OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON : ; j in SEEKI1 MEIERS Committee Selected to Direct Drive; Picnic Is Held Great Success RILVERTQN (Special .to ; number 6f -arose at the -fn Silverton Tteeves post ship drive to Or., July 22. The Statesman.) A; Interesting questions; legion meeting' held last night by Delbert No. 7. The member- be put on In August Z7 ARRIVED First in Salem i; The Combination j Cheney Console fDGDBD n And Federal i . - t i - : ' i i i 4-Tube Demonstrations Every Evening Between 7-11 ; . A h . All Static prac tically elimin ated 4 can't tell whether phono graph or: radio is playing. In Tonight . ;i.'-:-,Hear ;.. Los Angeles Programme ' Easy Terms . :. - . . Trade in your old Phonograph Peters & Kills Piano House 510 Corrt ! Phone 441 r i a ' " in ii i inn nun i iii i inn in mttr rt-'r m rnrtnir a , imn i m 11 ""Z&) fciqjwiSfc in iiiiwwiwiwiini-aaiioiwwwwwii iw.j.miiiiiiii imim nwm HIT "hwMtoiMt : Scene from "The Marriage Circle,' ardny. ; coming to the Oregon Sat- was discussed and a committee of five chosen to handle the work in connection with the drive. The Delbert Reevespo'st has php of the largest memberships of any post in the state ad has employed dif ferent methods of gaining new members in the drives conducted other years. I j v I , A talk on- the National Guard was given by jArchie Thomas who asked all legion members to join the guard if possible. Twelve men signecLup for one year, j Silverton isvery desirous of ob taining an ?armory and good at tendance at drill is said to be one of. the things which will aid the company in getting the building. The name of Tucker Johnson was drawn from the anti-box but as he was not present the! money, amounting to something pver $5 was left in the bos. I ' ' A "hot dog and coffee fejed" was enjoyed after; the business meet ing. ; ; : 1 SILVERTON, Or.,; Julyj 22. (Special to The Statesman.) Much interest was shown: in the legion picnic held July 20 on the Abiqua grounds near Silverton. The picnic was under the auspices of the Delbert Reeves post No. 7 and was attended by many from towns of Polk and Marion coun ties. It is i reported that many more would have been present had it not been ! that it is vacation time now. The Oregon City and Salem drum, corps which had been asked to come were unable to do so as so many members were out Of town. . , U : . . ' -. . ; . Following lunch at noon swim ming and horseshoe games were the main sports. A $50 diamond ring was given away during a con test and was won by &: member of the Salem ;post No. 9, ' No attempt , was made to give an elaborate program or to hold speeches as the affair was plan ned as a social get-to-gether-have-a-good-time picnic, and reports from those who were there indi cate that the object was attained. A nomination isn't worth a great deal if the poor thing is harried Tagged before being de livered, j! 1 : ROST&IN GREEMBAUM RE LIABLE.. MjE RC HAND IS E MILLINERY DEPARTMENT j New Felt Hats just in Latest Style Good Quality,' Big Asstortment, You are Invited to Look I Them Over, j Lowest Prices. 36-in. Unbleached MUslin.ia Fine i Grade Yard 14c 32-in. Pink Striped Romper Cloth Special Yard 15c May Manton Patterns Only 20c I . i New Fashion Sheets, Free i " 36-inch Burlap I' .... I . ; Green or Brown iarci25c Ladies Linen i Handkerchiefs Colored Borders Special 15c 81x00 Sheets 1.25 j Blankets ! ,1st Quality j Pair ... ;. $2.29, $1.90 Women's Khaki Pants ; Best Grade, $3.00, Medium Quality,j $2.15 Girls, ?1'85 ; Ladies' Blouses, $2.25, I v). Girls, $1.65 j 40-iri. Pillow Tubing Good Grade Yd. 35c Linen; Toweling Bleached or Unbleached Special i '.. Yard 21c V Ladies 75c Union. Suits Special at 48c Shirting Yard 19c White Suiting -Special Yard 25c New; Val Lace Ruffling" Tan or White 2 or 3 Rows Lace ' -i ' Yard l. .. . Yd. 69c, 75c, 85c 8-oz. 29-iri. jCanvass, 38c 10-oz. 36-in. Canvass, 50c 240 and 246 North Commercial St. Repairs and Alterations j Occupies School Board , : ! -: ; Repairs, alterations and reno vation of the city schools were the chief items of business con sidered at the school board meet ing last night. Several important matters were held up pending the return of Superintendent George V. Hug who is away on his va cation. !" : ' '- , ' ' i , L. J. Simeral, reporting for the building committee, outlined in detail work which various schools needed to place them In repair for the coming year. The boardivoted to repaint ! woodwork and j reno Vate the Grant school at a cost of $30; the Highland school at a cbst of $75; the Lincoln school at a nominal cost; and -the Richmond school at a nominal cost, j The automatic bell system of Wash ington school will be installed in the senior high to replace the apparatus there which is in poor condition. , j i- Holding that district attorneys cannotjbe made defendants in civil action.) the supreme court yester day reversed its previous opinion f in the rase! of Homr I. Watts, ap pellant!, from Umatilla county, vs. Georgej Gerklng and others, de fendants, a id R. I, Keater, district attorndy. respondent. T.he opinion was by! Justice Ilrdwn and affirm ed Judge Gilbert Phelps. Dam age. pf 5 30.000 were sought against Keater. Watls was arrested on a charge of unlawful possession of intoxi cating liqupr which he claimed to have purchased prior to January 1, 191fi. He-was tried and ac quitted on this charge In both the justice, and circuit courts, and then instigated damage action against District Attorney Keater, who he declares knew that Watt's liquor was held lawfully and that the arrest was maliciously made, and th&t he had been charged with a erime the district attorney knew him to be Innocent. The! circuit court sustained a demurrer liled by Watts and he then appealed to .the supreme court . which reversed the action of the lower court. The decision today hy the majority of the su preme icourjt reversed its previous declsiohT fThe ' decision was re versed! January 14, 1924. and Watts eranted a rehearing March 1.1. The case wae re-argued at Pendleton in May 6. The decis ion today nolds in favor of the defendant and the lower court. Other decisions handed down were as follows: 1 State of Oregon vs. Irwin Wake field, appellant: appeal from Lake county; appeal from conviction for crime of adultery. Opinion by Cqshow. Judge J. M. reversed and case re- Pacific University at I The Parting of the Ways PORTLAND, July 22. Wiliiam G. Hare, attorney of Hilisboro, and a member of the board of trustees of Pacific university, said over the long distance telephone yesterday that he intended to fol low the lead of W. J. McCready. banker of Forest Grove, and re sign from the board. ' V This step will be taken as the result of the disagreement that has arisen over the proposed,,merg er of the Interests of the Congre gationalists and United Presby terians In the institution.' The resignation of several other mem bers of the board was indicated. : Senator Hare declared that he favored the merger of control by the two denominations because he believed it to be in the interest of the school. j j 5 "My one thought Is that the school shall live." he said. "1 think that by the mereer Pacific university could be kept alivk. nut since Dr. Clement G. Clark doesn't agree with me on this question I want him to have la board that will be in sympathy with his Ideas, and so I am get ting out. I want them toake full responsibility for the conduct of the" school after they have re fused this proposition." ', While the merger has been held up because of the request of th Congregationalists for time in Which to determine whether they can finance the university them selves, it was reported thatk$30, f) 00 had tbeen pledged for current expenses this year and some of the members of the board felt the Congregationalists could raise Just as much money as the Presbyteri ans have offered the school $1,- 000.000. eventually. Dr. William C. Weir, president of the university, yesterday offici ally confirmed the announcement that he would resign to -take the presidency -of Rollins' college at West Park. Fla., a summer resort, and said that he would leave be tween August 1 and 10 for-his new post. I NEW CORPORATIONS I .j 1 ; Two cooperative prune grow ers associations filed articles of incorporation here yesterday. Both are non-profit 1 organizations. Articles- of Incorporation were filed as follows: Pettit Feather & Bedding com pany, Portland. $100,000. J. W. Pettit. Margaritha Pettit and Gu C. Moaer. ' , . i Reliance Investment companv, Portland. $25,000, E. E. Ileck bart, L. K. McKown and Camil la Simonsen. : : Springbrook Cooperative Prune Grower association, Springbrook," Yamhill county, Frank Carlisle and others. - 1 ' , t Sweet Home Cookie company. Portland. $5000. , E. M. Fox. Augusta V. Wehoffer and Fran cis M. Fox. .. i ; ))) Woodard-Clarke TJrng company, Portland. $5000. C. C. Stout. George F. Brlce and - Edward J. Brazell.. . . H Polk Connty Cooperative, Prune Growers. Dallas, t W. M. Elliott and. other. . - x f j REVERSES ITSELF Holds; Tli Cannot ant i at District Attorney Be Made Defencf- for Damages Justice Batchelder manded. D. H. Sphier vs. John Michael et al, appellants; appeal from De schutes comity; action for account ing. Opinion by Justice Brown-) Judge T. E. J. Duffy reversed. , -: C. G. Palmberg vs. City , of As toria, defendant and appellant; appeal; from Clatsop county; action to recover damages. Opinion by Justice Burnett. Judge J. A. Ea- kln reyersed. Southern Oregon company vs. W. W,. Kigbt and Robert Train, co-partners doing business Kight i& Train, appellants; appeal from Coos Judge John S. Coke county; action to. re cover damages. Opinion by Jus tice Bean, affirmed. Petition for rehearing denied in Vinson vs. Vinson and in Hudel- son vsi Sandjers-Swafford company. Sixty-five for lack of other teases docket Prune Men Meetings cases were dismissed prosecution and 35 placed on the - trial Meet Bankers; Held Last Night No definite organization has yet been pierfectfed by a local unit look ing forward to affiliation with the new Northwest- Prune exchange. The committee In charge of the organization met wlthj several Sa lem bankers yesterday afternoon, but evidently got nowhere. Two meetings for the same pur pose, that (of organization were held last night, at Rosedale 'and Marion. W Mills and C Hosedale an Yamhill and tem, at the . L. Taylor, of Scotta , A. Ratcliff spoke at d Kenneth Miller, of F. C. Ewing of Sa- Marion meeting. 8HORT OF CARS Vern Andirson, of the- Used Car Corner!, corner of Commercial and Ferry streets reports that pever In the history of rls company have they leen so low on cars. They had made purchases that they thought sufficient but were entirely cleaned out last week "The demand for the class of cars we 1 handle, seems to be greater than ever before,'! said Mr. Ander son. "However, we will have plenty; of cars soon now to supply the wants of our i6tomers, Growing G Revealed ass in Man's Eye by Doctor's Knife GLOUCESTER,, England. July 1 S.-p-Insteadj of allowing the grass to grow under hisi; feet, a farm la borer (here flowed it to grow In one of his eyes. While working In the fields the laborer got something in his eye which; he was unable to remove and as the result of increasing pain, j visited a hospital. After examination of the eye the sur geone decided to make an Incision and discovered a green blade of grass an inch and a half long ly ing between the tissues. ; The grasa had: grown from a seed which was also removed from the eye. The operation waa de clared successful in every pr-.lcu-iar. i I : Lewis Stone Comments j On "The Stranger "Any one could do ; H after twenty-five .years, practice, said Lewis Stone recently when ques tioned about his remarkable suc cess as one of the screen's1 leading character actors In heavy rolea, his characterization of Keith Darrant in "The Stranger," in -particular. Lewis Stone made his profes sional debut in 1900 after serving as sergeant 'in the Spanish-American War, his first role on the stage being that of a "heavy" in a com edy with music- called "Side tracked." His first appearance" in New York City was in "The Great White Diamond." i Closing an engagement in "The Brat" in 1H17, his first picture was "Held by the Enemy" for Paramount, Then he played lead ing roles In "Rlver'jj End," "Pris oner of Zenda.', "Trifling Worn en." "You Can't Fool Your Wife and "Scaramouche." tH But to come back, it is true that a person might possibly rise; to such great heights as,, has Lewis Stone during hia. rather -lengthy career, but what about; their sue cess while they are striving for such honors? It is not as though Mr. Stone had just sprung into public-. favor, for he has been a leading screen personality for many years. " I Mr. Stone, we are afraid you are a bit too modest. But, at that, se crets of success had best remain secrets I ' fThe Stranger," in which Mr. Stone is featured With Betty Compson, Richard k Dfx and Tully Marshall, wflrlje shown - at the Oregon for 3 days .starting today. There's a great supporting .cast. - 7 ' : Movie Star Gives Her ; Ideas As to Kisses ; Since' kissing is a universal language, and since Its application to ;the movie action often looked upon as another of those three minute would-be ; love spasms, Marie Preyost, ; the dainty film star who j is playing one of the leads in "The Marriage Circle, took sufficient time -recently to explain he ideas as to 3ust how kissing affects people In various walks of life: ' ! ' ! ; Here Is what Marie says: "Fate causes a baby to be kissed." r I "A kiss is the very life of a lover be it on or off the screen." "A kiss is a part of a mother's reward for her untiring effort." "A kiss is labelled a crime in or I out of the movies by reform ers." , ' ; '"To a sailor a kiss is merely a fleeting memory. "For authors a kiss is excellent copy.".. ," . .' f'For the jazz composers it is poetry petsonified.' ;j ' ; "And for the M. D.'s it's just a little risk." : 4 1 The Marriage Circle" will be the central, attraction ! for three days at the .Oregon theater begin nlng Saturday. In addition; to Marie Prevost1, the cast consists of Florence . Viddr, Monte Blue, Harry Myers, Adolph Menjou and Creighton Hale. ; ! MATRIMONY AND XOX EVITY MANILA. P. I.. June 18, Mat rimony in the city of Manila is safer than single blessedness,, ac cording to the records of, the Phil ippine Health service ifor 1923. During last year & 159 unmarried persons died in Manila of whom 30;34 were men and 2125 women, whle 1313 marred men and 942 married women ' were among the dead. Deaths among widows ex ceeded those among widowers by 241. ' ' s. r i; t j KELLOGG PLAN TO BE BASIS FOR SOLUTION (Continued-from page 1) mous; the question would then arise as to whether the nations voting in favor of sanctions would take them, or whether they could vamtxg or this baby - ; HELD UP BY DEADLOCK Vt i I I V 5 s I Still, billboard people have a sense ! of beauty or they couldn't pick out . the best views - to ob- struet. ' Whan h Democratic rauwniu Convention began there were la the I Nursery ana nnu in i New York tweniy-nx fipecumi mother who formed a club for the purpose of naming the firBt oy born after tne iremwniuB lnee. The first twenty babies were, gtrla, Tbe deadlock was broken vrnen a son was born to Mrs. Ter ence Rogers. The naming of the ;w wu delayed because at Uie time the Madison Square Garden delegates had beea aUUkbl tfl nam For Picnic or ! Lunch- 10)0110 Good for the Children and You Rich in Vitamines Delicious You'll Like It MADE WITH HONEY Ask Your Grocer Or Phone 954 Salem Baking Co., 439 Court St. be held back by the nations which had voted againet the taking of penalties. Dawes' Helpers to AW. A feature of Ambassador Kel Iogg's plan is calling, in five or the experts' who aided General Dawes to work out his reparations Parentier, of France; Dr. Alberto scheme. They would likely be M. Pirelli. Italy; Emil Franqui, Bel gium; Sir Robert Kindereley, di rector of the bank of England and Owen D. Young. An American financial authority informed the correspondent of The Associated Press tonight that the only problem from the financiers' viewpoint was that if any nation voted In the reparations commis sion for taking sanctions, it might be difficult to restrain independent action on the part of that nation, and as long as this-was possible the basis for credit waa not sound. He expressed the opinion that the difference wa not a serious one and that a settlement would surely be worked out from the 'Kellogg plan within a week. The long predicted shakeup In Germany seems much nearer now that Henry has sent over 20,000 Jits. '' ' ' ; Blackberry Season at r Silverton Near Close i - -IS ! ; SILVERTON,: Or.. Jujy 22. The Silverton cannery Is still pack ing ; loganberries and Himalaya blackberries but the amounts re ceived of both are small. It will be only a short time until no more will be taken as they are not first class. Evergreen blackberries are expected to be ripe In about three weeks and It Is planned to pack as many cans of the mas possible. Pruhfs will be taken at the can nery ialso but no pears or apples Margaret Spangler Wins i American Pacing Derby :! I ; . : : -. i KALAMAZOO. Mich., July 22. Margaret Spangler won. the 123. 000 American pacing derby, here today, coming In third first, and second In three heats. Miss Bel win won the first heat and -Baron Worthy the third. Under the rules the victory went to the horse making this bast showing in the three heats. : And yet very few of the world's great problems are solved by peo ple -Who remember their algebra. More Grass Fires Keep ; ; Silverton Firemen Busy SILVERTON, Or., July 22. (Special to The Statesman.) The second of two grass fires in three days occurred in Silverton thii morning. A blaze which ; was spreading rapidly was discovered In some tall grass on Liberty hill near the L. Adams residence, and an alarm was turned in. The fira department responded at once and the flamesj were put out before serious damage was done. f ; Sunday morning a small fire occurred over the east hill in some short grass beside the road.; :. ; IE WE PAY CASH FCn - ! YOUR AND TOOLS Capital Hardware C Furniture Co. . Best Prices Paid 285 N. Court St. Phcae SI7 , rf n n rj nfiaflfjfi ri ri II l'Lbfi ITS . c 5?4ri i JXSXk mZM - " : r - 7 TT 4 . BUTTER I ! Skaggs Clover Queen jIO Butter BREAD SkaggsjSc Bread temporarily dis continued until further notice. LEMONS Large size 2 dozbn L.:. NEW SPUDS '8 pounds 55 c ..: 25. PORK and BEANS Medium size Libby's Pork 1 f and Beans, each JL UC flour :L Advancing. Price up Thursday Del Monte 1 dl 7 A 49-lbJ bag .:. pl . lt CANTALOUPES f i Large size I 0l 3 for . lAZ VAN CAMP. PIMElkTOS j 10c STRAWBERRY JAvI Ruperts 9 oz. I I'J jars .. .-..... JLfrC 6 for 5........-1.79C PINEAPPLE I No. 24 broken sliced ; AQl pineapple, 2 cans ..............I TjQ PLUG TOBACCO Star, Horseshoe and YtQ Qimax 1 lb. plug j ..i OJC WATERMELONS Sweet, juicy watermelons pound .---t.-..:-..-i..--.......... 3c TOMATOES No. 2i tins with puree, 2 for T r I) i) -; f ). I) !) L), if) ! V""" 25c WHITE WONDER SOAP Made in Portland 13 bars ..j........ .1..... 49c 1 ) ) PORTO For punch, 3 bottles .1.... LARD Advancing this week, 4 lb pail 95c n 8.1b. pail 69c CI f ) PERFECTION SODAS D 45c I 3'i lb.. wauujr 4.-....-. -TTTT CERTO , : ' 7) For making jams and QC hi jellies, 3 botes, ............U....: iuC j FEDERALMILK 10 . , - cans .......... .J...... 89c Case lot, 48 cans . $4.29 I i - ) f . You will find many? other, (helpful saving: prices, at all j times in our stores and markets. ... " , Take a Ham on your vacation. Armour's Star Hani, the! ;j jj , Ham What Am, lb;:..::..:..J..::.....::..::.i.:....i....,;....:.29c )