10 OTE OREGON fetATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, JULY .11, 1921 " i - i i , I, - i, Adele ' barrfcon's' Xew MiaW ; of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE Copyright 1921, by Newspaper Feature Serylce, Inc. Chapter 229 f WHY1 ilADGE - HAD COXFLICT IKO THOUGHTS ABOUT . . ALLEN DRAKE ( .1 literally held my breath! at 'the end of my litte speech to see 5 If my i rnao would succeed with j Katie. But I , did not haye to ' hold It long. With a howl It J it could; he called .nothing - else , from my tempestuous little maid, ; she dropped her, hands , from her ' face, 'made" a dash, 'for me, and S cIubs ' to ime convulsively. ". "Oh, I no mean dot!" she 1 wailed. 'Xou alvays so goof to i'rae, alvays stnd oop for me, und 5 den you tink Met you rork, fees : tings for dot poor feesh, Meester ; Drake, Eet shoost dot old devil ) inside me, coom oop sometimes 'in my troat'und make me say sooch 'tings. ; ot rMeester. : dough. He brought - Ip, I 'know vot I tink Drake shoost sarnie, shoost sometlng cat but eef your fader vant heem like king mit all meals oopstalrs, I feex, und I feex right, you ""know dot." i ; "I am sure of that Kate," ; I said warmlngly, between a desire to Jaugh at 'her' potpourri of or eign dialect and hew world slang, !andthe impulse to reprove her 'for her disrespectful reference to 'our guest. : But I wisely did Neither, I had , accomplished my object, and It behooved me to re tire : gracefully 4"I don't think It will be Tery 'long, anyway," I said, as I moved 'toward' the, door. .'".:!' "1 -no care ha long," ' Kate repined magnificen(!y--hier paf . sessions are always' thorough; ' ""But, I tell you. I got to pray me ' hard not to put red pepper In hees coffee 1 ' One v Problem -Solved, i 11 j i She giggled joyously at tha 'iancy--laughter and, tears. are so near together with. Kate, that I payer quite know where the dl . tiding, line isand I went from i the kitchen with, the : -assurance j that , the domestic problem con nected with. Allen Drake was sol tved. In .this moment I felt that Jl could dismiss our fascinating 'guest from my mind until such itlme as 'he "should -emerge from Ihls room wttn pe, codes mas-! .' "But.perrersely enough,! found, that instead ot mentally dismiss ing him, my thoughts ' were flying to that neper room as ffdrawn ;to a magnet. - My imaglnat oh .was stirred by Vthe fpteture. 'j my '.father's requirements - had draws. the picture ot the brilliant secret Lseryice wuiuvt toiwuv at the baffling codes in. the silent hours ot ; the night, taking- sleep or food .only, .when exhausted. battling on doggedly, no matter " what the obstacles in his path. V , .Because, ot . his, arrogance, his DatroniziUK loftiness, -Ms torment ing,..! ..JCaUe. I . .mentally, had echoed, the wish for his humu- iatlon . which my little j maid i nad uhrased crudely, and, : which ,1 knew Lillian had shared because of Mr. .Drake's conceit, jBut I found tnyself. weakening in my " censorious - attitude toward ?wm, indulging ; instead ? in the , secret hopethatrhe would be able fter all to emerge triumphant trom his ordeaL r -I Don't Think :. An then as the hours, wore on, and there , was no sign from j,the upper - room in . which t Mr. ; Drake was .-housed, .' there came to, .me the , rememberanee ot the times when Allen , Drake had come to my-aid. Never had need ot mine rlailed 'to bring him. I realized . with a , little ahrill of my pulses that ,beneath, the mask, of Allen '.Drake's tindoJent, polished man ner, lay an . indefinable something ' which had once or twice gleamed .out at me, but at which I had never dared a probing glance. He did not) deserve my wish for his ; failure, I , told f myselt shamefacedly, and! as there is no . standing still for me. in any erne- tion, I found myself progressing from, that attitude to an intense desire or. his triumph.- : J , The .. fsecond .day1, ot his etaor had waned into the third nignt. wheh my father tapped at the : door of my room,uand at my sum-! mons, entered, giving a relieved glance at finding me alone. "Daughter, dear," he said after! 'he had closed the door and come Over to .my - chair, "I am going to ask something strange of you-" ; His manner was ; hesitant, and I put up my hands and drew his lace down to mine. I . i ! don't think there la anything s In the world you could ask of me that I would'nt try gladly to do, I replied. - -a. -- , ; . "I know that," he returned Ifondly; "But I know you don't care particularly,, to be brought into contact with Allen, but he its exhausting .himself over that one baffling feature ot the coder- you know he has "been ' ill,' I am afraid his strength will givey out and I think I may be mis takenthere is something .about It in which you could help him. May I tell hira,you are willing?" (To Be Continued) Ince Picture One of I f Year' Big Thrillers JL'.'.. j.,. rt: :,l ! ; Thomas H. Ince, famous for the ."punch' which -every, picture from' his studio carries, v has out stripped ' his own record with Those Who Dance." his latest production, now running at the Oregon theater. J With a theme which no - pro ducer has yet attempted (for he has told the story, of liquor with no moral garnisnings), he has found opportunity for some of . the ; most tellingly dramatic situations ever filmed. f One of the big thrillers of the production is the fight between a group of h'-Jackers and the crew of a rum-runner. The pirates and smugglers of olden days were no more picturesque than the smug glers of "contraband liquor .' of the pnesent day. And when dog be gins to fight dog, S3 the-hl-jacker fights the bootlegger, both , ; of them being': without the pale of the law, blood begins to flow. The. scene aboard j the rum ship and thev boarding of it by lawless hi-jackers .: Is a remarkably ten Be bit of realism. 1 ' j i An auto smash-up when a boy goes blind from wood-alcoholism, the seizure of a truckload of hquor after a fight in the dark between! federal officers and the bootleggers and - the killing of on? of the , officers, the scene' in the prison when a boy is led, , to the death ' chair '. and .the final . big smash'? when, a J girl c and het sweatheart, trapped by( the! crooks bf the underworld, fight i a duel v of wits for their lives are a fw of the high lights of thb fast moving production. Blanche Sweet, Rfgsle Iov.-, Warner Baxter, Mathew lietz and Lydia Knott -appear In en tirely original characterizations in the ' picture, which 'gives 'them full opportunity for fine dramatic work, . ! Lamtyert lUllyer direct ed. ' .':!,:...:. .1-,.. . ' IKIEETIl FORMER RESIDENTS Next Sunday, August 2, former residents of Cdosucounty residing in Portland, Salem and other Wil lamette valley cities will r hold their annual ' reunion and picnic dinner on the state fair grounds, Salem. This will; be the third annual reunion of-" these former Coos county citizens, former meetings having been held at Portland and Hubbard. An interesting program has been arranged including an address by Governor Pierce and it is understood Judge Coke, former ly of Coos county, is also oh the program for an address. These former Coos county people are or ganized, President Bendor of the association being ; a resident of Portland, and, the son of a promi nent Coos county pioneer," the late Judge E. 'Bender. lie is also a nephew! of the Hon Binger llerr mann of Roseburg. Following the program a basket dinner 'will be served and a cor dial invitation is extended to all former Coos county, citizens to come, with well filled baskets. A large attendance is assured and a very enjoyable day is promised all those who attend. -1 Meireo je Y. .1 ?. THE advertising staff of the STATESMAN is ready to give an up-to-the-minute service of ideas, illustrations and copy to all who desire to place an nouncements in the STATESMAN'S columns. Backed by a top-notch creative organization pf New York artists and merchandising experts, the STATESMAN can help you present your message forcef ully, attractively, convincingly. The; public will learn of the integrity of your business methods, THE 15 EWES 2B LAMBS IflT Mill C u Fred Feller Says He Has , Such Results Because He Feeds Sheep Well ; Karl Steiwer, - In (his interview by the Slogan-Klitor, found in tlu Slogan pages this moining, sai;l that: several of his neighbors witli small flocks of sheep dp better than he' docs with largbr num--bers to care for. ,t So the Slogan editor interview ed one of his neighbors, Fred Feller, over the phone lasst nigh:. Mr. Feller lives on th4 Pacific highway, nine iniles south of Sa lem; in the new-house fronting the highwa'; on the west side of the highway. The reader, if he has been out that way, has .no ticed the well kept farm premises. i Air. Feller is a fruit and walnut grower and general farmer; but ho has always kept sheep. More generally than he has now. j He has only 15 Shropshire ewes now, and a pure-bred Shrop ram But he has 26 lambs, j The 1C sheep gave him an average, of 11 pounds of wool at shearing time. He sold the wool at SSjcents a pound, lie has not sold his lamb?-. He expects to keep them for winter mutton, those that he doos not wish to retain for further in crease. ?' ; ' ' ' Mr. Feller said over the phone that it i not unusual jfor that many lambs to come from a pro portionate number of Shropshire ewes. He and his neighbors ?ount on almost twins. I all coming as "Approved 0 Sight' .35a '405 NAME OF O l NAME f : ftr Somelof xninn HUu'IeUI UliU I ,1 n - -- " " r--r est. -ft v - ''i' A - 1 m' ,n, . - , ' -Imported Oxford Majesty Lucy an imported Jersey cow pur chased yesterday by Crandall and Linn, Salem, Oregon, for 4625. She was sold at auction by G. H. Dammeier, Portland, Ore. I "It is partly on account 6t good pasturage. ; - , ' 'I Mr.j Feller's' sheep pretty well take care of themselves, without much jattention, most of the year. But he gives them somo ground oats aind hay in the winter lime, and then lets them runxn pasture for their green feed. ' ? He jl believes every one should have So ihs sheep; and most of his thrifty neighbors do have. Albany Must Settle Troubles j Or Go Without Bridge j I - : t ALBANY, July SO. An injunc tibn 14 threatened as'" soon as the "Bui f3 rfothrmt In i n a m J ( f" Mill IJJ . Mel AND ADDRESS ) M LI - r 1 n " i sy 1 by The taiesmam 58S- Tele phone -1 ' fi . - , - i '7 ). TV V.--" i ..k (y km contractor starts work on the new Albany bridge. The throat was made after the highway' commis sion refused to change the loca tion of the bridge at the request of a few business men. If -the injunction is issued, then, say Commissioners William Dupy. W. II. Malone and IT. B. ViinUuzer, the commission will take it for granted, that Albany does not want the bridge and so the highway department will let the matter drop. i' The Albany bridge has been a source of trouble of late. ' The Linn county court balked at sign ing the agreement for the bridge r 4f 1 i - -. v n awy . m of the values you offer, of the confidence ! that can safely be reposed in your goods or services. It costs you; nothing to avail yourself of the STATESMAN'S advertising service, j A telephone call will bring one of our representatives, who will gladly submit for your approval IDEAS THAT CAN GREATLY INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS AND YOUR PRESTIGE IN THIS COMMUNITY. 'A' 23 .1 -! ' 11 '; r : : for a time, and then a comDlalnt came over theisite selected. " Yes terday three or four business men of Albany appeared with their lawyer! and wanted the location changed,! The! commission saw no reason for doibg so, and the con-' tractor, who was present, stated that the contract has been signed and his bond filed. " j Finding the commission pre- pared to build on ; the site intend ed, the! delegation announced that the moment' the contractor starts digging the jfirst hole for the bridge j construction an injunction will be served; and . the work tied up. In so fat as the state high- . i 151 IDS Face, Neck and Arms Easily . Made Smooth, Says Specialist Any breaking out of . the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can .be quickly .-overcome ' by applying, a little Mentho-Sulphur, declares h noted skin specialist. Because of its -germ - destroying properties, this sulphur preparation begins at once to soothe irritated skin and heal eruptions such as rash, pimples and ring worm. -. It .seldom fails to? remove the torment and ' disfigurement, and you do not-have to wait for re lief . ; from embarrassment. Im provement quickly shows. Suf ferers, from skin trouble should obtain a -small jar of Howies Mentho-Sulphur from any goo-l druggist and . nse , it like cold crema. Adv. " ' ' - 3 . i way commission is Concerned, this threat caused no worry, for the commission is not vitally interest ed in the bridge, as are the peo ple of Albany, and if Albany doe not want the bridge built the com mission has no intention of fight ing the proposed restraining order. . Tile drainage changed lands from productive value so low as to be of uncertain ;profit to double the yield for a good profit. Some white untiled lands on the O.A.C. station ; farms produced 12 toM5 bushels per acre, and went as high as 33 bushels per acre after tiling;- . - - ' " s '