r i Tm: OREGON STATESMAN. SALK1I, OTIEGOH WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1924 Glass Section alem's Great Market Pla ifieol 9 4 t t , f; ' f 1 1 ; i P. k. s ' :' r I t r e i l - - t I i : t , r. t v POULTRY AND EGGS 21 COCKERELS SC -WHITE LEGHORN'S, Hanson' atraia . from trapneeted atock, 4 month eld.. 12.50 each. F. 31. Me- - lame. Pratum, Or. 21-s2 LOST AND FOUND 22 . L08T SOMETHING t FIND IT! PHONI . a WUl ad to The SUtMau. Phone 28. ,' SS-Btt t : LOST CHECK-BOOK AND SMALL , memorandum book is or Bear Or job Bldg. Leave at Statesman office. 22-e22tf LOANS 21 0f MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Willamette Valley farm. iuick asr . vice. . . A. 0. BOHRNSTEDT 14T No. Commercial SL, Salem, Oregon. ; 2434 GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS SH per cent. F. L. WUkiasea, 303 V. 8. REAL ESTATE City 23 Own Your Homo COST 7-ROOM PLA8TERED MODERN cottage with basement, above the fog, amok aad cinders. Grand view. Street w mm. Gsrage, Urge fruit trees, lot 00x133. City water and fine welL 2390 Sooth Church St. $3200, terms. v inquire 2260, Owner, Statesman office. - - " - I- : 25-tf SALES AND EXCHANGES " South. Dakota and Nebraska farm, for Oregon farms or city property. Acreage and city property 'for dairy ranch. 13- room furnished apartment house ; i easy terms. New bungalows, priced right and ea terms. See. Barber for Bargains in Ranches r City Property. : 200 Gray Bldg. 25-a27tf f J-O RESALE FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW, garage, east front, good location, $3, . a, 1 50 ; easy terms. - Six room house, 1035 South 1 5th - St.. new roof, new paint and paper, east front, 93100; easy terms. k EXCHANGE Choice 10-aere tract well located, new bungalow, bearing . fruit trees, two areea beaver dam land. " 85OO0; trade for bouse. P. U WOOD 341 State St. 25-a27tf OPPORTUNITY Central privet auto park proposition on highway, 4000. Very promising. UNDER THE BIO OAKS Just one lot left with east front on Capitol, just north of Mill creek; 50-ft. front. 200 or mere long to center of creek. Choic est in Salem. BEAUTIFUL PARRI8H GROVE Jos t 3 Iota left la the grove with beautiful oak trees ; 60 feet wide ; east aad west fronts; newly pared; abort block east of Capitol street. ; Very choice. Finest of neighbors. AUTO CAMP RESORTS A few attrac , tire propositions, reasonably priced and promising. EXCHANGES Many aplendid ." acreage propositions to exchange, for homes ia Salem aad other cities. HARRIS 317 Oregon Building Phones 455. 1943-J. 1 2528 SOME PEOPLE ARE DISSATISFIED with what they bare and really want to trade, while others only hare the "itch" and are trying to outfox some body. We offered one man the state ' house for a hillside 80 aad he backed out when be found Willamette Univer sity didn't gs with it. We have a man with a good 7 room house and a half acre of land who wanta a good patch of timber and would like some improvements. Another man baa a nice little half acre heme clear and wanta a few acrea out- north. Another naaa with a good home in close who wanta -,a real good farm of 20 or more acrea -with right decent improvements, some thing worth around 93000 or 310,000. We have a mighty good busiaess that is making money, te trade for a farm. MeGILCHRIST. A PENNINGTON ' 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. 23-a27tf A S ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE ON paved street, 3 block to car, 9250; 9300 down.., A three room house and 3 lots, bsth, toilet, electric lights, - 91800; 9500 down.' - ' A 8 room house, 91030. A 4 room bouse 81100. A building lot, 8150; terms. See J. A. MILLS 331H State St. ; 25-a28 BEAUTIFUL 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, east front, paved street, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, laundry trays, built-in, hi block te car. 33 500. H. E. Brown or Melvin Jobn-soa,-109 South. Commercial 8t. 25-27 LOTS t LOTS I t 920O to 9450; 925 down, bslanee 910 per month. Located in the Kay addi- IOV. H. RABENHORST CO. 275 State St. 25-a24tf TOR SALE SINE ROOM HOUSE clos to high school, east front, good lot only 8250O; terms. 8 room house, north Salem, all mod ern for only 91650. New 8 room plastered bungalow, - large wood shed and fsrare, for 91. -500; good term, & room house, modern except base ment, lots fruit, paved ' street, paving paid. 92650. - farms aad small tracts at all price. Bee me for what you want. MRS. MOYER. 147 ,N'. Commercial. St. 25-a24tf Not Guilty " ' of neglecting your duty, ia my eerdlet if you call at my office and enquire about the following properties: . 20O Improved acres, excellent soil on F paved roat, close in, 920,000. 100 well mproved acres, black soil 911.000. 80 . acre nesr Vsmhill. modern house, good barn, silo, 8 acre prunes. 815.0OO. 80 acres well improved and equipped and paying dairy $12,000. 3tt well tmprov- - ed acres river bottom land. 330O. 18 acres. 7 of prunes and cherries, fair building 93500. 88 acres good buildings 94S0O. Good term nd sotn trd if pricedright. . Robinson '213 Oregen Bldg. 2826 I Oregon Farms We have them for every one, frr everv purpose. GRAIN. FLAX. FRUIT. NUT 8. BERRIES or DAIRY, from. 5 to 800 acres, some fully stocked, ready to ro to work and they are priced ir-Salem Home. 8 room, modem, furnace, cement basement., large garage, clos to uni erity, priced to sell. S room modern furnace, cement base- Went. plasUred, east front. A beautiful " bom. " ' 4 room ' modern on gravel street, to Irsde for good seres ge. Other for the diaeriminstinjf. We need more listings of house and lt. Phone 206 or call n Oregon Incorporated 815-818 TJ. S. Bank Bldg. 35-3ft . 33150 SNAP ' Good six room hense located on pav ed street and ear line. Term cash. Located near Lincoln srhool. W. H. G RABENHORST CO. 275 Stat St. 3S 24tf MRS. COLONEL PAGE J1RS. L. K. PAGE T-rrirs KIMBALL FAGB "cr. ude J. m. pahs .. - i , ALL T"K SAMS REAL ESTATE -CTity 25, - snap - r- Rooming bouse down town. 14 rooms. 91700. Se Child Becbtel. 540 8tt 6L- l 23-26tf f FOB REST t 5 room semi-modern house 923 5 room semi-ntodera. house $22. 50 7 room semi-modern house 820 Large house, .furnished 4j 6 room modern houie 343 4 room apr.. 840 8 room apt..... ; 940 3 room- apts .... .918-930-923 ;up. MRS. MOYER 147 N. Commercial St. 35-a24tf Best Buys 4 room part modern house, $1550; 9lOO cash, balance monthly. 4 room, part modern house, lot 60 by lOO, barn,, 9700; 9250 cash, balance easy terms. 4 room house' wood shed, fin gar den, fruit and nuts, 91600; $200 cash, balance terms. 7 rooms, modern, garage, coop barn n pavement. 32300; $800 cash, bal ance to be assumed. 5 room modern bungslow, barn, coop, garden, fruit. 92200; easy terms. 20 acre timber, 1 Vi mile from rail road station, 9800 ; 9200 cash, balance 925 monthly without interest. 3 fine loU 9750; 910O cash, bslanee monthly to suit. 13 room apartment, income, 990 per month, 95500; term. . . Hup auto a first payment oa cheap house. Socolofsky, Realtor 841 Stste St. 25-24tf GROCERY AND COXFECTIOXERY store by owner. Well located in Silverton. M. . Strand, Silverton, Oregon. . 25-16 7 ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION, large lot, south High, street. 94000 for few daya only. ' 4 room bouse, a aplen- , did buy, 91850. 4 room house, 2 lots, east front. 91700; 9150 down. 3 room house, 91450. Garage bouse 91250. Ger trude J. if. Page, Realtor. 492 North ' Cottage 8U 25-a23tf BEST BUNGALOW BUY . Nifty new 4 room bungalow, full cement baaement, modern plumbing. Paved street and walka all paid. Lawn flowers. Price reduced to 92500, terms. See CHILDS BECHTEL 340 State St. i , 25-a36tt ' A REAL BUY Modern five room bungalow with hardwood floors, on psved street sad ear line, full cement basement, fire- Slaee. Price 9350; $1000 down will andle. W. H. G RABENHORST A CO. 275 State St. : 25-a24tf FINE MODERN SUBURBAN HOME IS Salem Heights with on acre of ground West Sslem six room home with one acre of garden land $2500 Keiaer bottom 5 acre fruit tract . : , . 92000 ' Easy terms on all A. C BOHRN3TEDT 147 No. Com'L St Salem, Oregon. - '' i - 25-a22tf WE HAVE A BEVEN ROOM HOUSE it modern. 3 greenhouse 24x92 each. . Clese in and has income of from four to five thousand dollars per year. Price 912.000 ; 95000 will handle. Moisan & Ulrich 122 N. Commercial 23-a20tf BRICK. BUILDING , . . Well located, and bringing good in come. This is worth your investigation. Price 923.750; 913.000 down. W. H. G RABENHORST as CO. 273 State St. - 35-a24tf 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. BASEMENT, OA rage, paved street, 93000, . 5 room cottage, part baaement, good plumbing,' built-in, five . block from LUniversitv, ' 91730. ' , WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 23-a22tf LOTS MOST ATTRACTIVE OSES; dif ferent Tame. Gertrude J. M. Page. 8 blocks north of postoffice. 25-23tf FOR SALE 5R HOUSE. BATH. BASE ment, well located, block from ear line. Small payment, ' balance only 930 per month. . Telephone 1974-J. . a-23 93000 HOME - Located 1293 Center ' St. Extra large lot on paved street. This ia a real bargain. Immediate possession. Terms. W. H. GRAB EN HO EST CO. 275 Stste St. ' - - . 25 24tf I ROOM NEW BUNGALOW, PLASTER ed, bath, toilet, on paved street. A bar gain at 91700. 18 acrea all in cultiva tion, 3 wells, all fenced. 6 room house, bsrn, 15 tons of hay, team horses, eow ' 150 chicken all machinery, a good variety of berries, corn, potatoes. All go for $4750, or will trad for cheaper . land. - . s . Moisan & Ulrich j 122 N. Commercial r - ; - .' 23-a20tf BARGAIS An immense lot, paved street, esst front, 6 room house and barn, lot pick et fenced.- On car line. All for $2700. Term. - - - Be. WIT. FLEMING . 841 Stat St. 25-a22lf - BONA FIDE REDUCTION On a 5 room bungslow property, complete, attractive and neat. Owner must change and while it waa a bargain at price of last week, hss cut it an other $100. Now $2 lOO. We say thia ia a bargain, unquestionably. Wra. Flem ing. 841 State St. . 23-a22tf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7' : wording "For Rent." price 10 centa each. Statesman Business Office, an : Ground Floor. - - , 93100 BOYS A good six room home located a Court St, term. W. H G RABENHORST h CO 275 Stat St. 25 a20 ; 92700 BUYS A good five room home located at 889 Oak street. Immediate possession. $1200 rssh will hsndl. W. H. G RABENHORST CO. 275 Stste St. 25 a2ttf BABY PEGGY i' THIS ONE IS &01 H G TO BE" A KHOCKOUTM ' nJf-f I'M JALQ US , REAL ESTATE City 25! "We All Dig for 1 Dollars" Good A room bungslow, basement, good property. Only 92800; terms. Fine 6 room bungalow, paved street, facing eavt. Barn. Price 3000, terms. Fin lot" on Fairmont Hill, 75x150; $750 for quick sale; terms. A very fin 10 acre tract, close in, , rich soil. A snap at $4000; terms, Money to loan at A per cent on good ; farm property up to $5000. If it is a house, lot, term, or a trade . see me We write insurance. Rich L. Reimann i : Realtor ' ' i :. 807-308 Oregon Bldg Phone 1013 i ' j , S5-al7tf FOR SALE BY OWNER MODERN 8 room house, basement, paved street, ga rag. .161 S. 14th. Phone 1140M. CHEAP AS DIRT good house, 8 large rooms, full baser - ment, U the built-ins. Modern plumb ing, lights. Lot 75x150. Bsrn. Fine , location. Price that should interest the speculator and home seeker. 92650. CHILDS ft BECHTEL 540 State St. 25-a36tf MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE COM pletely, 1 newly and artistically furnish ed. See owner on premises, corner Oak and Liberty. 25-7 DON'T RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN your own home for 930 a montfe. Only a very- small payment down. Phone 1974-J or call at 1057 8. 13th. 25..20 PRISTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7 V wording ."For Sale, Enquire At." Price : 10 centa each. Statesmsa Business Office. Ground Floor. BUSINESS Opportunities 26 : CONFECTIONERY A GOOD BUSINESS 94500. Gertrude J. M. Page, 493 N. Cottage St. 26 a23tf BUSINESS CORNER WILL MAKE You good money, 922,500; business house close in 920,000. Other business build ings at all kinds of prices. Gertrude - J, M. ; Page, corner Marion and Cot tare street. 2-a23tf REAL ESTATE Farms 28 i WANT TO BUY FROM THREE TO five ' acres w ith improvements. F. L, Wood, 341 State St. 2-a2 2 ACRES JU8T OUTSIDE CITY- LIM- - its south, small house, all set to bear ing orchard for 92500; 950 cash and 925 to reliable party. Thia is n won derful chance to get a home. John - H. Scott, 305 Oregon Bldg. 2821 FOR SALE SO ACRES 5 MILES OUT; lO acres summer fallow, 5 acres tim ber, balance pasture. Good new wire fences, well and windmitL 950O0; 9500 cash and $50 per month. Pavement to town moat of way. Get that big f am . ily out on this land and come in to work if yon desire. You can pay for it on thete terms. John H. Scott, 305 Oregon Bldg. 88 28 WE HAVE A FINE EIGHTY ACRE dairy ranch one-halt mile from town. Spring and running water. Seven room houae, nearly new, large bsrn. Stock and equipment, also feed. A real bargain at 97000. very easy terms or will trade ' tor house in Sslem. Moisan & Ulrich 122 N. Commercial :. 28a20tf GOOD BUY 2V& acres near Salem with new 5 room bungalow, full baaement. fireplace, dutch kitchen, linoleum, water system, bath, large chicken house, garage, v A real home. Price 34800; terms. Owner leaving and will sacrifice. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial St. Phone 217 i . 28-a28 LOOK 58 acre farm located north. 81 acres in crop this yesr, balance pasture and timber. Price 94000 if sold at once. Mortgage 91SOO; which can be assum ed, . balance cash. Thia property is a pickup, at this price. 4' W.H. G RABENHORST as CO." 275 State St. 28 a34tf i LOOK THESE OVER! H 10 acre tract 3 miles out, fair build ings, fruit. Snap, 92500. 275 acre atock ranch in Southern Oregon; 200 acre can be irrigated. Prior water right. Buildings; timber. Sacrifice on easy terms or exchange for acreage or residence property. . -Highly improved 10 acre trnct fine modern bungalow, barn, other buildings All in commercial fruit. 98000; want good reaidenee. 20 acrea near Salem, large house. 2 barns, prunes, apples, berries. Fin location. Want residence. Before buying o exchanging sea our list. Wm? PERRINE ft MARSTERS Commercial Club Bldg. 2817tf 80 ACRES. HOUSE, BARN, POULTRY yard, lota of pasture and wood found, en rock road, everlasting spring and well. Small payment down, 3 to 30 yeara on balance. : PO Box 252 Sslem. Phone 1SQ7-M-, 28-a29 180 ACRE DAIRY RANCH, 120 IN CCL tivstion, 8 room house, good Urge bsrn, drier, garage, chicken house, hog houses 8-4 mile to town. , Price $120 per Acre, ' good terms...- Moisan & Ulrich J ; 122 N; Commercial : ' ' .:. 28-a20tf 189 ACRES, 30 ACRES IN CULTIVA tion, balance pasture and timber, water ed by creek and spring. 8 room houae, j. barn,- chicken house, wood ahedQOu mile to school; 14 miles to town, Friee 30OO0 or will . trade for city property or small tract. - - Moisan & Ulrich 122 N. Commercial Read the Classified Ads. She ,00 N'T Ti Ym.D J YOU V . REAL ESTATE- Suburban SO CHOICEST SUBURBAN HOMESITES Overlooking river drive and beautiful Polk county orchard hills. Selection ' being made and developments coming. Rare offer to sn early buyer. - ' HARRIS, 817 Oregon Building. Phone ! 453. ' 80-a27tf " USED CAIla For Bale 31 FOR SALE PAIGE LIGHT SIX CHEAP. Phone 1138-W. 3110 Used Car Specials 1924 Flint coupe, 4 passenger, ' 1924 Franklin Demi-sedau. 1924 Ford roadster, 1921 Olds sedan. ; 1921 Dodge sedsn. ; . : 1921 Ford touring. 7 passenger Jordan. 4 paasenger Liberty. We will give you the most reasonable terms and guarantee you 100 per rent . on the dollar on your investment. Buy used cars from us with confidence as we will furnish you good transpor tation. : V:.;";:.' MacDonald Auto Co Cottsge at Ferry. 31-s31 Used Cars as Good as I ' New '; Guaranteed Days 1923 Ford coupe..,.. ..f 430 1923 Star coupe .. 3575 . 1933 Ford touring:: $320 1923 Star touring 9395 1922 Ford sedsn.-....... ..937.V 1920 Studebaker sedan.. 9893 1921 Oakland 4 pass, coupe 9620 . 1923 Olds 4 Brougham .. 9975 Cars Not Guaranteed Same As New: J914 Cadillac 4 ...... , $193 1917 A Person 8.2 . $ISO 1917 Willys-Knight- 3230 1918 Maxwell 9 50 1918 Chev ,4., . ......9 85 , .1918 Chslmera 9 75 Certified Public Motor f; Car Market;' " i - ' V, - . 31a26tf GOOD USED CARS AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU 1919 Chevrolet i, 95.00 1920 Overland 9225.00 1920 Ford coupe i. $300.00 : 1923 Chevrolet F . 9485.00 1931 Overland . 8485.00 1924 Cleveland O.. , $830.00 1923 Oldsmobile sedsn $890.00 - 1923 Buick sport $1275.00 We hsve others for you to select from. -Come in and look them over. (We Giy Terms) F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 19 N. Commercial St. 31-a20tf tjbed ford cars from aw authorized: ford dealer Touring ear ' , f 85 to 9350 Roadster 3 75 to 9325 Coupe 9375 to 9450 9225 to 9450 9 65 to $275 9 85 to 9385 9125 to $225 Bed ana .Light deliveries; Ton truck 'Bug.' All car ar guaranteed. Liberal term. A few Bug chassis 933. - - . VALLEY f MOTOR CO. Phone 1995 2Q K. High 81-ne23tf I SALEM MARKETS - : : i Prices quoted are wholesale and are prices received by farmers. No retail prices r given. GRAIV AJTD HAT No. 2 whest 81.20 $1.26 No. 8 red wheat; sacked 91-20 (g $1.24 Oats . , , tj 60e O 64e. Cheat hay U .912 (1 913. Oat hay 914 " 915. Clover hay, baled .812 $14 : PORK, MUTTON AKD BEEP Hogs, top, 225-275, ewt I 97.73 Hogs, top, 225-273, ewt 86.QO Hogs, top, 150-225, ewt $8.00 Rough heavy .. 2e (r 4c Light sows -4- 2 Q 4e Top veal, dressed r .... ,,, 7e Cow ',. ,2c 0) 4e Tod lamb. . 7c Be Spring Iamb . .9c. POULTRY Heavy hens .17e. .11 Light hen EGGS. BUTTLE. BUTTERFAT Cremery butter 41e 42f Butterfst, delivered ; 38e UIIW . r, 11 HI ! Effa-S. selects .j.,,.,.. 38e Standards .S6e Pllllets J, 22e "Independent" May Not Be Legal Party Name A legal question exists whether the proposed Independent-Progressive party, which will support La Follette in this state, can use the name it has chosen, and Secretary of State Kozerjyesteroay requested Attorney General Van Winkle for an opinion. The question enters on the word ''independent." Un der the Oregon law there is a question whether it can apply to any other than a strictly indepen dent candidate, and one who is not seeking office in connection with any political organization.' It may be desided that the secretary of state has not within his prov ince the rignt ; to question the party name, ff the latter Opinion is held there is a possibility, it is said, that injunction -proceedings may be instituted to prevent the new organization from using the word "Independent." loses her Pet Pelican almost 1 : LET PID01PU5H rnnr, away ronM PINCH Hip TAIL HHKU ( PE:GGY'Ll(Of HAV A TIT !!! ,ir l - - - : i CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY . Of Reliable Business and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical y:!-- :;VK-:K' -i,', 7r Order for Quick Reference :': -7: AICBTJ LANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR night t none south Liberty. . AUCTIONEERS P. N. WOODRT Expert Livestock, furniture, ' real estate AUCTIONEERS Ke.. 1610 N. Summer Pliond 511 for .sale dstes. ! L. E. TALBOTT Auctioneer Phon 479 202 . U. S. Bank Bid-. .'A ' I-.. . .. - -.9 O. 8ATTKRLEE , Auct loner-ring Rooms 25-26,' Breyinan Btwek Phone 430 fr 121 1J. jne-13tf A7JT0 PAINTINO HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH our, new permanent finish.. aaOi eaurr 8aaa High Street at Trade AUTO REPAIRING Cylinder grinding, crank shaft true ing. We're specialists. Donerite Ala chine Shop., Automotive . msrliiniats, 3 Prry St. : i ' BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS COME) 531 Court St. JOb WlLuiAKS PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert : battery and electrical . work. Ferris 'Bros., Phone . 1803, 418 ; : Court. ' - - ' . - - , R. D. BARTON -4- EXIDK BATTERIES - atarter and generator work; J. 71 south fJommerciol. t : . BICYCLES AUD BEPAIRINO LLOYD E. RAM SDEN DAYTON BICY- eles snd repairing; 387 Court. CARPET AND RTJO WEAVXNO SALEM CARPET CLEANINO AND Fluff Bug .WorkfcRag and fluff 'rug. woven any site without scams. New mattresses made to order. Old mat tresses remsde. i Feat hers renovated. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff . rugs. 13 snd: Wilbur streets. Phone 1154. Otto P. Zwickcr. Prop. ' CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK i CURES ANY KNOWN diieane. 138 Bj High St.. Phone 283. CHIROPODIST DR. S.1V SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences. Chics go. ' Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SOOTTj PSC CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. : res. 828-K CLEANERS 8s DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS.1 1215 .. S. Commercial. Phone 1868. W pe rialiie on one day service. 1 " CONSULTING ENGINEERS; CIVIU CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Cone truct ing engineer. Surveys, esti mstes Jno. H. Soot, 819 -Oregon Bldg. Phone 775. i CONTRACTORS rpR CEMENT I WORK CALL AT 436 ' N. Summer street. Phone 674-J,i CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. fimmril Mintraetina and buildng. Esti- ! mates gladly furnished. Phone 1867R or S8F12. I d26tf DRESSMAKING PRtvTrn nRDS SIZE 14" BY 7A wnrriinr ' Drasamakins-" : price 10 cents esch. 8tate.man Business Office Ground Floor. , ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A S O X I C building. Phone 1200. ;f ;! ELKCTRIO FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. lAberty. PLEENER ELECTRIC CO. House wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 980. 471 Court St. i ' BALIS ELECTRIC SHOP Electric Fixture -Washing Machine . Vacuum Clssner. 837 Court St. Phone 488 Re. Phone 7025 FINANCIAL LOANS MADEiON GOOD CITYiPROP- erty at a low rate oa the easy payment ': plan, so at end of year you are all ;' paid up.; Farm loana on large or small ; tracta: private money. See first and . you will go no farther. G. W.fLaflar, i 410 Oregon Bldg. ! Farm Loans : ANDERSON ft RUPERT? 408 Oregon Building FARM LOANS 4- LESS INTEREST, longer time, no commiasion. Protects against adversity. ! City loans, lowest rate., monthly Instalments, pre pay ment privileges. .1. C. Siegmund, room ' 2. over Ladd & Bush bank. ( aasnlLuaaaNBaM r, J I f 7r "1 f W MAT'S TME. MATTEP, " riNANCIAX. 6IX)ANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM en city or fsrm property. II serve De posit company. 72 Fourth Street. Port land, Or. . f LOANS i Farm and City !. - Host liberal rate, and payment : nrivilezes. HAWKINS ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon i . fa-tf City Loans Ot, improved property or for improved purposes. : TUB BEST and easiest ! way to pay on loan is oar monthly installment plan. : 96 payments of 814.14 -repays a loan of 91OO0.0O aud interest. Equitable Saving. Ss Loan i Aaan. ' ) " ANDERSON A RUPERT Agent. - 408 Oregon Building FARM PAPER IK YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, .end 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a thr-e months' trial aubscription. Mention this ad. i-r - POULTRYM EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps' for special three months trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial street, Salem. Oregon. I FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. GLADIOLUS. FLORAL 1 pieces. Mrs. E. A. Bennett, 2283 Fairgreunda avenue. Phone 1280. all CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS j funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. ! Breithanpt. florist, 123 N. Liberty I Phone 880. i FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC i tors, 210 Center. Phone 1656. FURNITURE STORES G1ESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY r furniture for less money. 372 Court, f Phone 464. PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW I and second bsnd furniture; 271 N. f'otrmercial. ; MaUWU a a Wa4M V MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil- 1 .. r ' . Si. PI,... 117. HEMSTITCHING STAMPING, HEMSTITCHING,1 NEEDLE - work. The Vogue, 429 V Court St. ; . . a-3l HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. PLEAT ing. The Petit Shop, Room S, over . Busicks. n29tf SALEM - ELITE H BM8TITCHINO pies ting, buttons, stamping and needle work: 328 Oregon bldg. Phone 879. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G. AI.TMAV, HOMEOPATH I ST. Does a general practice. Treats Goiter, t Gall Stones, and Dropsy, arising from ' diseases of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. Office and i resi dence, 29n jj. Liberty St.. Sslem, Or. Phone 147. INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS ! " Life, Accident, Fire, Automobile 219 II. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 807 LADIES TAILORING IX If. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN snd women. 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 316 8. Liberty street. . Phone 25.' Ides t largest best. Estsblished 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt aervice; 1264 Broitdway. Phone 165. LUGGAGE COME HERE! The best buys in hand luggage and trunks. MAX O. BUREN Fcrnitur 179 N. Com'L Sslem MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSIO LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO plsying. Popular syncopated, standard muaic Semi-classie and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School,; Mc f'ornack Bldr. ! MUSIO STORES SHERMAN, CLAY A CO.. PIANOS Hteinwara, Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music House, 415 Court Hi reel. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO- grsphs, sewing machines, sheet music, snd piano studies. R 'pairing phono graphs and sewing machines; , 432 Stste street, 8slem. i TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswirk. II. L. Stiff Furni ture Co., Mnsic Dept. ' : NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. Drawn by C. R. Macauley NTTRSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 14! - Jne-28 NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT. NUT, AND SHADE TREES I'earcy Bros., 237 Btate. OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. Charges reasonable Examination free, nil i i in8? ii ommyrg'1 Sf; ,1,11 PAPERHANOINO AND PAINTINO PHONE GLENN ADAM'S FOR HOUSE , decorating, paper: hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. GET MT FKEE SAMPLE BOOS ' for comparison MAX O. BUREN Purniture KZXZ3 "9 K- co - PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS George R. Vehrs, M. Di Physicisn and Surgeon' - I 410-11 U. 8.. Bank Bldg. ' . ; Office hours 10-12; 2-5 ; - and by appointment.. "' Office phone 615. Residence phon 1975J. - .-, : .67 PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI : ano tuner. Leave order. Will' Mu.ie 8!ore. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. - Graber Bros., 141 8. Liberty Phone 550. - f-19tt PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 49.VW. Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS, FENDERS. BODIES msde or repaired. J. O. Bair. 2 36 81 a te St. RADIO RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. 8. BARTON. Prop, Masonic Tewyle Phone 1200 2EP AIRING aLVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. Umbrellas. Cutlery and Key. Lawnmowera, rasor-bladea, . scissors, knives and tools shsrpened. SCAVENGERS SOOH. SCAVENGER SERVICE" GAR ' bags and refuse of s'.l kinds removed . by the month.- ReaaonaMe rates. Cesa pools . cleaned and del animals re moved. Ph.7ns: Office :JS: Res. 20.8 SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IX CUTH ins? nd shoes. Best orices td. Csn- ' ital Exchange; , 343 North Couiciercial Fhnne 1868-W. t - STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sues 26 to 58 In. hich. faints, oila and varnishes, etc.. loganberry and . hop hooka. Salem Frnee and Stove Works, 250 Coirt Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL' CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 . 6ta' St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and atorage our specially. Get - our rates. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOU8E- hold .good i. Our specialty is: pisno and furniture moving. We also make eoun . try trips. We handle the best coal and - wood... Call on us for prices. We give 'good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING-M) ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES - O. W. Parker. Genera! Manager Central S'.age Terminal Salem, Oregon. n A LC M- 8 1 L V fUCTO N Lea vea Salem, Central Stage Terminal 7 a. m.; 11 a. in.; 5 p. n.( Leave Silverton New Stand : 9 a.m.: 1 n.m. : 6 cm. ; Salem-Independence-Monmouth Division Leaves Salem, Central Stag: Terminal 7 m.; 9 a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m.; 5:10 p.m. Leave. Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 am.; 1 p.m.; .3:15 p.m. Leav-s Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:80 a.m.; 9:50 a.m.; 1:15 p.m. 4 p.m.; 6: SO p.m. Leave. Central Stage Terminal, Salem for Dalla. at: 7 a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m. Leaves Gail Hotel. Dallas. - at : 8 a.m. : 1 n.m.: 6 : 15 ' n.m. We make connections at Salem to all : parts of the valley, . Extra trips by p pointment. J. W. PARKER, Genersl Manager. WATER 8 A I.EM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office. 801 South Commercial St. Ten per -cent discount on domestic flat rates psid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cause unless water i shut off yo'ir premiaea. STANDUa OP CANDIDATES - t , Ml I II These standings represent the votes polled in the ballot ox for the candidates up to noon, Tuesday. August 26, in Tho Oregon Statesmsa' Seashore Contest: Roberta. Beulah, 1055 Thir teenth Maey. Mia. Mabel. 810 South Four teenth ..-...,.SU.I4J Donaldson, Maxine, 1490 South &t- tags . - ..... . Snyder, Violet, 675 South Twelfth 19,230 Hatvorsen, Ruth, corner South Church and Cross 17fl'io Kewgent, Mr.. J. R., 265 South Eighteenth J ......... . .ll,62j Thompson, Mrs. W. G., 2640 Irfe..10,605 Cssperson, Miss Salem hospital. ...10,140 Waldespel, Leu Us, 11 10 ortu Twelfth . - .- 9,3 U Erfeldt. Mis. Verna, 799 . North Front ..... ,59tr Bocke, Mrs., 28 North Twenty third . 7,533 Nash. Retha, State Tag coram is- sioa . . f?8 10 Miller. Miss HaseL" Turner. Or 5.910 Findley, Pauline, 223 North Twen tieth .- . - J,7bt7 Patterson. Pauline. 495 South Win ter . 4,740 Johnston, Mrs. G. F 695 South Twentieth .. . .- 4,sj Best. Mrs. G. I. 1864 North Lib erty ..........- 4,41(7 Hummell, Mrs., 1818 North Cap itol ...... 4.350 Papenf lis, Alice, 768 South Thir teenth . ; 4,33f PeeU, Ilaxel. Turner, Or .. 4,2( Hirons, Mrs. G. W., 3417 Trsde.... 4,06.'. Breithanpt Miss Irene, 733 Ferry ... 3,30 Ward. Mrs. M. L., 1487 Broadway a.oij Pro. Margaret, 2240 North Lib erty . ....... - 2.70 George, Hasel, 360 State Street.. 2.50 Crowder, Dakota, 116 Marion..... 2.2rf Anderson, llaiel, route 8.. 2,3 Taylor, Mrs. Albert. 1245 Madi son .. . -..... 2.070 Jasper Clara. North Sixteenth 1,305 Banner, Florence, 5Z5 2iorth Cap ital 1,905 Brown, Mra. C. L, 1717 North Liberty I.0 Erion, Bernice, Oregon theater I.b7' Amort. - Rose, State- Hospital.. 1, 17l Sands Helen. 1965 Trad. 1.470 Galloway, Blanche, Salem Auto Co., 1,410 BirJwell, Zola M., . Hoj t and Com mercial 1,3 Rossick Mrs 1914 North Cspitol ... 1,3-vJ Edwsrds. Mrs. C. A-, 238 North Fifteenth 1.23.ff Brown, Katherinen;, Oregon State library ;........... 1.200 McKelroy. Mary. Certified Car Market. Church St. 1,1 0 Jaqnet, Alice, Silverton .... Darling, Grace, route 8, balem vy Zinser Marion, route 5 HV'i Connar. Anna, State hospital... . 8t!i Summerville, Mrs. Bob, Bligh thee- Dancer. Dorothy, route 7. ....... 720 Hewitt, The I ma, i 2230 North Fourth - 720 Kunkle. Anna. "Bligh theater 720 Aufranc, Yvonne. 109 Center - fif Daviea. Misa Mary. Turn". Or o Kate Mrs. Andy. Bligh thester 645 Ritchie, Alene. 2393 North Fourth 643 Gsrdner. Mrs. Hannah, Hotel Ar- go eo Woods, Mrs. Rose, Royal Cafeteria 540 Farmer, Alma, 835, North Commer cial . 54f S'arr, Ruby, ront 9 42' SchlageL May, 2289 North Liberty 420 Ritchie, Winnifred, 2595 North Fourth .......:....... 420 Griffith. Ruth. State .hospital 420 Geer, Leona, 475 .North Commer ce . ...... 42f Winkelman, Helen, Salem ; 4 Shipp, Jesn; 406 Hoyt street ....... 890 Bitrlow, Miss Veralce, 1730 Fair mount - . 373 Spusser, Miss Emily, 118 Mar ion J. 360 Ye'-ng. Luella. 1178 North 12th .-,S..' .,..,....... 80 Page, Virginia, route 1.... 3(0 Drarer. fcuhv. 1138 North Fifth stree?, Salem ..Ji.. S3 1 Allen, Bernice, 290 South Com mercial ; . 9'M Kirk, Uinta, Chemaws, Or... 8: Riches, Miss Lucille, Turner Or..... JtsA Faught Jessie 151(1 Hellenic B3 Findley, ' Edith. 225 North Twen tieth .....i.:.. -i srt Reid, Rita. 722 State..... 831 McClay. Jane. 1325 South Com- Johnaon. Thelma 114 West Miller 312 Zamker Lena, SUte hospiul... Sf Zendle,. Cornelia, Water atreet 10U Williams, Gertrude. 201 North Twenty-fifth L- ; 800 Williama. Miss Dolores 233 North Thirteenth . 300 Weiser, Frances. 322 Stste . n0 Vincent, Juinits. 060 Broadwsy.... Turner. Mrs., Stste hospital oo Starr, Routh. route 9 800 Shaw, Marion, 1564 South Commer cial S00 Shannon, Virginia, 1186 South Sixteenth . 30!) Seymour, Josephine, 1425 North Winter 800 Selig. Miss Helen, 693 North Four teenth -U.....A 800 Schwab. Miss Nellie, 533 North Sixteenth ....... 3'0 Savage, Katherine, 634 Ferry 300 Rhodes. Katherioe, Stste Desf school . S"0 Rogersdsle, Mrs., Sslem -hospital.... 3' Rieley, May, Stat hospital - ; 00 Flank, Heloise, 3365 South Com mercial .- . , 8 "0 Phillips. Dorothy, 483 Jen-is... 800 Pauroalo. Nellie, 818 North Com- mercial ..... 300 Newcotnbe, Bimtric Crawford, route 3, box 179 ; 8"' Miller. Mrs. II, Detroit. Or-.... - S'i Needhsm. Mrs. C. N., 558 Stste ... , 300. Mathews, Jennie, 1930 West Nob . Hill t '.. - 3w McCullum. Mrs. Hasel " Iinson. Irene, 542 North Liberty iioo Leavenworth, Martha, South Thir teenth .....:i- - 800 Looner, Msrjorie. 1793 South Com mercial ,.;4 ?oo Lucas, Winnifred,' j 1042 8aginsw ... H'xi Msden. Miss Grsee Marnach, 1'anline, Houlh High Keebler, Laura, 553 Shipping.. SOU Hockett, Loia, 1603 North Commer cial :,.U...- S00 Hickman, Fled, 1 block South Hoyt, 4 mile 8. Commercial . 3"0 Horner. Lucille. 2.13 Division.. 3'' Hansen, Roberta, 180 East Mil ler street . .-..J t. 8l . Harlan. Zclda 225 Superior " llacke't, Blanche, route l.-. - U'" Hall. Ruth, 565 North Cottas-e Goord. Mrs. Daisy. 1135 Waller,. Gerlinger, Madeline. Dalian. Or 3' Flint, Blanche 178 VVeKt Wilson .. - SoO Freematf. Mra. Grace,. Feeble Mind ed Institution '. 300 Currie. Mabel. South Commercial. corner Leslie i.j 300 Cleary, Mrs. James, North Seven teenth so Buckrls, Miss., 299 North Twenty third .: ".. .80f Buss, Miss' J.. 89 j South Twelfth ... Canby, Iorothy, 278W Brooks Ave. 4-' Cannoy, ltha. i route 2 '' Brown, Bernice,, CoMsge street ....... ;io Brock, Dorothy, . 834 North Coin- . mercial : Soil Bromwar. Myrtle, 555 Marion... oo Backe, Mra. Velma, route 1 Boo Beck. Lucy,. 422 touth Hich :.. S'i'i Beckett. Genevieve, 2325 Jiaxel 8'''i Beckett. Gsvnell. route 2. Sslem ... li'i'l Barnard. Olive. 1875 Lee 300 Amsler, Elva. Ift3 South Hiirh SO'i Alky. Mrs. T. M. 193 North Twen ty first i... . B'o Bertelson, i Esther.' 600 Mission - SOU 1.1 .-,. . - . ' OWN YOUR HOME bec am rjNnr:n Tni3 HEADING ON TIIH CLASSIFIED P A G H TODAY :: : j