The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 12, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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Phone -your1 classified ad
early today for the big Sunday
See the vacation guide in
Sunday's Statesman about the
best places to spend your va
i Nation. - 1
v nnmnmrnnnnr
Rosebunr , .Youngsters Rob
"Bette Pays With Davis'! Is
Rejoiner for "Keep Cool
(With Coolidgew
Murder of Laviolettq Results
Indifference in. Case of Cpn
. f essed Mass I Murderer !
-I Store and - Alake , Way in
i an Automobile -
in Neice'8. Death, and Gal
lows for: Muir
1 - - .;- ; ' - -: i yy - i ' - y . .. : : i
. '. ' ' ' '' '-. y - v- : v I ! . - " - - -i ' y y ' y y y
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TV-V V-';-. !"4V"J ' ' A ;-:'Vvy,'
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j Arouses Storm
K M M- I
l Dozen Blazes Reported to
Portland Office; The Most
Reports for Any Day This
Oregon, California, Washing
ton and Montana An He
port Bad Situation
"PORTLAND, Or.. July 11.
With dorens of new forest fires
lu Oregon and witb Indications o
continued dry weather the fire sit
uatton again became critical to
day. More forest fires were re-
Dorted to the Portland: of f ice of
I day this year, and although many
of the blazes were small, the mes
sages came from practically erery
section of the state. V
Serious fires In Oregon are in
the- Santiam, Deschutes and Siski
you national, forests, on the hold
ings of the Whitney Lumber com-
r paaj near x nnuw, auu v .
Vvate timber In Columbia county.
I Two fires ran together in the
Deschutes national forest south of
Bend, combining the Paulina fire
a n rf In. I ra rv fire, rorerlne aD-
L proximately 1500 acres. Emer-
gency men womea . a.11 uaj uu
through the night In an effort to
establish : a trench around the
' burning ' area. It , had not been
controlled tonight.. -
Two.hundred men were employ
d today against a fire in the tim-
Iter of the" Whitney ume com
pany.: about 10 xniba,irDV2&r
The situation near Grants Pass
1 Vecame serious today, : according
I to- John D. Guthrie, assistant dis
t trict forester, r At Nine Mile the
( New Hope fire was still burning
I and had come- within two miles
S of a large powder house.
Lightning Starts Fires
In the Agnes district of the Sis-
l klyou hational forest six lightning
t fires wera started Thursday night,
Ibne of which : coTered ! 350 acres
and extended to-Silrer creek. -N
The others are under control.
J At Galice, four fires were still un
t der surTeillance- At Emily creek
and at Chatco a number of small
fires were burning unchecked.
!f "But because of strong winds
and extremely dry ; conditions
. southern Oregon timber is ser-
lously threatened by fire," said
filr. Guthrie. l F V
f The Torest fire in the Santiam
i forest near j Detroit, was burning
) furiously and it was estimated
that approximately 4000 acres had
been burned. ' ? ,-
Sovanof the Hammond Lumber
f company bridges had been burn
( d and the fire was about a mile
, and a half from the Sqnthern Pa
cific tracks near Hoover. Pumps
' and hose taken to ; Detroit last
night were used by the fighters
today. Both the Hammond Lum
. tgr company anda the forest ser
vice have pumps going. The fire
was spreading in the direction of
Breitenbush Hot springs. - ?
FUiines Gala on Crew
';LOS ANGELES,. July 11. A
force of. more than 2 50. men, fight-
ins a losing fight against a fire
1iich has bca burning since
Vednesday in the Santa Barbara
fStional forest north of here, to
f night were concentrating their ef
forts along the western front of
the blaza. in & desperate attempt
to prevent Its spreading to the
k heavily pine timbered slopes of
tLlebere Mountain.' .
, IVMhlngton, Conditkms Improve
; . SPOKANE. Wash.. July 11.
Forest fires in the inland empire
were not seriously threatening to-
night. -I :. . . i ?
-.- Forest i fires in the Cocur d'Al
I ene mining district tonight were
) reported sufficiently under con-
' trol to permit most of the 400 men
(Continued, on page i.)
V ' V I
OREGON Fair weather and
moderate temperature Sat
urday. Moderate: northwest
.winds. -
r (Friday) j; ,
Maximum' temperature, SO.
Minimum- temperature, 56.
Rainfall, none.
Iliver, -1' stationary
Atmosphere, clear. . V
T7l23,-wct.--.- - ,Kr?",
: ROSEBURG, Or.. July . 11.-
Herman Baugarther, aged. 11
yeas, of 1408 Nineteenth street.
Eugene, - and- Clarence Wallace,
aged 13 years, of Wendling, em
barked upon a career of banditry
yesterday by robbing a store at
Wendling, where they procured a
box. of candy, a carton of cigar
ettes and about $10 in silver, and
with their haul proceeded to Eu
gene where they picked up Ian
automobile belonging to the Ad
vance Rumley Tractor company of
Portland and started south. Their
inexperience In handling an auto
mobile, attracted the attention of
a garage man at Wilbur, who tel
ephoned Sheriff Starmer's office,
and the lads were arrested : as
they entered the city. '
McAdoo Manager
Nominee Was Fair
y Chos-
en: Strong Candidate
NEW YORK, July 11. Declar
ing that "no candidate ever had a
clearer title to a nomination than
John iw. Davis," David Ladd
Rockwell, national campaign
manager for Wm. Gibbs McAdoo,
tonight sent to Mr. Davis and his
running mate, Chas. W. Bryan.
congratulations and assurances of
enthusiastic'upport in the forth
coming campaign, V j V
Mr. Rockwell's letter to Mr.
Davis said: i
"Please, accept . my warmest
congratulations upon your nomi
nation., 'Your record! as a citizen,
lawyer nt public of ficiat; iaso
splendid that our party is assured
a leadershop of the Bighestorder,
and when you are elected presi
dent,1 one so admirably equipped
is 'bound to make a record that
all America m-ay well be proud of.
"I want to- take this occasion to
assure you of my enthusiastic sup
port and to wish you the success
that t know will be yours." i
MrJ Rockwell's letter to Mr.
Bryan expressed similar senti
ment.! In an Interview while he
was dictating these letters, Mr.
Rockwell toW newspaper men his
official relations with Mr. Mc
Adoo had "ceased, the . moment
Mr. Davis was nominated." Mr.
Rockwell made it plain, however,
that his personal relations wfth
Mr. McAdoo continued, "peculiarly
pleasant" V . . ,i .
Several Thousand Attend
Opening of Playground -j
On 14th Street
Several thousand people 'attend
ed the official opening of the Sa
lem playgrounds, held at the Four
teenth street ground! last night.
and remained for the serai-weekly
concert of the Cherrlan band.
Beginning at 6:30 o'clock, the
youngsters staged various exhibi
tions, including athlcftic '' events.
and swimming, diving and other,
water sports. ; These events were
followed by the Klwanis-Rotary
indoor baseball game,' won by the
former, the challengers, by the
one-sided score of 2$ to 10. The
Rotarians were ' on - hand with a
non-emptying punch bowel and
dispensed refreshments to i the
youngsters, i V-
The Cherrlan band gave Its con
cert from a "special bandstand er
ected for the occasion, the pro
gram featuring Oscar; B. Gingrich
in two vocal selections. : Y
Though the traffie was immense
and automobiles were parked at
almost every angle through the
grove ' and over the j entire play
ground, everything j went off
smoothly and the machines were
guided Into open places-by mem
bers; of the Salem Pioneer clubs.
who acted in the capacity of traf
fic officers. i
CHICACO, July 11. President
Ernest Dewitt Burton of the Uni
versity ; of - Chicago today an
nounced a plan for doubling the
present endowment of the insti
tution making It the richest of its
kind In the United States. V " ;
The wealth of the. Institution Is
COW 1500000. 1V-:IV'
f ' . .
Democratic- Nominee Has
Stream , of ! Guests-r-Mc-
Adoo; Smith, and Hull Pay
Candidate Respects
Calif ornian- to Issue State.
; ment-4-Shaver to Be Na
tional Chairman
Before leaving
what he hoped
N. T., July. 11.-
Iate tonight for
would be a quiet
week end- at hl country home at
Locuat Valley, Long I8iand, John
w. Davis, Democratic - nominee
for president. ut in a. busy day
receiving a continuous procession
of callers, amdngThem William
Q. McAdoo, Governor. Smith and
Cordell Hull, chairman of the
Democratic national committee
; After an hour's - conference
alone with Mi-. Davis, BIr; McAdoo
said he had called simply to pay
his respects to the . nominee,
whom he had known for many
years. When! asked whether he
would support', Mr. Davis and
Bryan the Californian replied:
"I'll deal with that question In
a statement that I shall issue be
fore I sail for Europe tomorrow
if I can find time to prepare it."
Mr. Hull aid after his visit
to the. nominee, that he ' would
not continue, as national chair
man after the formal opening of
the campaign.. Clem Shaver of
Fairmount," W.-Va., a resident of
the nominee's home town and an
old friend of the family, who, by
reason of "being a member of the
Davis club of - Clarksburg, that
launched the Davis boom had
been considered a possible chair
man, spent a large part of the
day with Mr. Davis. V -
The nominee so far has been
receiving ! suggestions ? from i these
(Continued on page 5)
Three School Measures
t Before Silyerton Voters
' Hv . -i '. I ; .
SILVERTON. Or.; July 1 11.
(Special to ( Th'e - Statesman).
Three items jwill come befojre the
siiverton I voters in a special tax
payers' election to be held in this
city August 1. !
The items jto be voted upon are
as follows: 1 10,000; to construct
and equip a four-room addition to
the Eugene Held building; $15,-
000 to construct and equip a two-
room addition to the Eugene Field
building and; to acquire lands in
the northerly part of the school
district and to construct and equip
a ward school thereon; J9.5 00 to
acquire lands and to construct and
equip a ward school in the north
erly end of 'the school dlstHct.
The election will be in the high
school building on the afternoon
of August 1 land any qualified tax
payer may vote. Notification of
the election lis made by Ed R. Ad
ams, clerk
for Siiverton .'school
Condition IsiThat North Pa-
cific Exchange Read to
Work August 1
The directors of the Oregon
Growers Cooperative' association
held an all-day session in; Salem
yesterday tnd adopted a resolu
tion to the effect that if the North
Pacific Prune exchange is1 ready
for business by August 1 it will
release all j its members so that
they can sign up contracts with
the exchange. ; The resolution is
to be drawn by A. A. Hampson.
an attorney of Portland, and sent
to all tho tnembera. ;. j -1
The directors of the Oregon
Growers Cooperative Prune asso
ciation adopted . resolution to the
effect that
all membership feee
and all notes signed would be re
turned to
the subscribers The
Portland: Chanibot of Commerce
is to meet the expense. The idea,
is to get taction ' quickly so f the
growers may he protected and the
new business may be? started in
August. -!'V c : I" .
N eftort ' Is to be ': made' to
X CoatiAued gn gage 5 ).
FRANKFORT, Ky., July 11.
John A. Goodman, clerk of the
court ; df - appeals, today offered
this slogan to the' Democratic
party as a rejoiner to "Keep Cool
With Coolidge" the Republican
ologahjiJ ; - .
"Suggest 'Better Days With Da
vis as Campaign slogan. The Re
publican slogan 'Keep Cool With
Coolidge' characteristically nega
tive. ; Proposed slogan means ac
tion."., i '
Cutler, Winterstein, Davis,
Wilson and White are
iNew j Policemen
Kivej special . patrolmen were
selected and j sworn in yesterday
by Chief of Police Frank A. M into,
and last night went; on duty as a
result jof thej decision of the city
council to double the present force
on duty at night. The action was
found j necessary because of the
increase in burglaries in the city
and the insistent demand made
for protection by business men.
All of the five have had more or
less police experience.
Those reporting fop duty last
night j were f L. J. Cutler. 237
Maple avenue, a former special
agent for the Southern Pacific;
A. Winterstein, 24 9 North. Sum
mer, whose police record includes
28 months service with the Bos
ton. Mass, force; Frank Davis,
440 Iorth Twenty-third, for. sev
eral years guard at the penitent
W. G. ' Wilson, 10? 8 North
Twenty-second, :" - who has had
some jexpenance as a ponce o i li
ce r, nd W.I D. White, a former,
guard! at the state penitentiary.
With, the increased, force, all
suspicious characters- will be tak
en to the police headquarters for
investigation - and orders were
issued' yesterday - by Chief - of
Polic4 Minto. to arrest all persons
found! on the! street after midnight
who kre unable to give a satis
factory ; account of themselves.
Loitering around the street will
result in the loiterer being haled
into spie station. Persons notic
ing anyone loitering in the neigh
borhood are requested to -telephone
the information to the sta
tion, an. emergency rider being
on duty to respond to such ccalls.
If j the present arrangements
do not bring results. Chief of
Police Minto contemplates the
sweating in j of a number of vol
unteer oincers, similar - to me
system in force last winter.
Gleanings from Day's News
i 'it
2 More Are Botuliniis Victims
DELHI, India, July 11. Seven
persons were reported killed to
day In a riot which was the out
come of a quarrel between Hindus
and Moslems. Virtually the entire
city took part in the rioting. To
ward evening the situation be
came quieter.
The disturbance is attributed to
Hindus objecting to a Moslem boy
drawing water from'a certain well.
The boy who was violently beaten.
died later In a hospital.
Others of Party May Die. .
BILLINGS, Mont., July 11.
Symptoms of botulinu poisoning
have developed in two of the three
survivors of the party of seven
stricken at Cody, Wyo., Tuesday
evening aftr eating imported ripe
olives and potted chicken. They
are TolbertjN. De Richardson Jr.,
of ' the Gefmantown section of
Philadelphia whose i brother
Thomas, died . at a hospital here
today and Mists Eugenia: Jones of
Cody,' tutor! to Paul Ache Jr., one
of the first; victims to die.
5 Prepare for 8. P. Line.
' PHOENIX, Ariz., July 11. En
gineering crews assigned - to pre
liminary Survey work In the
Southern ' Pacific's plan of build
ing i another railroad through the
desert will! be working tomorrow
on - the initial operations of the
project which will give Phoenix
a main line route, to the Pacific
coast. :
i V '' -1
;i MacLarr Forced Back
i KASUMIGAURA, Japan, July
12. -(AP)f A." Stuart MacLaren,
who popped gtf yit&-Mw2 m-
. , MONTREAL, July 11. Three
corpses. 110 in! the path' of Walter
Muir's bullets his own, that of
HenryLavioiette for whose mur
der the. 21-year old INew York
student paid the supreme penalty
of the law this morning, and that
of Bertha Rose Laviolette, the
17-year ; old niece of the victim
of the murder. The girl died
from a paralytic stroke yester-;
day. ; , V , ' '!,.'.
Californian Breaks Silence;
by Responding to Will
nodgers in 1 heatre ;
NEW YORK. July 11. Wil
liam Gibbs McAdoo- who has been
more oo less non-com mital as to
the course he would pursue during
the presidential - campaign when
speaking j to. newspapermen, was
induced . to break his silence tor
night by ! Will: Rogers f romA the
stage of the follies at the Nevfr
Amsterdam theater. i J:
Mr. and Mrs. -McAdoo were in
the audience, and: when the come
dian; with f his . usual, raillery.
pointed Mr. McAdoo. out, there
was an, outburst" of applause and
the "CalLforniaji. was. finally
brought to his feet and made the
following statement: : j
"I am: leaving for Europe with
my family tomorrow, for a little
diversion,; but now that the cori
ventioiL li overawe must; all. get
together and make sure that we
elect a democrat." ; ' - - I
Both, actor and candidate were
given an ovation following the
Foreign Policy Formed
By the Little Entente
. ' L ' '--(
PRAGUE, Czecho Slovakia,
July ll.r The first sitting today
of the- little entente conference
was devoted to revolving the foreign.-
policy i of the little entente
countries, says a 'communique is
sued tonight. The. delegates found
they were in complete agreement.
As - the little entente countries
are greatly concerned in- the
maintenance of union among the
great alMesj they are particularly
satisfied according to the com
munique to observe that more
and more progress ig. being, made
toward I an understanding with
the object of settling the repara
tions questions in which, Bulgaria,
Jugo-SIovakia and Rumania, are
especially interested.
Riot Kills 7
paniona this afternoon for Minato
on a flight around the world, was
forced to return here by engine
trouble which developed soon after
the ' start; t MacLaren' hopes ' to
start again; for Minato, tomorrow
morning, f . , ' '
,: ; .; .. jV u;. ,;.V !
Elk Uivcn Ilostott Zoo ;
BOSTON July 11. Three live
elk brought here 5 by the Idaho
delegation to the convention of
the Benevolent and Protective Or
derNf Elks, for the parade yester
day concluded the .fraternity's
session In this city, were given to
the Franklin park municipal zoo.
- Ex-Clty Iet!ctlve Convicted.
SEATTLE, July- 11 William
Worsham, former city detective
was found guilty in federal court
iere today of conspiracy to vio
late tbeV federal prohibition' law.
" j VI i.-t-
Notification is PostI
CHICAGO, July 11. Official
notification of President Coolidge
and of General Chas. G. Dawes of
their nominations on the republi
can ticket, has been postponed Un
til some - time in August, it was
earned today at republican na
tional headquarters. '
Crowds Visit Calvin Jfs Grave
: PLYMOUTH. Vt., July 11. A
steady j stream of V automobiles
along the ; winding country road
that leads past the little ceme
tery on the hill her . b rough a
thousand visitors to the grave of
Calvin j Coolidge Jr. son, of the
nresident. todav. -."" -'
Premier Explains That Joint
Text of Conference Con
stitutes Only Frencft Ob
Reduction Asked if French
Reduces the Amount De
manded of Germany
PARIS,' July ll.(By The As
sociated. Press.) The- Joint text
drawn up. in Paris by Prime Min
ister MacDonald and Premier Her
riot during ;i their interview in
connection; with the inter-allied
London - conference represents, ajl
the progress that has been made
up to. the l present toward an ac
cord between France and Great
Britain, the i French premier de
clared before the senate today, ex
plaining his negotiations with the
British premier. He said that the
Chequers interview bound neither
country, j j ;
Senator Dausset, who preceded
M. jHerrit, declared, that the Dawes
plan surelyj Reduced Germany's
debt to the allies and that France
consequently was justified in ask
ing a reduction of her inter-allied
war debts.! He asked the premier
if he was taking steps in that di
rection and whether he has
in view an early funding of the
war debts, : without which the
stability of French currency was
impossible ;
M. Herrlot answered 1 that he
was powerless on the question of
War debts and could only appeal
to the spirit of equity of the allies,
which he had doneat Chequers
He agreed with Senator Dausset
that it was impossible to stabilize
French currency before the. debts
were hanging over the country
were disposed of, but, he added.
that lie had no other means of
action than repetition of the argu
ment that In the common fight
into Which ; the allies had put
their ' resources in ' common,
France was the heaviest loser.
; Senator J j Raymond Poincare,
former premier, interrupting, said
that the. Americans, when they
were ready to ask for payment of
the sum owing to them, would
surely propose arrangements run
ning over a considerable number
of 'years, "and as long as we con
tinue to pay, Germany must be
made to continue to pay us."
"The Inter-allied debts ought
not to be settled mathematically
but justly,"! M. Herriot added.
The French expressed the hope
that American members of the
reparation commission would be
able to take full membership as
was - originally provided for but
he said be would continue bis ef
forts to get Mr. MacDonald to
abandon the idea of arbitration
on the question of declaring Ger
many's default.
Harrington. National Bank ,
Forced to Close Doors
, HARRINGTON, Wash., July 11.
-The First National bank of Har
rington, organized in 1908,-closed
its doors today by i order of the
board of directors, pending an ex
amination by federal bank exam
iners. j
The last statement of the bank
at the close of business June 30
showed resources of $427,397 and
deposits of $223,478. ; '
Next Wednesday Will SeeT
: Great Program Start
The annual Chautauqua season
will open in Salem next Wednes
day evening, July 16, at 8 o'clock
In the big tent on the Willamette
Oniversityj Athletic field, with a
concert by the Guatamala Mar
imba band, an organization with
a record of metropolitan triumphs.
Musical Events ?. - I
Besides the Marimba band, the
Ernest Gamble concert party is
booked for two programs on the
third day. This la the 21st toux
of the Gambles of America.
On the fifth day the Ault Con
cert Artists of Chicago will give
l 'siC9fiiJned Oh page 8.
HANOVER, Germany, July 11.
While popularj indignation over
the alleged indifference of the po
lice to the case oj Freiderich Haar
mann, confessed mass murderer is
growing, the slayer himself is tak
ing the situation j with calmness
and poise and 1st asking to be be
headed "as I deserve tq be."
' "I don't remember the names
of all of my victims," 'Haarmann
toldV interviewers today. "You
seej they came so fast that I' real
ly did not have a; good chance to
get ! well acquainted with them,"
He recalled having ; Blain not
less, than a, dozen boys and young
men and was quite certain, there
were many more. V
Secretary! of State Sails, on
Trip to Europe With,
fv Bar Delegation ll
: WAS 1 1 1 N GTON j D. C, July 11,
-Secretary Hughes will spend at
least two days in Paris during his
trip to England ! and continent.
which, wilj. begin tomorrow. Defin
ite ; decision,; to include this . visit
in his itinerary as. the guest of
the French:; bar, was announced
today, f He will jbe absent from
Washington about one month.
I Sailing from. New York on the
Berengaria wlth. the American
Bar. association's delegation' to
the international meetings of
lawyers, the secretary plans to re
main in London, prom July. 21 to
28. It was denied, there was any
present prospect j. that he would
continue to Berlin. V V j
;i . lth the premier s conference
opening In London about the
time of his arrival, hpweyer,' some
Observers considered- it possible
that the intimate connection be
tween the subject of reparations
Under ; discussion1 there ' and. cer
tain details of the German-American
treaty might! occasion jpasBing
attention of the secretary. i
It was officially announced that
Mr. Hughes did not -contemplate
taking any official part in the
London discussions or in any
other i diplomatic conversations
which might ensue.
1 . 1 ....... "
California Caravan Is
At Bandon for a Visit
i . 4-i .
BANDON, Oit. July 11. The
northern California caravan, cbh
sisting of 125 persons, represent
ing the various chambers of com
merce in that section,: headed by
Eureka, arrived I at Bandon late
today and remained over night.
The program :of entertainmept
planned for them included a com
munity dinner af the city park,
with speaking, fqllowcd by a band
concert. ' j Vf j . j .
The party included Louis Ever
ding, California' highway commis
sioner of Areata and from Oregon,
Highway Commissioners Duby and
Van Susen and fRoy Klein, Salem.
Rufus C. Holman of Portland, and
Commissioner Ifurcell of the fed
eral bureau of roads. The cara
van will go to Coquille tomorrow
and will complete the loop south
by way of Roseburg and Grants
Pass. j ' .-J
McDonald arid Smith are F
ing to; oeai i ime Limi
y Are doing Strong
Lieutenant Geo
Va., July 12.
C. McDonald.
Langley field, pilot, arid Lieuteni
ant H. D. Smith, of Hampton sta
tion, observer, j at 2:36 o'clock
this morning equaled the world's
record for continuous seaplane
flying, were still in the air at 3
o'clock. The j fliers took the lair
at 1:36 o'clock yesterday after
noon I v :.; .-.j
: Powerful searchlights w a r e
kept almost constantly playing; on
the machine a it made its way
over the triangular course around
Fortress Monroe. j
t The aviators ! are flying a new
type seaplane and will attempt' to
remain In the air 24 hours. The
present record is 13 hours, 1 26
DitOJitc?, .1 : : V ' .
y --
TPS P flBpOilB
' ' iLl : ':
'y ' - . - i .'
Federation Similar to That of
Labor Is Advocated at Na
tional Agricultural Con
ference ; ,
May Form Committee to Pro
ceed With Plans f.!c
Nary. Measure, Favored.
ST.. PAUL, July U. Although
agreeing that farm? relief legisla
tion is necessary and., that an or
ganization similar in scope and
power tip the American Federation,
of Labqr, is needed, to carry on Its
work, - members, of the resolutions
committee of the national confer
ence t farm organizations' are un
able to ,'determine by bow such a
central organisation should be for
mulated. While the resolutions commit
tee was in session, several hun
dred delegates , to the' conference,
which opened a. two-day. session
here today were meeting else
where' discussing phases of the ag
ricultural situation.
In the debate before the reso
lutions committee of which Wm.
Hirth of Columbus, Mr., is chair
man, it was contended by several
of the f members that a central
committee, formed of -delegates
from every stateland representing
all farm organizations should for-,
mulate -any legislative action to be
taken in the interest of agriculture..!-.
- " '" :
r Some wer opposed to this prop
osition,; claiming that the central,
committee should be. elected only
from the farmer leaders and.
should act only in the capacity qC.
a mouthpiece for the organiza
tions now existing.
Lack of cooperation among the,
national leaders has been charged
by the farmers, according to Carl
Gunderson of Mitchell, S. D.
it mis conierence is ever to
accomplish definite action, all dif
ferences among the farm leaders,
should be immediately eradicated"
he said, '!We are. on the rigM
track and we must pull together."
Defining the. attitude which tte
United J States, he said, must ad,
opt toward, agricultural interests.
Representative J, L Dipkenaon. ot
Iowa, addressing the general con
ference, stated that "the. policy
of this'; country must be one ' of
dual purpose to put agriculture
on a basis parallel with industry. j
' Although the McNary-Haugen i
export corporation bill was defeat
ed in the last congress. Its pro
posers j continued with renewed
strength, according to A. Sykes,
of Ida Grove, Iowa, 'The greatest
fight ever inaugurated in behalf
of farm legislation Is now being
made and will continue to a glor
ious finish," he asserted.
An equalization of prices for
farm products, protective tariff for
all produce with discrimination,
and a (strong agricultural feder
ation were advised by Gilbert N.;
Haugen, representative in ' con
gress from Iowa and co-author of
the McNary-Haugen bill.
"If. is necessary that we al
ways have "high taxes and high
transportation let us also give the
producers of the country's food
the protection which industry and
commerce now enjoy," ha said.
The conference, which will con
tinue tomorrow, adopted a reso
lution "expressing "heartfelt sym
pathy with the grief stricken fam
ily of President Coolidge." ,
Bryan Reiterates His
I f Support of Uie Ticket
liam J. Bryan, en route to St.
Louis from New York stopped oft
here long enough today to reiter
ate his support of the democratic
ticket and of John W. Davis and
Chas. P. Bryan and to express
confidence .la its success la No
vember.:' - 'V
Mr. Bryan predicted, that when,
Mr. Davis made his 'acceptance
speech all presumptions which
might be held by anyone by him
would be wiped away. He said, in
opposing the nomination of Mr.
Davis originally his objection
were not personal. "He regarded
the democratic nominee as a man
of exceptional ability and high
character be added, . and never
had questioned . his attitude on
public, quesU9P ; -