The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Boys Arc Seeking Work'
Unless work tbat is sufficiently
remunerative to provide 'board
and ' room be received In pay
ment for work,, at -least
fifteen boys wilt, be unable to
attend Willamette university this
fall, this many requests for work
having been received by C. A.
Kells, executive secretary of the
YMCA. Anyone willing to feed
and house a worthy young man
la return for tending the furnace,
lawn and splitting wood are urged
to get in touch7 with Mr. Kells
Immediately? also anyone having
work suitable for a student at
tending college.
Iid JCot Pay Bills
H. C. Block was arrested twice
yesterday, once lor reckless driv
ing and once for failure to pay
up his hotel bill at Independence.
Block was first arrested by Offi
cer Wiles upon complaint of a
private prosecutor. Officer Olson
made the other arrest. Block was
turned over to the Justice court
at Independence.
Marcel and Curl Lost linger ,
After a Golden Glint shampoo. a2 9
Autos Being Tagged v
' Having, painted the fire hy
drants near the state' house and
marked out the reserved spaces
surrounding them, . the city and
state traffic officers are beginning
to tag all. automobiles found near
the hydrants.' .Four of these tags
brought automobile owners to the
station yesterday, ' :
Drunk Man Jailed i . -
EJ Reed is spending the . next
four; days fa 'the -city Jail, having
completed the first day's sentence
yesterday. Reed -was arrested
juonaay nigm oy umcer uison ana
booked for being drunk and hav
ing broken a' bottle on the sidewalk.-
The latter charge was not
pressed owing to Reed's financial
Buys Furniture
Phone 511
411 Oregon Bldg. ' Phone 437
The Seavy Bell Insurance
Agency -General
rBilly? Bell
Dr. B. IL White
Dr. Anne Breldce
Osteopathy 't
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment (Dr. Abram's method).
Office Phone 859
Residence Phone 469-J
606 U. S. Bank Bldg.; .
,Ve're All
and now that we are located la
: our new quarters at '"T
we are in a position to give you
itill better . service on your
transfer and hauling work.
We Still Handle Fuel,
and have several carloads of
coal due in a few days. Better
get. your order In early,
.Phone 930
Larmer Transfer &
. Storage Co.
Cars for Hire
Our autos are all kept in prime condition
therefore are absolutely safe to drive.
We hire them either with or without drivers. .
PnOXE 2020 Office at Stage Terminal
Established 18 C3 -
condition, which was ' decidedly
weak, but five days in jail ; was
handed out for his physical con
dition. ' . i :
Canfleld'g Barber Shop
Oreg. Bldg., ,; downstairs. Ex
ceptional service by five experts
for men, women and children. The
latest styles in shingles. ; a27
Families Are Scarce
Families are scarce this year,
Sim Phillips, I who has charge of
the United States employment
bureau. Is forced to tell those who
seek to hire families to work in
the hop yards. Nearly all of those
seeking work are single, men or
groups of single men, according
to Mr. Phillips. The present week
is rather dull.' for the picking of
the early hops is nearly completed
and the harvest of the late hops
has not yet begun. This is ex
pected to get under way next
week, with a few of the yards not
scheduled to start harvesting be
fore Sept. 8 or 10. -
Watch Stolen From Vest-
While working at .High, and
Chemeketa streets Tuesday morn
ing someone Btole his watch, chain
and Masonic fob, "Dan Wilson,
1660 Chemeketa street, reported
to the police. ..The loss was dis
covered before 10:30 oclock. "
Custom Drying -y. -
Will start dryer on early prunes
Aug. 29. Can accommodate oth
ers to a limited extent. Dryer one-
half ,mile west of Kiser school.
Gideon School, phone 261. . a'27
'Bishop Speaks Sunday
As a closing - program of the
vesper services held In Willson
park Sunday afternoon Bishop E.
S. Johnson, who has an enviable
reputation as a speaker, will tell
of. his experiences in Africa. Dr.
B. L. Steeves is to preside as chair-
man of the day. Special music is
being arranged for the final pro
gram and a large attendance is
anticipated, i -,
Bridge On Fire Again
For the 'steenth time this sum
mer the fT.a department was Called
upon yesterday to extinguish a
small blaze . on the old . wooden
bridge on . South Commercial.
There was practically no damage
done to the structure. The de
partment was called out at 2:30
o'clock and used the emergency
equipment, s
Funny Paper Day
Funnr MDer dir will b ob
served at the Lincoln playgrounds
toaay, beginning at 1 : 05 o'clock,
according to announcement yes
terday. Children attending are
asked to come dressed up like
their favorite funny page charac
ter. . , .. ..
Escaped Convict Caught
. W. A. Anderson, who 'escaped
from the prison brickyard July 2,
has been taken Into custody" at
Thermopoila. Wash., according to
word received yesterday by Dep
uty Warden J. W. Lillie. Ander
son was recognized by a circular
sent , out from the ; penitentiary
and arrested by Chief of Police
Hughes. , C. A, Baker, a guard,
The Latest in Fiction
75c Elach v
Commercial Book Store
163 Xorth Commercial
s i Now Open at
'291 North Commercial
Authorized Magnavox . Dealers
, Promotes Good Health
V Cottage Cheese -One-third
DT. E. rtlDEOUT, Proprietor
Popular Priced
Tailored Suits $25 to 3
Men's and Young Men's
was sent to bring him back. An
derson was received from Mult
nomah county on May 28, 1923,
under sentence of two years for
burglary not in a dwelling.
Car Found
The Ford car that was reported
by E. A. Rhoten as having been
stolen Saturday night was found
near Cottage and D street, in Sa
lem. It was reported to the po
lice by P. C. Morris. 1010 North
Cottage streets Apparently1: the
car was not damaged and had not
been run but a short distance.-
Terminal Shine Parlors - j
Open evenings and Sundays. a27
Birth Is Reported
William, Jr., is the name of a
baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs.
William Meithof of route 8, on
August ' 22, according' to a birth
report filed with Dr. William B.
Mott, city health officer.
f .
Sale on Lunch-Sets .;;.; i i
This week. The Vogue, 429 H
Court St. a27
Moodhe at Wenatchee
- Noble Moodhe, a member of the
first YMCA class at Willamette
university,, has , been acting as
YMCA secretary at Wenatchee
during the summer. He will teach
in the high school there this fall,
giving . a portion of his - time j to
the work of boys secretary this
year. Moodhe is the 11th Wil
lamette maa to enter YMCA work
during the last three years. While
in college here he held the inter
collegiate tennis championship
Movies at Hopyards
A Movies were staged at the Lake
Brook, hop ranch last night as a
feature of the recreational work
being carried on in the district.
Swimming classes are also : being
heldi.every afternoon this week,
during the lull between the pickl
ing of early and late hops. Bob
Boardman, physical director of the
YMCA.. spent Tuesday at Holmes'
ranch helping organize a schedule
of events for a field day program.
Wanted 5 Experienced j
I Waitresses, eteady employment.
Gray Belle. ; f ) a24tf
Board Members Here ' '
John Bonuer and Ed Nelson,
two members of the school board
at Sllverton, were in Salem yes
terday." They had business with
Mrs. Mary Fulkerson. the county
superintendent of schools. -
Chnrch Buildinjc House
The Jason Lee Memorial church
has started construction on a small
frame building to be used as a
meeting house at 1040 Jefferson,
to cost $700, according to a build
ing permit issued Tuesday toy
Marten Poulsen, city , recorder.
Another permit was issued to Mrs
Eva Peterson for Athe erection of
a two-story dwelling at 345 South
Twenty-first, to cost $2500. .
Notice, Commence Pickinjj
At Brophy hop yard Sept. 1.
a29 t'.v i:v
Disrespect Alleged- ! ' : ,
Alleged disrespect for the Am
erlcan flag caused the arrest on
Tuesday of M. D. Molsan of 1510
State street, a painter.; He was
released under $10 bail and cited
to appear in police, court at 2
o'clock this afternoon.' Molsan
was painting ot the J. H. Maden
residence when he discovered an
old flag and several equally old
rugs In a storehouse. Seeking to
protect some flowers belonging to
Mrs. Maden, he took the flag and
rugs and spread them over! the
flowers. A passing man noticed
the flag being used for this pur
pose, complained to the police and
Officer Cannon was sent to make
the arrest. The offense is punish
able under a city ordinance. .
Thoge interested ,
In learning the beauty work
who take the complete course be
fore the busy season ' will have
the benefit of reduced prices. For
further information call in person
at 407 Court street.' a27
Special Board Meeting
? This week there will be held
special meeting of the YMCA
board of directors to meet with
A. O. Booth, of the finance bureau
international, committee of the
YMCA, who is coming to the Pa
cifie coast to succeed Ernest L.
Mogge. Mr. Booth -has been re-
t rrr -
.-':.-.- - DIED i -U- :
PATSON At the residence on
South High street. Attg. . 25,
1924, Mrs. Sarah Ft; Payson,
.. 79. . Survived; by a son, Philo
E. Payson of Portland, and two
daughters, Mrs. Ida Jones of
r Salem and Mrs.' Fred Crandel
of Oak Point, Wash. Announce
ment of funeral services will
, be made Jater from the Rigdon
GRAHAM At her late home, on
route 6, Salem, Aug. 26, 1924,
Viola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
S. P. : Graham,' age 16 years.
Remains are In care of the Ter
wllliger funeral home,' and the
services, which will be private,
will be announced later.
tained for campaigns in Pasadena',
Vallejo and Fresno, Cal.. this fall
and last June had general charge
of a campaign at Windsor, Ont., a
city of 60,000, which over-subscribed
a $206,000 campaign in
six days. This campaign netted
5,000 subscribers to the fund. Mr.
Booth will discuss the possibility
of giving assistance here for the
Campaign to raise money for th
erection, of a $175,000 YMCA
building here, the campaign to be
launched in October.
Plan Defense Day
Plans for; the Salem observance
of national Defense day, Sept. 12,
will be formulated at a meeting
of the committee recently ap
pointed by Mayor John B. Giesy
tonight. The meeting is slated
for the second floor of the post-
of rice and - will open at 7:30
o'clock. -
Wanted J5 Experienced-
Waitresses, eteady employment.
Gray Belle. , . .. a24tf
Time for Payment s
The time has come for all sub
scribers to the Salem-Mill creek
drainage district fund to meet
their : obligations, according .to
word being sen out by Jf G. Mer-
cben, , general chairman. j These
payments should be made at the
Firs( National bank.
Case Is Dismissed
Mrs. Minnie: G. Massey was
without sufficient reason in suing
for a divorce from Virgil H. Mas
sey, according to findings tiled
with the county clerk by Judge
Bingham yesterday. The case has
been dismissed upon his order..
Wanted 5 Experienced ;
waitresses, eteady employment.
Gray Belle. , i a24tf
Bags Two Deer i f
..." r.
W C. Pickens and family have
returned from an outing trip near
Roseburg. Mr. Pickens, who is
a member of the Pickens & Hay
nes grocery firm, bagged iwb deer
which he brought back to Salem.
Patton is Speaker-
Hal D. Patton, who claims the
national convention attendance re
cord, will give an address before
the Rotary club at the regular
luncheon at the Marion hotel to
day. Mr. Patton will have as his
subject National conventions
that I have met and what I said
and did in 2 9 states."
Hire Teachers Janitors ,
Upon' recommendation of George
W. Hug, superintendent of schools
the following teachers and Janit
ors hare been hired for the com
ing year by the school board: Del
ia T. Keeney, and Vivian Har
grove, J. L. ; Parrish Junior high
school; Bertha Magness, McKln
ley junior high school; Grace Zo-
sel, Richmond; John T. Burch,
Janitor at the J. L. Parrish and
Washington portable schools; Per
ley Hysler, McKinley school.
Academy Will Open
September 22 is the opening
date of the fall session of Sacred
Heart academy. The school this
year will have a teaching staff of
11 and an estimated attendance
of between 260 and 300. The
music reDartment will open on
September 2. :
Building Tracfc House-
Preliminary work on the exten
sion at the rear of the city hall to
be occupied by the new aereal lad
der truck recently purchased got
under way Tuesday morning with
the laying of the concrete foun
dation. . The i new truck is due
hero -theV-latter part of October
As the equipment is 85 feet long
it will be necessary to tear out
the partitions at the rear of the
city hall and to build a five-foot
extension at the back. Practice
work in ascending and descending
ladders, carrying hose and heavy
weights, is the order of, the day at
the fire department in order that
the - men may be prepared for
work on the new equipment. The
steel fire escape ladder on the
building is being used for train
ing purposes.; -
Prune Drier Sold
Sale ot the 40-tunneI prune dri
er at Sheridan to S. E. Cummins
H. L. Cummins, E. E. Cummins
and W. L. Vinton, all of McMlnn-
ville, was reported by the Oregon
Growers Cooperative association
yesterday. The purchase price is
said to be around $15,000. The
drier which was built several years
ago, cost $30,000 and is one of
the largest in the state. The new
owners will, dry the prunes of their
own orchards and engage in some
commercial drying. It is under
No Trace of Convicts
Tom Murray and Sugene Kid
der, who escaped beneath the
flume of the state prison Sunday
afternoon, have completely disap
peared from the earth, as far as
prison officials have been able to
ascertain. No word has been re
ceived of the missing men since
they were seen leaving the creek
by a party of boys who were in
swimming Sunday. .
Special Program Pleases
The program of "request num
bers" arranged by Oscar Steelham
mer, director. for the Cherrian
band concert in Willson park last
night, attracted one of the largest
crowds ot the season.; ' Two 'num
bers, one offered .by - the ' male
Harry 'Wiedmer; ' secretary of
the Salem Elks club, and his fam
ily, have returned from a vacation
trip to southern Oregon. .
Judge Lawrence T. Harris, ' of
Eugene, was a Salem visitor yes
terday. - , : i vy '
W ,W. Chadwick, president of
the Central State & Terminal Ho
tel company,- was called to . Eu
gene Tuesday by business matters.
Mrs. M. Selig, Who has been on
a furlough from the Western Un
ion office, has : returned from a
visit with relatives at Hood River.
Mrs. M. Montgomery and son.
Arthur Mpntgoniery, have. return
ed from a vacation trip to Wash
ington and Canadian points.
Mrs. Gertrude J. M. Page, Sa
lem realtor, spent the week-end in
Eugene with Mr. and Mrs. S. Noll,
of Ida Grove, la. She returned
to the city yesterday morning.
John Kirsch,! of Woodburn, was
In Salem Tuesday. . '
P. p. Slater Btopped over in Sa
lem yesterday On his way home to
Dallas. He had been working
near Toledo, i "
Mrs. John Krebs of ' Jefferson
was a Salem visitor' Tuesday. ;
V. L.. Warden and C W. War
den of Harrisburg were in the city
yesterday. , j 4
Mrsi Frank Ray spent Tuesday
in Salem from Astoria. :
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Land rum
and Eunice Landrum of John Day
were Salem visitors : Tuesday.
L. B. Smith was in the city yes
terday from West Linn.
Hot enough for a Hottentot I
r W S I
But It makes very good harvest
weather,4 at, that. i !
u - r-
You will be surprised. In the
Slogan pages ; of tomorrow, at
some of the j yields of wheat and
oats this year. You just can't
keep the Salem district down, j
i . "b V
A Salem i man suggests that
some of these folks who are good
at puzzles might be able to tell
why so many millionaires are con
nected with the La Follette ma
chine.' ': i
One thing, all the parlor social
ists are La j Folletteistas. They
think ' they, are a superior brand ;
but, in the last analysis, there is
only one brand of socialists and
they would head us straight to
anarchy. ;
.-'. ' S S
The Industries at . the penlten
tiary must,' as fast as possible, be
gathered Inside the walls; and the
walls must be extended to accom
modate them ?11. K1 -i
California is boasting that since
April 1 she has sent 68,0000 cars
of fruit and garden stuff to mar-
ket, and now will call for 50,000
cars more to , take care of the
grape crop. The producers of that
state are good to the railroads. :
- ; V ,;
Swarm of bees took possession
of a mall box in an eastern city
and refuse to be smoked out. This
would be a good time for a man
to write to his honey.
The man who says that he will
be boss ia his home or know the
reason why is usually accommo
dated. Some blunt and emphatic
lady tells him the reason why.
The government rules that only
regular army officers are allowed
to use the Sam; Browne belt. Po
licemen and hearse drivers will
have to' find something else to
keep their pants-up. I
(Continued from pg 1)
this world of the question of arm
ament and disarmament unless all
the nations of the world partici
pate in the settlement. Anything
short of that is but a temporary
expedient and pretense." j
Referring to the reporter's
statement that the finances of the
nation have been managed "with
a genius and success unmatched
since the day of Hamilton," Mr.
Davis brought cheers from his
audience by a declaration that one
secretary of the treasury 'Who
stood ; alongside of Alexander
Hamilton was William G. Mc-
Adoo. ' .' . : " i - v ..
Turning to the scandals disclos
ed by the senate investigations.
Mr. Davis said he was ''somewhat
surprised" to find credit for these
investigations claimed j byjj the
White House. He added that as
he read American, history the dis
closures "came from faittiful ser
vants in the legislative and not in
the executive branch of the govt
eminent." - ;
New Secretary Slated
For Silverton 0AC Club
SILVERTON, Or.. Aug.r 26.
(Special to The Statesman.)
Frank Riches, ; president of the
Silverton OAC club has called' a
meeting for Tuesday night to meet
at the Silverton Chamber of Com
merce rooms. At this time a new
secretary-treasurer will be elected.
The matter of giving a dance be
fore the college students j return
to Corvallls will also be discussed.
Soon to be
i fi : v v
LI BAB A murmured the magic words, the cavern
door swung open and costly treasures lay at his feet.
You; too, have an "open sesame" to the treasures or the .
world. It is advertising.
Read the advertising and you open the door to countless
comforts and conveniences you otherwise would miss.
For advertising will spread before yoif the product of
fields, looms and factories the world over things that
make life easier, happier, more interesting and more fruit
ful for you and your family. . t . I . i
iA';:-V - :. -i. i '; :. . . . '," ''
r- r ;;r r :: v. - , ' : :k.. ;j ..
There is ho questioning the real benefits that come from
regular and systematic reading of the advertising columns.
No other one thing j will give you such economy and keen
satisfaction in every-day buying.
Advertising is far too important to be overlooked.
Read it every day. it is a
profitable practice
i nn PROBE
VVest Investigation Does Not
Apply to Corporation
i Contrary to a belief which, it Is
found, exists, among some of the
people of Oregon, the Investiga
tion by Oswald West and others
apointed by Governor Pierce in
to the sale of worthless securities
ill Oregon, is in no way an Inves
tigation of the state corporation
department and is not a reflection
on V. E. Crews, state corporation
'I On the other hand it has de
veloped that Mr. Crews Joined in
the request that an investigation
be made. A further development
that is shown in the records ot
the state corporation department
F. N. Woodry, Expert Auctioneer
Always gives satisfaction in conductin
your farm sales j.
Res. 1610 N. Summer St. Salem, Orec
Goodrich Hot Water Bottleo
O Value up to $2.25 Close out at ?
Tne Penslar Store
135 North Commercial.
t I II
published in The Oregon Statesman
is that soon after he was appoint
ed corporation commissioner- Mr
Crews canceled the permit of tha
King's Food Products company;
and put a quietus on further op
erations in Oregon by the Dun-
ham-Martin company, and by
N Clark and his associates.
Crews has Inaugurated a
tern in his "department where bj'
he claims a full knowledge of the
assets, liabilities and solvency of
any concern prior to the issuing o
a permit. Befors a permit
issued, written reports are re
quired on the concern in question!
from the chief clerk, the examine,
er and the auditor ot the depart
ment. t 1
After a permit Is Issued the
concern, Crews declares, is re
quired to adhere strictly to legal
requirements and conduct itself
in a manner that Is above sus
picion, or the permit is immedi
ately conceled. He refuses to is
sue ' permit for security sales fori
more than a year. At the en i
of the year the permit . Is auto-
matically canceled unless reneweJ
iR e ad the Classified 'Ad
Drug Stor
I Phcr.s 1D7
' Ax n '
1 t