The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 15, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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y nan
lued Daily Rverpt Monday by
215 South Commercial St., Salem, Orcgoa
R. J. Hendricka
John L. Brady
Prank Jaskoskl
Mnltt Job Itopt
Tfca Associated Pre ia exclusively: entitled to the uxe fur duMi ntlon of a'.
Bcwa dispatchea credited to it or uot otherwise' credited in tbia paper aa4 also the
io-ai sews puuiiaoea nereia. . I
, . . 1
ways a few discontented. As a
matter of fact the world's progress
Is made by these very people
whose personalities are so strong
that they can master their sur
roundings. A very fine discourse was made
cn this subject by Dr. A. A. Brill
who is regarded in the medical
profession as a foremost authority
on psychoanalysis. '
"The schizoid personality," he
said, "retains his independence to
his environment and strifes to
withdraw from the effective' influx
Thomas F. Clark Co., New York.. 141-MV W-ar ;3ffih St.$ Chicago, Marquette Build
(Portland Office. 338 Worcester Bid.. Phone- ofa HRfladwayj C. F. Willlama. iter.) e,ICe' as eJ1 as Inanimate environ
mem, in order to pursue his own
Roslnes Office
News Department
- . - 23 i Circulation Offieo
- 23-10S I Society Editor A
Job Department - ; - 583 1
Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon, aa serond class matter.
aim3. This reaction sometimes be'
106 comes abnormal in so far as he!
assumes ;a hostile attitude to the;
persons and things in his environ-f
ment and thus gets Into conflict
with them. f 13
'"The disharmony of the schf-
niBLE THOUGHT AXP PRAYER zolds to their environment makes
Prepared by Radio BIBLK SKHVK1S Bureau, Cincinnati, Ohio. them into reformers, inventors.
If parents will have their children memorize the daily Bible selections, and prophets The genius type
It will prove a priceless heritage to theih in after years . j belongs here The mrke.l t.,,
August 13, 1924 J ; dency of the schizoid type to a
MAN'S APPEAL: O Lord, revive; thy work in the midst of, the splitting of the personality be-
years. -llabakkuk i:z. .
! VRevive Thy Work. O Lord.
Create soul-thirst for Thee;
f And, hungering for the Bread o! Life,
O may our Spirits be." J j v
In a speech delivered in 1890 in the floor of the House of
Representatives, Robert M. La toilette said: J j
i "The Republican system vould place a tariff
duty for protection upon foreign articles only the
" like of whieh can be supplied in this country. To
be protective, that rate must be hijrh enough upon
the foreign article to insure the production of the
' 'domestic. ' ;j. .''.'' s j f
"The Democratic system, developed, wjould place
a duty for revenue only upon foreign articles the
like of which cannot be produced at home Or, if
compelled for the revenue to be placed upon for-
eign articles the like of which can be produced in
this country, the duty must be so low) as not to
' insure domestic production nf the article. If it
is placed upon a foreign article the like of which
is produced in this country, and placed high enough
to-insure its production here Jit at once passes from
a revenue duty to-a protective duty. i f
"This difference in policy is strikingly illus
trated in the way the two bills have dealt with two
most important articles of import, sugar and wool.
It having been shown after years of experiment
that we could only produce about one-tenth of our
sugar from cane, the Republican bill hasjreduced
the revenue $54,000,000 by placing sugar on the
: t free list. The duties on wool, on the contrary, have
. leeii advanced, it being an article Ave can produce
in this country and of which we need import none
if properly protected. The Democratic bill 'reverses
this policy and places a duty of 65 per cent, on
': ; ., sugar and puts wool on the free list.
; The Wo bills in question were the Mills
tween reality and fantasy often
leads to an insane condition." 1 i
Science has discovered a drug
that promises to give positive
cures for sleeping sickness, t ac
cording to a report to the con
vention by Dr. E. A. Streeker and
Dr. G. F. Wiley, both attached to
the Pennsylvania hosnital for
Mental diseases.
"Neutral aeriflavine" . was the
term used by the specialists, who
explained that it was injected in
to the veins of patients and re
coveries were! brought about in
several cases so treated at the
Philadelphia institution. j i
The . discovery, they reported.
served to overcome the great
obstacles in treatment of sleeping
sickness, because the drug pene
trates the tissues without destroy
ing them. They said that symp
toms of the disease had been
known not to manifest themselves
until three or four years after in4
fection. ' - ; ' . i";
Another interesting sideline on
these big names translated ; into
everyday language Is that 32 per
cent of a group of students in the
graduating class in one of the na
tion's foremost universities are
handicapped by definite function
al disorders leading to poor social
and community adjustment, ac- i
cording to . another report ren
dered by Martin W. Peck, di
rector of the out-patientdinic jof
the Boston Psychopathic hospital.
Which means that a number ! of
work clothes, we were, permitted
to go to break fastifter which
another day began in the field,
following the plow or harrow,
swinging the cradle or following
the old-fashioned reaper and bind
ing with their own straw the bun
dles it: raked off, - In odd times
there was a garden to hoe. .
What a goodly company it Is
these men who as barefoot boys on
the farm warmed their chilled toes
on frosty mornings in the beds the
cows left! It includes presidents
and senators and a whole regi
ment of chautautiua lecturers.
England has her . Order of the
Hath, but over here we have our
statesmen who warmed their toes
where the cows bedded down.
Hut hold on. Claude! You
warmed your feet on the frosty
mornings and then, after break
fast went out and plowed and har
rowed : and followed the old
fashioned reaper tor swung the
cradle. In odd moments of the
day you hoed the garde n.
" What kind of climate did Kan
sas have In the early days? Hack
in old Iowa, where we called the
cows in the early morn,-when the
frost was on the pasture grass and
the toes of the harefoot farmer
boy ached from contact therewith
It. was too late in the season to
plow and harrow and swing the
cradle and hoe in the garden.
Kansas summers in those times
must have been rigorous in the
extreme. How come? Eugene
Register. -
He consecrates himself to
thai service of the entire country.
The; presidency is too big, the de
liiand is too important for a man
to Ipe sectional or partisan.
Coolidge-fs essentially national.
He jtakes national views and wants
to govern .for everybody, and he
believes that the American repub
lic Is a governmentjof all the pfp
plej It is refreshing in these days
of imake-shifts and time-serving
to Und a man who hits from the
shojulder out. of the convictions of
hlsl heart. , I .
Everywhere you turn you find
evidences of prosperity. All the
pulse feeling indicates 'that the
peo'ple are going to have better
timjes. The farming industry is
thej one that did not come back,
bntj it is coming back now. In
thej long run it had to adjust it
sel. It was unfair, and the eco
nomic lire refuses to continue 'in
definitely unfair conditions.
IS'o matter what legislation may
be enacted, .if experience proves
it tjnworkable, or not for the good
of (the people, it can not live.
Economies are heartless and re
lentless, but they have a way oi
finally working out for the great
er good. i .
I bill, and the Mc- people are so engrossed in the
Kinley bill. The latter bill, as it was finally enacted into law, ethereal that they can not get
provided for a bounty of two cents per pound on all sugar pro- their heads out from among the
duced in the United States. That was especially for the purpose stars to see the things of earth
of building up the beet sugar industry, as well as preserving the They go through life as dreamers
cane sugar industry ! I j . i j with the result that they are not
' But conditions have now changed, and nearly half of our able to realize on th.efr dreams
total consumption of sugar is produced in United States terri- Jt has keen ourxbservation that
tory; hence the very argument which La Follette used in favor a Sfeat many students who work
of a protective tariff on wool applies with equal force to the thelr way through school pay too
same kind of tariff on sugar. M pig a price for their education;
1 We now produce nearly half of the amount: which we con- The) set lhe,r ns&3 to the grind-
sume of each of these. "two most important artieles." Xot nnlv "1e na wnen tney get tnrougn
I that, but sugar is now "an article which we can produce in
1 this country and of which we need import none if properly pro-
tected. i ..r ; - j I . ' '
La Follette said some very good things in 1600. If he was
- right then (as he surely was), he is wrong, now N
, For he is fighting the protective tariff on sugar now. He
opened his campaign for the Presidency, or rather for putting
the election up to the House or Jthe Senate, by asserting that
the "sugar interests ".have blocked the investigation on sugar
production costs by the United States Tariff (Commission. He
asserted that the sugar "monopolists'-are against any lowering
of the tariff . I
And he knows better, j He is simply talking through his
hat. lie knows that the truth is that the sugar monopolists are
the ones who are demanding a reduction of the tariff rates
Knows that there is not a member of the sugar trust who
does not want the duty lowered, or taken off .entirely ; knows
that the Atlantic seaboard sugar refiners own most of the
Cuban sugar plantations; that one Wall Street bank alone owns
over twenty of them
school they have lost the ability to
look up, to stand straight and
face the selfish world. A good
many men in school rank high as
students; they have great intelli
gence and their abilities are un
questionable, but when they get
out in the world they are unable
to make adequate personal adjust
ments and they suffer break
downs. , I
It may be that there is a remedy
for this and there certainly ought
to be. It is a hard thing to see
a man fight so strenuously for an
education and exhaust all his re
sources -physical mental and fi
nancial so that when he gets
through he has his education and
nothing else. He loses his touch
T r i . , A ' ' - iuc nuim, auu iuses ills U U-
He knows that Cuban farmers receive about $1:16 for each L,rtt, . i..,.u -
-1 rn j .. r . . i i . , , ; . I t' " A '""'W oicjia wiih iiuiu-
jm pwuwu ji cjiiatianie suifiir in ineir cane, wncreas vmerican irint
iarmers receive atout $:j.;J7 for each 300 pounds of extractable
sugar in their beets l
In other words that American farmers receive as much for
JUO pounds as tuban farmers get for 290 pounds of sugar; and We have known for many years
in addition to this the American farmers reiseive ttfe benefit of that C. E. Ingalls, the acconi-
ine import duty on tuban raw sugar, which is $1.76 per hun- plished and charming editor of the
dred pounds plus the freight from Cuba , .. Corvallis Gazette-Times, is a great
I hat in Cuba the living conditions are unendurable as com- man, but we did not know until
pared with living conditions in the United States; Cuba having yesterday to what heights of great
cheap, black labor, and being able to produce' raw sugar at low ness he has risen. It seems, by
cosj; too low ior American sugar heet growers to compete. his own admission, that he is one
' These sugar corsairs and gamblers would, for the benefit of that noble comoanv of self-
of their own sordid interests, wipe out the beet sugar industry made i Americans; who in their
in the United States, depriving 100,000 farmers of a market for yonth on the farm shooed the
$63,000,000 worth of beets annually- I C0Ws ou of their beds on frosty
And then they would eharge the American people all the mornings and warmed their frozen
traffic would bear for their sugar. ; j feet by standing therein. Jiere
His friends ought to appeal from La Follette drunk with is the story in his own polished
lust for political power to La Follette sober, wlien his ambitions Phrase, excerpted from an editor
were less vaulting, ana wuen lie m sober moments spoke the
truth ' - : '.
But it woiild be of no avail. The truth is not bothering
La Follette. His foolish ambitions have led him into an attitude
in which he finds himself willing to throw veracitv tn the
w;inds, if only he can see what he thinks is a glint of a possibil- was because it was too dark to
ity of getting a few more votes. j find them. ,
' j i Sometimes the pasture grass
There is on foot "a movement for the building of many beet Tiwavs 1 ''T t "
sugar factories in the United States. One is proposed at Salem. wnot lg
There is a hope that we may soon became independent of started yet. it w. too eirS "
foreign sugar supplies. It is fortunate thutjinen of the stamp wear shoes, it was our custom to
i-ui.ri.c a.c nui n iu given a warrant lor the halting of rouse one cow from her downv
ial describing his early days on
the farm: i :
In the morning the first thing to
do was to get the cows. The only
reason we didn't get them sooner
The : Pacific slope should not
have literature of its own, but ne
cessity is forcing that very thing
to happen. Eastern writers have
not been able to see over the
Rocky mountains. ; True, a few of
them have Slid around -to the
south and discovered Los Angeles,
but that is merely an outing oc
casion j and not the planning of
real literature down there.
Literature in America ought to
be national. It would be nation
al if -the Pacific coast had a fair
showing, but it does not have.
The average eastern writer thinks
the jumping off place is Keokuk,
while the far West is Cheyenne.
This narrow view is necessitating
the building up of a Pacific coast
literature in order-that' we will
have vehicles of expres'sion of our
own. e must have literary pub
lications to meet the demand of
our literary folks and of the read
ing public. A" few of our writers
eet national recognition, but it Is
in spite of the fact that they are
living on the Pacific coast..
There is more intelligence, more
.education, more aspiration and
more inspiration in the northwest
Pacific states than; in any similar
part of the union, and it is highly
essential that we have vehicles of
expression that reach the people
and command the respect of the"
patronizing publicv
The Seattle Star, under date of
July 28. 1924, said editorially:
"States west of the Mississippi
have more college and university
students for each 1,000 popula
tion than any other part of the
country. The east will be going
to the west for its knowledge,
the same as it now lags behind it.
strength, quick action, straight
thinking and progressive politics.
The course of civilization through
the centuries is westward."
Puyallup is just as much a part
of the union as ' Kankakee, and
Dallas is just as important as far
as it goes as Chicago, but our peo
ple are being Overlooked. Some
ol these days the eastern writers
will hail us with the enthusiasm
of discoverers, but the best way to
do is to force . ourselves in our
own territory first and then make
contribution to - national litera
ture. : i
Everything indicates that busi
ness this year will be unusually
gojd and that the country will en
joy, great prosperity.' ;
.j -iV
It has been the custom for a
good many years to protect the
candidates of the great parties
through the' secret service. This
is done to protect Candidates from
cranks. There are few sane men
Eojvicious as to be dangerous to
candidates, but there are always
insane men who are not respon
sible. Our last two presidents
who were assassinated were vic-
tiifis of insane men. The crimin
als were hung becaus? it was de
manded that that expiation be
given, but they were insane. There
ls .no necessity to protect Li Fol
lette because his campaign is not
such as to arouse the cranks to
encompass his destruction. Rath-
erjthey w-ill join in with him and
help him oul. .
peated the emphasis with another
inflection and meaning.
"Only!" she exclaimed scorn
fully, i "Have ; you forgotten that
you are to drive me to: Eastha nip
ton this morning, that Junior is to
he dressed, and that we have to
eat breakfast?"
. ; There were many things I could
have told her; anions? them,' that
our breakfast hour was at eight,
and that it would not take an hour
and a half to dress niysef aiul my
child for a drive to a neighboring
village. Hut 3 1 reminded myself
wiih a nine sign mat mere wad
no use answering my mother-in
law ia any fashion other than ab
solutei agreement, especially when
she had a shopping expedition on
hand, so my response was a docile
"I'll get up at once." ,
!dut of the turmoil of Defense
day we are evolving some sensible
conclusions. One is- that it en
ables us to, know ourselves, to
know our physical, mental and
moral strength. The effort is
being made to make September
12 a time for familiarizing oup
selves with the constitution, and
thja days around there are to be
cahed Constitution week. It is
well to know our physical strength
but it is better to know our spirit
ual strength. It is well to know
tn solid rock upon which we
stand, but; it is better to know
that the hope of the world is not
in the guns in the hands of our
soildiers, but the intelligence in
the minds of our people.
this movement, and the destruction of the sugar industries of
this country that have already been developed.
Sooner or later we had to meet
the effort of putting class con
sciousness in politics. It could
not come a better year than this.
The Campaign will be open and
educational. The men who are
seeking to control the country by
appealing to class consciousness
will find they are dealing with a
set of men too big to be led, too
intelligent to be hoodwinked. The
labor men are prosperous, intelli
gent and capable. No man can
make conclusions for them. No
man can herd them as they did
in the old days.
We do not have to hark back
very far when we found employ
ers controlling their' laborers.
There was an outcry against this
and it has been entirely discon
tinued. But that is no worse than
what we have today iwhen labor
leaders are undertaking to do the
thinking and definitely decide the
duties of citizenship for the mem
bers of their organizations. It
never has worked and it never
will awork. ;
(The Curry County Reporter pub
lished at Gold Reach has issued
a j Roosevelt Highway number
which is one of the finest publi
cations we have seen this year
It is not just slopping over and
slobbering, but it is a dignified
presentation of Curry county, its
institutions and industries, to the
country.. The Reporter is edited
by W. E. Ilassler, and he and his
associates have made a distinct
contribution to joif nalisnt in Ore
gon. It is beautifully illustrated
with fine" cuts.' 1
A writer tells us that a vast
array of the great men of America
were schizoids, which. In the ver
nacular of psychiatrists, that they
conflicted with their environment
and sought to thwart its influence.
These high sounding names go
very well, but ln every day par
lance it means that certain cattle
always want to jump their corrals.
Every man who has a herd knows
what that means. There are al-
couch and then stand in the warm
spot where she had lain and throw
rocks at the rest of the herd. This
developed a good pitching arm and
a choice vocabulary. j
After getting the cows into! the
milking lot. feeding the horses,
doing the chambermaid work for
both cows and horses and giving
the latter a massage with a curry
comb, and arraying: them in their
One can not fail to read the
speech of acceptance of President
Coolidge without feeling the lofty
standards of the man. He ac
cepts the presidency as the high
est office in the world. He ap
preciates the responsibility as the
most tremendous that can fall to
"What wonderful things do hap
pen. For HO years Henry Watter-
son presided over the destinies of
the Louisville (Kentucky) Courier
Journal. He fought prohibition in
every moral form. He has only
been dead a few years and yet
we find the Courier Journal bp
posing the democratic candidate
for senator in Kentucky because
hj3 Is wet, and supporting the re
publican candidate, because he is
1 Ml Ml
Adele ' Garrison's New phase of
Copyright, by Newspaper Feature
. Service
The Way Mother Graham Awak-
-nel .Madge for a Ilusy Day.
An Irresistible Demand.
.-.e that you do." she retorted
and I heard the sound of her re
treating footsteps as I put my own
toes out of bed with a reluctan
little shiver at the crisp morning
air, and a sybaritio wish for an
other nap.
I took my; inevitable look at
junior in his crib close to my bed
to see that he was all right, and
found him just stretching into
wakefulness. As I bent over him
in adoration until he opened his
eyes, he smiled up at me and de
"Dooner turn in oor bed."
i Knew that. I was rising the
vials s of wrath, but this appeal
was one not to be denied. So
swung him high from his crib
crept back with him into my own
bed, and for a rapturous few min
utes cuddled him to his heart's
content and mine. Then I played
mis little pig goes to market"
with ; his pink toes, I tossed the
panycaKe nign in tne air." re
peated for the thousandth tim
more: or lesshis favorite tale of
the wolf who "puffed an luffed
and blew the little pig's house in,
and sang ; . i
Hut every mother worthy the
name knows by heart my reper
toire; ;
Madge Is Apprehensive.
"Margaret! "What are you do
ing?" My . mother-in-law's voice
outside the door was crisp with
displeasure this time, and I. was
thankful for Junior's delighted
call of "Danzie! Danzie!" which
diverted his attention for the sec
onds it took me to get noiselessly
out of 'bed. throw on my bath
robe and slippers and open the
door, ; - ':!
"Yes,. Danzie's pessus," she was
calling fatuously, but as she saw
me she held up her hands in horri
fied indignation.! "Margaret! You
haven't done one single thing and
it's been a good half-hour since
I called you. Well, I might have
known it! You don't care to drive
me over to Easthampton. that's
all. I might have known it. Your
car an Richard's are ready for
anybody else in the world except
me. That is what It is to be old
and "
Her handkerchief was halfway
to her eyes, and I knew that mar
tyred tears would be the next reel.
I dived into the bed clothing,
brought up a rapturous, squealing
Junior, and put him swiftly into
his srrandmothPr's arms.
"Tell Danzie you made Mother
late. Junior." I said quickly, "with
your Insatiable demands for
stories. I'll be ready in plenty of
time. Mother." ' . . 1
"If you don't want this child
to, catch his death of cold, put a
blanket around him," she said
tartly, ignoring the fact that I
was already advancing to her
with a woolly crib blanket In my
arms. Hut I knew that the' martyr-like
outburst was off and the
day saved. '
"111 dress him as soon as I get
some clothes on," I said, knowing
well what her answer would be
before she spoke. V
"You'll do nothing of the kind!"
slie said loftily. "You'll flAva
enough to do to get yourself ready
and Richard's car put by the time
breakfast is over. There's always
sure to be something wrong with
it at the . last minute, and I want
you to get it out as soon as you
get dressed, bo if there is, we can
go in yours, although I'd as soon
travel in a spring wagon. Hut if
I'm going this morning I. want to
get started. Give me Richard
Second's clothes!" .
I handed her the articles she
wished without speaking. Indeed
I could not have uttered a, word
without showing my resentment
at her words. It was not the first
time she had spoken contemptu
ously !of the car my father had
given me, and I was in terror for
fear he Would hear her slighting
reference. I had heard his door
open a minute before and was not
sure he had not heard her far
from subdued tones.
. . . . .
. . i'.M.
100 '
100 ,
100 L
4 CO
Standing of Candidates
These standings represent the votes polled in the ballot box fo f
im- laiiuuiaies up to noon Thursday, August 14,-1924;
Allenj Rernice. 290 South Twentyrflrst street ...
Alky. Mrs. T. M.. "1 9S North Twenty-first ... i ... . . ; .
Alkire. Rita. 923 North Sixteenth street .......... . .
Amort, Rose. State hosDital j : i .
Amsler, Elva, 104S South High street : .
Anaerson. Hazel, route 8
Aufranc, Yvonne. JO 8 G Center ....:..
Barlow, Miss Vernice, 1730 Fairmount .
Barnard, Olive, 1S7.1 Lee
Barnes, Ruth. 325 North Capitol .......
Bocke, Mrs., 298, North Twenty-third . .
Backe, Mrs. Velma, route 1 ... ... . ... . ,
Beck, Lucy.! 4 22 South High . ...
Beckett, Genieve, 2525 Hazel ...
Beckett. Cornell, route 2", Salem
Benner. Florence. ",25 North Capitol
Iiertelson, Esther. 600 Mission ........
Best. Mrs. G. L., 1 864 North Liberty .....
Brock, Dorothy. 854 North Commercial .
Brom way. Myrtle, 555 . Marion .........
Brown; Beulah. 1055 South Thirteenth ,
Brown. Katherjne. Oregon State library .
Brown, Bernice, Cottage street . . .......
Brown, Mrs. C. L., 1717 North Liberty ..
Birdwell. Zola M.. Hoyt and Commercial .
Brassfield. Helen, Fairgrounds road !.
Breitenstein, Miss Clara, Salem ....... .
Breithaupt.i Miss Irene, 733 Ferry .......
Buckets, Miss, 298 North Twenty-third
Bossick, Mrs., 1944 North Capitol .......
Buss, Miss J., 892 South Twelfth ....
Canby, Dorothy, 2780 Brooks avenue ., . .
Cannoy, Fetha, route- 2 ....... .........
Casperson, Miss. Salem hospital ........
Claxton, Aiice. 12 65 North; Cottage .
Lleary, Mrs. James, North Seventeenth
Connar, Anna. State hosnital
Crowder. Dakota, 116 Marion street .'. .
Currie, Mabel, South Commercial, corner Leslie
Dancer,, Dorothy, route 7 . . t .... .....
Darling, Grace, route 8. Salem
Drager," Ruby, 1138 North Fifth Salem .
Edwards, Mrs.. C. A., 298 North Fifteenth . . .
Erion, Bernice, Oregon theater .... ...........
Faught, Jessie, 1510 Bellevue
Farmer, Alma, 835 North Commercial , ... ... . .
Findley, Edith, 225 North Twentieth .......
Findley, Pauline, 225 North Twentieth
Flcener, Essie, 1835 North Fourth
Flint. Blanche, 178 West Wilson:..
Freeman, Mrs, Grace, Feeble Minded Institution . ;
Galloway,. Blanche, Salem Auto Co. . : . . ....
Gardner, Mrs. Hannah, Hotel Arro ............. ;
Geer, Leona. 475 North Commercial ............ . ,
Gerlinger. Madeline, Dallas, Ore. . . . . . . . ........ .
George, Hazel, 360 State street i ............... .
Good, Mrs.) Daisy, 1135-WalIer
Gore, Miss Grace, 545 Court ..... . . . .
Griffith, Ruth, State hospital . . ... . ... .'. .... 1 . .
Gwynn, Maude, 1480 North Fifth
Hackett, Blanche, route 1 . . . . ... ..... . .
Hall. Ruth! 565 North Cottage ...V..
HalvorsenJRuth, corner South. Church and Cross . .',
Hansen, Roberta, 180 East Miller ...I.. ... .
Heinick, Evangeline. 823 North Commercial
Heinick. Elois, 823 North Commercial . . . . ...
Harlan. Zelda, 22 5 Superior
Hewitt, Thelma, 2230 North Fourth
Hirons, Mrs.. G. W.. 2417 Trade . . . .
HornerrLucille, 245 Division . . .". ....... J .
Hickman, Fleda, 1 block South Hoyt. mi. S. Commercial.
Hockett, Lois, 1603 North: Commercial . , . . . . .
Hummell, Mrs., 1818 North Capitol
Huntington, La Velle; Yoncalla. Oregon ......
Jaquet, Alice, Silverton Y. . , . ; '. . . . . . ........
Jasper, Clara, North Sixteenth
Johnston, Mrs. G. F., 695 South Twentieth ...
Johnson, Thelmar 1"44 West Miller . . . . ... . . .
Jones, Miss Florence, 606 South Church......
Judson, Carol, 1244 Waller i ..... ,
Kate, Mrs.: Andy, Bliglv Theatre V. ...... M ... .
Keebler, Laura, 553 Shipping ..............
Kibble, Miss Margaret, 695 South Commercial
Kilian, Catherine, 210 Center ..............
Kirk,. Uinta, Chemawa, Ore.
Kunkle, Anna, Bligh theater ............. ;'.
Lainson, Mrs. Stanley, 14 60 State street .
Larson, Irene, 542 North Liberty ..... .
Leavenworth." Martha, South Thirteenth
Lisle, Esther, 1041 South Thirteenth .......
Looney, Maxjorief 1795 South Commercial
Lucas, Winnifred, 1042 Saginaw
McCallum,' Mrs. Hazel ... , . ..... t ...... . "... .
McClary,. jane, 1325 South Commercial ...,..'
McElroy. Marn, Certified. market. Church street
McKelroyJ Mary, Valley Motor company v......
Mclntyre, iMiss Gladys, 527 Center .... . . . .
Macy, Miss Mabel, 810 South Fourteenth
Maden. Miss Grace .
Marnach, Pauline, South High ..............
Mathews, Jennie, 1930 West Nob Hill ... ....
Miller, Miss .Hazel, Turner, Ore. . .
Miller, Mrs. JL. Detroit, Ore. .......... ... .
Nash. Retha,- State Tax commission i ........ .
Needham, Mrs. C. N., 558 State . .. .
Newcombe, Beatrice Crawford, route 2. box 179
Newgent. Mrs.. J." R., 265 South Eighteenth . .
Page, Virginia, route 1
Palmerton. Mizpah, office of Superintendent ot Public In-
Papenfus.j Alice, Thirteenth and Morrison ..... ... ......
Patterson,! Pauline, 495 South Winter i , . . J ... .
Paumalo. Nellie, 818 North Commercial . . ......... J ... .
Payne, Violet M., 1795 North Capitol . . . ... .... . . . . . . . .
Pelley, Lottie, 340 Division street .....
Peetz, Hazel. Turner, Ore. . .l , ............... , . . . , .
Phillips. Dorothy. 482 Jerrls ... . . . , , . . . . . . .
Pike, pearl, 2000 South High ..........
Plank. Heloise.23 6o South Commercial
Pope, Florence, 1809 Market i ..................... t
Powell. Gladys. 1980 North Commercial ................
Power, Miss Florence, 253 North Thirteenth . . . . . ; . ... . ,
Prime. Adaline, 1500 Ferry .
. ... i
Do you know what
time it ia?"
j My mother-in-law's voice spoke
impatiently, outside my door, and
I gave a little . mental groan as I
struggled to wakefulness from a
most refreshing slumber and held
my wrist watch up to my eyes,
j "Yes. It's only half after six."
I stressed the adverb, thpugh I
might as well have saved my
breath, for Mother Graham re- sell bulbs
(To be continued)
Gladiolus Cultivated
By Silverton Florist
SILVERTON. Or., Aug. 13.-
Special to The Statesman. )t-To
help supply the ever-increasing
demand for cut flowers in general
and of bulb flowers in particular.
Rholin Cooley. cf the Silverton
mail force, h3 begun the culti
vation of gladiolus as a side issue.
Mr. Cooley selected the varieties
at the gladioli display at the Ore
gon state fair last fall and has
some beautiful blooms. During
the summer months he has been
selling: the flowers and" reports
that as yet he has been unable to
supply the demand at Silverton.
He expects to add to his acreage
next "spring-. Mr. Cooley will also
Pro. Margaret. 22 4 0 North Liberty ....
Reld, Rita,. 722 State ...... . L . . . .
Rieley, May, State hospital . .. ...... .
Ritchie. Alene,. 2595 INorth Fourth ....
Ritchie, Winnifred. 2595 North Fourth ....
Roberts, Beulah. 1055 South Thirteenth ....
Rhodes. Katherine, State Deaf school
Rogersdale, Mrs., Salem hospital ..........
Ross, Miss Leah. 4 98 North Liberty ........
Rossick, Mrs., 1944 North Capitol
Sande. Helen. 19 65 Trade ..'. .:. .... . .
Savage. Katherine.- 634 Ferry . . .
Schlagel, May, 2283 North Liberty .........
Schwab, Miss Nellie, 533 North Sixteenth .. .
Selig, Miss Helen, 595 North Fourteenth ...
Seymour, IJosepbine, 1425 North Winter ....
Shannon. jVirginia, 1186 South Sixteenth
Shaw, Marion, 1565- South Commercial . . . .
Shipp Jean. 406 Hoyt. street I ... .
Snyder, Violet, 675 South Twelfth . . ... ...
Spusser, Miss Emily, 116 Marion .......
Starr, Ruby, route 9
Starr, Routh. route 9' . .... .
Steingrube, MrsJ Nina. 2265 State street . . . .
Snmnierville, Mrs. Bob; Bligh theater ......
Taylor, Mrs. Albert, 1245 Madison . . . . .). . .' .
Thompson, Airs. W. G., 2640 Lee ..........
Turner, Mrs,, State hospital .-. .....
Vincent. Juanita. 960 Broadway ...........
Waldespel. Luelia, 1 1 44 Ferry street .......
Walker, Myrtle, 278 South Twenty-first
Ward, Mrs. vM. L., 1487 Broadway ..
Weiser, Frances, 322 State . .... ...........
Wenger, Tresta. 1125 North Summer .......
Williams, Miss. Dolores, 25a North Thirteenth
Williams, j Gertrude, 201 North Twenty-fifth
Winkelman, Helen, Salem . . . ;. ...........
Woods, Mrs. Rose, Royal Cafeteria ........
Young. Katherine, Fairgrounds road ........
Zamker, Lena, State hospital . . ........
Zendle, Cornelia. Water street
Zinzer, - Marion, route 5 ..
.... , . .
...... .
. . . .
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