The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 11, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 11, !1924
' it
Issued Daily Exeept Monday by i
1 215 Booth Commercial Si, Salem, Oregoa j
R. J. Hendrk-ke
Jobs U. Brady
rraxk JaskoskI
Tlia AimclitM Trfu ii exclosiTely entitled to tba use for pnhllcatioa of all
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and. alio the
local newa published hereia. i .
.'" business
Thomas 1. Clark Co, New York. 141-145
g. W. S. Orothwahl, Mgr.
(Portland Office. 838 Worcester Bldr.. Phone 6637 BRoadw
. . 23 : Circulation Office
- - 33-104 Society Editor . t
Job Department - . - - - i
Baslaeas Office
Vew Department
Entered at the Poetoffice ia Salem.
: - Press-Radio Copy ' '. ' :
Prepared by Radio BIBLE SERVICE Bnrean. Cincinnati. Ohla
If parent will bar their children memoiixe the daily Bible aelecUoona. it will prove
ft priceless hertts to Lhasa la alter aaia-
- July 11.
shepherd: lie shall gather the lambs with His arm. and carry them
In Ills bosom.- Isaiah 4 0:11. j :
PRAYER: O Thou Good Shepherd of the Sheep, enable us to
Uve'in the knowledge that having given Thy life for us. Thou wilt
also do for us all else we need. i 1 ';A
''The fruit that caused Eve to sin is commonly 'supposed to
liave been an apple. Eve afterward repented in tears and be
came a chastened and admirable wife and mother the' grand
mother of you and me. and other valuable folk. Apples tempt
to small misbehaviors; they do not permanently upset.
"Had the forbidden fruit been the Bing or the Lambert
cherry, Eve except for the extreme grace of God would have
become a hopeless incorrigible -? and we should j have been com
pelled to look elsewhere for a 'respectable grandmother.
"Even in this year of graoe 1924, inortals fall helpless in
tha presence of this seductive fruit when it is not barricaded by
the price mark of 50 cents a pound and upward. Even at that,
very respectable people in the Mississippi valley and eastward
fall for it. -.,.- ;t';: . ; . ." ! - .'
"But enter an orchard where there are hundreds of trees
reaching down long leafy limbs ioaded with clusters of these
great globes of glorious juice; or stand -before orchard boxes fill
ed with this cool fruit a deep, glowing black or dark mahogany
and polished like a piano top stand in such a presence, frail
mortal, and keep your hands off if you can ! You cannot -you
dignified, self controlled son of respectability
. 4 f Then what of an unregenerate cherry "picker up iii a tree
of these temptations? What of his infant progeny clustered at
the'foot of the tree among the filled boxes; or of his wife in
camp who knows how to cook Uig black cherries in ten different
languages! Do they resist temptation? j
: "Verily not! The children are dyed a deep purple inside
and out; black from scalp to toenails; their rompers stiff with
sweet juice and orchard dust; ; The drayman who hauls the
tempting load to town -cries "Oh dee!" and keeps a box open
behind his seat to dip into on the way. The crew at the com
mission house swarm about like" flics about open molasses and
the policeman on his beat picks at the pile the Greek huckster
haa pyramided to please the eye of the passerby.
"Had the good Lord. permitted. men in Nebuchadnezzar's
day to ''get hold of the internal combustion engine, the airplane,
the radio and the Oregon cherry, civilization would have been
one grand smear from Alaska to Madagascar, generations before
Columbus ever dreamed his dream about a westward passage
to India.
The. above tribute to our good- King Uing and glorious
Prince Lambert is taken from the editorial columns of the Port
land Telegram of last evening. . i
Many thanks! Our superb chcrrics arc advertised by their
loving friends. . j :
Speaking of cherries, the Cherry City of the World, one of
the man jr handles by which Salem is known, must wake up and
do some thinking, and some acting. i '
: For one thing, there must be compulsory spraying of our
Bings and Lamberts. This will not be necessary in the cases
of most of our growers after
J?or better than 18 cents a pound for sprayed Lamberts Js a
thousand miles ahead of. agoose egg for the fruit that is not
sprayed and must hang on the Jrecs and be consumed by the
worms that are the children of the flies that can be killed by
-raying. , , .:-';-:,(; ,! . j.';!--- ...
But there are bound to be unthrifty people who will refuse
to spray, and also Bing and Lambert cherry trees on laud in
di-pute or for other reasons neglected. These trees must' be
; j rayed, iii order to protect the trees of neighbors : who do
ray.'i : . !'';,, v -.:.:,-:--; lr' j Tf-':: IV; !
And there must be organization among 1 the growers, in
order that they may all get the high prices, instead of some of
If ein getting 4 cents and others above 18 cents a pound, j
So much for our black cherries our Bings and Lamberts.,
I'ut we must do something for bur white cherries; our Napoleon
Koyal Ann family. In the first place, something I must be
: : landed in regard to the tariff. The elastic clauses of the
riff law must le invoked, to raise the rate from 2 to 3 cents
pound, and there must be a demand for a raise to at least G
;it a pound--- ;,':v w yi: , ) .;!, -: !f iy ':'' ,;-.: v -
And there must also be organization of the white cherry
nvers. They this year received 4 to 5 cents a pound for
erries that should have brought 8 to 10 cents a pound that
re Worth those prices ; that must bring those prices, in average
. ars, in order to make the cherryrgrowing industry profitable.
Beautiful Lambert cherries were being retailed? in large
aitities in u Portland market the other day at two pounds
15 cents, and some growers in the Salem district were get-
4 cents a pound for such cherries while other Salem
trict growers were receiving! above 18 cents for such cherries,
ppcd all the way to the city of New York in cold storage.
3 New York retailers were no doubt selling them at 50 cents
ound or better; and to customers glad toiget them at that
c, and considering them Well worth the cost. How did it
pen that some of our Lambert growers got better than 18
.1 a pound? Organization. That is all. Is that not enough
prove the value-of organization; the absolute necessity, if our
rry industry is to be stabilized? " I 1
e notice that there1 is a good
of talk about the mortgages
country, about mortgaging
irm or house to buy automor
etc. Of course there ; is a
'cat of debt Incurred with
mobile,' but we doubt If
re many houses or farms
d to, pay them. i f
1 first place fow people,
i for automobiles. They
: tyiuents and the -balance Is
- on the car and not on the
'p farni. The balance Is
! into twelve monthly! pay
v ich draw, a high rate of
- - Manager
- Editor
Maaarar Jab Dept.
office: I . - -
Went 3th' St.; Chleag. Marquette Baild-
ay. O. F. Williams. Mgr.)
Oregon, aa seeond elaas matter.
He shall fowl
hi3 flock like" a
their experiences of this year-
interest and automobile paper is
considered quite desirable. f
There is a good number of
mortKages, a good many homes
mortgaged, but the average man
has" no moneyj given to him. lie
must work and pave. If he had
to buy a houiq for cash, he never
would get one. The building loan
associations and the partial pay
ment plans are the salvation of
the home owners of the country.
True, they pay a good rate of in
terest but they can better pay.tbat
than pay rentj VM f.
A mortgage; Is not I necessarily
an evil. It is something to get
rid of, or coursg.Linttllt, is guile
an , Incentive to cause 'people to
workjand save, t
jThe great troublei with America
Is our lack of thrift. We do not
invest., we do not save. We make
money ; but we spend It. Our
homes will be mortgaged as long
as wcj-feel that luxuries are neces
sities No one wants to live as
simply as our fathers lived but no
one should want to live as extra
vagantly its his well-to-do neigh
bors. r"We rather like the man
who never apologizes for his cir
cumstances. He Is the sort of
whpse self-reliance carries
through. -
Thjere will be no mud slinging
in tbjs campaign. The democrats
have nominated for president a
man of high character, clean life
andj patriotic purposei. He is a
strong man. John W. Davi3 has
been- before tho public for a quar
ter of a century and the people
know him. Governor Bryan, the
candidate for vice President, was
a sop thrown to the progressives
but he was a good sop Governor
Uryan is a man of good character
and will make a good candidate.!
Nothing can be said against the
personnel of the democratic ticketi
It represents upstanding American
manhood, but! the men nominated
will not govern this country the
next fotir-pyears. There's a rea
son for ' that. The democratj
party is not a constructive party-.
It is a destructive party. It will
fuse with anything or anybody
for the purpose of spreading muck,
and discrediting the republicans.
If the democratic party were to
run true to form, Walsh would
be nominated tor president and
Wheeler for vice president. - They
typify the party; and if thorough
ly respected men are nominated
they are simply wooden horses
put forth to catch the unwary and
win the election. !
The democrats are to be con
gratulated on the high character
of their nominees, but there can
be no confusion as to what their
election means. It means that the
Walshes and the Wheelers and
the men of that type will have a
real pnning. What happened in
congress will continue to happen.
Walsh said he would rathefe
elected to the senate than be vice
Tle! government spends a great
manj thousands of dollars,! yes
millipns, distributing copies of
speeches never delivered. It is a
favoj-ite pastime. ' It is said that
a good 'many men, hundreds of
menj for that matter, make their
living i writing these speeches for
congressmen and senators. They
are j carefully: written out never
delivered, It Is doubtful If the
reputed authors - even carefulfy
read th ;m over, but the dear con
stituents are supposed to be satis
fied, wi h these speeches and the
record. A great number of men
asHvell as the majority of con
gressmen are doing this and they
never tell on each other. i! i j
Tlivsc articles appear In the
form and are purported to bo
spexhe:i delivered in the house or
senate, but were never delivered
In I act, most of them contain 1114
tie of i iterest to any member o$
cou ;ress and,; in reality, they are
campaign material with the cost
or printing and distributing fall
ing on the taxpayers. Members
of ? both houses who are destined
to stand for reelection this fall
were especially active in using
thM privilege to print their idea3
on Subjects they believed of inter
est! to their constituents. : i I
"This method of making use of
the) TUMic funds to further the
political ambitions of an office-
holder pan riot be viewed other
wisje thlan as an abuse of prfvi-
legj? With the government print
ing; office doing free work for him
and the postoff ice department
making free distribution of ': his
campaign pamphlets . under ! the
franking privilege, the mtLn j In
office rains j an advantage over
opponents, and one to which he is
not entitled. '
Education is a great thing.
Education teaches j us how to
stady, to make valnes and get re
sults, jit does not form c
ter, however. ; Education
study show men had to find
arid th em-
In study we find
thoughts and appreciate
thinkers, great conclusions.' but
unless wo embody the conclusions
in our own lives and make re
valuations of ourselves we haven't
got the good out of education or
study that we ought to get
I Tho great idea is to study that
you may find yourself, that you
may learn to diagnose your own
case and awake the dormant; in
fluences that make for pcrmaan-
ent character. , Education! and
study , arouse the instincts for
better things and out of this
arousement there must come bet
ter things for ourselves, ji Edu
cation la a means to an end. That
Ijcnd is our own development, find-
ing ourselves, .and placing our
selves In the activities of the
world. ! ' '"
A man with a statistical turn
of mind has figured that it cost
eight billion dollars to run this
government the past eight years
and this stupendous sum is nearly
one third of the national wealth.
We are still spending like drunk
en sailors. The world has never
seen our equal. Even the federal
government Is spending four
times as much, money each year
as it spent before the war. Our
states, jour counties, and lour
cities are spending three times as
much annually as they spent be
fore the war. It is amazing how
we are spending, and amazing
how the people are paying their
taxes. I Some of these days thero
Is going to be a showdown. Gov
ernment expenses are unreasoha
bly, high. ;
Whenever a man promises to re-
duce expenses he is called a dema
gogue, yet we know very expense
from Washington down to Salem
can be Reduced. A president must
have a congress to " support him,,
the governor must have a legisla
ture, the state must have com
missioners and the city must have
aldermen. In all there is a need
for economy and all 'should prac
tice economy. When these money
spending bodies got down to busi
ness something will; happen, our
taxes will come down.
: It used to be that a neighbor
hood was about f. the size of a
country school district, and in the
city just : a little bigger than two
sides of one block, Now a neigh
borhood j does not have bound3.
The good roads and the automo
biles have enlarged ; our horizon
to such an extent that we think
nothing of picking up and run
ning ten to fifty miles to visit a
neighbor. c F
These good roads and automo
biles have dono a . lot for the
friendship of the world. We know
each other better. We like each
other better. We get along with.
each other better, j There is less
bitterness, less back-biting and
there Is more kindness and more
cordiality. Good roads are worth
all they cost for the better under
standing of men, and the automo
biles have vindicated themselves
by speeding up business and are
worth! all they cost as a pleasure
vehiclf to Increase Our joy in life
We are all of us better because
we know more people..-
It Is a pityi that water is so
dangerous. Practically everybody
loves water and nearly everybody
likes to go. in the water. How
ever, the tragedies following these
w a t 4 r excursions ; sicken our
hearts. We do ! hot happen to
know tho record In Oregon, but
inlhe state of Washington last
year I7C people were drowned.
Everyj one of the deaths was need
less. hEvery one was chargeable
to carelessness. It seems that
when jwe go into water we throw
our caution to the winds. We
rely On ourselves to master the
waterl In other words the under
tow of deadly peril Is entirely
disregarded. Because we do not
see it wej think it Is not there.
We are not discouraging going
Into water, wo believe in it, but
we also believe that every Ameri
can should swim and the Ameri
can Who can not swim should
stay In shallow water always.
Strange as it may seam, Oregon
docs hot have a pure drug act.
Fortyi-four states have such acts
and the druggists are going to
make' a determined effort to have
such a law. passed in Oregon next
year. Veare so entirely at tne
mercy of the -druggists and not
only must they be men of high
character but they! must have for
themselves a guarantee of pure
drugs. The public can detect good
groceries and good dry goods but
the public Is at the mercy of the
druggists. It speaks mighty well
of th character of the profession
tht without a law thev have
done las well as they have, but the
druggists and -the public both
need a pure drug act.
No; matter what' the democratic
platform may say. the administra
Hon, if the party is successful,
will jfollow the traditions of the
party. There will be no reform.
Tho democratic party U not a re
form; party. It is great in pala
ver, ! great in specious promises
but every time it . has been In
power It has shown the same long
ears,! the same disposition to kick
that lis characteristic of the ani
mal. j'!
The democratic platform tS
mad to catch votes. The demo
cratlc candidates first utterance
are for progressive things. Tho
public is not going to be deceived
It Is . the same old donkey that
was driven away.from the fbdder
in 1920 and If it comes back it
wjll have the same! appetite and
the country will pay) the price. , .
m 1
... : Llko TliU
Christopher Coot was much aloof
When walking with a.,Miss: f
And blushed quite red wlieu 'one
i had said, . , ; :
Why must we "walk like th Is?
She then ,remarked,iif you're iiot
f ;parkedV. , ! 4
Oh ! priy come nearer, Chris;
He! closer camel then' to the dame
And so they walked like th is.
Her home they reached and there
i 'she preached s
The virtue of a kiss. '
Ho reached for her, she did not
jt-4 stir, ; ' .
And then they were like th-ls.l
!-,. ! ! '. k: ' ';'!;!. .''I!
Now father heard the loving
I -;'-. ' word, ,''. y
He stopped their dream of bliss.
Poor Mr. Goof Is still aloof.
For he went out like this. ?
Richard Cruse;
Tho Reason,
Blackstone: "No matter whore
he! goes he always gets credit.'!'
Webster: ; "Yen,' but he never
goes to the same place twice!" .
i i E. II. I).
Meant Ruslnews
A burly negro entered a; hard
wire store with ''blood in - his
eye." " v ' ! : ,j!
Ah wants a razor," he roared
at. the clerk.
"Do you want a
safety; razor?"
asked the clerk, politely.
;"Naw," said the customer, 'Ah
wants one of de, mos' dangerous
rahzers what you got!'.'
, Little Bill.
Comparatively! Speaking ; ,
Molecules and atoms
May erated very small;
But they-l can't compare, on Fri-
days, ' '
With my bankroll at all!
Alex D. Wiemer. :
' : A Fable '
It was a dark.j gloomy: night.
and the road wag lonely. Bang!
A tire had blown out. The heart
of the man was very black, and he
s'Qre. , ,' ! '. j . .';
It was another night, more
gloomy and lonely! than the first.
Bang! A i tire had blown out.
The heart pf the same, man was
Tilled with joy and he grinned
into the night. He had his girl
with him. '! v .
j ; ; Verses and Reverses
. 'I i J"' ,' '' ' 1 ... :.' f-
The camel has an ugly huinp, :
As it he fell and got a bump. I
i w '- '.. ! . ii 1 . : '
A fly upon a sleeper's noso r '
Is like a thorn upon a rose.
I ; . - Ill ; . .. !.': ;
The; hoptoad hops, tlc serpent
crawls. . :'-.,!
The eagle flies,' the waterfalls.;.
j iu. ' 'r iv ' ,; "XI
Iilove to sleep, I love to shirk. j
While better men go off to work.
! r.-' : ' . vi ' i
.1 ' - J
The apples' on the branch so high
Will sink at last -to apple-pie", i.
, I Ji VI - ' '
The sun it has such ample light: j
The moon can borrow it at night.
And 'spite of all tho moon' can
j : borrow, .-. : -,!, ' ;j '
Ther still is sunlight for tonior
1. ..row. : . ' ''.: : i' ' ,.''.;' j"
i . Samuel Hoffenstein.
Tlio lolerri Motlier
'-i Robert: "What Would your
mother say if she caught you
Oollean: "She'd swear I was
stealing her cigarettes again!" :
-Louiso Beuda
j.. : . i Fitting
"What excuse do. you offer Tor
calling your husband a 'mule'?"
"Well, he's stubborn, and he's
always kicking about something."
i Harry J. Williariis.
i . The Fair Reward
The cash I spend jwith thee, dear
I , heart, . , ' . j. .i'Vj'"
j" Is like -a string of pea.rU to me;
i! count it Over, every coin apart,
I My! salary, my sal-a-ry! " ! r
I ! Emily C. Hatton.
' CliunhvNews
! "Well, darling.; what did you
seo at church today?" a little
three-year old was asked after her
first-visit to a real church service.
i "Oh. muvver, ilsaw de funniest
tiling-: dere was & manydat said
his prayers and den he didn't go
to bed." . i ' !
j ; u Frances Mlnot.
i Th female of the species L is
stjspiclous j of the, male. i ' . .
i ' The Matter With Ratify L
"What in creattoti' was the mat
ter yurabouts?" asked an inter
ested ! neighbor. , ! "I culd ; hear
one of the kids yelling clear down
to tho creek." ! -
"Well. Til tell you." replied
bap Johnson, ofiltunipiis It idee.
"Wife was sewing a patch on the
sat of Bantys pants. With Banty
inside of 'em b'ruz lo didn't have
any others to pfit on, when Mizzus
Glggery droppeIf In and began
terrTrgvTT6aUiestf of scandal. It
got more and more Interesting,
and wife sewed faster and faster
and paid less and less attention
to what she wag doing, and got
so excited over the story that she
never even heerd Banty's howls."
Inning and i OutinzH i
His office hours were on his door.
He; kept them? Yes like fun!
He golfed the while that lying
V sign - -M j
Read: "In from. ten! to one."
At last there came a client j -Who
did not swear or pout.
But underneath those hopeful
words . .; 5 y. " , '
Wrote: "Ten to ouo you're
. ' ' out." . . ; j: !
! Sarah Keding'tou. .
I Dry'. Rag Fluttering
As! Reported by Jay B. idon
Ezra Pjngle. of ; Clover!
x-diui, who Keeps summer .ioard
ers, was leaning on the front fence
talking to a new arrival th other
day, j when out in ! the meadow
1. , .
nearjthe river a youiig ! m:in clad
in 'a j bathing suit leaped high in
the . air and . detoured
to the
ground, hi3 outstretched
to his
lending considerable grace
movements." - ;
When he touched earth
hii rebound was! anagn
Then like an excited fawn, he
leaped and ran across the " mea
dow, I where i he endexl his exhibi
tion, with a most! beautif til dive
over jthe alder bushes into the
"Interpretive dancer?" asked
the new boarder. 1
"Nope, birmblo bees," said Ezra
Pingle. :
Mountain Mush
I love the mountains, yd
u too,
John dear,'
The craggy cliffs, the streams so
Tho sea-coast" views, don't think
me drifty.
Please sign a check and send me
J. L. Barry
Jones: "Did the cop pick
Smith up when he was speeding?"
Officer: "No. the doctor pick
ed him up after he quitj speed
ing." '. ' : ' ' I ! .
j J. Clyde Thomas. .
Readers ar requested tft'ieoBtrfbats.
All humor, epigrams (or humorous mot
toes), jokes, anecdote, poetry, bur
lesque, satires and bright sayings of
children, most be original, and unpub
lished. Accepted material will be paid
for at regular rates. All manusrripta
must be written on one aide of tha
paper only, should hear name: of this
newspaper and ahould be addressed to
tha Fun Shop Editor, The. Oregon
New Phase of
pyright, 1922 by Newspaper
Feature Service, Inc )
what madge finds; she
must discover 1n allln
Brakes eyes ;
. j ''" 1 '
At my request that ,she bring'
m el iiome flowers, Marioc tiartei
tov"ard me to give me 'an ecstatic
litgle hug, then slopped, short with
a houghfulness far beypnd her
year j. " j j
tl almost crushed your) dresV."
shf cried remorsefully,; "but. oh.
Auiilie Madge, you're jusjt like a
picure iu that gown. And those
BcaVlet and ; orange hastiurtiums',
the ro exactly the; colors to set
yoi off. You do'-1 think of. the
nicest things, I'll hurry like every
thing and get them. , 'One! of each
j I ' '
- J - ; I
, j tj 11. Kriday I.ions clubj picnic at
LloyMj T. Iteynolds grove. .
Jily 20, Kunday Dellvert Kejcves post.
Anietjian I,egirn of Silvprtonj host to
lei.fcjer of Marion and I'plk counties
at inenic on Ahiqiia river. i-
Jilly 16 to 23 Uhautauqua season b
Salem. . ' ! -.
Ajusrt 1 t( 16. Boy Scout summer
camp.j Cascadia. !
Sjtember 24 to 27 Oregon slate fair.
Blanks That Are
We carry in stock overi 115 legal blanks suited
transactions. We may have just the form
saving as compared to
i Some of the forms, Contract of Sale, Roid, Notice, Will forms, Assign
ment of Mortgage, Mortgage Forms, Quit Claim
IBUI of Sale,; Building Contracts Promissory Notes,
' 1 T ' n C
These forms are carefully prepared for the Courts
on forms range from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and
to 50 cents,
from Grandpa Spencer's room, you
said."" " ; v : -1; . - j . vv
She! danced off, repealing my
last injunction, and I turned to my
mirror again with eager question-?
ing. -f- ; j :" . ; i.
; Was it true what the child had
said. r was the! compliment simp
ly the tribute of her j childish
imagination? I renembe;red that
Dicky! had jsaid laufehingiy when
he had designed the; gowi for me
that it brought out the "red hair"
of me referring to the auburn tint
which my j hair holds n some
lights'. . Bit Dicky had c xpressed
no unusual admiration when I
first had donned the dress for-his
inspection. Indeed, I had felt with
a trifje of pique1 that he was more
concerned wifh the success1 of! his
own ianditork thn with my ap
rearance in the gown.
I scanned myself relenl lessly in
the jnirro for the litjle lines
which tell me" that my yLuth was
flitting away from me. But ; ex
citement had given me the fillip
I needed. 4nd with a little gfati-
Hcd thrill. 1 acknowledged not1 the
truth of Marion's words 1-1 Wasn't
po vain as that ;but the undenia
ble fact that I had nevtir looked
better than I did in this; gown.
Madge Is Triumphant
.1 possess Very few Jewels, all of
them presents from Dicky and my
father, and I opened my -ase with
:i distinct idea of the thing which
I should select, . My father had
once given! me a necklace of
quaintly-carved' Oriental ;bead3 in
t dd shapei. strung irregularly up
on a slender silver chaiiil This I
fastened around my . neck, t and
when Marion breathless
and tri
umphant,' Returned with the flow
ers, I fastened them in myj cor
dage. Tpen I bent to kiss the
child whose eyes, wide and! lus
trous, refrained fastened on me
fn the -enthusiastic 'admiration
which only childhood cain give
the most! genuine feeling in the
world. j j I- j .' .
; "Pun and tell Mother itrii ready,
sweetheart" I said, 'and jwhen' the
child ha4 departed oheiently,: I
turned td I my: mirror agaiin I with
a most unholy little feeling of
triumph, j ! j
"I'm old enougn to Know bet
ter, am IV I mocked aloud. "Well,
perhaps am, but I'm still young
I i Khaki
:-'- ' For Men -'!-'l!' '
$40 Heavy Khaki Cloth
: i I Coats, price
1-!. $3.50 !
$6.00 Khaki Moleskin
i Coats, price
i $4.50
?6.50 Khaki Gaberdine
Coats, prico
&L50, $1.50 and IS5.00
in heavy khaki cloth, khaki
moleskin and khaki gaber-
dine ; about all sizts
42. 1 1 ; ill .
j I $2.85
Men!s Dress and Work Trousers, prices $3.00, $3.50
M $4.00, f 1.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 -I
f The well made Days line. Union Made
ity Of
to 20
size garments, for biff men. We make a special
extra sizes; bocks up to size 12; Shirts sizes up
Overalls and unionalls up to 52. Underwear
up to 52.
Men s and Boys' Shoes. All Leather
Shoes that are guaranteed to give satisfaction. - Cost
littl more thin inferior shoes, made for special sales.
No fiberoid or composition substituted for leather, in
our shoes. : ; - :r '.. .; j-:. . -
244 and 246 North Commercial St.
you are
made to order ionns.
A i i rr ( Prn nn -TJ vlr a to rA Pnrla
The Statesman Publishing Co.
! At Usalne! Offlc, Ground Floor, j
enough not to sit down tamely in.
a drab dress and knit by the fire
place while my husband disports
himself at a luxurious Adirondack
cam p." 'J ;'."-
Not until then had I realized
fully how deep niy mother-in-law's
fdrictures had cut. She had taken
the position that I was past the
age for youthful gowns, that I
had no business making mysel;
attractive. -Indeed, so caustic hid
been her words that I had won
dered if I were not Josing my
youth, and the first freshness of
V'hat Dicky in his atrocious slang
Lcalled "the map and mop" w,aicu
first attracted him ,
A Sure Test.
Dicky's flitting to th
the city, hH
reference to Edith Fairfax, this
trip to the Adlrondacks all had
intensified my fear that I was los
ing my lure for my hi"tbant-
i The particular little devil which
ajways comes to mo when I am
troubled whispered! in my ear:
"Why don't you find out?"
'"Kind out what ." I answered,
startled into speaking, aloud.
VYu know.". The answer came
almost as distinctly as if it were a
spoken one, and startled, shaken,
I knew that I did recognize tho
meaning of the question.
; If I were really losing my youth
and attractiveness.l knew with a
certainty which told nte how sure
Jy;I had jead the maii. I would
read it in Allen. Drake's eyes.
Fastidious to a fault, selfish and
spoiled, his regard for any woman
I knew would be but admiration,
which would automatically cease
when her attractions lessened in
.any degree.
For a moment, my ccihscifiice
lifted its head and tried to speak
to me, but another glance at
Dicky's telegram ! made me ruth
less. And as the ring which an
nounced Allen Drake's i arrival
sounded through the hous, I t?ent
another satisfied little glance into,
the mirror and went down rtairs
ko meet him.
(To be coptlnned.)
Four Player Pianos ,
Slightly used, at a great sacri
fice in price. Ten rolls of
music and bench with each
player. Very reasonable terms.
Geo. C. Will. 432 State St.
Men's first quality heavy
grey fine striped "moleskin
coats $7.50
Pants- to match $5.00. :
Lees Unionalls
Highest grade line of union
alls. We have the best as
sortment in Salem. Khaki,
blue, express striped, also
Boys' Bib Overalls
Boss of the Road, 2 grades
Medium or Heavy
Boys' Lees Unionalls,
Sizes 8 to. 16, Best
Unionall Made
Blankets for Outings
First Quality.
$1.90 and $2.29 Pair
to most any business
too rung ior ai a pis
Deeds, Abstracts form,
Installment Notes, Gen-
Qfjlrt Pnpnmta Tf
and Private use. Price
on Dote books, from 25