The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 13, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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' x
that it holds a contract
Itet eras From Camp
Sergeant C. R. Lucy, who has
charge of the Salem army, recruit
ing station, returned to the city
Tuesday morning after serving as
an instructor at two of the sum
mer military camps at Camp
Lewis. Sergeant Lucy has been
.absent from the city for two
months. He left here with his
wife for the opening of the citi
zens' military training camp on
June 19, remaining for the re
serve officers' camp which closed
August 10. Mrs. Lucy returned
with him as far as Portland,
where she is visiting for a few
days untif Sergeant Lucy can find
a place to live, having given up
his apartments before going to
Camp Lewis.
Let's Dance. Folks
At Horseshoe park. Under new
.management. Tonight. August
: 13. . . ., A13
! '
Pram Corps Sleets Tonight
The first regular rehearsal of
4 the drum and bugle corps of the
American legion- in several weeks
will be held at the Clifford Brown
y warehouse at 7 o'clock tonight.
Rehearsals' will follow each Mon-
day and Wednesday night through
: August and then three timea a
week until the state fair. Capital
Post No. 9 is to enter its drum
corps in the state-wide contest oh
Tuesday of fair week, to be
' known as American legion day, :
right at $1.90. The carload was
classed as fancy.! Five cars have
been shipped ; out from Grants
Pasa and Roseburg ! districts.
Seven or eight cars of cannery
stock will be sent out to the Hunt
Brothers at Salem. j
Coming to Salem
Dr. J. L. Brooks of Dubuque,
Iowa, " visited! In. Salem three
week this summer. After he
went home he began to long to
return to Salem.! Now he writes
that he is going to sell out in the
Iowa town and ; come to Salem in
the spring, j ! '
J. S. Nessly, field representa
tive of the Idaho Farmer, Boise,
spent a short time in Salem yes
terday conferring over the situa
tion concerning the oleomargar
ine bill. Mr. Nessly says the
farmers are very much aroused
about this, and the believes they
will muster their full vote against
it.-. :-.!;'
ins were yesterday appointed by
the county court. J. A. Smith,
C. E. Van Y use and F. A. Kurts
were named to appraise the es
tate of Carrie L. Judy and W. A.
Mumper, Addison Page and W. A .
Mathes were appointed to appraise
the Perkins estate. .
with the Prairie Power company
Whereby the latter was to- supply
Canyon City, and that the Prairie
company has failed to comply with
i the contract.
est suggestions ' that are being
i made are that Miller will wear a
green suit, gold braid and a $kull
Help a Little Girl
Find frer pet collie dog. Tan
color with black and white mark
ings. Name, Rover. Reward.
Phone 11 69 J. 7 - r" al5
Drunk Man Fined
Only one item was booked on
the day report at the police sta-
Tuesday. - This was the case
B. Emmett, who was f ined
for being drunk. Emmett
arrested Monday night by
of A
Salem Couple Married
Charles White, IS. and Lillian
Green, 15, both Ot Salem, were
married in Stevenson, Wash., on
August 8, according to word re
ceived here. The consent of both
their parents was. necessary be
fore the ceremony was performed,
owing to the extreme youth of the
contracting parties.
Vlj& of $45,000. Texan Straps ' osiJ&i .43,
-Gett Crooks After Chase Oyct U.S.fcnd ltnz.':
VidLZ-,. x,,,,-' - Wvw r -1 H
Officer Olson.
Orioles Augmented
Six-piece orchestra. Horseshoe
park tonight, Aug. 13. A13
' Pears Bring Good Price
y The first carload' of Bartlett
pears shipped from the Roseburg
! district to New York by Dennis,
Klmhall anil Pnno has hoen nnlrt
for $3.75 per box, says the Grants
Pass Courier. These pears will
net the shippers. Booth and Fish
er. $2.25 per box or better than
v $75;ier ton. These pears were
t shipped on consignment and
brought more than the extra
fancy pack which was sold out-
Bays Farfcrc
Phone 511
. -1
411 Oregon lildg. Phone 457
The Scavy- Bell Insurance
General Insurance
"Billy" Bell
Dr. B. II. White
Dr. Anne Brekke
Electronic diagnosis and treat
ment (Dr. Abrams' method).
Office phone 859
Residence 4 6 9-J
COS U. S. Bank Bldg.
Buy, Sell or Trade-
Real estate and Insure with
Oregon Incorporated, 315-316 U.
S. Bank Bldg.l Salem, Ore. A-16
Legion Membership G rows
Capital ; Post No. 9. American
legion, is pushing Eugene . post
close for position of second place
in the state as a result of the re
cent membership drive, it is re
ported by Brazier C. Small, ad
jutant. During the last 10 days,
in conjunction with the state mem
bership drive, 34 new names were
added to the roster, bringing the i
total paid-up membership to 440.
This time last year the post had
a membership of 255, a little more
than half : of the present enroll
ment. Eugene, at the last report
received here, had 452 members.
Names of the new members and
the total, membership were for-
Can not Rescind Act on
t In an (opinion to the district at
torney of Klamath county. Attor
ney General I. N. Van Winkle
holds that the voters of a county
jn which the county unit system
of school administration has been
adopted ! may not rescind their ac
tion except by an enabling act of
the legislature. The county unit
act of 1921 is a general statute.
and upon the vote of the people of
Klamath county it became effec
tive there to the same extent as if
there had been no condition re
quiring j a vote of the people to
make it effective. The initiative
and referendum powers reserved
to the voters of every municipality
and district as to 'all local, spcial
and municipal legislation of every
character do not confer upon such
Gets Building Permits
Two building, permits were is
sued by the city, recorder Tues
day. These were to R. A. Harris,
for the erection of a story and a
dwelling, Swiss chalet type,
cost of $6300 on what is
at a
known as the Island property.
701 1 North Capitol. The other
permit was to J. M. Clifford for
the erection of a story and a half
dwelling at 125 Superior,. to cost
$1000. ;
Cherrians Are Tripless
Because no more invitations
have been received, the Cherrians
have no more trips in view at
present, according to King Bing
Al Pierce. Visits to other com
munities will ; not be made unless
a special invitation is received,
he said. Each f of the three fel
lowship trips taken by' the Cher
rians this summer have brought
out large crowds. The places
visited were'; Woodburn, Silvertoa
and Stayton. j
Paving Work Continues
Paving operations on the Al-
bany-Corvallis west side highway
have placed the hardsurface as far
as Granger, ' completing six miles
of the road, with 1 three and a
half miles remaining. The work
is slightly ahead of schedule, 625
feet ot pavement being laid each
day. Work Will be started on the
Corvallis end in a few days where
a mile and a half of pavement was
put down when the work first
begun.- ' ;;;'.,' i
Hear Free Lectures :
"The World Crisis." as foretold
in Bible, Derby hall. Sunday, S
p. m. " . j J A13
Vandals Wreck School
,; Vandals believed to live in Mill
City were held responsible by Mrs
warded to, national headquarters
vpstfirdav In nrflpr tn ha rnnnted
In the Oregon figures In the hope municipal subdivisions, it is held,
of bringing the Hanaford McNider the power to repeal general stat-
cun to Oresron. This tronhr. of- I utes.
fered by a past national command
er, is awarded to the state having
the greatest percentage of in
crease In new members over the
previous year.' . t ij
Hnnt Brothers 4
WUl begin on Pears Tuesday
morning eight o'clock and will use
their help that have worked here
this year. I ' - a!3
Attention Iowans 4:
Bring basket wel 1 filled for
1 o'clock dinner August 16. There
will be imnromntu speeches and
old fashioned singing at the Iowa
nicnic at the fairgrounds. a!3
YMCA Boys Returning
The YMCA boys" camp on Trask
river will be broken up aC noon
today and the happy youngsters
start home from a two weeks'
outing in Tillamook : county.
Trucks and private automobiles
'Willi bring the boys back to Salem.
Those who travel in . the . latter
vehicles will probably get back
here in time for dinner, but those
whd ride back on the trucks are
expected until after darli.
School 3Ieeting Quiet
Routine business, occupied "the
attention of the school board last
night. Announcement was made
of: the' election of the following
janitors: G. W. Smalley. head
janitor, high school; J. T. Barnes,
Afred Broughton and Bruce Fox,
other janitors at the high school;
Ej A. Bobell and G. P. Volkel, J.
L. Parrish junior high school; S
W. Drake, Englewood; J. ! H.
Brock, Garfield; C. W. Stewart,
Grant; E. L. Welch, Lincoln; J
W. Woolery. Park, and Charles
Gobeley,' Richmond. Upon recom
mendation of George W- Hug,
superintendent of schools, five
teachers were hired by the board
These will be Mildred Christen
sen, a graduate of Lin field col
lege, French; Dorothy Nicholson,
a graduate of the Ohio state uni
versity, English-Latin, and Vivian
Marsters, home economics, trans
ferred from the : junior high
school, all for the high school;
C. F. French, arithmetic, junior
high school, and Hazel Van Ors-
dall, fifth grade.
Miss Edwards Appointed . ;
At the regular meeting of the
library board Monday evening the
appointment of Miss Elizabeth Ed
wards as children's librarian was
ratified.! Miss Edwards -will take
up the work September 1. She
received both her university and
library school work at the Uni
versity of Washington. Her i ex
perience; has been In the Seattle
library and last year in Marshfield
public library. -, j '
Miss Covington reported 338 pa
trons registered. The number of
books loaned during the month
was 6,580. New books added dur
ing the month numbered 176. j
Elks Ready for Trip
At least 100 Salem Elks are ex
pected to attend tithe state, con
vention In Tillamook August 14
to 16, it was announced Tuesday
by Dr. C. B. O'Neill, exalted ruler.
Names of the 10 official delegates
who will attend are August Hucke-
stein, Arthur Brock, I. W. Lewis,
Edgar Rowland, Howard Hulsey,
A. H. Moore, J, C; Herren, J. R.
Pursley, J. Cherrington and J. H.
Gantenbein. " As a majority of
the members propose to make the
trip to the coast in private auto
mobiles, the plan to charter a
special: train has been dropped.
As a number of the Elks will be
unable: to take in the entire con
vention, it is expected that Satur
day, the final day of the conven
tion, will find the local .delega-
Sperial Services
Dr. Blaine E. Kirpatric Will
preach at the picnic grounds
Brush college on Thursday evenv
ing; at 8 o'clock. A big bonfire
and a good time will be enjoyed-
Picnic Date? Changed ;
rT1iA Tttnfr ViftTvtA anil fwAftrrt I
. " ' WW..r ..W.UW .U4 A J O I .....
7' I nlOT(n. n. mm "
mission picnic of the Jason Lee V .."r " ... " ' . " .
Large Crowd at Concert
; With only one concert to be
offered at Willson park by the
Cherrian band this week, music
lovers turned out en : masse last
night and one of the largest
crowds of the season heard the
excellent program that was of
fered by tbe Cherrian band. The
Methodist church will : be held
at the Englewood park on Friday
of this week instead of Wednes
day as previously announced in
the! church bulletin. Ladies of
the church are cordially invited
to attend. : i
Hubharl An Hsta TTlcTk
nuoDvra is to re-establish : a
high school, according to Lee By-
ers, principal, who was a caller
at the office of the county school
superintendent yesterday.
Marriage License Issued
M. Fulkerson, county , dajr ,3Sued - ot
supertntendent. for the .wanton Turner and Lavina Anderson of
ftSS" l s by the county clerk's of-
Fulkerson Paid a visit to the! "
school Monday j and found maps,
books, blackboards, seats, win
dows and other furnishings com-
Qnfnaby Home Burned;
Damage to the amount of 31,000
and ' the destruction of the farm
home of Arthur GIrod, two miles
south of Quinaby, on the Oregon
Electric railroad, was caused by
fire of an undetermined origin
Tuesday noon., The "chemical ap-
tion much strengthened by fresh paratus of the Salfm fire depart
recruits as a great many are mejnt was rushed to the fire and
making plans to be present for by prompt action managed to save
the closing day. tne Darn and other outbuildings,
tnough the house was entirely con-
We Are Bnying . jsumed by the flames. There was
And! receiving Evergreen black-1 no! one at home when the fire was
a .
berries at the Starr Fruit Prod-lIlr8t noticed, and neighbors who
ucts company, corner Church and! hurried to the scene were able
I Mill streets. Phone 439.
j to save most of the household ef
We're AH
and now. that we are located In
our new quarters at '
we are in a position to give yon
till better Bervice. on your
transfer and hauling work.
We Still Handle Fuel
and have several carloads of
coal due in a few days. Bet
ter get your order in early.
Larmer Transfer &
Storage Co.
Phone 930
pletely demolished. The school
has been closed for the past five
years and the board was planning
on opening it this next year.
Final Hearing Fixed
The date for the final hearing
of the estate of Minerva Jessup
has been set for September 6 by
the county court on the motion of
Marie John, administratrix. A pe
tition to fix the date ot final hear
ing for the estate of Margaret
Bell was filed with the county
court by Anna Wilcox, adminis
tratrix yesterday.
We Are Buying " f
And receiving Evergreen black
berries at the Starr Fruit Prod
ucts company, corner Church and
Mill streets. Phone 439. A161
For Rent j
Seven-room house, close in, mod
ern, except furnace, $30 per
month. J. IIJ Lauterman, Hotel
Argo. , if. 1 A13
Sever on Payroll '
It became known here yesterday
that Frank Sever, who was assist
ant state treasurer under the late
P. Hoff, and who was defeated
as a candidate for the Republican
nomination for treasurer by T.1 B.
Kay, is now In the employ of
State Treasurer Myers as a legal
advisor; in the inheritance tax de
partment at a salary of $250 a
month.- His offices are in Port
land. He continues to practice
privately. It is said he entered
the employ of the state about
three months ago. ;
Appraisers Appointed-
Appraisers for the estates of
Carrie L. Judy and Floyd C. Perk-
Popular Priced
Tailored Suits $23 to $45
Men's and Young Men'
Promote Good Health
T; Cottage Cheese
One-Third Cream
H. B. HIDEOUT, Proprietor
Cars for Hire
Our autos are all kept in prime condition therefore
are absolutely safe to drive. - I
We hire them either with or without drivers.
PHONE 2020. Office at Stage Terminal
Established 18C3
General Banking Business :
Of fits Ilosra frcrS 10 a, 8 p. t2
Will Not Charter Car
Because there are not 25 Kl
wanians in the district who will
make I the trip to Spokane
Camp Average Good
iNearly 100 camps are being
by I made by tourists at the auto camp
train, plans for a special Pullman I grounds each night, according to
car to; carry delegates to the dis-1 T.jG. Albert, superintendent: This
trict convention August 25 . and
26 have been abandoned, it was
announced yesterday by N. D
Elliott, secretary of the Salem
Kiwanis club. The local club
will be represented by two dele
gates land . while it is expected
number has been averaeerf for
several days. A majority of the
machines are registered from' the
predated while Oscar B. Gingrich
-asr well received in his vocal
nuTnoers. rue extra treat was
v 1 f ' -
v r, ' -
' 1 -
If ' i x ' j Uijr 'fr-
ix W' t f
fcs u - u '
. i
r :
' '3"
' I
t i f
i m
5 A
! i
L t
While J. Frank Nornooi ws liv
ing close to nature five years ago
as a Texas, ranger, a group of
swindlers got $45,000 of his money.
As a maOf f form he notified the
proper .authorities but he : also
started. out; on the trial of: the
crooks aftir girding himself, with
lfls trustiest gun. The chase, -jvhich
cost him $17,000. ended success
fully and he then, went to ; New
Tork City to raise cash to pay offf
the mortgage on his ranch. Rep-1
resentative Marvin Jones of Texasfl
has introduced a bill in Congressl
appropriating $11,110 to pay the?
expenses Incurred by the ranch-j
man in the pursuit. The photo-
graph shows Norfloot -with hisj
police dogs In Central Park, Newj
York. . . . '
transmission lines across the Cas-
arr unged by Oscar Steelhammer, cade mountains to connect up with
direvtor, on account of the post- accurate government surveys from
ponetnent of the Friday night I which the balance of the location
concept. The regular program of I mav h taken. Diamond " drill
semi-weekly concerts will be re- test borings were made at ; foun-
sumed next Tuesday night and I nit inn sitpa and accurate surveys
mentioning in his advertisements
the fact that employes of the Se-
attle plant are out on strike. He
was released under -fit 000 bonds
pending preliminary hearing.
the postponed concert offered at I
the end of the season.
Four Girls Escape !
Escape of four girls from the
feeble minded school was reported
to the police about 8:30 o'clock
last night. The girls were Violet
made of the river canyon up to
the flow lipe for the reservoirs.
The firih of Cupper, Simpson
& Cooper, engineers and attorneys.
with whom is associated Harold L.
Cook, - public stenographer, has
recently mbved its offices from the
fourth floor of the Oregon! build
ing to more spacious quarters on
Berry, 16, brown bobbed hair;
Hazel ,Holt, 15, brown hairi Rutrjthe third floor, being rooms Nos.
HowarU, 18, also with, brown hair j 213, 314 and 315.
and Florence .Mater, 15, with
black har.
West Saknn Has Fire-
Burning brush alarmed resi
dents in vest Salem about 11
o'cUock last night and a call was
Manufacturer Arrested
for Labor Advertisement
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 12. F.
A. Green.l executive of ' a sheet
sent to Salem, for the fire depart-1 metal faciory in Seattle, teas ar
mem, ine iixe was eiuusuuucu restefl nere toaay on a cnarge
before any damage was done.
the state labor law
Charged With Assault ;
In justice court Tuestfavi ivv
others' will make' the trip, these j Oljt entered a plea of not guilty
to motor to the convention I to
Birth Is Reported
A baby girl was born to Mr,
and Mrs. Lundy Maxwell Case, of
Stayton, at the Salem hospital on Ideations of having been damaged.
August 4, according to a birth re- H)s face and lips were swollen and
a charge of assault and batterv
filed by Adam Troudt. s A similar
charge against Bill Troudt ! was
dismissed : upon motion of John
Carson; district attorney. Adam
Troudt showed unmintalrnhla
Speedev' are Arrested
Two speeders were arrested by
Officer Wiles' Tuesday. C. A.
KaborO. of Route 4, was cited to
appear at two ovclock this after
noon while Lester mith deposited
$10 bail to assure -ills appearance
in the police court t the same
hour. . '
for sheet
advertising in Los Angeles 'papers
metal workers without
We c a rry a
complete line
of High Grade
Blue Black
Black Blue
Commercial, Bcok Store
4If It's for the office we
have it." i
port filed with
officer Tuesday.
the city health
Five Room New Bungalow-
Corner lot, basement, furnace.
nis ear ana race bleeding. Ott
based his plea upon his contention
that Adam Trondt "t
trouble. The battle is said to
have begun during aCn argument
Salem Agents Square 1
W. A. Mullin, superintendent of
the real estate department of the
state insurance commissioner's of
fice, commends the real estate
dealers of Salem and .nearby ter
ritory, declaring that not a com
plaint i against them has : been
made. ! Complaints have come, ; it
Is said, from every, other city of
any size in the state.
fireplace, all buijt-ins $3800. Five oyer the actions of Arlam Troudt's
bungalow close in $3650. 1 son
room house $1650. Ger-
J. M. Page, Realtor. al3 Addressed Rally
Governor Pierce. -Professor! Her
tog of . Kimball college and 1 Con
gressman Elton Watkins of 5ort-
iana addressed a rally of Clstcka
- tl uvuvu MO ait
vpnon last Sundav.r Th i,nt.
We Are Buying i i f
And receiving Evergreen black
berries at the Starr Fruit Prod
ucts company, corner Church and
Mill streets. Phone 439. 1 A16
City Council Complains i
The city council of Canyon City,,
Or., complains to the public ser
vice commission about the lack of
service rendered by the Consoli
dated Electric Light company, de
claring that not enough power to
operate I ice-making machines is
furnished with the ' result that
meat cannot be preserved! in the
city. The company replies by ex-
OAC Picnic Thursday-
Thursday, at the Silverton park,
members of the Salem and Sil
verton OAC clubs will stage a
ioint Inicnic. All former stnripntn
and alumni who are able to attend numDeped about 1200 people
will rpcpivA a fnrdlal wplcnmo at
the nicnic. nooner at Newport
i m. .
jue Bcnooner Kobert Johnson
Arrested for Larceny now at Newport loading lumber
J. H. Wheepr 9 hrnmrht into I IV r an f eoro, according to infor.
the lustice court Tuesday nnon & I "r Drought to Sale .n veRtwr-
complaint signed; by Sarah U The craft Is said to be over'
Hulen. of Stayton. who alleges i Jeet long. Other schooners
that Wheeler peeled a number of B to toad at Newport soon
bittern bark trees that were on IJ ' : :
her (property and without her i ne "nyers Here
CuoDer and Coooer Back
From Eastern Oregon Trip
Percy A. Cupper, ; senior anem-
Jber of the firm of Cupper faimp-
on & Cooper, consulting engineers
nd attorneys, and R, D. Cooper,
-civil engineer, returned to Salem
this week after having made ex
pensive investigations in eastern
OV-egon. Mr. Cupper returned
from wheeler , countv , where he
hatl conferred with irrigation in
terests in regard to" the adjudi
cation of the water rights on
Bridge creek. He also spent some
time at his eastern Oregon stock
ranch, making he trip by auto
mobile' via the IcKenzie .river
Mr. Cooper returned to the city
After having compl eted on investi
gation of power sites on the De-
rschutes river in the vicinity of
Madras. This worl: was done for
the Columbia Valley. Power com
pany, and consisted! chiefly in as
certaining dam sites and locating
Farmers, Attention
F. N. Woodry, Expert Auctioneer
Always gives satisfaction in conducting
your farm sales I :, i
- i : Phone 511
Residence, 1610 N. Summer St Salem, Ore.
permission. Wheeler, who was
charged with larceny by sever
ance, entered a plea of not guilty
and will be given a hearing.
TV, i .
uuyers or green nrunes
are now In the S.-em district,
i Those who are novr : buying are
John Young, of Young & Wells,
of Spokane; the Denney & Co.
and the Ryan FruJt company. The
v. tuning price Is $25 a ton,
With owners of htn
,.-:-',M FUNERALS ' 1
Funeral services for the infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. William Scott
2547 Fairgrounds road, who died
August 11, will be held Thursday
at 10:30 a. m. at the above resi
dence.. ! Concluding service at the
IOOF cemetery. -
The funeral of James Edwin
Prunk, who died at his home, '555
North Church street, August 10,
will be! held from the Rigdon
chapel Wednesday, August 13, at
2 p. m. Interment will be in the
Twin Oaks cemetery at Turner, r
Speeder Pays Fine
A. C. Kehr. a tourist, was fined
$25 in the Justice court venter.
day after he was arrested, for 1 1fnere tne lee are small making
speeding by O, O. Nichols, state P tne bulk ot the sellers'.
traffic officer. , The visitor was
traveling as high as 62 miles an
hour between Woodburn and Ger-
vaia ana tne trainc officer was
unable to catch 1 up until Kehr
slowed down a ! little. Leniency
was ! recommended by Officer
Nichols because . of the other's
courteous conduct. Under the
scale of fines operated by P. J.
Kuntz, Justice of the peace, the
fine i could have been placed at
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
Fi'st Through Frelgnt to All
Valley Points Daily.
S. Uem-Port land-Woodburn
CorviXlHa- -Eaigene - Jefferson
Dall s - Alb ny Monmouth
IntVP611061 ce " Monroe
: Sprin gfield
C!knal4 CarrU
' text v.ngb ttms in ). ,
Kidding Elks' Steward
One of the "favorite indoor
amusements at ; the Elks' club
these days is the kidding of
George Miller, steward. With a
new temple now under construe
tion, the boys all inskst that Mil
ler must be decorated in fitting
With his nosition and In knin?
We are buying and ret reiving
Evergireeh Blactiberms
'I iat thVi r-
. i - ......
Corner Church and" Mill Streets ; J
Phone 4391
Quality rocerec
Between State and Ferry
"RiLf f nv Finest Creamery. Qual- A fit
XJUtiei ity Guaranteed. Per lb. .
Best Cane Sugar, M lb 95c
Staley Syrup Soo suc . 69c
- t
Staley Syrup
Prunes . . . $2.00
T?l ii. Hard Wheat. (R1
1? lOUr special, 49-lb. sack . tP-L. leJ
i i - '. ' -J - ' ' ' ' '
Get the Habit - - Trade at Lehman's
with the new building. , The lat-