----- I.--,-- 9 s - j. i ) Do you want to borrow , trade or well? No matter how blj? or small your wants may be yon will llml that the Clarified ad i jCos of .the Htatenmnn will utrte your needs and serve them well. Tele phone 23 of 583. T r ' The Statesman carried 49,000 lines or classified advertisements during the month of July. This is a. big. Increase over July of last year. Clarified ads In The State, man bring results. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12, 1924 SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR PRICE FIVE CENTS STMEiDCKS PHITAS! LIFE Attorney Crowe Batters Away at Evidence Obtain ing Dangerous Admissions From Defense Alienist DOCTOR ADMITS THAT YOUTHS MAY HAVE LIED Posing and Rehearsing of Leopold and Loeb By De fense Held Possible . CHICAGO. Auk. 11. (By the Associated Press). Theories of the phantasy life and functional disorder, of endocrine glands built up by the defense through . -V. Tt U O VI, ,11 hert of Chtens'O. in ifa nles fnr mitigation' of punishment of Rich ard Loeb and, Nathan K. Leopold, Jr., for kidnapping and slaying young Robert Franks, was . at tacked vieorouslv. bv the , state loaay in me nearing Deiore juage John R. Caverly. iCrowe Batters Evidence evidence developed by the de fense! in its contention that the youths were Influenced by childish phantasies r which continued to sway them as they developed into manhood, Loeb dreaming of com mitting the perfect crime and 'Leopold blindly following because of a. "king-slave" dream that had persisted for years, Robert E. Crowe, state's attorney, forced from Dr. Hulbert the admission that it Was .possible 'the youths had been rehearsed by attorneys and doctors interested in building their defense. , - ' Hammering no less relentlessly, the prosecutor gained the admis sion that the effect of the endoc rine glands on forming and fixing mentality is as yet a seriously debated question in the , medical profession. ; v , . Youths May Have Lied The young mental pathologist admitted that his conclusions that both Loeb and Leopold were mAtllolW a(V wava hflflflll JrYiof ly on statements made to him by Loeb and Leopold and that he knew the two had lied to him in some instances, mainly through withholding information they were asked to divulge. He admitted there were gaps in his report, which, if filled In with the withheld information, might hare influenced . him to conclu sons different from those he reached. Attack on Girl Suggested Leopold favored kidnapping and ; attacking a young girl before kill ing her, rather than following Loeb's plan of selecting a male , child as their victim also was brought out.; by Mr. Crowe on cross examination. Dr. Hulbert said that Leopold had told him his preference of a girl victim was - influenced by a phantasy in which he had visioned German soldiers attacking French girls. Dr. Hulbert ' joined the three: alienists who had preceded him in the witness box In stating that ' Leopold, while intellectually per fect, was of an emotional age of below 12 years, but Mr. Crowe got from him the statement: Leopold Has Admission i "Leopold has more emotion than he says exists." j ' Mr.; Crowe , had asked the wit ness. If, when Leopold was not "posing" with his superior men- tality on guard, he was not emo- i tional. fit is poslble," Dr. Hul bert replied when the prosecutor asked him . It Leopold had not ? been "posing", throughout the ' various jail examinations while portraying himself as unemotional and the ready subject of phan- - tasies. ' '- ' ,' : Dr Hulbert added, however; that Leopold's Jail posing only magnified his defects, and that he (Continued on pace 8.) THE WEATHER OREGON Fair Tuesday,-; ex cept cloudy or foggy along the coast continued warm;; light westerly winds. . -., LOCAL WEATHER (Monday) Maximum temperature, 92. Minimum temperature, 52. River. -2.4 stationary. Rainfall, none. , Atracsphere. clear Wind, south. ' DEFENSE PLEA GENERA iw MED BRIGADIER GENERAL OF LINE Appointment Comes from President Through War Department Oregon Man Takes Com mand of Troops pjf Two States - Brigade Headquarters to be Located in Oregon ; George AJ.White adjutant general of Oregon, last night rereivwl teleirranhic advice from the war department of his appointment by the president line of the army, with assignment to command me ou in-, fantry brigade, comprising the national guard troops of Ore gon and Idaho. General White immediately wired his ac ceptance, it was learned at National Guard headquarters, took the oath of allegiance and today Will formally assume command of I the 82d brigade as its permanent commander. The appointment is effective until he reaches the age of 64 years.;; f'j - - A A , ' n The war , department telegram CLOSES FOREST District Forester Takes Dras tic Measure to Prevent Further Fires PORTLAND. Aug. 11. -The en- tire Wallowa national forest in Oregon and the watersheds of five streams in Oregon and Washing ton, were closed to the public to day by order jpf George H.' Cecil, district -forester. . Danger to the forests today was about the same as it has been!, for a week. Abont 50 fires were i started in the dis trict Sunday night by lightning, and all were thought to have been put under control. Weather con ditions were practically unchanged alhough reports from the Colville national forest in northwestern Washington indicated ; dangerous lack of humidity and high winds. The area nearest to Portland affected by the closing order is the watershed of Barlow creek In the Mt. Hood national forest. The watershed of Ashland creek with in the Crater fake national forest. was closed, as wg a large acreage in the watershed of the Walla Walla river, in that portion of the Umatilla national forest which ex tends into Washington. Clear water creek, I middle and south forks of the Nooksoak creeks, in Colville national forest, were also closed. Seven national forests in Oregon and lour: in Washington now have regions closed to camp ing, smoking er the use of match es. . i mrwoBMiTV Portland Stands Close Sec- ond in List of Cities in ; United States SEATTLE, (Aug. 11. Seattle's Infant death rate is lowest of all cities in the United States having a population of more' than 250,- 000, only 49 out of everv 1.000 babies born In Seattle in 1923 dying before thev became a venr old. Dr. Paul I Turner, Seattle, di rector of the tstate department of health, told ceunty health officers at the opening of a two day meet ing here today. Portland, Ore., is next with a death ! rate of 53, he stated, while Pittsbureh Is highest with 98. , "Spokane, with an infant death rate of but 48, is lowest among eities having 1 a population over 100,000," said Dr. Turner. Among cities in the next division. Berke ley Hand Long Beach, Cal., with ratings of OJ are lowest, while Tacoma is next with a rating of 48. ii Among states. Washinston. with an infant mortality rate of 50, Is lowest! and Oregon, next with 51. Si SAXI)E IS IMPROVED SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. T., Aug, 11. Earle Sande, American Jockey, who sustained a broken leg in a race here last , "Wednes day, is Improving rapidly." He said today he was not suffering. Everett .Haines, . who will ride Epinard in all hia races In this coiTtry, snivel here today. - SEME IS OW BITE S as a brigadier general of the also stated that General White's date of rank was set back in the appointing order to July 23, 1923, the date when his name was first presented for line command by Major General Charles G. Morton, commanding the ninth corps area with headquarters at San Fran cisco. This action makes him the senior national guard officer in the northwest and of the 41st di vision, of which the 8 2d brigade Is part, It is the same division with which General White went over seas in. 1917. i i Permanent, appointment of General White assures . the loca tion of brigade headquarters in Oregon, It was said at guard headquarters, and ; also insures that the Oregon regiments will go out in a single brigade formation in command of an Oregon man in event of war. In the last war the Oregonians were commanded by a Pennsylvanian and finally . scat tered as replacement throughout the army. 'V; General White has been ad jutant general of Oregon since 1915 and is a veteran of the Span ish war, Mexican border service and World war. He attracted na tion-wide attention in 1917 when he' organized the manpower of Oregon for the World war and put his state first in mobilization, war census and operation of the draft. When this work was completed he applied for active service overseas and spent 18 months with the army in France, participating in the Aisne-Marne and Argonne bat tles. He was decorated by the president of France with the or der of the Legion of Honor. After the armistice he was also promi nent as; joint founder with Theo dore Roosevelt of ' the American legion, of which he became the first national adjutant in France He is 44 years of age, and prob able the youngest ; brigade com mander in the service. The duties of General .White as brigade commander will not con flict with his duty or status as ad jutant general of the state, it was said. He will have a staff of seven officers to appoint at brig ade headquarters. . NEWS BRIEFS , Renault Bests Madden ; NE YORK, Aug. 11. Jack Renault, Canadian,, heavyweight, gave Bartley Madden a scientific boxing lesson in a 15-round match at the Queensboro A. C. in Long Island City tonight, decisively de feating; his opponent all. through the route and cutting him up bad ly about the face. ; -; Leonard Defeats Moran CLEVELAND, Aug. 11. Benny Leonard, world's lightweight title- holder,! defending his laurels for the first time in 11 months, easily defeated Pal Moran, New Orleans challenger, in a 10-round, no-decision contest tonight. A tabula tion by the ringside experts gave Leonard nine of the 10 rounds, while the sixth went to Moran. ; r S : ' ' 0. SparkrStarts Fire '4 HOQUIAM. Wash., Aug. ll-rf- S parks from a dry kiln plant ! Of the National DLumber & Planing mills started a fire tonight which destroyed the mill and 8,000,000 feet of lumber, causing an est! mated damage of $1,000,000 and throwing 500 men out of work. Jewels Stolen During Sleep WESTMINSTER, B. d Aug. IT. H. J. Kammell, San Francisco, who with his family is living in a tent 1 at Gyro camp, ; Queen's park, reported to the police that while he was sleeping last night a thief stole his trousers In which there .was $900 cash - and - $325 worth cf Jwfi, - - " eiStIwis BEING FORMED Inter-A lied Conference Fin ally Shakes Itself Down to Military Withdrawal From Germany HERRI0T REPORTED TO BE! READY TO AGREE French; Authorize iviove in 1 1 Months Details Now in I Conferences LONDON, Aug. 11. (By the Associated Press), The repara tions conference has finally shak en itself down to the basic ques tion of .the Ruhr evacuation and the leaders are attempting in pri vate interviews to effect a settle ment of this acute political prob lent which really is not on the agenda of the conference. M. Herriot, the French premier, had a long ' interview today with Dr. Stresemann, the German foreign minister. Chancellor Marx and Dr. . Stresemann called on Mj Theunis, the Belgian premier, and the leading German delegates also conferred with Ramsay MacDon ald, the British prime minister. Herriot Has Authority i Although M. Herriot is sup posed to have returned from Paris with authority to agree to , the Ruhr evacuation within 11 months the question of when evacuation will begin and the details of its execution including the desire of the French and Belgians to "Seep their national, nn the , railwkVa must be settled among the Frejachit ootii mtermitten banks of Belgians, Euglisttand Germans before the conference can pror ceed in a definite way with the program for instituting the Dawes plan. ; j ; . . :' Reports from all three com mittees; of the conference have been agreed to in principle but the jurists are busy studying and editing! the protocols, which are not in final form. ; Optimism Rules Mrtt . The (opinion now seems general In conference circuits that the outcome will be settled definitely by Thursday or Friday, and. the majority opinion is decidedly op timistic respecting the results. . The I "big fourteenth" met to day to: receive the report of the third committee which outlined how Germany .will make payments in kind. There was much argu ment about the quantity of coal and coke Germany shall deliver, but ah agreement was reached finally With the t understanding that the matter shall be subject to arbitration. Voting Is Progressing At a Merry Statesman's Big Contest The) special offer of a b or delicious candies to each of the winning candidates comes as a pleasant surprise. : The announcement that each of the teh leading ladies would. In addition to all the other houors and pieasures, be awarded a box of delicious Gray : Belle candy to enjoy while on the trip to the seashore has aroused much In terest on the part of the contest ants.' 'i Stamped With Seal of Success The! increasing number of votes cast for the candidates stamps the greatest seashore - vacation con test ever conducted in Oregon, out side of Portland, with the seal of unqualified success. From all parts of the territory candidates have entered the race and are re ceiving loyal support from, their friends. This makes thecontest a" uniformly fair .one, and ho can didate1 has received enough votes to give a lead that cannot be over come.: - -. r Another feature about The Statesman contest that makes it extremely popular and which lis causing interest to spread, is that all the ten ' grand prizes are of equal value. ,.; 4 . " The ten leading ladies at . the close of the contest will be award ed ten splendid seashore trip prize's that are all equal in value and when ' It is understood that The Statesman vill pay all the expenses of these they are doubly desirable.- " -- SUPPLIES FOB : HELD! FLOES - 1 prulser Raleigh Ordered to r-r Find Gertrude j&sk and Assist Vessel to Land at Angmagsalik FOG BANKS HINDER ANY ; " SEARCH FOR LANDING Ice Damages Ship's Propel I ler Planes May Find a s New Base Today . r REYKJAVIK, : Aug. 11. (By The Associated Press.) Rear Ad miral iMagruder 'today 2 flashed a message from his flagship, the Richmond, ordering the cruiser Raleigh off the coast. of Green land to endeavor to find the Dan ish steamer Gertrude. Rask and and'give,her all possible assistance In making her way , through : the ice fields ' toward Angmagsalik to land the supplies she has aboard for the American round-the-world flier. ' i'v'i--'- : t The order was sent when news reached here ' that, the Gertrude Rask, which v. had been drifting about for more than a week from amid floes and unable to reach her destination at last had broken out of the pack but was far south of 'Angmagsalik. The IcelandT -trawler Karl So- lumndarson also is on her way to pick up the Gertrude Rask, for which she has "300 tons, of coal. It is thuoght -the three vessels win meet tomorrow. The vRaleigh Sunday made her way through Small broken fields Of Mce 416jSi but, though the sea fog along the east coasts of Green land 'prevented the two recon naissance planes on board the cruiser from making a survey of the coast line in an endeavor to pick out a safe harbor for the planes of Lieutenant-'Lowell H. Smith and Erik Nelson to hop-of'! from Reykjavik In combing her way through the ice, one of the propellors of ths Raleigh was slightly damaged. Later this afternoon the Raleigh, which was about 60 miles off the Greenland coast, stood out beyond the ice floes to insure her safety during the night. If the fog holds off tomorrow it is prob able that the two planes will be able to take off and determine the possibility of finding : a base for the round-the-world aviators. ROME HAS RIOTS ROME, Aug. 11. (AP) Dar ing anti-governmental demonstra tions were ' held here Saturday night and again last night by com munists, i Clip i in the assures the candidates that no one person will be able to secure such larrn number of votes that others will not be able to over come the lead. The prizes offered are liberal and the contst is young. If you are a candidate and there are others who have more votes in the contest to date than you may have, there is no cause for disennrasrement. Remember that one , new yearly subscription- en titles you to . 1200 votes. 'The popular free voting contest being conducted by The Statesman Is the greatest proposition-of-a-like nature ever opened to the people of Salem. It is not alone In the scope of territory over which the voting extends, but in the splendor and magnificance of the prizes that are to be awarded to the popular ladies selected by the votes of The Statesman pa trons, j Votes Easily Secured By the individual effort of some of the candidates, large numbers of votes are being received each day, showing beyond contradiction that It Is easy . for an energetic candidate to carry on a successful campaign. , ... 51 When sending in coupons kindly cut thenrout as neatly as possible, writing the name' plainly and pin them ..together or enclose them in an envelope,-- Miss Mabel Macy is running first and Miss Violet Snyder sec ond; in thej contest today, and lit appears that their friends are de termined to put . them ' over, for two of the seashore trips, - VICK BROS. BRIG BIG DAMAGE M ( AGAINST Local Automobile Dealers j Demand 5292,250 for Alleged Breach ; Tractor Agency - - Business in Three Cities Claimed A suit for $292,250 damages against Henry Ford & Son and the ora Motor company cuit, court by the Vick Brothers Motor company. Alleired oreacn oi a contract which granted the Oregon sales agency 01 me t orason tractors to the Abrogation ofthe contract for the state sales agency made with Vick Brothers by Henry Ford & Son when the - latter firm was merged with the Ford Motor com pany of Detroit in 1919 deprived the local - firm of its sales rights, it is averred, and caused other general damages amounting to the sums named in the suit. Vick Brothers were in local retail auto mobile businesses in, Salem, Eu gene and Medford prior to enter ing into the agreement to handle the Fordson agency. The loss of these j businesses together with -various sums spent to promote the sale of the tractors is named as the- basis for the claim of .dam ages. ; The contract was entered into between Henry Ford & Son, manu facturers of the Fordson tractor. and Vick Brothers in 1918 and granted to the local firm the ter-, ritorial sales rights in Oregon for the tractor,, the complaint says. The contract was to run for a minimum of 10 years. During that period it was agreed that the sales agency of the Henry Ford & Son products should remain separate from the sales agency of the Ford Motor,, company. In both 'OX . these respects, the con tract was violated, according to Vick Brothers, by the merging of the two corporations and agencies and the abrogation of the con tract after Only one year's opera tion. ;; In" carrying out the stipula tions; of the contract Vick Broth ers claim they disposed of their businesses in Salem, Eugene and Medford and established bead quarters in Portland. A building for agency purposes was built in Portland at-the ost of $75,000, and-an agency service was "estab lished throughout the state, at a cost of $30,000. When the con tract was abrogated these expen ditures are said to have been prac tically lost, and in addition the income from their former busi nesses amounting to $100,000 over i the period of: the term of the contract was cut off. An amount of farm machinery suit able for sale with the tractor was also left , on their hands. Demands for reimbursement for these losses and the loss of the agency have been repeatedly re fused by the Ford Motor com pany, the complaint aserts,- and the suit for $292,250 has been found necessary by the local firm to secure payment. i j , Since the termination of their contract the Vick Brothers have engaged in another Salem retail automobile enterprise. Epworth League Institute Closes at Falls City Aft er Stirring Week The Falls City Epworth league institute elosed Sunday night with ! a service in which a gospel team; of six young j people of the institute had charge, and which resulted in 10 decisions for life service, bringing the total of full time life service decisions in home and foreign fields f to 37, part time service decisions to 50 and first decisions for Christ to 43, thus proving the largest number of conversions that has been re corded for many years in the in stitute., -' ' - i The total registration fpr the week was 377, with over 500 on the grounds, this being nearly double the registration of; last year. With the improvements that are contemplated for next year; it is fully expected that next year's registration will 4 be 1 well over BOO. ! ; - ;-5'S r4 I v:r ; An outlay of $3000 or oTer Is (Ccntrautd on pare T) . MM DECISIONS ; ARE RECOIED II CO. , - .. i ! of Contract Involving Loss' of Lucrative Retail was filedjresterday in the cir plaintiff is tjie cause for action. PARTY TO Washington La Follette CluJ CaJIs Convention to Plan 3rd Ticket I SEATTLE;, -Aug. 11. Support ers of the j'La Follette-Wheeler clubf after $tormy all day confer ence here today, issued a call for a state convention to be held Thursday night to "form a new party to be known as the Progres sive ; party, adopt a party slogan and nominate seven presidential electors." 1 - After adjournment W. A. Gil more, president of the King county La Follette-Wheeler club. who 'declined to sign a call for thu progressive jparty convention, an nounced another call would be is suea soon to iorm another new party jjnd that a.Male convention wuoia De nexa septemoer w to nominate a complete party ticket. There will.be no clash between the progressive party, which will have only (Candidates for presi dential, electors, and the- new party which' will have only candi dates for state and congressional offices," said "Gilmore. ' "Two candidates tor state officers on the farmer-labor ticket signed to call f or the! progressive party con clave." I IS LEGION FEAST Five Hundred Pounds of it Consumed at Meeting of 1 Vets Last-Night 3 One of the best attended mid summer meetings of Capital post No. j 9,' American legion, was staged at, night, with McCornack hall last more than 125 ex-serv ice Imen present. ' Five hundred pounds of ced watermelons were consumed by members and guests. It was announced that the mem bership to date has reached 4 30. George j Griffith, state com mander, outlined the work of the legion in the past, its accomplish ments and J hopes for the future. He was followed by Major Charles GJedstedt, j whose vocal efforts brought in" seven or eight new members. .Clifton Irwin reported that one-half of a proposed 30 piece military band for Salem had been lined j up and asked for the cooperation of the post in com pleting the! quota. Beginning Wednesday night, and, continuing every Monday and Wednesday night this month; the ) post drum and bugle corps will hold regular rehearsals at the Clifford Brown warehouse in orj derj to get j in shape' for the stater wide drum1 corps contest to be staged Tuesday, or American le gion day, at the state fair, it was announced ! by Dr. Carl Wonner, who has charge. During Septerj berj until the fair, the corps will meet threej times a week. f Following discussion of charges against hospital, No. 77, in Port land, Commander Gabrielson an nounced he would appoint a com mittee to draft resolutions 'en dorsing the action of the Portland post in demanding a thorough In vestigation of disabled war .reter ans now in the hospital. - , Entertainment for tho meeting was furnished by .Biddy BinhiVp, who rsceivfed . many plaudits. or his solo and , clog dancing. Spe cial music, was furnished by Mark Renne, orchestra man at the Grand theatre, assisted- by -two others of his orchestra, . - BE WTE1EI1 DAVIS ASSAILS U. P. RECORD fJ AGGEPTirJG Democratic r6minee De clares Republican Party Has Shaken Public Ccnfi- ". dence to Foundation SPEECH MADE DURIfiG i A TORRENT OF RAIIJ Crowd Stands Thru Down pour to Hear Program of Former. Neighbor Specific Charges Against, the Hepnbliran . party "Having exhibited deeper and more .widespread corrup tion than any that this gen eration .of .Americans has een called upon to. witness. Complacency In the face of that corruption and with ill 1 will towards the efforts of honest: men to expose it. "Gross favoritism to the privileged and utter , disre gard of the. unprivileged, v "Indifference v to -t. world peace and timidity in the con duct of foreign affairs. ; DisorganIiatIon, - division and incoherence." GOFF PLAZA, CLARKSBURG, W. Va., Aug. 11. (By The As sociated Press) John W. Davis oreiiing his campaign for the presidency of the United States tonight in a, veritable torrent of rain, a rain that-boaked tho thous auds of persons who had Journ eyed from many-cities t a, witness the formal, cerlnioniea. to Oi -tiiy of his selection aj the standard bearer of the democratic party. Undaunted by the weather, Mr. Davis stood under an umbrella held by a friend and -'launched a bitter attack upon the republican public confidence to "''its very foundation." And. the great throng gathered tOm listen to his speech, only a few St whom were shelter from the elorm with news papers or other non-waterproof materials, stayed on despite the rain. They listened to Mr. Davis denounce the . republicans for having "exhibited a deeper and more widespread corruption than any that this generation of Amer ican .has been called upon to witness." . ; The supreme need of the time, said the nominee, is to bring back to the people confidence in the government. ' S , , Having thus sounded the ral lying cry of democracy's hosts in the, battle ahead, Mr. Davis, with vigor and force; presented the program to which he pledged himself If given the mandate of the American people. He promised as the chief feat ures of this program an honest impartial . and . just- government; tax and tariff revision; farm aid; cooperation "officially" with air legitimate endeavors to lessen the prospect for war; j economy ( in government, conservation of all of the nation's .natural resources and strict enforcement of the pro hibition as well as all other laws. Salem Wants the Tourists Kalem wants the tourists and is going to provide a bettor place for them next year. . The brutal attack on our visit ors by the Capital Journal Mon day evening 'does not reflect the sentiment of the ; sober-minded citizenship of , this vit y. , , It Is so entirely . uncalled for that th criticism of it isj as general as its circulation. V -' . The - tourists : were Indignant when' they1 read the editorial and not without canne, v but , if . they lived here they world know that it was, the policy of. our evening contemporary to 'attac k tho con structive inoven of our boi.t citi zens, to phy up the WTong. side and in general give Its efforts u destructive work r Salem does not pay. any at ten tioit' to .sncti flare-urs " and the tourists would not either if .they remained here long cuugu to take lis nic.-jNure. Silem ' has enter talneil tin of the best people- In the t"iiiti-il Htutes nt lier aulo park and wants to entertain more. They will always be welcoiuc und we hope to make their tay prolitahlo aa well as pleasant hUn they arcs here. We believe that if the tour tots stay . several da In ' Salem they will like our, country so well they will want to stay with u? nl ways. ' '