The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 24, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Exchange Disbanded M
The Pacific Telephone '& Tel
egraph company-has notified the
public serrice commission that It
Is discontinuing its exchange at
Wonder, Josephine county.
lr. Anne ftrekke; Osteopathic
Physician. Thono 859, 469-J.
A-24. . ..- .'
.Vllh Iho minimum mpmhorshin
er sn u .itrr, n th
organized Silverton Lions club is nated Thursday. September 25. as
now In a position to apply for a GAR day. The little bronze but
m h rt immediate- ton will admit all GAR men. A
ly. There la considerable Interest
W n.,t.trtii in th rinh and
the temporary officers ; recently
elected will be replaced Monday
night with permanent officers se -
lected at a special meeting of the
club. if
Adds More Amlmals
E- B. Flake's Fetiand Is rapid-
ly assuming the aspects of a me-
naeerie Instead of an actual Det
farm. Mr. Flake has added to his
animal collection two nairs of fer-
nna whu n hrnwn.
and a pair of foxes. The young
wild cat which he purchased a few
weeks ago. is being tamed and
Mr. Flake, with bare hands, is now
able to handle the feline. This
week he placed a collar around
his net s neck and attached a
chain.1 :
.Wanted to Secure u
$5,000 loan on a $22,000 ranch,
well Improved, close in. Soco -
lofsky, 341 State.
Rockaway Bathing Beauties
Owing to a heavy rain the bath
ing Tjeauty contest at. Rockaway
beach had to be postponed. There
was fl large erowd present ana tne
- . .
1 Jl ZaMAA Vaa. TIaw.
ever, it was arranged to hold the
Buys Furniture
Phone 511
411 'Oregon Bldg. Ihone 457
The Sea vy Bell Insurance
Agency i
Gcneral Insurance
"Billy" Bell
Dr. B. II. White
Dr. Anne Brekke
Surgery "
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment (Dr. Abram's method).
Office Phone 859
Residence Phone 469-J -506
U. S. Bank Bldg.
We're All
and now that we are located In
our new quarters at
we are In a position, to give you
still better service on ; your
transfer and hauling work.
We Still Handle Fuel
and have Beveral carloads of
coal due in a few days.-: Better
get your order in early
.; rhone 03O :f 1
Larmer Transfer &
Storage Co.-
Cars for Hire
. v ( Our antos are all kept in prime condition,
therefore are absolutely safe to drive,
We hire them either with or without drivers.
PHONE S020 1 Office at Stage Terminal
v Established 1868
General Banking Business ,
Office Hours from 10 a; m. to 3 p. m. -
contest on Sunday, August 31. at
which time all that wash planned!
will be carried out and an effort
made to make the occasion more
interesting to solve the disappolnt-
ment of those who went to see the I
contest. The bathing beauties
will be there in all their glory and
Rockaway beach will be a popular
place to go j on Sunday, August fiance ww ana George Alien, re
ljlg ; j . .. j porters. The health and recre
1 OAR Iay At Fair
The State Fair Board has desig-
8nort special program will be glv-
en In the arternoon.
f Osteopathy the Original-
l And genuine spinal treatment.
Dr. Marshall, 228 Oregon Bldg.
For Burning Brush
Carl Yost, a homesteader living
j near Abaqua falls, was brought to
Salem and piacea in tne county
Jail on the charge 01 Duuaing nres
on his place without a permit,
He was later reieasea on du ana
wiU sUnd tr,al-
Osteopathy for ChUdren
Dr. Marshall, 228 Oregon Bldg.
tMUIMHf a ' lbfV
Report comes from the office
of the county shferiff that a num-
bcr of persons who have neglected
to pay their Btate dog taxes will
lbe prosecuted. . There Is a $10
fine involved for neglect to pay
the tax. which is $1 for male, and
$2' for female dogs.
Did Not Appear ; . , v r
Though tEugene Chase was
f .
citcd to appear in police court sat-
I mi m nw.M.
UrUY aiierUWU tlU VUOI fed ui
disorderly conduct, he failed to
mate nis appearance, mase was
arrested late . Friday night by Of
ficer Putnam. -
s . '
New De Lux-
Sport model now
on display.
Newton Chevrolet Co.
Three Boys Released
Following word from Waits-
burg, three Washington boys who
I uaa oeen neia in connecnoa wiiu
irregularities centering around an
automobile In which they were
- Jai. . .
l0ur1D5,,wWB re eB!U, iauuSu was n.a orn "
iBB ooys gave lae names 01 uiuu
atarr. tester uruppennammer
ana vvauer Jonnsou.
iwi . n . 1 ri
xwo vuhuiKhis -
Only two cases of conUgious
diseases were reported to the city
health officer during the week.
Both of these were of diphtheria,
one case of which was in Wood
burn. ! ; ; -.
Wanted 5 Experienced
Waitresses, steady employment.
Gray Belle. a24tf
Lions Complete Sljrn
The first of a set of three Lions
club signs to be placed near the
pouth. north and west entrances
to Salem is practically completed
and will be placed on the highway
in the near future. The signboard
j erected by the club In the auto
camp grounds is attracting a great
amount of attention from tour
jfsts. The sign was completed some
time ago; by F. Ray Felker, and
gives a comprehensive survey of
the district surrounding the city.
The board is topped by a large
lion's head, symbolic of the name
of the organization.
tloprard Paper Named-
Selection of "The Hop Vine
Scratch; has been made for the
name of the paper published by
Promotes Good Health
.- Cottage Cheese
: One-third Cream
II. Ej RIDEOUT, Proprietor
Popular Priced
Tailored Suits $25 to f 15
Men's ' and Young Men's
the health and recreation service
of the T. A. Livesley & Co. hop
firm at ; their Lake Brook ; ranch
near Salem. The "Scratch" makes
makes its appearance in mtmeo-
graph form three times a week.
The editorial staff includes Mil-
area Jessup. editor; Gladys Una-
8aV secretary; Florence Harrison,
ation directors are uaroara spiiz
bart and Joe Nee. Claude Settle
mler V Is superintendent of the
ranch. ,
New Sweatci
Jane Jackson reducing corsets
Hats etc. See i the Women's
Shop ad in Tuesday's Statesman.
I . a24
School Laws Mailed Out
Yesterday afternoon 250 copies
of the state school laws were
mailed out to clerks and school
board 'chairmen of the 125 dis-
in Marion county. The
statement is made that the school
districts are under handicap be
cause of shortage of copies of the
school laws, and the belief Is
held that every member of a
board, as well as every faculty
member, should be given a copy.
In the past officials have found
J themselves handicapped because
of inability to learn the laws
which pertain to school adminis
tration. At present only enough
t" u ' . . v " 1
lw .o cup.e , . ,
ia o tu urj ioduu u catu uisuivu
Wanted 5 Experienced
Waitresses, eteady. employment.
Gray Belle. a24tf
Leaving for Convention
Dr. Henry E. Morris, president,
N. D. Elliott secretary, and Fred
A. Erixon director, are leaving to-
i o.. mak ajtuu uiir.iui m d v iu .u
. . wn w;n whprft ,hpv
1 " "
I wn iha Vintanfs
club at the district convention
Monday and Tuesday. The con
vention will celebrate the growth
of the clubs, from four and 400
members, to 48 with more than
4.000 members and will be :a
strictly business affair. Election
of officers and the selection j of
the meeting place for 1925 are to
be the features of the convention
Salem, Vancouver and Bremerton.
Wash nn. r f? r
Bn.,ai th. VI.
wanians next Amone the
,mrtrtaT,t n
I am rwa wv Di-aauio whv i lii
tend are Dr. E. C. Holland, presi
dent of Washington State college:
rfan H. T. J Cnlman. haad of
tha TTnivPritv of nntiah minm pi virWnatMi.v r Tni
vernitv of OroMn' Hnrtr; T.fallo
- , '
nntftrnatinnn! trnotoo from T.
dena. Fred c w Parker, Inter-
national secretary, and others. C.
C. Lantry. district governor, will
preside at the meeting, which will
be .held in the open air : amphi
theater on I the Whitman;; college
campus. ; " : I
Unusual Flower Exhibited
At the J. W. Maruny home, 211
Miller street, may be seen toaay
a yard full of the rare celosia
com pacta chrysantheflora, a sam
pie of which Mr, Maruny brought
to the Statesman office last night
Although he will not be at home
today, Mr. Maruny says flower
lovers are welcome to stop and
see the display. The flower is
produced with much Buccess by a
Kansas Flora firm.
Osteopathy for Goitres :
Dr. Marshall, 228 Orego- flflg,
Sues for Divorce
Divorce proceedings were start
ed yesterday by Catherine Lamb
against Randolph Lamb. Mrs.
Lamb states that she has found
it impossible to. live with her hus
band, and wants permission to re
sume her maiden name of Cath
erine Houghtaling.
Marriage License Issued
Fred Huiras of Canby and
Grace E. .Whitman of Woodburn
yesterday were Issued a marriage
license at the county clerk's ; of
fice. P. J. Kuntz, Justice of the
I peace, officiated at the wedding
( ceremony. . : .
Can field's Barber Shop
Oreg. Bldg., downstairs. ; Ex
ceptional service, by five j experts
for men. women and children. The
Infant stvloa in ahlnrlaa ' , ?T
Grass Fires Terminated :
That the rain of last Sunday
terminated the daily runs of the
fire department to extinguish grass
fires in Salem and the adjacent
districts was evidenced this week
by a look, at the record book of
calls at the fire station. ..Though
the department answered several
calls', none were for grass fires.'
i Speeder Is Arrested
:ln the police court Saturday. R
R. Finster, of Route 8, was fined
$5 for epeeding. .
Forced to Trade Back ?
The story of the swindle of
Marion county woman came to
light when a decree : of Judge
Bingham was filed with the conn
ty clerk yesterday. Mrs. Adeline
Zimmerman was persuaded to ex
Unequaled Service ,
change her karm In Marlon coun
ty by a man; named Henry Steven
son, who claimed that his proper
ty, located in the Goldendale val
ley. Washington.1 was worth "as
much M her $4000 " farm. ; The
trade was made, but investigation
brought out the fact that the
Washington property was almost!
worthleas, beingtvalued at about!
$200., In the decree issued by
Judge Bingham yesterday Steven
son is presented with the land he
formerly owned,, and Is forced to
return the Marion county farm to
Mrs. Zimmerman.
Wanted 5 Experienced
Waitresses, steady employment.
Gray Belle.)
,jv vII Vnrnlr ' I
John L. iRradv. editor of the
- : I
Statesman, will address two. meet
ings in hopyards in the Salem dis
trict today.! He will speak at the
Holmes yard at 4 o'clock this aft
ernoon and at the Lake Brook
yard at 8 o'clock tonight.
Use Our 1 Distributive
Payment! plan if you cannot
spare the cash. Pomeroy & Keene,
Jewelers and Opticians. 1 a24
Union Services Today-
Union vesner services will be
held in Wlllson park at 4 o'clock
this afternoon, with Rev. John J.
Evans, pastor of the First Chris-
tian church, making the principal
address. Paul Wallace will pre-
side as chairman of the day, with I
Rev. Carl Miller offering the pray
er and scripture reading. Prior
to the speaking, the Demarest
chorus, under the direction of Dr.
H. C. Epley. will offer a sacred
concert, beginning at 3:15 o'clock
Everyone jwho eang in the choir
during the appearance of Mrs. De-
ma reet in, Salem is urged to be
present at 3 o'clock this after
To Sec Crater Lake
C. E. Lee, a Salem contractor.
left yesterday with his wife for a
trip to Crater Lake and the Ore
gon Caves. They expect to spend
severai aays in uranis rass
iting Mrj
Lee's sister, Mrs. Ed
Use Our iDkttributivi
Payment plan if you cannot
spare the cash. Pomeroy & Keene,
Jewelers and Opticians'. a24
Two to Become Naturalized
Two men, Wilmer McLaren and
Joe Claud, yesterday filed with the
County clerk their intention to be-1
come citizens of the United States.
Clans emigrated from The Neth
erlands in. 1921. He is now living
at 925 N. Cottage street, Salem.
McLareni a lumberman, entered
the United States, from Canada
less than two weeks ago. and has
taken up his residence at 880
Court street,
Youth Rndly Hurt
Henryj Hockstein, 10, son of J.
Hocksteih, living south of Salem,
narrowly escaped death when a
three-horse disc plow unearthed a
hornet's,1 nest and the animals be
came frightened and ran away.
The lad, fell under the disc and
was badly lascera ted about the
arms and bruised around his body.
That he was not killed Is regard
ed almost as a miracle by the
physicians who dressed his injur
ies at the Salem hospital Friday
night. One of the horses was so
badly hurt ! that it was necessary
to put it to death. All of the ani
mals are gentle, according to his
father, bujt the maddening sting
of the hornets proved too much
ror them. The boy was taken to
his home after receiving medical
attention, r .
Enlarging, Penney Store-
Remodeling of the Shriner's hall
over the present J. C Penney
store to provide additional space
will begin this week, a lease hav
ing been Blgned. The new de
partment ; will carry women's
ready to wear materials. The ad
ditional quarters were made im
perative to properly display the
new goods, according to D. B.
Jarman, manager. An incline will
connect the new department with
tne store It balcony. The room,
which will be 50 by 65 feet, will
be ready to. use the latter part of
the week,- i
Word of Ieath Receivttl
Joseph Coardingly. 62, a cousin
of Mrs. C. P. Bishop, died in
Brownsville this week, according
to word received here yesterday.
Mr. Coardingly was a former Sa
lem man and used to own I the
Brownsville Woolen mills. Mr.
and Mrs. ! Bishop, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Bishop of Portland, and
Mrs. C. T. Roberts of Hood River
will motor to Brownsville to at
tend the funeral today.
A 15000 loan for five -years on
aj ranch that sold for $22,000.
Socolofsky, 341 State.
Boy Breaks Wrist
While flaying in front of a tent.
Kenneth 'Brown, 9. fell and broke
his wrist. He is the son of Mr.
ana Mrs. J. Brown Of bpanway,
Wash., W.ho have been camped
the Keeiiey ranch In the Skyline
district. - The wrist, which was
broken just above the joint, was
set In Salem Friday night.
One Committee Omitted
In j publishing the list of patri
otic organizations and their rep
resentatives who will help gpon-
sor the success of the National De-
fenso day program here on Sep
tarnKk. r t wA v t.
. '" . . " .
American uevoiuuon were inaa
nirf o Not Ro I UCkv ifl P3SS-
. . n Tn.n i n' u
1115, I Colo ttllU llCUIVIIIg
Playground Badges
Boys were more successful in I
naRfclnsr their testa anrt rpppivfnir I
.. ' ... I
me oiiiciai piaygrouna oaages
than the girls Saturday arternoon
at the Lincoln playground in South
Salem, for of the 27 ooys panic-1
v v""" ....
on9 1 r , r n r 9 t hn 1 K n-f
- "" . 1
i'icu iui uausi ni,vviu'u6 1
Miss Danta Robbins. supervisor, j
A feature of the day was the ten-i
ing of "color" stories by H. C.
Batshan, floral supervisor at the
statte hospital. Mr. Hatenan
would tell a story woven around at
certain color and the youngsters
would guess the name of the co
lor. Variations were obtained by
telling similar stories to which
vegetables and flowers were the
answers. The youngsters were
greatly delighted and besieged Mr.
Batehan for more stories. t
Playground tests were awarded
for prowess in various activities,
those rAcelvin? the badees naasine
ln four different tests. For 4he
boys it was necessary to pull them-
8eiTeg Up by their muscle four
times or else to climb 12 feet of
rope; make at least 5 feet 9 inches
in the standing broad Jump; run
the 50-yard dash In eight seconds
and to throw a baseball at least
130 feet.: Those who were suc
cessful in passing all four tests
and received badges were: Harold
Slusser, i Walford Lin foot. Els
worth Martin, Virgil Holley, Ar
thur Wilson, Roy Hurst, Russell
Scott, ack Reiman. Verne Reiman.
Emil Otjen. Donald Smith and
Clifford Elgin. j '
The two girls who passed the
tet were Helen Leisv and Doro-
nartertrher. Tn order for the
girls to win the awards it was ne
cessary for them to balance them
selves along a 2 4-foot h board with
one deep knee bend; run the 50
yard dash in eight seconds; throw
a basketball 35 feet and to serve 1
a volley ball two out of five times.
This is the final program at the
vertently omitted. This organl-
I ation will be represented by Mrs.
LaMoine Clark. Mayor John B.
I Giesy said last night.
Two Speeders Arrested
I Speeding brought two men into
the police court last night. The
unluckyj pair were M. L. Shepard.
of Moore's music store, and Ken
neth Ewald of Gervais. Both will
appear before Police Judge Mar
ten Poulsen some time Monday.
Son Is Announced !
A son was . born! Friday, Aug.
22, to Mr. and Mrs. William
Meithof, who live on route No. 8,1
Salem. 1
Automobile Stolei
A Ford touring car belonging to
E. A. Rhoten, 1595 South Highi
was stolen last night from its
parking place on Court street be
tween High and Church streets.
The. license number of the car is
169-3&5 and the engine number
, . w
Joe Hall, a Salem barber, has
returned .from Toledo where he
spent his two week's vacation.
Mrs. Ed Wright of La Grande
is visiting , her sister, Mrs. E. T.
Busselle. s J ..; "'; ;
R. "H. MacDonald, of the Mac
Donald Auto company, was a Port
land business visitor yesterday.
J. II. Maden, sales manager; for
the F. W. Pettyjohn Automobile
company, spent Saturday In Port
land on business. I j
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Sonnemann,
two daughters, a son and two
I grandchildren are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Elizabeth Amsler,
I mother of Mrs.. Sonnemann. Mr.
I an(j jira Sonnemann, who were
Ifnrmpr Kalnm rett!rtAnt now live
in Los Angeles. I ft i
I v. O ' Pickens I and family are
j expected back today from a week's
camping trip in southern Oregon
Mr. rifikens is with the Pickens
& Haynes. local grocery firm.
F. H. ZinBer will leave tonight
for Spokane where ho will take
over his duties as assistant Boy
Scout executive. ,He has been ac
tive in Scout work here foe the
last, three years.- ! His family will
Join him In the near future.
James McFarland of the state
highway department spent a few
hours In Corvallls yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wiles, of A!
bany.lwere business callers in Sa-
2 I lent Saturday.
Wrinkles Vanish Before
Your Very Eyes!
I JnM thint! In ynur mirror, hetorn
at T?ur wy eyes, jroo see the crinkles, mgt)
f,ce, .Ani ,t., oeh B .impie Bd i,Brm.
less treatment. Jast mix s spoonful of
powdered tarkroot with si spoonful of
lemon ' joiee. , Apply to year fscs snd
wstcb i the nwt marrelons chsaKe take
place in less than 15 minutes. See tbe
horrid wrinkles, worry lines, cresses sod
barsiness. nuicklv dissooear. It is a won
derful. startlinK sensation. Only the actual
experience could make yon believe it.
The application ts easily washes oft.
The. result Is far better than the most
- than three cents! Procure an original
park a re of nowdered tarkroot from yoor
l",drui.t. try It. mnd you will hare the
- . CUrpri of your iu.
Lincoln grounds, but next Friday
all those who attended this play
ground wil participate in the clos
ing exercises at the North Four
teenth street ground, where Leslie
Suparks and Miss Grace Snook,
supervisors, have arranged excel
lent programs. Fred Erixon,
chairman of the playground com
mittee, will award the prizes at 4
o'clock. The morning will be giv
en over to preliminaries and elim
ination contests, with the main
prdgram beginning at 1 o'clock.
Ribbons and medals will be of ler-
e 8 prizes.
For the various
e vents Mr.
Sparks has arranged the various
classifications: -
Midgets Under 12, less than 4
feet 6 inches, weight under 80
pommj, uuniors iinoer a, ess
inaa 3 "ei e,8n- unaer 10s
r- . . t . a r- .i
iniermeataies uoaer n, less
than 5 feet 6 inches, weight under
120 pounds.
Following Is the complete pro-
9:30-10:30 A. M. Exhibition
games (1) battle ball, (2) kick
ball, (3) bat ball
10:30 -11:30 A. M. Trial races
and field events to qualify for the
finals in the afternoon: (1) boys
30 yard; 9irls 30 yard; (2) jun-
iors, boys 50 yards, girls 50 yards;
(3) intermediates, boys 80 yards,
gh-ls 60 yards; (4) midgets, boys
baseball throw, girls baseball
throw; (5) Juniors, boys high
Inmn fHrla ISalanofntr (fit Infer.
mediates, bovs runnine broad
jump, girls all-up Indian club race
(7) reiay races.
1 : 0 0 P. M. Dress up parade,
2:00 P. M. Water events: (1)
Boys swimming races; (2) diving
plain, swan jacknife. optional;
(3) girls swimming dash, relay,
(4) girls diving plain, optional.
3:00 P. M Finals for races
and field events.
Presentation of prizes.
(Continued from page 1)
Raleigh to use airplanes- when
fog conditions permit. .
Is Forbidding Scene
From th3 Barry's bridge Cape
Farewell presented a most forbid
ding spectacle huge mountains.
scores of towering peaks, with In
numerable needle points and fin
ger like spires. In the foreground
a wide girdle of ice from which
great bergs stood out glistening
in the sunshine.
H After a two day search for Lieu
tenant Locatelli in the vicinity of
Cape Farewell, the Barry headed
for Pictou, Nova Scotia, having
on board Lieutenant Wade and
Sergeant Ogden, who are anxious
I to tune up a new machine ln read
iness for. their flight to , Boston
when their comrades arrive from
Indian harbor.
In the meantime the Raleigh is
remaining on the east coast and
hopes to be able to use its planes
Thursday, Aug. rH, 1:30 Km.
mile east of Auburn
school. Horses, hens, ma
chinery, furniture, etc.
Chris Englehart. Owner.
Saturday, Aug. 30, 10 a. m.
3 miles west of Sheridan. 2
in 1 farm sales. Horses.,
cows, hogs." chickens, ma
chinery, etc.
Hewlett and Dally. Owners.
Wednesday, Sept. 3, 10 a.m.
2 miles east of McCoy on
Salem-McCoy road. Cows,
horses, hogs, hens, geese.
Household furniture.
James W. Yandle. Owner.
Friday, Sept. 5, lO a. m."
mile south of McCoy. Im
proved 184 acre farm. Cows,
horses, hogs, machinery,
1924 Overland Bedan.
Lillie B. Vincent. Owner.
Friday, Kept. 12, lO a. m.
9 miles northeast of Salem.
Horses, cows, hogs, machin
ery, etc.
. Chas. E. Becker, Owner.
Friday, Kept. 10, lO a. m.
3 miles east of Sheridan, on
Sheridan-McMInnvllle high
way. Cows, horses, machin
ery, tools, etc. .
Fred Zeigel, Owner.
Bills of above sales mailed
to you by request.
Parties wishing my services
may write or phone for
dates. -
Yours for a successful sale,
Livestock, Furniture,
Real Estate
General Farm Sales " "
Res. IOIO X. Summer Street
Phone Oil
Salem, Oregon
Reserve This List"
"More Sales to Follow"
You will find his prices very reasonable.
Located 32 Miles East of Salem or Mile East of
Auburn Dance Hall Between Asylum Road and
Penn Road, on the McElroy Farm. Consisting of
Matched team bay mares, 5 and. 6 years old weight 1400
pounds each this Js an extra fine work team; double set
work harness, good; 50 white Leghorn and Plymouth Rock
hens; 6-f t.i Deering mower like new; 10-ft. hay rake, good;
disc, like new; 2-sectioh lever harrow; cultivator; 12-inch
plow; 34 4nch Mitchell wide tire truck wagon, like new;
hay rack; cream separator, like new; Arcadian 6-hole steel
range with reservoir, like new; 3-burner Florence oil stove,
like new;: gent's bicycle; new sanitary couch; 3 beds,
springs and mattresses; green velour lounge, like new;
oak Btand table; oak dinners: round extension table; high
chair, 2 child's rocker; 2 chums; wash machine; axe; stone
Jars and crocks; boiler; tubs; 15-galIon oil barrel; wringer;
square extension table; apples; potatoes, and other articles.
Public Attention: The public may bring in anything you
want sold to this sale. !
Owner. ; Auctioneer, Salem, Ore,
"For Successful Sale Phone Woodry, Phone 511"
soon, while the uanisn siearaer
Islands Falk, the USS Milwaukee
and a destroyer are combing the
west coast from Farewell to Ivig-
tUt- . V - ;:,-; V : ' - " ' !
Situation; Serious
The situation so far as concerns
Locatelli is-growing more serious
as it is improbable that he carried
a large supply of provisions and
indications are that his plane met
with some mishap or he would
have found some means of. com
munication with the searching
ships.,;'.',. I-" '
All Orde r s Receive
Oregon Pulp and Paper Coj
Salem, Oregon ;
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap
pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Glassinc,
Drug Bond, Tissue Screenings and Specialties.
Goodrich Hot
Value up to $2.25 Close out at
;;'98c i: ' :
Schaefer's Drug Store
ii : The Penslar Store
135 Pprth CommerciaL ?
Conducts Auction Sales Anywhere.
Yours for Real Service.
Phone 511. Res. 1610 N. Summer St., Salem, Ore.
21-211 United Stales Bank
Fits Eyes Correctly;,
He has had over a third of a century
of practical experience end guaran
tees satisfaction in every respect. If
Glasses are not satisfactory he makes
no charge for changes for one year.
It- is even considered possit! a
that he missed Greenland altogeth
er and. headed out over Davis
strait. -But it is improbable that
his -fuel supply was sufficient to
enable him to reach Labrador.-
kMMur( bM i
FUta la Kr4 ast v4 r . '
txnak MM a. l ie' t ;'
rTTipirt. a i :T
' is equipped
to make all kinds ot
Rubber Starnpi
Dating Machines
Seals " ; It I
Prompt A t tenti on
Wato BottI
Phone 1197