The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    8 ''':'r:vr-'i-TM
Nelson of Los Angelas, Miss
Lela Rigdon was hostess yesterday
afternoon at a Kensington, invit
ing' for the Informal hours Wil
lamette university friends, of the
honor guest. Vivid tinted zinnias
were used about the rooms. About
twenty guests were present for the
afternoon, which was spent with
-needlework an4 conversation.
Light refreshments were served, j
Mrs. Nelson, who has heena
house guest at t fie H.:II. Vande
ort home, will be the guest 'for
a time or Miss Ivji Whitney in the
country, going later for a visit at
Tillamook. Mrs J Nelson plans to
be here until the middle of Aug
Paul Wallace
Woman's Evangelistic Prayer
league, Mrs. M. Lottis. 660 Union
street, 9 a. in. j
Chicken Bupper. sponsored by
Artisans, McCornack hall. :
First Christian church Woman's
Missionary society. Church par
lors. 2:30 o'clock.
j Presbyterian Woman's Mlssion-
. Woman's Alliance. Unitarian
church, Mrs. Prank Breekenridge,
, hostess.; . ' -j "; -'
' '
The women's alliance of the
Unitarian church will meet with
Mrs. ' Frank B recken rid ge. 175
South Nineteenth street; Friday af
ternoon, August l, nt 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Ross C. Miles, accompanied
by her two sons. Frank and Ward,
.is leaving this, morning for Port
land where she will be the house
guest of "Mrs. Charles Hays for a
week. . On Wednesday Mrs. Miles
will attend the wedding of -Miss
Marguerite Cook to j. David 'Law
son. Miss Cook graduated from
Willamette university ' with the
class of 1922 and has many
friends hereJ,: Mrs. B.. E: Carrier.
Mrs.' Floyd Bates andj Mrs. Merrill
Ohling are among those from Sa
lem who will also witness the cere-!
mony. .' . I' . v :.: :: I
.V .
Entertaining for the pleasure of
Mrs. R. W. Walton of Cambridge,
Massachusetts, and Mrs. Evelyn
Paddock Smith of Santa Monica,
California. Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
Barton were hosts last evening at
an enjoyable porch party, the
guests coming, for supper at 6:30.
Red carnations" with sprays of
baby s breath gave the floral mo
tif. An informal evening of music
followed the supper, j
Those present! for the evening
included Mr. and Mrsr W. D.
Smith. Miss Grace Elizabeth Smith.
Mrs. Evelyn i Paddoekj Smith of
Santa Monica. California. Mrs. R.
W. Walton of Cambridge. Massa
chusetts. Mrs. A. M. Reeves, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray ll Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. R. D. Barton. George W. Wal
ton, Professor and Mrs. T. S.
Roberts and the hosls, Mr. and
Mrs. F. S. Ha Hon. j
returned Satur
day from a week In California
where Mrs. Wallace Is spending
the summer. The many friends
of Mrs. Wallace will be glad to
know she is improving from her
Illness. ' ; ' j V
! ) ;
Mrs. Romeo Goulet has as her
house guests Mrs. Sam Kierski
and son, Billy, and nurse; Mrs. E.
E, Corp, and Mrs. Charles David
of San Francisco, the party mak
ing the trip by motor by way of
Crater Lake, Mrs. Kierski driving
her own oar. Arriving on Monday
the guests will be here for ten
days. ;Mrs. Kierski. the'daughter
of Mrs.Corp, is a cousin of Mrs
. The silver tea Tuesday . after
noon at the WCTU hall was one
of the most successful of the sea
son's benefit affairs. An offering
of $20 was realized to go toward
the Children's. Farm home at Cor
vallis. i '
The devotional session of the
afternoon was In charge of Mrs.
Jennie Siefert. Mrs, Thompson
led in song. One of the features
of the program -was the poem by
Miss . Edna .Garfield,- entitled
"Whose Voices?! read by Mrs. J.
J. Nunn. i i : T
Mrs, C. P. Bishop and Mrs. S.
E. Oliver spoke In detail concern
ing the need the school fills, the
favorable conditions it-maintains,
andwholesome. happy atmosphere.
Mrs. Oliver brought out one in
teresting fact in ! particular con
cerning the education of the chil
dren which Is admirably carried
out. as a special department, by
teachers from the state normal
school at Monmouth. ?' The school
has been made into a district with
a special school building, the work
all being admirably supervised.
Another interesting j matter
brought up concerned I the Farm
Home bazaar to be sponsored at
the state fair, i This project was
also worked out last year. The
women responded well to the mat
ter. Any gifts for the booth will
be received by Mrs. C. P. Bishop.
The proceeds from the bazaar go
to the (Farm home. j
In S the halls, attractively de--corated
with summer flowers,
Mrs; jMary! Dumars poured- Mrs.
Galloway, ' Mrs. Kraps and Mrs.
Beaver assisted in the serving. ..
I - ' : i .
Mrs. B. E. Carrier has as her
houae-R nests this week Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene T. Frlekstead ; of
Oakland, California. , The Frick
steads. who! plan to be here until
Saturday, have also been guests
at the hom? of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Miles. " '
; '
Miss Helen Rose is a guesttliis
week in Astoria. ;! '!',
t - I
Reverend and Mrs. Ward Willis,
Long and i little daughter, Lois
Etangeline. are leaving this morn
ing for a ten-day motor trip to
southern Oregon. They will visit
Crater Lake. Returning to Salem
they are planning a trip to Mount
Hood. i
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Basey will
leave" this morning to . spend a
month at their cottage at New
port at the box address 541. 1
I -X- -5f '.
Surprising at a miscellaneous
shower Miss Nell Fake whose mar
riage to Dewey Lybecker will be
an event of August 20, Miss Caro
lyn Wilson and Miss Ruth Bedford
were hostesses last evening at the
Wilson home, 473 North Cottage
street. The clever invitations
hinted at the ' original nature, of
the shower with the many lovely
gifts? concealed in a red, shingled
bird house which the . bride-elect
at length discovered by following
a streamer attached to a little
bird; perched in the living room.
A mock wedding was a feature
of the evening with Miss Edna
Jennison the bride and,-Miss Jose
phine Bross the groom. Preced
ing! the 'ceremony"; Miss - Ruth
Bedford sang "I Love Me" and
also played the wedding march.
Miss Carolyn Wilson .was flower
girl and Miss Frances Hodge ring
bearer " for the occasion, Miss
Gladys Wilson performed the cere
mony. Guests Invited for Miss Fake's
pleasure were Miss Frances Hodge,
Miss ' Helen Hardy,' Miss Edna
Jennison, Miss Audred Bunch,
Miss Carmen Harwood, Miss Jose
phine Brbss. Miss .Myrtle Richard
sonj Miss Genjevieve Phillips,. Miss
Genevieve FindleyV? Miss Louise
Schrieber, Miss Marian Linn. Miss
Alta Kershner. Miss Beth Bedford,
Miss Kathleen La Raut, Mrs. How
ard', George, Miss Elpise Reed,
Miss Bertha Vick, Miss Carol Jud
son. Miss Carol Rahskopf. Miss
Mildred Strevey, Miss Gladys Wil
son, and the hostesses. Miss Caro
lyn? Wilson and Miss Ruth Bed
ford.' ' v:
The house was attractively de
corated with summer flowers.
Light refreshments were served
The Standard Bearers pf the
Jason Lee church will sponsor a
cooked food sale" Saturday be
ginning j at lo o'clock. at the
George Alien hardware store, 236
North Commercial, street. The
proceeds will go toward the sup
port of a missionary. :
.i ;j : 1 i .
A chifken supper will be served
this evening front S to o'clock
juader the auaplces of the United
Artisans Hi McCornack hall above
Millers' with the following hos
tesses in charge: Mm. St. Helens,
Mrs.! Follis, Mrs. ! Denzer, Mrs.
Reeder.j Mr.. Andriwn and Mrs.
Allportj ;
Mrs. Paul R. Smith (Evelyn
Paddock Smith of Santa Monica.,
California, is leaving this morning
for her home after a month's visit
here, i
Professor and Mrs." Horace Wil
liston writing from Seattle where
they are spending the summer, re
port an; enjoyable vacation. They
are- domiciled near the campus
where Professor Williston is tak
ing summer school work. They
have had the opportunity of meet
ing Miss McGill who is to take
Miss Helen Pearce's place in the
department of English at Willa
mette university this fall. They
also met Miss Edna Sterling, for
merly of Salem. Professor and
Mrs. E. T. Brown are also in
Seattle.! Professor Brown, who Is
head of the physics department,
is taking considerable intensive
graduate work. ;r
I Last week the Willistons were
guests j at Redondo beach where
they met Miss Ruth Hill.
J The high point of the summer
was a trip . to Mount Rainier
where the Willistons were guests
at Paradise Inn. i
- '.
Miss Virginia Dorcas, who Is
spending the summer in Portland,
is a guest here for the week.
' j "
i Mrs. Grace Thompson, accom
paneid by her little daughter. Fay
Louise, and her niece, Kathryn
Rowe, left yesterday for Newport
where they will spend a month oc
cupying a cottage at Nye Beach.
-i Mrs. Lena Hansen and two sons
of Portland was a? guest of S. M.
Olsetfat the Old People's home. : '
.;-'! ' !.,
i Mr. and Mrs. V, E. Kuhn and
family have returned from a week
at Newport, occupying one of the
Sea Crest cottages during their
stay at the beach. ! j 1 ,
. ;
Mrs. C.i E. Knowland and Mrs.'
Jesse Campbell and son, Jimmy,
returned Tuesday . from Newport
where they spent the weekend. '
: j : .
: The woman's evangelistic prayer
league; will meet at 9 o'clock this
morning at the home of Mrs. M.
Lottis.i 660 Union ."street. The
child ; evangelist. V Uldlne Utley,
will lead the meeting,
to hear her. r
Don't fail
Those desiring I to " enter the
Gearhart golf tournament August
11 o IK will be glad to know that
the: application blanks ai-e now in
the hands of Graham P Sharkey
at the Country club. These should
be filled out by August
Mra. R; H. Chapler of Portland
andj three daughters, Marguerite
Jane. Barbara Reigh and Shirley
May, are vrsitinR here with rela
tive and friends while Mr. Chap
ter Is In Idaho on a combined va
cation and business trip. ; His
many friends here will be glad to
know of his success in his choaen
fiejd. For several years after
graduating in the forest service
department of OAC he was In the
national service with headquarters
in Portland. : Having an opportun
ity to work for a corporation at
a substantialincrease of salary be
severed his connection! with the
government May 1. His work now
covers five states with-headquar-trs
and home still in Portland
Mr.j Caplerhas recently buiU an
attractive new residence;
j j, ':- t
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur jutley and
Dr. and Mrs. Corydon Blodgett
have as their guests Mr! and Mrs.
Elmer Smith and 'children of Ore
gon City. '
i . :: I .
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ill Steusloff
spnt Sunday on, the Jgolf links
in company with Mr. and Mrs.
Crout and daughters of Portland,
the; group having dinner at the
club house. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton.
acepmpanied by Mr. j and Mrs.
Staicey Hamilton of Portland, are
enjoying a northern trip to Brit
ish! Columbia. They left on Sun
.Miss Josephine Shade returned
yesterday f rom a month's vaca
tion trip in r lowa Wyoming and
South Dakota. Miss Shade wa3
accompanied by her mother. Mrs.
Ida Shade and ' Mrs.; j Josephine;
Davis, both of whom will remain
In Iowa for a more extended, visit.
Mrs. Als (David returned Tues
day from Newport where she was
a guest at the William McGilchrlst
cottage over the week-end. ,
Mrs.: H. F. Shanks had aa her
house guest over; the week-end
Mrs.. Eva Inglish ;of central Ore
gon. This' was Mrs. Inglish's first
trip to Salem and she expressed
particular delight Lwlth the valley.
have since justified the faith re
posed in them by service tendered.
That was a triumphant vindica
tion of the tremendouB advntagJ
of non-partisan activity adding its
great weight to the long chain of
evidence us to the values of the
policy which the American Feder
ation pf Labor has for so many
years pursued.
Situation 1h Oitiral
"The political situation at the
present moment is extremely crit
ical and those who set-k to bring
ubout results most advantageous
to nil our people will be required
to exercise their most careful
judgment.1. We are meeting at a
time fortunate for that purpose.
All of the Apolitical conventions
have, been Iteld.randidateR nomi -ated
and their, platforms com
pleted. The convention atmos
phere baj been cleared away and
we are in that period ot compar
ative quiet bet ween 'convention
time and time of th actual open
ing of campaign work.
"We shall seek to take into ac
count all of the facts and to ad
vise the wage earners of our
country fairly and intelligently.
What final form our action will
take in the way of formulating ex
pressions of opinion, I am unable
to say. That cannot' be said un
til the action has been taken.
Efforts to IW Determined
"I may add that however care
iful and painstaking may be our
study of the situation; nor cam
pain effort, after our course has
been netermlned, vrijf.. be as vigor-
j ous as possible. ; . ,
"I think I can say with per
fect propriety that we shall en
deavor ; to. demonstrate in this
eampiagn . that politipr.l organizr
tions and politicians generally in
dividually, as well as in groups,
cannot, with impunity defy the
great labor movement of our
country to refuse adqeuate and in
telligent consideration ' of the
just requir?inents of the great
masses of the people." j
(Continued ftom page 1) ;
dates represlnting four political
parties. ! As a result of that sup
port and as' a result ; of the sup
port which 'the friends of labor
were able to give, there was
fleeted to the last house of repre
sentatives . 170- progressive mem
bers, the great majority of whom
Friends Honor Carl Moser
With Banquet Tues. Night
(Special to The Statesman.) Carl
R.. Moser was honored with a ban
quet at the Cozy confectionery 'on
Tuesday night by members of the
Silverton . fire department, - of
which Mr. Moser was also a mem
ber. Mr. Moser is leaving this
week forPortland where he will
act as' state adjutant for the Amer
ican legion. All members, 14 in
number, were present at the meet
ing last night. A number of talks
were made and another man was
elected In Mr. Moser'a place, Louis
Bock, owner of the Silverton bak
ery, being the one chosen. -The
legion and auxiliary are planning
a dance in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Moser :for Thursda night.
, A family at odds soon comes to
odds and ends. -
New Oregon Exchange An
nounces; Prices " From
: Portland Wednesday
Opening prices . of the North
Pacific Cooperative Prune ex
change wertf announced Wednes
day, higherj than the California
Packing corporation on the larger
sizes and lower than the opening
price ; quoted by the California
Prune & Apricot association. TV
new. Oregonj opening ranges high
er on the 3Vt40s but equal to the
California Packing corporation's
opening on 50-60S. .
Prices based on 10 per cent 30s
and 15 per cent 40s announced by
the new Oregon i exchange are as
follows: ; ' -
30-403, iic; 40-SOs, 74c;
50-60h. 6 4 f. and C0-70s, 6c. .
Prices announced by the Cali
fornia Packing corporation, with
an ofter ofja 2" per cent assort
ment on 3s. are: "
30-40s,- 8c; 40-50s, 7c; 50
60s. ecj and 6 0-7 Oft, 6c.
. Prices offered by the California
Prune & Apricot association, with
a per cent offering on assortments
of 30s," are as follows: r
30v40s. 13 c; 40-50s, Id 'Ac;
50-608, 714'r, and 60-70s, 6Uc
Charivari Crowd Gathers
To Welcome Young Couple
SILVERTON, Or.. ( July 30.
(Special to The Statesman.) A
charivari crowd gathered, late on
Monday night and gave a noisy re
ception for Mr. and Mrs. Alvla
Johnson," who? were married last
week. Both Mr. and Mrs, Johason
are Silverton people, Mrs. John
son having been Miss Mary Scott
before her marriage.
, a delicious snack .
in no time! Truly, .
a balanced ration, f
Til A
Announcing the
Opening 'of
. . . -
For, Ladies and the Men
1 Just Out of the High Rent District"
On, Church Street South of the Methodist Church
We Are Expert Tailors, Dry. Cleaners
:.."-' , Pressers
' : FREE
.- : ; i- ' r: . ; . - .
with each garments you
bring In to; be dry . cleaned
and pressed! or pressed only
we will press free of charge
any extra garment you niiy
bring along. .
We do
AH Kinds
of Pleating
x i '-'
' : i 1 '
Our Number Is
152 S. Church St.
We 7
a Pants
.- it r ii
J ' m i w mm
.' ! Wit
A Dollar isn't much to talk about now-a-days. The superior
lyutiai tail l iiiuu iu vain, puuui iiunraaauays iiic supcuui , m YTT T ' fl : ' '
values of fered on this page merit your attention. Look them ivGctCi V"tO" Vv 6ll i36CtlOIl.
iiuw iiii4i.ii
over carefully and you'll r
buy for a dollar.
regular S3c .f IJ3 l I
ted Muslin, 1 Ii
fUish. 3g;J 13
wide. Makers 9 "r' -1 I
of the Fruit of the
Loom, on Bale now
at 4 yards for i
"P. & G," the white Naptba
Soap-H"Guest" size "Ivory
Soap." assorted , to please
our customers, at 25 bars
for !.-:' .!
Dr. Denton's
"Sleeping 'Garments," the
genuine kind sizes I to
10 better take advantage
now p after tomorrow's
selling- our, stock may be
exhausted per garment;
Wash Suits
Tom Sawyer Wash
Suits for boys each
and everyone guaran
teed -j choose them
now- this is your op
portunity. See the
selection at, per.
auit i
. One of the discontinued de-
partments in onr store all
traveling "bags and suit cases,
is now offered for sale. We
- i - i
wish to clean out as soon as
possible all of our remaining
stock. !
you can really
Seven Racks of
Dresses; Skirts
Waists. Goats
All Now at
r i
Tooth Paste
Your choice o?
'": Pebeco" or
"Pe'pioden t "
Tooth. . Paste, as
sorted to please.
you. at 3 tubes 5
size for
Silk Sale
Plain and fancy Silks of every descrip
tion, 36 and 40 Inches wide too many
to Cell you about all of ssssssssa
tnem - "Seeing" is
believing 1 we, will
state that the values
.will be up to 12.5D a
yard. Come in early
and select your desires
at, per' yard
Comforts J I
Comforts, double tize, ; our Jidf r
entire stock! Is now placed at -" m
you t disposal; buy for the m trJ
future needs. Your unre- J r'
strict ed choice at exactly hai; lT3iI7
or their former prices , p I llifj 1
. H ' :- ' I-' : ' " ..I;'.
hi ; . : n
I . i . - Kotex ' . ;
3 'i Jtf Sold regularly at '
f U If C5c lot - 12 nap- J I
j kins In box. Reg- I I '
iir ular size lav in II!
lr specially priced at I
II 3 for j , 1 I
1 ij fi save Every Day
(Second Floor.)
During bur doll ir
days' specials : we
are going to of 'f r
15 pairs of .all
wool Blanket,
G6x80 p 1 a i i,
pleasing designs
-while they last
Pinal Clearance of all Spring and Summer
Merchandise after this week' this half-price
sale will, be discontinued. Shop early in the
mornings, if possible -in order to get the serv
ice we desire to render, i Vacation's now on -some
of the employes now taking same means
at times we will ask your co-operation in being
patient "We'll do our best" to serve you
"Our ftlngan"
Where You Save Kveryday
"That What We Mean"
i - l tUt: ; I : ;: '
I . ... 4 , V
S '" ' ' A
- v.
Jti v" 1 v. " -
y V. ) "
Dress Goods
One grand lot of All Wool Dress Goods
many kinds of materials 'are offered.
Some of the widths rimgwB j
as wide as 56 inches;
a)l fancy weaves and
materials will be on
display; at - this price.
Values are surprising.
Come early "it pays,"
at per yard
Toilet Goods Save
$1.00 Krank's Lemon Cleansing
Cream, on sale at per jar. .TOr
50c Hind's-Honey and Almond
Cream at per bottle . . . ...':T9e
2uc size Colgate's Tooth Paste
at per tube . . . . ,19c
LAVORIS healing and antisep
tic mouth wash, 3 oz. size,
per bottle .... rr.-. 19c
DR. LYON'S dental cream or
powder at, each . . . ...... .2.1c
now. 20 bars for .f l.OO
IVORY SOAP, guest size, a real
opportunity to save;
25 hars ....... . . . . , ..$1.00
Silk Hose
Ladies' Silk Hosiery all the sea
son's newest shades all sizes and
colors. Values that we know
you will appreciate not $1.00
hose but hose
that sell as a
rule for more.
See our big bar
gain table all
at, per pair
Ladies' Neckwear,
collar and cuff
sets, separate col
lars, values to
$3.50, all new
this season.
While they last at
Tom Sawyer
"Now Is your op-
portunity to
save" -each and
every boys waist
or . shirt fully
guaranteed no
"Ifs ' or an da"
about it. All the
sizes they make
are here