The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    ; 8
TS PHONE: 106,
- -
I . will sponsor an - -"open
garden" tomorrow afternoon at
tbe Homer Smith and William
McGilchrist. Jr., residences ad
joining at 75 and 677 North
Summer street. Theee attractive
affairs lend a great deal to- the
civitf pride of a town. Visitors
here are especially invited to call
at. the gardens mentioned tomor
row afternoon from three o'clock
In the afternoon to eight o'clock
In the evening. Members of the
society will act as hostesses.
X : '
One of the distinctive social
events of the week will be the tea
on Thursday afternoon at which
Mrs. C. P. Bishop and Mrs. George
H. Alden will be hostesses jointly,
complimenting Mrs. Carl Gregg
Doney, who leaves the middle of
the month for the east, the wives
of Willamette university trustees
and faculty members and the
members of the Thursday after
noon club. The tea will be held
at the home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop
with hours' from 2:30 to 5
o'clock. r , J
Mr. and Mrs.- Dent Mowry and
Miss Mabel Withycombe of Port
land were dinner guests on Sun
day of "Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Burghardt, Jr., motoring down
for the day. ; j
Mrs.. F. A.. Bakery accompanied
by MY. and - Mrs. Walton Young
of NewhalL California, Mrs. Fred
Himble of Portland, and Richard
Barrett of Chicago, returned
home Sunday, evening from vari
ous -vacation trips, having been
gone a week. ' Following a fam
ily reunion in Vancouver, Mrs. C.
II. Adams ; and son. Junior, ac
companied the party to eastern
Oregon, going as far as Heppner.
Last Day
: iaar
; Curwood
The return trip to II Waco on the
Washington coaet was made In
one day. While Mrs. -Adams and
son stopped at their home in Van
couver, the other members of the
party motored to Silver Creek
falls for the week-end, returning
to Salem Sunday evening. " i
Mrs Himhln and Richard Bar
rett : returned yesterday afternoon
to Portland while Mr. and Mrs.
Walton Young, who have been on
en extensive northern trip through
the Canadian Rockies, left for
their home in California last eve
ning. Mrs. Young te a sister of
Mrs, Baker. . ;;; ; 1 :. ; :
$:. ;' J ': (j --
Miss Imogene Roberts of Hood
River is a house guest At ' ; the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. BIsh-
op. S Miss Roberts, who Is 1 the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Roberts, will be here for ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hofer of
San; Francisco, who will be guests
here until the middle of the month
and Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ross
and two daughters of Portland left
Saturday for the coast.- They will
occupy the Hofer cottage; "Madi
nore," until late In the. week'
; f ;,; ';..; j ;
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Busick and
Mr.: and Mrs. J, L. . Busick and
Harold Busick returned Saturday,
evening from a motor trip to Cra
ter lake and the Oregon caves.
They left on Tuesday of last week.
Mrs. F. W. Poorman arrived
home Sunday after spending two
weeks at Rockaway.
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Evans are
among those enjoying a beach va
cation at Newport. s
Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small are
on a week's motor trip which will
take them as far north as Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Small left on Sun
day. ; i
Mr. and Mrs.! William McGH
christ, Jr., returned home Sunday
evening from a two week's vaca
tion at Newport where they were
occupants of the McGIbchrist cot
tage. Mr. and ; Mrs. James Mc
Gilchrist will remain at the cottage
for a longer time.
One of thi pretty summer wed
dings was Khat performed at 4
o'clock Saturday afternoon .when
Mies Irene Williams became the
bride of Sherman .Blume. Rer
H. F. Shanks of the First Baptist
chnrch officiated.
The members of the bridal party
took their places to the impressive
strains of Lohengrin's wedding
march, the bride -attended by Miss
Leta Newblll and' the groom-by his
brother, Milo Blume. The bride
was attractive in ber frock of Alice
blue georgette, trimmed with rib
bon and white lace, i Miss Newbill
wore a becoming dress of pink
For sunburn, bitts, sorsnsss.
poison ivy or nnnnw colds
Osr 17 MOlion Jmn UI Ymmrt
silk. Both the bride and the maid
of honor-: carried nasturtiums. -A
reception followed the cere- '
mony, with punch, Ice cream and ;
cake served. , -
Mrs. Blume ia the daughter of
Mrs. Rae Lee, while Mrs. J. L.
Smith is the mother of the groom.
Those witnessing the ceremony
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith. Mllo
Smith, Clarence Smith and Stanley
Smith; Miss Lenta Newblll. Mr.
and Mrs. Amil Thoma, ' Frank
Huffman and Mrs. June Miles.
Mr.- and Mrs. Blume will make
their home with Mr. and Mrs. Lee.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Patton are
occupying their cottage at New
port during the early part of Aug
Miss Helen Stewart, city nurse
for the Metropolitan Life Insur
ance company, and Miss Hannah
Christensen, bookkeeper for Stiff's
furniture company, left yesterday
for a motor trip into Washington.
Miss Grace Taylor will take. charge
of Miss Stewart's work during the
absence of the latter.
Mrs. George Pearce, Miss Helen
Pea rce and Miss Dorothy Pearce
returned yesterday from a. week
end motor trip to Newport., '
Word received from Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Flagg, who left Salem
a week . ago for California, tells
of a family reunion at Neno Point
beach, three brothers meeting at
that time who had not been to
gether tor 20 years. It is their
intention that a family reunion be
held' every year.
A number of Salem people were
visitors Sunday at Taylor's grove,
where a group of local Girl Re
serves are camped. J. H. Albert
treated the girls to freezer of Ice
cream. ,
Praise Is the keynote of the fol
lowing quatrain by Gertrude
Robison - Ross, taken . this . week
from the Albany Democrat: '
For that our hearts are bright with
For that our eyes are hill-ward
raised, : . - . ' 1
For that our loves are sweet and
i x long ;'
Now God be praised, now God be
praised. . '
( Salem, Oregon.
;. " j
Harvey Minard, who has been
guest at the S.'L. Minard home on
Riverside drive for the past ten
days, left . yesterday; for- Coos
county. ,''
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Brown
left Saturday for Newport. Mrs.
Brown will be at the beach for
two weeks, sharing a cottage with
Mrs. Lloyd Shisler of .Harrisburg.
' , , .
Of interest to many, in Salem is
the engagement of Miss Edith By
non and Charles E. Low, sonfof
Mr. and Mrs.. Walter S. Low, an
nounced last mid-week in : North
Bend. Miss Bynon is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. By
non, -who larmerly made their
home here. '
The announcement was made at
a charming four-course dinner at
the home of Miss Bynon. An at
tractive arrangement of old fash
ioned, flowers ' centered the table.
Miss Bynon, alter attending the
University of Indiana, taking her
major Jn history and physical edu
cation, has had charge of the play
ground work in Chicago, -at Ber-
rian g firings j Mich., 'and Jin Port
land.. Mr. Low attended Oregon
Agricultural college 'where he was
affiliated with the Phi Delta Theta
fraternity. He is also an overseas
man. lie Was for; two years -an
engineer in the state highway de
partment. J Mr. Low is now pro
prietor of the Koos. Kraft shop,
v The wedding will be an event of
the early fall.
' -: Jt , . -
i - i ... .
Mf. and Mrs. Ferd Alien and
Mr. and Mrs.! Ralph Allen motored
to - the mountains for the week
end. .'I.:' j
i ;i-. . j- ytf
Miss Elizabeth Lord accompan
ied by Miss Mabel Robertson left
late last week for Seal Rocks
where they Will occupy, the Lord
cottage during the month of Aug
ust. ; 1 ,
t J ' -B,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ilill,- 666
North Twentieth street, are receiv
ing congratulations upon the birth
of a daughter yesterday after
noon to be named Doris Jeanette.
Mrs. Claudine MelliQger ' and
daughter. Miss Marjorie Mellinger
returned late last week from a
vacation at Newport. Mrs. Mel
linger is moving this week ' into
her new home on North Summer
street. I . .- i' -
i I. -.:; i;f -
The Oregon Yearly meeting of
Friends willj draw a namber of
local people to the conference
grounds at Twin Rocks for the
dates August 5 to 11. A number
of prominent speakers will appear
on the various programs. -J
Delegations from the' two local
churches will leave this .morning.
From the South Salem church the
group includes: .
Rev. and ; Mrs. Carl Fj Miller,
Rev, L. Clarkson Hinshaw, Mrs.
Walter S. j Wright, N Or man
Wright . and Miss Wilma f Whit
man. -.J " - :a I"
- Those going from Highland are:
Mrs. Helen j Hardy. Mrs. . Charles
Hardy, Mrs! Mary Turner, Miss
Mary Armstrong, Miss Jessie Wil
bur, Miss Vira Lull, ; Miss Helen
Frazier, Miss Edith Riggs, Miss
Leona Vickers, Miss Frances Tur
ner. Guy Turner, Meryl Jackson,
Calvin Thomas and Walter Lee.
! : ('. - : j . . ' fit- "' -
Mr. and Mrs. T. ' NJToothacre
are home after a vacation outing
at Taylor's grove. . . h
Misses Mary, Pauline, and
Edith Findley left yesterday tor
Falls City where they will attend
Epworth League institute.
Mrs. Frank Jaskoski, Miss
Josephine j Jaskoski, a ' guest;
Mrs. Thomas Neville of Portland,
and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jaskoski
and children left by motor yester
day: morning for Rockaway. Mrs
Frank Jaskoski, Miss Jaskoski and
Mrs. Neville will occupy- a beach-
cottage for; two weeks. , Mr. and
Mrs. Philip: Jaskoski will return
home today. .
? f
Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Skiff are
leaving this morning for an out
ing to Breitenbush springs. Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Skiff, Jr. whose
marriage was an event of June
30, will join Mr. and Mrs. Skiff
at the springs after their extended
honeymoon: trip to Banff, Lake
Louise, Victoria and many other
points. j
i-Mri and Mrs. Stephen A. Stone
and sons. Junior and Jerry, ac-
Concludes G r e a t Revival
Meeting j n
There are two ways to explain
the case of Uldine Uttley the girl
evangelist who has been preach
ing to thousands of people in Sa
lem during the past 10 days: A
direct, positive miracle of God, or
i M
Enacted by
Tyronne Power
Eleanor Boardman
Ford Sterling
Wallace McDonald
; I -; 'ii- ". 1
! '
THE thrll or the unknown In life's strange places
the warmth of human kindness in a world of strife
these are the great noble qualities that make Arthur
Somers Roche's powerful story one of the outstanding
screen works of the year. ;
v -. lit
tit w - "
V7,.T . V r t ' ,
; Ultline Uttley
a mistake or misreprcsentaton of
her age and previous conditions
of life and even at that it would
be a miracle; in as much as few
others could do it at all!
One hates to believe in some
things one can not understand..
It is not normal for the child of
12 years to preach, to lead music,
to argue intelligently as this girl
does; the grown-up hates to be
lieve that any child can do what he
himself can not now or ever do
But he is a fool who will deny
what he proves for himself, by
every rule of evidence, whether it
concerns a child or a centenarian
. This little girl, under the teach
ins of a power that confounds the
ordinary laws of growth, preaches
a mature gospel that must satisfy
any intelligent test. ' It. is a gospel
of love, not a gospel of the tricky
and argumentative brain.-1 One
doesn't have to be old and tottery
to know how to love, or how to
prove love; that is natural tor the
normal child. Usually it is love
for the few for father, mother
brothers and sisters, intimate
friends.' Only the divine love
reaches out i beyond the touch of
the hand or the eye, and is abie
to grasp the principle of universal
love. This little girl has this com
prehensive conception of love, and
the extraordinary ability to carry
the message o love.
We have had Jackie Coogans,
Strongheart dogs, educated apes,
educated horses, and have marvel-
And We Will Call
Odorless Cleaning
Our Specialty
Prompt Service i
Efficient Work
j Modern Methods
I . C. F. Doane
231 North High Street
We Deliver
cd at tbem. Not one of them has
brought a soul message, has
dreamed of -anything, but to tickle
the intellectual or the ridiculous
palate and make one -wonder how
they could do it. "njey nave been
like the spiritualist table-tippers
and bell-ringers who have no mes
sage other than buffonry ' or
.sleight-of-hand. or-, perhaps noth
ing ut foolish mimicry of .what
their elders do to make people
laugh. But here comes a little
girl with a message .concerning all
eternity'; a powerful- message, de
livered not in imitation of adult
intelligence but with a genuine in
tellgence that has been given her
for this one purpose. Between
the two kinds of "children," the
common mimics on , -one side and
the inspired message of helpful
ness on the other, it ought to be
easy 'to choose which to believe
or to approve. ? - I".
This child preacher confounds
the ordinary rules of childhood
But It needn't matter to any one
just who shall bring, the message
that makes the world better; the
message is the only important
thing. She has brought a gospel
that is already making Salem bet
ter; a message that is clean and
wholesome, and in which there is
.never' a regret or a heartache.
: What one does with an excep
tional talent is the mark of one's
morality and worth. If she can
bring hundreds, thousands, to bet
ter citizenship and the hope of
eternal life instead of merely mak
ing them laugh, one needn't worry
about "how" she got it. She has
Kwohg Foolt & Co.
j Chinese Bazaar Big Sale
We have! all kinds of Fancy and Dry Goods, also we keep
a nice line of Silks and Crepe Goods; make up all Dress and
Kimonas, Silk Waists and 'Blouses, Gents' and Ladies' Furnish
ings Goods, . Silk Hosiery,. "Underwear, ITable Covers, Baskets,
Oil Taper, Sun Parasols, Chinaware, etc. - - '
; . . SALEM, OKE.
D. W.' Sang. Chinese Medicine Office Inside. Has medicine which
- .will cure Rheumatism or any disease.
the disposition and: the power far
beyond her yers ; if Divinity has
shown her a short cut across the
fields of knowledge and under
standing, and she is using this for
a good purpose, that's enough.
Fools" worry about what life is
made of, how. it comes, how tit
goes. ; Many such fools take their
own lives in a frenzy of doubt.
The truly wise, live the. life that
is given them," accepting its won
ders and ' its gifts, being grateful
for its ! privileges and helping to
pass the good along to other rate
ful generatons. ; If Uldine Uttley
brings ' only good, what matters'
her age; or- the explanation of
her power? :-jf .'
i The revival meeting closed Sun
day night. The armory was pack
ed and hundreds were ' turned
away. The meetings were a great
cniritunl fnsf
----- j
Read the Classified Ads,
SAVES BABIES, helps grown-,
ups, comforts elderly people.
For cholera infantum, summer com
plaint, weakening diarrhoea ue
Take in a little sweetened water,
j Never fails. .
4 MHBffl)
r it in ii v lull rvhttrrnrrn. i. i
FonPampx -
.i ; tixBaxOil , V -
conipanied by Mrs. P. J. Mulkey
of Arlington, returned Sunday
from a three week's vacation trip
to Crater Lake and Diamond
"V,; : T ' ' " ; 1 .
Mrs. ; O. P. Hoff had as her
guest over the week-end her son,
Norlan Ilpff of Portland. I
" : : ; 5 :- t
, Thomas Maplethorpe Is spend
ing his vacation at Scotts Mills
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V.
T. Hogg. Mrs. Hogg is a daughter
of Mr. 'Maplethorpe.
:::.. ,:y;j'V . M
P. E. Shafcriand sons. Frank
Jr. and Earl are anticipating a
throe weeks motor trip through
southern and eastern Oregon.
They plan to leave late this week.
Dr. and .Mrs. C. L. Sherman re
turned U home Saturday : evening
from a lQ-day' vacation trip.
" k & l !; ,
JThe Modern Writers' club of the
Arts' league, will meet this eve
ning in Bush's pasture for a pic
nic meeting and program.
-;. .
Mrs. L. S. Geer has as her house
guest Miss Adelia White of Port
land. . .:
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Beeby spent
Sunday at Foley Springs.
Mrs.. George Christensen ac
companied the, Artisan caravan as
far 'as Creswell yesterday where
she will .visit with" her husband
for a few days, j Mrs. Christensen
will - also ? visit in Eugene '- before
her return the middle of. the week.
. - Vj;
Miss Frances Welch, Miss Jessie
Starr and Virgil Starr spent Sun
day at Neskowln, motoring over
for the day. " 4 L
M .. ' :
Mrs. R. A. Annin and son. Bob
by, and Mr. ant Mrs. Henry Her
man of Myrtle Point wore guests
on Sunday of Dr. and MrsJ W. L.
Pemberton. motoring out for the
Coos County picnic. Bobby Annin
remained ovef and will accompany
Dr. - and Mrs. Pemberton to the
Oregon Caves this week. Dr. and
Mrs.' Pemberton are leaving - this
INE shoes, like cood com
pany, arc a satisfaction to
have a pleasure to be as
sociated; with. One reason
why so rnany men wear
Florsheirri Shoes permanendy.
One pf cur most popular
I'lorsheims 1
3Z6 State6tNalloU(l5t5i-a