The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 26, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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Issued Daily Except Monday toy
tlS Soot Commercial St, Silan, Oregoa -
J. Hendricks
eha L. Brady
Auk Jaskoakl
' The Associated Preee ia' exclusively entitled to the im for pobhe1oo of at,
sew diipatchee credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper a ad also the
local - published here! a. , f ' o : ' A .
, BUSINESS OFFICE: 1 ! - ' -
Thomas F. Clark Co.. New-York, 141-145 W at S6ta St.; Chicago. Marquette Bnild-
iag. W. 8. Grothwahl, Mgr.
(Portland Office, 83S Worcester Bldg., Phone 8637 b Roadway. O. F. Williams, Mgr.)
. -'. tS Circulation Offlee
33-106 , Society Editor
Job Department 5S
Business Office
Mew a lepartmeat
Enured at the Postoffie im Salem,
prepared by Radio BIBLE SKKVICK Bureau. Cincinnati, Ohio,
f f parents will hive tbelr children memorlx I he dally Bible selection.
It will proro a priceless heritage to tlw- h after jreara
August 20, 102
DARKNESS DISAPPEARS: Thou art my lamp. O Lord, and
the Lord will lighten my darkness. - For by Thee I hare run through
a troopr by my God have I leaped over a wall. 2 Samuel 22:29, 30.
PRAYER: -O Lord. Thou art both our light and our life, our
strength and our everlasting reward. ;
(Portland Journal, Saturday.) .
VSalem is discussing, a proposed linen mill. .
"B. C. Miles of that eity is investigating the industry in
England, Scotland and Ireland. In a letter, he declare that
the spinning of flax fiber, and making twines and' cloth in Ore-
gon is enureiy leasioie. .
"Fiber from Oregon grown flax was exhibited at the Phil
adelphia World Fair in 1876 and declared by experts to be as
good as is produced in the world." Flax from a new variety of
seed grown on a farm near Salem was 52 inches high with fiber
cf great strength. It grew on a field that had been in.the flax
crop four. consecutive years without use of-fertilizer and the
grower insists that his experience explodes the- myth that flax
cropping exhausts the land. 1 f ? C ! 5
'A bundle of flax straw, grown on a Marion county farm
and exhibited at spinning mills in Belfast, Ireland, was declared
by experts to be the best they had ever seen, and a grade that
cannot be grown in Ireland. '"i - V 1 Jt
"Napkins "were made by Irish linen mills'frpm an average
field run of Oregon grown flax. Fifty-one dozen of them were
brought to Portland and sold at Lipman & .Wolfe's. A letter
from the Irish manufacturers which accompanied the napkins,
said, 'the fiber from which the linen was made was of such
quality that it was equal for spinning to the highest grade.
"Samples of Oregon fiber exhibited at a great exposition
in Belgium were the subject jof surprise and comment by experts,
who declared the product equal if not superior to any they had
ever seen. Among the authorities who joined in universal praise
cf the Oregon product were men from the British and Irish linen
mills. - . - ; ' - -'-Vv? .;
" All doubt as to the adaptability of Oregon soil and climate
to the production of flax for fiber was long ago removed. The
willingness of farmers to grow the crop is constantly exhibited
:: n i a it. : .
, i rrl . a -
mm Taw mHipnni hum
a busy and profitable flax industry waits only for Capital and
raen of experience and pash, is self evident. Salem is the center
of a district where flax growing is well understood. It is the
former home of the late Mrs. Governor Lord, who pioneered in
notation for the inidustry. and it ought to be the site of a great
linen milL'-- .....w-:-.-. li ;
The above from the Portland Journal is very kind, and it
is all true . ', - .: ; ' ii:rk:. tJ,-
Anda great deal more can be truthfully said in favor of
a great linen mill in Salem practical things, outside of the realm
of sentiment. Among them these things: . ,
The protective duties are now very favorable, running as
high as 55 per cent for fine linens. Machine pulling has come,
running the cost of harvesting from around $30 an acre to as
low as $1.53 an acre. Threshing and cleaning costs have been
lowered with improved machinery. Warm; water retting has
vastly cheapened, that process. (Mechanical retting will be
a later story.) Costs of scutching have been lowered, by the
, inventor of anew machine. Thisprocess may go on throughout
the year, by using humidifiers.." Later, no doubt, drying after
retting will be done" artificially. 5 The time is almost here.' There
are short cuts in spinning and weaving, and especially in bleach
ing and damasking. The age of machinery and modern chemis
try have done wonders in this oldest of all textile industries
And there is room right now in Salem and the Salem district
for a hundred linen mills and specialty manufacturing concerns
connected with thi3 industry. Room for a million people to be
employed here directly and indirectly in this industry. It is
bigger than most people dream of. Henry Ford sees it, and he
is no dreamer. Every one will see it before long. The biggest
flock of millionaires in Oregon will be our linen industry mil
lionaires, in the years to come. - r '
The markets are never Inflated
for any length of time. Some par
ticular man may attempt to get
a corner on one commodity but it
does not last long. It gets back
to the law of supply and. demand.
Last year the price of wheat was
low. In Canada they raised 4T4,
199,000 bushels, more than 40 0,.
000.000 bushels was, arailable for
export and was exported. "This
year the Canadian crop Is. estim
ated at 192.157,000 bushels less
than it was a year ago. The same
condition applies to crops in other
countries and there never was any
serious condition but what the
farmers affected would soon
'find satisfactory readjustment.
The complaint was that they were
readjusted last. ; This was because
there' was a tremendous crop of
wheat in the country. , Special
legislation was attempted to rem
edy the situation and failed but
the farmers worried along. Far
mers know that, crops reestablish
the parity of prices in. America.
Wheat Is not alone In its fluc
tuation, some times potatoes sell
for 4 0c and 50c a bushel, other
years for $3.00, and S4.00. Cop
per before the war was 30c a
pound. It Is now down to 13c. On
the other hand lead is selling ar
ound Sc when 4c was considered
a fair price before the war. This
means that the supply of copper
In tl worli exceed the demand,
wLIIa th3 Ut leal li
. . Editor
V uitw Job Atpt
- S89
. 10
Oregon, aa second eiaaa waiter.
.11 J i : jl . .1
nil fisf nepnen ii r iiRveinniniT
greater than the supply. We heard
more about the farmers because
there were more farmers than cop
per producers.1 i'il'l'-- i i
It Is very satisfactory to notice
that the farmers are going to be
prosperous. They will receive In
round figures $657,000,000 more
for their products than they did
in 1923. According to tabulations
completed by the Continental and
Commercial banks, Chicago, the
total value of all ; farm , products
in 1924, exclusive of. fruit and
live stock will be $7,734,000,000.
In 1923 it was $7,077,000,000.
The list includes wheat; corn, oats,
barley,' rye, flax, potatoes, sweet
potatoes, hay and cotton.
Winter wheat harvest, the mid
dle western bank helleres, is near
enough complete to put the 1924
production fairly accurately at
589000.000 bushels. Spring
wheat is estimated at 235,000,000
bushels as of August 1. This gives
a total yield of nearly 825,000.00
bushels, compared with 786, 000
000 bushels in 1923. The Pacific
northwestern yield is lighter this
year, but the country as a whole
has a crop about 5 per cent larg
er. The good wheat market this
year, degplte the big yield, is due
to a world shortage of 10 per cent.
Corn remains the most valuable
crop in the lump sum with a 1924
crop- valued at $2,574,000,000.
Cotton is next with $1,544,000,000
and hay third with $1,260,000.
000. Wheat stands" fourth with
1571,000,000. ' - . -
' In each Instance, with. the . ex
ception of corn, the values are
ahead of 1923.- Wheat beats 1923
by4 $167,000,000, The Chicago
bank estimates a carryover and
surplus for export this year of
275.000.000 bushela of wheaU
The Oregon Statesman is in re
ceipt of a publication .accompan
ied by a personal letter from War
ren S. Stone stating that labor is
going into ' the banking business
and expects to have a better un
derstanding between capital and
labor. The fact is that labor hopes
to become capital and has already
established ten banks. , We . are
heartily glad of this. We need
labor, we need capital, we must
have both. 'They have not been
having a good understanding. La
bor has been growing more intel
ligent constantly and capital more
reasonable. Not only is labor go
ing Into the banking buainess, but
it is going into other business. :
.Two hundred and fifty electric
light companies, for example,! are
now selling their stock on easy
terms to employes. One-half of
the stockholders of Armour & Co.
are employes. The Pennsylvania
Railroad and the Philadelphia
Rapid Transit -companies' have
sold large blocks of stock to em
ployes. The Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Engineers is reported to
command 100 '. million dollars
through Its interest In "nine labor
banks. A recently established la
bor bank In New York City is
said to , have taken In over five
millions In deposits the first day
it opened.' 'Within t the shadows
of Wall Street labor has estab
lished banks of Its own.
These are, Just; few Illustra
tions of hov; rapidly .American
workingmen are becoming capital
ists through high wages and' co
ordinated savings. Restricted im
migration will continue to advan
tage labor and an enlarging stake
in industry should result ia reduc
ing discontent, eliminating strikes,
and minimizing friction. V--i'
The Oregon Statesman in Its
Sunday issue had 1680 Inches of
paid dislay advertising. One of
the cheering things about this Is
that 110 different firms were re
presented. Salem does not have the
Dig advertisers like some of the
cities but it has the little adver
tisers growing into large business.
The business in the mercantile
line is done so largely by adver
tising that when these merchants
grow into ' their full size, Salem
will he double its population and
will attract trade for four times
the distance it does now.. Trade
must not only be Invited it must
be pulled. Advertising Invites it
and pulls it in. As the advertise
ments are read they create an ap
petite ; for Just' the things adver
tised. . Our 1680 inches of paid adver
tising to say nothing of several
hundred lines of readers, is a pret
ty good showing for one issue in
the month of August.
Texas is going to have a woman
governor. There will be some talk
to the contrary, but she is nom
inated on the democratic ticket.
If a candidate does not want to
be elected he must keep off the
democratic ticket in Texas. Mrs.
Ferguson went in on a grievance
for her husband who spent ' so
much money that he : was im
peached in order to save the good
name of the state and he will be
vindicated through her. It is one
of the situations created in our
republic. : . ' . ' . ..
- Here while we have these things
that are heartbreaking we know
that the aum total of government
in America Is contentment, :. pro
gress and a higher standing all
the time. So let it go., f
The friends of an abnormal navy
are making strenuous efforts to
keep up the magnitude of the
navy and 'perfect what we have.
We must have a navy, of course,
but there is no reason why in
these times when taxation is so
high ' that we should spend un
necessary millions on a navy.
The propaganda for a big -navy is
wicked 'and it must not be per
mitted to deceive the American
people. America Is not going to
have another war. If It does It
will not be with an army or navy
It will be In the air with weapons
so deadly that the worlds' war
would be childs play in compari
son. There has been such gigan
tic strides made in perfecting ex
plosives that to preserve our race
there must not be another war.
The general prosperity of the
country can only come when la
bor is continuously and profitably
employed. Capital can only make
money under exactly the : same
conditions. They are not enemies,
they, are friends. One of the ' re
sults of the distribution and pros
perity is the rapid spread of co
operation on the part of em
ployees. Not only ,1s labor well
represented in the industrial in-
Btltutions,' but ' the laboring men
all over America' are owners of
homes and are driving automo
biles, they are dressing well, they
are looking after their future com
fort, they are bringing up happy,
contented familltles. All this has
a tempering effect upon the minds
of the agitators and only the rad
icals are now left to wield a blud
geon of discontent and dissatis
faction. A better understanding
all around means a happier Am
ericanism. . :,
chemist claims to have dis
covered a drug. that puts courage
In the heart of a man. We are
afraid of that drug. Whiskey
does that. One drop of the boot
leg whiskey sold In Salem it ad
ministered to a jackrabbit would
make it, so brave that it would
spit in the face of a bull dog. It
is not good for the country to
have this. '
No artificial courage la' to be
desired, what we want to build up
man is strong hearts, strong pur
poses and strong desires for right
eousness then : everybody will be
brave. ' '
The Oregon Statesman has re
peatedly expressed its displeasure
with straw votes. They mean
nothing even when they go our
way. Not a vote in any election
was ever influenced by a straw
vote..' Not a vote ever will be so
influenced. It is an annoying
practice that means nothing and
gets nowhere. ' ,
14 like to be a Pullman car
And have a funny name.
And carry people everywhere-
Where things are not the same.
To North, To South, To East, to
... West, ;. . '.'
Oh, everywhere, In fact, :
With nothing else to do but ride
The long and narrow track. .
But in this life it cannot be
' It's really just the deuce!
I'm on a one-horse railroad
And I'm the darn caboose!
J. Sutton Steffan.
Red Letter Day "
Dudley: 'What was the big
gest surprise you ever, had?"
Jameson: "When my wife
broke even in a bridge game."'
''" -Beth Froehlich.
"How do yon know Clarlbelle
wasn't asleep when you kissed her
in the hammock?"
'She didn't wake up."
Mrs,' Marshall Reel.
Doubtful .
."Setting out on his porch, over
there, is old s Sammy Sussions,"
stated the landlord of the tavern
at Peeweecuddyhump. "He is 92
years old, and the flies annoy him
dreadfully. So hour after hour
he sets there on the open porch
and kills all of 'em he can hit
with his fly swatter. But no mat
ter how much longer he lives and
how industriously he keeps at it,
I don't much believe he will ever
get 'em all killed. oft."
O Temporal
Urea a late men. oft remind us
High brow stuff's not. worth - a
Rough prizefighters and bootleg-
- gers
Grab the berries every time.
.,. -up. H. Mosgrove.
Necessary Data
Peter Familias: "How large a
veranda do you think I ought to
Young Architect: "How atr
tractive is youT daughter?"
C It. Morrison.
Why Is It That The Chap Who '
NuiViSK risks a cent of his money
in oil shares, -
NEVER speculates in Wall street,
NEVER loans out money without
gilMdged collateral,
NEVER buys a1 raffle ticket for
J anything, w
NEVER i bets on a horserace, or
takes a chance In a baseball
pool; .
Why is it that this "wise" bird
will take a perfect stranger's ad
vice and invest a year's savings in
a second-hand car? Verily, 'tis
past all understanding!
. , ' Paul Wilkes.
, i The Modern Babe
Friend: "What ate you sewing
a hip-pocket . on baby's panties
Flapper-Mother: "For its milk
flask, of course."
Frank P. MacLennan
-What She Was1 Waiting For
He told her she was very Intel
lectual. She frowned,! but she was
not entirely displeased.
- He told her she had dignity and
commanded let pec t. She smiled
coldly but remained silent.
He told her she reminded him
of a Grecian goddess, - with her
clear-cut, - marble-white' features.
She tapped "her footwith" 'thinly
veiled Impatleace.-' ';'
Finally he got "wise." He told
her she was very pretty, and asked
her to marry, him, She flew Into
his armsj :
John Philip" Souse.
Ills Stomach First
The picnic party had progressed
as iar as the interurban station.
He carried the basket, she looked
after Willie, who grew frantic as
the train; finally approached.
Willie:; "Daddy! Daddy! Get off
the track! The train's coming!"
Mother: "Be quiet, Willie, Dad
dy will be careful."
Willie: "But Daddy, Daddy, get
off the track! Mamma, make Dad
dy get off the track. He's got the
lunch." . : " - ' .
- I y- Earl Lamm.
. The Jingle-Jangle Counter
Saws come handy now and then;
Girls at times make tools of men,
-Mrs. Birdie Hays
She told us she was a poet; '
Believe us her big feet show it.
!; : -Clarice Stepka
A brieklayer is always laying
down oh the job. .
Verses and Reverse
By Samuel Hoffensteln
1 Jingle-Jangle Reverie
;r i "; - ,1 .
The sun arises in the east
And bread arsles out of yeast.
And while the zenith is its goal.
The bearsj are freezing at the pole.
I do not know the reason why
The sun should choose the eastern
X sky, .
When it might just as well arise
In any quarter of the skies.
I only know that every day
It starts upon its golden way:
The flowers unfold, the birds
,h; awake . , :
And sing,! the while the bakers
. bake.: ' . ' ' .' .
And while; I know not why it's so,
The sun ia bright and ought to
know, "
: 1 ' ii .li, '
The ostrich lives in foreign lands
And trots along the burning sands,
And when . from foes it would
ti ' '.escape, ; - : :'
It hides its head the silly ape!
! Ill !--.-
The bee he works and works and
" works i
The summer through, and never
shirks; .
He doesn'
mind the blazing heat
Because his labor is so sweet.
No Saving ,
"My wife saved five
dollars at a bargain sale today "
- Shaw: "That's the kind i of a
wife to have." U M
Hpyle: t "r but I had to give
her fifteen: dollars for a new hat.
Her old one' was trampled on in
the rush.",
. Edward II. Dreschnack.
Settin Pretty
Young Poet (rushing in to busy
feditor) : f What happened to the
poem I sent you entitled, "The
Hen?' " : ! . ' ,
Editor; (brutally): "Ah. yes!
You'll find it 'laying In, the -waste
basket over there."
. 'Howard Marcdn.
We touched on thia anbjert Mine
ffeeaa ago. It doe not hart to treat
it it again. : . ,
Keep on eontribating regnlarlr and
do not be discearsged if your fS rmt.
eeond, third, or tenth attempt are
not ancceaifol. .
Sometime the item' you may havo
the least hope for mar atrike ov as
immeniely funny and we'll buy it
Then. too. by contributing regularly
you will cultivate the faculty of aee
iog the fanny aide of things,' the ab
surdity apparent in to many a trying
incident, and your progresa will bo
rapid. Cultivate, by contributing your
aenae of humor, and help yoaraelt to
grow mentally.
No better medium than THE TTJS
SHOP rather, should we say, TOUB
FUN 6HOP.. . . , -
Enough to' Go Around
"The all-day sucker is a thing
of the past,"
"Not at all New York Is full
of visitors every day," r
I : , - II. L. Marsh
i Glad Autumn I
Harvest time will soon be here
With autumn weather meller.
And Johnny'll have to start to
And "how he'll squirm and hel
! Tennyson J. Daft.
Physics High Colored
Two darkies, dressed in their
Sunday best, were out on an ex
cursion. ; Said the one In the pearl
gray suit "Ef a man stood on de
reah platfohm ob a train travellin
sebenty-five miles an houah, an'
he shot off a revolvah. an' de bul
let travelled at a speed ob sebenty
five miles an houah, what .would
become ob; de bullet?"
'Twould drop straight to de
groun. budder," explained his
companion, "'twould drop straight
to de groun. De two' fohces
would mutuallze..- ,
; " " ) ' H. W. Johnson
i : I Not Much :
Ted: jJ'Am I the only man you
have ever! loved?" . , ,
Enid: "Why, the Idea. ; Do I
look as simple as that?" i
. j m Clarence Vance
"How mnch: to send this letter
to -England?" J
"Is it first class?" j
"Well, It's the best I could -write
at three o'clock last night."
i -I Mrs. Theodore Bolton
Headers : are requested to eontrTbntA.
All humor, epigrams or hnmorans rHt
toea. iokea. tanedotea. potrr. bnr
'"". . satires r and hricbt savinra if
children, must be original and unpub
lished. Arrepfaod material will be paid
for St regular price. All manuscripts
roust be writ hen on one aide of the
nanee only, sfsonld bear name of thia
ewiToer ' nwV ahonM bo-odroad to
the P o n , 8 h( o p Kditor, The Oregon
SUtesataa.' t ' 1
Adele Garrisvo's IVew Phase ol
Copyright by Newspaper Feature
Sarvlce '
I did not obey Lillian's injunc
tion to lie down. Instead. 1 ex
tracted again from my haifdbag
the tiny folded note the myster
ious foreigner had confided td
me in the Southampton shop, to
gether with the : handkerchief 1
had recognized as one of Grace
Draper's. Then making sure that
Lillian was safely out of the way,
I went swiftly down the hall and
tapped at the door of my father's
He was longer in answering
than usual, and when he finally
opened the door and affectionate
ly bade me enter, I saw the rea
son for his delay. His chair had
been placed near the table, and
on the table stood the quaint old
lacquered box in which I knew
he kept the mementoes of my
dead mother which! I had given
him- j : f "V
i Photographs, letters which he
had written to her, and her an
swers in the days of their idyllic
courtship when no : thought bad
come to them of the sordid trag
edy which was to part them for
ever these, and .other keepsakes
evidently had been pressed has
tily back into the box, for the lid
was slightly lifted, showing - the
disarranged contents, j
If. I had not seen the old box,
generally kept sacredly In my
father's trunk, I should have
known that he had been invoking
the memory of the wife he had
so shamefully' deserted when
was but four years old. His face
held the pallor, the deeply-etched
lines of poignant remorse, which
always betray to" me his seasons
of agonized communings with the
mementoes he treasures so sac
redly. " ";
.When he had closed the door
after me, he caught me to him in
a convulsive embrace and mur
mured : brokenly:
"You are so like your mother.
my Margaret: I :
Mementoes of Other Days.
t pulled his gray head down to
mine and clung to .him silently.
lovingly, glad that I had long ago
obeyed my mother's dying injunc
tionto forgive him. ! I knew that
finding me after his long
years of search, and winning my
forgiveness had lightened his load
of remorseful anguish, and in my
love and the adoration ' of my
small' son, he had enjoyed many
peaceful hours. But he could not
forget that he had thrown away
the love of his life for an evil
infatuation, and I knew that there
were many moment, like the one
upon which I had Inadvertently
stumbled, when the longing to see
my mother again was almost more
than he could bear. ;
Dearly as I loved him, greatly
as I pitied him, I never could ban
ish a sense of justice appeased
when, as now, I watched his an
guishedtVla Crucis. My earliest
recollection of my mother was of
her terrible mental . . Buffering
which I knew later was caused by
my father's desertionVand I could
not forget that she had lived and
died a lonely, . broken-hearted
woman. "
'You .wished to see me about
something, Daughter?" His voice
when he spoke again was even
controlled, and his face held the
calmness of emotion ; conquered
My first impulse was to make
ome trivial excuse to conceal my
real errand, but second thought
told me that the tonic of work was
the best thing I could offer him
"J have an odd story to tell you
Father, dear," I said, "a long one
too, so let's sit down and be com
fv. I've tried to get a chance to
tell you and to ask your advice
about It since you came home, but
I couldn't manage it 4 somehow
"I know," he assented as he
seated me in the most comfortable
chair near, the fire and took an
other near me. ; j
I waited for a minute or two
to be ure that I had in methodi
cal order all my information con
cerning the mysterious Don RaJ
mon, and then, beginning with his
boarding the train at ; Southamp
ton upon the occasion of my trip
to the city in search of Katie, i
related every Incident of that trip,
and of the odd experience of the
last hour in the Southampton
0hop. . i
"This Is Very Curious." '
My .father listened with but one
interruption, when he asked me
to repeat to him the description
I had given of the mysterious for
eigner's appearance. : j And when
at the close. I handed him the
tiny folded note which the mys
terious Don Ramon had slipped in
to my hand,he opened and read
It without a muscle of his face
changing. Then he sat as if
studying it for five minutes, which
seemed endless to me as I marked
their passing upon the mantel
clock. '
"This is very curious, Margar
et," he said at last. "Twice be
fore I have received messages
from this same source, apparently
although they bear no betraying
mark. And always, as now, the
message is one of inestimable in
formation concerning the people
we are watching. And your de
scription is the first clue' I have
had to the identity of the sender.
Yet I cannot place him. Undoubt
edly he is someone bound in some
manner to the unspeakable gang
we are fighting, yet with a con
science which compels him to
warn us. " And he takes the oddest
methods of sending his messages.
Evidently he has some strong rea'
ion for not using the mails. Is
this the handkerchief he pretend
ed was yours?"
"Yes, Father," I tried to keep
my voice steady, but it was trem
ulous as I added: "It is one of
Grace Draper's handkerchiefs, or
-at least the embroidery in the
corner is her. handiwork."
(To be continued.)
(Continued from page 1) .
of making up a lack of votes will
be brought to a termination, but
till that time every young lady
has an equal opportunity.
The computation as to what
would happen is interesting from
many view points. .. First it shows
that practically very little ' has
been done by some of the candidates,-
and none , of them has a
sufficient number of votes so she
can rest upon her laurels with
perfect confidence. A little co
operation, a little effort, : a few
hours spent in actual convassing
for votes will suffice to change
the whole aspect of the contest.
For example,' had the :- contest
closed yesterday one of the sea
shore trips would 'have gone to a
candidate with a very few votes,
and it is preposterous : for any
candidate to fondly hope that such
a;, bounty will fall to the lot of
even the most lucky individual in
the whole broad land, for some
one will be laying a plan of ac
tion, and the first thing such can
didates know their lead -will be
overcome, their friends marshalled
into another camp, and they will
be stranded. -
f This Is the time for action, for
thought and ", for endeavor of
many kinds. The popular voting
contest of The Oregon Statesman
is not a "lucky contest', nor one
in which any candidate can win
without Totes. The most popular
contestant in the .whole contest
would be defeated if no attention
were - given 'to the matter of se
curing votes. -
There is an inherent tendency
in every man and woman to make
a strong. finish. No-matter what
is started everyone desires to
make a good ending, and the more
flourish that can be lent to any
contest, be it a race, a campaign
for public office or a quest for a
splendid prize: like those offered
to the ladies; of this territory, by
The Statesman's voting contest, U
makes no difference sail who are
taking part want to finish strong.
An analysis of the "voting and
the positions of the candidates as
shown by the published standing,
show that some hair-raising fin
ishes may be expected. Time and
again have those who were seem
ingly disanced forged to the front
and In not a few cases have taken
a decided lead.
What Figures Show
In the voting,- figures show
that the efforts of those who are
interested deeply enough to pitch
into the matter of securing votes
bring bountiful results. ' There are
those who are Into the contest
heart and soul, and there should
be a considerable element of pride
In demonstrating that no mistake
was made when your name was
suggested for an energetic and
popular candidate. - -
The end of the great race is at
hand, and the winners of the
grand prizes will undoubtedly be
i The Oregon Statesman Seaside
Competition ; r
Good for 100 Votes
I nominate as a member of The Oregon Statesman Seaside
Vacation Competition. ; .. - " ; ' y
Name . ........... . . . ...t.
: !"V.
Address . ......
Nominated by . ,
Note Only one Of these entry blanks will be accepted for
any one member. A candidate may be nominated by herself
.or a friend. - - . . - i
The Statesman's
Great Seashore Contest
For . . . . .... .t. . . .
" Good for ten votes when filled out and sent to the font:;
department-by mail or otherwise on or before the exrlrntl:
date. . , . .4 ........ - - . . ',
determined by the work done be
tween now and 9 p. in. cext Sat
urday. ' - .'
A Wonderful Vacation i
Editor Statesman:
Dancing, skating, movies, card
parties, or bonfire parties on the
sheltered expanse of Yaquina bay
beach; those are a few of the
many Interesting diversions that
will fill the evening hours of The
Statesman's girls' vacation days ct
Newport-by-the-6ea with pleasures
long to be remembered.
Dancing, of course, at the Log
Cabin and at the Natatoriutn
dance pavilion, where the Orange
and Black Melody Boys, of OAC,
entertain nightly with really su
perior music ' Skating at the
Ocean Wave roller rink, where
music, good skates and a Bmooth
floor make this always fascinaticg
sport doubly attractive.
vBut the most delightful way ia
which to spend the evening hours
of an already perfect day Is
around the leaping blaze of a
huge bonfire 'in some sheltered
nook on the beach. A shadowy,
starlit night, the roar of the dis
tant surf, the swish of the Incom
ing tide as " It edges nearer, a
vague fear, romance what a set
ting for a wonderful evening!
Mrs. J. L. Brady Will lie Chap-'
. erone
Mrs. J. L. Brady, wife of J. I
Brady, editor, of The. Oregon
Statesman, has kindly consented
to be chaperon e of The States
man's seashore trip party of prize
winners. The contest editor lee la
that he is very fortunate In secur
ing' Mrs. Brady's cooperation be
cause Mrs. Brady Is not only a
woman of high intellect, character
and pleasant personality, but cf
mature years and will make an
ideal chaperone and one who can
be depended on in every way.
Summary of Prizes Offered
Ten ten ladles receiving tie
ten highest number of votes in
the contest will each be award
ed a free vacation trip to New
port, commencing" Sept. 2c:..
The entertainment at Newport
will be provided under the aus
pices of the Newport Chanter
of Commerce. ;
There will be spendid accor. -modatlons
and entertainment c :
various kinds provided, ttli
will be a red letter week la tta
lives of the contest winners and
one never to be forgotten. As
other joy will be added vv-ea
each of the winners Is pressnt
,ed with a box of Gray Bella
candy. These will be charmlns
summer vacations and with all
expenses paid by the Chamber
of Commerce of Newport and
the Statesman Publishing com
pany they will be doubly de
lighted. . - ? - ;
: : '
The followng articles of incor
poration were filed yesterday with
the state corporation department:
Broadway Confectionery, Port
land; incorporators, L. E. Crocker,
F. P. Splering, W. E. Crocker, A.
E. Crocker; capital, $8000.
Cascade Timber company, Port
land; incorporators, P. W, Welch.
J. J. Beckman, J. G. McCue; cap
ital, $25,000.
Jensen - Specialties Company,
Inc., Portland; incorporators, Ar
thur W. Jensen, Frank A. Eauri
gardner. Charles A. Tracy; cap
ital, $5000. ' S v
Oregon Liberal Publishing Com
pany, Portland ; . Incorporators
Fred Ross, E. A. Green, Kelley
Loe; capital, $5000.
Volpe & Co.; Inc., Portland: in
corporators, Tony. Volpe, Simon
Westerman, Stella Volpe; capital
$10,000; produce. j
United Recreation Club, Port
land; incorporators, N. J, Harper,
Jim Ingless, Louis Lux, L. C. Har
per; capital, 41000.
Under the blue sky act a per
mit was issued to the Fraser M.
Lant Company, Inc. of Seattle,
to operate as storkbrokers in Or
egon. ; ' .