The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 24, 1924, Page 18, Image 18

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T his -'past -week the 'automobile
InJ a stry-celebrated Its 27th anni
versary and started Its 28th year
cf -r rod action "when, on -August
2 If J,; 0133 Motor Works, the-f irst
corapany to produce automobiles
commercially,, had , completed 27
years of successful .manufacture
of motpr' cars.' .
A review of the history off the
OUs: Motor Works gives It Jample
right, to ; claim that It represents.
, thd development of the industry,
and that. It has contributed, more
to the automotive- world than' any
otLar "eohcern.V' i?-f: - ' ii j " -"f
The Olds Motor Works,, founded'
August 21, 18S7,was; the .first
automobile, company established,
la llichigan, now; the center, of the
IzZ ;,istry. The first buildfog de-.
I f
'; . . ' --" 'V-i .J If - J, ..-v. 1
First Run
crss: Country in ?1505
voted to the manufacture. of motor
vehicles ' In Michigan . was started
in.Iansing la 1,8.98. The original
building still glands at the neucle-
ous about which the vast Oldsmo-
ble plants are grouped today.
J Away back ' ia 1895 and "
:j .t
when the , ""horseless , carriage"
was mentioned In the press as
somebody's "wild dream," a young
man by the "name of Ransome
Olds twas tinkering around Jn his
father's gasoline engine shop on
River Street-ln .Lansing. Michigan,
trying to make one of -his -fathers'
engines drive a carriage on -which
young Olds "had ., .been working
after rhours lor .many months..
Wtth'succesa attained young Olds
Incorporated the Olds rMotor Ve
hicle .company on August 21, 1897,
II-'. I x7- 4
with himself as principle stock
holder,- and 'at" the first meeting
of, the board of directors. Olds
was empowered to "build one car
riage in as -nearly a perfect man
ner as possible," this quotation
being taken from the minutes ver-
batum. i , -;; , , , .. i
This first complete vehicle; fin
ished in 1898, is now permanently
housed in the Smithsonian Instl
tutlon at Washington, -D. C I
In 1903 the Olds Pirate, a spec
ially built racer, broke all existing
speed -records by doing five miles
in six -and -a. -half -minutes -at -Day-
tona Beach, Fla- In 1905 two of
these little one cylinder "Merry
Oldsmoblles" raced from New
York to .Portland, Ore., making
the first country i motor run. In
the latter part of this same year,
the Olds Motor Works Introduced
the first two cylinder engine-. The
following year it exhibited afour
cylinder model at the New York
show and the . following year in
troduced a six.. i ; " '
A. B. C. Hardy, one of the old
est, if not the oldest, man in point
of experience in the vehicle and
automotive industry. Is president
and general manager of the Olds
Motor Works. He started in the
vehicle business In 1892 when he
became superintendent and secre
tary fof the Wolverine Carriage
company. - In 1900 he spent a
year in Europe studying the devel
opments in the automobile indus
try abroad; and in 1902 returned
to Michigan and organized 1 the
Flint Automobile company. Since
190, or over a span of 24 years,
he has been actively engaged in
executive positions in that indus
try, most : of the time with the
Oeneral Motors Corp., of which he
s vice-president.
Another triumph 4ot Willy-Knxght 4s
listed in. the announcenfent of the Lan .
Chester BaIancer,anewBritishinvention,
as standard equipment. It removes the
annoyance of engine vibration
. This aaa9 fuj ultimate -perfection to .the recos-
1 tdzed -exoeilenctes df WillyV-KpighWit -add "
perfection of riding ease to the grace the power, :
the performance, the durability that have earned i
' prestige for Wfflys-Ktught. v
X U--J-W--ihfd" - i H i - ; :' .' - ';
Car owners have desired this improvement since
"the first aiitbmobile was "built. The best techni
cal talent of the industry has unceasingly sought
Jty, Ithas presented a problem seemingly. ;
insurmountable.; , ' ; '
Willys-Knight now gives America the solution
of that problem. It makes the impossibility of
.yesterday the accomplishmentof today.; It
; reaches theipex of modern motbrcraft ih---the V
ubrotionless engine:
TIl. i?.jjp same, erigee;snaeiquiet,, superb .
sleeve-valve motor that , improve ivitH ttse and -develops
greatiefpwerundeB '
But now it endows Wfllys-Kmght.fith a velvtr l
. j smoothness of operation never before imagined 1,-
by the -enthusiasts who own and drive the car.
.. h j i . .-. .. ' ",t 1 ',"''--' " ilV'
The X-anchester Balancer marks a wide -forward
stride in automotive engineering. Its effective- .
ness has astonished car owners and engineers ;
alike. It is the distinctive development of the
year in motor circles. " r
The Willys-Knight, with the Lanehfester -Balancer
installed, is jready.'fo.r, inspection and .
demotts'tration. ' Tik out-' at all speeds. Your
experience will becloquendy convincing. ;
I uA
IMim li
WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. The
coming of the German-made -dir
Igible ZR-3 to the United States
this fall accentuates the value of
that recent acquisition to science,
non-rexplosive helium gas, of. which
this country possesses a commer
cial monopoly; The ZR-3, which
is to become American property
as a reparations payment, will be
flown to America using hydrogen;
but upon arrival it will be Inflat
ed with helium.
; So Important is deemed - the
American supply of helium, that a
measure Is pending in congress to
insure its conservation and to pro
hibit its exportation. - ,
.The bureau of mines, to which
branch of the department of the
Interior was intrusted . the search
for helium and the working out
of, processes for its recovery, has
just installed a new extraction
plant at Fort Worth, Texas. There
in conjunction with the commer
clal development of the product.
the government will carry forward
the new method, which Is to be
turned over to the navy to operate
later, when demonstrated ; fully
'A repurification plant has re
cently been Installed at Lakehurst,
Ns J., home of the navy air giant
Shenandoah. Air seeps in through
the huge envelope of the Shenan
doah, and when the hellunj purity
isdowered to 85 per cent.' through
admixture of the air, the mixture
Is taken out and put Into a' refrig
eration plant and again separat
ed. Helium 98 per cent 'pure Is
recovered, with .only about- one
per cent loss, . j '
This new repurification" plant
cost about 1100,000, but It has al
ready demonstrated a saving . of
$180,000, each time the gas is ta
ken" out and repurified. The osi
of filling the Shenandoah with unused-helium
Is estimated at 200,
0 00? .'The repurification system
enables helium - formerly used -to
be! restored to : its .pristine purity
ana pumped Into the Shenandoah
for "120,000.
". Sources of supply of helium are
In, Texas, Oklahoma and 'Kansas,
three states in' which it was orig
inally: found,-and more recently In
Utah -and Montana, -according to
Dr. d. S. Idnd, of the bureau of
mines- The conditions which
regulate its retention are not
known. Unless helium is found
to texlsttln quantities of one-half
of one per cent, mixed with other
gases, commercial -development is
not considered worth while. Two'
per ce"nt of helium In a well Is the
maximum. ' - -
tfellum is ''perfectly inert chem
ically," says Dr. Lind. It won't
burn or explode, and it -might even
put ' out a gasoline fire. While
hydrogen can be manufactured
any where in the world and is uni
versally 'Obtainable, the safety of
helium makes It the more desfr
ablo." - i t -v --i"
Ifelium was first discovered in
the sun in 1869, Dr.' Lind explains-PromHhe-
Greek word helios.
meaning the sun, it gets its name
It wns discovered on earth in
1895 and in the United States in
natural gases In 1907.' The bur
eau of. mines Btarted helium work
in 1917 as a war proposition.
People of Chinese Province
Urged to Thrift and Sobriety
i TSINGTA'O, iChlna, Aug. i23.
Governor Oao Enhung has caused
It to be announced that he views
with -disfavor (the custom of giv
ing elaborate and expensive ban
quets,! including Buch delicacies
as shark's fins and bords' .nest
soup. iHe regards any dinner cost
ing more -than 45 a plate as need
lessly 'xtravagant.-5 1 .
The governor seeks ta set the
fashion by wearing simjila cloth
ing ot plain texture, refraining
from -appearing at public-functions
in silk and satin gowns. He urges
the people to follow his example.
Becently the -managing, director-
of the Kiaochow-Tsinan railway
issued to his employes a strict or
der against -drinking and gamb
ling -and -the use bt drugs. ; He
pointed out the bad effects of such
indulgences; -and .declared he In
tended to make his -men temper
ate and free from these common
vices ef the Chlaest. - '
. . Alost of the good conversation
alists would be ruined, however.
If it Wasn't lor the pronoun, "I-
; i-l:lra;il;'l1M,;;-.;.u:..,.l,;lM, ., ,y r ...... .j '.p "rl .1 7
, -'-.."' .. ' , ' " -,rmt" - ,..ii . -'
-' I ' 1 - -; Vti: -; "- ' 1 ' '.. : .-:; 'J " ' -.
iThe . Touring Car rf 2"' W , " :U '
Runabout - - . S26S . .- i ''I f 1 - -. , "
, '! Coupe f - - -;535 : I -" 'Z?-" ' " f ' ...
V: Tudor Sedan - ra0 - ! "" i 't Vi -T 11 l S n v "r
I'll v " .) - '-i' ' - ; ' r;,'' - . -'r ? . i
To can Buy any fitOdWey mollnj a'smaTI ftxw-Ni jrwwnt mH arran$J insy'term for thhalanc. Or you eon buy
on XA Ford Waiy furcJui TLa. Thm Ford daUr in your wutighborhood wUltUuUy explain hoth plans indtuxd.
Chinese Ready to Pay , Well
Jo Enter Philippine Islands
fy MANILA, July 25:-The smug
gling; of Chinese . from British
North Borneo into the Philippine
Islands, has Increased -largely In
recent months and - has become a
profitable traffic, according to of
ficials of the custom service. ,
Within the last .week nearly 50
Chinese have been ,, arrested in
Zamboanga. on charges of being
in the country unlawfully and will
be j deported either to, -Borneo -or
Hongkong. . They, are bro tight
from .the coast of Borneo in na
tive boats and. landed on the var
ious islands of the Sulu group
only a few miles' from the British
possession. After-reaching Phil
ippine territory -they easily work
their way into the -more populous
sections, and . many of them are
never caught.; J :.L i ,
-: The . customs authorities ! have
Ordered all available patrol boats
to southern waters for the purpose
Of .beginning a vigorous campaign
against this traffic in Chinese as
well as against the opium traffic.
THe Best Non Skid --plus -- The Bkzt :Tiy
Phone 44.
JL)rivine:arordis so simple, and requires
9&b little effort that
NDte all your attention to the problems
1 dence in , driving; a Ford, mipossible j
Hwth.yimxirex 1
--your dollars buy
Phone 198 53i; Court S.t. L
Automobile Klectrlcal Work
of All lUnds
AA j r: v w
you. are free to de-
('! 1
- i
more battery life
. For every dollar you invest In-a
Willard Threaded Rubber attery
you can take out 100 cents of "bst ; ; : : ;
, -WUUxl Cbwced BomnDrr BtedM
Sv it with tU'.m mmy Utti Asn,
r ' . it i . - ; !r.
- I
1 inres
JM" T ,n -w
t. "
- 4
. ,
i i n