The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 01, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    -ma 8UXDAY PAPER
If you will prepare your copy
early for Sunday's paper yon will
assist n ami also assure a bet
ttr position ' for 'yoar advertlse
' ment. , .
la a good guide to crry Jionse- '
wife in supplying the nc-t-tl of her !
table. Tomorrow's Paper for '
this page.
i i
( t.
Darrow Seeks to Have Court
Consider the Mental Con
dition and Degree of Re
sponsibility 1
Enthusiasm of Attorney
Crowe Said to Be Most
Remarkable in Case
CHICAGO. July 31 (By The
Associated Press.) Mitigation.
not of crime, but of punishment,
mercy of Judgment. .founded not
upon the cold letter of the law,
but upon considerations of human
ity these were the points empha
sized today by the defense in the
proceedings which are to deter
mine the penalty that Nathan Leo
pold, Jr., and Richard Loeb are
to pay for the kidnaping and mur
der of Robert Franks.
Clarence S. Darrow, 67-year-old
Veteran of court battles, fighting
for the principles he has advocated
In and out : of court for many1
years, put squarely before Judge
John R. Caverly the Issue whether
considerations of this character
are to be written in the Jurispru
dence of Illinois. 1
. Determined on Hanging
"The state's attorney's office
fceems to feel the universe will
crumble unless these boys hang,'
lie said. He argued In response
to a lengthy contention by Robert
E. Crowe, state's attorney, backed
by tbe legal lore of Thomas Mar
shall. Indictment expert. Through
a day and a half of court proced
are, the prosecutor had maintained
that evidence of alienists offered
! fcy tbe defense as to the degree of
' mental responsibility of the youth
ful murderers was Incompetent, Ir
relevant and immaterial a f ter f a
plea pf guilty had been entered.
"We seek not mitigation of the
crime, but only mitigation of the
punishment of a diseased condi
tion of the mind, constantly In
character, but not amounting to
legal Insanity," was tbe keynote of
the defense, i j ', .
Insane and Guilty Impossible
"A showing of mental disease
'constitutes a showing of Insanity
'the existence of which must be de-
: termined by a "jury, i It "can be
brought in here only in the de
fendants withdraw their pleas of
'guilty and rely upon insanity as a
defense to the crime itself," re
sponded the state.
Throughout the four-bour ses
sion of the court the question was
'debated by the attorneys. Occa
sionally three or four of them
would be on their feet talking it
tbe aame time, but for the most
-part Mr. Marshall held the floor
for the atate and Mr. Darrow and
Walter Bachrach for tbe defense.
Hundreds of citations from: de-
cions given In . this country and
England, aome of them a century
; old, were offered by Mr. Marsha'I
and Mr. Bachrach had not finished
hlr analysis and comparison of
these when court adjourned for
the day.
Jadge Not Affected '
Tomorrow will see a renewal of
the legal engagement, but It was
predicted Judge Caverly would
' rule after an, hour or two more of
'arguing.' j :
The court, who is holding in re-
serve a decision against the state
which he gave yesterday, i inter
rupted Mr. Marshall several times
to ask him to point out specif leal
-ly. how some of tbe decisions be
was reading affected the present
proceedings. i
At the very outset of the day's
proceedings Judge Caverly told the
v prosecution that among all the
cases cited yesterday he had
round none ' applicable to condi
tions which faced him. I .
Mr. Darrow found several op-
(Continued on page 2)
OREGON: Partly cloudy Fri
day; moderate temperature;
5 moderate west and north
west winds. ! - 1
' ' - .i . j
(Xvpsxnqx) j . j
Maximum temperature, 82.
M inlmum temperature, 50.
River, -2.3 falling.
Rainfall, none.
Atmosphere, clear. .
Wind, northwest.
Slips Telling j Nipponese to
"Get Out" of Fruit Fields
Looked Into
fficial investigation of tbe mys
terious warning to Japanese work
ers in the hop and fruit fields at
Hopland. Mendocino county, to
get out" Is being Investigated by
tbe Japanese consulate here, it
was announced today by - Guy C.
Calden. special attorney for the
The warning was contained t on
nsfgned slips of paper which'were
dropped from automobiles in tbe
district. I
BUENOS AIRES. July 31. (By
The Associated j Press) The cor
respondent of La s Naclon at San
tos, who has paid a visit to Sao
Paulo from which the rebels were
driTen by tbe -government forces
last Monday -morning, returned to
Santos today. He says that vir
tually all business houses in Sao
Paulo reopened today and that the
authorities there have begun re
pairing the damage done during
the outbreak which is evident on
all sides. - j ;
Former New Jersey Police
man Killed in Attempt to
Rob Mail Clerk
EAST ORANGE. N. J., July 31
The bandit slain at tbe Lacka
wanna railroad station here today
in an attempt with another to rob
a mail pouch containing what th-y
thought was $70,000 in federal
notes, tonight was identified as
John J. Manyon of Hoboken, form
er' member, of the New Jersey atate
police. . i
Manyon was shot and killed by
Engene Stack, I postal clerk, who
was on tbe station platform when
the two men opened fire on him
in an effort to gain possession of
the pouch. 1 ,
Although wounded in the leg
and hand, Stack steadied himself
and fired a bullet through Man
yon's back as he was about to dis
appear down the station -stairway
and climb into a waiting taxicab.
His confederate got away in the
cab. , J
The bank notes were not In the
pouch the bandits sought, having
been sent on an earlier tfaln.
MacLaren, British Flier
Is Safe at Jap Island
TOKIO. August 1. (By Tbe
Associated Press) A, Stuart Mac
Laren, the British aviator and his
companions who are on an around-
the-world flight, are still at Petro
pavlovsk, Kamchatka. No details
have been received here, but it is
believed that I they are weather
bound. i
MacLaren and bis companions
arrived at Petropavlovsk on July
25, from Paramasbiru, Kurile Is
lands, and expected to leave the
same day for west Kamchatka
They encountered dense fogs on
their flight from Paramashtru.
Attorney General Determines
to Look Further Into
the Situation ,
WASHINGTON, July 3 1. At
torney General Stone has ordered
a further Inquiry into the gasoline
price situation. The report : of
the federal trade commission 1 6a
the : subject, made at the request
of the president. Contains in for
mation, Mr. Stone .said today
which warrants a further invest.!
gation of the several phases of
the problem.! s i
Department officials described
the trade commission's report,
which 'has never ' been made pub
lic, as "very interesting" but indi
cated that it ; was impossible n
some ways. I Mr. Stone was said
to believe that such an inquiry
might supply the government not
only with a better knowledge of
what Is going on in the whole in
quiry, but' with evidence which It
might use in its injunction suits
recently filed in Chicago to break
up 'selling agreements, based
upon use of the so-called cracking
process in the industry."
Increased Economic Lever
age to Acrue to the Agru
cultural Sections if Rise
$200,000,000 More for
Crops Is Best the Depart
! ment Can Predict 1
WASHINGTON, July 31. The
agricultural situation promises
farmers some increased economic
leverage tis ypar, the depart
ment of agriculture stated today
in announcing that the index of
purchasing power of farm prodr
ucts is slowly rising. ,
At the beginning of July j the
index of purchasing power of farm
products was 79 as compared with
the year 1913, representing 100.
That is ten per cent higher than
ever at that time in the last four
years. - .
In its monthly review the de
partment takes issue with those
who have estimated a $1,000,000,-
000 increase in the value of the
wheat crop over last year's crop.
fit is possible that American
wheat growers will get from $100,-
OOp.000 to $200,000,000 more for
their wheat this' year , than last,
assuming that they sell some
thing over 500,000,000 bushels.
the department states. "This is
considerably less than the ' $1,-
000,000,000 increase estimated In
some quarters, but bespeaks an
increased ability to pay off debts
and a general Improvement In fi
nancial conditions in the wheat
country. :- - 7
"On " tbe other band; the corn
situation is by no means good.
The main significance of the corn
situation lies In Its effect on live
stock production and prices dur
ing the coming year. Expensive
corn this fall will presumably pro
long the liquidation " of breeding
stocks now in progress. Unless
history la a faithless guide, bogs
and high grade cattle will be good
property before this time in 1925
1 "A six per cent Increase jta
dairy cows in tbe country' over
last year is reported, the increase
Detag greatest In the west."
) PORTLAND. Or.. July 31.-
While coast districts of Oregon
and Washington were protected
from forest fires today by! high
humidity, loss to timber east of
the mountains was extensive. Re
ports showed that new fires bad
burned over thousands of ! acres
and that weather conditions were
more unfavorable than ever, jj
Dolly's Charges Prove "Dud"
La Ronda Pierce Held Sane
County Officials Lonesome
The tumult and the shouting
dies. The alienists and the report
ers depart. The court house is
qtiiet save for the drone f o rou
tine business being transacted as
usual. County Judge W. H.
Downing can find no profitable
way to employ his time and Dis
trict Attorney Jonn Carson! has a
lonesome look on his face. La
Ronda Piete has - been declared
sane! - .
I The bombshell which j Dolly
Quartier. "Queen, of the bootleg
gers." exploded f by preferring
charges of insanity against the
former special investigator of
Governor Pierce has spent Its
force and proved to be a "dud-"
Nothing remains 'for the reduobt
able Dolly to do except to attack
the sanity of Dr. W. H. Byrd,
county "alienist, who examined the
defendant and declared him per
fectly sound mentally. ' .
: The hearing was unexpectedly
called and privately held, j Attor
ney General Van "Winkle called
up Judge Downing last night and
advised him that Pierce was ready
to voluntarily surrender himself
for examination. True to ; bis
word Pierce put in appearance at
11 o'clock and was given a brief
but thorough mental test by Dr;
Byrd- ;
- Tbe -examination revealed that
fierce is "6. feet tall "and .'weighs
90 Lbs. of 'Bullion Calmly
Taken My IMddler While
Armed Men "Watch
NEW YORK. July 31. While
armed . men guarded the unloading
of a truck load of silver bullion
in front of a safety deposit com
pany In the financial district to
day. George . Stein. 3 6. a peddler,
picked up a 90-pound -silver bar
worth $750 and calmly walked
away without being observed l
He had gone several blocks,
passing thousands, before anyone
noticed what he was carrying.
I Patrolman Drown, who. arrested
the man, said Stein was staggering
under the weight of the bar.
Cities of the Northwest to
t Be Invited to Join in
. Great Welcome
SEATTLE. July Sl.-r-Cities of
the Pacific northwest were unit
ing today in planning to welcome
three United States army filers
when they end their flight around
the 'globe at Sand Point here.
According to advices received by
the Seattle chamber of commerce
from Washington. D. C, the filers
will arrive here about August 15
and stay three days.
By ending the flight here rather
than at Santa Monica, Cal., where
the planes hopped off for Seattle,
20 days will have been cut from
the time the flight was begun un
til the planes arrive here. . This
time was spent flying here from
Santa Monica and in making ready
to leave 'here, the planes leaving
Santa Monica March 17 and leav
ing here April 6.' 1
LOS ANGELES. Julv 31 There
is no evidence of "any undue In
fluence or dishonesty" In connec
tion with the letting of a lease to
E. Lu Doheny's pan-American Pe
troleum &. Transport company on
seven! acres of municipal' harbor
frontage at San Pedro, the county
grand Jury reported today after
an Investigation lasting over five
One Way Traffic Enforced
In Portland Streets
PORTLAND. Or., July 31. One
way traffic will be put Into effect
on several Portland streets tomdr-,
row for the first time in the his
tory of the' City.
Some confusion and difficulty
are expected for the first few days
and practical tryout of the plan
may result In some slight changes.
Members of the council predict
that the one way plan will speed
up traffic and be of general ben
efit, not alone to motorists, but
to merchants in the congested dis
trict as well.
210 pounds; that he never smokes
or drinks; that he has no head
aches or neuralgia; that his re
flexes are good; and that he suf
fers from no delusions such as
charged by Mrs. Quartier. Aside
from these facts there was noth
ing unusual found about Mr,
Pierce. And so Dr. Byrd set his
professional opinion under legal
oath , that Pierce is sane against
the "bootlegger Queen's" "profes
sional" opinion that he Is Insane.
La Ronda appeared happy to
find out that he was a safe er
san to be at large, . but declared
that, he had "nothing whatever to
say.f He carried a brief ease
crammed with documents which
Mrs. 'Quartier alleged were recom
mendations from officials which
Pierce is In the habit of display
ing frequently, fit was from this
fact that Dolly deduced that be
must be afflicted with "ego
mania." After the bearing La Ronda and
his wife went to the depot where
they secured tickets for parts un
kndwn. They will probably not
return "till "the wave of publicity
which has . attended the hearing
has blown over, r
, The door creaks on its hinges;,
the shutters rattle at the window;
tbe drone of routine business fills
the court house.
Investigation Begun More
Than Year and j a Half
Ago Is; Completed Re
port Given President
Executive Must Make Ad
justment Within Maxi
mum of 50 Per Cent ,
WASHINGTON. July ;31. The
tariff commission transmitted to
President Coolidge today its find
ings in the investgation of the
sugar tariff instituted more than
a year and a half ago.
The sugar investigation was in
augurated in March. 1923, by di
rection of. President Harding tlhd
has throughout been a subject of
dissension within the commission.
; The inquiry was brought to the
fore two days ago by 'demand of
Senator La Follette, independent
candidate for president 'for infor
mation in the hands of: the com
mission. Senator La Follette-also
charged that ' representatives of
the "sugar interests" hadj beeiv
working to delay .completion of
the commission's work. )
It now remains for' the presi
dent to determine what action
shall be taken for under the law
he alone can make changes in the
duties within a maximum of 50
per cent up or down, and effec
tive 30 days after their 'proclama
tion. : ' i
The commission more than a
year ago in a statement; made aft
er; an investigation which wae sep
arate from the present one and
which received from charges' that
the tariff on sugar was responsible
for the then high price at which
sugar was quoted, made tbe more
or less definite assertion that the
price reflected partly the tariff
duty which therefore, to some de
gree was responsible tot the sugar
quotations. j
'After that inquiry the commis
sion was ordered by J President
Harding to determine whether the
prevailing import duties" were
proper. " i
lit was not long afteif Mr. Hard
ing's ofder to the commission
that the internal quarrel in the
commission developed openly.
There never has been; unanimity
on opinion among the six members
on any report to the' president,
however, and the sugar question
presented no precedent in that re
spect. , ., ,-
Ruth Breaks. Record
ST. LOUIS. July 31Babe Ruth
today broke his record for home
runs made in a sin arte month bv
knocking out his 14th circuit clout
roirJuly in the sixth inning of the
second; game against St. Louis.
It was his 33rd of the season.
Secretary Hbghe Greeted
j BRUSSELS. July 31. (By the
AP.) Secretary of State and Mrs.
. . . - .. .
nugaes or me unuea states were
enthusiastically greeted by a large
crowd, including many notables,
when they arrived at the Care du
Midi this evening to begin a two
days' visit to the Belgian capital.
' :' .. ' i !
Totd Slay Enter Race i
DETROIT. Mich.. July 31.
Henry Ford may enter the race
for the republican nomination for
United States senator from Michi
gan, according to a report received
from Washington in a semi-official
way by a high state official, says
a special dispatch, from Lansing to
the Detroit Free Press.- -
I Narcotic Ring Broken
OMAHA, Neb., July 31. Fede
ral agents asserted tonight that
the largest narcotic ring operating
in the middle west had been brok
en up with the arrest here of three
men who are held in jail under
125,000 bond each, 'culminating
three years of work by agents In
half a dozen cities, including op
eratives from Washington, D. C.
v Three Killed in! Fall L
31.j -Two men and a woman were
killed late today' whien.. the air
plabe in which they 'Were making
an exhibition flight over this yll1
lage fell 1500 feet to Mrth. 1
Snow Flurry. Reportel
', WATERTOWN, N. Y July ?1.
I A slight flurry of snow was re
ported today at Sacket Harbor on
Lake Ontario.
II J . . V I
t rwf t,-5 "4i . " " t - " -1rT'' -r-e ?
ftobert M. La Follette. Burton S. Wheeler
) With Senator La Follette in complete charge of the Wisconsin
Republican organization, 'his managers are checking the means of
i putting the names of Coolidge and' Dawes on the Republican ballot
in that state. The entire list of electors will be pledged to La Fol
lette and Wheeler. If Coolidge wishes to run in Wisconsin it will
probably have to be on an independent ticket. Republican man
agers treat the situation as of little importance, as the La Follette
Wheeler ticket will carry the state anyway, j
Democratic Nominee Joins
in Condemning Purpose
. of Defense Day
NEW YORK, July 31. Approv
al of the views expressed by his
running mate, Governor Bryan of
Nebraska, regarding the admin
istration plan for national defense
day Septembers 12, was given to
day by John W. Davis, democratic
presidential nominee, within an
hour after he bad returned from
hie vacation in Maine. t
Denying that Mr. Bryan's stand
against a "civilian r mobilization"
had caused him any embarrass
ment, Mr. Davis declared in a for
mal statement that at' this time
"every energy should be bent to
getting the world back to peace
and to work, calming the preju
dices growing out ot the world
war and encouraging peaceful
trade and commerce."
Mr. Davis' first day after his
vacation was a very busy one. He
first conferred with his campaign
manager, Clem L. Shaver, after
which announcement was made of
the personnel of part of the cam
paign organization. :
Informing himself then regrd
ing the defense day matter, the
candidate dictated his statement.
At Mr. Davis headquarters it
was asserted that his statement
was not to be construed as that
of a pacifist.
"I believe in military prepara
tion," Mr. Davis said.
Governor Chaj-les R. i Mabey Is
"squarely behind President cool
idge in his call for observance of
National Defense Day," he de
clared in a statement today.
Thirty-Nine Calls are An
swered During July; Fire
Loss Is Small
"What is believed to be a record
for one month was established
during July by the Salem fire de
partment, which answered a total
of 39 different calls : during the
month. With the exceptions of
one or two buildings, the fire loss
was exceptionally low, as a ma
jority of the calls were to exting
uish small blazes or-grass , fires.
This list does not include the sev
en or eight small; fires that oc
curred simultaneously during two
other and larger ; fires in the
eastern part of the city, which par
tially consumed' a dwelling and a
barn. , " 1
Several trees in an orchard at
Maple and Hickory were badly
scorched about 3 o'clock Thursday
afternoon when a small fire got
out of control and spread to the
orchards. Approximately 30 feet
of sidewalk was also destroyed.
Several hives ot bees in the. or
chard threatened to. make the
work of tbe firemen - Interesting
for a short time,
T-r : :.r, .vs. 1
Widely Heralded "Birthday
Party"; Finds Little City
j inj Good Spirits .
y LONGVIEW, Wash., July 31.
Pageantry,; martial music, i aerial
bombs, oratory, all with a colorful
carnival spirit, today opened Long-
view's widely heralded four-day
"birthday party."
! iongview is one year 1 old a
mighty lusty youngster, and one
that promises a development sel
dom equalled in history.
The opening of the Long-Bell
Lumber company plants attracted
thousands ! of visitors, including
many of the country's leading lum
bermen. "The pageant of prog
ress" symbolizes . the building
within a year of a modern Ameri
can city that now has a popula
tion of 5,800 persons, and the
completion of the first units of
what will' be one of the largest
lumber mills In the world.
Following this morning's par
ade in which marching clubs from
northwest; cities- took part, the
city's guests were conveyed in
special open car trains to the site
of the new Long-Bell company
mill, where the official opening of
the mill was held. I
John D, Tennant, Vice president
and general manager of the com
pany, was master of ceremonies.
President Said to Have
Agreed; to Wage Increases.
Properly Drawn;
WASHINGTON, July, il. Na
tional officers of the Association
of Postal j clerks announced after
a conference today with President
Coolidge "that they should be as
sured of the executive's support
for any postal pay increase bill
scientifically drawn, and carrying
provisions 'for raising - the neces
sary revenues. 1 - j
Mr. Coolidge vetoed 'the postal
pay- bill passed by the last con
gress because it carried no revenue
provision and because it was not
based on the postoffice ( depart
ment's cast survey. This survey
will be completed in September
and a bill based upon it' with a
revenue producing section will be
introduced when congress meets in
December. !
Persian - Press Relieved
Over Imbrie Incident
TEHERAN. Persia. July 31.
(By the Associated Press.) The
press Is generally relieved at what
is regarded the moderation of the
American; demands made in con
nection with the killing of Tice
Consul Imbrie. .
The tone of the United States
note is .said to be greatly appre
ciated. ! ' -
. - The reply of tbe Persian govern
ment to the American communi
cation apparently meets with the
approval of the majority here. .
Important Phases of French
. Proposals Still Unsettled
By the Reparations Con-
Delegates Look for Agree
ment to Be Reached at
Allied Meet Today
LONDON, August 1 (By the
Associated Press; The . experts
ot the inter-alllea couterence who
had been in Bebiua throughout
twe iiignt, adjourned at z:vn o'
clock this morning, winout hav
iig reached an agioenjeui on ier
tain impoitaut : phases of me
French proposals tor the settle
ment of the reparations questions
and, the putting into euect the
Dawes plan. . ;
James A. Logan, theAmerican
official observeij- said he was
hopetul that a settlement would
be reached today. The experts
wll t-eassemble at 11 o'clock this
morning to continue their work,
lierriot l'Ltn Blocked
The deadlock in the inter-allied
conference waa caused yesterday
by the proposals M. Herriot. the
French" premier, ; submitted'. Wed
nesday to the allied plenipotenti
aries and Frank B. Kellog. the
Amercan embassador. , ;
The experts took the proposals
in hand yesterday morning and
remained with their task through
the afternoon and night with such
gratifying results that American
officals .who are close to the con
ference table believed that an in
vitation for German representa
tives to come to London will be
dspatcbed today; ' After discuss
ing with the conference delegates
the -methods which have been
agreed upon forjthe launching of
the Dawes pinn, the Germans, if
they give tht-fr f.cyuiescence, will
make final iuruncements with the
reparations commission for put
ting the new reparations project
into effect. The commission de
cided to sit officially in Loudon
for that purpose.;
.Objections Overcome
The French plan was not en
tirely acceptable in the form In
which it was laid on the table.
But the objections to the first
proposal were overcome sooner
than had been ( anticipated, and
alter two hours discussion the
experts announced that the ob
stacle of power a German default
might be declared under the
Dawes plan had been removed.
This question bad been blocking
ihe progress of the conference
for nearly a fortnight.
The experts then went to the
grips With the third point in the
French proposals,--relating to an
extension of the terms of the Ver
sailles treaty with regard to pay
ments in the kind, and, jyith minor
alterations, this proposal was accepted.-
Failure Is Predicted
- There had been plentiful pre
dictions that the proposals were
doomed before 1 they were sub
mitted. But hope rose when
agreement was reached on.jthe
means of the declaring of a de
fault. This decicion meant shift
ing the conference difficulties
from the question of possible
German delinquency to the pro
posals for modifying trio Dawes
The experts approached, this
point of the French proposals with
considerable misgivings, for, al
though two-thirds ;of the French
plan for a settlement of the con
troversy 'had spe'-dil) gained the
committee's approval, entire ef
fect iveness-of M, IWrlot's sugges
tions depended npon their com
plete adoption in some form ap
proaching thflr original draft.
TniiiH-ring Risky
To tamper in any way with the
Dawes plan was considered by the
American "experts as very risky
business and the experts went to
(Continued on page 2)
Bits off News From
. y- Today's Want Ads
Man and wife wants place in
country. Woman will cook and
man can do any kind of work.
Large fountain pen lost. Re
ward. ;
Wanted Farm td tent.
Party uref Ts one with cherry
Lost Ci.M belt buckle with
, clasp. Fwmily keepsake; Lib
eral reward. - i