The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 23, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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)' Will carry Home announce
ments, from itierriuuitrt ot Interest
to you. ' See tltfci pa per' ; and let
thoi advertlrtement guide you in
your buying.
Too will find an aWndaaee of in
formation from, merchants, who
"supply ta 'tteecls "(f your table.
1lead all of "these ads.
. . I - 1 S r . II
President Insists Peace Must
Be Definitely Established
"Before 7ext Disarmament
Declares Himself to Be Weil
Pleased 'With the Politi
cal Situation
PLYMOUTH, Vt.. Auk 22.
President Coolidge, Mt waa said
here today, wants the reparations
problem 'completely settled and
; peace definitely established in the
world before extending invitations
to 'another Conference on limita
tions of armaments, which he has
Meanwhile the administration
will not seek to push negotiations
tor settlement of the debts of for
eign nations due this country lest
it Interfere with solution of the
reparations situation and putting
the Dawes plan into operation
Nor does he consider the time
'practicable for an arms confer
ence. '
Breaks Seclusion
President Coolidge disclosed his
views on official affairs publicly
: i
today, for the first time since he
suited his Taxation a week ago
;in a meeting with newspapermen.
,Today also Is practically the first
: time he has broken the -veritable
; 'seclusion he has kept at his fath
er's home. He has receded only
a few intimate friends during the
week and described himself today
?aa well rested and refreshed. Ear
lier ta the day he spent an hour
, pitching -hay at "Cousin- Ed'
1 Blancbard's farmf ;
' , On domestic affairs, the presi
dent was said to be much encour
aged over the business outlook in
this country, particularly In view
of the successful, outeome of the
International conference ! on the
Dawes reparation plan. , j :
Situation Pleases
Likewise he was "reported as
'pleased over the political situation
' - including that in Maine although
'reports reaching here hare been
Jof a "casual" nature. Mr. Cool
; 'idge has : not discussed politics
'with Chairman Butler of the na
'tional committee since . coming
here and he is said to have no
plans for taking part In the cam
paign, excepting to derote most of
his attention to official duties, j
The president has no speaking
'engagements of a political nature.
'It waa said, nor has he any plans
'for making any. SeTeral addresses
are on his calendar but these will
'be for specific occasions. ..
Similarly Mr. Coolidge ljas'not
'reached any conclusions on the f e
' port of the tariff commission on
'the sugar duty and on the per
sonnel of the agriculture commis
. sion which he has said he will ap
point. Members of the cabinet
hare been asked for suggestions
"in connection with the latter. ;
The president hade It "known to
day that he has asked the army to
' 'conduct itself with much tact in
'plans for Defense day that no dif
ficulties will arise between the
.'government and civil authorities.
: Will Hold Inland Empire
Golf Meet at Spokane, Wn.
SPOKANE, Aug. f 22. The
Eighth annual Inland Empire golf
'todrnament will be played here
August SO, 31 and September 1.
'at the Spokane Country club, it
'was announced here today. Many
northwestern cities are expected
ho be represented. Nearly all for
mer champions have" accepted In
'Titatlons. -.:--
1 The title is now held by For
rest watson of Spokane.
"exctt cloudy 'or 'tossy along;
the coait; 'no change in tern-:
pefaiUxa; '.iic-irite 'southwest-'
erly winds.
r, ;- (Friday) ; '!
Maximum temperature, .77.
Minimum temperature, 53. ,
Rainfall, none. -
Rirer, 2. ,. ' ' "
Atmosphere, clear.'.'
Wind, north.
Curiosity of Operators Is
Aroused Uy Signals of
Hfysteriotis Origin
NEWARK, N. J., Aug. 22.
Signals of mysterious origin, re
ceived 'with t peculiar frequency;
were reported tonight by radio
operators 'of station WOR. The
station Is keeping an all night
watch in endeavor to "listen lu
on Mars."
Natives of Greenland Report
Hearing Aeroplane Pass
i Through Air
Tia wireless, Tia Battle Harbor,
Labrador and Fogo. N. F., Aug.
22. (By Associated Press.)
Lieutenant Smith from Fredericks-
dal reports that natives heard an
airplane humming above them aft
er the last of the American army
planes had landed in Greenland
waters Thursday "evening. " 'A'
party of Esklmoes is being organ
ized to search tor Lieutenant
Locatelli, the missing Italian avia
tor, between Cape Farewell on the
southern point ' of Greenland, 'and
Ivigtut, on the southwest coast of
Greenland, north of where Lieu
tenant Smith and Lieutenant Nel
son made their landing from Ice
land. The Danish steamship Is
land Falk is aiding in the search.
The American cruisers Rich
mond and Raleigh and the torpedo
boat destroyer Barry are cruising
about looking for Locatelli. They
are using their searchlights to
night. Heavy clouds of smoke
were sent up at intervals during
the day. The fuel shortage is like
ly shortly to compel the Raleigh
to Quit.
' A "etbrm Is predicted for Sun
day. It fs considered that this
forecast probably may advance or
delay the flight of Lieutenants
Smith and Nelson toward Labra
dor.,,.,,. - i
REYKJAVIK, Aug. 22. (By
Associated Press.) Scout planes
which were dispatched today from
the American warships patrolling
the north Atlantic to look for
Lieutenant Locatelli. Italian avia
tor, who left here with the Amer
ican fliers yesterday, but failed to
arrive at Friederickadal, Green
land, were forced by dense fog to
return to their mother shins this
evening without having found any
trace of the missing airman.
Velma Thomas, 3 Years Old,
Fatally Burned at 1950
Front Street
Burns received by "Velma Thom
as, agcj 3, when she. fell into a tub
of scalding water Thursday, prov
ed fatal Friday afternoon.
The tub of water was belna-
used bv Mrs. John M. Thomas, her
mother, to scrub the residence at
1960 Front street, which had just
been taken by the Thomas family.
Unseen by her mother, little Vel
ma toddled to the edge of the tub
of scalding water, and toppled
into the tub. Her little body was
badly burned.
Funeral "arrangements have "not
been completed but will be in
charge of the Webb funeral par
SILVERTON, Ore., Aug. 22.
(Special to The Statesman). The
Young People's federation of the
Oregon district of the Lutheran
Free church : has accepted an in
vitation from the Ebenezer Free
church to i convene at Silverton
August 29 to August 30. Meet
ings will be held at the WOW
SILVERTON, Ore., Aug. 22.
(Special to The Statesman). All
former North Dakota residents
who are now living in Marion
county are Invited to attend . a
picnic at the Silverton park on
Sunday, Aug. 31, for the "purpose
of . organizing- a' North Dakota
club. :
ziBK i
Defense Prepares to Sub
stantiate Report Made
Previously By Cecil Rey
nolds, Noted Doctor "
At Least Two of McCoy's
Relatives Have Been Con
fined to Sanitariums
LOS "ANGELES, Aug. 22. No
curious throng annoyed the un
dertaker's assistants who today re
moved the body of Mrs.. Theresa
Mors, shot to. death here August
12, from the mortuary where : it
has lain since the day-after the
killing, to the baggage car of a
train bound for New York, the
home of the dead woman's
mother. - ; :'. I:'
There were no flowers, and Al
bert A. Mors, former husband ' of
the shooting victim and heir C to
her 9125,000 estate, was not! to
be seen. -.- . " ,; - ,-1 1,M
At the county Jail Kid McCoy,
ex-pugilist charged with the mur
der, wept as he told women In
terviewers of his love for the de
parting dead, collapsed in a near
faint as doctors subjected him to
blood : tests, or slouched sullenly
in a corner of his cell, disheaveled,
morose, uncommunicative.
Meanwhile defense attorneys
announced that two additional al
ienists will be employed to ex
amine the prisoner with a view to
substantiating the report made by
Dr. Cecil Reynolds last night and
that the defense is prepared to
show that at least two other mem
bers of the former fighter's fam
ily have suffered from mental dis
orders ' necessitating confinement
in sanitariums. r ' ;
Police and district attorney's
Investigators have practically con
cluded their Investigation into the
shooting ot Mrs. Mors and the sub
sequent boulevard bullet orgy in
which McCoy is alleged to have
held up the Mors antique shop
and shot and slightly wounded
three persons. Each of the many
lines of investigation has been
pursued to the end, they announc
ed and there remains but the task
of organizing evidence already
gathered for presentation at Mc
Coy's trial. Next Monday at 10
a. m., has been set as the time for
entering pleas to eight charges of
murder, robbery and assault with
Intent to commit murder placed
against the one time ring Idol as
the result of the two shooting af
frays.' : ! '.'!!
LEAD. S. D., Aug '22. There
was a light rfabwfcill! here yester
day. The flakes melted as quick
ly as they fell. " " ' ' ; s j
Are You
Helping Some
Many contestants are busy at
work determined to win a States
man free trip to Newport. : i
When "you pay . your subscrip
tion to The Statesman be sure you
A Few Hours Catch
receive the votes to .which you are
entitled, as votes are Issued on
"both old and new subscriptions,
according to the amounts paid.
"Aslr 'for "your votes sonie lady
will appreciate them. I s
' Do not : delay do not let this
chance slip by.;- Tour competitors
will not, you may rest assured,
and unless you get every available
subscription during the few re
maining' days of 'the contest you
may be defeated by a very small
margin. ' : -. . -. "
First Campaign Address to be
Given Outside Nebraska
Will be at Elk Point
LINCOLN. Neb., Aug. 22.
Governor Charles W. Bryan, de
mocrat! Vice presidential candi
date, today accepted an Invitation
to address a gathering of farmers
at Elk J Point, S. D., Labor day.
It will be Mr. Bryan's first cam
paign address outside the state of
Nebraska. -
In ; announcing! acceptance of
the invitation extended by Louts
N. CrlH, chairman of the demo
cratic state committee of South
Dakota,! Governor Bryan said he
would discuss farm questions, re
view, legislative and administra
tive action relating to the farmer
by the republicans during the last
four years.
Association of Commission
ersj Takes Stand in Fa
vor of State Control
PORTLAND. Aug. 22. A vig
orous fight will be opened against
the federal government's attempt
to take over the' power of regu
lating the natural game resources
of the! western states, according
to the; sentiment of the western
association of game commission
ers In annual convention here.
David H. Madsen, founder of
the association and game com
missioner of Utah launched the
attack In the opening session of
the convention today, directly fol
lowing: a speech by Governor
Pierce,' v advocating game protec
tion by state authority.
Madsen charged the federal
authorities with trying to grab the
control of the west's game re
sources for their own. use by a
bureau; system, directed from
Washington. -
Capt. A. E. Burghduff, Oregon
state ( game commissioner, sup
ported! Madsen with the statemnet
that all western states have their
own game laws, which are now
working successfully and In do3e
touch jwith local ; needs.
Indorsement of this stand was
made by the entire assembly,
which Included the game commis
sioners of eight western states
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon
tana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah,
and New Mexico,
Washed Ashore at Beach;
Perhaps Lived in Portland
The body of an unidentified wom
an clad in a bathing suit was
washed upon the ocean beach near
here today. Investigating officers
found clothing some distance
away bearing the name of a Port
land, Ore., and ' Taeoma, Wash.,
ontestant to
Vacation Trip?
. By a little extra effort enough
votes jmay be secured to build up
an Impregnable reserve. Many
candidates have! given us the as
surance that they are going to
work hard the few remaining days
of 'the contest .
Do; "not 'let your competitor get
the subscriptions of your locality
before you awaken to your oppor
tunities. ' More votes will be issued
during the few remaining days of
the contest, undoubtedly, than in
all the previous days. Here's a
chance . to win a charming trip
to Newport, and those ."who do
not take advantage of it will read-
(ConUnotd on page 8
French Ruhr
Assailed in
PARIS; AUg22. (By the AP.)
general: assault on former
Minister Poincare's Ruhr policy.
and 1 Communist Leader Cachin'a
arraignment of the United States
and Great Britain as warlike im
perialists, today occupied a solid
eight-hour deoate In the chamber
of deputies on the agreement
reached at the International con
ference in 'London.
There were sundry references,
to Prime Minister MacDonald of
Great Britain as a f lse friend of
France, and the. Dawes repara
tion plan came in for a heavy cross
fire j from M. Cachin and Leon
Blum, socialist leader.
! Premier Herriot defended him
self,; frequently enunciating the
high idealistic standard that
"France's right must be her
strength," and blaming the admit
ted weakness of his negotiations
upon the errors or pledges of
previous governments, i
M. Blum, one of the most 'able
debaters In the chamber, "Madera
lengthy speech, which he pfetai:'ed
with ' the announcement that ' his
followers would vote confidence in
Mayor Giesy Prepares List
of Representatives tor J.
Patriotic Orders
i Acting upon the request Of Gov
ernor Walter M. Perce, Mayor
John B. Giesy yesterday appoint
ed ithe. local committee trc'ooper
ate with the governmentiaUs;for
making September ' 12. Natfotial
Defense Day, a success fh'Oreg'on.
This day Is being observed "as' the
sixth anniversary of the battle' bf
St. jMihlel. Patriotic exercises "of
an appropriate nature will be'tetd
i connection with the military au
thorities. Col. Carle Ab?amswill
be the general chairman for Sa
lem. . . - i -
Patriotic organizations 'and their
auxiliaries will be presented by the
following appointed persons:
National, Guard, Captain Paul
Hendricks; Salem Sector Rerye
Officers' association, Dr. W..' Carl
ton Smith; GAR, GIddeou Stofz;
Sons of Veterans, Dr. B. F. "Pound;
Daughters of Veterans, Mis 4Julta
K. Webster;- WRC, Mrs. -'J. 'JT.
Shipp; Ladies of the GAR.'ilfs. T.
C. Gosser; Ladies Auxiliary Sops
of Veterans, Mrs. Charles. H.
Cameron; Spanish-American .War
Veterans. F. M. Alley; Ladies'
Auxiliary Spanish-American War
Veterans, Mrs. F. A. ThpmpBOb;
American Legion, Carl D. Gabrlel
Bon; American Legion AtfXilfary,
Mrs. John J. Rottle; Veteran's 'of
Foreign Wars, Beaton 'llamble;
Disabled Veterans of ttfe World
War, Frank W. Durbin, Jr.-.Smer-Ican
War Mothers, Mrs. 'j. 'ACar
son; La Societe des 40 llommes
et 8 Chevaux, Bracier C. Bnrajl;
American Red Cross, .'tit. itenry
E. i Morris; YMCA, C. 'A. Tt&ts;
Knights of Columbus, T F. "Kll
Han; Salvation Army, Ensign Wil
liam Sagert; Charrians; "Al 'N
Pierce and the Elks, Dr.'C. .
O'Neil. I
Secretary of U. S. Na$,
1 On Tour of Irisftecffbri
CHICAGO, Aug. 22.-Urifs t).
Wilbur, secretary of the 'KaVjf,. to
night left Chicago for Des Moicies,
la.; on his coast to coast Inspection
of naval stations. Before ieaVing,
he ! paid, his respects JoK ilrs.
Charles G. Dawes, wife of th'e re
publican vice presidential ,'hom
inee in Evanston. Tfa'e tGrekt
Lakes training station, - secretary
Wilbur i declared,' In equfnieht
surpasses any on the east coast.;
Hylan Will Not RunM, Y
I Governor of N- rrV'Sfate
; NEW; YORK, Aug. 22.ffayor
John F. Hylan announced -tonight
that he would not, he Veafc.
didate for .governor of New jVork
He! &id he would support the 'can
didacy of 'a progressive demo
crat" naming ; Lieutenant Gover
nor George R. Lunn, former .'gov
ernor Martin jt.t tiynn ana Auor
ney vzenerai wan nruuu us jiu
NEW YORK. Aue. 22 Frankie
Genaro, flyweight champion of
the United States, won a judge's
decision over Billy Levin? of Now
York in a 12-round bout at the
Steeplechase AA, Rockaway beach.
tonight. The champion outboxed
hi opponent in every round.
States Scored
the government. Nevertheless he
attacked the government and the
Dawes plan freely.. ,
I "Poincareism is dead. Indeed,"
he said but then he! launched in
to an attack on a statement at
tributed to Charles G. Dawes to
the . effect that the experts' plan
would have "been limposaible If
France had 'not occupied the Ruhr.
"The truth is that the Ruhr
occupation, dragged i us Into the
Dawes plan,"- Blum added vehe
mently,, while the deputies of the
left 'applauded. Near the end of
his address, however, the socialist
leader put In a good word for the
premier. '..
p "We thank the premier," he as
serted, "for having begun-to es
tablish European solidarity and
for having i brought - the United
States, so long absent from Eu
rope's affairs, to turn anew to
wards us who have need for her
This last remark evoked several
jeers from the extreme right and
the extreme left, M. Cachin shout
ing. "Oh, they aren't disinterest
Will Embark on Berengaria
( From Southampton This
Afternoon ;
LONDON, Aug. 22. The Prince
of Wales spent an uncommonly
busy day packing bis personal be
longings for his second trip to the
United States and receiving many
of his Intimate friends who called
to wish him "bon voyage. i
At Southampton tonight every
thing was . In readiness to escort
the heir to the British throne on
board the liner Berengaria when
he arrives there early Saturday
afternoon.' The' last touches wdre
today -put on the special decor
ations which have been carried out
on board the ship, r
The Cunard company has taken
the greatest pains that nothing
should be omitted which might
make the prince's voyage a pleas
ant one. Entire suite which the
royal passenger will occupy can
be Isolated at will from the re
mainder of the vessel's accommo
dations, but it is fully expected
that the prince will participate
In the customary life of the liner
and will take his meals In the
regular dining room.
The ball. room has been speci
ally decorated for this voyage and
a special dance orchestra has been
engaged to cater? to the well-
known preference for dancing.
Former Salem Man and
Woman Friend are Held
Up By Robbers
v Word has been received in Sa
lem that Robert Littler, who vir
tually grew up .in this city, was
recently held up, robbed of a gold
watch and $10, and knocked un
conscious with the butts of his
assailants revolvers when he at
tempted to resist. A woman friend
who was with him Was relieved of
all valuables at the point of a re
volver.: .!
The incident occurred on the
Middlefield road, just east of Men
lo Park, at Palo AltO, Cal. Lit
tler and his friend were driving
along the road early In the eve
ning when a car in front of them
stopped, blocking the road. ' (At
the same time another car closed
in behind, cutting off all escape.
Men from both automobiles par
ticipated In the holdup. . .
Littler is well known In Salem,
having lived here for many years
and graduating from Salem, high
school. He attended Willamette
university for two years, and
made a name for himself in foren
sic circles. A year ago he left
Salem and went to Palo Alto,
where he entered Stanford uni
versity.; During the last year he
has risen to a place of leadership
among the Stanford debaters.
Rainier, "Aug.. 22. The. rocky
slopes and ridges of Mt.j Rainier
were white today as the result of
the first, snowfall this summer
this week. Because . of an excep
tionally early : spring ' the snow
fields on the mountain were great
ly diminished. - ..
American Star Tennis Player
Will Be Presented With
. Car By Friends
The California lawn tennis asso
ciation tonight formally approved
the plan of -Helen Wills' friends
and tennis enthusiasts to present
the national and Olympic tennis
champion with an automobile on
her return to Berkeley next week.
The gift is to be a testimonial of
appreciation for the honors she
has brought to California. The
machine will be purchased with
voluntary subscriptions.
The last day of the state tennis
tournament, September 9, is to be
called Helen Wills' day and she
will give an exhibition with Mrs.
May Sutton Bundy of Los Angeles
as her opponent if Mrs. Bundy
can arrange to be in Berkeley.
Body of Wealthy Manufac
turer Is Discovered in
Greenwich Village
NEW YORK, Aug. 22 A tin
box in a Greenwich village base
ment today gave up the . body of
aged Aaron Graff, wealthy manu
facturer of Wilkes Barre, Penn,,
and furnished the homicide squad
another gruesome - mystery to
solve. .
Graff, missing since August 1,
had been strangled! His limbs
had been hacked off and crammed
with the rest of the body into a
galvanized tin container four feet
long. . Blankets had been stuffed
around him; the lid of the. box had
been sealed with shellac, and over
all had been poured a thick coat
ing; of wax and plaster of paris.
A tiny hole in the box released
an odor of. decomposition, which
caused residents of. the building
to complain to health authorities.
This morning detectives, who for
weeks had been searching for
Graff, traced the odor to the base
ment and thence to the box.
The dead man was a manufac
turer of radio cabinets. The base
ment where his body was found
was occupied by the family of
John Logasy, a carpenter, from
wnom Gralt purchased cabinets in
the rough. Logasy is reported by
his wife to . have been missing
since August 9 and a general
alarm was broadcast tonight for
his arrest. ; His wife and one of
his carpenter shop employes were
In custody as material witnesses.
Graff was 72 years old and
occupied an apartment in West
72nd street. When last seen by
his wife he had $800 cash on his
person and; set forth to the Logaay
home on, West 12th street to pay
the carpenter $100 onl account.
Police say jGraf f also had a ren
dezvous with bootleggers for in
vestment of the remainder of the
$800 in liquor. No money was
found In the tinbox.
Immovable Spots Seen" on
Planet May Be Caused By
r SnoW Covered Areas
! FLAGSTAFF, Ariz., Aug. 22.
Immovable dark spots observed on
the planet Mars in observations
from Lowell observatory here the
last two. nights possibly may be
snow, E. C. Slipher, photograph
ic; expert at the observatory, said
tonight. .'! ! ;
' The spots , covered an area of
about 10,000 square miles on the
bright colored areas of the planet,
defined as desert regions by as
tronomers, Mr, Slipher said. They
were located 15 degrees north of
the equator and -135 degrees of
longitude, j
Observations last night disclos
ed that the spot were located In
exactly the Same positions as on
the previous night, the scientist
declared, j
"; "Since the . whitening ot the
planet's surface did not drift
across its face in the time elapsed
between our first and second ob
servations I made on the nights of
August 20 and 21, respectively It
Is probable that the deposits are
on the surface of -Mjars,' Mr. ElK
pher added, continuing:
As Defense Continues Final
V Arguments Loeb and Leo
pold are Overcome; Leo
pold Bows Head
Becomes Necessary for Po
lice Force to Clear the
Entire Building
CHICAGO, Aug. 22. (By the
Associated Press). The "killing"
of Bobby Franks was a senseleas
thing, an unreasonable, unex
plainable and foolish act that
could, have been conceived and
executed only by a diseased mind,"
said Clarence S. Darrow, 67 year
old veteran of the criminal court
battles,; In his plea today before
Judge John R. Caverly . for the
lives of Nathan F. Leopold Jr. and
Richard Loeb. "Why did they
kill little Bobby Franks?" asked
the gray-haired pleader,' pointing
a shaking forefinger at the Jud,?e.
"Not for money. They, had that.
Not for spite, not for hate. They
killed him as they might kill a
fly or a spider, for the experience.
lieciares "poniethIng Slipped"
"Because somewhere," and here
the strident tone sank to a pitch
of regret, "in the finite processes
that go in the making of the boy
or the man, something slipped.
And now these unfortunate lads
sit here hated, despised, outcast
and with the community Bbouting
for their blood."
The appeal proved too much for
the self control of the culprits.
Throughout, most of the afternoon
they sat tense, " Loeb following
every movement , of the pleader;
Leopold growing pale beneath his
customary ruddy flesh.
But when Mr. Darrow's elo
quence pictured disgrace to th
families the grief of mothers, th
sorrow of fathers, -the blasted
hopes for the boys themselves,
Dickie flicked tears from hl
cheeks and Leopold stumbled frorv
the court room with bowed head.
Leopold Is Overcome
So overcome was the latter that
he struck blindly against a par
tition narrowing the entrance to
the "bull pen." The impact
drove him sidewise, but he did not
raise his head. With extended
arms he plowed past the bailiffs
and fairly plunged into the ele
vator that was waiting to convey
him to the approach ot Cook coun
ty's "bridge of sighs.",
" Judge Caverly leaned forward,
resting his. chin upon his clasped
hands and riveting his eves, upon
the speaker.
State's Attorney Unmoved ,
.Robert E. Crowe, 'state's attor
ney, and his assistant prosecutors,
sat motionless. Early in the day
mt. vruwe uau interrupted waiter
Bachrach, junior counsel for 'the
defense, as the latter sought by
the evidence and written opinions
of the prosecution's own alienists
to show that Leopold and Loeb
had "paranoid personalities." But
no voice came from the chairs of
the state's forces while Mr. Dar
row was speaking.
Surrounding the judge were vis
iting legal luminaries from other
Chicago courts and from outside
cities. Back of the speaker were
hundreds of spectators who had
gained places in the room after a
struggle through the mob of. curi
osity seekers whose tactics be
came so rough that half a hundred
extra policemen had to be sum
moned, i
Riot for Scats
A small riot preceded the after
noon session. The strucgle to gain
admission to the already crowded
courtroom ended only when the
police at Judge Caverly'a order
cleared the entire building.
Those who won past the guard
ians sat with craning necks during
the hot afternoon absorbing every
word of the , argument. They
missed parts of It, for at times Mr.
Darrow's voice dropped until it
was audible 10 feet away.
At the outset of his argument
Mr. Darrow declared that the
fCowtinnod on pnr 3)
The man who puts off many
things, accomplishes but little.
He thinks of them, Intends to
do them but he doesn't.
Don't, postpone sdvantars
start reading and usin i:
Statesman' Classified Ada tit
day. i