The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 07, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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Jail Is Fumigated
In an effort to make the city
Jail 1 free from all - ''permanent
.residents", and to " protect transit
ents and occasional rlsitors from
undue annoyance, strong fuml
gants were used Wednesday. As
a result, the entire police station
and the . city recorder's office
smelled like a goat and the. aroma
was sufficient to - bring tears to
the eyes of visitors before the
lames disappeared.
Dance at Albany
. Eyery Thursday, music by Jas
per's Versatile-band. a7
Soon to Hunt Deer
With the deer hunting season
to open August 20, local hunters
are gettlng-nt readiness for the
annual pilgrimage into the woods.
Calling attention to supplies, the
Anderson & Brown sporting goods
store yesterday completed a very
attractive window, with a woods
camp in miniature. A' small tree
and a bear are featured ' In the
display. ; !
Repainting Storer
" The 'A. AT" Clothing store, on
. .'Hlgh street, is undergoing inter-
m lor alterations including a new
- coaft -of paint. V ,
YMCA Board to Meet
Members, of the:YMCA board of
directors will meet today noon
for the regular monthly business
meeting. Further consideration of
the building i program this fall
and routine business is expected
t, occupy the attention of the
board at this time. ' .
t Mrt. Xeach Is Dead
" 1 Word was " received In Salem
yesterday - of the death of Mrs.
Johanna Leach, a well-known
visitor to Salem, who , died In
Portland Monday. She was born
in New Haven, Conn., in 1856 and
came to" Portland with her. hus
band In 1878. She suffered a
stroke of paralysis In 1918,' from
which she never recovered. Mrs.
tzjz Pcniizre -
411 Oregon Bldg. - Phone 457
The ScavyBeE Insurance
'V'.''? Agency .-.;.?- -
'f 5-v General Insurance . ' -
.'. t)r.BH. White
Dr. Anne Brekke ,
Electronic diagnosis and treat
ment (Dr. Abrams' method).
J Office phone 859 ; !
f S68 TJ. S."fiak Bldg. f i
and now that we are located in
our new quarters at
we are In a position to give you
still better . service on your
transfer and hauling work.
We Still Handle Fuel
and have several carloads of
coal due in a few days. Bet
ter get your order In early, ,
Larmtr Transfer 22
Storaso Co.
Phone 930
TrTTj .... -....
Our autos are all kept in prime condition "therefore
are absolutely safe to drive. H . , .
We have them either with or without drivers. 1.
PHONE 2020. Office at Stage Terminal
-;.;.Tf. KERS j . 1; 1
-'EsUHiiSe 1SC3 ' j
Gsasral Dsn'nng .Ba:in;. L. .. .
Cllltm nsrra frczi
Leach was actively identified with
fraternal insurance companies and
was state manager and organizer
in Oregon and Washington of the
Women of Woodcraft, United Ar
tisans and Degree of Honor. She
was afco a member of the Yeo
man lfdge and Modern Brother
hood ok. America. . ; ' :
Diving Exhibition Today
.At 3 o'Sclock this afternoon
there will be an " extensive swim
ming exhibition at the Dennison
bath house, on the Willamette
river near the foot of Court street.
Members of -the Red Cross life
saving corps .' will participate in
the demonstration, all. of whom,
with two exceptions, are Salem
fancy, high and,' comedy- diving,
men. The exhibition win include
life saving demonstrations, vari
ous distance swims and a variety
of strokes. j
Students Registering-!.
Though the fall term at Willa
mette uhiverslty is sjtill some time
in tne ruture, applications wr u
mission are being received at
nresent. Nat JB. Beaver, acting
registrar, said yesterday. From
present indications It is expectea
that a new record for attendance
will be set. 'The type of applica
tion this year; Is said to be the
highest in the history of the col
Teee ? and there will be a high
quality of material from which to
select representatives of tne vari
ous student activities.
Free, 5 Tds. Hemstitching
with each purchase or stampea
goods on sale this week. The
Vogue, 429 Vi Court St. a7
Mrs. Ganaawaf to Speak
Mrs. Charles Gannaway, wno n
lecturing throughout the county In
the interest of the Near East re
lief, will speak, during the prayer
meeting hour at the First Metho
dist church at 8 o'clock tonight.
Mrs." Gannaway spoke at the Ro
tary club luncheon Wednesday,
having with her little Zadi, an
Armenian orphan, , which she and
Dr.' Gannaway adopted.
To Organize Ethical Society
A branch of tha Oregon Etnicai
society Is to be organized in Sa
lem tonight ; at thepngh. notei.
Mrs.- Mattie Grupp. woman lec
turer, will address the meeting St
S o'clock on 'the, subject at "Psy-
ehology of Upbuilding Business."
AIL who are interested are invited
to attend. v ! ; ;
Banquet Is Enjoyed .
As soon as the nignt snuc oi
service station men could rid
themselves of their white working
clothes and clean h"p the oil sell
ing contest banquet participated
in bv nearly 30 employes of the
Standard Oil " company got under
way at the Gray Belle shorti7
after 10 o'clock last night. Th
banquet ' was i paid for : by the
team Captained ; by Fred Collins,
assistant manager, the team cab
t'ained by Mr. Rankin, manager,
being tha guests.' The, banquet
was the culmination of an oil
selling contest staged by ! the two
teams, ' . , .. j;,, : 7 ; r '.
Will Open New Store .
A. A. Gueffroy and Roy Melso,
proprietors of the Commercial
Book store, . will open another
store at 463.-- State, " It is- aa
nounced. .The line-to be carried
in the new store is not:yet given
to the public,' but it Is said that
the new - Store': will have : nothing with the Commercial Bo "t
store and the present store will
continue to be operated as in the
past: .t Whatever: it is, '. it will " n?t
be' a . book , storey the proprietors
assured it newspapermen '. IThe
I Popular Priced V
Tailored Suits $25 to 49
Men's and Young 'Men's
Promote Good Health
Cottage Cheeee '
" One-Third Cream
H. C RIDEOUT, Proprietor
10 i,a lS P, EL
ntockof the building was former
ly owned by the" Owl cigar store,
but these fixtures are being move
to Silcerton. The building will
be remodeled and 'the new stoii
ready for an opening in a month
or two. i
Jaloff Gets Hearing
I A. Jaloff of 4 Portland, operator
of the .Columbia' stages, has been
summoned to appear before the
publio service commission August
15 for a hearing relative to ser
vice and rates of his line of mo
tor busses.
Salem Hospital J
The 5th installment on hospital
pledges was due August 1. Please
send your check to II. W. Meyers,
P.O. Box 344.) a8
Carroll Wants License
: Charles A. Carroll of Bend, who
with H. J. Overturff and others,
was convicted , and fined in the
federal court for alleged frauds In
the appraisal . of lands from the
state bonus commission, has ap
plied to the state real estate de
partment for a license to operate
as a' real state agent. His appll
cation was turned down by Real
Estate Commissioner Will Moore,
but Carroll asks a hearing, which
he is entitled to under the law.
The hearing will be at Bend on
August 18, conducted by - W. A.
Mullin, i deputy real estate com
missioner. It is said Carroll has
operated without a license. I
Taken by Army Officials ' j
, So .that he ,may, be, . transferred
from "the Oregon penitentiary, to
the federal prison, at. McNeil's Is
land.. Governor Pierce has issued
a conditional paraon , to james
Arnold, alias Lon Ferre, -who was
sentenced to serve 10 years in the
Oregon prison for assault and rob
bery while armed wit a a danger
ous weapon. - He was . first sen
tenced to serve five years at
Leavenworth, but escaped the day
before he was to be taken to the
prison. 1 At the Oregon prison he
has been ah - expert brick maker,
and once escaped from the .brick
yard by hiding' in a ' carload of
brick, other prisoners escaping at
the same time. ' Arnold returned
the same night voluntarily, hav
ing gone as far as Albany. ,.
Convention Here '
A convention of , the vtnembers
of the Oregon Motor. Stage associ
ation win be held at the Terminal
building in Salem next Wednes
day. It will be the regular month
ly meeting, the. sessions ; each
month : being held in different
parts of .tie state. About 75 mem
bers are expected to attend. 1 ' ;
Dunbar Appointed ; - i
The state land,, board haa ap
pointed Prank I. Dunbar of As
toria - as an . appraiser for the
board to examine lands on which
the state decides to. foreclose be
cause of delinquent Interest pay
ments on loans from the irreduc
ible school fund. I
Permit Issued i. I
The public service commission
has issued a l permit to the Spo
kane, Portland ' & Seattle Trans
portation company to operate
stages between Portland and
Rainier. It was erroneously re
ported h. that l a hearing on the
question of ! issuing ; a permit
would be held August 8. The
permit is effective August 20. ;
Mining AcUvity Starts - '
Mintpg, activity on the Quartz-
villeJrpffth, Santiam river,
above. loKterJtJira"s-started Sunday
SIMl' :-driahdd Simmons died
., mt :lm ' iresldencei-'tniles wet
- of Salem, August e;; age 70. He
leaves a Widow, IJrs.-Eva Sim
mons, tw6 sons,1 f John : W. of
: Salem and' Charles P. of Fair
; field, .Idaho; one sister, Mrs.
Grace Blisfe of -Salem, "and fiye
grandchildren. Body at Webb's
funeral pafldrs. Announce
ments later. i
ASPINWALL Marion Ashley As-
pinwall passed away August 6
at the family home at Waconda,
Or.,at the age of 12 years. Sur
vived 4y his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. JJrit Asplnwall and one
sister, Evelyn. Funeral an
nouncements later. Webb's
funeral parlors in charge.
- FUNERALS 1 " :
The funeral of Beulah Cfochran,
who died August 4, .will be held
Thursday at 10:30 a. m. from the
Webb funeral parlors. Rev. Mr.
Lee will be in charge of the ser
vice. Interment in the Zena ceme
tery, Polk county.
The funeral of Joseph Lalack
will be held Thursday at! 9 a, m.
at the Catholic church Interment
in ! Catholic cemetery. Webb's
funeral -parlors In charge of ar
rangements. - y i r
The funeral of Edwin Sj Vail.
who died August 1, will be held
at the Webb funeral - parlors on
ThurJay, Aug. 7 at 2 p. m. Rev.
R. D. Bullock will have charge
of : services. t Interment in IOOF
cemetery. - . '
when the" first water iwaat tun
through the notzles on; the Henry
Houl 'placer minlnfr plant, f A-
though nothing but surface dirt
was run through - Sunday a- good
show was found in the sluice box
es and encouraging symptoms are
found. In the old diggings that for
years have held a large store of
gold' and have yielded very little
to the efforts of numerous pros
pectors. This placer mining but-
fit Is modern and continuous oper
ation at the plant Is expected. The
first real clean-up will be made
in 30 days. Future development
of the
mines is regarded as cer-
Woman's Evangelistic ,. . .
Prayer league Thursday, 9 a. m
with Mrs. John Harnett. 605 Union
street. Miss O'Nell leader. Next
Thursday's . meeting provided for
Yes, We Have w.;- .,
Boycite. Marion Auto Co. a7
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our sincere
thanks and appreciation to the
many friends and relatives who
so kindly assisted' us during the
last illness and death of our be
loved wife, motheri and daughter.
Mary Emaline McCormlck; - alteo
for the many floral offerings. We
wish the same loving courtesy ex
tended to you. C. Li. McCormlck,
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Harold,, Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Baker. K
Need More Hop Plcfcers
Fifty workers r to start picking
in hop; yards on ; August 11 are
needed, a call for this number
having jj been received sWednesday
morning by Sim Philips; who has
charge of the federal employment
bureau!; at. the YMCA. This is
contrary, to earlier reports which
were to the effect that the hop
growers had lined, up sufficient
pickers to harvest ' the crop.- The
supply ! of labor has exceeded the
demand this week, a number hav
ing completed their' work In the
harvest fields, due to unusually
favorable weather conditions.
There is still Some need of more
evergreen pickers, Mr. Phillips
said. .
Work, on Rifle Range-
Work on a new rifle range to be
used by the two Salem military
organizations will begin in a day
or : two;: and will 'be completed in
about 10 days, according to an. an
nouncement made Wednesday by
Maj. Charles E. ! GJedstadt. The
range is to be installed on the
Turner road about five miles' from
Salem.: it will be used by men
from the 349th coast artillery,
headquarters detachment', and .the
men of Company F, 162nd Infant
ry. - Funds ' for the construction
of the range are received from
the v federal' government; jThe
range will be fully 'equipped with
pits and firing points and will be
available uti to and inclndine 600
yards. Men from the different
units will be on the range each
week, a - few at a time scattered
through the week; with no 'effort
te take the - entire command out
at once.
Here From Nebraska-
Two, young men from j .North
latte, Neb., have arrived in Sa
lem to spend the winter with their
grandmother, Mrs. D. F.Lane;
1155 Court street.;: The boys are
Joe Lane and Albert Lane. Joe
will enter Willamette university
this fall while the other brother
will be In Salem until spring.
Will Erect Warehouse
Chief of the $10,000 worth of
building permits issued by City
Recorder Marten Poulsen Wednes
day was one to the H. A.' Hyde
company, a California nursery con
cern, which will erect a warehouse'
at 3090 Portland. road, at- cost
of $6,000. Other permits Issued
yesterday were to B. P. Taylor,
dwelling at 1896 State, to cost
$3500: . Lucas V, Wade, a. store
building, 1825 Garden road,, $600,
and to Peter J. B. Kirsch, tcV spend
aoo in altering and repairing a
two-story dwelling at i-1290 North
Summer. ' :
I have now the largest stock of
pianos ever shown In Salemt new
and used ones; from the cheapest
to the best made. Select one now.
Geo. (Twill, 432 State St. V a7
Woman Driver Fined
Mrs. Harry Buxton, of Corval-
is, failed to appear in the police
court Wednesday , to answer to a
charge of speeding and as,wn con
sequence her $5 bail was declared
forfeited. She was arrested. Tues
day night by Officer Wills.
Investigating Man 1
A man giving the name ot L.
R. Newby was arrested Wednes
day by Sergeant George D.'White
and Officer Louis Olson. i He is
being (held at the police station
for further investigation. .
Portland SpeeVIfr Flnexl
in the justice court Wednesday,
Rena Kearhs, of Portland, -contri-buted
$10 for speeding. )
Birth Is Reported'
Alfred is ' the name of a son
born ' to Mr. and Mrs. "Andrew
McCoi,' of 1554 North Fourth, on
August 2. according to a birth
report filed with: the city health
officer. '. ' - ,j
Featuring Loganberries ?e
Beginning today, and cohtlnuing
until iSaturday. loganberry? prod
ets are being featured-ihlaiehi
j b: Jathrfib5 Lfbhdy. In
I cooperation with the Chamber of
'Comtderce and the Silent Business
Men's "league. Two fettles oi
logan Verry; juloe, two glasses of
sen jam and a glass of loganberry
Jelly with a' total retail value of
1.25 are i being offered for SI.
rTelenhonn nrrtpro will ! hn ruutwul
by a number of firms cooperating
With the .plan. These ifirms will
take' the order and the Liberty
Deonle . will make tke flpllrorr.
Orders will be taken by the Com
mercial Book store, Perry's Drug
stdfe, "Worth's Department store,
J. C. Penney compahy,r Gray Belle,
Hamilton's, Schaefer Drug store,
Bishop's, Ray Farmer Hardware.
Rostein & Greenbaum, Salem
Hardware. G. W. Johnson. Patton
Brothers; Doughton ; & Marcus,
Roth Grocery. Weller i Brothers.
W. J. Busick & company, and
Pickens & Haynes.
Reports Tire Stolen 1 ;
While his automobile was nark
ed on Winter near Court Tuesday
night some one stole a tire and
rim, Fred Barker, 1190 North
Cottage, reported to; the' police
yesterday, v i . ; . M :
Churchill Lions Speaker
"The Obligation of Citizenship"
will be the 'subject ot an address
to be given at the Lions vlub
weekly ': meeting i at the Marion
hotel . Friday noon j by J. A
Churchill, state superintendent of
public instruction. The entertain
ment will be furnished by F. Ray
Felker and Rufe White.
Salemites Are Invited I
iWhen the Cherrian , caravan
leaves for Stayton at 6:45 o'clock
tonight, all Salem residents wbd
can make : the trip are urged to
join, according to invitations be
ing given by King ,BIng Al Pierce.
In addition to a drill in uniform,
the Cherrian band will give a con-
Cert and the program will also in
cltide speeches and a general good
time. ; v ? ; ' .
Arrantrine fe Games
Two basketball' games will be
played between the Willamette
university ; Bearcats and tne Uni-
versltv of Oregon in January, ac
cording to plans completed .here
this week. Jack Benenel, grad
uate manager, and Athletic Direc
tor Earl, r were here conferiac
"with Coach. Guy L. Rathbun, Bear
cat athletic mentor. The coming
football eeason was alsodiscussed
by the athletic men. , .
Card of Thanks , i
We wish to thank: the friends
and organizations that so gener
ously extended j their sympathy.
service and flowers during the ill
ness and death of Laura O. Mor
gan. D. Morgan; and family, ajl
Elmer 'Dierks to Ufarrr
Elmer E. Dlerks, who graduated
rdm Linfield college in June, left
Salem yesterdajr for Spokane,
where he will be married to Gretta
Goude, of that city. After a short
visit in La Grande, the young
couple will proceed to Rochester,
New York, where Mr; Dierks will
enter the i Baptist seminary. He
was graduated f torn Salem high
school in 1920.
Asks Damages ' ! -
Russell McCalllster has filed in
circuit court a complaint against
Albert Liechty charging assault
Personal damages 4o; the amount
of $347 and punitive damages to
the amount ot $250 are asked. '
Bank Enters Salt i
A suit to secure payment on a
$7,000 note from Theodore John
son , was yesterday filed in circuit
court by the First National Barik
of Silverton. Foreclosure on cer
tain Marlon county' property was
sought., , ..,;! j.; : " -.. .
Files Divorce Suit i
Carrie Morarity yesterday filed
with, (he county clerk a suit for a
divorce from George Morarity
whom she married la. 1923. She
charges that the 'defendant often
became intoxicated and abused
her..- I ' '
Static Jcs Prepared 4 j
With word that Salem is to be
placed on Babson'si credit arid
sales map for the first; time in its
history, the Chamber, of Com
merce , ,1s preparing U statistics.
- For Odorless Cleaning
! Phone
And We Win Call '
Cherry City Cleaners
23 1 North High St. 1
Special This Week on
Regular $2.50 to $3.00 Caps,
selling this week' at
Regular 23c sock, celling this
...week at 15c per ; pair ,1
Come early before the stock is
- - . picked ovtr.
v Coital Exchange
;" P." Steinbock. 'Proprietor's
' '342 North Commercial i
- Fhohe 136 1-1T 7
The Years that Have
Gone Before
W'E must
and organizations by what they
have done before. We must read in the
Past the promise of the Future.
We are proud of our record ; forty-five
years of conscientious, reliable Service to
the folks of this locality, i And we be-
lieve the Future is indeed mirrored in '
the shining years which have gone be
fore. ;'
!' Superior funeral Service1'
205 SaChurch Street
Bank " clearings f'or July of . this
year exceeded those ot July, 1923,
by $600,000. Babson's will be ad-
vQseBX' ;0!herJ 'iHha In. the state
which sjfe Ahowtr on the man are
Portland,' Pendleton and Eugene.
The cities and ' territories shown
are listed as to their respective
scale in the line of possible sales
opportunities. ! All of the Oregon
cities, including Salem, are listed
as "fair," The map .covers the
entire United States' and the cities
shown indicate Babson's idea of
the places most favorable for sales
opportunities. . ' I , 1
Nebraska Picnic
Preliminary plans for the! big
picnic at' the fair! grounds On
August 14 are being made by
members of the Nebraska society.
All former residents of that state
are ' fri vited f to come and hare I a
good time. "- J. J. Newmyer is pres
ident of the association.
Two Hearings Today-
Two hearings will be held be
fore Judge Pi J. Kuntz in the( Jus
tice court today.;-In the' rooming
George Slaughter, who is 'at1. lib
erty oh bail. Is expected to answer
to a charge of adultery and in the
afternoon John Hewitt, of Aums
ville, to ' appear In "answer to 'a
serious 'charge preferred byj his
wife. - :r ;.: ! " '
Picnic Plans ProgTess
Plans for the joint picnic be
tween the Salem and McMinnville
Rotary clubs are progressing, ac
cording to Al Pierce, chairman bf
often Ifudge individuals
Phone 120
Oregon Pulp and Paper Go.
Salem, Oregon
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers ; Wrap
pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Ghss!r.sf
Drug Bond, Tissue Screenings and Specialties,
the committee. The picnic will
probably be held Friday, August
15, at Wheatland ferry. The com
mittee Is also at work on arrange
ments fort the Rotary-Klwanis-
Lions club picnic to be held some
time this month,, tho timo and
place to be announced later.
Botarians are Aionored
The " Rotary club i. luncheon
Wednesday nboh" was the scene of
a gathering of notables, among
the distinguished visitors were
Governor Walter M. Pierce, United
States Senator Charles L. McNary,
Jefferson Myers, state' treasurer;
Nick Sinnott, of The Dalles, rep
resentative! to congress and Will
lam (Bill) Hanley, ' prominent
eastern Oregon rancher.
. One fine thing about using a
taxlcab is that you can feel ' neu
tral when the fenders' crumple.
The- Measunre of a
Towm ;
I I .-.- I .
Cities are built they don't grow.
The measure of a town is the extent
that builds on opportunity.
When a man takes a self inventory
it is a -hopeful ign. If he is candid he
will find much fault if he is wise he
will strive to correct it. Cities do not
i differ from men.
. People who shop away from Salem
have 1sl reasonor they think they
have. When that reason is discovered '
the "Constructive thing to do is to Cor-
rectit. -;"
The Salem Business Men's League
. needs' and merits your support , in' its :
- efforts to better Salem's shopping bus- .
iness. Get behind the committee. '
. Keep the sale in Salem.
. i . ' r. ... . .
T ' ' ; ' '.I.-' ..;.:. ....
First National Bank
Salem, Oregon
Delos B. Griffith is now on fcia
way to Fort Seott, Kans., his
former home, where be will visit
relatives for the next thre
months. .
John Carson; dlstrict.'attorney,
spent Wednesday ; in Portland at
tending to legal mattfers. ,.
P. W. Seeley, of Gerrals, v&
In Salem Wednesday morning.
Miss Jeanette Calkins, the new
editor of Old Oregon, the alumni
publication bf the University of
Oregon, was in the city Yesterday.
Her headquarters is In Eugene.
Mr," and Mrs. 1. W. Cox, Wayne
and 'Robert Cox and Mrs. E. W.
Bartruff, of Lacomb, were Salem
visitors Wedneeday. ;""
' Edward Robl, of Shaw, was la
the city yesterday. ' '
1 M'. -
m fil
. Li-. -