The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 24, 1924, Page 11, Image 11

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. .
FIRST -ReTi . II. Shsnlts, minister.
ACorning; worship mtdob by : the pastor.
Evening worship, subject: ".'Stones " fot
DsTid's Sling." Special mosio by Pelio
lay Quartette. Bible school 9:45 a. m.
BYPU, 7 p. m. "The ehoreh thst wel
come strangers."
FIRST Center and High streets. J. J.
Brain, Minister; Mill Hattie. Mitchell,
missionary. The usual morning program
will be followed, beginning with the Bible
school at 9 :45, classes and departments
for all. Ages. The men's class continues
with mnch interest, meeting in the base
ment Ci the ehnrcta. The pastor, J. J.
Etjis, -wU1 giTe the lesson. The church
aerrice is, at 11 o 'clocks Sermon by the
pastor, the mnsie directed y Dr. Epley.
Ko evening service. All, are urged to at
tend the union meeting in WilUon park
at 4 o'clock. - - ,
CENTRAL. Booth 18th Street.. Harry
W Johnson, minister. Bandar school and
morning worship at 10 a. as. Preaching
aerrice 8 p. m. Sermon topic: 'Growth
in 'Christian Life." We all live in con
tinual conflict between the ideal and the
actual. The straggle between the op
ward and the downward pall is part of
life itself. And we either lose or win.
, -evajToeucai
fcsatorj Sermon at 11 - m- subject;
'The Holy Spirit." Sermon at 8 p. m.
subject; -8lTation for All." 8nnday
school at 10, a. m. O. R. Stransbangh
will hsT chars of the- school. , Eraagel
ical league at 7 p. nv.. Howard Olsea lead
er.. Services at Aubtim, St 8 o'clock.
Prayer services Thursday evening.
' . - '' I , -EFiSCOPAX. '.' '';.' .
ST. PAUL' 8 Corner Church and Che
mekets St, Ber. H. D Chasaoera, rec
tor. Tenth ponder after, JTrinityvvHoly
EucHarist in tas ekftpes f 30-sv-'se.-The
chureh sehoeKmecte every. Sunday at
:43. Morning "prsyer will be said at 11
a, m. The rector' will preach a short
sermon and the vested choir will render
the music. 8U Paul's extends a cordial
welcome to ertaVn"otlts erricea.
- - -"" 3FBTXJTWI !T .
HIGHLAND Highland.. Ave-and, S.
Chureh iBs.,. I. G and Id Lee, minis
ter. Bible school .at 10, v' V1J
Stanton, , .Snpt,'.jroTnBff worship and
preaching at 1L Rev. W. A., Reese will
preaoa, Sm.vBmm isw .. min
ister and you wHe greatiy wterested
in-f hearing him.- Chrili Knleevoi-
7 and preaching semewat-t.p. Jtt.The
evening services wilf hfr in charge- of the
young people. Toung .peoples - prsyer
meeting on Monday at p. m.--Kegular
church prsyer meeting on Thursday at 8
p. m, . - ."
SOUTH SALEM Corner . of Commer
cial and Washington streets. Carl and
Minnie G. Miller, pastors. Sunday school
10 a. m. Dr. Carl.E. Miller, superinten
dent. You find this school i splendid
place to -study the Bibles Worship 11 a.
m., a place where we believe the Bible to
be the inspired word of God.. Come and
worship with. ns. Prayer meeting Thurs
day 8 p. m. Tourist are -welcome in
their traveling togs.
school at 9:30 . jbv Dmno fcervioe wtUs
sermon in German at 10:30 a. m. "ine
paster will speak on "The Spiritual Gifts
of Believers." Ton are cordially invited.
There will be no evening service.
' -'" ' METHODIST ' 1
mo ci ct.ta anil Church St.
dial welcome is extended to visitors and
tourists to worsnip wiss
summer months. Old fsshioned class
meeting ' :1 Sunday chool 9:45. H. F
ship, 11 'clock. Thi ia the church of
eoodt music a 'rs tt L
ZiZg under direction of Prof. E. W, .Hob
son; with Prof. T. S. Roberta at th er
rs n.: The pastor will preach on the nb
jeefci fChrist and the Will to Uve."
Union services is Will son park at 4 p. m.
First chapter Epworth league will meet at
m . a a v w
mel .who propose. m 4-cu.ion of ora
Of tAO prODietuS OX liallU Ot ninnifjnw
. . .4m n . 1 I . W .
I nivaMiT - MAennn - nnn v. ri i ru ruauinrn
meet at the asm hour in Epworth hlU
x oung people welcome, aa muui
vice while the afternoon park services
common. ;
Winter and Jefferson, fits. Take North
Commercial street car to Jefferson Ave
Thomas Aeheson. psstor. LeRoy Walker
assistant, in cnarge et tne junior enure.
Thi church will,, welcome with'v glad
hand both atranger and visitors to the
fotlowinr services on : the coming Lords
Day: Sunday school which will. convene
. a -ah m and will be led by a fine I
band of consecrated officers and teachers.
Yon will enjoy this opportunity lor sinay
inr th Rihla. - Classes for all aces.. ' Two
services of . public worship will be held
at 11 a. m. Ana l ion urn, pastor in cdt-b.
KnhWl! A Well Balanced ReUcien."
Kev. Walker will preach to the Junior
church downstairs. Toung people 8 to 16
years invited. Open air union service at
Wilson park 4 p. m. Dr. Evans. First
Christian church will address the congre
gation. EDWorth leseue devotional meet
ing at 6 p. m. The young people have
great time at this hour. Do not miss it.
Public worship at T p. m., when Rev.
Wslker will have ehargo of the meeting.
A. home like aerviee to which strangers
are especially invited. : Bring your friends
and neighbor witn yon. Bpeciai auuro
both, morning and evening, fonpel preach
ing and good time assured. This church
plans to attend the West Salem service
WuIiihiIi avenine when Bishop John-
aton will address a mas meeting is me
new church building. -
T.KSLTE 8ntn Commercial and My
ers., sta.. H. F. Pemberton.' pasdor. Yon
.n.T.ruv invited ta attend, ail the ser
vices this church ss follows: Sunday
school St -9J45, E. A Rhoten, superinten.
dent.' Bible etadyand Christian-nurture
rank this schooL Tod And: your ehiidren
will profit by attending. . tyworw leasue
at 7. All young peopi re nearoiy wei-
nma . MnralDt WOrSMS AX C IOCS.
Sermon shbject: 'Living m iwooom
House." Evening meeting at 8; subject:
'Tnat the Guide.". Excellent singing.
Christian fellowship, gospel preaching, a,
nomelike greeting an a neighborly intmoa-
phere will ail neip yon to enjoy
meetings. Come wiLn a.. , Aiaca , ini
your church. ,' .. ' .u- 1
wdtp .1 11: mrtnt atnA. Mar.
ket 8t., Rev. Mortimer C. Clarke, pastor.
SchctSv Snpt. . Classes for alL aiaea. and
ages, manned by competent ' teachers who
k.u.w. ik. RibU to bo the Word of God.
Preaching hours' 11; and . 7 :45. Clasa
meeting una. jars. ia waxre. iwuw.
Toung people' meeting 6:80. Mias Mar
tha Jaquet, leader. , Song and praise ser
vice nail, irnycr meenu jr . uu -
day at 7:30. The pastor preaches Sunday
morning' on toe topic: -vnnn w xwi
and Not the Keyhole." J.n the. evening
he will bring -en , evangelistic message.
yon' will ; receive tnveeruiai, . witwmo
each and every service. i? . . ..
ofivniwlVTlV: 1Sh and Mill Sta
Dsvid C. HasseC pastor. ; Sunday services
aa follows : eunuay acnooi . v
Gust, 'Anderson, supt. Morning worship
Jl V livsv. v y t .
Epworth lesrue meets 7:15 and evening
service 8 o-ioc. -up wt;.im.
service: ' Tbe Highwsy "SonL"
On Tuesday night the girl club will meet
with Mis Esther Berteison. . The Ladies
Aid will meet for an all day session on
Thnrsdsy for the purpose of sewing
quilts. Prayer meeting and study or Bi
ble ehrctera Thnrsdsy evening at 8 p. m.
Ton are cordially invited -to I1 of these
meetings.' - ' ' ' '' V "
Ferry St, ' pastorcH. l! arfd 3fr. Cas
well. 178 8.' Cottage Bt-pion I'1'
Sunday school 10 a. m., B. M. 8cob,
superintendent. Morning worship It .
m subiect: "Th Voice of Divine Loto."
Evening servicn 7j45,,'evngeBstift asev
ssge and ainging. Tuesday 7:45 praise
and prayer. .Friday evening 7:45. Sat-
O First Baptist Church ,
The Church that 'Welcomes Stranfrersf
11 a.m. Sermon by the Pastor
Anthem, Quartette Choir
8 p.m. Sermon by the Pastor, subject "Stone's for
David's Sling" , !
Music by DeMolay Quartette
i i-
For Prompt Service and Good
Cleaning and Pressing
We Clean AH Kinds of Rugs k .
Cherry City
- 231 N. High Street
nrday evening the' - young people have
charge of the service opening at. 7:80,
' CASTLE CHAPEL--Corner 17th St!
sad Nebraska Ave- Sunday school 10 s.
m. There is a class for all ages come.
G. P. Wells, : superintendent. Morning
worship 11, a. m. Christian endeavor
and Junior C. E., 7 p. m. Preaching 8
pm.' Ladies Aid Wednesday afternoon.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening , 7:30.
Ton are invited to H these services. Come
and bring yeur friends. George Chap
man, pastor. - '. ;
FIRST N. Church, street between Cen-'
ter and Marion. Bar. Ward Willis Long,
minister. Bible school meets at 9:45 a.
m. i Classes for all. Morning worship at
11 a. a. Bev. O. E. PoweU ot Kimball
School of Theology will speak on "The
Church' Task.". The' Christian endesv
or societies meet at 7 p. au ss usual. In
the evening at 9 o'clock. Rev. 0. E. Pow
etll will use aa hia topic: "The Coward
Oonrageoua." I Thursday evening prayer
service as nsnil St 8 pnr. nd the regular
evening song service will be Held. ,
"Rooted and Built Up In Him." Even
ing worship at 8 p. m. J Wednesday even
in prayer and praise 8 p. m.
p - Z. B. B. A. I 1 i
International , Bible Students Assoeia.
tion meets every Sunday in Derby hall,
corner Court and .Hish St. (uostairs.!
For Bible study hours from 10 to 12 and
Tabernacle study at 2:3 Q p. m. Those in
terested are welcome. ;
nr in imtiica uu f. at r
S. Johnson, pastor. ', Sunday i school at 2
p. va. rrescunr services at s and. 8 p.
m. Meetings - Tuesday, , Thursday and
Saturday evenings..; The specie;! aerrice',
come to close uneny ntgnt. tho Mis
sion ass been greatly; strengthened by
these services, jvsngelists Arasten and
Hanien were much appreciated, souls
were saved and baptised in the Holy
Spirit. Many were healed. (Evening ser
vices begin t 8 o clock. Ail are wei-
C. W. .Tibbet, pastor.
FULL GOSPEL 185 S. Commercial St.
Ralph D. Bullock, pastor, 351; Mission St.
Service Bnnday z:so and s o. m. Tues-
day, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m., I
evanarelistie and Bible study meetings.
We believe there are no noo-eiisentiala in,
hte Bible but accept and obey it au aa the :
verv Word of God. Neither do we find I
anv contradictions. Do you f Be sure and
hear Rev. Hockins. Sundsy ! afternoon at
d and Uk soma part nkT-pr,char who atill believes in the old
we have tor au i timm "fire", and power ot God. Evange
list Free Dora,, a taientea ptrnnai servsni
of God. will be with us Sunday night. His
speech is tn domonsiraiion, ot xne spirit
and of Power. VOT. 8:4. XOU W1U Be
edified and blessed. .
FIRST 12th. and- Mission Sts. Sun.
dsy school 10 a. m. preaching 11 a. m.
Evening aerviee. Christian Endeavor at 7,
Topic ; "How Selfishness 8how Itself ;
How to Overcome it I ljeeaer, waner
Well. Preaching at 8 'deck. Ton re
invited to attend
every service.
sge in the Sunday school. : - Walter Well'
is teacher of the young people class, and
we give a special invitation to tne young
people to com,' Hi will welcome both
old and new scholars. You are invited.
Is yHat Evtry, Wcnian Wants.
g57YT r tT ; Hosiery in the;
W - yr New Shades
and New Weaves
for Fall
h'ccnb: tusite . ICaycer;:; '
v Gordon Hiimminsbird "
nrRTTTAVT Crifr , of . Canital i and
Marion. Sts. , Sunday school 10 a. m., ana
German preaching service 11 n. as. No
evening service. , M. Denny, minister. v
FIRST CHCRCU-Sunday school room
ot new church building. i Kunaay morning
services at 11 o'clock. Sunday evening
aerviee are discontinued during July and
August. Subject of lesson sermon
"Mind." Snndsv school at 9:30 a. m
Wednesdsy evening testimonial meeting
at 8 o'clock.-. Heading room. zu masonic
Temple, open every day except holidays
and sunoaya irom u;ia w o-.av p.
All ar cordially tavitea so our aerTicea
and to our 'reading room, -
1S4A Tt. rhnreh 8t J. J. Gillespie,
MitM. BmHm MenflBl nromntiy S IV
n. jmv Preaehiar service 11 a. m. and
fiMinlH aervieea 8:45 and testi
Imony And presching services T:80. There
wilL not be any prayer meeting Wednes-
I aTminr htit Tnnraaar evenmK. jkwk.
88. 7:30 p. m, E. N. Kiehola-Roy, . Whai
has bean a missionary in India XI yeara
will be with sa and wiU talk on the sub
ject of Foreign Missions, end w cordial
ly invito all who can to come and hear
about the. work in Foreign field. -. ;
19th and Marion Sts- C H.i Hopkins,
minister. Sunday chooI st 8:3. morn
ing .worship st it o ciock. pwaw.
Li. E. Dimiek ot Monitor was In
this off Ice Monday with a drawing
ot his heat actuated circuit, heat
er, on which he is getting a pat
ent. ; It ia a derice to be Installed
in hop dryers, prune dryers, J in
cubators and brooders,! which will
giro an alarm when the heat be-
comes either too high or low. Mr.
Dimiek has' installed about 20 of
them : around : the : county lately
and has something for which there
should be a . demand.! Those he
has Installed are all working per
fectly. : It is. not ;8 complicated
mechanism and .will j win favor
among hop an4 prune men , and
poultrymen. rWoodburn Indepen
dent. ' I" - ! ': I
When a fool has nothing to ay
he is never satisfied until he says
it. .
i X
' J;'
In possessing a plentiful supply of hosiery there 18
.economy and the beginning 'of a' new fashioa season
"Is the most opportune time for purchasing. 4
Gordon Silk " ' -'
' Hose SO?.. $J .50, SJ .75, S2, S2.48;
Uuxite Silk ;
Hose . $130, $U75, S2.00, $2.50.
Phoefii Silk
' Hose . $1.00, $1.50, $1.85, $2.00.
Kayser Silk Hose a $1.98 to $4.5Q
Hummingbird Silk Hose . $1.50 pr.
" Come Bee the "New " ;
Something New Every Day
, . . v t -t. .- f .1
M '3
We will again, this season,
feature the 216 coat tor the
Miss who desires an 1 inex-
-, pensive , wrap for daytime
Theee coats' ) were
much in favor lasrt season
f with the - office i and store
Mlsa who required a snappy,
well made wrap.! ' i
receive careful attention. -We prepay the express or
postage within a radius ot a hundred miles..-
on every purchase or your money cheerfully refunded
1 -J-r'hZy
For the week end trips ana
. evening wear one! will find
our stock ot the better coats
complete. ,- ....,...
We have assembled for your
Inspection the different mod
els which are now on display
in our solonaV ,
We would be glad to havs
, you drop . in and see . them
.at your leisure. ' ,
Salsa Stcre f.
4C5 Stats St,
Portland Si2f Sicp
233 Alder St, .
. i 4 ,V ,-,ir f-l- '..-v
" " ' 'tT- ' '" "a!ny"m ii,i"'miiiijjj iimiiimii i - 1. 1 i i' p jti, 11 " J
U t V 1 - t. . a, 1
r! A' '
I ni-Vltoffrh win niKost of VoorlTfriGhda
in a hun e have decided to maice the
A tray full to choose among. Each the
finest" Jwgt fiataond;
. ypu ever saw at anywhere near the rxgure.
v si si .
Each mounted in w1?? SPPM1? f1?001"
lished with p-enuine sea blue sappmres!
f - 1
a dollar and fialse v
urn 'a,
along qne-or toeije
Pay Jhe talanccj "as-you 'd.1!''
A: dbllai5 a ' week will, dp! 1h i
; Thb isf a personal mvft
man in Salem and hereabouts to get a dia
mond m the Burnett sa No intro
ictidnaV needetJ. No rtapiL No ta( No
interest. Nb anything! You simply bring a
dollar and 'an honest face-and you leave
tlia matiess iamoiid!
And the Burnett guarantee protects you! Here it is. Read-it:
If, within thirty days, you iind (or fust INK that you've foundX
that you can do better in some other good jewelry store tor Cash,
ua n h-,.n 1n 7s in brine the diamond back
every penny you have paid will-be returned to you, and ihat ith
out a whimper! v..-. ; 1 r ;
f Ml,
La 3& I
' ' t 4
P S. ' If you can think of a stronger guarantee than
that well write it YOUR way. ,
t .( a' I - - I"" -: "'
v jijtVjT y - T v. - ' ' ll.
' - .:. : i-
i " .. , - -r. :: : .
l ..
j ,vr. r:-;-r '.r r " . -.; .- .. '