The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1924, Page 9, Image 9

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    f 1
Part Two
- 1 S
Pages 1 to 8
.1,:, ' ' ' i
f Bobbie, the Silverton Scotch
Collie, to Be in Salem
L for Three Days :
"Bobble." the Scotch Collie who
baa to his credit probably the
greatest display of animal instinct
ot any dog in the world, is to be
a Tisitor In Salem for three days.
He la to be at the Bligh theater
Snapshot of "Bobbife," the
In person tomorrow. Tuesday and
Wednesday, and there will be a
special children's matinee on Tues
day afternoon, beginning at 2.
! j, A moving picture Has1 been made
of the journeyings of "Bobbie,"
entitled. "The Call of the West,"
id thi picture, will be shown.
It will be a fine attraction; but
tfce big attraction for the visit of
29th Annual Gathering of
Church of God Will Be
gin July 17
Members of the Church of God
will gather at. Wooburn Thursday
fpr the opening of the 29 th annual
state camp meeting, which will be
In session ! until j July 27. The
meetings will be held on the camp
ground just north of the city the
A 10-acre tract with! a grove of na
ture fir being the, property of the
church. City water has ben piped
f to.the grounds for' the camp meet-
ing. 'For the convenience of the
campers a store is to ha maln-
i talned on jtheground, with a book
store which will carry a full line
of gospel literature. Tents will be
' afajllable at a nominal cost while
A meals can be obtained at the din
r ln. hall, it is expected that at
least 500 will attend., :
I The Northwest Ministerial as
p eembly wilt be held on the ground
Jnst: prior to the meeilng.. This
wiU bring together practically all
of j the ministers of Washington;
Oregon and Idaho, while several
from California and other states
are expected to be in attendance.
The regular services will be under
the, direction of the devotional
committee r composed of Mamie
Bisconer of Eugene, H. A. Schlat
ter of Portland and J. J. Gillespie
( of, ;Salem. ; These able ministers
A have been (working for many
V months to insure the success ot the
meeting. They have arranged with
I Brother D. E. Nelson of Monte
video, Minn., to come and assist
t in the meeting.
f if. Is expected that Bro. Emil
j, Kreutz of : Madrid. Iowa; ' Bro. N,
II,' Byrum of Anderson, Ind., and
Bro. J. W. Byers of Fresno, Cii.,
i will be in attendance.
I ..There will be special days for
young people, Sunday schoot and
divine healing services. Sunday
school will be held at the auditor!
, Via at, s o ciock 10 mane way ior
f the regular 10 o'clock services.
V Following is the daily-program
fpr the camp meeting:
(, Rising bell, 6 a. m.
Morning worship 6:30 a. m.
Breakfast 7 a. m.
Ministers meeting 8 a. m.
Children's meeting 9 a. m.
Preaching services 10 a; m.i
, 'Pinner 12 m. . ,
Preaching service 2 p. m. ;
J Young pepple's meeting 6:
t : Preaching service 7:45 p. m.
Quiet sleep 10 p. m.
According to Forest Service
futures during 1923. In the Na
tinal Forests of Oregon and
three days will be "Bobbie" him
self, with his masteri i
Travels of Bobbie." j f
; "Bobbie" left Silrerton. Oregon,
with his master and' mistress, Mr.
and Mrs. G. P. , Brazier. August
6th. 1923, for Dayton, Ohio. "Bob
bie" was lost track of at Wolcott,
Indiana. After days and weeks
or adrertising at all the various
stops, Mr. and Mrs. Braeier re
sumed their journey,? returning-to
Silverton October 6th, 1923, but
continued the advertising and
search, for , their highly prised
"Bobbie." J .
i Imagine the great surprise and
rejoicing when on February 1,
1924, "Bobbie" appeared at his
home, the Reo Cafe,' In Silverton,
footsore and weary, after his long
r: V.
- kJ
m: -V.. w'- :
wonderful Silverton dog.
tramp ot nearly three thousand
: Later Mr. and Mrs1. Brazier will
have a pamphlet published which
will give a history of this most re
markable display of animal in
stinct. This data . is now being
gathered along the line from the
people who1 saw and. fed "Bobble."
This will be a most valuable and
interesting book, j
directly due to. smokers. On nc
count of this hazard, many areas
in the National Forests of these
two states have been closed to
smoking this seaon.
This carelessness with cigarettes.
cigars, pipe ashes and matches was
the cause of 862 forest fires on
aU pf the National Forests of the
United States in 1023; According
to Forest Service - data damage
caused by the careless smoker in
the woods is estimated at $31,000,
outside of the indirect and intang
ible damage to young f forest
growth, watershed protection,' rec
reation and wild life.- Forest offi
cers attribute the .greater number
of smokers' fires to.the use of the
'tailor-made", cigarette, the. paper
on which is said to be especially
treated to hold fire. It is said
that many lumber operators in the
Pacific Northwest are forbidding
the use of such cigarettes in their
woods operations. I ;
Forest officers are endeavoring
to prevent the starting; of forest
fires by smokers by four means
by trying to get tobacco and cigar
ette manufacturers to include fire
cautions or warnings in packages
and boxes; by closing! certain ar
eas on the National Forests to the
use of smoking; and by urging all
automobile and truck drivers to
equip their machines with recep
tacle for ashes, burning matches.
cigarette and cigar stubs. They
are also urging all drivers to: re
frain from throwing burning: to
bacco and matches over the side
of the car into leaves, brush, and
other highly inflammable material
usually lying along highways.
Vacationists to the N?tarts;bay
region this summer will be able
to enjoy the privileges of deep sea
fishing. The "Rainbow," deep
sea boat, was taken from the Co
lumbia river to Ne tarts bay and
put into regular service two weeks
ago Saturday, according to ; D.
Hadley, i proprietor of Happy
Camp. J ' 1 ! :
The boat made the run from
the Jnouth of -the Columbia river
to Netarts in seven hours, under
the command : of Al Southmayde
and Pilot Elmer. Downing. C. P,
Hayes, former; owners of the boat,
made the trip for the purpose of
looking over conditions of the bar
and bay. Trips over the bar for
ocean fishing are ! to be , made
twice a day hereafter, the owners
announce. i j
Captain Hayes stated that the
boat will have no trouble operat
ing out bf Netarts bay. as the bay
Is situated between Cape f Mears
and' Cape' Lookout, which breaks
seas both north and south. He
also reported ; nine feet ot water
two hours below low tide. :
(This summer dresses are here
and the modest man, hopes the girl
between him and the light is wear
ing a bathing suit apq.
f-Backsliding gives others
cbjyise 4fl l2 ia y.0li? lacs.
Republicans Outline .Cam.
paign and Make
The republican state central
committee adopted the following
resolutions at its ; organization
meeting which may be taken as
the state platform.
"As the first meeting of repub
licans in
this state since the hold
ing of I the national conventions,
we deemi it fitting and proper to
congratulate the republicans of the
state of Oregon and the nation on
the character of the platform
adoped and the candidates nomi
nated at the republican national
convention in Cleveland.' No san
er nor more constructive platform
has been adopted, nor have two
finer examples of lofty and capv-
ble American citizenship been
nominated by any political party
since the cival war.
platform Is Approved :
"We are proud of the factthat
we have; a platform that does not
equivocajte; that does not (promise
the impossible merely to catch the
thoughtless vote; a platform that
assures all classes in America he
same fair and judicious considera
tion; a platform that shows a
thorough and intelligent grasp of
the great problems conironiing
the -.American people, and treats
them In a sane and constructive
yet sympathetic manner; . that
shows a thorough understanding
of the i great fundamental princi
ples of economic laws, the viola
tion of which for political expedi
ency has always resulted in ruin
and disaster.
"On 'jthls platform have been
nominated . two ot the highest
types of American statesmanship,
who are in thorough accord with
its tenets, and whose : honesty,
capability and sincerity are suffi
cient guarantees of its faithful ob
servance. Democratic Platform Scored
"On the other hand, we feel
that it is fitting also to call at
tention ito the situaion of our an
cient adversaries, the . democrats
with a 'conservative, 'special in
terests"! serving candidate running
on a radical platform; a platform
written) and adopted when the
group who fathered it fully ex
pected to nominate a radical can
didate, and was so sure of it that
it .openly and viciously denounced
the candidate who was finally
nominated after the most disgrace
ful Dolitical struggle In the his
tory of the nation. It is a platform
that reeks with wilful deceit, im
possible promises and amazing
"At the outset, in order to ap
peal to I the following of the late
President Wilson, It promises to
. CflaDot'QOQtlOQ
The Biggest; Bargain
of the As
A $30 Program If Produced in
Salem's Best Auditorium
Season Tickets $3
Purchased from Guarantors Before Wednesday
Evening:, 6 o'Clockh
- 1 '.. '$ i . '-; '-'1 - '. 't'-'i
High School Students $2.00 Grades $1.00
! ;
If you attend on season
men and women who make thla,,J30 program possible for
$25-00. Without the gratuitous cooperation of the guar
antors this opportunity would not be yours. Neither could
ypu See "The Great Commoner"! for 75; cents, nor "Robin
liood" for 11.00. They do it because Chautauqua is non
profit, r, !: P.
V. I. Staler
V.. O. Holt
P. L. Fraiirr
Ir. E. K. fisher
r. I,. Wilkintnn
H. H. VanderTort
O. K. Wilson
ln M. C. rindley
Ft. I. W(tr
Hairy Wia
K. A. Harris
K..E. Shafer
Vick Bro.
Dr. Carl O. Doner
TT. J. Lehman
A. A.
Judge W. Bhejr
Koas C. Mile '
Pr. O. O. BelUnfrt .
Winnie Pettyjohn
Dr. 3. O. Matlbia
Joseph Bennrr
J. ii. F'arrar : '
Tiarry W. Scott J
Retta 3. PMnbertoo
T. M. Hicka
Joaenh H.. AlHert
Dr. H. C Epley 1
John II. Scott -
take up the standard which he
bore and to strive for the full tri
umph of the 'principles for which
he stood.' After making the sol
emn promise! in the name . of . the
dead, the same convention took
the only: two important ideas
which ; the dead leader had com
mended to them in his last politi
cal testament, and trampled them
under foot in the interests of 'ex
pediency. j
Shifty Tactics Charge!
"This js but a sample of the
shifty, timeserving effort ot the
nlatform throughout which are
kpromises to j bring relief for all
classes by the injection of govern
ment i Into business, and upon
which, as a final masterpiece of
insincerity, the convention has
nominated a candidate who was
denounced as unfit tor the place
by the sclff styled 'progress! vps
who dominated the platform.-.
"But our feelings are not. whol
ly : without i admiration for the
members ofj.the democratic con
vention. We commend them for
their fortitude. We especially
commend the endurance of the
delegation .from 'Oregon, who for
over 100 ballots followed vain in
structions for president, only to
violate their Instructions for vice
president. This faithless deser
tion of Mr. Berry would be re-
bjiked except that it can be ac
counted for by the idea that from
habit: the delegates thought they
were voting for William Bryan in
stead of Charles. . , -.V
Reading of Platform Urged
' "We commend the reading of
the republican platform to-the peo
ple of this state, we urge upon
them the righteousness of the re
publican cause. We remind them
of the enormous reduction Jn the
national debt, the persistent and
successful effort of the ! adminls
tration to reduce taxes,; without
which there can be no abiding
prosperity; we commend the rec
ord of President Cool id ge for econ
omy in government; we call at
tention to the exceptional quail
ties of our candidate for vice
president, who has recently done
more to brine about that peace in
Europe which is essential to our
best interests than was accomp
lished previpusly in tour years by
the master 1 minds of the world
We ' contend that our national
platform and our national candi
dates are such as to inspire confi
dence, and ( that the combination
la entitled to the suDDort of everv
thoughtful citizen, a vote for Davis
being halt a vote for: LaFoilette
and chaos. ?
: "We recommend, without reser
vation, to the thoughtful voters
of this state, the re-election of
Senator McNary, Represenatlve
Hawley and Represenatlve Sinnott
to ; succeed themselves ; and that
Morris Crumpacker be elected to
coneresR from the third district to
succeed the present demoratic in
cumbent, who has wholly failed to
meet the lust expectations of the
people, believing as we - do that
the gentlemen thus recommended
will at all:; times and under all
circumstances .uphold the princi
ples of the republican party as
.. ! i
, tickets ypu assist the local
J. H. I.aotermaa
, Opera House Pharmary
ficott's Motorcycle Bhop
Pat ton Bros. ' '
Hartman'ft Jewelry Storo
I7nin Abstract Co.
Commercial Ftook Store
Miller's Dept. Store
Kufctrr Brown Shoe Store
Briethatipt Flower Bhop
kelson Hnnt Drn Store
Miahop Clothing Ktnra
Moore's Music House
Argo Hotel
outlined in its national platform.
"We congratulate the people of
Oregon on having been' able to
secure men. of such capacity and
integrity to become candidates for
office on , the republican - state
tiket. and we urge their election
as being; in the best interests of
the state. As there is no way to
maintain a strong party organiza
tion so essential in a republic ex
cept by abiding by the verdict ot
the primaries, we urge upon all
republican ' voters the advisability
also of electing their entire county
and district tickets.
Ticket to Be Supported ! ' '
"Wa Dledee ail our : nominees
and our' platform our loyal and
undivided support to the end that.
when the votes are counted . in
November,? Oregon may retain the
proud distinction she has enjoyed
In nrevious presidential . elections
of standing by the party which has
accomplished nearly everything
worth while iriuhe past 65 years
of our national life; the party of
Lincoln, Garfield. Grant. McKin
ley, Roosevelt, Taft. Harding and
other grea t national v characters.
beside the luster of ' whose names
may fittingly be placed the names
TO 'h .
The Growth of
This National
S Moi-e
This Year
Our Great
You a Great
If you stop to think
and then that of a 57,1
thing of the difference in the value-giving ability' of the
aingly conducted store with its 1 -store buying power and
the stores" of this Nation-wide Institution with their 57 1 -
store buying power.
It is in our great buying power that you are afforded a
great saving power Here.
i i vJi- : "if .
As "we are adding 96
Were efficiently and I economically . serving the public last
year. ' .we are evtn more strongly fortified in our established
ryolicy of always giving the lowest possible prices and the
biggest possible values
of Calvin poolidge and Charlce G."
Ono . nf; thn firnt nrtn -o.'
committee was to adopt resolu
iions of . condolence on the 'death
of President Coolidge's son, and
Chairman J!atterson tras 'author
ized to telegraph the ioessiage Im
mediately.; ;Out of respeat , to the
memory, of the late C.,N. Mc Ar
thur the committee stood In silent
prayer before adjournment.
il?" ' aaMawaB "
, MIAMl Fla July 12. One of
the latest; commercial uses of the
AIreplane which may posisibly be
I-erfected Ito revolutionize- certain
phases 6f. agriculture, is that of
cowing sed by 'plane, successfully
demonstrated dn the suburban ter
ritory of jMiami recitly, .. where
640 acres! of land were sown to
carpet grass within a period of
20 minutes. For the area sown
during the experiment, it was s.w
it would Require two men hand
seeders )3 j days.! j
Fireworks may be
the Fourth of July
scarce on
but bootleg
customers! always sea as many as
160 N. Liberty St.1,' Salemi Oregon
"From Ocean to
-Are Adding
to Our Long List
4 : i
Buying Power Assures
Saving rower tierel
of the power of a 1 -horse
-horse engine, you will realize- some
more stores this year to the
consistent with current market costs, 4
Detroit Lovers Not Only
But Measles Quarantine, Elope and Are Wed'
i-'A. wMt
Mlai Helen ' Kamman, eighteen
yars old, was quarantined In j her
home by the) illness of her younyer
eister. Clairi Bolke. Jr., her nance
was inpatient. With notes pasted
on the glass; panels of the French
doors, .be conveyed to bis sweet
heart "hla intention of eloping. Miss
- rr. .. v. : y ... . ;
475 that
i fir ' - .
i, t ' 1 - j -r-
il i V f ' -' v V
I tmmm i M s..,.t.-A:.x . .y . . L
es;Y;: WmM Jk W
I i 1 aU I " X It.. . . V
f I
Laugh at LockirmOia
. iri
Kamman pasted a note on her sids
of the s;lass door agreeing; .to his,
plans. , Ignoring the .Board of
Health Quarantine, the girl left
the house and . now the young
couple are receiving the congratu
lations of friends after obtaining
family forgiveness, (