4 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 29, 1924 : ii v PfZyS niONE: 106 AUDRED BUNCH MISS RUTH E. ROSS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ross, 1453 Court street, having the dis tinction of being one of Oregon's two delegates to the International - Older Girls' conference at Lake Genera this year, will leave In the "morning for the 12-day j gathering, with leaders present from all over the world. In Portland; Miss Ross will Join Miss Bernlce Cofer who . is the other delegate. Both were elected In the spring. ' Miss Ross will be gone until the flrst of. September, visiting in Eau "Claire, Wisconsin "as well a in Chicago at the close of the con vention. . . The meeting of the Modern Writers' club, contrary to an ' nouncement made on Sunday, will not meet this week but on the first Tuesday in August, r ! 1 , A silver tea for the benefit of the Children's farm home at Cor v all's is being sponsored for this -afternoon from 2:30 to 5 o'clock by the members of the WCTU. Mrs. C P. Bishop and Mrs. S. E. Oliver, both of whom attended the dedication services at the farm home will speak on phases of the work. Readings by Mrs. T. E. Mc Croskey and special music will add to the pleasure of the afternoon., Mrs. J. J. Kraps is chairman of the hostess-committee. :... r i ,'' Mr. and Mrs. Claire Vibbert returned from a trip to California during the week-end,- 1 'x Harold Webster of Los Angeles was an Interesting recent visitor In Salem especially to ; those in musical circles. Mr. Webster, who has spent, altogether, eight years abroad. Is contemplating opening a etudio for violin as well as theoretic subjects in Port land where ho plans to make his ' home. Mr. Webster, a composer of varied experience, is a mem ber of the University of Califor nia extension department faculty. Mr. Webster' foreign study was taken up in such musical centers as Berlin and Leipsig. studying " at "what was formerly the Royal -conservatory. ;" : " Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hop Lee, together with Mrs. Hop Lee's brother of California, spent the week-end at the coast. Yesterday Mrs. Hop Lee and daughter. Miss Ella Hop Lee. and the brother of Mrs. Hop Lee left to spend a week in Seattle. -.' ' Mr. and Mrs. S. S. East had as their guests ; over the t week-end Mr. and Mrs ' Augustus Myers and daughter. Miss.Marie Myers, of Haven, Kansas. Mr. Myers, a banker at Haven, spoke especially concerning the abundant crops in . hi sUte. , Mr. and Mrs. Myers, who are touring the west, have been spending the past six weeks in California. Having left Salem they "will make stops ! in Portland and Seattle as well aai other west ern points. Mr. and Mrs. East -were neighbors of Mr. and Mrs Myers when a number of years ago both families lived in Kan sas. This is Mr, Myers and Miss , Myers' first trip to the coast. 'I : Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Buckner i h and daughter. Ruth, returned re cently . f rom an . interesting motor trip around oos Bay stopping botk at Marsbfield I and North :;i Bend, at the former place as guests of friends of the family. - r : " : The Woman's Missionary socie- - ty of the First Presbyterian ' church will hold their annual picnic and program at z:w o'clock Friday afternoon. The 'business meeting and program will be held in the afternoon with suPDer at 6 o'clock J All mem bers of the church and congrega tion are Invited to Join in this annual affair and the hosbanus are expected to attend the picnic .supper. Those who may be in terested in the program but do . .ltot care for the picnic features are urged to come for the after noon. The tonic lis "Cominn Generations," and the young peo ple are especially invited to be present.. All who ' !bring. picnie baskets are asked to bring dishes and. silver for their own service Coffee will be supplied by the committee of which Mrs. . . Savage. js chairman. ' .1. V f ; J - The picnic of the Wisconsin as- - sociatlon will be one of the en joyable events of the week. , Held .at the - fairgrounds, f the picnic lunch will be served in cafeteria style. All members of the Badg er-association are asked to bring well-filled baskets. Coffee will , be furnished by the committee; An especially good . program has been planned with variou3 dis tinctive numbers. I Dr. and Mrs. Grover C: Bellin ger and children j and Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Evans and children, lett during the week-end for Newport where they have taken a cottage tor the next two weeks. Mrs. C. K. opaulding left yes terday for Newport where she will occupy the Spaulding cottage till the middle of August. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills and daugh ters, Roberta and Ha, of Portland, will be guests with Mrs. Spauld ing at" the resort. ) , V The Men's Brotherhood -of the First Baptist church will hold their annual picnic a week from today at the Santiam park at Jef ferson, i The men from ; Albany, Coryallis, Independence and Le banon have been (invited to par ticipate in the affair. . "Among the features of the day will be the ball game planned, with Harold , Socolofsky captain of J thje challenging team. .The day's address will be given, after ttio picnic dinner, by E. L. Hall of McMinnville. ; :,fIt-'.jts interesting to know that fiirough July and August the members of the brotherhood are responsible for the Sunday eve ning pervices, arranging for the music and other features. j Mr,; and Mrs. R. W. Cram and daughter, Virginia, of Walla Wal la, Washington, are spending a week I with Mr. and Mrs. K. B, Kus?ejL Mr. and Mrs. Cram form erly ljved in Salem. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keene and daughter. La Veha, returned Sat urday from a two weeks vacation spent at Belknap Springs. They also spent afew days at Bend, Oregon. I V Mrs., J. F. Blair and Miss Mir pah Blair left Saturday for Seat tle where Mrs. Blair will spend the month of August with her son. Dr. Blair. Mis Blair Will spend her vacation at Ranier Na tional park and other northern points. ' ' : Mrs. Burton Meyers is recover ing nicely from a recent operation for the removal of tonsils. j Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bccke "have returned home from a . week of outing at Seaside. . j vC- -if ; Mrs.' Lorenzo Innskeep of Berk eley, Cai.i who has been the house guest of jMrs. W. H. Dolman left for her home on; Sunday. She was accompanied s.outh by Mrs. George I'. Baxter of Oakland who has been visitiug in Portland. Mrs. Baxter was a guest from Saturday until Sunday of; Mrs; Dolman. ! ; i ' . - '.V.! Jf. ' i 1 - I - ' . ' House-guests of Mrs.sH. II. Van devort are Mrs. El va Nelson and sons. Vinx'ent and Leland, of Los Angeles, i who arrived, two weeks ago. Mrs. Nelson" and sons will be guests of friends in Salem until the 23rd of August, j :. Miss Pearl L. Applegate return ed from i Portland Saturday after a visit wjth her sfster, Mrs. Cyrus 1. Woodworth and other rela tives.. . ' " ! - v .' ; Mrs. Monroe Gilbert was a guest in Portland over the week-end, Mr. Gilbert driving up on Sunday. They returned Sunday evening. Over 20 t members "of the First Evangelical church motored to Jennings ; Lodge Sunday morning to attend the annual camp meet ing. Over a thousand people were assembled during the morjffing and afternoon to hear the outstanding address given by Rev. II. (Franklin Schelegel of Harrisburg. Penn. The Alpha Chi Oinega! alumnae and their husbands; will be guests of Mr, and Mrs. Monrofe Gilbert at thir country home, 'Ijrokazaii,f' for. a picnic temorrow j evening. This ; is the regular July gather ing, . , ; J . ,;... -it si. I I'" I I -v The ceremony uniting in mar riage: Miss Juanita Odella Wil liams and Waldrori Prall Ilillpot was performed oh Sunday at the Unitarian church parsonage. Rev erend Martin Fereshetian official ing. The Women's Benefit Associa tion of Maccabees will be hostesses tomorrow, July 30, j at a picnic at the Fairgrounds for their families and . friends. Supper will be at 6:30 with a program following, well-filled baskets 1 together with dishes and silver for all jwho come with: them. " ) . : I . . i; ... Mr. and Mrs. James R. Humph rey, 'Mr. and Mrs.. Rex Sanford, Miss Efina Simonton, Mr. Harold Hopkins, Miss Nell Thielsen,.and Mr. OrJo Hays motored to Port land late Saturday - afternoon. The miembers of the" party were guests, at the beautiful Ellis Sim onton liome on Lake Oswego bver the week-cnd. ; , The mothers class of the First Methoctist church held their an nual reception on the attractive lawn if the Iliff home at ChemaH wa Friday evening. The men's class "were guests for the evening There were one hundred present', The' babies from which the dinner was served were grouped under the ttrecs. . MPs. Geo. Krau3 and. Miss Or-r lettai Kraus bf Aurora ; were Kuess last week of Mrs. R. J Hendricks. They are now visit! ing at Lebanon. j .-.j MUs. R. w. Walton andMra. Ri D. Barton are expected home to day? from a week's motor trip whirh took them to Rainier Nai tiorual park. Mrs. Walton is a guest here from Cambridge, Mass. A tiumber, of things have been don for: Mrs. Walton as; well as for a second house-guest at the W. D. Smith home, Mrs. Paul R. Smith of Los Angeles. A further delightful compliment will be the porch party at which Mrs. F, S. Barton will be the hostess. i ; 1 SOCIAL CALENDAR Today ' Silver tea dren's Farni for benefit of Chll- home 2:30 to 5 o'clock. Sponsored by WCTU. j Wetlnesday Daughters! o,f the. American Rcr olution. Mrs. U. G. Shipley, S75 E. street, i ! ' "' - Wisconsin: association picnic at Fairgrounds jwith program of par ticular interest. Young Married People's picnic at Brush College picnic grounds, 6 o'clock. - Women's Benefit Association of Maccabees picnic- Supper at 6:30 o'clock. Fairgrounds. Executive Committee of the Presbyterian! Woman's Missionary society, 2:30! o'clock. Mrs. W. W. Emmons, : 28 N. Commercial streets , ' ' f j .'''.- Alpha Chi Omega picnic at coun try home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mon roe Gilbert. I -- . ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosenquest and daughter.' Miss Alpha Rosen-1 quest returned Sunday from a v week's vacation at Belknap Springs. ; In the literary pages of the editorial section of , the Albany Sunday Democrat this week a quatrain by Mrytle Wilcox Gilbert (Mrs. Monroe Gilbert) fills the up- . per right hand corner of the title border. The quatrain, character-! ( istically a reflective form of verse follows: SOUIi-SIIAPKD MYRTLE WILCOX GILBERT Life Is not made by circumstance ; - j nor lot And change- by no experience la ; wrought, . But each event doth pass within the soul j And there 13 shaped, as liquid by ; the bowl. - - ' i' ' D0NT TRY TO RAISE your fatal! ; without it. For ctotnach aches and' ' pains; sudden cramps, severe intestinal, colic and indiscretions of eating and drinking, changes in water, diet I climate, take CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DIARRHOEAar ' REMEDY ; ) Never fail to have it on band , t VVE1 PAY CASH FOIt YOUR FURMITURE AND TOOLS Capital Hardware & Furniture Go. ; Best Prices Paid 285 N. Com'l St. Phone 347 in Q 35- on O Cxi o H W H W Q s O i ! o H CO FH m H Pu w Q co H PS o i o H CO H t2 H Pi a. w Q co S3 H Pi Pi o H CO. k 1 EH Pi Q CO t-rt Pi O CO X H Pi O I BARGAINS WORTH'S j DEPARTMENT STORE WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STQRE WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORE 4- WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORE WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORE 1 O H Btt ... That's Our Tip on U I Dollar Specials Flowing within your reach is a Niagara of Bargains - - better values, better merchandise and better service, ' all for a single dollar. Better come in early tomorrow and take advantage of these sensational values. Slip-on Sweaters Ladies' Waists Ladies' Brassieres Ladies' Wash Dresses Ladies' Wash Skirts Ladies' Bath Robes Ladies' Aprons Ladies Corsets Ladies' Underwear YOUR CHOICE Second Floor I Yo'lli be Greeted by P 1 e a s a ri t Sur prises the Balance of this Week with values you can get for a Dollar - Why go out of our fair city to dq your shopping. With as many large and varied stocks, such as you will find in Salem the Merchants here, and all business men, as a rule, are usually looked to first for as , sistance, to the upbuilding and betterment, of our prosperous .- city., Each home merchant will appreciate! "When Possible" the preference, ''it pays." Silk Sale Plain 'and fancy Silks of -wery-idescrip-tion, 3(5; and .40 inches wide too many to tell you about all jot (hem f "geseing" ?is , Deiievinp we win a a xwm . f state that the values will be iup t& $2.50 a yard. Com In( early and select your desir,e3 at, per yard I ' . r r,oo Dress Goods One'grand lot of All Wool Dress Goods many kinds of ma,trials are offered. Some of the widths rnng as wide; as 5 inthes; all fancy weaves and materials will be on display ! at this price. Values jare siirprisinc. Come early 1'it pays," at per yard . Mama Dolls 1 at each' iy. Specially prict Kotex Sold regularly at C."c lot-r-12 napkins in lot. Itesu lar size--lay In your Kup ply now specially priced at S. for if Flannel OutinK Flan- faff Lock just in; $1 I Piire white irl- new stoc 27 inches wide buy vour full supply now 7 yards for f this week at i j'p. j this store instriy X ' specials will be J HA offered you at Ij ' ! Blankets During: our dollar . days specials we ! are going to offer 13 pairs of all wool tf Blank e t s, 66xXO V plaid, pleasing de- ' signs hile; they !--last at, per pair 6 95 Sillt Hose Luggage One of the discon tinued departments in our store all traveling bags and suitt cases, is now offered for sale. We wish to clean out as soon as possible all of our-; remaining stock. Price Ladies' ISilk Hosiery all the Sea son's newest shades-; all sizes and colors. V a 1 ues - ' that we know you will appreci ate! ; Bot 1-00 hose but hose ' that sell as : a, rule" for more. Seel our big bar; gain table all at, per pair j Neckwear 4 Ladies' Neckwear,: collar and cuTf peti, separate coN mw lars. values to $:t,..".o, : all new this season. While they last at i.i" , Beat This One Tomorrow and tomorrow- only (one day) 8U-Im-jh pure white Ityisy" Outing Flannel on sale at I 4 yards for a (And it's the real goods, too ) J Tom Sawyer . "Now Is your op- portunity to save" -each and every boys waist or shirt i fully guaranteed ; no 'ifs or an ds" about it. All the sizes they make are here ' Comforts Comforts, double size, o u r entire stock is now placed at your disposal buy for the future needs." Your unre stricted choice at exactly half of their former' prices- Price Union Suits M e n's -Union " j S.UUS, summer w e I ghts. Y o u really cannot af ford to miss this sale. We're clos ing out this de partment. Some real values of fered you at mm '" ' ' Dr. Denton's "Sleeping Garments."! the genuinri kind sizes l(letter take ad van now after tomorro seliing-t-our stock may be rxhauatled pr ' tage I 1 Paper 'Toilet Paper" great big rolls--fi."i0 sheets. lOq izr-, on sale ; While it lasts at '20 rolls for ; Soap "P. & O.'l the white Naptha Soap "CJuest" size "Ivory Soap." assorted,;, to please for 1 . at 25 bars Slippers Our entire line of broJtcn sizes in Telt Slippers i for if V children, boys and ladies. v On salo to clean up the stock at, 2 pairs for I J ToothPaste Your choice of "Pebero' t or "Pepsodent"' Tooth $ Paste, assorted v to please you. at 3 tubes. 50c size .for A Towels i j Bath Towels. a t d, wmall size, fl''Vi good quality - ii Turkish bleache values buy 8 of these towels while they last for Hose Re 1 :ord valu pair: Blouses Boys Blouse- all sizes t 14 yeArs, light patterns made f fine percales- $1 values on mile at -blouses for : ! Sheets Bleached '"'MSheets, slzeftc 72x0. our regular $1.25 v value op sale, while they last, at, each Pillow Cases Going to : sell you the best, nillnw -s ever offeredV - - 7 " - JJ for the moneyi 139c vaiue. You can buy ipiir of tnem and they only will cost you Towels Now we are going to offe you a real 49c. value I fancy Turkish iToweIa;xall colors to choose from. Fairly shopping advised. 4 Towels for nO 3 Shoes .. i .iif( I ence which shoe you nick out our 'entire stock, until further ?!'A notice is offered. 'ft)f' C hoose ! them no w at per pair i Middies One lot of Misses' and Ladies' all-wool Middies,, also cotton Middies included in differentcolors most all sizes at, each- fi - ' x Wash Suits Tom Sawyer Wash Suits for boys each fv and everyone gu'aran- fjJW now his Is your on-ViV'i portunity. selection suit i i i t boose them -11 is your op-5J See the! at, p e r I Underwear Boys' Balbriggan Underwear every -size in stock. Good time now to fill your want3 excep tional value now will bo placed on sale at, 2 for rs-vi-. . iviv y vvi ict c SS K X X save I BEB&H.TMENT You Every Day Muslin ' Our regular V, levelled M noli 8oft f i n I s h. 3 inches wide of the Fruit of the I,oom. on salej now at 4 yards fori 33e (rfll 6 UA M ii Makersj Pillows ITT LIBERTY STORE SALEM ; OREO OKL, Thread Clark's O. N. T. Spool ' Option...! 150 yard spools;: black and white, all idzes, 2 dozen spools- as sorted to suit your requirements, for . " all Our regular $1.85 feather Pillows, each a-nd every one labeled assuring you of Its eontents-while they last, at each - Another bargain In threated ? C o a t's Mercerizert Crochet Cotton all sizes and I colors; also Coat's fj rene- in sizes and 5, erj' few nliiK Tnlaainer In riir nfnrk: nn ba!h 1?I balls' for rA i I'M m m - i h O in 13 M T3 H H Ui H O W H O w H I CQ o H d s H in H O O w M H M H Ui H O w O w H in O SO H P3 H w H O W w 33 O H in M H v PI i i CO i P5 O WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORE WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORE WORTH'S DEPARTMENT. STORE j--rWORTII'S DEPARTMENT STORE - -AVORTITS DEPARTMENT STORE t J