SUNDAY HORNING, AUGUST 24, 1924 'ljUGGAGEr- Three ply veneer wood trunk with metal top. Guar anteed not to crack or break. We guarantee that you save from 25 per cent t6 50 per cent by buying .from us. -4 Our line of suitcases and bajjs ranges from $1.50 to $20.00 - r Also a big line of suits, underwear, sort, belts' and caps. ' i " , Capital Exchnnjre Phone 13G8-W 342 N. Gca&erelal St. It Will be "Worth Your While" to trade at the Little Lndy Little Store C?.s fyvrl . r Grccenb Cor. 12th and Center Phcael357 with the Furnace "Made in Salem 17th and Oak Sts. Phcne SSS We Carry Everything Music ;" I-no Sales Representatives Sherman' Clay & Co. 4CD:4I5 Ccsrt St. Flione 933 - EAT Honey aiid MijlK Bread ' ITS UNION MADE ; MODEL BAKERY 121 South Commercial . . .... . . SALEM SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU BtJY A rUSED CAR CERTIFIED PULICJ MOTOR GAR A Fair Deal If You Buy or Sell a Used Car InvesUgate for Yourself 255 N. Church St. Half Block North of Court House . vtr 2 CI 5 . 4 FARMS e have tome beautiful and pirodnc- tlre small farms on our lists at ex treme! reasonable prices. We will be glad to take: you to see them. MOISAN & ULRICH 122 N." Commercial Phone 1354 Acnie Quality Paints and Kalsomine CAPITAL BARGAIN 4- t . 4- HOUSE "The House of Half a Million and One" Bargains 215 Center Street it - j. Phcne 30D PROJIPT DELIVERY SERVICE. Phone 305 LEHMAN'S QUALITY GROCERIES Order by Phone No. 305. t 175 South Commercial "For: Better Appearance" Standard Cleaners' iirid Dyers 362 No. Ccm'l ' Phone 1433 Flowers f or" All Occasions Plants C.- . DREITHAUPT FLORIST 123 North' tiSerty Sti' . Phone 380 Labor Unions and ers Fraternal Oi-d t i Salem, Oregon J UNION MEETINGS AT UNION HALL SALEM CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL Meets every ' -Tuesday evening it 8 p. m. BUTCHERS UNION 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Wednesdays ui' at 8 pl'nv '."(' BARBERS' UNION Third Wednesdays at 8 p. m. BRICk MASONS' UNION First Monday at 8 p. m., COOKS and WAITERS Every Friday at 8 p. m. CARPENTERS' UNION Every Thursday at 8 p. m. ELECTRICAL WORKERS Second and Fourth Mon days at 8 p. m. ! . ' GRANGE-Thrrd Saturday all day. HOD CARRIERS Second and fourth Mondays at 8 p. m. PRINTING PRESSMEN First Thursday at 8 p. m. '. PLUMBERS Second and Fbiirth' Fridays ait 8 p.m, STATIONARY ENGINEERS Second and Fourth 3 Thursdays at 8 pj m. ' , ? . SHEET METAL WORKERS First and Third Mondays at 7:30 p.m. j : , ' 1 STREET CAR MEN-j-First Sunday at 6 a. m. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION NO. '210 Meets second ' Saturdays at 3 p. m. ' ' . ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORRtfrEN PR TECTION LODGE No: 2ilMeets Wednesdays in McCornack Hall. ! k ' BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS, SALEM, No. 33Meets. Thursdays; except three summer months, in Elks' building:. FORESTERS OF AMERICA SHERWOOD FOREST . No. 19 Meets Tuesdays at 229 No. Commercial. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC! SEDGWICK POST Noi 10 Meets first and th5rd Saturdays in Armory.' SONS OF VETERANS--Meets second and fourth Tues days in Armory. . v- INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS, COURT OF ' ' SALEM; No. 3420--Meets oh call of secretary ' INDEPENDENT ORDER Or4 ODDFELLOWS, CIIE METEKA LODGE No. lL-Mets Wednesday's in L O. O. F. Temple. - KNIGHTS OF CQLUIlIBUS-rMeets second and fpuftli 'Tuesday in McCorriaclc mil. . KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, CENTRAL LODGE No; 18-i ' Meets Tuesdays in W. O building. - - KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES, WILIJIETTE TENT No. 6 Meets Wednesdays in W. O. VP. Half. MODERN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA Meets? v Wednesdays in Hurst Hall. " ; ' ' MODERN WOODMEN OF1 AMERICA,- OREGON CEDAR CABIP No: 52r0-LMeet's Mondays in W. O. W.Hall. : 1 UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS, HAL HIBBARD CAMP No; 5 Meets first and third Mondays . at "Armory.-" - :. -j ; ' . ' . WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, SALEM CAMP No. 118 Meets Fridays in W. O. W. building; AMERICAN LEGION, CAPITAL POST No. 9 Meets every Monday except three summer months in Mc Cornack Hall. !! " I - '" -i BUSINESS WOMAN'S CLUB Meets first and third Wednesday except two summer months in Chamber ' of Commerce. 1 ROYAL NEIGHBORS Meets every Monday in Elks Hall. - ' AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Meets the first Thursdaybf every ihonth at Cnamber of Commerce and the third Monday of every month at McCornack Hall. You Can Always Do Better at PIGGLY WIGGLY Fair to Labor How's Your Grocer?, 456 State St. , Phone 14 UNION MADE DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR John J. Rottle State at Liberty Street i UNION 3IADI3 Hardware, ICitchen Utensils, Electrical - Supplies, Stoves, Ranges, Guns ? and Ammunition Square Deal Hardware Co. k," P 220 North Commercial Phone 1650 Cohfecticnery Magazines . : i , tt..4 . t Daily papers iif; 1 r EOLLIBI CAK i 444 Ferry Street ; ELECTRIC TRACTORS A. C. HAAG CO. Distributors RoDin Motor Co.' Products REPAIRING WELDING ? IVtAkCrilNE ORIC WINTER ENCLOSURES AND STATIONARY TOPS 6. J HULL-Auto Tops Repairing and Upholstering i Corner Front and State Streets SALEM "! ? ' I Do Painting in All Its Branches 1 L. D. . BRANDON" xntiiact6r 287 S. Church Res. Phone 1587 Electric Appliances Fixtures Contractors HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP 1 337 Court S. Office Phone 488 Res. Phone 702-J 'Reliance' Auto Paintins Co. Shop where your mensy goes the farthest 219 Sizlo ; Phono Don't forget UPSTAIRS Phono 2020 t : . :. Everythir. In 'r2at3i;iri CO MITCHELL- ' ; - i- " Compiny ' f.' ... j . Lumber Yard 349 So. 12th Cirect ; -f, ., - . .. .... . f A. B. Kekay, Mr. - I f THE BEST , AT A f hat V what rharacterijues Le buslnip9 methods .f thin care e Authorized Ford Service TO!,!" WOL'GAr'OTT , ."STAN ' osTRAnozn 217 TATJ3 STIUCirr r 1.: -f