The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 11, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Hingham in Aany
; 'Judge Geortfe G. Bingham spent
Thursday in lbany. sitting in the
Linn countyYourt.:' He will be in
his own cot today.
Ihince Toiifcht Jrby Hall .
orioles playing. All welcome.
Two I'ay Fines ,:
Two raffle, violators contribut
ed In the justice 'court' Thursday,
W A'Cehrman paying 15 for
failure to dim his headlights and
R. Js Steely, $10 on a speeding
charge. :. 1
tiuUly of AHKault
. George A.- Adderson entered a
plea of guilty to an assault and
"battery charge in the. Justice cour
Thursday and will be sentenced at
9 O'clock this morning. He was
arrested upon complaint ot Peter
Zerr. - ; '
One Charge lropi"l
Charges of impersonating an of
ficer were dropped against Ben
Kantelberg in th4 justice court
Thursday, while he plead guilty
to another charge 6t speeding. He
was fined $10 and costs by P. J.
Kuntz, justice of the peace.
Se Kxhibit I
At 474 S. Commercial St.
GrtWiani Merries Here
Gresham berries are finding
their way into the Salem markets,
and approximately 100 tons of red
raspberries have been received at
the Northwest Fruit Products
plant here. Other' heavy shipments
are being made to Vancouver. The
quality of the fruit is given as
fair and the crop about 60 per
cent under that of last year, due
to the dry weather. The berries
are all being shipped by trucks o
the various plants j W
Staging Benefit Dance
Vorkmen will hold a f benefit
dance at Derby hall tonight. All
friends and members of the lodge
ark tnvltaH r atnni .
Boys are Registering - . ,:j
Between 50 and 60 boys are ex
pected' to attend the annual YMCA
eamp on the Trask river July 29
to -August 16 and registrations are
coming in now, it was announced
Thursday by R. It. Boardman, phy
sical director at the 1TMCA. The
camp will draw boys from both
Marion and - Polk counties, who
Will rnmnrfso nno lirca narfv A
Bays Fnrcfere
' Phone 511
411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 457
The Seavy Bell Insurance
Agency M
General Insurance A
"Billy Bell
' Dr. B. H. White
Dr. Anne Brckke
Osteopathy 1
r- , Kurgery '
Electronic diagnosis and treat
ment (Dr. Abrams' method).
Office -phone 859 j !
Residence 469-J
506 U. S. Bank Bldg.
farmer Transfer & Storage
Zo. will be located at. 143
South Liberty st. next to
Sraber Bros.' Plumbing Shop
ifter July 1st. We would ap
preciate your patronage at our
lew location more than ever.
Larmer Transfer &
Storage Co. j
Ihone 030
Established 1863:
General Banians Busincsx ;
v Office Iloura from 10 si. xn. to 3 p. t
E. Yount, state boys secretary,
will have general charge, with Mr.
Boardman and Edwin Socolofsky,
Marion county YMCA secretary,
asisting. Several young college
men ; ha ve been obtained to act as
group leaders. There was not a
single case of illness nor an acci
dent to mar the summer camp last
year. . ; I . i
Dance Every Saturday 1
Night at Stayton Community
tlub. Open air pavilion. Best or
thestra music obtainable. T j!2
No One Missing- j ; i,
As no one was reported missing
in the city yesterday, it is believed
that the report that someone had
drowned near Riverside park
across the river Wednesday after
noon is without foundation. Mrs.
M. Whitmore ; reported that she
thought she heard j someone call
for help, and upon' going to the
bank ofi the river, saw what she
believed to be a pair of feet dis
appear beneath; the water.
Xot All-Dry M j ;
June jwas not totally devoid of
molsturj:. for a trace was notice
able on! three different days, the
greatestamount being .17 inch on
June 17, with a total of .22 in
ches for the month, according to
the official weather report. Fif
teen of the days were clear, nine
partly cloudy and six cloudy. Cool,
warm and hot was recorded, with
a maximum temperature of 98 de
grees on June 29, 'and a minimum
of 45 degrees on June 4, 5, and 6.
The greatest daily range was 42
degrees, on June 9. The mean
maximum temperature was 78 de
grees and the mean minimum tem
perature 52 -'degrees. The mean
temperature was 65 degrees.
"Tho Work! Crisis" t
As foretold in Biblo; free lec
ture. Derby hall, Sunday, 8 p. ro.
- ' J12
Hops Will Ho Light
Hops will be light this year ow
ing to the long dry spell and the
prevalence of the red spider, ac
cording to H. L. Pearcy, of Pearcy
Brothers, who has spent consider
able time in the yards in the dis
trict this last week.j Several grow
ers, will not attempt to harvest
their crop this year he said. Yards
in the highland districts have been
hit the hardest; by the drought as
well as the spider, and though sev
eral owners are not aware of the
the existence of the red spider,
these are present. (The pest is be
ing developed. .rapidly by the Jiot
weather, Mr. Pearcy said.
Births Are Reported '
: A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Miles T. Bradford, of Route
1, at the Court Street Christian
Maternity home July 9, according
to a report filed with the city
health - officer. Mr. and Mrs.
Claude L. Carson are the parents
Of James Woodford, born at the
Salem hospital on! June 30.
See Exhibit ; - j
At 474 S. Commercial St. jll
Hliml School Visited I
Superintendent and Mrs. S. M.
Green of the Missouri school for
the blind at St. Louis, visited yes
terday at the ; local blind school.
Superintendent and Mrs. Green
are touring the Pacific coast from
southern California to British Col
umbia. Mr. Green, who haa been
wjth the Missouri school for 34
years," is one of the best authori
ties in the country on tho educa
tion of the blind, f
KaKU-rners are Arriving
At last the vanguard of eastern
tourists is being noted at the Sa
lem auto camp j grounds. This
week visitors from Iowa, Indiana,
Illinois, ; Texas, j Massachusetts,
Connecticut and New York were
registered, a majority remaining
Cars for hire without drivers,
PHONE 2020
Day and Night Service
Popular Priced
Tailored Suit $23 to $45
lien's and Young Men's
Promotes Good Ilealth
Cottage Cheese r
One-Third Cream .
H. E. HIDEOUT, Proprietor
overnight with several staying for
two and three days. Thursday a
man and wife traveling in a ma
chine with a Hawaii license, stop
ped, while on their Way to Inr
diana for a visit, j They plan to
return to the Pacific coast, pref
erably f Oregon or Washington.
Without exception all are pleased
with the appearance of j the -Willamette
valley, particularly those
who cme north through California.-
;f - j
Ih)g ljjoves IntcIHgenct - - j
Kln D.v the Belgian police dog
now ati the Liberty theater, dem
onstrated his intelligence at the
opening matinee Thursday after
noon, assisting his owner and
trainer, J. J. Dwane, to remove his
shoes, j bringing his slippers, and
doing other little things as he
was told. '.Several knots tied se
curely ijn heavy ropes were undone
by the dog, who also demonstrated
his value in protecting youngsters.
King p is the dog that is often
seen in pictures featuring Strong
heart and Rin-Tin-Tin, he "doubl
ing" f(jr the noted dog actors and
assuming all the risky jobs. King
D will appear in person at .the
theater again today in connection
with the special show under the
auspices of Capital Post No. 9,
American legion. Owing to a de
lay in shipment, the films show
ing the Rose carnival and the state
Legion convention,1 did not arrive
in time for the matinee, but were
shown last night and will be offer
ed today. . ' I .
Salem! Mason's Jhiy
Sunday, July 13 has been desig
nated as Mario pounty .- day at
tho Masonic home at Forest Grove.
A program has been arranged and
a large attendance' is anticipated.
Masons who can' take additional
passengers should get in touch
with the committee so that all may
go who desire. . j . ;
"The World Crisis"
As foretold in Bible: free lec
ture. ; Derby hall; Sunday, 8 p. mi
- ll I ' jl2
Will Picnic Tonight
Members and friends of the First
Congregational church will hold
their annual picnic at the home of
Professor and Mrs. E. A. Miller,
of 1500 South High, at 6 o'clock
tonight. A basket dinner will be
served;, with coffee and desert to
be provided by the women of the
church. '
Summer Session to End
With the close of the first ses
sion '.of, the, .Willamette .summer
session slated for the near future,
regitration of pupils for the sec
ond session is now being made and
it is Expected there will be nearly
75 Ip.. attendance. The present
session has an enrollment of near
ly 100 pupils. '
See Kxliibit
At 474 S. Commercial St. jll
YMCA Hoard Meets
Routine business and .various
reports occupied the board of di
rectors at the monthly meeting at
the YMCA Thursday noon. " ''ll
Plan Sacred Concert
- A sacred concert by the chorus
which furnished the music for the
Demarest , revival meetings will
feature the open air Sunday ser
vices I in Willson park, 'j The- sing
ing will begin a half-hour prior. to
the regular opening of the service.
Approximately 70 men and women
have, promised to sing in the choir,
which will be under the leadership
of E. A. Kenney. Dr. Levi T. Pen
nington, president ; of the Pacific
college at Newbcrg, will deliver
the sermon at 4 o'clock.
Knoxr Files Complaint
Wjj J. Knox, in a complaint fil
ed in . the county I clerks office
Thursday .requests that C. L. Ogle
set forth his claims to certain
property located near Woodburn.
Dance IJvrsley's Station . ' ' I
Jube 12; good time! assured to
all. j J12
One IiicciiKd Issued
Jacob Aloysious Kaiser and
Henrietta S. Berning,fa teacher,
of Mt. Angel, were granted
a marriage license Thursday.
Final Account j
N. Derby, administrator ot
estate of Roy M. Darr, has
nM its; ;
Sfflolaat Wsrtt Mo4mts Trim
'Expert EmbslsMri
SOS s. Okmrek Thn Its
KJmsavaJsd Bsrrls4
i IIILXIiW-nntlll '
filed ! his final account 'with : the
county clerk. August 12 was set
by Judge W. H. Downing as the
date of hearing final objections.
" -i ; T -
Judgment is Sought
Judgment of $1418 for legal
services alleged to have been per
formed for J. P. Fellers and 'oth
ers is sought "in the circuit court
by L. H. McMahan.
Auto Reported Stole
When John H. Crawford, ot
Route 2, parked his automobile on
Court street near North Summer
about 8 o'clock Thursday morn
ing, he dismissed the machine
from his mind until noon when he
found thatj the car had been stol
en. Portland and Rosnburg were
notifier to be on tho lookout for
the machine.
See Kxhibit
At 474 S. Commercial St. -Jll
Tlut'e Building Permit?
After a period of inactivity,
building apparently is revived, and
on top of several permits issued
this weekj three" were ssued from
the cty recorder's of fee Thursday.
Thee werej to G. Spence, dwellng,
920 Highland, to cost $4000; J. P.
Harrison, dwelling, 1480 North
Seventeenth, $2000 and to Mrs.
Hunt dwelling, 890 Gaines, to cost
$1500. I
Presbyterians ;athei
The quarterly preparatory ser
vice of the , First Presbyterian
church was held ''last night. A
large number of the congregation
were present to welcome the new
members, f Communion, - services
will be held next Sunday.
Siceder is Cltdd J
Merl Ash will appear in the po
lice courtl today to explain to the
judge why it was necessary for
him to travel 40 miles. an hour
down South Liberty Thursday af
ternoon. jAsh was arrested by Of
ficer Cannon. ;v
SjKxjnors Intc'rrupted
Four minors, two boys and two
girls, were brought to the 1 police
station shortly . before midnight
last night after they had been
found in an automobile parked on
Mission - with all the lights out.
One of the girls claimed to have
had her mother's permission to
stay with; the other, but did not
know' whether or not tjiat included
the parking on Mission. She was
taken home and turned over to
her mother by Mrs. Myra Shanks,
police matron. One of the boys
became quite "funny,' and almost
spent the, night in the city, jail.
Patient is Suicide j; - i
: Charles Bryant, . an inmate of
the statej hospital for the insane,
and who was kept at the Cottage
farm, committed suicide some
time Wednesday night by hanging
himself with cords made from his
bed. He; was comitted from Ben
ton county about a year ago, was
a transient, and as far as known
had no relatives. He was 42 years
WOW At lent ion
Regular meeting of the Wood
man of the World Friday night.
July 11, jand a special meeting
Saturday night, July 12, at which
time Prospect camp No. 140J
WOW of) Portland, will put on all
work. Please be present 'both
nights, by order of C. C. Wolz,
consul c6mmander. : L. S. Gecr,
Will Ilcwume Traffic .
; The public service commission
yesterday Issued an order requirj
ing the Portland Electric Power
company, on September 1. or as
soon thereafter ' as the Oregon
City-Cancmah highway shall be
open foritravel,1 to resume the op-
eration Qf its interurban cars be
tween Oregon City and the end
of Its line at Canemah.
Kiualfii Im ltad i J
The light and power situation
at Canyotl City and John Day is
unbearable, according to a com
plaint reaching the public service
commission from the Canyon City
Bottling! works, which claims to
represent the public of the two vi
cinities, i An investigaton by the
commission is asked.
Were lit Wreck-
t Thomas K. Campbell and Newt
on McCoy, members of the public
service cbmmission, and B. F. Fort
bes, a reporter for the commis
sion, were passengers on the west;
bound SP&S train that collided
with an eastbound train near Avon
yesterday. Neither was injured,
according to Jnformation reaching
here." They were on their way to
Astoria for a hearing.
f " ! S
See Exhibit
At 474 S. Commercial St.
Hnve Surplus "Water
i N. G. Kennard. watermaster for
district No. l. with headquarters
at Vale. Ihas informed Rhea Luper.
state engineer, that - a surplus, of
water is, being held In the Warm
Springs reservoir. The amount is
about 75.000 acre feet. With the
demand jfor July. August and Sep
tember based on the amonnt used
In 1922 and 1923 it Is said that
only about 65.000 will bo necdodi
Fischer Piano Musi Be Sold
Wo ! have a dandy good
Fischer piano left with us to
be sold. Looks almost like
new. Easy terms. .
Geo. C. Will, 432 Stale St.
i - , , 17: - s 1
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Judge. Charles. A.'. Johns, a
member of the supreme court of
the Philippine islands, i who was a
delegate from 'the islands to the
national Republican convention,
and who has been visiting in Sa
lem and other Oregon cities since
his return from Cleveland, will
leaving a surplus of 10,000 acre
feet, i The ' reservoir is not only
taking care of the demand of the
Warn? Springs project,, but is sup
plying water for 1000 acres under
the Owyhee ditch and 700 acres
under the Advancement 'ditch,' ai
so the city of Ontario. ;
Daugiiti-V Born f. -
A daughter was born on' July
9 to Mr. and Mrs. Miles T. Brad
ford of Polk county at the Court
Street Christian Maternity hos-
J., Howard Shattuck, state pa
role officer from Washington, was
a visitor at the state prison Thurs
day. I j V Y' :'
Mrs. W. Bronk, Mrs. A. Hin
mann and Mrs. A. C. Scott, of
Forest Grove,' spent Thursday
morning in Salem. j
. Mrs. Nettie Bruce, from Water
loo, was a Salem visitor yesterday.
H.I M. If Bibby, Brooks ex-service
man, was in the city Thursday af
ternoon i to have j his application
for adjusted compensation filled
out, j ; l j . '.;-; ' L ' i' .
Guy O. Smith was called to Mc
Mlnnville yesterday to look after
some legal affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Dietsch, of
Gervais, were in the city yester
day., Mr. Dietsch 'was principal of
the union high school at Gervais:
last j year but , is now connected
with: the bank.
Officer Walter Thompson, who
has been acting as thief during
the absence of Chief! of ; Police
Frank A. Minto, is now on his
vacation. He will rcjort back to
duty) in another two weeks.;
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kenworthy,
of Grand Ronde, were recent vis-i
itors In Salem. ! . ! ?
R L. Kirk,' former principal of
the Salem high School and now
connected with a furniture firni
in Portland, was in the city yes
terday. . " ' " !
Mr. and Mrs. Hf W. Barthelson,
of Woodburn, spent Thursday in
Salem. 7- i : j ' - '
Falls City was represented in
the city yesterday by Mrs. J. J.
Kreitzer and Mrs. W. E. Powell.
Harold Cracy, secretary of the
publicity and tourist comflttees pt
the Seattle -chamber of commerce,
was j in the city yesterday. The
fumigation of tourists from Cali
fornia at the Washington line
ceased Thursday, he. said. . t i
i Paul Moodhe. who graduated
from Willamette university three
years ago, has returned Irom Bo's-
ton, where he has beenj taking -a
course in electrical engineering a
the Boston Polytechnical school.
C D. McGuire, of 1394 North
Church street, has returned from
a motor trip to Denver. lie was
accompanied by his brother, Kay
McGuire and wife, who will visit
here on their Vacation. . f
rI Monroe Gilbert or the Studio
andj Craft shop spent: yesterday in
Portland. . ' ' ' I
Harmon & Wilson Receive I
Contract at Silverton
SiLVKRTON. Ore.L July 1 0.-4
(Special to The Statesman). At
th July' meeting or the Silverton
council three bids Tor the improve
men t of East Oak (street werj
openedi andVpassed I upon. The
contract was awarded to Harmon
& Wilson as their bid of )639S
was the lowest. The other two
ware: Lloyd Moser, $6925. and
L. 0j Herrold, 16854. V y.r ;
The bills for the month of June
leave here today, and soon will
return to the Philippines. He is
accompanied by Mrs. Johns. ; I
Judge Johns was v formerly a
member .of the Oregon j supreme
court, and resigned that position
to accept an appointment to the
Philippine post. I j
having been approved by the fl-1
nance committee . were ; ordered
pajd "by warants drawn! on the
treasurer.; Bonds of J. Bach for
conducting, pool halls in the city
were presented with checks for
the license fees, and as these; were
accepted tho licenes was ' ordered
issued, i A request of the secretary
of the public library for a refund
of the dance license fee was pre
sented adn granted less . the cost
of issuing the license. .A list of
owners of property where there
are no sidewalks-is to be; obtained
by thej chief of police, accordirig
to a decision made by the council.
On receipt of the list tho city re
corder will notify owners to build
walks. No further business aris
ing the meeting adjourned.
The Free Employment Bur
eau of the YMCA Did!
. Largest Business; Ever
The: free employment bureau
of 'the Salem Y.M.C;A. ; has been
doing a land office business-
the largest business of its history
In the past lour weeks, there
have . been sent out from this
bureau 15 SO men and women;
mostly to the farms, for cherry
and berry picking and other farm
worki.;j;- ! ' j 1 , j ; :: ' 1
' Not that many connected with
jobs; . but that many applied for
work and were direct-led to jobs-
There are more jobs j even now
than there j are people ! to take
them, i: - j . .-' J . -;
While most of tliosc who apply
for work are willing. to take what
is offered, jor at least the best
that is offered, some of them are
so particular that they will not
go out excepting they may be
choosers of their own kind of
work at their own pay. . ;
ltrilish Fl-et to Leave j
1 0.- Great Britain's special serv
ice sauadrori, which anchored in
San Francisco bay after cruising
over a large part of the -watered
surface of the world, wuond up
tonight a round of fetes, dinners,
dances and sight-seeing tours,
lasting three days. The fleet was
under ;orders to start for the Canal
zone early tomorrow. : ; v r
Remembering courtesy week?
- - .H" - A
Do it, and get the habit. 11 will
bo a great asset for Salem. . j
It is a far cry from the old
days when the "Salem hog" was a
term lot reproach for this city
and the present time, when , the
hog of the Salem districts brings
home f the bacon. Our packing
plant can use( still more and more
hogs, land our farmers are going
to furnish them. .? ;
. ; '.;
Another of the flax pulling ma
chined went out yesterday, to Rid
dle ; Bros., of Monmouth.- Push
them all out and let them pull.
':... V S t'i
Things are! going better every
day up in tho Santiam mining dis
trict. Salem will have a great
mining camp ! at her front door
n Bin
some day; and, it may be most
any day. The gold and, silver and
lead and copper and zinc- are
there, in all but unlimited quan
tities; and in such formations as
will pay big in getting them all
out. ; . r i
: v i
The candidates for vice presi
dent this year will .be both seen
and heard, j They will have the
center of. the stage; taking- the
lime light and the speaking parts.
' .
Clarence Blakeley says a hick
town Is one whose .inhabitants
can scratch when and where they
please. ."" . "i - I - j
The postortice receipts at Los
Angeles were 10: per cent greater
for June of this year than for the
same month of 1923, and the ex
ports from Los Angeles -harbor
were 30 per cent greater for this
June than for June of last year.
The foot and mouth disease slow
ed things down! a bit in that part
of California, but they are not
likely to : stay j slowed down for
long.. .. .- . . .; j -
Open for Business
The Cherry
Large Loaf Bread .
Small Loaf Bread
Fresh at 10 a. m,
fciectric Oven.
Fresh at 12 Noon
Try our bread and pastries
Chinese Iiazaar Big Sale H
Ve have all kinds of Fancy and Dry Goods' J , vL,
a nice line of Silks and Crepe Goods; make up all Dress and
Kimpnas, Silk Waists and Blouses, Gents and Ladies' Fur
nishings Goods, Silk Hosiery Underwear, Table Covers Bas
kets, Oil Paper, Sun Parasols, Chinaware, etc,
11 ' 261 X. COMMERCIAL. ST. .
1 " , -L ' SALEM, ORE. ! :
I , - i ' - i : - i i ' . . .
I. w. Sang Chinese Medicine Office Inside. Has medicine which
, h will cure Rheumatism or any disease.
i -.(.:'
Ask Yburi
"Buy it by the loaf "
Marion Creamery
Salem, ! Oregon
. c- -. '
1 1
FILE genuine
oak or mahogany. Holds
3x5 cards. Our catalog
showing this and many
other filing devices xrVX
1m useful, y
8- ' ' "
f If IV a for ihe OfRct t
S Commercial Beck
if Store
' That ) r 1
Prosperous ;
In rs qtiict way it
speaks volumes. '
When you have it, it
gives you confidence in
yourself and others con
fidence in you.
.;-: i
About the 15th of
City Cleaners
;; . C. F. Doane . J
I . .10c
from our sanitary
They are made, the best.
3r . ! : :
& Co.
Grocer for