The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 15, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    t ". I
.. FRIDAY MORNING;. AUGUST.15rJL924 . :t"" t-t-tv. r..j ..
f t;
t A the Women's Home Mission
ary" society or the Methodist
church of t the : Oregon . conference
I met yesterday for an all-day meet
ing at the Old People's home. The
) sessions were held in the sun
. room. Luncheon was served to
' the guests at noon, the Salem of
y fleers acting as hostesses. Attrac
. tlve varieties of gladioli centered
' the table. j
I In the absence of Mrs". W. O.
Shepard. president of the board,
)Mrs, E. H. Park, corresponding
t secretary of the Portland district,
presided. Reports .were given by
conference and. district officers,
showing a steady increase along
'all lines. j
5 Those meeting were Mrs. E, H.
Park, Portland district correspon
ding secretary! ; Mrs. E.'J.' Maple,
corresponding secretary of Forest
Grove; Mrs." T. 3. Oeder, treaau-
Vrer, ;portland; Mrs, -P. 3. Booth,
Mrs. L. H. Hott. Mrs. Dan Stan f
ferMrs. Farmington (and Mrs.
VWelch of Dallas: Mrs. A. J. Hoff
man of Forest Grove; Mrs. M. M.
Stein, Mrs. Charles McCloud and
vMrs. I. IX Herson of Silverton;
Mrs. M. Slenth and 1 Mrs. C. B.
Rus8le of Portland; and from Sa-
iem, Mrs. H. H. Vandevort, sec
etary of young people; Mrs. Geo.
JH. Alden. secretary of training
-.schools; Mrs. E. '3.1 Swafford, sec
retary of stewardship: Mrs. W. F.
' iSelee, president of Old People's
" homework; Mrs. II. W. Swafford,
'district secretary young people's
work; Mrs. Hutchinson, secretary
i of evangelism of Junction City;
Mrs. John L. Brady, Mrs. Page and
j jMrs. -.A. C. Bohrnstedt, secretary
! jbl thank offering. . -V.
The annual convention will be
yield at Oregon City In October. .
The women of the Central -Congregational
church are sponsoring
a sale' of delicious cooked foods
to. be held . tomorrow at Epley's
Istore, corner of Nineteenth and
state streets, beginning at 10:30
a. m.
A delightful summer dance was
enjoyed at the Illihee country club
house Wednesday evening by the
Vmembers of the Phoenix club and
their Invited, guests.. . Baskets of
Tsummer flowers decked the spa
cious club house. Patrons and pa
ftronesses for thev affair 'were: Dr.
and Mrs. C L- George, Mr. and
Mrs. Hollis Huntington, and Mr.
iand Mrs. D. Ritchie.
Those motoring to the club
bouse for . the dance were: Miss
orma Bolander, Miss Melba Dav
enport, Miss Margaret Tucker,
MIss Lucille Anderson, Miss Clare
(Whitten of Eugene, Miss Neva Mil
lard, Miss Charlotte Zefber, Miss
bernrdvBartley-. Miss-5 Paoline
receire careful attention. We
prepay the postage or ex
press within a
hundred miles.
radius of
Satisfaction Guaranteed
on -eery purchase or your
money cheerfully refunded.
Vlir PHONE: 106
Knowland, r.irss Elizabeth Taft,
Miss Virginia Wilson, Miss Marie
Hitchcock, Miss Maude Gwynne,
Miss Helen Arpke, MisS Geraldine
Selig. Miss Genevieve Campbell.
Miss Frances Tucker, Miss Mar
garet BreitensteJn.1 Miss poris
Nye, Miss Dorothy Reeve, ; Miss
Hazel George, Miss ) Fay Wassam,
Miss Jennie May Hoppes. .Miss
Florence Busch, Miss Pauline Mar
nach. Miss Leona Geer, Miss Fay
Wolz. Miss Uinta Kirk, Miss Dor
othy Swegle, Miss jLorena Geer,
Miss Odile Matthews, Miss Mar
vel Edwards, Miss Margaret Camp
bell. Miss Lucy Beck, Miss Irene
La r sen. Miss Helois Plank, Ken
neth Campbell, Lawrence Ed
wards, Kermit Thompson, Wesley
Ellis. Clifford Goode, John Drager,
Alvin Kurtz, Dennis Heenan, Stew
art Kibbe, Vernon' Perry, Charles
Cotfen, Kola McClellan. Cecil
Thompson, Lew'is West, Kenneth
Perry, Jerome Hansen, Cecil Ed
wards, Wolcott Buren, Benoit Mc
Croskey, Garlin Simpson, Carl
Walker, Merle Tucker, Byrd Tuck
er, David Warren, Arthur Hamil
ton, Dow Lovell, Ray Lucas. Vern
Matthis, Max McLaughlin. How
ard Kurtz and Gerald Mero.
The following society notice
from the Portland Telegram tells
briefly of the marriage of Miss
Ina McCoy, one of the most popu
lar teachers of the local high
school- Miss McCoy was variously
complimented, particularly, in
Portland, in the weeks preceding
the wedding. The j account from
the1 Portland evening paper fol
lows: j
" Of much Interest-in Portland is
the marriage of Miss Ina, McCoy,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton
McCoy of Salem,' and Harvey
Thurston of Denver, which took
place-Thursday afternoon at 3:30
o'clock at the Episcopal church in
Seaside. Miss McCoy and her par
ents formerly resided in Portland,
but have been making their home
in Salem for the last two years.
They had planned a larger wed
ding to take place- here, but be
cause of illness in (the family, It
was decided to have a more sim
ple ceremony at Seaside, where
they have been spending the sum
mer., i
An informal reception was held
at the church immediately after
the wedding, after jwhich Mr. and
Mrs. Sethman left for Denyer.
. Mr. and Mrs; Lawrence Hofer of
San Francisco plan' to leave today
for their home after a month's
visit as the guests of Col. and Mrs.
E. Hofer here and at Agate beach.
Mrs.: Hofer -was complimented In
anomber- of delightful ways dur
Gome See iWhat
Are Like!
. Everyone Will Delight Yoii
Some of the dresses have no sleeves while
some have long and tight sleeves that are
set in ' at the normal armhole. Lines are
slender and ; tapering and slashes and slits
and buttons and braids are decorative pur
poses on wool dresses. You should see these
dresses in their many phases of smartness.
TheHrimming features on silk dresses are
braid,? applique, embroidery, beads and con
trasting colors. . Beautiful in their simplicity,
you should see them. : i -
$25.00 up
In Our Downstairs Store
Special Silk Value$1.00 and $1.39 Yard.
In this assortment are short lengths of messa
lines, taffeta, satin, crepe arid figured silks suitJ
able for trimmings, blouses dresses and linings.
1 - - i -iSV-- ; j n : - : - I i
i ii :
r (I
Salem Store
406 State St.
ing her stay in Salem. The larg
est affair of the final week was
the tea Wednesday afternoon at
which Miss Lou Thompson was
hostess. - ;
On Wednesday evening Mrs. W.
II. Lytle and Mrs. John Carson en
tertained ' informally for her at
picnic supper. 1 : 4
A house-party of five girl3 who
are graduates of the University of
Oregon and who are members of
the I'i Beta Phi sorority, spent the
week at Neskowln.
. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Moores are
spending a vacation interval at As
toria and Gearhart as the guest
of their daughter, ! Mrs. Robert
Kinney- '"''
The group included: Miss Dor
othy Ostrander and Miss Vivian
Hargrove of Salem and Miss Vir
ginia Pearson, Miss Luella Haus
ler. and Miss Mabs Brecken of
Portland. ;
. . -
The date for the wedding of
Miss Edna Gilbert and Mr. Law
rence Davies has been set for Sep
tember 1. The ceremony will be
performed at 4 o'clock at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Philip Gilbert, Reverend Hisey of
Gresham, officiating.
Mrs. A. A.: Undernlll and Mrs.
W., D. Littler left yesterday for
Oakland, Cal., where they will be
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Littler.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C- Clark are
spending a week's vacation in
British Columbia.
Mrs. T. J. Starker and ; chil
dren, Donald Bruce and Margaret
Jean, of Corvallis, are spending
the week in Salem. Mrs. Starker
is the daughter of Mr. and "Mrs.
Edward Ostrander at whose home
she is visiting.
Mrs. W. II- Lytle left last eve
ning for a three weeks' trip east.
She will stop at Pendleton for a
few days, from eastern Oregon go
ing to Boise, Idaho, where Dr, Ly
tle will join her, leaving Salem a
little later in the month. Dr. and
Mrs. Lytle will make a number of
stops including both Des Moines
and Dubuque. At the latter place
they will be guests of Dr. Lytle's
brother. They plan to be in Sa
lem again the first part of Sep
tember. : .;
Iowaians will , meet tomorrow
for a picnic at the Fairgrounds.
Each is asked to bring his own
basket for the dinner-at noon.
Professor and Mrs. E- C. Rich
ards returned home Wednesday
from a two weeks' vacation trip,
stopping ; at Ashland, Klamath
Falls, and at Eugene. A three
day trip was also taken to Crater
Lake. !
., .. r
to $69.50
Portland Silk Shop
SS3 Alder St.
,1 Mrs. R. P. Boise was. guest
yesterday i iu ; Portland,; returning
in the evening.
1 Mrs. Cecjlj I Jawley and children,
Annabelle and Willis, are leaving
today for Monroe to bo'tlie guests
at the W. F. Starr home.
j n- : ' !
l Dr. and Mrs. W. A- Johnson are
leaying today for Tillamook where
they will attend the Elks conven
tion. They plan to bo gone for
! ; H;-- -
I Mrs. II. W. Arnold of! Vancou
ver, Wash., l and Mrs. Phillips of
Spokane are among those making
summer visits at the $ignia-Tau
fraternity house, 920 Oak street.
Mrs. Arnold returned to-her home
the first of.the week. : while, Mrs.
Phillips plans to be here for a.
longer time.j ;
: Dr. and Mrs. Louis Wolferz of
Peking, China, were the-interest-ing
guests spending the past week
end at the home of tyfs. Philip
Gilbert. Dr. Wolferz la professor
of languages at the, University .f
Peking, and ' returning this fall
will be seven years in the Orient
before another furlough.
. - ii ; - i. -.
Mr, and Mrs. J. H.' Baker and
niece. Miss iDelores Williams are
spending the week at Newport,
having motored over on Tuesday.
I The Children's , Farm Home in
Corvallis is! of special interest to
many local people, the WCTU hav
ing sponsored a recent silver tea
for the home. The following item
appears in jthe Gazette-Times:
; "George Whiteside has invited
the children of the Farm Home to
be guests of the Whiteside man
agement gome afternoon during
the production of the "Covered
Wagon." Mr. Whiteside believes
tbe children; cannot afford to miss
the picture,! both for Its historical
accuracy, and as an entertain
ment." '
Mr. and j Mrs- J. J.1 Miller of
Lexington, Oregon, and Miss Lo
rena Wright of Portland,-spent the
past week-end at the E. .C. Miller
home. I
Hon. and Mrs. W. C; Hawley re
turned early in the week from Al
bany where they were guests for
a fortnight jof relatives. Hon. and
Mrs. Hawley were called to Al
bany to attend the funeral of H.
G.'- Burghardt.
j , Miss Lulu and,Miss Lina Heist
are spending a fortnight at Sea
vlew. Wash-, having left early in
the week.
. . i '
On attractive display In the win
dows of the Salem Electric com
pany are 20 varieties of choice
gladioli from the garden of Mrs,
W. W. Rosebraugh, 1422 State
stfeet. Many passergby stopped
during the; day to admire the un
usually lovely stalks of blooms.
The varieties exhibited include:
Butterfly, Prince of Wales, Orange
Glory, Jack London, Jennie Lind,
Schwaben, j Canary Bird, Golden
Princess, Marshall Foch, McKib
ben, Heleu Todd, Evelyn Kirk
land, Youlk avorite, Pride of Gosh
en, Anlimin Queen, Rouge Tdrch,
Tyrian Beauty, Purple Glory,
Golden Measure, Mary Fennel, and
Mona Lisa,; and Black Pansy.
. Mrs. Rosebraugh has altogether
more than a hundred different
varieties of gladioli, which this
year began to bloom "on June 25.
They will continue : in season
through the summer till frost.
Monte Brecia is used for the most
part In. the planting as a border
to keep down the growth of the
outer gladioli stalks- Beds of new
seedlings add interest to the gar
den. Mrs. Rosebraugh has secur
ed her varieties largely from Die
ner In California and Kundard in
Indiana, both famous producers.
It was Kundard who originated
the ruffled-corolla varieties. .
1 Especially distinctive among the
bulbs .now . In bloom is Purple
Glory, of a deep royal shade. One
of the choicest of th4 varieties is
Golden Measure, the stalks all
thickly set with deep, creamy cor
ollas. Rouge Torch is one of the
most interestingly marked. The
Evelyn Kirkland, with pink
blooms, carries streaked corollas.
Canary Bird attracts Immediate at
tention for the graceful slender
ness of Us stems. Autumn Glory
is suggestive of the turning leaves
while the exquisite contrast var
iety, Mona Lisa, merges into the
lavender. ,
Mrs. Rosebraugh has grown
most of her gladioli from the tiny
bulblets, the strength of the bulbs
depending largely upon the regu
lar cutting away of the flowers
before they fade on the stalk.
Mr. and Mrs.3- C. Miller, 155
South 19th street, have as their
guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Miller
of Litchfield, Neb. Mr. and Mrs.
Miller, arriving on Tuesday, plan
to be here for a month. The first
part of the week the two families
enjoyed a trip to Newport.
Complimenting Mrs. Lawrence
Hofer, of San Francisco, Miss Lou
Thompson was hostess on Wednes
day at one of the summer's most
charming 4 o'clock teas. Zinnias,
phlox and dahlias were used to
form the floral motif. Mrs. Louis
Lachmund presided at the tea
table. I
Guests for the affair included:
Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs. John
Roberts, Mrs. T. A. Livesley. Mrs.
W- r H., BurehardC. Mrs. . Curtis i
Cross, Mrs. W. H
Lytle. Mrsrlva
Blomquist of . Portland, Mrs
Louis, Lachmund, Mrs.-John Car
son, Mrs. James Linn,, Mrs. Fritz
JSlade, Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., Mrs.
Frank Ahdreae, Mrs. R. M. Hofer.
ahd the uest of honor, Mrs. Law
rence Hofer. ' -
. ; - ;j. i
Mrs. p..F? Emmett left yester
day morning, for Los Angeles
where she will be the guest of: her
son, C. W. Emmett.
! -
Mrs. Josie Parrish Stewart was
complimented yesterday afternoon
in Portland at a delightful bridge
tea. Mrs. A. M Crawford was
the hostess. Mrs. Stewart is be
ing entertained as a house-guest
at (the CJrawford home- For the
afternoon bridge, eight tables were
in play. J
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Woolpert and
Charles Brant motored to Twin
Rocks last evening where they will
be guests of Mrs. Brant over the
week-end. Mrs. Brant who ; is
spending the summer at the beach
will return in September.
Mrs. Iva Blomquist who has
been th house-guest of her -sis
ter. Mrsj W. H. Lytle since Mon
day, left yesterday morning for a
visit in Portland. ;
.; '. ' :i
Mrs. Clifford Spaulding of New
berg and Mrs. Lewis Griffith left
Tuesdayj for Newport where they
have joined Mrs- C. K. Spaulding
at the beach. Mr. Spaulding re
turned home last evening, the oth
er members of the party to remain
until next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wilson, Mar
garet and Otto Jr.. have returned
from a-weck's vacation spent -at
A group of friends enjoyed a
picnic supper in Bush's pasture
Tuesday1 evening. Those compos
ing thej group were Mrs. G. ;L.
Rathbun. Mr. and -Mrs. Geprge
King, Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Rebman,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gregg, Mr.
and Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Dr. and
Mrs. Vehrs, and. Mr, Fitzgerald.
(Continued from page 1)
the youths' background were
brought, out. .
Conditions Unfavorable ;;
"Did you ever in your life make
an examination as to a mental
condition , under such clrcum
stances.V asked Benjamin Bachrac
of defense counsel of Dr. Patrick.
I think not," replied the psychiatrist-
. Virtually the same question was
asked later of Dr. Church by Mr.
Dai row; and gained approximately
the same response.
"Too! many persons were pres
ent for nan ideal. examination," and
!really there were very few ques
tions asked," were replies of Dr.
Dr. (jhurch agreed with defense
ali'enistp that the endocrine glands
have an influence on human con
duct. r
Alienist Agrees With Defense
Dr. (phurch qualified as an ex
pert on endocrinology, saying he
thought he reported the first case.
The pineal gland, described by the
defense; as having calcified at a
very early age In Leopold, Dr.
Church! said, was one of the dom
inating! influences, in mental life
and character.
Dr. Church admitted that j the
present! ages of Loeb and Leopold
are within the 'trying period of a
young, j man's life." and that no
doctor jnor teacher could examine
youths -of their age without taking
that into consideration. The state
alienist further agreed with the
presentation of the defense alien
ists claims of mental sickness in
the yojuths by an admission that
if Loeb's phantasy of being a de
tective had lasted from childhood
into young manhood, it would be
"abnorjmal." V '
- Dr. Church was excused from
the witness stand with a final
question as to who had retained
him t act for the prosecution.
As in the instance of Dr. Patrick,
who testified , yesterday he was
paid aj. daily fee of $2." 0. Dr.
Church said he was first ap
proached by Samuel Ettelson. for
mer corporation counsel of Chi
cago, land close, friend of Jacob
Frank, father, of the murdered
boy, j i ,,' '"
The; first witness tomorrow, the
state's1 attorney's office announc
ed wjjll be Df: Rollin F. Wood
Yatt, Endocrine gland expert, who
will bp followed in order by Dr.
Douglas Singer and Dr. William
O. Krohri. Chicago alienists. They
may be the last witnesses, it was
indicated. ! (
(Continued from page P .i
jacent; territory are directly in
terested in the outcome of the
contest and before another week
has elapsed the other 50 jer cent
will be into tfae contest as deeply
as the! candidates and their friend3
are today. J i
i Great Special Offer ;
Candidates will be awarded 200
free voters when they report their
first subscription. 500 more fretf
votes will be given when they re
port their first ?5 and $1000 votes
will .be awarded as a bopus as
soon 83 the total of all the 'col
lections amount to $10. These
votes jare in addition to the regu-1
lar vote schedule and do not con
lnctnh ya4yrwy. Tbere
will tjbt. be maiiy candidates- win
these ! bonuses. . and accordingly
IPS - ri ( . 4ry. X
VT vT J X ; V .
j We are offering garments in quality and smartness of styles
during our August Sale which include the ybry latest in
r - : - . - :
length, Alaskan mink collar and cuffs.
Extra Value, regular price CfiCfl
$695. Price for this sale pDOU
Sleeves. Extra Special ...... ,
COAT. Self trimmed,
Regular price, $670. t
JACQUETTES in natural Muskrat. Ex
tra value at regular price of 1 CQC
$110. New reduced to ..: POJ
'4 JU
$110. Now
We also have a full assortment of Sables, Baum Martin, Stone Martin, Mink,
Fitch, and squirrel which we are offering now at greatly reduced prices.
j i west Mm co.
. We Invite You to Call and. Inspect Our Offerings
190 North Liberty Street.
those who do are bound to occupy
an enviable position in the ' con
test. . j . .
Get; your votes when you pay
your subscription to The States
man; be sure you receive the votes
to which you are entitled, as votes
are issued on both old and new
subscriptions according to the
amounts paid. Ask for your
votes;: some young lady will ap
preciate them. ; ;
Mrs. Mattie Morris1 spent a few
days at her old farm home, and
visiting friends in the neighbor
hood.! ' .' '-. ' j:'
Prof. Bidgood and family passed
through Turner ; Wednesday on
their 1 way back to Independence,
where they are camped for the
present. He visited Marion in the
interest of students for the high
school and reports prospect of sev
eral coming this way.
E. B. Strand of Lorane called
at the home of his1 sister Mrs.
Bear i Tuesday while Jon his way
to Salem, his former home.
Mr. and Mrs. ; Archibald were
shopping In Salem Tuesday.
Miss Ella Archibald celebrated
her eighteenth birthday ; Sunday
with a big picnic dinner served on
the hanks of Mill creek. About
25 relatives and friends were pres
ent, i
Miss Hazel Bear is In j Boston
this week attending N. G. A. R.
encampment, and will visit other
eastern cities; of interest next
week. Sho writes while ; in La
Farte. Ind.. she called on Mrs.
Close, who has charge of the city
library. Iter Salem friends will
remember her having a similar
position in Salem. i
--C. Hewitts spent the week-end
at Pacific City.
The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs.
Bear Wednesday, a number of
ladies attended. The afternoon
closed with a social hour and re
freshments. ! . i
Mrs. Will Mooro was seriously
hurt In Jefferson Tuesday, when
crossing a street tfhe was knocked
down, injuring her head and hip.
She did not regain consciousness
for some time, but :was brought
home that night. I j
Mr. and Mrs; George Moore
were, in Salem Wednesday.
J. F. Lyle and F.! Mitchell are
on a trip to British Columbia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Iuncan re
turned from Newport Monday and
were at the farm Wednesday.
Richard Gale I tookT a : load of
young people to Falls City Sunday
to the E, r. ! League institute. ,
Earl Bear Teturned Saturday
nieht from a trln to Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hill spent j
four days in Washington a week
Walter Robinson was down from
Mill City Sunday. (
Mr. and Mrs. Mayro McKiney
were in Salem Tuesday.
; -; COATS
best quality.
cially priced
the latest colors Priced to Sell. Values from $19.50 to
.: ; $17.50 to $87.50
Pringle school board have ar
ranged to have the name of our
s.chool and the number of the dis
trict painted on the school house.
The prune growers had a meet
ing at Pringle Tuesday night. jP
Mr. Probst Is painting the T. E.
Meeks residence this week.
Miss Irma Meeks has learned
the art of driving an auto and pro
cured her drivers' license.
Frank Clark' and family spent
part of the week at Newport &
they were accompanied by Mrs.
Zinc and ner niece. .
Mr. Balod and 'Mr. Ball have
been attending the child evangelist
meetings at Eugene recently, f
A number from Pringle attend
ed the Robins .and Anderson wed
ding Saturday.! Mr. Robins is a
resident of this district and the
bride taught the Pringle school
i ' j -
One Tnust a ways be particular in choosing1 one's f
hose and with that very thought in mind we have n
I endeavored to stock, what we believe to be, the t
most serviceable and pleasing hose to be had. We J
are showing all of the new fall shades in , J
J ' .i f ' PHOENIX, WAYNE ' ' j I
I Wayne Knit Ponny Hose for Children 25c, 35c, 49c ,
viatka squirrel collar and cuffs. Reg
ular price, $475. ClEC
Our price now ...........,........... v4uu
; o O vr
SEALINE COATS In natural and
squirrel trimmed. Best quality, . Spe
Viatka Squirrel collar. . Regular price
and made many friends in this
vicinity a few years ago.
Mr. Potter has the best corn we
have seen this) season.
La Follette Formally
- Assured of Labor Help
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. The
assurance that the American
Federation of Labor will give un
reserved support to his candidacy
for presidency was given to Sena
tor La Follette of Wisconsin by a
delegation of federation officials.
The group, headed . by Frank
Morrison, secretary of , the federa
tion and made up of members of
the federation's campaign commit
tee, called at the senator's office
at the capital primarily to notify
him officially of the endorsement
given by the federation's executive
council to his candidacy and that
of his running mate, Senator
Wheeler of Montana. y