The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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Public ' to Have Opportunity
to Inspect New Junior
High Buiidin
Open hoaso will bo held by the
school .board at the new J. L.
Parrish junior high school on
North Capitol a week or 10 days
prior to the opening of the J 924-.
25 school. year on "September 29.
with the probability of a alst
program In connection In order
that "the public may have ample
opportunity to inspect the new al
most completed $250,000 building.
The state highway deoartm;j.l
Is "working on protective signs ?id
will have the3e iu rlae before
school opens; It was reported to
the school ' board at iu uvular
meeting uct night.
A simplified school ravins sys
tem has teen perfected ly the
First Natlcuarbank ws.cb has ap
plied for permission to introduce
thi3 In the local schools.' The mat
ter will be given consideration by
the board.'. ' iv " t
.Other matters, of routine busi
ness occupied the board laet night
chief of which" was the favorable
t ttitude in whiet members regard
ed the " general use of the . high
school gymnasium Io athletic
purposes.- provided worthy organ
izations, in charge of responsible
parties, assume full responsibility;
; II. L. Stiff & Co.. of Salem, was
awarded the bid for eh&des for tho
tew junior; high school. It was
nnaon3(t that g:a lm.- was now
well ur.der way and as being done"
ia a satisfactory manner. The
e!erk ya authorized tajseek bids
for bleachers for the gymnasium.
Continued from paga 1)
day Saturday,. August , 30th.
Things to Remember
'Do not' wait for others to get
the votes for you but start today
and make np for any time you may
have - lost waiting for .others 'to
vote for you. :
The valuable prizes are surely
worth a strenuous effort on your
parti V 7 -77 7 - 7" -
The lady who Is wise enough to
realize that a new subscriber will
bring her just twice as many
votes as an old one. Is the one who
will stand a far better chance of
We "are steering this business to increasing success
cn the rational, riskiest cash basis. Don't buy on credit.
Little debts multiply with marvelous rapidity, and before
you can realize their aggregate magnitude they 'assume
the immensity of a mountain, and how they burden and
depress' and take all the pep out of business and all the
ecstasy out of life. -Listen to these bargains we offer
today; - : ' ' '" :" "". '?7 7 7 7 ' " "": .
n- f Ir-'"' u 4 Dor. j 7- y)lir
Ksllil ujLwvjM u for .7. 1 . :. Luu,
7lzzr, OooS Hdfe; UM
wJ L-lik-o.j iuJlilLk Large. tans
. ,-i L si V-J0 Boxes
r-rrU,; OnrV White QRn
oCSl 7 Bars .
V '-Dtr'-
j -ia -LrllLii
I ki O
n ' n ' "
. . it ;
225 Feet of 'Parking Space
winning these splendid prizes at
the close of the contest. -
, Triple Votes . 7
Beginning Monday, August 23.
at 8 a. m.- The Statesman will
give triple votes on all subscrip
tions until the end Of the contest.
This will be the last as well as
the best offer during the contest
and every contestant should take
advantage of it as it might be the
means of your j winning the prize
you are after. I 1
During the next few days it will
depend largely upon the efforts
of each candidate as to who will
win and who will not win.. No
body has the prizes cinched yet
and the work done between now
and next Saturday night will prob
ably determine ' the winners 'of the
grand prizes. Don't let this chance
slip by. : Your competitors will
not, you may -rest assured and un
less you get every available sub
scription during the remaining
days of the contest, you may be de
feated by a very small margin.
Walks Along the Shore ;
Good hikers frequently make
the trip afoot down South Beach
to Seal Rocks. j More ease-loving
Individuals, after crossing the bay,
take the Waldport stage.- At Seal
Rocks lunch Is spread on the flat
water-worn rocks in sight of the
restless tide that during winter
storms dashes the Spume and
spray of the waves high over Hay
Stack Rock, the Needles, and the
Giant's Causeway. A few miles
southward ,is the "town of Wald
port on Alsea bay.
One of the favorite walks from
Newport is the trip to Yaqulna
Head lighthouse. ' In late summer
you wilP find plenty of huckle
berries . a few hundred rods back
from the beach Agate Beach, one
of Yaqulna Bay's most beautiful
resorts, is only a few minutes'
walk from the lighthouse. The
lighthouse U; built at the extreme
edge ofa sea-worn bastaltlc cliff
that Juts out into the ocean. Vis
itors are " welcome and the view
from the lofty tower weir repays
one for the trip. ' Below the light
house you will see on the rocks a
great variety of sea life. Here
are the yellow-brown shapes of
the star fish outlined on the black
sea-washed rocks. Here, too, are
sea roses7sea urchins, barnacles,
jelly fish, and mussels with their
blue-black shiny shells, and baby
crabs scuttling around in the shal
low pools. 7 7 .
- Beyond the lighthouse you can
see Cape Foulweather. Trips are
often made by; the tireless young
folks to Schooner Point, and fur
ther np the coast to Otter Rocks.
Gull Rock, the Devil's well, and
the Devil's Punchbowl, all famous
. .: .
t -
o " 1
i : i
sights on this trip. v The ; Devil's
Punchbowl is a sea-worn cave
with an orifice In the top through
which, when the tide is highland
there .Is a landward breeee, the
water Is hurled high into the air.
It looks like some submarine gey
ter and. as the milk-white waters
rush down the black sides of the
rock, :"thef boulders look like black
velvet with au edging of delicate
lace. Agate hunters go down on
to the beach-near the Devil's
Punchbowl when the tide is Out
and find beautiful moss agates..
Summary of Prizes Offered 7
Ten ' ten ladles receiving the
ten highest number of votes in
the contest will each be award
ed a free vacation trip to New
sport, commencing Sept. 2nd.
The entertainment at Newport
will be provided under the aus
pices of tho Newport Chamber
of Commerce. . ' J
There will be spendid accom
modations and entertainment of
various kinds provided. 1 This
will be a red letter week in the
lives of the contest winners and
one never to be forgotten. An
other Joy will be added when
each of the winners is present
ed with a box of Gray Belle
candy. These will be charming
summer vacations and with all
expenses paid by the Chamber
of Commerce of Newport and
the Statesman Publishing com
pany they will be doubly de
lighted." I r
( Continued from pK 1)
- i i -- . . s-;j
eisted by S. C. Ford,," former at
torney general of that state. Sen
ator Wheeler asserted that 7a
number of his senate colleagues
had volunteered .to take charge of
his defense. His indictment
charges that he accepted money
from Gordon Campbell, a Montana
oil operator, for representing the
latter's Interest before the Interior
department after his election to
the senate. ,; , Av ; I
Notification that pending pro
ceedings against Senator Wheeler
were to be taken up in September
caught the La Follette forces
somewhat by surprise and just af
ter their national campaign lead
ers had completed a series of con
ferences on organization and
speaking tours. The Montana
senator was definitely scheduled
to speak in four New England
cities and tentatively to appear in
New York state and then go west
by way of Chicago. . These ten
tative speaking plans have 'been
set aside. ;
' Mr. and Mrs. Probst will assist
the Clark brothers In their prune
harvest and drying this season..
' Clark" brothers expect 'to begin
drying prunes Tuesday.: ' v s
; The . Meeks young folks are
working In the Hunt Bros. can
nery at present. " 7 7:
i Evelyn Coburn went with rela
tives to Neskowla Sunday. -
The Chevrolet-agent of Salem
was prospecting around Prlngle
Friday. ! , ; :
The evergreen blackberries are
smaller than usual and the crop Is
light. .- :.: i .7 71
Owing to the unusually dry sea
son the crop of birds, quails, mice
and other rodents ia great this
season. '
Mr. Ball and Mr. Balod return
ed home from Eugene Monday.
G. W. Browning and family
were callers at-the Crystal Springs
farm Sunday.
- Late beans and late corn were
benefited by the recent rain. 77
7 The half mile of road paving ex
tension near the feeble minded in
stitution has been ; graded. Tolfed
and curbed and about ready for
the paving-material. : -
' Who knows but that Marrs-ites
are gazing with all their eyes and
instruments at our pretty planets?
Lefg give them a front view. ;In
etead of waiting for signals why
riot send them all the newradio
news -on hand? s
T7T- :m
. w
Articles of incorporation were
filed yesterday by the Dettervarla
L. Feeder company of Portland, hav
ing a capital of $100,000. The
incorporators are W. Kimmerman,
E. Wajek and Oscar Furnset. :
A permit to operate in Oregon
was issued to the Cosmopolitan
Five Cents to 'One Dollar Stores,
Inc., a Delea ware corporation with
a capital of -$250,000. -Lawrence
Tr Harris of Eugene Is attorney-in-fact
for . Oregon. - ; ;, 7
' Supplementary articles . were
filed byj the B, B. Klrby company
of Portland,' changing the name
to the Klrby-Smith company. ? -
Chas. G. Dawes to Start 7
Second Tour Tomorrow
EVANSTON, 111.. Aug. 26.
Charles G. Dawes, republican vice
presidential nominee, -returned to
night to spend two 'days at his
home before leaving on his sec
ond campaign speaking trip.
The nominee will leave Thurs
day night for Lincoln, Neb., his
former j home, and the home of
Charles 7W. Bryan, his democrat
ic opponent n the coufEt for the
v!ro preside? It "t was in Lin
coln' that Mr. Dawes first hnnT
'up his ghlngle as a lawyer in IS 8 7
tfter Eraduatlng from law achool.
Prof. Hall at Naval Observatory. Studies Mars
1 Which is Closer to Earth Now Than for 120 Years'
! . . . . - : ?J-., :
Prof. Asapa Hall is shown at
the 2C inch telescope at the Naval
Observatory at Washington, D. C,
with which he has been making
a study of the satellites of Mara
as the planet approached the
- - - i ii i -
The Bard's Determination.
Dear Reader:
You will never heed to glare at
I me askance,'
For you will never catch me dead
i Jin homepathic pants.
I've written rhymes, oh, many a
! score of glad : ones, sad and
? -j -bad, - .. (
But no one's ever seen me yet in
knickerbockers clad.
Were I arrayed in knickers, short
by Fashion's, stern decree, 7
I'd surely give myself away for all
j the world to see.
For when I strive to etand upright
; in conscious rectitude
My limbs are bowed like callipers',
a shamefnl attitude.
My legs are like a wishbone arched
; and captious? critics say
I couldn't stop i a t porker in the
straight and narrow way.
So I declare in thunder tones the
i world will get no chance
To have a laugh at seeing me In
! short and sudden pants. -
I . Tennyson j. - Daft.
j An Even Break
"They say that when a man is
single he misses;- the best things
in life," remarked: the professor.
("Yes," chuckled the cynic, "but
when he's married, ; he pays for
7 Esther Adams.
! How About It.
j Ethel: "Father i is so innocent
and unsuspecting'
May: "How is that?"
Ethel: "Why; ;when wt. tell
each other what a nice 'Daddy we
nave, he thinks we are talking
about him." . :
Mrs. Edith O'Brei.
. Absent ! Minded. : '
First Lord: '"Heavensl The
prince was thrown from his horse
again, and him graveling 'Incog
nito too." : 1 f
Second Lord: "Well. I alvsava
raid you couldn't fool a horse."
John Laughlln, Jr.
. ' 3Liklne History.
Greggs: "This fellow Weston
is great on pedigreed etock, isn't
he? : . " ?
Brlggs: "Is he! ! Why, he can
trace his cattle clear back to the
Battle of Bull Run!' "
Thee Poet's Mistake.
My course on the poet
That wrote that blamed motto,
"Look up at the stars,
And not down Tat the stones."
B'gosh! When I did
What the fooHsaid I ought to
I tripped on a pebble.
And shattered my bones.
(Mise) Ma urine Hathaway.
You can get a lot of fun nt
marriage, says a prominent jurist.
mow well the FUN SHOP, con
tributors know it!
Confidentially1 Speaking
Payne: "I tell' vou mv lnv. tn
you is making me mad mad'"
Barbara: "Well, keep quiet
about it it's had the same effect
on father." "
Mrs. LeRoy B. Markle.
The Irony of It
Friend: "Well. Janes. f v.
baby making a hit with the neigh
bora?" ' ' , .
Jones: "l should say so. Sh'
a scream!"
-Henry Fisher.
Oh. I Say!
American: 'Thv mv that 1
Englishmen can't' see a joke."
englishman : ? !'Erhaw--1
er cawri't see you very deuced
well. I'll haw iadmlt, I've left
my dooming eye-glass at home."
j Mrs. Paul Powers.
The LlUeSJuff IlrTolnM Arc
Made of
Hair like gold. r
.... e
yf f7: .,- .-;
earth. The two Martian moons
were discovered by his father in
1877. Although jMars recently
approached closer! to the earth
than within 120 years, : the two
planets are 34,500,000 miles a
part. 7 "
Eyes like stars.
Lashes like fringe.!
Ears like shells.
Teeth like pearls. , '
Lips like rosebuds. !
Skins like cream.
Hands like snowflakes.
Feet like fairies.
Figures like sylphs.
: Florence Woodward.
Kind Judge
Judge: "What have vou to say
for yourself?" 1
Prisoner:. "I say I wish I was
In a place where tiere were no'
traffic cops."
Judge: "Granted. Thirty days."
Room and Rumor!
Ed Brown had heard the neighbors
: talk - .-
They said his mind was failing;
And so he hied to Doctor-Hawk
To learn if he was ailing.
"Forget this yarn," the doctor said
"The tongues of gossip spin it.
"Forget this rumor 'bout your
head ' .
"Why man! Theres nothing in It!
1 ' ; Myron W. Johnson.
Another Version
Mamma:' "My goodness, Jean
went out without a! hat and now
it is beginning to rain."
Papa: "Well, why worry about
it. Hasn't she got her hair
shingled?" 7
Dudley Dunlop.
Little Ethel was having
hair combed.1 j
"Mother," she asked, "why does
my hair crackle 'like that?"
: "It's the electricity in your hair,
dear," replied her mother.
'Why, mother, isn't that queer
I have electricity in my hair and
grandma has gas in her stomach."
? j - Jean Odd,
Spoiled the Day:
. It was one of those warm after
noons with just enough of a breeze
stirring to make motoring delight
ful. The old bu4 never hummed
along better as I stepped on the
gas. , A tingling isensatlon of en
joyment crept over me as I real
ized that, with the exception of
a solitary j motorcyclist directly
ahead, I had the whole t road to
myself. Well, I would Boon elim
inate that- fellow! 7 ,
I game my car more gas. But
the distance between us widened.
He evidently accepted my chal
lenge for a race. Nothing suited
me better. My speedometer reg
istered 40 miles and was rapidly
creeping up to 50. Gad, but that
chap must have a dandy motor in
his wheel! I was doing 60 now.
Suddenly the morotist ;
- He knew when he was beaten;
I slowed down, too. I'd exchang
ed a few kidding remarks with the
fellow. j
lie stopped. With a screeching
of brakes I brought my car to a
standstill, i
! "Sixty miles an hour, he rasped,
"ij guess we'll take your pedigree.
Let's see your license. . i
He was the state highway po
liceman! ' .. ; I ; I !
7 You Said It Oswald
Geraldine: "Do you think the
human race close?"
Oswald: "Close? Why. It's a
regular neck and neck affair."
7h Lawrence A. Barrett
Unpublished Letters of Famous .
u 7 : u. Men 7.
Acme Rator Co., i' f
Gentlemen: ;
I have nothing but praise tor
your excellent razor. I have used
it iseveral years t4 my great satis
faction. A few days ago I cut the
throat of one of my friends, Julius
Caesar by name, ; and used your
razor. 'There . was scarcely :; any
"pull," and, altogether, it was the
smoothest and neatest job I ever
i Thanking you for your help to
me, I am. i
.. . Sincerely, Brutus.
Deir Oneen Eliiabeth:
i I'll bet yovt dnH know where I
pmv Gne3s? Woll. I'm In Jail!
i"at what I ctjfor d'scoverins
tho "land of the free." No sooner
Co 1 get to America than they put
me la the cooler!
I don't know for sure what the
charges were vlolat lug the pro
hibition amendment I think ' they
said, as I had three casks of rum
on board each vessel, and. a bar
rel'Of ale for my own use. j They
even charged me with conspiring
to break the Immigration jaws,
when I tried to land my sailors.
Never again. Eliza! Never again!
j Write soon, in care of this pris
on, and get me out on ball if you
can. As ever, ' j;
Yours; Columbus. 7
' , Modem Mother
r Grace: "Don't you think : that
Bessie is very- active, dear?"
Stella: "She has to be, to keep
up with her mother'
7"' " V 7 . D,
H. E.
This Side of Paradise
Mother was teaching her little
daughter the Lord's -prayer.!
Mother: Give us this day our
dally bread,
Daughter: "Give lis this day
our daily bread, butter and pre
serves on it, too,"; 11 7
- ! . -r-Mrs. A. Thpmas
? ! 'Counter Attraction
; I got rid of all the mice around
my'place. - Bought me a j new
mouse trap.". . , j
"Yeh?" : - '.. ' 7'-'
j"And baited It with Umburger
cheese.?' I
"Caught the whole bunch, eh?"
-"No, every mouse left the pre
mises. :
, John P. Robinson
: Some men hare a dual person
ality onelln which they borrow
money and one in which they for
get to pay it back. (
Rev. Hornslcle of Labish Center
will preach at 11 o'clock, August
31. The pastor, Mis3 Luckey, will
attend the dedication of a aew
church' In Portland,. where she was
pastor before coming here, 7 ' ' -
Mr. and Mrs. Lester VanCIeave
and daughter Virginia, and sons
Kenneth and Melvin are on a tour
Of southern -Oregon, ' Tlsitlng
caves, Crater lake and Klamath
Falls and will return by way of
Bevel and Columbia highway! '
. Mrs. N." P. Williamson j and
daughters Mildred and Bertha and
sons Will, and Victor are at Ocean-
side. . i : r ; . , . ;
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clemens; and
son Arthur, and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Becker left Tuesday for
Oceahside. s I -
Mr. -and Mrs1. Edward Dunlgan
Sr., returned from Elks conven
Hon at Tillamook by, way of As
toria ! to visit their son, George.
Miss Mary Spaiilding of Salem
is visiting Ellen Clemens.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ; Dunlgan
and daughters, Margaret, Dorothy
and Harriett and .Mrs. Dunigan's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chapman
visited grand mother; Mrs. Bew
ley at Sheridan Sunday. j
Mrs. Burtls is at Seaside on her
return she will be accompanied
by a daughter from Spokane,
Wash. . 7 f
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wantpler
and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Davis
spent Sunday on the ,Luckmute.
(Oeatinnad froak pc 1)
fund from reducible sources, in
volving a discontinuance tempor
arily of the distribution of school
fund incomes is sugested in the
report as a remedy for the shrink
age In the fund. 7 ; j
(The report lists a total of f 241
loans from the common school
fund, totaling 16.595,353.80. j Of
these, 173, representing a princi
pal of 260, S98 and Interest of
$22,513.65, are in process of fore
closure. I There are 583 loans
listed as : not ; having reached, the
point of foreclosure, representing
a principal of $1,094,374.13 and
delinquent Interest of $33,528.93.
' Brown 1 Has Fignrewj ; !
The most serious cases are said
to be "in Wallowa. Harney. Lake
Malheur, Coos. Gilliam, Deschutes
H , yvi - ,t . .
At th 5Sth annual encampment
of the Grand Jury of the Republic,
helfl in Boston. Dr. Louis T, Arens
berg, of Uniontown, Pa., was chos
en ui commander-in-chief. He has
served 1 as commander of the de
partment of Pennsylvania and Is a
trustee of the Soldier and Bailers
State Home at Erie, Pa,
Grant, Hood River, Klamath,
Morrow and Sherman counties
though it ls said there are del
inquencies - and prospective fore
closures in nearly all counties.
; George G. Brown, clerk of the
board, sent a statement to the
board with the Tourtellotte report
Showing 899 delinquent mortgages
InVolving a principal of C$1,591.
687.93 These are .distributed - a
tnong the various funds : as fol
lows: : . ' " r r ' . .
i Common echoof fund. 856 del
inquent mortgages, $1,513,742.47
ruTlal credits loan fund, 18 mort
gages, $37,745.46: agricultural
college fund, 19 mortgages,. $35,
1 , 1 - ' 7- '77 7xt
it' - 7 A lv
L '-. "Jli
Require the utmost care in ones corset
ing. " k- .
Slender b'nes very slender, will y be in
high vogue this Fall and we have used ex
tra effort to care for milady's need3 in
this respect. 7
' Our Corsettiere'is glad to advance any
information on helpful hints that you may
i H. C. L. vs. INCOME
' ' 7 .- . . Kir- ' 7.
You've probably heard, some of your acquaint
ances say, "I just can't seem to live within my in
come, and yet I do riot spend foolishly." But that
person I does not see the many ,dif f erent '.ways
money can vanish if accurate; record is not; kept
df its disposal. -7 " -
I Now if he had a Checking Account, here at the
United f States National, and; paid every bill by
check, he would soon see how; he could not enly
meet living expenses but also enjoy the sat'sf ac
tion that comes to the man who saves.
250: university fund, 6 mortal:6.
44&50. .. - -
It Is stated that' 11 of thfsa
mortgages have been delinquent
since 1917.- -44 ; since 1918. an I
126 since1919.
Caves and Crater Lake
. Visited By f.'otcrists
SILVERTON, Ore., Aug. 26.
(Special to The Statesman.) Mr.
and Mrs. : Otto Legard and Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Larson and
Miss Esther Larson returned Sun
day from a week's trip to south
ern Oregon where they visited at
Klamath Falls, at the Oregon
caves and-at ' Crater lake. The
entire trip covered a distance of
1100 miles.
i JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Aug. 27.
Wlth eight members of her crev
badly Injured and her bow crush
ed the Moorish Prince, a Brit
ish freighter, . is putting into
Jacksonville, according to advices
reaching here early today. The
vessel was caught in a hurricane
which swept the Carolina coat
Monday night. : v .
1 t
1! "
;.v : 1
Read the Classified Ads.
P. N,
Corsets .and. Girdles
Corsets, and Girdles
Reducing Girdles
United States
National Bartli:
J; Salem. Oregon