SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1924 Classified Section Sale in js ket eat T THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON Gr Mar Place WANTED Miscellaneous 13 WOODRY TUB AUCTIONEER BUYS ued faraitura lor caan. Pnone 611 i 13 aprtl WANTED TO OOXTRACT 8PITEN berg and Newton apples. Ward K. Richardson. 13-al0 WANTED MEN AND WOMKN TO . lake farm paprr subscriptions. A go4 proposition to the right people. Ad dress the Pacific Homestead, Statesmas BMr.. Salem. Or. MISCKIJLAM-X)US 14 LIST TOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE with Oregon Incorporated, horn of the Homeseeker and Investor. Victor Schneider, secretary. 915-316 U. 8. Bank bid.. Salem. Ore. 14 al6 If You Don't Like My . Work ; ' don't Mrs ma, but at least fire mo a chance to show yon soma of Ue roofs that I aae painted. It. R, MATHEWS " fnm VT S4Hv10 HELP WANTED 15 ATTENTION HOP PICKERS Wa invito yoo to inspect two of the .best yards in Oregon Mitoma yard , near Independence, 117 acres, and Cup tia yard near Talbot 30 acres. See fat yourselves, then register early. About three weeks picking beginning August 28. Horn peapla given the preference: , For full information write phone ' or call on Dnrbin A Cornoyer, over Pen neyJBorebonedKJlsa HELP WANTED Female 17 LADIES WANTED FOR PRUNE PACK ing. Inquire at Denney It, Co., King's plant. 17al7 HELP WANTED Male 18 WANTED MAX FOR LIGHT JANITOR work at hotel. References required. 4952, rare Statesman. . 18 ala WANTED MAN FOR LIGHT JANITOR work at hotel. References required. 4952, care Statesman. ; 18 al4tf WANTEI MAX TO BUILD HOUSE. . Labor as first payment on new 4 room bungalow. Phone 620. 18-e20 Male and Female 10 WANTED HOP PICKERS ABOUT September 1. Good water and living quarters, clesn, new. straw, 16" fire - wood. , V mile of beach on Willamette : river, store on grounds; also boarding house. Standard price paid for pick ing. A. J. Ray Son, Xewberg, Ore. Star R. No. 1. Phone 106 I, 19-.21 LOST AND FOUND 22 LOST SOMETHING t FIND ITI PHONE a want ad to The Statesman, Phone 23. timt PERSONAL 23 Ealem, Oregon. August '11, 1924. To Whom It May Concern: : . Notice is herby given, that I will not ba responsible for any: bills con tracted by any one other than myself in person. John E. Bollier. 23-al7 LOANS 24 I WANT TO BORROW 23QO OX LONG time at as low a rate of interest as I . ran get on 11 acres of land. A com mercial tract of prunes and walnuts 13 year old. Address D. Peterson, 710 Johnson St., Portland. Ofe. a-10 WANTED LOAX OF $1000 O.V FARM . property. First mortgage, prefer three : years. . Will pay 1 per cent semi-annually. Good security. For : full parti culars write owner. 4908 Statesman. . 24-al2 KEED 93000 AND $2000 ON GOOD BE rarity. Gertrtde J. M. Pag. 24-JJ7K GOVERNMENT LOAN'S ON FARMS 5 per cent. r. I. Wilkinson. u- fist ttinna) bank bid S-aprfttf REAL ESTATE City 25 Own .Your Home GROCERY AND COXFECTIOXERY-store by owner. Well located in Silverton. M. K. Strand. Silverton, Oregon. ; 25-sl6 TERMS H0C8ES WE HAVE SEVERAL dsndys that -20 to fSOO- down will take. Two. are larxenomes close in with furnace, garage, -etc. . 1 , BECKS HENDRICKS ." IT. S. Bank Bldg. - - , - , -25al6 THE FINEST RESIDENCE LOCATION on, Fairmount Kill. -". Ask me or any member of the Multiple' Listing Bureau boot it. . . - - -A. C. BOHRXSTEDT . 147 No.. Commercial St., Salem. Ore. ' ' - i ?5 a!6tf NORTn SALEM BARGAIN. $2800 At tractive rebuilt house, 1895 N. Church Street. Good paint, basement, living and dining rooms, ball, 2 bed rooms, bath, kitchen with' built-in work table and drtins, corner lot 98 feet front, lota-of shade, lawn shrubbery and fruit. Good terms, big reduction for cash, f hone 1365R. 23 al6' APARTMENT HOUSE. 12 ROOMS. MOD etn, furnished, close to University, Price S5500: easy terms: always full. . 10 room modern apartment, '7 rooms . furnished, bringing $60 per month. 3 rooms occupied by owner, will rent for 25. Price 94500, terms. .7 room modern ' bungalow, 2 lots, plenty fruit. Only 9 500, very easy terms. firm mil city property .Exchange. Barber Agency for what you want. 2on Gray BIdg. 25 a!6tf 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. BASEMENT. GA rage. paved street. $3000. 5 room rot taffe. part basement, good plumbinr. bml. ins. five blocks from university 91750. . 4 room bouse and two lots at Gar field Washington, at 9200O to trade on rood modern bom in Ralem : also f 3000 interest, in merchandise business to apply on purchase of modern Salem noma. WINNIE PETTYJOHN: i - Realtor ' 216 Oregon Bldg. . S.ValS HOW'S YOCR HOUSIXOt ARE j YOU II settled or how would one or these uit yoo. A nice new 4 room bungalow snd beautiful lot' north of State, good parage and cement walks, price $2700: 5 i room cottage with rood basement, new. and all right for $2700 and terms to suit. A new 5 room rotlag-e and a good one for only $2150. A 4 room eottage with basement and garage for $2200. These ore , good, they are mighty good for the , money. -MeOILCHRISTi 4 PEXXIXGTOX . 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phono 140 , : 25 alfitf HOW MCCH CASH HAVE YOI7? WELL I doin't expect Too to tell me but if Tcu will coma IO my office I'd show yon what bargain yonr lota or a little rath would buy. I've some dandy deals rith merit. Robinson 213 Oregon Building. 25 al6 AUTO PARK IKTATIOX .Located on it. Capitol street near TTnion afreet. Price for onick aale. $4000 cash. This can ba made a real maney maker. ' W. H. GRABEXHORST CO. 275 Stato St. - 25-al6 ' ... . REAL ESTATE -City 23 ROOM HOUSE ON PAVED STRKET. jCnii location, large living room, hard wood floors in living room and dining room, furnace, f fireplace, breakfast nook, laundry trays, built-ins, east front $5 Mil); some terms. H. E. Brown or Melvin Johnson, 109 South Commer cial St. ( 25-al 7 HOME BUYERS ATTENTION Some of the best buys in bungalows, houses, vacant lots, suburban homes, farms, apartment houses and stores that we ever had. Some with easy terms. I 94500 New modern bungalow. $4100 New modern bungalow. 95500 New modern bungalow. $3500 New modern bungalow. 1 $280(k New modern bungalow. 925O0 New modern buugalow. 95500 Betutiful 10 acre tract, good buildings, . electric lights, bath, own water system, i i 93700 Dandy 3 acre improved, f 1900 Fine 5 acre tract no buildings. t2200 Improved one acre tract. Best 100 i acre t farm, good buildings. Howell prairie. Only 990 per acre. .9 1500 iiroeery: store with living rooms cheap rent. A good paying business. Don't fail, to see this snap, i ' i ''.'('.! ! GUILDS & BECHTEL ; 540 State St. i Tot Real Real Estate Bargains ' 2i al.'.tf f SPECIAL ' I 5 room bonse, 2 nice east front lots, on paved' street and car line. A bar gain for 92500; terms. I New 4 room house, paved street, full basement, snap for 92300. i 5 room almost new garage. A snap for 92300. i 1 : 4 rooms, large lot on paved street.! Some fruit. Look at this one for $1650. Good terms. I 3 room house, 2 nice lots with all Itinds of fruit for 91250. THOMASON, 33m State St. 25-al5tf Good Holmes. Right Prices. jSee; Salem, rThe Pride of Oregon i Fine 8 room bouse, lot 70x170, gaa, selectric light, bath, etc.; paved street. ;Price 93500; terms, f. Nice 6 room bungalow, basement; good property.; Only 92800: terms. ! Another 6 room bungalow, paved street, facing east; barn, price 93000; terms. . I For sale rosy 3 room bungalow, partly furnished: fine view. jOnly .$2, 200. You ran make your own terms. A very fine 10-acre tract, Vlose in, very rich soil. I A snap at 94000; tfrms.- We write Insurance. If it is a house, lot. farm or trade ee me j Money to loan at 6 per rent on good farm property up to 95000. Rich li. Reimann ! Realtor 307-308 Oregon Bldg. Thone 1013. 1 i 25 al4tf FOR SALE SALEM HOME. SOUTH j Church, with a ''million dollar view." ! Seven rooms, bath, full basement, all : plastered except one room, city water, : deep drilled well for cold, pure drink : ing water. Lota of fruit and roses. : Oarage and poultry shed. Lot 90 by i 135 feet. Price 93200, terms. Inquire . Statesman office. . 25-al3tf BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 4 room bungalow, coop, woodshed, lot 50x130. 91550; 9100 cash, balance 920 and interest monthly. 5 room strictly modern, atone tone finish lovely i new bungalow, S46UO; 50O cash balance $35 and interest monthly. This can not be duplicated in Salem. j .180 acre well improved ranch, want acreage near Salem. 26 acre well improved ranch near Salem, want larger ranch out. ; Want to place 3 91000 loans on Salem property. . SOCOLOFSKY 341 Stat i 23 a!3tf Oregon jThen Salem General Real Estate and Insurance. - ? OREOO-V INCORPORATED 315-316 U. S. Bank bldg., Salem, Ore i ' i f ' 25-al UP TO DATE MACHINE SHOP IN THE heart of the automobile district, equip ped fdr- any kind of machine work. automobile repairing, motor grinding a specialty. Invoice over 95500. Price 14500. i -VOISAN A ULRTCH 122 North" Commercial Phone 1354 i 25-A14 INVESTIGATE CHEAP., CLOSE IN ; and tubnrban treats r 20 acres. Waldo Hills district, new bouse. $3700. ' i 5 acres, all aet to fruit, Keiser dis trict. $200O. I ' : . 1 acre . and 7 room house in West Salem. 92500. 12 acres Vital Springs district. 12500. 17.31 acres fruit in Waldo Hills district, good buildings, 97000. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial St.. 'Salem, Oregon 1 25-al2tf SNAP SNAPPY SNAPPIEST A good little two room new, with full 54 foot frontage oa a paved street. for $650. i : A six room house with east front of 75 feet, about 250 deep, on paved street and car line. 92750; barn also. Terms. I See Wm. j Fleming for bargains at 341 State St. 25-al0tf FOR SALE 8 ROOM HOUSE AT 451 South ICth street. Bath, water, lights, large lot with fruit and shade trees, cement walks and paved street, east front. Price 92150; 9650 cash, balance 920 a month and interest. Vacant, possession at once. Krueger, 147 N Commercial street. Phone 217. 25-alO 2 EAST FRONT LOT8 OX NORTH 2 1ST. St.. 9500. I 1 lot paved atreet, good ' location. $300. I I-ots in Kay addition at $200. ' All can be bought for 10 .per cent down and $10 per month. tt. J-.. Brown or Melvin Johnson, 109 S. Com mercial St. ' 25-al MINUTE MOVIES UJHLELAM ' TRU5TED TRAITORS : - I ' A EPISODE. JO. A wvsTePious siTuaToaJ WMV T ; HyLVIA Followed the Pocioeis ASSERlT .. . . . v. JSlfciw,-",,-' WAOCEAfCfc REAL ESTATE City 2.1 BUSINESS e'ORNER WII4. BRI'U 200 per cent on th iijveatmeut. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, : ' . . , . 25 a7lf APARTMENT HOUSE. CLOSE IX. 915,- OOO; 7 room house, 2 lots, $11650 ; 4 room house, $lt50; tl room Louse, close in, $4foii. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE. Realtor 3 Blocks north of 1'ostoffioe 25 a7tf $25 Down Balance 930 per month, including in terest, will buy five room house in good location, 1 block from school,. 1 block from car ' Hue and paVejnent, gravel road in front of place. For further information telephone l!r!4-J. 25-p9tf LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE with Oregon Incorporated. Home of the homeseeker and investor. Victor Schneider, secretary, 315 and 316 U. H. Bank Bldg.. Salem, Oregon. a it! SNAP ' New home, stucco finish, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, paved street modern in every way. Price " 94400 plus new pavement. Terms 9500 down. W. H. C.RABKNHORST & CO. 275 State St. . 25 al6 BUSINESS BLOCK. A GREAT BUY. 922.5O0. Business block, $20,000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE - ' 25a7tf LOOK I 93200 located at 1655 S. High St., 5 room plastered home. Eleetrie range goes with place. $500 down, 925 per month. t W. H. GRABEXHORST 4 CO. 275 State St. 25-al6 MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE COM- pletely. newly and artistically furnish ed. See owner on premises, corner Oak and Liberty. 25 7 ONE OF OUR MOST BEAUTIFUL homes, 915,000. Another one of them. 912,500. Most attractive lots at all kinds of prices. Trades good ones for small farms close to Salem. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, Realtor 492 X. Cottage 25 a7tf FOR SALE BY OWNER MODERN 8 room bouse, basement, paved afreet, ga rage. 161 S. 14th. Phone 114UM. , 9250 DOWN - 925 per month buys a six room house, lot 65x122 feet, - paved street, garage, located on X. 5th street. Price 92000. W. H. GRABEXHORST It CO. 275 State St. 5 25-al 6 FOR SALT: TEX ROOM HOUSE. close in. 93500. Three room bunga low, new, not far out. $1175. Six room house, all on one floor, ; 9210O, easy terms. Exchange 10 acre walnut grove .in bearing for home in Salem. 320 acre dairy ranch, $35 per; acre, for city property. Large house : for smsll one. Five room house and cash for six room. 1 1 ' V. L. WOOD I i ,": 341 State St. 25 a9tf TEX BEAUTIFUL 1-ACRE HOMESITES just beyond city limits, high, sightly wonderful view.- Each 94O0, 111 p-r cent, down, $10 a month if taken soou. Splendid value. Harris. Phon a 1013. 1942J. 25 jne3tt PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY wording "For Rent,." price 10; cents each. Statesman Business Office, on Ground Floor. J. j" PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 74" wording "For Sale. Enquire At." Price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, Ground Floor. 910.000 HOME ! s Located on the Week in a fine Oak grove, large grounds, 125x200 feet, 8 rooms and completely modern in every -detail, new and ready to occupy.;Pav- ed street,- double garage, i Terms. If you are looking for a real home , let us show you this property. W. H. GRABEXHORST A CO.' 275 State St. ; 25-al6 5 ROOM HOUSE. STRICTLY MODERN. hardwood floors. 95200. 6 room modern new house, very at- . - tractive, f43UO. 7 room modern new bouse, $6500. Beautiful stucco house, new, 6 rooms. creek property. $7500. These properties are well located and good terms can be arranged. WINNIE PETTYJOHN Realtor. 216 Ore iron Building. 25-a6tf REAL ESTATE Trades 27 NICE 4 ACRE HOME BETWEEN D street and Garden Road. Price $5, . 800. . Want home in or near Salem, i not exceeding this value. P. L. Buell, K7, Box 18, Salem. 27 a2l ONE ACRE OF IMPROVED LAND, good house for Salem property., C. A. Mil ler, Whiteson, Oregon. 27-al5 REAL ESTATE! Farms 28 FARMS IX 75 OR 200 ACRE GEN' eral faTtus close to Salem we ran show ; you two bargains. $100 an acre and " both within 5 miles. BECKE It HEXDRICKS i U. 8. Bank Bldg. r 28-al6 160 ACRES AT THE HEAD OF STEER Creek in the Siletx Valley, Lincoln :' county. Excellent grating land. Tira I ber estimated to rut over 300.000 feet Only jt200 A. C. BOHRXSTEDT : 147 No. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. j i .-' '.-,!.! 2d a Kit f WANTED SMALL FARM,! WEIX WA tered. Write full description.: 4867 Statesman. i 28-aI6" LOOK THESE OVER f i 25 acre suburban heme for residence property. 320 acres eastern Oregon, partly ir rigated, for Salem property. 25 acre dairy ranch, cows, feed,, ma chinery, for Salem property. ' Nice large bungalow for stock grac eries. ' 20 acre suburban hora for residence. Corvallis, Dallas. Portland and Al bany property for Salem property. For excellent buys, exchanges and investments See PERRINE & MARSTERS Com. Club bldg. 28 a8tf SJNSpecTOR Hunt and HIS fOEA MILDEW LOVE Slfe BASIL VUlTH ALL )twat'll be j rAV HEART AND I HAVE ONV .-r-. . i .o It REAL ESTATF Farms 28 FOR SALE OR TRADE AT A 8ACRI- fire. So acres 7 -: miles from Malem, small house, large chicken house, barn, on gravel rond one mile from pave ment.! .Will consiiler city property. II. E. Brown or: MVlvin Johnson. 109 South Commercial St. 28-al7 FR SALE FARM OF 200 ACRES Lo cated close to Salem 011 paved road, suitable for dairying, fruit or grain. Some beaverdam land- Wo 11 1.1 consider -trade up to $400(1. I'rice $20,000. Mgt. Divide.. Address owner. Route 4, SSa lera. ! Box 21. 28 al7 FARM OF 160 ACRES FOR REXT ON Hall terry road, at r inter station. Known as Mrs. R. R, Reid farm. S:ock tools, feed, seed, for sale. Cash rent. References required.. Inquire at farm, or wrile 974 E. Irving St., Portland. Oregon. Phone KAst 0095. 28-alti A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN AND monthly payments like rent will pur chase a partially :- improved 11.65 acre place. Nearly completed five room bun galow with large -fireplace. 8 miles -out. Suitable for poultry, fruit, nuts or small country horn 92500 A. C. BOHRXSTEDT 147. Xo. Commercial St., .Salem, Ore. ' 'jHalOtf REAL ESTATE Suburban SO SERVICE STATION ' SITE AN D RESI- dence for salo right, f High class, welt located." - i BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. j 30 alC USED CAR." fFor Sale 31 FOR SALE 1923 -MAXWELL SPORT roadster. Fully equipped. A-l mechan ical condition. Price $775; terms. See Hunt, cere Valley i Motor Co. Phone 1995. 3 la 19 FORD COUPE FOR SALE 1921 MOD- el. Must be disposed of at . once as owner is leaving: next week for Can ada. Car is. in splendid running order tires almost new Has Stromberg car buretor. Gets good mileage. Apply on Saturdav at 1745 State street and ask for C. V. Klancliford or Phone Hitil J. 31-al 1923 Maxwell sport roadster $850 1918 Dodge touring $200 1923 Chevrolet touring :....... $450 1919 Ford touring $150 1920 Ford touring -. 9250 1923 Dodge roadster 9"50 1923 Chevrolet; disc wheels, spot light, bumper. Car. run 500O miles 1 : 9550 (Terms) BOXESTEKLK MOTOR CO. . 31-al7 , A Ud Car With a New" Car Guarantee 1923 Studebaker ' light six touring. There are a lot of extras on this ma chine. Why buy a cheap new car when you ran get one of the best Sixes built for 9890 1 1920 (late series) Studebaker spe cial for 9575. Do you know the ex h Herat ion of driving a real automo bile? It's really- cheaper to drive a high grade car than a cheap one if you can save thst first depreciation; with normal care you -could drive this car 20,000 miles with no more mechanical . expense for it has been rebuilt. 1923 Overland . touring. britbt and shiny as new. Better tires than on a new car. 925 worth of extras in cluded. We have several pretty good auto mobiles sold without a guarantee for $5. 1917 Buick six touring. Selling - "As Is" for $150. Five good tires. Car runa fine and with a little paint aud tightening up would be as good as any 1500 car; Certified Public Motor . j . Car. Market 255 X. Church St. Phone 885. 31-al6 Used Car Specials 1924 Ford roadster. 1919 Dodge roadster. 1921 Dodge sedan. J919 Liberty chummy roadster. 1923 Hupmobile ,1ouring. 1921-Hupmobile .tonring. GOOD TERMS MacDonald Auto Co. Ferry at Cottage St. 31-aKUf Quality used ears at prices that will please you. We offer here a few for your approval: 1919 Briscoe ....... 995 1918 Dort 995 1920 Overland '.T, - 1225 1919 Chevrolet -i 995 119 Studebaker ... $375 1920 Ford coudo $275 1923 Overland $485 1924 Cleveland . : - 950 1922 Olds sedan - 9890 1923 Buick sport - 91275 We have others for you to select from. Come in and look them over. We Oive Terms) W. PETTYJOHN' CO. 219 X. Commercial St. 31-a7tf TJ8ED FORD CARS FROM ATf ! AUTHORIZEP FORD DEALER Tonring cars 9 85 to 9350 9 75 to 9325 9275 to 9150 9225 to 9150 9 65 to 9275 9 85 to 9385 Roadsters Coupes .... Sedans Light deliveries- Ton trucks 'Bugs' $125 to $225 All cars are guaranteed. Liberal terms. A few Bug chassis $3.i. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1995t 260 X. High 31 Jne23tf 1 1922 Hudson, $550. Good tires and i in fine shape. 1 1921 Studebaker. 9650. excellent buy 1 1922 4 Buick, 9600. Shouldn't be i turned down. 1 1922 sedan. - Bargain. 1 1921 Overland. $250. 11924 6-touring, 91250. Four wheel brakes. - 1 1920 Chevrolet, 9225. O. J.; Wilson 38 N. Commercial St. Also distributor for tfooilyw tire. 31-jlvl9f (All rights protected by Tie George Matthew Adams IdocToe smarpe HHUJE INSPECT OR. HUNT 1 5 EXAMINING THE SERVANTS' CyRlL SlNlSTEra.QlCH FlELXi? LAUjy&R ABB IVES AT M1LDEU) MAWO& ALL. FOR ihc KJ CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Husiness AMBULANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAY OR night. , AUCTIONEERS : f F. N. WOOOIiV Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate J AUITIUS E.C.KH Res. 1610 N. Summer Phono 511. for Kales dates. f L, E. TALBOTT i f Auctioneer Phona 470 '202 V. S. Bank Bldf. i - . a9 I j G. SATTERLEE j I i-j Auctione.riiig 1 Rooms 25-26, Breyuian Blink - Phone 4iO- or 121 1.1. jne-12tf AUTO PAINTING HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH our new permanent finish. mutt Cms H i gh Street a t Trade AUTO REPAIRING s Cylind r grinding, crank shaft true- ing. We re -specialists. louente Ma chine Shop. . Automotive machinists, 349 F-rry St. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS C Will m 3) 531 Court St. KKSTO-LITE BAT TK R Y SERVICE ritatHiu. Expert battery and ele-trial work. Ferris Bros., Pboiie ldo3, 41d Court. t J ; : h . RL D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES j starter and generator work; 171 South ! Commercial.' BICYCLES AND REPAIRING it les snd repairing; 387 Court. i CARPET AND RUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any site without seams. New nisttr-sses made to order. Oil mat- ! tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I j buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff j rugs. :-13 .j and Wilbur streets. Phone j 1154. Otto F. Zwirker. Prop. - - CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L T. DICK CURES AXY KXOWX I disease. 153 S. High St.. Phone 23. ; CHIROPODIST DR. S.F. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA I tional University Sciences, Chicago. Ms'Bnif Temple, fhone B4Q. r CHIRO PR ACT 0 R 3 DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phone T. ;! res. 828-R. CLEANERS ft DYERS SAl.EM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 S. Commercial. l"hone l(i8. We spe ciality on one day s"rvire. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Conetructing engineer. Sjurveys. esti mates Jno. H. Keef, 319 Oregon Bids. Phone 775. CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 436 N. Summer street. r"hone tt J. CHERRY r CITY COXTRACTIXG CO General contracting and building. 1 Esti mates gladly furnished. Phone 1807R or 59F12. d26tf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS-: SIZE 14" BY 7A wording. "Dressmakinic" : price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office Ground Floor. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A S O NIC . building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES" AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 193. 222 N. Liberty. FLEE N E ft ELECTRIC CO. iiouse wiring oy nour or contraci. es timates furnished, . Phone 9o0. 471 court st. HALE ELECT RIO SHOP Electric Fixtures Washing Machine! Vacuum Cleaners 337 Court St. Phone 488 Res. Phone 7025 FINANCIAL LOANS MADE OX GOOD CITY PROP erty at a low rate on the easy payment 'plan, so at end of year you r are all ' uaid ud. Farm loans on large or small tracts: private money. See first and you will , go no farther. G. W, Laflar, 410 Oregon Bldg. 'Farn;TLoans ! 5V27o "; ANDERSON ft RUPERT 406 Oregon Building FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST. lorner ti'e. com"ission. Protects against : adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly . installments, pre-pay-ment privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room c. over ijai ron rmnn. Service Trade Mark Registered TJ. i - tc4E LXDClbR EX. PLAINS lb HUNT '( . THE STRANGE: ostr or- SIR BASIL RICHFIELD IRND1 I CAMP AS OU1CKLV SEE AS L COUi-l- wizzK. VtUB pHOME. CALL; I The DEAR . 1 T7 - It CB BUSINESS and Professional f Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for .Quick Reference j FINANCIAL 6LOAXS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on . city or farm property. R -serve De posit company. 72 Fourth Street, Port laud. Or. is. ' ;, LOANS. . - -.. Farm and ;;!ity Most liberal rates and payment privileges. ' HAWKINS & ROBERTS 203 Oregon Bldg. i t bulein, Oregon i I ' . ; 13 tf City Loans On improved property or for " iiiiproved purposes - ' THE BEST and easiest. ;'way to pay on loan is our :' monthly installment plan. L 96 payments iof $14.14 repays a loan of 91000.00 : and interest. . i : Equitable Savings tt Loan . Assu. t ! ANDERSON ft ; RUPERT Agents 406 Oregon. Building FARM ! PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a tlir e months' trial subscription. Mention this sd. ; . POULTRY!! EX SEND EIGHT TWO reiib si4uiis lur special lurro iuuuuis trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments: are of sp-cial interest to the poultry breders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Coin rrercial street. Salem, liregon.' FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, GLADIOLUS, FLORAL pioies. Mrs. E. A. Bennett. 2233 Fairgrounds avenue. Phur.e 12(10. all CUT FLOWERS. WEDDIXG BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. C. r. Rreithaupt. florist, 123 N. Liberty Phone 380. i - ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC- tors. 210 Center. Phone 1056. FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. Q UAL IT Y furniture for less money. 32 Court, Phone 464. f PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 X Commercial. - 1 HEMSTITCHING STAMPING. HEMSTITCHING, NEEDLE- work. The Vogue, 429 Court St. f -3l HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. PLEAT- mg. 1 lie Petite feliop, Koom 5, over Busii-ks. n29tf SALEM ELITE H KM STITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work; 328 Oregon bldg. Phone 379. MRS. C E. Mll.l F.R HEMSTITCIUNU FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 1483M. 25tf HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G. AI.TMAXj HOMEOPATH! ST, Does a eeneral practice. Treats Goker, Oall Stones, and Dropsy, arising from diseases of heart,! liver or kidneys without operation. r Office and resi dene, 296 X. Liberty St., Salem, Or. Phone 14 1. ' ' INSURANCE WARREN Ft POWERS T A . V:u A iifitmnKtU 219 U. S. Xat'l Bank Bldg. Phone B07 ZJUDIES TAILORING D. "If. MOSHER TAIIXK FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 316 S Liberty street. Phone 25. o 1 d e s t '"largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM. LAUNDRY Qualitv work; prompt service; 1264 Broadway. I hone If",.-!. LUGGAGE ! COME HERE! The b' st buys in hand luggage and trunks. MAX 0. 1 BUKEK 1 Furniture 179 X. Cuiu'L Salem MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517 W. MUSIC LESSONS A COURSE IX BUSINESS PIANO plitying. Popular syncopated, standard music. Semi-classic and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, lie Cornnck Bldr. MUSIC STORES SHERMAN, CI AY ft CO.,"- PIANOS Steinways. Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music House, 415, Court Street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music. and piano studies. U pairing pnono graphs and sewing machines; 432 State street. Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswu-k. 11. L, stiff Furni t h re Co.. Music Dept. : NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR.-A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic d iseass;41j Oregon mag Phone HO. S. Patent Office) . Iv.iSS DISCOVEREO A BARE . WAS OCIEAJTaL DPUO- IM HIS QUESTION 1 I W SH-H- JO IN AND SIR BASIL AND DOCTOR. - I vwanI JTb HAVE A FEW , WORD? WITH .THE inspector! DIRECTORY NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 1493R - - - - jne-28 NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearev Brrt... 237 State. OPTICIANS THE KATOS OPTICAL CO. Charges reasonable Examination free. - .282 X. Commercial St. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING PHONE OLE XX- ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating.) paper hauging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. GET MY FREE SAMPLE BOOS for comparison MAX O. BUREN Furniture 179 X. Com' I. Salem PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Qeoirge R. Vefors, M. D, . Physician and Surgeon 410-11 U. S. Bank Bldg. Office hours 10-12; 2-5 and by appointment. Office phone til 5. Residence phone 1975 J. f. - "I -57 PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner, wave orders Mi s Music S ore. ..I - PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. liraber Bros., 141 S. Liberty Phone 550. Mstf PiUMBIXG REPAIRING .AND COIL work. Phone 495 V. a Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. - - ' RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS. FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. J. C. Hair. 2.6 State St RADIO - RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. ' - F. j S. BARTON, Prop. Mason i Temple Phone 1200 REPAIRING ' ALVIN B. STEWART -1 347, Court St. Umbrellas, Cutlery end Keys Lawnmowers, razor-blades, scissors. knives and tools sharpened. . SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bage and refuse of all kir.ds removed by the month. Ressoni'.le' rates. Cess pools cleaned and .) j 1 i.rnili re n-oved. Phon-s: Offite 'J5: Res. '2058. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHiXG IX "CLOTH" ing and shoes. Best prices iit'd. Cap ital Exchange; 342 Xoith Co.iiint r. is Phme 1368 -W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIBXKG STOVES REBUILT AXD REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sizes 26 io 58 in. Paints oils and varnishes, etc.. locanherry and hop hooks. ..Salem Ft nee and Stove Works; 250 -Conrt Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Sta: Sti Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty.. Get our rates. - WE MOVE, STORE AXD SHIP HOUSE- hold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best coal and : wood- " Call . on us for prices. We giv? pood measure, rood quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING. OP ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LI XES I O. V.j; Parker, General Manager Central S aee Terminal Salem, Oregon. f i SALEM -SILVERTON DIVISION 1 leaves Salem, Central S-aife Termiual: -7 a. m. ; 11 a. m. ; 5 p. m. ; Leaves Silverton News Stand: 9 a.m. : 1 p.m. : 6 p.m. - J Salera-Independen-e-Monmouth Division j Leaves Salem. Central Stage- Terminal, i 7 sum.; 9 a.m.; ll:lo a.m.; ! l. ' 8:10 p.m. ; 5:10 p.m. : Leaves Monwoulh, Monmouth Hotel: ' i'i 8:15 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 3:13 p.m. Leav s -Independence, Beaver Hotel: I 8:30 a.m.; 9:50 a.m.; '1:15 pin. : ! 4 p.m.; 6:30 -p.m. Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Salem I for Dallas at: . 7 a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m. - . Leaves Gail Hotel, Dallas, at: 8 s.m.; 1 p.m.; 6:15 p.m. We make connections at Salem to all parts of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. J. W. PARKER. General Manager. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO Offic 801 South Commercial St. -Ten per cent discount, on domeitic Hit i rates paid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cause unless water j is shot .ff vtinr premises. By WHEEL AN "STFEi 1MG-. HfS U;ARr. ACTED (AS HIS NV&SE d- V) ft I WAVE S ALWAyS TeVS IED HER TILL NOVO - yOU WAD 1 S J ji (TTIaS' 50vte one Tried To J JFOlS,OAJ SiB BASIL? IS T A CASE OF All S PLACED FOX , hs FClVATe SECRETARY To SAVj To THE PdUCE See 16-Wior.r.ovij's Epitope. 'accusing evidesce- PRIESTS PERMITTED TO CELEBRATE MASS IN RUSSIAN KREMLIN (By Tfca AssocUted Prsi) MOSCOW, July 19 Soviet of ficials, military cadets and revo lutionary leaders who make tip the strangely-mixed population of the Kremlin Russia's 'Holy of Ho lies," were -shaken out of their usual communistic repose recently when a group of 300 archbishops, bishops and priests, dressed in rich and costly vestments of the old re gime, entered the iforbdlden gata of that sanctuary unannounced and celebrated mass in one of tho ancient cathedrals where the Czar formerly worshipped. It was th first time since the advent ot the Bolshevists to power that the sol emn revolutionary atmosphere oJ the Kremlin was broken by a reli gious gathering. Amazed at the appearance of the strange procession within the sao- rosant walls of the government citadel, clerks, soldiers and offi cials employed in the Kremlin dropped- their work hurriedly an-l whispered anxious inquiries as to the reason for the religious invas ion. Caustic comments were ex changed on the appearance of the lean, ascetic, long-haired and be- whiskered prelates, who,, with their golden mitres and in silk robes, recalled the days when the church was the most powerful in stitution in Russia. "Take them to the barber and have their whiskers and hair re moved," said one of the military cadets irrevently. "They have no business here. We cast them out of oar ranks long ago. . Down with religion! Down with the church!" Others took a more considerate attitude, explaining that the clergy had recently held a conclave and had obtained permission from th government'to offer prayer in.tho largest of the Kremlin cathedrals." While the astonished commu nists of the Kremlin were still dis cussing the intrusion ofe eccle siasts, the procession passed undis turber through the wide pathway of the Kremlin to the cathedral. The congregation in the cathedral consisted entirely of bishops and priests, not a single communist'or layman being present. For sever al hours the ancient walls of the Kremlin, which have witnessed Russia's triumphs and trials for a thousand years, echoed with the elaborate musical, ritual of the Russian Orthodox- Church, in vhich more than 300 bishops and" priests participated. The church ceremonies wen maue more remarkable by the fact that the visiting prelates, wheal heart are bitterly opposed to th Bolsheviks, asked the blessings ol Providence on ; the Soviet -regime and ended with a prayer for Ions life to the members of the govern ment, just as formerly they prayed for long life to the Czarist govern ment and the; emperor and his family. While the mass was being held the crowds outside the: cathedral disappeared, btft once the ceremo nies were brought to a close, groups of military cadets ap proached the church and .renewed their derisive remarks about the bishops and priests. They then struck " up "The International," and it w-as to the strains of this martial revolutionary hymn thai the religious procession filed out of the Kremlin. Famous French Racehorse Has Many Kin in America LOUISVILLE. Ky., Aug. 9. Elood of Kentucky thoroughbreds courses in the veins of Epinard, French champion, V. Sanders, Louisville turf writer declared after a study of the long pedigree of the Pierre Werthelmer colt, who is in this "country for three races against America's best. Epinard's dam, Epine Blanche, was bred by Major August Bel mont at the time he had Rock Sand at his Lexington, Ky., stud farm. Epine Blanche was out of White Thorne, who brought to the racing w-orld a colt named Haw thorne. Hawohtrne was the fav orite for the Kentucky derby of 1913, but was stricken shortly be fore that race and did not start in the classic. He was an extreme ly fast two-year-old and was easi ly the best of his age, according to Sanders. - Hawthorne's mother. White Thorne, was out .of Nasturtium, a stock horse who begat many fast sprinters and good i brood mares that have produced high class thoroughbreds in this country and abroad. Mrs. Noah doubtless had opin ions of her own when she found the two ants in the butter. " TUB I JC NOTICES " . NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that 1 have impounded the following de scribed dogs in compliance with Ordinance No 1404, to-wit: One tun colored male collie doj; with bobtail. One mongrel pup, tan with white npota. collar on. The aliove described dogs will be killed if not redeemed by owners, on or before August 20. 1924, as provided In said o'-dl-ance. ; W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner. August 15, 1924. al6-17-19-20-2l