iK -Ha' (n-J--cfc. THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON Jl V w . JUS" V'Mt.4. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23; 1924 llECIBOP : THE HOUSEIVIFE Plenty New on Market State Board of -Health Has Suggestions ' What's new-tor today, you ask? There are some new things in , the market. Perhaps you ) have , not had any . sweet potatoes this summer. There are crisp celery i hearts in the market, egg plant, , peppers and almost everything I that grows. The rains of the fore 'part, of the .week . bare been a boon to the truck farmers. The house-; wife finds her regetables perfect. Sweet corn, . beets. 1 carrots, cab page., cucumbers, etc. can be found in abundance. ,, The bulletin pent out by the state health board this week con tains some suggesions which it would be well to keep in a conspicuous place. By fol lowing these a well balanced meal is served. "The instructions are to choose for each day some one thing from each of the five groups. Too many , dishes from the same group is not advisable as persons .cannot keep well if they do not have a well balanced diet. Choose one from each of the fol lowing groups: i - 1. Meats, eggs, milk, cheese, fish, peas, beans, nuts. 2. Vege ' tables, such as tomatoes, squash; lettuce, celery,, "greens,', aweet com. 3'.' Cereal grains, bread, ma- ,'caronL'i 4. Butter and cream. PaTiV Rurming Mate and JSenatorPat Harrison - Relaxins from Convention Strain at Ball Game, ' r ' r v i ..--yS) ' a t .. - - A, Democratlo pollttdana axe 'Just recoverlnjr from, the effects of the Ions drawn oat national conven tion. This pnotopraph, was taken while Charlea. W. Bryan, nominee 'for the vice presidency (at right), and Senator Pat Harrison of Mls- we psessi i I ! , - 4 1 1 vv. t f : : j U , t Tf 0 V Salmon McGowan's "Mapje Leaf" Salmon, the finest of Columbia J River Royal Chinook, half pound flat tins, . 2 for 55c One-pound flat tins, 2 for :.J .::..85c Extra fancy cutlets, one pound oval tins . 54c Coffee , Our No. r Blend in bulk is making a host of friends," QQ pound :.. .... 0C 3, pounds .$1.15 Schilling's Coffee, vacu um tins, AQi 1 pound -TflC 2ij lb. tins ...;....$1.19 Tea . " ." ;-; Golden West, packed in Portland, Orange Pekoe Ceylon English Break fast, Japan or Gun Pow der, one pound . packages .... .. 00 C Half pound packages 33c I ( V At Our Q Phone 478 lard. suet,- salt' pork and bacon, table . and , salad oils- J 5. Sugar, molasses,'' 'sirup, " honey, ' cakes; candy and preserves. .While too much fruit is not ad visable it can be used in so many ways that each, 'meal should in clude either- fresh,: stewed or steamed fruit. All fresh fruit should be wash ed thoroughly, stemmed, skins and stones removed before it is stew ed. 3 Cut fruit In small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and set in warm place until ready to cook. As apples are so plentiful at this j season, an 1 apple desert is given: ' : ".' -;' T - Add some lemon juice to apples prepared as specified above. Cov er the top with i fine stale bread crumbs. Moisten ; with eggvand milk! Add cinnamon. Bake un til fruit is done,Lnd crumbs are brown.! Serve-hot with any good sauce or cream. Funeral of Alex O'Kane !; At SilvertonToriay ' I : ' ;' ' ' SILVERTOX. Ore-c Aug. 22. (Special to The Statesman). Funeral " services have been ar ranged for Saturday afternoon for Alex O'Kane, who died suddenly at his rooms at the Hansen hotel Monday morning. Mr. O'Kaae had gone to work at the Silver Falls company mill when he be came ill. He went to his rooms about eleven o'clock and death followed shortly after. He leaves three sons, Elmer O'Kane, ' form erly of Silverton' but how. of Los Angeles, C. O'Kane vand Percy O'Kane in eastern . states. A- resort bedroom would be much like the one at home if it were cleaner and cooler. , . . . . : 1 alssippl were : trying to forget the political turmoil for tne moment! by attending a same- played by the! World Champion Tankeea and the Washington. Senatorp at 'WaaS)4 it Sunbrite Cleans- 1 C er, 3 cans .l..... laJC Margarine Gem Nut, j 3 pounds .i 69c Fruit Jars . . Ball Ideal Fruit Jars, ; dt ' -I A dozen ....!. v 1 1 7 Lard I Cascade Lard, 4 lb. net pail .:. 69c Sardines Booth's large -oval tin 2 for ....... 25c Rolled Oats Fresh 9 lb! bags 49c Toilet Paper Sanitary tissue, full 1000 sheet rollsj i - : QQ 5 rolls fori - Oe C Shredded Wheat, OQ 3 packages ..l.xieC Market Best Quality ;J " V ; u&tsm n,-. i i ii li l IJWX W ' - A II I I II 1 1 II Ml I 111 GBH 0PEI1E0 i i FDR PICTURE Liberty and Grand-Will Show "The Covered Wagon" , Saturday and Sunday So great has been the demand of the people of Salem and vicin ity to see "The Covered Wagon," which opened its return showing at the Liberty theater Thursday; that the production will also .be shown in the Grand theater today and tomorrow, and will remain at the Liberty through Monday and perhaps Tuesday. With showing going on simul taneously In the two theaters Manager ; Stille hopes to be able to accommodate the crowds that have been filling the Liberty I to capacity at every show, and give everyone an opportunity to view the production. ". I '- Yesterday the crowds at the Liberty .surpassed .even those of the evening before, when the crowd stood in line extending 200 feet up the block to be on hand for the second night performance. Yesterday afternoon it was neces sary to sell standing room and run two shows instead of the. custom ary single afternoon performance.' Last evening Mr. Stille announc ed that any pioneer who has not already had the opportunity I of viewing the production will i be admitted free, upon making him or. herself known at the box office at either the Grand or the Liberty theaters. .hoj: Mars Will Be Visible at ' 10 O'Clock This Evening The planet Mars will be visible at 10 o'clock tonight, appearing in the southeast, and no other star near will be anywhere near the size of it, so the interesting planet will be j very clearly dis tinguished. Mars Is now nearer the earth than it will be for 100 years. The elements which com pose1 the planet, as escertalned by telescopes that reflect the light rays from the planet, are those that sustain life. I. L. McAdams, local astronomer, will have his tel escope at High and State streets tonight. He says the planet now looks twice as large as in any pre vious observation. Dinner at Marion Hotel To Entertain Governors One of the features of the con ference of western governors and state officials to be held in Salem September 4 and 5 under the aus pices of the National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor, will be a dinner at the Marion , hotel. beginning at 8 o'clock, on the eve ning of September 5. The conference is to open at 10 a.m. on September 4, with a public meeting at the Marion ho tel. An address of ..welcome will be given by Governor Pierce and a short talk will be given by Maj nnnn n r Cantaloupes Fancy poney size 6 for Large size, 3 for . ...... 25c 29c Corn. ? Golden Bantam Corn, well filled, 9Cn dozen ..... wuC Onions VValla "Walla OCA Onions, 7 lbs. ........ DQ IVlilk Federal Milk, large tins, fe,k;--..49c; Flour -; Ls Crown or Del Monte our" price will advance next week, d1 OQ 49-lb; sack 1 470 Wool Soap - For toilet and OA bath, 6 bars , LtVQ Fresh Meats , 5 DeHveries Daily HF TR IPn'Tn 7 i tfA:.......... ,. ... MIC..IH1 James W. Whip attempted to be friend Miss Dorothy Orandon-after she had been kidnapped, stripped W her clothlner and tarred and' Veathered iat . Frederick. Md., ny a ' of masked men and women. or LeEoy. Hodges, president of the penitentiary board of the state of Virginia and chairman of the allo cation committee ' of 1 the - confer ence. Warden Dalrymple of the Oregon ' prison will - preside over the banquet' on the following eve ning. I ; The so-called states' use ' plan or prison employment is to be, the main 'theme of the; conference. ' Soft Music Played While - Oregon Note Is Burning SILVERTO, Or., Aug. 22.4 (Speclal to The Statesman.) A very pretty social .was given at Trinity church Wednesday evening the main feature of which was the burning .of the pipe organ note. Trinity -Young People's society bought thej pipe organ about three years j ago j and ; paid the last part of the note . this month. The first - part. of the evening was devoted to a program at which Prof. L. ii. Gimmestad of Galo college in Wisconsin, was the .prin cipal speaker., . Other numbers on the program- were- solos by Miss Esther - Larson, Mrs. . M. G- Guh derson, - Jjliss Marie . Corhouse; sketch by the Girl Scouts. A,very pretty feature of the program was the burning of the note. . two tiny gms, uutn inompson and - Esther Larsen, dressed ' in white, carried the note - to thei stage' where., Miss Dora Henri ksen.fl organist.: received them, taking the note and burning it . , whlle Miss j Esther Larson played -softa music. .: I - - Many Silvertonians are , Camping at Gladstone BILVERTON. dr., Aug. 22: (Special to The -Statesman.) A great many Silvertonians are camping at Gladstone1 park at Oregon "City, most of them going up Thursday morning. A Lutheran- Chautauqua opened there at that j time and will j continue 6r one week, Others iare going up to attend the daily sessions, re turning home each evening. 8 A boys camp is one of the features ot the Chautauqua." ' New Water Commissioner Appointed at Silverton ; -l,- . ';",:'; i SILVERTON, Or.; Aug. 2 2. (Special: to The Statesman.) At a special meeting of theJ city coun cil Sidney ;E. Richardson, manager of the Silver Falls" retail' yard, was appointed as a member of the Silverton water commission, to succeed lustave Av Beck, who died! lasti Saturday night." The board is niow composed of N. Dig erness, chairman, W. L. Cunning ham ; and jS. E. Richardson. Old Job had, a hard time, but there Is nothing in the report to indicate that he had hay fever. I mm- (te'u ipffimil Si T 2 FAM&Y THREATENED BY MOB AFTER Am T AR RED and feathered GIRL I -.I... . ; He Is shown above with Mrs. Whip and their, children who have since been . - threatened by a mob. ,He keeps a sua, on hand to protect himself ( and - hia family. ... The GET.1 BOOTH WITH LITTLE! GR4XDSON IIE DEDICAT1IS TO i THE SALVATION AK1T1 r &7K 1 ii- rii'firiiiM nnMHiriftnmii Gen Booth; bead of the Salvation 'Army, Is shown here with his little grandson, Stnart 'Wytcliffe . Booth ,Gen. Booth, has stated that he will .dedicate the youngster, " his first grandson, to the Salvation Arrays i , . Soviet! Verdict Finds Tolstoi Was Burgeois . '. r- .. (By MQ) ' JERUSALEM, July 26. As mandatory power for - Palestine, Great Britain probably will be called upon soon to decide whe ther titlie to the vast properties of the Russian .church in -this coun try shaU go to the Soviet govern ment, or to Russian church in terests Outside of Russia. The Controversy involves hun dreds' of thousands of dollars of property in Jerusalem and vicin ity, &s well as in Bethlehem, Naz areth andHaifa, consisting of churches, monasteries, hospices, parks ahd other valuable plots of land.' One of the churches is in the Garden of Gethsemahe and anotherjon the Mount of Olives. The Metropolitan Antonin, head of the Holy Russian Synod in Pal estine, has arrived here in connec tion with the case. He is an an nounced., czarist and i believes his faction will ; secure title to these holdings. " .;. : i t In connection with the Soviet's claim, the interesting ' question arises whether the Soviet can di vorce the church from the state and yet claim property belonging to the church- Athletic Contests are Put t on at Playground As the playground, season nears its cfose, Miss.Danta .Robbins, su pervisori.at the Lincoln playground in South Salem, has been staging playground . athletic J badge tests r .... miHU authorities are investigating' a re port that the Kn Klax EIaa waf behind the attack on the girl and the theory that it was inspired b a discarded admirer. . . ' this week and today final compe tition for first, place badges will be held. ; Two series of tests have been arranged, one for the boys and one for the girls.' These tests are as follows: , ; Boys-rStanding broad jump, best record so far 5 feet, 9 inches; 50-yard dash, 8 seconds; baseball throw, 130 feet;, pull up, four times or a .l ioot rope climb. i Girls Balance : test, 24 feet plank walk, Including one deep- knee bend; 50-yard ..; dash, 8 sec onds; basketball throw, 35 feet; volley ball serve, two put5 of-five trials. ' ' ' To Hold Night Automobile .Race for the first Time LOS ANGELES, Aug. 22. Night automobile racing will make its initial appearance here tomor row flight with the staging of an eight event program on the Ascot dirt track. ! Already five entrants have been received. Jack Petticord, claim ant to the Canadian i dirt -track championship, Leon Duray and Eddit Meyer, are entered, v PIJETCHKU IS REINSTATED T NEW YORK, Aug. 22. Arthur Fletcher, manager of the Phila delphia Nationals, who was fined $100 and Indefinitely suspended by President John Heydler for an attack on Umpire Pfirman at Phil adelphia, August 12, was reinstat ed today. ' ARE. YOU HELPING WORTHY CONTESTANT . , (Continued from page 1) ily . see that they will lose the op portunity of a liretlnje.' The con test closes next Saturday , night make every day count. Newport as a Fishing Resort , No other place in Oregon af fords snch a variety of fishing as Newport, with the ocean on one side for deep sea fishing and Ya quina bay on the other. Scores of, different kinds of fish, includ ing sea bass, ling cod, rock cod, halibut, porch, kelp, flounders, and salmon (in season) ' are caught in abundance. I Vast halibut banks are just off the coast. This industry is- rap idly growing and has assumed huge proportions in the last few years. Fishing fleets from Seat tle, Tacoma and Portland, as well as the local i fishermen, fish on these banks.' On the beaches at low tide crabs and clams are Secured with little effort. 'The : famous "rock oys ters" may be dug from the rocks at low tide. Newport 13 the only place in the United States where this wonderful delicacy Is found. j During the summer (weather permitting) many fishing schoon ers in charge of reliable pilots make daily trips over the bar to the deep sea fishing grounds. This furnishes a thrill, to the visiters long to be. remembered. It is quite common on these trips to see whales, porpoises, black fish, seals, and the sea lions disport ing themselves in the placid wa ters of the Pacific, while the sea parrot, pelican, cormorcent, sea penquin, and many other . sea fowls, scream their delight over head. . v:- v Summary of Prizes Offered Ten ten ladies receiving the ten highest number of votes in the contest will each be award ed a free vacation trip to New port, commencing Sept. 2nd. The entertainment at Newport will be provided under the aus pices of the Newport Chamber of Commerce. There will be spendid accom modations and entertainment of various kinds provided. This will be a red letter week in the lives of the contest winners and one never to be forgotten. An- other joy wrill be added when each of the winners is present ed with a box of Gray Belle candy. These will bo charming summer vacations and with all expenses paid 'by the Chamber of Commerce- of .Newport , and, H he.. Statesman Publishing- com pahy 'they will be ddtfbry" de lighted. ; : f CLASSIFIED SECTION Phono 23 Advertising .Dept. ; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Ste per word; Per iniertion Three intertiens St Money to Loan .On Bsl Estate . T. K. FOKD Oyer Ladd A Bnah Bank) '. . OEEGON IKCORPORATSD Victor Schneider, Sec Organized to transact a general Real ' Estate and Iaresttnent business, with the object of giving better aerviee to the Homeseeker or Investor. . We deal in any and all kinds ef Real Estate, guarantee ever- transaction aa to fairness in value and absolute title. Act aa agents for non-resident prop arty owners,- also write Insurance. Booms 815-316. U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg., Salem Oregon. AUTO TOPS WE ARE NOW IN OtTB NEW LOCA tioa at ; . 219 State and arc better equipped than ever to . handle oar large Auto Top business. O. J. Hull Auto Top A Paint Co., Inc. 8-J30tf FOR RENT Apartments 5 NEATLY--i FURNISHED APARTMENT 545 Court St. Phone 1057. 5-a26 FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED 3 room apartment wtih private bath, 372 N. Winter. 1 ; 5-a23 FOR RENT 2.TWO ROOM APART nenta furnished, close in, 8 blocks - from state house. Price only $18. See these. 1171 . Chemeketa St. ; 5 a24 THREB -BOOM FURNISHED APART meat, 692 N. Summer. 6-iae3tf IF YOU ARE INTERESTED Kf COOL, s clean, comfortable apartments, reason i able . rant; located downtown district, ; Patten apartments. ' For inspection or .1 reaervatioa. call Pattca'a Book Store. . j - 5-ml4U FOR RENT APARTMENTS; 91 NO. B BBBB 1 FOR RENT Rooms 6 FURNISHED ROOM, 2 BLOCKS FROM : state house.- Breakfast if desired. Phone 885-W. 253 N. 13th. 8 a26 FOR RENT House 7 WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN A five room house by only paying $30 per month. Very small payment down. , Telephone 1974-J or call at 1057 8. 13th. '7-a20 FOR RENT 10 room furnished house 6 room furnished house -f45 -$30 -$35 -$25 ; -35 .$35 5 room modern bouse 8 room semi modern house 3 room modem apartment 5 room, modern apartment MRS. MOYER 147 N. Commercial -St. 7-al7tf HOUSES TO RENT P. L. WOOD, 841 State St: 7-m23tf "WANTED To Rent 7a WANTED TO RENT FOR 3 OR 5 years, , farm of from la to 300 acres. Must be some pasture, with or without per sonal property, i Give particulars first letter.. . S. M. Erickson. 642 a East Davis SW Portland, Oregon. 7a-a24 FARM gon. WRITE BOX E, MARION, Ore-7a-a26 FOR SALE Miscellaneous 8 FOR SALE POTATOES, $2.25 DELIV ered. Phone 8lfl3. 8-a30 FOUR 7 WEEKS OLD BOSTON TER riee pups. Call 26F33. . 8-a24 OR EXCHANGE f-NEW CABINET SIZE phonograph, Edison Diamond disc. Will trade toward car, lot, or will sell. 625 N. Winter. 8 a23 PUBLIC NOTICES AIMONISTRATOR'S FINAL NO-' - TICE .. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his, final account as administrator of the estate of Fred Kobow, deceased, in the county court of the State of Oregon for the County .of Mar ion, and id j court has set the hearing of same, and of any and all objections thereto and, the set tlement of said estate for 'Shurs day,! the 25th day. of September, 124, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of said j day in ; the court room of said court at Salem. Ore gon.! ' ' - .; Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 23rd day of August, 1924., ! LOUIS F. KOBOW, , j : t Administrator. C. M. In man, Attorney for Estate, j a23-30;.s6-13-20 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVING SOUTH TWENTY THIRD STREET. Notice is hereby given that the common council of the City of Sa lem. Oregon, will, at or-about 7: 30 o'clock p. m. on . the 2nd day of September, 1924, or at the same hour at any. subsequent meeting of the said, council there after in the council chambers at the j city hall in Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon each lot or part thereof liable therefor its proportionate share of the cost of Improving South Twenty-third street from the south bank of Mill creek to a point which is twenty feet north of. the north property line of Oak street. All persons"- interested; in the said; assessment, are hereby noti fied! to appear before the said council, at said, time and place and! present their objections, If anyj they have, to said assessment and i apply to the said council to equalize their proportionate share of .same. - ' : ' ''"' By order of, the common council the l?th day of August, 1324. : ''. i L'POU LSEN, City Recordeit. ' Date of first publication hereof 13 August 3.2t I92jt ... a22.23-;;4 One week (tlx lngrtloii) Be One Booth , ' " ; ?"r Biz monthe' eontrset, per iontk15e 13 moaUi' eootrkct. ter moath 12b Minimum for any dTrtUemnt25 FOR SALE- Mtscellaneoas S FOR SALE nEATEK. DUPLEX COM- bmation. 2390 Brooks Ave. : 8 a24 'Trespass Notices For Sale . Tresspass Notices, siae 14 inches hy 9 , inches, printed on food 10 ounce canvass bearing the words, "Notice Is Hereby Given That Trespassing- la Strictly Forbidden On These Premises Under Penalty Of Prosecution.' Price 15c each or two for 25c. Statesman Publishing Company, - Salem, Oregon. :.-! ' - 8-atf. HIGH GRADE PLAYER PIANO USED 3, months, left with1 us to aelL Must sacrifice at once.- Big discount given for cash or large first payment. Tall tnan Piano Store, 895 South 12th St. . 8-a24 PRINTED CARDS, SIZB 14" BT 7" wording, "Kooms to Rent.' price It ; eenta each. Statesman Business Ol fiee. Ground Floor. : ( FOR SALE PIANO. Call 455 Hickory. :,: j ; 8 a27 FOR SALE SIMON BABY-. BED. Buggy ssa Ullo.. ; Ull lilJ.i , - 8-a23 LIGHT HARDWOOD TRAILER! NEW tire, ood condition, $70. Phase-60 ?4 v. . . . ' -;.-.:-! ., f ;in 8-a23 SAND AND GRAVEL BUXKEKS, 5 miles north. - Bargain if sold soon. H. J. Beardsley. Phone p6F3. 8-s2 FOR SALE NICE FIVE O0t HOUSE, small payment down, i the rest like rent Call 1974-J or come and see it at 1057 S. 13th. i : S-a20 FOR SALE TENT, 2255 8TATE. C. Van Patten. Phone 1833W. 8 a21 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 eenta a bundle. Circulation department Oregon Statesman. - ; FIRST CLASS OATS AND VETCH IIAY Phona 84F12. 8-)31tf UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. . ' Have your machine repaired by the people who make it. ! Special resta rata to students. 800! Aiasonio Bids Phone 262. n23 Beautiful Oregon Reel And eleven other Oregon songs tea . rether with fine collection, of patriot ie aongs, sacred songs and many elf ' ... time favorites. ; , ALL FOR Z5e. (Special prices In quantity lots) Especially adaptable for school, cobs -tnunity or home singing. Send for- : Westerii Songster 70 pages sow in its third aditioB Published tr OREGON TEACHERS VOUTHLT 115 S. CoamercUl Et Salem, Or. GOOD STEP LADDERS AND PORCH wings at m bargain. 1757 Waller St. - - " ' 8-jne2 8 U FOR SALE PEARS FOR CANNING 50c Bring your box. ; Coma to large prune dryer on Wallace road. F. O. Ewing. - - - - 8-sS4 FOR SALE LdTestock xO FOR SALE PIGS AND SHOATS.- Third house east of Turner on Pavement. , . : : a23 100 LtARGE BAMBOUILLET RAMS for ssle. Russell Shepherd. Portland Union stock yards. North Portland, Oregon, SEVERAL, REGISTERED AND GRADl Jersey eowa for sale. Priced right, W. O. Sodeman. JeXIerson, BX. 1. . - 9-al FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN-, Office 430 S. Commercial. Pbaa 11 9 WOOD FOR SALE 11 OAK AND APPLE WOOD FOR RANGE, heater or furnace, sawed. Hperial prices. Phone 58F12. : 'lI-28 16" MILL WOOD FOR NORTH SALEM from -new mill near Deaf school. 5 loads 815. Phone 204. Il-a23 . CALL ON US for your supply of : wood - and coal; Tight prices, courteous service. - Phont 1855. Hillmsn Fuel Co. - ll-aS4 JUDD SAWS WOOD PHONE 142. 11-al SPECIAL PRICES ON ;X8" OLD FIR Phona 1361M. 11-al FOR SALE DRT SECOND-GROWTH fit wood, 4 ft. For immediate delivery, Phono 106. i 4-fl2tf 18-INCH OLD FIR, 4 FOOT OLD FIR. second growth oak and ash. Phone 19F3. M. D. Mayfield. 11 )6a! BEST GRADE OF, WOOD ; 4 ft. and 16 inch. ; Dry or green mill wood. lry second grewth iir. . ' Dry old fir. i Dry 4 ft oak. Prompt delivery and reasonable- price. FRED E. WELLS. 280 South Church, Phone 1542. t 11-afitf WANTED Employment 12 LADY WANTS POSITION, EXPERIENC ed La store, office work and typing. Address 5132, Statesman. 12-ai WANT WORK ON RANCH BY YEAR. Have family. 1849 Market. 12-aJ7 , WANTED Miscellaneous 13 WANTED GOOD SHOT GUN. 1020 W. TIIONE 13-a2S WASTED TO BUY OFFICE FURNI ture. Roller top desk. Stenographer's desk or stand, typewriter, aft me li brary table, office chairs. Leave rail at 316 U. S. Bank BIdj. A. White. - . 13-a2S CRABAPPLES WANTED 100 BOXES Yellow Transcendent.; Ward K. Rich ardson. ! 18 a'J3 WANTED A PARTY WHO WANTS A five room house by only psying 838 a month and a small down payment. Phone 1974-J or call 1057 S.- 13th. 18-a2f WANTED LACE IN ' GOOD KOMJ -wh era ' little girl caa work for boar and room and go to school. Phone 175 ...- . ;-c .... - ..-f . .. i3-l7tt WOO DRY THE AUCTION EFR BUYS used furniture for cash, l'faoni 61 1 ; .- 1 j. I A I j I - I f X t i ( i 4 i I i i ; 1; t ! I I t A. 4 . 4 . V 4 r t ; 4 t 4 t i 4 f A i