Tim OREGON STATEsilAN: SALEM, OREGON ' 8- Physical Culture Expert at 53 Teaching ! Little ' ! 2 Year Old Grandson How To Do Strength Stunts 4 1 I Kinds of Athletic find Vo cal Stunts Will Entertain Clubmen Strawberries Again Appear Grapes and Water melons are Popular State Board of Pilot Commis sioners Reports Active Year f IhEASE III ; TRADE SHOWN FlfflC T1SSW PROM S MELL N MARKET TODAY A marked increase In the com merce passing through tho Col umbia and the Willamette rivers is shown in the annual report to tho governor by the state board of lllot commissioners. The report covers the period, from July j 1, 1923, to June 30, 1924. ! Relative to , the refrigerator trade with Europe tiie report say that apples have been the predom inant commodity.' During the ap-ple-ehipping season of 1921-22 nipple exports reached 444,994 boxes, while for 1923-1924 the total was $41,947 I boxes. The outlook for the approaching ap ple season is said by steamship operators to, promise a good move ment for Oregon fruit. Pears and other, fruits, it is said, have been handled under refrigeration, while heavy shipments of prunea in "the dried .state are moved - on all classes' of vessels. Wheat Trade Heavier. "In spite of decreased trade in some directions as noted during the first half of 1924," says the report, "appreciable gains Were recorded in water-borne commerce for the cereal year ending June 30. Vhea exports from Portland re shown to have totaled 24.145, 798 bushels, valued at $25,938, ,709, while for the preceding sea son they were 14,785,955 bushels valued at $17,608,491. Domestic "wheat shipments were . 955732 bushels, valued at $990,209 for the 1923-24 season and the prev ious year were 225,575 bushels valued at $279,797. Flour ex ports for the cereal season, just ended aggregated 1,979,254 bar rels, valued at $9,589,351, and the year before the amount of that commodity sent foreign countries was 1,177,017 barrels valued at $6,260,349. Flour loaded for do mestic destinations last season ag gregated 742,361 barrels, valued at $4,515,467, and for the 1922 23 period the domestic flour for warded amounted to 606.055 bar rels valued at $4.073.98,6. Lumber Statistics Shown. 1 "Foreign . lumber shipments were reported at 387.225,415 feet, valued at, $11,416,206, and the year before they were 215, 877,104 feet valued at $5,801,402. Lumber floated for domestic des tinations during the 1923-24 per iod measured 245,790,091 feet valued at $6,564,912 and for the previous year was tabulated at Director Grocery Department Gpocialc for Saturday We have convinced the people of Salem that you can always do j better at Director Bros. Department Store. We 1 are eriving better goods for less your list of needs and Everybody knows sky high and coiner to rNow is vour chance to est price offered I Snowdrift or; Olympic Flour 49-lb. Sack $1.79; Barrel 7.10 1 Pure Cane Sugar, 12 Lb. Peaberry Coffee, per lb. .LL. 35c 3 Lbs. for $1.00 Rolled Oats, ACn Goden Kod Washing Pow- : j 9-lb. sack xJC der, regular 15c 1 r sellers,, now, pkg. ... DC Olympic Pancake, - " 9-Ib. sack OVC Full Cream Cheese, 0- per lb. ...j ..;.. LoZ Hookers Lye, , , in i ; - can L.l UC Babbit's Cleanser, r per can ...i.... ..... OC AVhite Wonder Soap, AQr Citrus Washing At 13bars-: -C Powder, 2 pkgs. .... 49 C Director Better Goods for Less 1 74-71111 ommerc,' Street 5 Deliveries Daily. C.O.D. Orders sent out js "There's a Iiurma girl a-waiting an' 1 know she thinks of me," one is likely to quote from Rudyard Kipling, when the Burmese "rapid transit rolling stock" with the Al G. Homes -wild animal circus ar rives in Salem Wednesday, August 20. I This unit of the Al G. Barnes' great wild animal circus repre sents a -part of j the 2.000 educated t - 136,575.000 feet valued at $3. 314,290. j "In the way of receipts of wheat at the, port of Astoria for the 1923-24 season the total was 5,361,679 bushels and for the 1922-23 season receipts were 1, 341,651. The amount exported for the year ended June 30,- 1924, is placed at 1,525,749 bushels and flour exports were 782,226 barrels. For the 1922-23 season wheat ex ports from Astoria wer 196,398 bushels and there were 146,722 barrels of flour floated for off shore points. Steamer .Tonnage Cut. ("Lumber shipments from As toria for the 1923-24 period amounted to 287,961,227 feet to California, 67,329,373 feet to for eign markets and 46,165,181 feet to Atlantic j coast ports. During 1922-23 Astoria shipments to Cali fornia were; 342.583,250 feet, to foreign lands 75,576.397 feet and to the Atlahticcoast 46,741,310 feet; j "During the: early parjt of 1924 there was a decided change in the unusual activity that had featured the trans-Pacific trade which be gan the latter, part of 1923. due to the demand for reconstruction materials and foodstuffs as a con sequence fo the Japanese earth quake. The result was that much steamship tonnage was retired from the oriental trade, not alone tramp i carriers . that had been drawn into service in numbers', but regular lines found it necessary 4o iOS. moneyil Make out find out j for yourself. about flour ; flour is be high I all winter. buv flour at the. low 100 Lb. Bag 57.49 Bag 95c ros. i 1 - i .3 I P .;. vT J.-: ,t 5-. . wild animals and 1080 perform ers and actors, including three tribes of Indians Washoes, Ks condidoes and Apaches who will play an important part in the sen sational circus l feature, "Poca hontas at the Court -of Queen Anne." the colossal fantastic I ex travaganza that opens the big pro graSn. : ; ..'T More than 100 pretty girls from decrease the size of their fleets and at present low rates' are in effect, the volume of traffic not up to normal and there, is a ques tion in the minds of exporters and steamship operators as to when a complete restoration of stable, far eastern business will be: exper ienced." - Boy's 'Cruelty Arouses Humane Society Wrath ! .1 ' While the world is reading of the queer turns taken by human. minds as illustrated by the Loeb and Leo pold trial in Chicago, several Sa lem residents are wondering over the destiny of &n year old boy here whose actions regarding pets and animals have brought upon him the wrath of the humane so ciety. Mrs. Fandrick, a widow and her daughter live at 1190 Ferry. They own a pet cat of which they are very fonu. The cat recently gave birth to a litter of kittens and when Mrs. Fandrick found he youth in the act of dipping the fe lines in gasoline with every indi cation that he intended to touch a match to the little animals, she immediately got in touch with the humane officers. "'! This act is said to be but a sam ple of i several others devised by the youth, who is known to the humane society as an old offen der. Recently he captured a bird and clipped its wings before turn ing it loose. Just what action will be taken has not been announced by the humane society members. Company F Has Good f M Material for Team While the six-man team; that will represent Company F at; the state rifle shoot on the Clackamas range next week has not yet been selected, it will be chosen ifrom eight present candidates for i the positions, according to Captain Taul Hendricks. Those who are eligible are Lieutenant Paul Bur ris, Sergeants Wilbur Morman, William Purdy, Raymond Brun.kel, Albert Blankenehip; Corporals Emil jWickhizer, Emil Roth and Harold White. Captain i Hen dricks may also participate and attend the shoot. i ' , Oni member of the team, Ser geant) Purdy, 'was on the state rifle team that won the national guard championship at Camp Per ry, Ohio, last year. The same team, in open competition I with tea ma from all branches of the service, including the regular army.j Marine corps and navy, placed third at the national shoot in which nearly 75 teams of jthc finest, rifleman in the coixntry were entered. Work on the local rifle range has been progressing rapidly and the finishing touches were given last night. The range is located on the Salem-Turner road about five miles from Salem. : ; : , i." . Slaughter Examiner for I Oregon State Land Board L . ' : : Dr. S A. Slaughter, a Salem naturopath physician, was yeater day appointed by the state. land board as an examiner of lands ac quired by the state through fore closure on loans from the state school fund,1 with a view to getting purchasers for the lands. Slaughter will receive a salary of $150 a month. . J 1 .f Over $1 ,000,000 Taken j! J From Inactive Depositories . State Treasurer Jefferson My ers yesterday, issued a statement showing that on July 31 there ;wa3 $8.034. 400, and on AugustJflS pn hand in - the state treasury $6,891.000v In a period of -13 days he drew from the inactive depositories $1,142,000. The stae treasurer proposes to issue week ly statements showing the amount of money on hand. Let us not fear the worst in America until other nations stop hating us, , 4 Z 4 sun-kissed California, many, of whom have appeared in some of the latest motion picture produc tions j of this year, will also be included in the cast of cliprus and ballet girls. 1 1 And last, but not least, there will be the greatest movie star of them all Joe Martin, himself. It's the slibw that's different. STATE IS AFTER Attorney Has Large Number of Cases Involving Large Amount Frank Sever ojf Portland, attor ney for the inheritance tax dc-r partment of the state treasury, has now in his hands litigation and other forms of settlement in volving $204,000 in inheritance taxes which the state hopes to collect, according to State Trea surer Myers. A statement by tho treasurer shows that on January 1, 1924, there were 845 cases of uncollectr d inheritance taxes in the trea surer's office. !.; "Of this number," says the statement, "137 . are old cases from 1906 to 1920. Tho estimat ed outstanding tax due is about $581,000, subject to settlement of deductions for debts and otheir provisions of thelaw. There has been collected since January 1, 1922, $66,000 from old estates that were practically outlawed. "The settlement of all inheri tance taxes involves a legal ques tion. First there must be deter mined the appraised value and ihe amount of deductions due the estate for debts, and other offsets. Second the question of residence must be determined, which is one of the mogt difficult problems in the settlement of inheritance tax es. The law should be amended in several ways that the collection could be made in a more . rapid end satisfactory way. - "The state of Washington,, which has a larger population than Oregon, has only about 200 uncollected estates on its books." I NEW CORPORATIONS I Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday by the Cooley & Pearson Grocery company of Sa lem, Icapitalizcd at $5,000. The incorporators are E. W. Cooley, Harry I. Pearson, Elnora I. Cool ey and Gladys M'. Pearson. . A permit to operate in Oregon was issued to the Mac why to com pany,: a "Wisconsin 'corporation with a capital of $1,000,000. F. IJ. Mallory of Portland is attorney-in-fact for Oregon. Notice of dissolution was filed by the Rodgers. Hart, Banks com pany of Portland. Salem and Silverton Join in 0AC Picnic SILVERTON, Ore., Aug. 15. (Special to The Statesman.) The O. A. C. picnic held at the Silver ton park Thursday evening by the Salem and Silverton clubs was a groat success. About forty I Sa lemites were present. During the fjirst hours of the evening swim ming in the Silverton pool was the main" amusement. A great deal of favorable comment was heard from the Salemites on the Silver ton swimming pool. Following the swim supper was served in the park. Both the clubs assisted in furnishing this. Sports and singingwere also enjoyed and the evenings amusement was - wound up with dancing on the new ce ment .floor in the city park. 120,000 Rainbow Trout Received at Silverton SILVERTON. Ore.. Aug. 15. (Special to The Statesman.) During the past week Silverton has received a sliipmcnt of Ra'.n bow trout amounting to 120,000. The Silverton Blow Pipe company and William Eisenhart lent their cars for the distribution of the fish. I The Rainbow trout are re ported to have great growing pro pensities. Thoso planted now, it is said, will measure about. 14 Inches lib the springj IE T IE TJX There, will be big doings at the ROtary-Kiwanis-Lions picnic at the fa!ir grounds next Tuesday after noon. Some of the committees met yesterday and secured the horse show ring where all the snorts will be held. It has been rejeenfly cleaned out and is in fine condition, j i The big event will be the ball gdmesl An indoor baseball game be played- between the; Ki wkhis and Rotarians for men 40 years of age and over. The older mien will be captained by Tom Kay, Rotary president. The Kiwanians old timers will be captained, by Clarence Albin. The other game wjll be between the Lions and Kiwanians for men under 40 years of age, Fred Brower will cap tain the Kiwanians and the Lions will be led by Glenn Gregg. This battle will be to the bitter end as the Lions have a, bone to pick orer their last defeat by the Ki wjanians. The ball games will both be going at the same time. j Volleyball neTs will be put up apd Bill Watkine will take charge of the' horse shoe matches. Dif ferent parts of the horse show ring. George Griffith and Glenn Nlles will also enter this contest. All contests will be Judged by enunciation, imitation, and ' sin cerity. A tug-of-war will also be sched uled between the different groups. While speeches will be made, politics are barred. Tom Kay will have a committee wait upon -him to see that he .does not talk on taxes, hard times, and democrats. The athletics will begin about 4 o'clock. Sports will be provided for men, women and children, old aid young. Eats at 5:45 by Johnnie Jones. New Traffic Rules are 5 In Force at Silverton SILVERTON, Ore., Aug. 15. (Special to The Statesman. )--Sil-verton motorists and shoppers from the surrounding country wjere greatly suprised this week upon finding all the new lines made on Silverton streets. These ai-e made after the fashion of Sa lem and it is now no longer the pfoper thing to be seen "jay walk ing" on Silverton streets. Parking rules also are somewhat changed. Instead of parking parallel to the curb as has been formery done, cars must be parked diagonally. This applies only to ' Main street, as on the remainder of the streets one may still park in the old Sway. Davenport Memorial to t Be Constructed at Once SILVERTON, Ore., Aug. 15. (Special to The Statesman.)- At a, recent meeting of the Homer Davenport memorial fund commit tee its members decided to use the money on hand and close the matter. After j some discussion they decidde to get bids on a mon ument for the grave and also on a j fountain, the latter to be erected only if the monument did not take al the available-funds. In case a fountain is built.it will be placed oh "the Eugene field grounds. Jiilius Wolf, secretary of the com mittee, reports that he fias $1200 oh hand and available pledges amounting to a total of $1500. It is estimated that there are 42.672 articles that'look better in store window than they look in your home. f azzs Insist Every Small quantities of strawberries have appeared on the markets for thelast few day 3. but they were quickly taken. 1 . - Grapes are most attractive this week. Large bunches of Malagas used in display are tempting. The seedless ones are much sought af ter, the "Muscats are just arriving, so one may find grapes of all sizes. They are cheaper this week, too. Pears are gaining in favor each season. They are delicious when baked, stewed or used raw. I They give a splendid' flavor to salads. Peaches will bet scarce L soon. Persons planning on canning should supply their wants.' They never -were better.) Full of juice and of splendid flavor. ! Watermelons are selling as fast aslhey can bo unloaded, and the number going out j from some of the large stores on Saturday is un believable. It would seem as if every family in Salem purchased a watermelon for Sunday. The "vegetable market is com plete. Everything bought fresh, kept (fresh and delivered fresh each day. j SEVERAL CONTESTANTS SHOW DECIDED GAINS (Continued from page 1) i being noted for its long and wide beach, of firm white sand. The almost unlimited choice of pleasant outing diversions include deep sea fishing, excursions, crab bing, , clamming and digging of rock oysters, clam bakes, drift woodv bonfires, moonlight picnics, sailing, motor boating, rowing, bathing parties, excursions along the beach in quest of agates, and trips to Siletz Indian reservation, Beaver creek, Waldport, Yachats, Seal Rock, Otter; Crest, ! Otter Rocks, the Devil's Punch j Bowl, lighthouse and marine gardens of rare beauty. j A skating rink, dancing pavilion, moving picture shows and kindred pastimes are provided fori those with, the time and! inclination. Tjh e new 425,000 natatorium and salt water baths afford much enjoyment for those who do not fancy the more vigorous surf vari ety. It is conveniently located, overlooking Nye beach. TWO ALIENISTS DENY DEFENSE MENTAL CLAIM ; (Continued from page 1) , , . ! been exploited by romantic writ ers, charlatans and others who are not to be classified as scientists." Findings in the report made by Dr. Carl Bowman and Dr. H. S: N. Hulbert which indicated disorder ed functions of the endocrines in the two youths, Dr. Woodyatt termed as "compatible with en tire normality" and "lacking any thing to indicate a disease of the endocrine gland3." The hearing neared the: argu ment stage today. The state has M8St on Grand RIPENED ON Melon FOR- SALE BY PICKENS & HAYNES ROTH GROCERY CO. GROWN BY MORTON TOMPKINS .'.vk.v:K- -X-.' J saw Fred B. Magee of Atlanta. Ga., Und his grandson, Paul Gunn, Jr., ion of Mr. and Mu Paul Gunn. .lso of Atlanta, are shown above loing ono of their stunts that keep left one .-alienist, it3 'ace," Dr. William C. Croan of Chicago. No more lay witnesses will be called. Attorneys said at adjournment that arguments should be reached LAST I Vr'i-f-1 ft I in 'ii i 1 1 ii." itl(ri Vit L SRI5- fc. iimoitoaw..WM To Get a Ton of Coal 1 AUGUST 5lVIM0,?frE IVCP TimiFRHSATL Our Heatrola Club closes tomorrow and with it goe your last opportunity, to secure free with your Heatrola one ton of coaL So Act at once! A small amount, makes you a mem ber of the Club your Heatrola will be installed .whenever you desire and a ton of coal will be de ivered to your home free. It's a. simple, saving way of preparing" for winter cold, of assuring healthful, comfortable furnace heat for your whole house. Come in and see us about it now tomorrow is the last Free Coal day. Island Melons THE VINE Guaranteed LEBOLD GROCERY E M. EPPLY GROCERY w- - . . - ... m It n I ft- fyn - 'rti 4. i n If i v. both In perfect condition Magca claims to be the' youngest; 53 year old man in the world and Master Paul is physically ona of tho old est 2 year old.. ' by Wednesday and roquiro pos sibly four days. . ; Affluence in 1912: A . spare bedroom. In 1924: A epare tire. 'I-' Y h :: a . : : v CHANCE fe9