The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 24, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY MORNING, J,ULY.;24,rl924 r- 3
; Get Hu tiding Permit ! J
T" "afrs.. prater. j-stelYc4 a. permit
Wednesday for the construction of
"a dwelling at , 14 $ South Seven
teenth. , The i residence will ijeost
sr,oo. i -
Kara,' Bridge on Fi
Two calls were received by he
fire department, at. 1:25 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon. - One was
from 1106 North Fourth, where a
barn, used as a woodshed, was
damaged t by a roof fire. The
other call rushed the- department
to the bridge on South Commer
cial, where a minute area was
burned, : . U " . .
Births Are Reported .
. Births reported to the office of
the city health officerWednesday
were Richard W.. to Mr, and Mrs.
JMwin' C. . Pjurvine. 805 South
Twelfth, aHhe Court Street Chris
tian, church maternity home, July
and Ada Marjorie, to Mrj and
Airs. W. P. Watkins, 1078 North
Capitol., on July 14. t.
Dance-r- V ... '
- m Auburn Hall Thursday. ' Good
music. . . jly24
Xelson Lions Shaker f 1 j i
"Making Education a National
Concern" will be the subject of an
address to be given at the Friday
luncheon 'of the LionV'cJub Friday
noon by Prof. J C. Nelson, prin
cipal of Salem hlgh'school. Miss
Gladys Stevenson will be the solo
ist of the' day. . The Lions will
itnake' final j rrangements at this
time'to attend the charter presen
tation at , Lebanon Saturday night
and alineup obtained on the num
ber who- will assist the Longview
club. In. stalnge Pageant of
r ProgressiJiiiy' 31. . It Is expected
" that ' theTocal den will be repfe-
sen ted ai the pageant. , U
Wanted Mazzard Seedling
Cherries. Both black and red
Mazards. Pearcy Bros., 237 State
street. '- ; V-:" " -' '- X. ' J24
Has Awful "Hangover"
Though Carl Wright, a: minor.
.was' arrested at a local' rooming
' house by Officer Putnam at 5
o'clock Wednesday morning, he
had ttn awfui "hangover" all day
yesterday. Ai.3 o'clock In." the
afternoon he "still stagg'ered and
when he .appeared before. Judge
. Marten Poulsen in police court he
passed out entirely and was car
ried back to his cell. Finding that
jt!fe prisoner wag without funds,
'aid could not be fined. Judge
Poulsen did not have the heart' to
turn him out In the hot sun, so
J .
Bays Fcrcfcre
Phone 511 U
411 Oregon Elds. Phone 457
iThe Seavy BeH Insurance
Agency . !
General Insurance j
Co prJB. H. White
Vv Dr. Anne Brekke
I Osteopathy :
; ' Surgery
Electronic diagnosis and treat
ment (Dr. Abrams' method).
Office phone 859
Residence 46 9-J
806'! .U... S. Bank Bldg. .'.
. Larmer Transfer & Storage
Zo. will be located at 143
South Liberty Bt. next" to
Jraber Bros. Plumbing Shop
If ter July .1st. '. We would ap-
rclat your patronage at our
location more than eVer.
" '. ' i 1 '. 11 :
liarmer Transfer ?c
. StoraseCori
Hi Phon 039
L A Di D &
"t ' ' ' ."''.ill'
t; EftabllsIxea'lSea J
General Bsxiliins Bufflunc'
uZ,itiXizz Ilififirciiaa M.mrfrv?&
turned him over to Chief of Po-
lice . Minto, j who will see that
Wright gets f fed regularly, or as
soon as he. feels like eating, for
the next 10 days. ;
Flivver Is Decorated
Traveling in one of the most
decorated flivver touring cars to
pass through; the city this season;
five young men, clad in bathing
suits and trousers, passed through
Salem Wednesday afternoon. In
large letters, painted on one side
of the automobile and conspicu
6us among the many embellish
rnents that adorned the vehicle,
was the " message that the party
vere on their way from New York
to California; '
Cherrians Want Company - -Visits
to nearby communities by
the Salem Cherrlans are not ex
clusive affairs and private parties.
but "merely a demonstration of
good feeling; between Salem and
other towns j of the county, and
consequently 'the Cherrlans do not
want to go over to Silverton all by
themselves tonight. King Ring Al
Pierce has issued -an invitation to
everyone in the cityywho wants
to take a nice- drive In the cool
of the evening and come on along
with the main caravan. The
Cherrlans and the band will leave
from the Chamber of (Commerce
at 6:45 o'clock, reaching Silverton
In time to stage a parade at 7:30
o'clock, which will be followed by
the concert. 1
Flax Party Here Friday
About 25 or 30 Portlapders In
terested In the flax industry will
arrive fn Salem In time; to visit
the state prison plant ai 10. o'clock
in "the morning. After this In
spection the party1, augmented by
a number of local men will drive
to the P. E.lThom'ason place for
lunch and look over the flax fields
In that district. The Thompson
farm is in the center of nearly
500 acres ; planted to flax. Two
pullers will be seen in 'actual op
eration. The party intends to re
turn to Portland about 4 o'clock.
See Hamilton's Window .
Court St., Friday and Saturday
of this week. . Display of Photos
of Parker's ' Baby Contest.
Divorce Decrees Granted
; Two divorce decrees were grant
ed yesterday; y Circuit Judge G
G. ; Bingham. The first was the
separation of Lauella Hornbuckle
from Robert L. Hornbuckle. Mrs,
Hornbucklq was granted the right
to use her maiden, name, Luella
Wells. The seoood 4fcre wa3
separating ; H. J. . Beardsley irom
Olive Beardsley together with $250
alimony and' $30 ."per montli for
the Vare of ; the'4"ehildreii. "
Truck Operator Arrested
! 9. Rede is chaYged with, operat
ing a truck Without license, In a
complaint filed In Justice court,
Rede was arrested by H. L. Grif
fith, state" traffic officer.
Appraisers Appointed
Appraisers of ' the estate of
Chester W, Abrams deceased, were
named yesterday by County -Judge
Downing as i follows : R. J. Hen
dricks, J. L. Brady and W. II.
Henderson. jCarle Abrams, broth
er of the deceased, was, appointed
Attending Horse Show
Mrs. Z, T. Riggs and her moth
er, Mrs. 'Janet Waller, will leave
for Seattle this morning to attend
the Seattle horse show, in session
July 23, 24 and 25. Mrs. Ella
Wilson left for Seattle last night
in the interests of the state talr
board. Mrs. Wilson has had a
prominent part in the horse, show
activities here. r - , '
Horsemen Are Uuxj
Since leaving : Salem two well
known1 horsemen ' have '"made -ex-
eellent connection In their line of
nT. r 11
Cara for hire without driven.
PHONE 2020
Day and Night Service t
Popular Priced
Tailored Suits $25 to C45
Men's and Young Men
Promoter Good Health
Cottage Cheese
: OneThird Ctiaia"
TL E. RXDEOCT, Proprietor
work, C M, Wilson, fomer pro
nrietor of .the 'riding academy, is
now with E. A. Stewart of Seattle,
president of the Carnation stock
farm. Mr. Wilson 4 has charge- o
the show horses and will accom
pany the blooded stock . east on
tours. A. T. Fleming, who had
charge of the horse show at the
state fair last year and who is con
sidered one of the best horse show
managers In the. United States, is
now getting out premium .'lists for
the big horse show at the Stockton
Cal., fair.
Salem Swelt
In addition to the thermometer
hovering over the 90-degree mark
Wednesday, Salemites sweltered in
the warm wind that- came from
'the north and .east during the day
While the temperature was not
as great as that experienced the
first of the month, when 96 de
grees was recorded one day, never
theless it was keenly felt after the
last few cool days.
Vote for Your Favorite ;
Best looking Baby to receive.
as formerly advertised, Five Do!
lar credit in Savings account, at
any Bank eelected In Salem. Vot
ing contest at j Hamilton's Furni
ture Store, Friday and Saturday
of this week Parker-Shrode
Studio. ; f " i ; Jly25-
Probing SoldierH TTom
i Members of the slate board of
control "Will leave here this morn
ing to investigate the ; soldiers
borne at Roseburg. The. trip is
an outcome- of the convention ! of
Spanish-American War veterans at
(J rants Pasp, Which requested that
an Inveslnation be made. Charges
made at the convention were that
John Maurer, a Spanish-A.mertcan
war veteran, .had been discharged
Without cause. ' ' ; 1 - ? !
Dance I j . i . J
i 'Auburn Hall Thursdayj. Good
music, s i j . U jly24
Scotchmen to Picni
l Every effort is being made by
William: ;McGilchrist to make the
firet annual gathering of Scotch
men a huge success and to1 arrange
for a continuation of the meetings
in succeeding years. The picnic
Will be held at S pong's landing
next" Wednesday. The affair will
officially open at 1 o'clock for all
jthose who can avail themselves
of the 'opportunity while a basket
supper will be served at o'clock.
Every cfne coming to the picnic is
expected to bring " a well-filled
basket. . ; --j ;
Artisans "Stage Benefits- ' -I
"A series of benefit dances are
being jBponeored"1 by the Salem
Artisans torheia raise raonrey to
send the drill team to 'Oakland
August 3, where it twil jcompete
wnn teams from other tcities, at
the annual; coast convention.
There Will b 16 members of the
team and one substitute taken in
addition to a jnumber of delegates
and' others J Who' olan tin1 attend
the meeting: p The first of these
dances! will be given tonight in
McCorhack nail, with ! another
Wisconsin lple Attention
j The (annual5 picnic and reunion
will be held at the state faiT
ground, Wednesday. July 30.
Come, all.
Jersey (Auction Kale
' G: H. Dammeier will have an
auction' sale i of Jerseys in Port-
landT on" Wednesday, ' July 30th.
The; sale will be held on the Lions
farm on' 82nd street, one mile
south pf the city limits of Port
land. He offers thirty head of the
T - 1 h 1IED
TURNER-twilllam Turner died
his . Residence; , 837 south 12th
south ISjtS St July 2S: ; He
'is survived W hla father and
i f mother.! "Mr; and Mrs. William
Turner) jpf- Chicago; 1 widow,
j Ediths. one daughter, 'Margaret!
j ! age 9 years; son, George, age 7
; lyearialt of Salem; one sister,
j (Mrs.! A. E. Spindt, of Palisades.
jWash.;- and one brother, Rich
iard T., jof Chicago, i; Funeral
services fwill 1 be held at the
Webb Funeral parlors, Friday,
Julyi25 at 2 o'clock. Rev. Long
will jiavet charge of services. Pa
Hfic Lodge No. 50 AF&AM will
conduct jgrave-side services.' In
terment will be in 9ity View
cemetery;. - . t .
KORB Atj the residence, 1649 N.
p Fifth street, ! Wednesday,! July
23, Adam Korb, age 67 years, a
! resident of Salem for 19 years,
husband of Mrs. Adam Korb.
father of Mrs. H. W. Hale and
Mrs! j Louis- Weiss of Salem,
Mrs!! Robert Leach of Belling
ham. Wash., and Mrs. Lulu
Kiehl of Guide Rock, Neb.; sort
of Mrs. Martha Korb of 'Burr
Oak,; Kansas; brother of John,
Henry and Will Korb, all of
Kansas, and Fred' Korb of: Ne
braska; Mrs. Mary' Foulk of
Beatrice, Neb., and Mrs. Carrie
: Brown of Kansas. ' Mr. ; Korb
was a member of the local' lodge
of Odd Fellows. Announcement
of. funeral will be made later
! from the Rigdon mortuary. : ;
CStuald PrrU
119 v. Kcfr-n in '
Scene from "The Marriage Circle" at the Oregon Saturday..
very richest. Island and American
blood lines. This' is a complete
dispersal sale
E. A. Rhoten will be sale njan
eiff C, D. Mintpri ring man!ahd
Col! J. W. Hughes! auctioneerThe
catalogs' have Just been printer in
the Statesman job office. f ;
Rotai ians Keek Manager I ' .
The Salem Rotary club hafs. been
requested by . Miles . Higley. of
Sftokane, district govern 6s.. 1 to
name their 'first! Mconfl and, third
choice fpr district manager. ' " The
mauer nas ueen : reierrett to me
executive comthittee of the club.
A Picture- ' : i ; - ' : "
&i every Baby Dhotogranhed in
our recent Baby contest will be
on exhibition ; Friday and Saiurr
day at Hamilton's Furniture StoreV
Cotiie and- cast your Vote for the
best ( looking one. j " Some body's
Baby; will receive) Five Dollars
Savings account iPafker-Shrode
Studio! . : ' I ; Ilv25
Fills Barber Board- " -.
FJ r." Marshall! of Portland and
George Griffeth, of Oregon. City,
were! 'appointed ; ntembers of the
state barber board Wednesday
afternoon, by. Governor AVI ter M.
fierce. They wHl "succeed James
Roy t Neer, of Portland ' and Lee
Can field, of Salem.
l t . ... 9 1 V :
Would Build Boonv
Application for 1 permission to
construct a boom on the Willam
ette jrlver near MilWaukie has-been
rnaoe to the public servicecom
mission by the Milwaukie'. Boom
company. ' : l
Register Hop Pickers j;
Thoukh hop picking will not get
under way until early next rnpnth.
pickers arot'ieine reeisterta h
Sim Phillips ' at the United Spates
employment bureau at the XMCAl
wiuer picKing is practicallyl com
pleted and the' present time .is a
sort; of "in between" season. 1
Krtflttn. Tit W - '
"iiuaiu JillfT liOir i s
The lowest it has been at) this
time of the season for years ii the
report of fishermen relurnihar
rom an outing on the Santiara
river. According jto several inert
who are familiar with the stream,
the river is as low at present Us it
generally Is during September
- i ' T" - i '
Ir. Doivy to Speak
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, president
: W llliamette university
will; speak at the open air service's
In Willson park Sunday afternoon,
it was announced Wednesday. His
subject was not given. Final, ar
rangements for the singing; and
those In charge of the religious
services are now being madd-
Offices are MoveVl- ; . 4
The Business j Men's league
headquarters" are now located! In
thej United States! National bnk
uuaing, on the third floor. The
former location, in the, MaWonic
building, were occunled ! for ? the
ast three years. ! '
raises Slate Hospital-
There is not a state hospital in
the United States that can cbm4
pare with the Oregon institution
in the opinion of Dr. E. E. John-,
son, scientist! and bacteriolist:
who Is a visitor in the city.' ,He
has visited nearly every institu
tion In the United States and re-j
cently returned from a4 trp toEu
rope. He was high In his prais
of Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, superin
tendent of the hospital. While the
architecture is not of the iitest
type and as elaborate as some o
the buildings in the east, he never4
inspected a "state hospital sortree,
from odors and as clean as the!one
in Salem,- he said. Dr. Johnson
also spoke highly of the state. tu
berculosis hospital, of which-Dr.
C. G. Bellinger is superintendent"
Stayton Wants Cherrlans :
An invitation to visit Staytotf on
August 7 will be acted upon; by
the Cherrlans tonight. The letter
was received by King Bing- Al
Pierce from the Stayton Commun
ity club. The Cherrian council
has notified the Longview. Wish.,
and Bandon clubs that tht local
men would not be able to partici
pate In their festivities. The" in
vitation for southwestern Oregon
was for the initiation of the Ban
don Beachman Saturday night.
Conductor is Arrested .
For permitting his train to block
the . State street crossing ftjoni
:27 until 2:6fl o'clock,.Wxdes-.
day mornins. Conductor Burton,
W i if 1
1 :ik .1
Southern Pacific trainman was ar
rested upon, a complaint signed
by; Mayor John B. Giesy. Burton
has been cited to appear in .the
police court at 4 o'clock this after
noon to explain the " delay " of the
train ih : clearing the crossing.
I'riderKoes Operant io
S Mary Notson, former Willamr
etfe student, who ha been ill' in
Seattle for' the ; past few . weeks,
yesterday underwent ,an operation
for the removal of kidney stones.
Miss Notson was attending the
University of Washington summer
school atstbe time she to9ksick.
The' results of thei operation' are
nof yet known. ' - ' 1
Joy Riders Jailed ;
-Tlireej Portland youths and two
girls were, taken, to the police sta
tion early Wednesday morning by
Officers Wild and Olson after -the
quintet inad i been - found " in the
down town district. - This classifi
cation is being regarded in much
the, same light as transcients and
anyr more , "joy riders will be
taken to; the station-for an inter
view with the. night sergeant. The
three boys gave" the names' of Ken
neth Faulkener, Ed G oss and Les
W. Crutcher, who with the girls.
Were from Portland.' .Salem, is too"
far from, home at that time of
n ight. Sergeant Smart held, and
kept , the- boys; until after j their
parents had been notified.. They
were permitted . to return home
yesterday after their parents had
promised to see to it that the boys
did hot wander so far away qn an
other "joyride." I
m . ; ;
Probe Child rens Home .. ,
f Ntioe of 1 his appointment by
(the jPresbyterian synod at its re
cent meeting in Eugene to a! com
mittee for the purpose-of investigating-
the childrens farm home
near Corvallis.l has been received
by Rev. Ward Willis Long, pastor
bf the Ffrst Presbyterian church.
He is chairman of the committee.
Others who will assist are Dr. M.
L. Wi. Helcher and A. W. Black
burn, of Corvallis. ' f
Forger Asks Xeniency i .
; A masterful "sob story', letter
has been" received by a local bus
iness f irrn from R. J! Weir,1 alias
R. A. Long, under arrest in Port
land, asking leniency after he had
victimized several Salem business
houses by - worthless " checks. "I
want to try and gather the tangl
ed, threads of my life anew and
weave them , once more into a
strong . and - secure cable of 4honor
and .principle." .Salem j'men' are
not, expected, to assist ' in ; the
"weaying!'' . . , , . .
1 " ' r- r-- - I-;.
!.E.".AvtOstrin. chairman of the
AVoodburnti school hoard, was a
bnsihess'caller yesterday at the
,-off ica; o the. county ischool super-intendehtV'-
, ; i -
Mr;. Alice James! of Berkeley.
Cal..-naid . a social visit to" Mrs.
"Mary L. Fulkerson, county school
superlotendent, yesieraay., .na.
James was - formerly associated
with' - Mrs. Fulkerson in school
'work. .'-".!.
i'MissVEHen Dougherty, of Ore-
; r . .. ' . ...:. n
gon Cuy,-,was a recent inur
Salem.- 'She visited a snort ume
with relatives south of the city.
! Harley J. Watson was a busi
ness caller iii Salem yesterday
from Roseburg.
- Mrs. Laura Baxter, of Oakland,
Cal.. is visiting her -brother-in-
law. Chief Justice McBride,; of the
Oregon supreme court. 1
W. J. Clarke, of Hillsboro, was
!ln the city .Wednesday morning.
, Harry F. Zander, of Tillamook,
was In Salem yesterday, j '
v C. A. Kells, general secretary
of the YMCA, has returned .rom
Eugene where he attended the
Presbyterian synod.
' Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Murphy, of
Mapleton, were in the city yester
day. ' '. '. ' ! ' ' ' '
George W. Hug, superiniendent
of schools, is expected byck from
Washington, D. C," the first of
the week. Mr. Hug Was In attend
ance at the annual meeting of the
National Education : association.
He is director in Oregon for the
- Alfred Montgomery. oWce man
asj of the Cherry City Milling
company, has returned from a two
weeks- vacation spent at Seaside.
Robin Day, local : attorney, left
Wednesday morning for .B-lse,
Idaho, to. spend his vacation with
hia parents. SMr. Day's! father
The Book of
Since ;
indeed to
W . : :. :.:i
1 KM nt K Ha
205 Sa
i a Methodist, ministe.r.. A sister
and her husband : Jorne"d him in
Portland. !. I
Frank C. Bramwell is.' expected
to return to! Salem next week
after attending the national comr
veritibn of: stale bank superinten
dent which; was held - in Phila
delphia. He has been alsent
from ,the cityj for about ' three
weeks. : ,.';
C. : H. Gram. " state -laboi com-
miffeioneir, spent Wednesday on
business In Portland. f
Marie Prevdst:rtasV I
Birthday Horoscope
f ari Prevnat-1 thft ilafntv film
star who plays one of the promi
nent roles in Ernst Lubitsch's pro
duction; "The Marriage. Circle,"
coming to the Oregon theater Sat
urday,' had ijt; horoscope 'recently,
and as a f consequence j she has
changed her' mind about star gaz
ing! I A horoscope, the dictionary
will inform you, is a representa
tion bf the heavans at any time.
especially at one's birth, from
which astrologers profess to tell
the future, i . , ; -
Marie, after thinking of Mer-
cur', Jupiter and the) Sun in
beneficient ascept, came to the
following 'conclusions:
I 'There! will be a noticeable in
crease in: the.' number Of readers
of newspapers and magazines at
this time; - ' . ;- .
; "Mercury, according to astrol
ogers,' inspires and stimulates
writers, actors and actresses and
gives: them j great power to do
splendid work. However, both
sexes1 will : continue to love beauty
and luxury." , ,
i Others in! the cast of this War
ner; Brothers Classic of the Screen
are; Florence Vidor, Monte Blue,
Adolphe Menjou, Harry Myers
and Creighton Hale. I
Girl Scouts Have Camping
,! Trip at'Duilum Grounds
i sfLVERTON. . Or., July 23.
(Special to' The Statesman.)
Several gjrl scouts camped out
Monday night at the Dullum picnic
grounds east of town. Mrs. A; O.
pCelson, scotit master, was with the
scouts for awhile on Monday and
Mrs.' C. F. Scbmideke spent the
night at the tamp. The girls rer
jturned to their homes In Silverton
Tuesday noon. Not all the mem
bers of the troop could be pres
ent, those being there were Fran
ces Nelson, Althea' Myers, Inga
Coplerud, Anna Lytle, Irene and
Hazel Goyette," Edna Lyons, Gladys
Dahlen' Cora Goplerud and Mar
garet Sather. .
j The older .. scouts are pla nn ing
a similar trip for later in the
I - . . '
1 It is easy to pick out , the
American abroad. He is cussing
the country he is in.
Just the Thing for Your Picnic
full cream cheese that slices just the right size
for sandwiches, ; No waste from uneven or
triangular piecos. Your Grofieif handles it.
j : i? , Ask forj j '
Marion Creamery & Produce Go.
Salem .1 f Amity
' - - -1-1 --r-
hnmUiI Tfl .'.4 "."fin " -.1 Sr
:. N H Ui i:;U: . .1,
V-JL-. I i ' . J V tl I
the Past
is the best reference any per
son' or group jof persons can
have. In'it we find an index
to character, ambitions and
accomplishments that are true
to judge by.
1879 our achieve
ments have been written in
this great Book; for forty
five years we have been build
ing up a reputation for , su
periority 'that;, we, are proud
refer to. j
1 i- PAKlfiMN 12
1TiimpviiI Smart-" &
Church Street yN5W
1.1 A I z M!iX
PAonc 170
Former. Assistant, Head of
State Library Had Bril
I iliant Career
Mrs. Ethel C. Hoffrnan form
erly Mrs! Percy Cotter jof Salem,
died n Portland, according- to
word 4 received here .jyesterday.
Mrs. Hoffman had many sincere
iriendis in this city who; will deep
ly regret to learn of her sudden
death. I . i . " v ,' . -.
Possessed of a brilliant mind
arid a rare personality Mrs. Hoff
man won. the respect and admir
ation of Jthose who knew her. Al
though Comparatively young she
had held a number of responsible
positions and at the time of her
death "was , connected j with the
bond department of the Hibernia
Bank of : Portland. ' j j -!
I In-; 1921' she- graduated from
the Northwestern College of. Law
,ahd immediately thereafter was
admitted to practice las j an , at
torney of this state. She was an
experienced librarian! having
spent : a number of years ' in the
state Kbrary at Salem "and after
wards.jserved as an .assistnt in the
Portland, public library
She (was Identified with- a num
ber of , i sociaT organizations in
Portland and was especially active
in clabj work for the advancement
of professional worn fn. - Mrs.
Hof f majn .is survived by "her hus
band and a son by formerj mar
riage, f 1 ... -J :7 " ! :'..-! -!
1 1 - - -
t Born in a school house
1 Salem; has been a school town
from her first day :
j- ;";-:!. V V i
i And her; highest destiny is in
remainhig an' edpcational .; center
and increasing her lead as such'
! - I '. -- ; '
For cities are not dead walls
and factory chimneys :and paved
streets and tall spires and count
ing houses and banks and, stores.
-Cities lire great as their' people are
great;. as they: accomplish things
worth while; as they feerve their
day and generation and radiate
their iafluence for good around
the world. j ' ;
f - ; V; y;";:;vv4!::T'
If we may mark our prospective
growth by the ambitious projects
for development harbored at our
educational institutions, no one
need jddubt concerning ; the! cer
tainty! of Salem becoming a city
.. : : IK 2 2I -
. I. 1 U II
of .50,000." peojtfe "oa'n then- 100,
000 later. - And there are many
other good Teasons for this cer
tainty of future days,' and not dis
tant, either! ! .
A. E. Bradley1 of Aurasville. who
owns the. flax puller . that was
brought here last year, has al
ready pulled 70 acres of flax, and
he expects to pull 80 acres more;
all with his own work and that of
members of his family. lie will
make his machine pay for itself
this year with; a good-sized roll
to the good. '
' I H .
Oregon stands high among Jthe
states in the proportion of her peo
ple who read the leading maga
zines especially those of cultural
value. Takeh in any way you
want to take them, the people of
Oregon are alf right- ail righter'
than those of any other state of
the Union. ;'
3Iention All Certificates
All certificates should be men
tioned by a county in -its sunijens
for foreclosure instead of the cer
tificate pertaining to the particular
piece of property, . according to a
legal opinion jnwde yesterday by
I. H. Van Winkle; 'attorney gen
eral . The opihidn ,wks' asked by
.W A.; Weit,peciaittorney foi 1
tax foreclosures? in, KTamath coun-
It's a queer world, and. most ol .
the .important looking people you
see at the resort are. nobodies.
r "r ....
- Our modern .riethods of
teaching .show - results,
You will be pleased with
the tbofOu glutei's of our
courses', and the actual
business training that is
made a part of them.
Come irr and let us talk
it over with you.
'J Mi -
t !
I1,'" I V