' k i THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON , - s ' SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23; 1924 " " -. i . ... f i i . i r r .. . " 5!-: U -: :. jijlBlg nil; r . ....J Mcaaii J JJ,. i : -' 4 1 i . a. V i - IW SETBACK 1 THE C01I1 MARKET Wheat Also : Goes Down at Chicago Stock. Market; : Oats Market Unsettled CHICAGO. Aug. 22 Sharp new setbacks in corn resulted today . from a ' rush of selling due to weather favorable for the grow ing rp. The closing in the corn .market ...was. nervous 1 v3-4c to 2 3-4c net lower. December $1.08 1-2 to $1.08 6-8, with wheat un settled 3-4c to 1 3-8c down, Sep tember 11.23 3-8 to .$1.25 1-2 and December $1,30 .", 1-2 to $1.30 3-4. QuaKiy Gro ' SOUTH COMMERCIAL BETWEEN STATE AND FERRY What is true Economy? Just hunting the town over, for a bargain or two. No, indeed jnot it is not worth the shoe leather to say nothing about the waste val uable time. Is it standing for half an hour in some store1 waiting to be waited on by an insufficient amount Of clerk help, -with the false idea of; saving money? Again, NO ! The busy housewife knows only too well her time is valuable. The tired working man knows too the trial of his patience when a clerk .has to rush him through his order, giving him no time to think or ques tion, but he submits because he thinks he is saving a little money. But is it so? Are you real sure you are saving, and practicing real economy? -What is true Economy? True Economy consist of Ja combination , of low prices, Quality and prompt service Trade in the store that can meet ALL of these require ments. LEHMAN'S GROCERY is doing this every day. Low Prices, Quality and Prompt Service. PITOXEtE 'YOUR . OKDER TODAY ! . 305 - i: FEATURE . TODAY Gravenstan . Good Keepers i Finest on Try Our Fine Hard Wheat Hear 49 lb. sack r 4 ' Satisfaction Guaranteed .. flj ptosi's MM ee . vMo Mjed Eatsa.. .;... ge ic?3 Bason Sr . . ;. . 2Se Bason gquaresSTj:!.:. USs Oats 1 5-8c to 2 l-8c off and pro yisions showing 5c to 20c decline. The tenor of crop reports com ing in was much more hopeful than has been the rule of late, and although the market scored num erous rallies,.; none proved lasting. Lowest prices of the day reported just . before the close and were about 12c under Monday's top level.. . j A big share of the corn selling came from standing Instructions to unload at definite limits in or der to stop losses, the. weakness of the market having necessitated heavy calls for, margins- On the other hand some - recent sellers were reinstating their lines, assert ing that the break in values had gone far enough and that- six weeks of good weather without frost is needed' If the bulk of crop U to mature- . 1 Wheat proved sresponsife to corn weakness, although liberal OCR OWN "lJEXIY- EltY AT YOUR i SERCK the Market. UKLJ lbs. hr Wheat !j ..mm s ranteed li r nuiciF On . p export business gave prices num erous transcient upturns. Big re4 ceipts of wheat however acted as a weight on values, and so did more favorable advices regarding the Canadian crop outlook. Pros pective increase of democratic spring wheat marketings counted, too, as a bearish factor. r ,! Indications of a rapid increase of stocks of oats tended to un settle the oat market. The provision- market sagged with grain. I GENERAL MARKETS I . ; ; : t PORTLAND, Aug. 22. Grain futures: Wheat, hard white, blue stem and Baart Augiust, $1.35; September, October $1.40; soft white, August $1.34; Septem ber $1.34; October $1.35; west ern white, August, September, Oc tober ; $1.33 ; hard winter Aug ust, September, October $1.23; northern spring, August, Septem ber, October $1.25; western red, August, $1.22; September, Oc tober $1.24. . gfti Oats, No. 2 white feed, Septem ber, October $3; ditto gray, Sep tember, October! $37. -'"r -j' Millrun,.. September, October $28. ' : : .it - : PORTLiAND. Aug. 22. Hay. un changed. '" , SAN? FRANCISCO. Aug. 22 Receipts: Hay 127 tons; un changed. NEW YORK, Aug. 22. Evap orated apples nominal; ' prunes firm; apricots and peaches', of fers light. NEW YORK, Aug. 22. Hops unchanged. London Reports Strange Radio Messages arc Heard LONDON) Aug. 23. (By the Associated Press). -An attempt by British t wireless experts to "listen In" on Mars resulted in strange : noises being heard - at 1 cJoxkhIiorBlng.-iTh6 sources of the noises could not be ascer tained by the experts. The j at tempt was made on a 24 valve (tube) set erected on a hill at Dulwich. Representatives of the Marconi company and of London universities were present. , Tuning . in started at 12:30 o'clock a. m., and at 1 a. m., on a 30,000 meters radius, sounds were heard which could not; be identi fied as i coming from an earthly station. . ; 4; f The sounds were likened to harsh dots, but they could not be interpreted as "Morse code." The noises continued on and off for three minutes In groups of four and live dots. SALEM MARKETS Hi Prices quoted are wholesale and are priees received by farm era. No retail prices are iciTn. ,' .';.! GBAIxr ASS, BAT V. 3 wheat $1.28 No. S red wheat, tac)ML$ l.ZO & $1.24 Oat -4- -fiOe 64c Cheat hay i Tw,, 13 j $13. Oat hay S14 15. Clorer hay, baled ...tsrc4-j'j.ia fid Ilors, top, 22V275, wt2 ..fT.T5 Hogs, top, 225-375, awt. .,...8.00 Hogs, top, 150-225, cwt. Rough, heary p .. j.f 8.00 ..Its (fi 4e ..2b 0 4c LilgUt sows fop veal, dressed Cowa 78 2e 4e -7o & 9c Top limbs SdHdz Iambs rOD-VTBX i . Heavy hens 17c Light hens ..lle EGOS. BUTTER. BUTTEEFAT Creamery batter 41e O 42o Butterfat. deliTercd . ...8e Standards ...26c Pullets ..22e Milk, per ewi. Egg. selecU. .$1.85 .28e ' ;METlARKET at 263 North Commercial street in the building formerly occupied by the Rice Shoe Store. 'K? ! The building has been completely renovate and re painted, new modern fixtures have been in$talled so as to give customers clean' quality meats, in the; best , sanitary condition at right prices. '"' ' " j ' 1 ' Special ior Saturday Some extra fine BABY BEEF. M Also a complete I line of fresh and salt meats. You are invited to visit our store the' .opening day " Saturday, August 23 Hunt &, Schaller Meat Market t w u..-i. i - rLYn u:.i: s k .y m : ;Tr cil, " iT-: TLIK PLICf FQR TOUR Vice Will residential Nominee Give Short Talks On Vital Issues WESTBROOK: Conn., Aug. 22. Short; discussions of fundamen tal issues will be. the policy fol lowed by Charles G. Dawes, repub lican vice presidential nominee, in the speaking campaign that is ex pected to take hjm into every sec tion of jthe country. Announcement of his, policy was made by Mr. Dawes here today in an informal address delivered' to several (hundred residents of this little shore town, before resuming his trip to Maine where, : tomor row at Augusta, he inaugurates his speaking campaign. The gathering here today was a nonpartisan affair in which the republican and democratic iseiect men of the town joined- in wel coming) Mr. Dawes. Mr. bawes, remarking on Xthe character of the" gathering, ' de clared it was nonpartisan, how ever, to talk about political speak ing and then made his announce ment as to his Intention to make short speeches primarily on fun damental issues,' BOYS EXHIBIT MUCH EMOTION AS END NEARS Co-tinaed from page 1) millions of dollars possessed by his ; clients' families had been a positive handicap : to the defense. He spoke too of the attitude of local newspapers, which he charge ed. i had inflamed public opinion against Leopold and Loeb. "There are times ' when ; poverty Is fortu nate, and this is one of those times.'l he said. "Wildly extrava gant stories were published with out basis of facts.' They. said this was to be one of the efforts to save the boys by the' use of money , rt:-- . , , i - " To Get Nominal Fees Mr jDarrow denied that, pointr Ing out that the experts called by the defense were to receive fees based upon their regular charges for professional services, and that he and his assistants had agreed to take a a amount as the Chicago Bar association ; thought proper. . He declared that the state's attorney was asking for a death sentence in the' face of conditions that riiade It contrary to preced ent, and frankly admitted that the defense had pleaded guilty be cause jthey "were afraid to place the case before a jury" i, A ppreciate Responsibility He said he and his assistants fully realized the heavy responsi bility they had placed on the judge and added: "If responsibility is divided by 12 it is easier to sway it. But If these boys hang there can be noJ division of responsibility. You can' never explain . a Hanging by saying that other courts overpow ered you." ,f 1 s Hanging, he ' said, .would he more. I cowardly and cold blooded than ihe crime Itself. The killing of Franks "was one of. the least dastardly and pruel" he had . ever known about, he said, and in justification of this statement de clared that the standard to be ap plied here was the suffering of the victim.1 "Bobby Franks suffered very little,' he said. "He was dead within 15 minutes after entering Announcing DAWES 00 S The Opening of a New and Up the automobile. He may not have known what happened." . "Tho murder was not for mon ey," he charged with scorn, em phasized again by the shaking of his, forefinger. " It was the sense less act of immature and diseased children, wandering around in the dark, I whose lives we cannot thor oughly understand." Mysterious N. Y. Hold-Up; $1 00,000 Taken at Noon NEW YORK. Aug. 22. Police tonight were trying to determine how two robbers, after binding two men with picture jvire and gagging them escaped with dia monds valued at $100,000 from the ninth floor of the building at 1 70 Broadway, at "-" Maiden Lane, during the noon hour today. Alexander Feldenheimer, one of the owners of the establish ment! and Mark Wolin, a customer were the victims of the holdup men.f -.Wolin . managed to roll to the wall of the room and press against a button which communi cated the alarm to an office next door.! Within, two minutes every elevator had been stopped and everjf door in the, building was guarded,; but a. : thorough search failed to reveal -any suspicious characters. ff V ; Wblin was" the-.victim of a sim ilar irobbery In ,1923 in which $100,000 was taken. Dedicate Section Pacific . j Highway at Oregon Xity OREGON CITY, Aug. 22. Of ficials of .the city' and state and members of .the highway commis sion today dedicated the Canemah Bluff section of the Pacific high way Governor Walter M. Pierce, Senator Charles L. McNary.- W. B. Van ;Duser, chairman of the state highway . commission; Roy A. Klein, state highway engineer; C. VV. Stinger, assistant general, pas senger agent of the Southern Pa cific; Frank -T. ; Young, resident highway engineer' at Oregon City, apd Mayor Anderson were' among the speakers. . L j - - ' ' ': i ' i ' - - , - ?vA. sheroot is 'the root of all evilj exclaimed the smoker as he threw away a Pittsburg stogie. SA THE RKER TO THE HOUSEWIFE 'Here's a generous-sized loaf df bread that's made as near' perfect as bread can be baked that's Peerless bread. It's made from the best flour, is light, palatable, and di gestible. The excellence of our bread is known to hun dreds of customers ,' "Always a bit better". . Peerless Bakery :-. 170 N. Commercial . 1 Phone 808 - totdate Mysterious Signals Did Not j Originate on Planet ; Mars f VANCOUVER, B. C., Aug. 22. Unusual signals heard by the Point Grey wireless station here and other British Columbia-radio operators recently are not mys terious messages; from Mars, Sup erintendent E. .ft Haughton of the dominion government wireless service declared tonight in an ex planatory statement. j "The' signals reported to "be so mysterious were merely those sent from; United States radio beacons on their new tonic train ' trans mitters," . s a Id Superintendent Haughton's statement. "Both Swif tsure and Columbia river light vessels have series dashes .as the character and it is these signals which were heard at Point Grey. The Point Grey station may have beard the main wave or a har monic. The operators have mis taken ordinary automatic signals." First Steps Taken to : Dawes Plan Effective j. PARIS, Aug. 2Q. (By' the AP) The first step toward actually putting the . Dawes plan Into op eration probably will be taken at the cabinet meeting tomorrow when there will be appointed some of the various officials who will represent France in the first plan of organization or least members of the committee of French ex perts who will cooperate with the Germans in - putting the final touches to the plan for economic evacuation of the Ruhr. YOU buy drugs when you are sick, clothing at more or less frequent intervals, furniture once or twice in a decade, but groceries nearly every day. -In selection cf your foods why. not take the same care and precaution you do in the selection of the others? .- ' ".: ' IN. choosing your grocer, ,look first for quality and then for price. If you find both at the same store, stick to that store; if not keep on looking. . . ! QUALITY AND PRICE go hand in hand at the PIGGLY WIGGLY, To Convince yourself of this visit PIGGLY jWIGGLY. YOU are always welcome whether you come to buy or merely to look . and inspect the cleanest, most systematic food stores in the world. - - ' - I f '.. ' Washburn Crosby O bflllP ,49 lb. QO PI GoldMedal jiMlmii Bag . . . . . Xj& J :fy.i;y:,;: yO Ornery BITEB Crystal White (fOP .. 23Bars::: Sanny Monday vylLT 27 Bars . . t ) L c w U .?.- ': ' - ly ' : :- y ' . - ;- ' ' . Royal Club IFIFIEE Can . . . . 1 X J The Famous -fMnEC Tillamook yilsil& Pound . . . . . jw Potter's Qn nS?m Jar-r rnn Famous Furniture IT WiLuOhil Bottle . . .... ' - ' J- . - y ' n ' y ' mi in ii ('.''." 1 . ' ' . '. ' K.. J. , .. .- j . 2 - . ' j . : Bag KjitA U mVmUMlM-.. Bag . . . . . . . . ky.C O. Elason Fruit .: : : Lc We carry a complete line of fancy lunch goods and nationally advertised can j goods. In buying food stuff at PIGGLY -WIGGLY you do not sacrifice quality for i price. We. offer nothing, but. the best obtainable The saving in operating expense ij , passed on to yout" Telephone orders given special attention. - "'' ) We are now using the best lot of beef that has been in our market for a long time. We are selling this choice steak 20. less than our former price'. Choice Baby Beef to I Roast ......:... . .; .......i;....... Freshly ground ; Hamburger " ... .; Pure Pork Sausage, No Water, No Cereal ...I... .. .. .. :..J.......... Picnic Smoked Shoulders Cottage Rolls ... .......... i..: . McDowell Market Where a Dollar Does its .Duty. I t . Open . Until 8 P. M. PHONE 1421. . ' QUflLITY PRICES 15c 12c ...15c 17c .22c Saturday . Evening. 173 S. COMMERCIAL v J ! i mm , J. v i 1 AU11L i ; ; VJUjf YY I 1UI1L 3 ijj- iw uwlaucl uo norin commercial j PHONB-14