SUNDAY MORNING, JVy 20, 1924 Classified --Sale 9 Place S Tl THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON Section Great Market in I A a i 1 M AGENTS WANTED 16 i - ; 1 ATTRACTIVE SAMTLK OUTFIT. BIO e itrmtad BikM selling easy. Arch sap port ilior. Popular prices.' Comfort 4 plan style. Admirrd b; ftpr; wearer. 4 . Htyle-Arcb Shoes, Cincinnati." 16-j2 4 OUR XEWLY PATENTED 3IOUSRHOLD appliance has sensational demand. You 4 ran earn big, quick prodit and bnild op permanent business. Write for par ticulars. Industry, Box (129, New Or i'"t' '' ) l-jSO 4 AGENTS WRITE FOR if"REE SAM 1 pt-. Sell Madison "Better Made" S Hbirts far. Urge manufacturer dirert to t wearer. No capital or experience re quired. Many earn SlOO weekly and .bona. Madison Mills, 562 Broadway. N'w Y"- is-jao 1 HELP WANTED female 17 LADIES OP FAIR EDUCATION AND some business ability who want to in I create their Income; business entirely new and ; wonderful; : no canvassing; carry it on at your homo; $5 to 910 per day. Rend name and address and - - .we will call on you. Edison, Box 4346. Statesman Office. 17-j20 WOMAN HUSTLER SELI1 HOSIERY from mill direct to wearer. Beautiful goods, eexon, lisle, silk;' fashioned and full fashioned; medium weights and chiffons. Experience unnecessary. Fall or spar time. No money needed for samples. International Mills, 272 Nor- nstown. Ka. n-ysit KELP WANTED male 18 4 ; EARN $5 TO $10 DAY GATHERING " evergreens, roots, and herbs, all or . apare time. ' We teach yoo77""Bofanieal 81, New Haven, Conn. , 18-j20 MAN WANTED (CITY OR COUNTRY) old established company ftwill ' supply rapital and start you in your own permanent business selling necessities . . people must bay every day. Expert- race unnecessary. Write McCONNON . CO.. Factory 202, Winona, Minn. 18)20' 1 IF YOU ARE A SAIlARIED MAN AND . hare " spare . time outside of business boars, we ran show yon bow you ran as it profitably by representor vs. .Yea) ran .earn while you learn. iater you may wish to give your full time. Only those with best references need apply. Great Western Insurance Com pany, Hubbell Bldg., Deal Moines, Iowa. POULTRY AND EGOS 21 LEGHORN HENS 75 CENTS EACH. No calls. Phone 92F21. ' 31 J23 LOST AND FOUND 23 FOUND WHITE AND. TAN PCPPY, Call 458 Mill street. f 22-j22 ' LOST BROWN STONE MARTIN FUR i Choker. Reward. Phone 754-W. - 1 : I 22-J23 i HOST BROWN CHANGE PURSE WITH smull amount of change iand door key. Finder please phone 1S16-K. 22j23 1 LOST A SMAI ft. CHAMOIS-SKIN bag containing diamond. Liberal reward. ' 241 So. High St. . I 22 jly22 A LOST SOMETHINO I7KD TTt PHONI - want ad to The Statesman Phone 23. A 22-mtf PERSONAL S3 CATHOLIC CORRESPONDENCE CLUB Booklet Free. Address J. KEENA. f . L-Box 23. Grand Rapids, Mich. 23-J20 alJDNESOMEt ATTRACTIVE LADY, cry wealthy, wants congenial husband. 0 B-1022. Wichita, Kansas. 23-j20 MARRY If ! LONELY: MOST 8UCCES8 lul ''Home Mker"; hundreds rich; . atrictly confidential ; reliable ; years ' experience; descriptions free. ''The i Aaecessful Club," Mr. Nash, Box 556, Uni- Calif. 23-j20 LEADING CLUB, LARGEST. MOST RE- jliable for lonely people, confidential - descriptions free In plain sealed enve lope. Thousands wealthy members. If sincere, writ. Established 20 years. ,. Old Reliable-Club (name copyrighted . I Mrs. WrubeL Box 26. Oakland. Calif. . , i, V . .- 23-J20 3ET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL . .. paper published. FREE for stamp. Correspondent, Toledo, Ohio. ' 23-a8 LOANS 24 J TO LOAN 41500 ON GOOD SECURITY, Boa 72. . 1 . 24 -jly20 COTERWMINT LOANS ON FARMS 8 j aor seat, W. U. wuxinsen, sua u. if wmm ttenal bans- HMe SlKSOfOH REAL ESTATE city 23 OWN YOUR HOME i ' y FINE STUCCO BUNGALOW, GOOD location, modern, east front, on $500 - down. .'Also another mod rn bungalow, ' " rorner, fine location, on 9500 down, j Come sad aee -these. It. E. Brown or ' Melrin r Johnson, 109 8. Commercial. I : (. .; -i , - , ;:-. I ' ' -. - 25-J23 Attention, Newlyweds f - For sale? "Cosy 3 room bungalow. partly furnished; fine view. Only i f2200. and you ran make your own : -r terms. - , ; i - Rich L. Reiinann I ' -I )J?" Realtor' i: 807-308 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1013 25-j20tf FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY. OR trade for house. - Six room hous new T roof, new paint, 92104), easy terms. riix room nungaiow, cement basement, wash trays,, fireplace, garage, bearing fruit trees, two lots,' fine location. - g3tKMi. Aew mooern cement bungalow, east front, 94400. Two room plastered bouse, 9850, easy terms. Want loan v ti trnntt 841 State 8t. 25 j20tf 41 ROOM HOC8E. LARGE ROOMS, . 4 lota : in bearing fruit and nuts, chicken . bouse, excellent . location, 'on ' car line, 92500. This; ta a bargain, owner will give easy terms and sub djride. ;- I 4 room new house with -basement, . son room with Murphy bed. garage, .good location, 930O0; rery easy terms. ? o - roosna ana sirvrpias; pvrca, juti .completed, garage,' , beautiful trees. paved street, 50; good terms. . WINNIE PETTYJOHN. .Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 23 j20tf TRY THESE ON YOUR SOUNDINO 1 I A WAnC 1 to 4nr one around -9500O. A 1 comfortable 5 room homo lor one mosern ana norm - of State. 2 apartment for a cottage. i in proved for residence. 40 acres pear Salem, improved, on highway, lor resi . dence. - 20 acres right i close for rest- J " A .mm i w nmswmA .In,. kv ' for residence. Business property and T siasscf lur tans a u.uu; new uiu lor a srooo. ioi. . , VeGILiTHKIST A PENNINGTON f tra IT. 8. Bank Bids, i Phone 140 k .-,! . ' -!;. ! i. 25 i20tf ALL. SORTS OF BARGAINS 9320O A fine farm,- all cultivated land, fair buildings, paved road. 9 8000 Canada raneb trade for Sa lem property. ' - j ' 92OO0 Dandy S acre farm, well ha vtrAve4. close in. f ' 900 Grocery' afore. buildings. lock and fixtures, ideal location. 93200 Rooming bouse, : 32 rooms. furniture snd lease, cnesp rent. 4375 Nice lot. paving paid. ' 95000 Brick store income 50 per month; real snap. AH kinds of property for trade. n a bechtel REAL ESTATE city 23 BEAUTIFUL-- EAST FRONT LOT ON : North Summer St.. reasonable ' for I quick sale. Dr. Fred Ellis. ; 25,j2U Salem 30,000 by 1930. - Fine 8-room house, lot 70x170; gas, electric light, bath, etc.; paved street. Price 935iK; terms.-- f j Nice 6-room bungalow, basement; good property. Only 9'J8)0; terms. i Another 6-room i bungalow, paved Street,' facing east;, burn. Price $ -HXKI ; trra. 1 . j A rery fine, 10 acre tract, close In, cry rich soil. A snap at 9-1000; pterins. I I We write insurance. -i i If it is a house. Jot, farm or trade. See me j ' j Rich L. Reimann I . -Realtor 807-308 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1013 25-j20t( 'j ' FOR SALE 10-room house, can be ) made for apartments if desired. duly 5 blocks from business center. A gennine bargain easy terras'. G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregon Bldg. , 25-jly20 A NEARLY NEW 4 ROOM HOUSE AND lot, also garage. Has city water 91100, - 9600 down. Will take a light car up 'to 9300 on first payment. I have some lovely building lota on Center street, with lovely Oak trees : on each lot. Paved street and car line, i A fine building lot near school with a nice grove of trees, 9275. ; If you have a home let us insure it against fire. It costs but little for protection. " See J. A. -MILIB I 331 V, State S.t i i t 25-Jly22 ; FOR SALE OR RENT : : l New four room bungalow located at ; 1725 S. 12th. St. i Price 92500; easy terms. Rental 925 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST k CO. 275 State St. , t 23 jlyl7If FOR SALE OR RENT MODERN 8 room ' bungalow with large electric range. 1 L block from Richmond school. 3 blocks ' from fetate street car line. Address : John Rigssbesk, Salem. R:. 2, Box 8IAA i or call at State House office of State Industrial Accident ', commission. 25-j22 i FOR SALE Good 5 room bouse located at 451 S. 16th St. Possession at once. Price 92150; 9650 cash, balance 920 per month and interest.! 1 : Classy 5 room modern bungalow, 2 lots. Paved street, cement walks. Lo cated near the Parrish Junior high school. Price 9-1500, including electric ' stove. i (. KRUEGER ;147 North Commercial St. Phone 217 1 i ; .25-jly20 ' ' DAINTY SR bbngalow, close to car and pav ing, practically new and garage. East '' front and corner. 92200; terms. Rent able at 930. Fine investment. See Fleming, 341 State St. 25-jlyl3tf FOR SALE GOOD BUSINESS LOCA tion. close in, ideal for filling station. It you want a business site see this. . : For trade. 3 lots with 14 year old fruit trees in Oregon City. East front close to school and just off highway to trade. Would t make a b-autiful borne. Will trade for amall houae in Salem, balance cash. Mrs. Moyer, 147 N. Commercial St. j 25-jne25tf 1 A REAL BARGAIN Four room bungalow on pared street and main highway in excellent condi tion Price 91100; 9200 down, 915 per month, interest 6 per cent. . HERE IS A REAL COZY HOME. "W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 275 Stati St. I , 25-jlyl7tf MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE t COM- pletely, newly and artistically furnish ed. See owner on premises, corner Oak and Liberty. i ' 25-Aug2 PRINTED CARDS 8IZK 14" BY Ttt" worsting - ror Bale, Knquiro at." fries 10 oents each. Statesman, Business Office. Ground Floor. I ATTENTION , Do yon want to exchange yonr Salem residence for suburban borne or farm f property t l . f Do you want to 'exchange your acre - age or farm property for residence or business property! i Do yon want to exchange yonr prop ; erty for farm in Canada. Kansas. Neb raska, Washington,: southern or eastern Oregon! f Do you want to buy a coxy bungalow come on easy payments I ' Do you want to buy farm or acre age on easy' terms! , If so csH and see our lists. 2 room furnished apartment for rent. 18 room apartment for sale or exchange.'- i . PERRINE MARSTERS Commercial Club Bldg. 25-jlylltf " BEST BUYS ' -IN NEW BUNGALOWS, HOUSES 92500 -Nifty . 4 room up-to-date. 95500 Nifty 7 room, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors; snap. 93400 New modern room, base ment; only 9250 down, i 91500 Modern j 5 room, basement, on Capitol street, t i , 93800 Nw modern 5 room, j base ment, garage, 4 . blocks to postoffice. $4200 Good : house, 6 rooms,; base ment, paved atreet, only 3 blocks from State Mouse; immediate possession. $2200 Bungalow, 5 rooms, garage; a real snap, best of terms. We make a specialty of bungalows. CHILD8 'BECHTEL 540 Stste St. 25 j20tf THREE ROOM HOl'SE. LARGE LOT, paved street; S1650. : . . 5 room house, i barn, paved street, cement walk; 91900. 5 room new bungalow, pared street, $3500; 9400 down, 935 a month.' large business corner, 919.000. Fair meant Heights lot, 92200. Fairmount Heights lot, 9600. Other lots and bouses close in for sale. . j GERTRUDE J. M". PAGE i 492 North Cottage 25-jlyl0tf BUSINESS CORNER. ATTRACTIVE IN- vestment. For aala br Gertrude J. -M . Page. , i - 25-jlyl6tf TOWN LOTS Two big lots, fine soil, close to car and paving, 9400.' ery easy terms. These are a sDecial bareain. Fleming, 341 SUte St. i ! 25-jlyl3tf FOR SALE MODERN S ROOM HOUSE. hasemant. bnilt-in featnrea. cat are. lot South 14tb St i Vwltf MINUTE MOVIES i I ASSERT WMAL I tPSOlS: "Se eV4fJNraOr4 30C 04ASES CMttF vsTR stream! REAL ESTATE city 23 4 ROOM! HOUSE BUILT INS, TOILET, 1 1 .-oJ - 4 room house mod, rn. Kitchen, bath room, 91850. 4 room home. Dandv buv. See GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N, Cottage 2.VjlylCtf TEN BEAUTIFUL CRE HOMESITES just beyond city limits; high, sightly, wonderful view. Each 94UO, lu per rent down, 910 a month if taken eoon. Splendid value. Harris, Phones 1013, l42J.i V 25-Jue3tf PRINTED Cards, bize is" BY 7Va". wording "For Rent," price 10 cents sack. ' Statesman, Business Offlee, - oa Orouad Floor. j 94UOO BARGAIN Modern five room bungalow with full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, ga rage, built-in features, gas range, goes with place. Terms cash. This prop erty is priced below value. Will. GRABENHORST k CO. 275 State St. 25-jlyl7tf REAL ESTATE trades 27 Trades 2 5 acre tracts, well improved. Will take some trade. .Very close to Salem. Let us show you.. 70 acrea Near Silver Creek falls. ' 20 acres in cultivation and in crop. Trade for 5 or 10 acres near Salrm. A fine machine shop in A-l location. If taken at once, at a low figure. Mach inery nearly new. 5 room modern house in Portland to trade for 5 acre tract near Salem. See me soon. Q. W. Lafflar 410 Oregon Bldg. 27j1y20 REAL ESTATE farm 28 LOOK 40 acres with good improvements, most til in prunes and berries; close to Sa lem and paved road. This place is ful ly equipped with stock and machinery. Will exchange for large farm not over 915,000 or city propertr. 1 THO. MASON I S31Vi State St. 2a-j22 I DESIRE A FEW EXCLUSIVE LIST ings from parties having d 'sirable low priced;; farms suitable for dairy or stork raising. 1 have - some inquiries for properties of this kind. . A. C. BOHRNSTERT Member of Multiple Listing Bureau, 147 N; Com'l. St., Salem, Ore. 28-j20tf J GOOD BUYS SO acres wnn some stock and tools, good ;4 room plastered, some timber, creek and spring. Snup for 925(10. NeW modern house on paved street and car line for 9260O. - 4 room house, nice lot with fruit. Bargain for 91 100. ' . room home, nice lot with fruit, paved street, good locetion. Price 925IKI with 9300 cash and 925 per month. . I THOMASON r I 331 ,i State fit. 28 j20tf 38 Acres $4500 OwKr, non-resident, will sacrifice, to a family, who, with just ordinarydili gence,! can have a splendid home, and at the; same time make from it a good livlihood. JIas running water, family fruit.) fuel timber, on country road, five blocks! of electric station, store and postoffice, school. Seven acres over flow gurd-n land, and about 20 acres in cult. Horse, wagon, .small imple ment steel range, dining table and chairs, and good Dodge car; if sold soon, all go. Esy terms. Robinson Oregon Bldg. 28 j22 We! list for your approval houses for rent or for sale. Twiji acres of land with 1 7 room hou,sejj fruit tre. on place; in good location. Price 47."iO; good terms. 73 acres of good land: good fenc-s; family orchard: 8 room house. A fine dairy i proposition. CO 'acres of land near Marion: 40 in cultivation, fruit and berries; 5 room house, barn and chicken bouse. Price 940O0; 9500 down. - Kiljing station tank, pump, cash re gister and desk; 3 year lease; will take in late model car. Price 9950. .Moisan '& Ullrich 1 i Real Estate 122 Siorth Commercial St. Phone 1354 i 28-j20tf J LOOK! 92500! A fine 6 Vi acre . tract with three room garage house, chicken bouse and woodshed, located Vi mile west of South Commercial street on Hsnsen avenue. Purchaser to assume 91800; down : payment 9300; terms on balance. This is a real bargain for someone. Phone 515 and we will be pleased to show; this property. W. H. GRABENHORST k CO. 275 State St.. 28-jlyl7tf J ' 320 ACRES Located 10 miles south near Pacific highway. Price 965 per acre. 90 acres cultivated, balance fine timber. "Will take fity property for part in exchange. Thiijproperty is offered at a sacrifice price: and any property offered in ex change must be of sound valne. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 275" State St. 28 jlyl7tf REAL ESTATE to exchange 2tt BEST BUYS .AND EXCHANGES 3 room modern new bungalow, esst front. V block from car line. 92000. 4 room modern bungalow, east front, pavement, close to car line, C2250. 6 room modern bungalow, basement, garage, pavement, i block front car, 9350O: terms. 5, room modert new bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, basement, fur nace! builtins. east front, s'one tone fin ish; he best buy in th city, only 94. C0O; 9500 cash balance 930 and interest monthly. All the houses above cad be bought on easy terras. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State St. 29 jlyl8tf HAVE A NICE LITTLE HOME OF 1 arre. All in fruit, with modern house, at Hood River to trade for acreage close to Salem. Mrs. Moyer. 147 N. Commercial St. 29-)lyl3tf 03ce LEAPS -AlSAsHST Mexico CAN TttCHj Dose) P0CKS.T&O'! rl REAL ESTATE to exchange 2 BAKOAIXS-f ROOM MODERN Except beat. Plastered, close to car. Only 912oO; easy terms. ;.'t0 acres improved and rquipp.'d with . stock ami marhin ery, 9'J5on acres, improved, $tio, will accept eastern Oregon, or ci.y prop erty. 7. room plastered houae aud 5 lots, for1 acreage. For , bargains, sale! or exchange, see Barber at 20U Gray Bldg. ; 2W jlvlmtf , REAL ESTATE ftiiburtmu :0 960OU FOR j SALE A SAFE INVEST meut, at i Ny. lea-h. 7 I wo room cot tages, 1. apartuiem. bouse of 4 apart ments and: 6 room house lor the owner. Will support a small family nail room lo build cottages. If you are looking fur a satfe and sou mi investment, here you are. : Box 46,- Newport, Oregoo. i i : - ao-jiyo USED CARS for sale iJl FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE .MY 1918 lord touring car in-good condition ou a used 1924 coupe ami pay difference. -Cull Sunday. Vi. I., tksiiorue. Second : cross road west of Standard Oil plant, i Silverton, ; Oregon. ' ai-jao Removal Sale MacDonaldi Auto Co. h I Will sacrifice the" following used 1 cars now on hand at 560 Ferry street, beginning lJuly 2o, 1924: 1924 Franklin deuii sedan, run 4O00 miles. 1 i : 1924 Ford coupe, bought in May. 1923 Franklin touring, perfe-t con ; diticn. i 1922 Ilupmobile touring, many ex ... tras. '':.;! ! 1919 Jordan 7 passenger touring, Duco finish. ' " ' r!919 Liberty 4 passenger' roadster, . overhauled and painted. Also Packard single six. ; Buy Here With ..; Confidence.-' I Macponald Auto Co. , Packard Distributors Moving to Cottage Corner Ferry WILL TRADE DODGE CAR. CORD tires, new top, new paint,, for good light car with standard gear shift. 229 Stat" St. " I i 31-jly25 1 1922 Hudson. 9550. Good tires and . I in fine shape. j 1 il921 Studebaker, 90.1O, excellent buv. 1 -1922 4-Buick, 9G00. , Shouldn't be I turned down. j I -1922 sedan. Bargain. -1 1921 Overland, 9250. 1 1924 6-touring, 91250. Four wheel ! brakes.: I I 120 Chfrrolet. 92&5. Q. J. WiBson H88 N. Commercial ' St. Also distributor fur Goodyear tire. i I 31-jlyl9tf ;' j Quality Used Cars At prices that will please you Ford touring with starter.. $175 I Port louring ...)....,: $135 -- Chevrolet tourings .1 .9125 to 9200 i'herrolet roadster ljike new.. 4S5 . Paige touring .........j .,....:.....9225 ; Brisco" touring 9 95 ; Essex touring, all dolled tip 9450 ; Studebaker Big Six,.....;. 9650 : Overland : touring. i 9365 We have many others for .you to choose from. Come in and look them i . over. - i j (We Give Terms) F. W. Pettyjohn v Co. 219 X. Commercial St 31 -jlylTtf Spend Your Money ' Wisely when you buy) a used car Don't Guess When you are spending your money : you can get the dope on age, mechani cal condition, and value on any car - ever made at the Certified Public. Motor Car Market Some bargains here -now: 7 1923 Willys-Knight with over 9100 worth of. extras .;..)....:..., 91085 -1923 Studebaker. Light 6 touring, - disc wheels, automatic windshield clean er, mirror, vizor, j motor meter, stop light, car not driven far. Original tires still good .j. .9890 192.3 Overling touring. High hood model j.......... ':: 9450 1920 Studebaker Sp'cial touring, good paint and tires. A rebuilt rsr . worth as much as a new. machine for aervice : -J 9595 1921 Chevrolet touring. Extra good . one .......i s. . 9275 : 1920 Chevrolet Bby Grand sedan. New paint, extras, mechanically per fect 9-100 We have some rheap cars we ere selling "As is'1 from 950 np. 235 No. Church St. 31 jlyl7tf GOOD LIGHT TRAILER. GOOD TIRES. Certified Public Motor Car Market. , ' jt i " 31 jly20 TJSEI) FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FOKP DEALER Tonring iears i-....9 85 to 9350 Roadsters 4 9 75 to 9325 Coupes i 9275 to S450 Sedana ; 9225 to 9450 Light deliveries ..... 9 65 to 9275 Ton trucks , 9 85 to 9385 Bugs"; . .U. 9125 to 9225 All cars are guaranteed. Liberal terms. See our low priced; cars for fruit haul ing and outina- trips. 65 to 9150. . VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1995 2G0 N. High St. 31-jne5tf 1923 CHEVROLET TOURING. ALL New tires, 9450. Nearly new Ford touring car. We can save: you a lot of money on this. j NKWTON CHEVROLET CO. I 31 Use Statesman I Cl-.Mified Ads f i ;:' (All rights protected by The George Matthew Adams CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Biuincsa AMBTTLAMOB AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAY OR Sight. ghone 666. 173 Booth Liberty. AUCTIONEER! F. N. WOODRY -Expert Livestock, furniture, : real estate : i 1 AUCTIONEERS Res. 1010 N, Summer Phone 511 for sale dates. ; . . .1 Z. TALBOTT , Phono 470 802 U. B. Bank Bids;. I O. 8ATTEKUE i j Auctioneering ! 217 State; St. TMionrt ",7S or 1JU.J. jly-lt'f. AUTO PAINTINO HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAB WITH our new perniauent finish. o.autt Casio ; . v TTlgk Street at Trade. AUTO REPAIRIMO i i WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. : Buyers of old ears, aueia!, rags, pa per. Auto wrecking. Parte for all ears 50 to: 75 per cent off list price. 975 N. Commercial. Phone 588. m-25-tf Cylinder grinding,? crank shaft truer ing. We re specialists. Donerite. Ma chine' Shop.' Automotive : machinists, 849 Perry St. . BATTERY AMD ELECTKICIAU C Willam Court St, JOE WILLIAMS PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Tenia Brotv, Phono 1908, , 418 Ocurt. i & D. BARTON -k KXIDS BATTERIES starter and geaerator work; 171 South Commercial. . ' 1 ' BICYCLES AJTD HAIKINO LLOYD B. BAM8DEN DAYTON BICY4 elee and repairing: 387 Conrt. ' CABPBT AMD KTJO WE A VINO SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff ruga woven any sise without seams. New mattresses made to order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I boy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs.1 ISVa and Wilbur streets. Phone 1154J Otto T. Zwicker. Prop. - CHLYEIB PHYHICIAJT DR. Ui T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 158 8. High St.. Phone 283. OBXBOPODIST SB. a-1". SCOTT, GRADUATE N4 tmnal University Sciences, Chicago. Masonie Tem-. Phone 640. -- SSSSS1SSWSWSWSSSSeSSMBSSSK.SSKHBXMSHSWSSaSBSSSS ! OHXaOPBAOTOKS DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414 19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phono 87 j res. 828 R. ' CLEAXESa DYBBS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phone 1868. We spe cialise on one day service. ' . ! COM STTLTma -ENGLN EER CIVTW OON8UL.TINO, CONSTRUCTION Constructing engineer. . 8urveys, csti mstes. Jbo. U. Neef. 919 Oregon Bldg: Phone TTB. 1L OOKTBACTOBI FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 489 N. Bummer atreet. Phono 674 J. CHERRY CITY CONTRA CTINQ CO. General contracting and building.' Esti mates gladly furnished. Phono 1867R or sorn. r agtf DRESSMAKINO PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7Vi" wording "Dreaamaking" ; price 10 eeata each. Statesmaa Business Office Ground' Floor. ' . : ' 'r KIXCTRICIAM SALEM KLEOTBIO CO. M A 8 O N I 0 building. Phone 1200. , ELEOTRIO FIXTURES AND SUPPL-Y Co. Phoa 1934. 222 N. Liberty. ' FLEENER ELECTRIC CO.-e Hooaa wiring by boor or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 980. 471 Oomrt 8. ? ' ELECTRIO 4 ' ' SHOP j--'. I Qactrle Tlxtnres Washing Machines -' Vacuum Cleaners l 837 Court St. Phone 488 Res. Phone 702 J f FINANCIAL LOANS LOANS LOANS make your farm or city loans, best service ce given, i If yon need a lon, see and if yoa, have money to place, t . i . w - . - w a w aee Laflar, Oregon bldg. LOAlfB Farm and City. - Most' liberal rate and payment prmiegee. " - A HAWKTNa ROBERTS. 05 Ore. Bldg. Salem. Ore tt-t LOAMS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM ; oa eity or farm property. Reserve De posit company, 72 Fourth Street, Port land. Or Service Trade Mark Registered J. UN ! ,J'.''-'-.1 CF S .'! MAS BEEN nrr - . sMf-T-K ;' BUSINESS and Prof essiooal Firms ArranKel U Alphabetical : - Orsler for Quick Reference FINANCIAL Farm Loans. ANDERSON k RUPERT 4U6 Oregon Building FAJtM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, bo commission. Protects against adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly instalments, prepay ment privileges. J. O. Hiegwand, root 1, over Ladd k Busk bank. City Loans Ob improved property or for Improved purpoaea. THE BEST and easiest way to pay on. loan is our monthly installment plan. 96 payments of 914.14 , repays ,a loan of 91000.00 and interest. Equitable Savings ft Loss Assa. ANDERSON k RUPERT, .-.; : Agents ' 406 Oregon Building rARM PAPZS CT YOU W ANT- TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to tae Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three - months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and eldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry JournsL 211 Com mercial street. Hfclem. Oregon FLORISTS CUT -FLOWERS. GIiADIOLUS, FLORAL pieces. Mrs. K. A. Bennett, 233 Fairgrounds avenue. Phone- 1280. all CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUqUKTB funeral wreaths, decorations. C. T. Breithanpt, florist, 129 N. Liberty Phone 3.0. rrjXERAX. DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREO- tots, 210 Center, phone 1650. FURNITURE STORES OIESB FURNITURE CO. Q OALITT furniture for less monsy. 878 Court. Phoao 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 ; K. ommeyeial. BEMSTITOHXkTO HEMSTITCHIXO. STAMPING, PTEAT ing. The Pstita Shop, Room 6, over Busicks. n28tf SALEM ELITE H EM8TIT0HING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle , work; 828 Oregon bldg. Phone 879 MRS. C. ; E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stomping, buttons. Room 10, over MU ler's store. Phone 117. . HOMEOPATHIC PHTSIOIAJT , DR. U G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIST. Does a general practice. Treats Goiter. Gall, t snd Drops, arising from diseases of : heart, liver or kidneys without operation. Office and resi dence, 296 M. Liberty Bt, Salem, Or. Phone 147. INSURANCE -WARREN F. POWERS Life,: Accident, Fire, Automobile 319 V. S. Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone 607 XJLDIZS TAXXOKIMO D. H. M0SHIR TAILOR FOB MEN and women, 474 Court St. ( IA.T7XDRXZS SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 81o 8. . Liberty street. Phono 25. oldest largeat best. Established 1889.. i CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ! Quality work; prompt service; 1264 Broadway, none l0f. Z.UOGAGB COMB HERB I j The best buys in hand 4 tnggage and trunks. MAX O. BUREaT Furnltnrs . 179 N. Com'l. Salem KEDICAI. MOUNTAIN BALX COUGH REMEDY i Phone 517-W '- irugio LESIONS . OOUBBB IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard muais. Semi-elaeaie and ballads ' 18 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Ho- 22kaBwLiwamiwaBWMWMSMSwawaBwawaBW MUII0 ST0EEJ SHERMAN. CLAY CO, PIANOS : gteiuwaye, Dao-Art and others. Moore a Musis Hons. 419 Conrt Street. . , GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS, PHONO rnhi winr wehi',e. street mnsie, and piano atndlee. Btes phc--grapks and sawing sua chinas; 488 at taie street, Balaas. - TRADE YOUK OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co.. Mnsie Dept. ' ; ' VATTjaOPATHIO PHYSICIAMS- lib. A. : SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND , chronic diss ease; 418 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. - ' "' S. Patent Office) Tne iicAWrA .THE cnWEE i ..... , Iv-you KNOU) VUWAT I VJftMT TO SAV NOW $0- " TiTIi DIRECTORY MUSSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 1493 R i i jne-28 FOR PRACTICAL NURS1 PHONE 1524. 1 . f -f - !..'. n25tf (tor pRAcricAL nuibi phonb 1483M.' ; i i n2ftf MOR8EBY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADS TREES Pearcy Bros., 83T State. ' . f ! OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. Charges reasonable Examination free. mi .in i i '-'lo'"tg,'rpia; St. FAPXXHAKGIMO AMD PAXhTTINa PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR H0U8I decorating, paper baagmg, tinting, etc Reliable workman. j : "t - ' GET MY FREE SAMPLE BOOK : - for comparison MAX O. BUREa Furniture 179 N. Com'l. Salem FiAjro rmrxxs EDWARD WtLP IXPERIBNOD PI a do tuner. Leave orders Will's Mnsie Store. I - : ' FLTJMBIirO j plumbing Iand general repair work. UraW Bros, 141 8. Liberty. Phone 650 I i ftf PLUMBING-4-REPAIRING IANT COIL work. Phone 495W. 8hop 127 Union atreet. A.' L. Godfrey. BADIATOSa. FEVDEBS. BTO. RADIATORSj FENDERS, BODIES mads or repaired. J. 0. Bair, 236 State St. RADIO ! RADIO DOCTOR . 6 Alt KM ELECTRIC CO. iKfS. BARTON, Prop. Masonic Temple Plione 1200 i aapAxarBTa i ALVIN B. STEWART I 84T Court St. Umbrealss, Cutlery and Keys Lawnmowers, rasor-bladea, scissors knives' and tools sharpened. 8CAVEN0ERS aoos snAVKKnER srttvirr am bage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month, i Reasonable rates. Ces pools elesned and dead animals re movei., Phones: Office 85. Res. 20R ECOXOD BAJTD OOODS WANTED -4- EVERYTHING is CLOTH ing and shoes.. Beat pr. paid. Cap Hal Exchange; 848 Norte fionvmereis Phone 1368W.- I 1 i STOVES! AND 8T0VE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years'! experience. . Depot Nation . fence, sixes 26 to 58 in. high Paint - oils and Tarnishes, etc., loganberry an bop hooks. Salem Fence and 8iov Works. 250 Court Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 229 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specislty. Get our rates..' i I i WE MOVE.? STORE AND SHIP HOUSE kold goods. . Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips.1 We handle the beat coal and wood, i Call on us for prices. We give' good measure, : good quality snd good service. Lenner Transfer Co.; Phone 93( TRANSFER AND HAULING OP AH kinds, i Phone 19F3. i TRANSPORTATION PARRER'B STAGE LINE8 . J. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregon SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Loaves Sslera, Central Stage Terminal 7 a. :m; 11 a. m; 5 p. m. leaves Silverton News Stand: ... a. m. : 1 p. m. ; 6 p. m. Salem-Independenoe-Monmouth Division Leavea Salem, Central Stage Terminal 7 a- m.; 9 a. m.; 11 :10 a. m.; 8:10 p. m. 1 6:10 p.: m. i " ' Leaves Monmouth, Mnmouth ilotel: 8:15 a. m.; 1 p m. , J:15 p. m. Leaves Independence. Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a, vav; 9:50 a. m.i 1:15 p. as. ,i 4 p. m.; 6:30 p.'m. Leave Centra) Stage Terminal, Salem for Dallas at: 1 a. m. ; 11:10 a. m.; 8:10 p. xa. Leaves Gail Hotel, Dalies at: - - - 8 a. m.; 1 p. m. ; 6:15 p. m. -We make connections at' 8alem to all parts of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment, i 1 J.-Wi PARKER, General Msnarer. j . WATXB 8 A LEM WATER, LIGHT POWER PO Office. 801 Booth Commercial St. To per cent discount on domestie fla ratea paid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cause unless wate) ! Classified Ads in The Statesman Bring! Results By WHEELAN J8W (CEAR, rE f JU?VX 1 PUBLIC NOTICES Notice uf Intention to Improve . North Liberty street from Homl street to Norway tktreet. ' Notice is hereby given that the common council of the city of Sa lem, Oregon, deems It -necessary and expedient and hereby declares . its -purpose and intention to im piove North Liberty street from the south line of Hood street to the north line of Norway street at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property except the street intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a six Inch cement concrete pavement thirty -feet wide in accordance with the plans and . specifications therefor which were adopted by the said council on July 7th, 1924, which are now "on file In the office of the city recorder and which are hereby made a part of this notice. 'The common council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and through the street Improvement department of the city of Salem. By order of the common council the 7th day of July. 1924 M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof Is July 10. 1924. J1y22 Notice of Intention to Improve Mission Mreet from Commercial street to Saginaw street. Notice is" hereby given that the common council of the city of Sa lem, Oregon, deems Unnecessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose 'and intention to im prove Mission street from the west line of Commercial street to the west line of Saginaw street at the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, except the street in tersection, the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Sa tem, by bringing said portion of said, street to the established grade, constructing cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a three; inch, bituminous wearing surface on an o'.d redressed macadam basa :n accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which wers idopted by said council July 7th, 1924, and which, are now on fill n the office of the city recorder ;nd are hereby made a part o. Ms notice. The common council hereby d -lares its purpose and intention tl nake the above described in provement by ) and through . th street Improvement department ol the city of Salem. By order of the common count cil the 7th day of July, 1924. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereoi is July 10. 1924. Jly2j Many Water Applications Filed With Engineer The following applications for authority to appropriate water from various sources in Oregon have been filed with Rhea Luper, state engineer: - D. W. Ryan of Fort Klamath, water from Fort Creek for irriga tion of 165.43 acres in Klamath county. ; Mrs. Jessie Thomas of Parkdale, water from Buck creek for domes tic and irrigation of 50 acres in Hood River county. 1 F. L. Rosebraugh of Parkdale, water from Doe creek for irriga tion of 20 acres in Hood River county. r - -4 Ij. E. Lindsay of Portland, wa ter from an unnamed creek for the irrigation of 10 acres In Washing-;, ton county. Edgar W. Hollinger of Myrtlfl Creek, water from Louis creek for Irrigation jof county. 8 acres in Douglas Joseph Schaubel of Canby, wa ter from a spring branch for Irri gation of 10 acres in Clackamas county, at an estimated cost of $500. Bert Russel of Myrtle Creek, water from North Myrtle. Creek for Irrigation of 5 acres in Doug las county; City of Estacada, water from Fall Creek, Bee Creek, Delft creek, and . North Fork of Clackamas river for ' municipal purposes In Clackamas county. , . T, V. Arnreiter of Agate Beach, water from Little Schooner creek for domestic purposes in Lincoln county, at an estimated cost of $300.' Macleay Estate company of Portland, water from three un named springs for domestic pur poses and water for stock in Cur ry county, at an estimated cost of $500. - -I George E. Leroux of Milwaukie. water from Johnson creek for irri- ' gation for flowers and small veg-I etable garden In Clackamas coun- I I E. B. Barron of Ashland, water from two springs for domestic sup ply and for livestock in Jackson county. W. A. Heard, Victor 'Sell, and Paris Ward of , Prosper, water from a sning branch for domes tic supply, in Coos county. f'Oregon State Board of Control, Salem, Orepon. water from two springs for irrigation end domes tic purposes in Marion county. J. F. Becke of Scappoose. water from Mud creek for domestic pur poses in Columbia county. . 540 Sute 8U 25-j20U . .. v-: -' : ...'-1 -"r i : '-f i '-; " ':'!"- ; .; ' :-v;;.;.v ; s ;;;::;., ! ; . I