultry business has not fair ly started in the Salem dis trict as yet. You people are majoring on hatching whereas there is a big business and considerable money in com mercial -poultry raising. s : - Db you know that there is not a broiler specialist in the Pacific northwest Big busi ness this is in the lower Pa cific and on the Atlantic coast it : is among the best but you have not started it in the Sa lem territory. 'There isgood money in broilers.; It fits in well with your hatching. - " Broilers use the hatcnerines i at the' dull sCfison and 'are marketed ' at a" " time when farmers and small growers are out of the! market. I . would suggest broilers for Salem. It wiu go well along with your other enterprises; Very respectfully, J. ROBB MURPHY. So much for the chiclceh business. There are many other things here that prom ise well, i ' Money makers they are and the competition is not severe: Here is another com munication of interest to-Sa-lem. ' t;:'' " : Editor Statesman:, I am impressed with the politeness and efficiency of the Salem clerks. Almost without exception they are ac commodating; In-" this v of course they reflect the policy of the stores; and the desires of the merchants. Politeness is a big asset for j any city. Some towns are naturally cold and unsympathetic. .- They never get anywhere" any more than an individual with these qualities never does. ? Courte sy is the cheapest thing and the best thing in any store. . Salem is entering upon a new era and the i merchants are ready, for whatever comes. It is great that Salem is so well equipped .to handle a big trade. ' More "and more the people are seeing that the city can accommodate everybody 'go away from here to buy all tnat tne average iamiiy needs. By responding to the -kind ireannent oi ine mercnancs through their clerks and by recognizing these men are our fellow j citizens bearing - our burdens, we can all help along immensely. ' Salem is coming , mighty fast. ? It cannot come any too fast for me.' I like the town, like" the people, like the cli mate and above all' I like th production possible? from the son. . - ' : . ;v r " : ' Very respectfully, JAMES DE PRIEST. OWN YOUR HOME SEE ADS UNDER THIS HEADING ON THE CLASSIFIED PAOB TODAY h :: ; :: If in doubt of your Uemstitchlngi Try MRS. C. E. MILLER . rhone 117 ' Room 10, Otct Miller's Store : - . - ? ! Ladies' Knit Underwear USLE COrjBINAHON ! $1 arid $.l.S0j Choice Selection of Mah Jbngg I .l ll I'i Mil MERY THE WOMEN'S SHOP A. E. Lyons. At 420 Court Street Phone 1803 M, Haniger , Trade in . . . . Salem at The Capital Drug Store - '?. ' 2. J. RIGGS ' 1 turner State and Liberty - - ITlun Scrrlcc and Quality Is Uia Motto Bring Your KODAK FILMS I in and let its do them with the Fiimou AU work guaranteed satisfactory. 1. Line c -i. , 4 Preserve . the Memory of Your Wedding Day , . . Tom Croriise Studio lit T-1 Phone 382. Corner Court and Com! Sts. LADIES Come to us for service or council s at any. time - . - . t - - .' ' " Our Line Includes the Following Pleating of all kinds ' ' ! Hemstitching: and" plcoting ' " Covering of : all styles of buttons j Stamped pieces and stamping for needlework. ... .... :. ' . Dl Ml 'i1$read.;' ; v . '.Qaeen; SijTk Lingerie 120 Oregon Bids;. ; , ' Phone 878 Capital Gty Bedding Co be D. J. - POtTL.7. . r E.f .W.'iaDL.Llik - LTTKESS JIAXUPACTURERS r r. Our mattresses stall leading dealers In ; ."! Willamette Valler f.f; Mattresses made la -oar own sbop - -i qnder sranitsrr -ccmrlltions , I Qrmi your ole v msttren to ua foi renavatlng . ' 'Our wort WORK CALLED FOR AND DEL1VERKD 110O BT. pspltol St. , Telephone J. Sslftn Ore. Headd Our Place iiarterQ For ' Who Is Overheated These - Days September R O.C E R S-J il 456 Court Street. I il L. Phone 253 Phone For . Billiard Melons And Homegrown Nutmegs Location 184 Commercial St. Telephone 1897 Qendening & Mill : New Parts for All.Cars er 0 ; iNot a thonhdmiles awayi nor "Verr a; htin dred, bnt riht on the shelves iriour 'salesf(K:r(, are standard replacement' parts, snch asrir.3, pistons, valres, wrist pins,' gears, axfcLs, bear ings, bolts and bushings, ready for immediate use In repairing your car. ' 1 -'v: " ; ? ' v SEASONABLE stock- ALWAYS ON Ft AND AT ibarfy Floral Co, DjICK BURCH, Mgr. North Liberty at Belmont i t L :""i:3 in. i K- - And we ars on' the Jod at once. i Salem Clconcra I' -'--- and-Dycra i i i .'. i j . .'. ' . We specialise on one-7 . serrlee. 1215 Sontb ConmiercXsl EU t Goal ap(di Wei: : ATKTMMER PRICES Let Us KnowYouf Needs PHONE1855 HILLMAN FUEL c6. YARDS AND OFFICE v BROADWAY AT IJ0CD ANNOUNGEMEN The Capital City Cooperative Creamery each week will present the winners of the Statesman's "Buy-in-Salem" contest a' one-pound package of our delicious Butter Cup Butter. : " ' ' ' K ' Don't Hesitate to Call for It. ij "!-.r Coital Ciy folwe &eamry " ' ' ' Manufacturers, of . . -. ' ' " BUTTERCUP, BUTTER S.Coza1 TcL