The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 11, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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- : j --....-. -FRIDAY.
i uiA .11 1L.U.
os - 'Tw "v2Si? v., if
rhono 1
! DONEY arrived home from
San Francisco on Tuesday ! eve
Inlng after attending the wedding
of. their oldest son, . Paul, onj Sat
urday evening. They were aecom
'paaled home by Hugh Doner, as
well as Rev. and Mrs. Paul Doney,
who, after spending the night in
. Berkeley, joined . them " at Ash
lland.. - Rev, and Mrs.; .Paul Doney
(Lucy Holt) will be in town till.
'prpbubly. .ovef ; Sunday., Hugh
I Doney, wlio has been" spending the
'year at Harvard.; is ' home for the
summer. ' lie plans to return; to
school this fall. '
- ' '
.The Tillicum Dancing club will
enjoy a picnic on Sunday on Mill
creefc near Aumsyille east . of
town. Various plans are being
made, for the anticipated, affair.
I Johnnie Jones ,,: has entirely aa
k sumed the dinner . responsibility.
The committee in charges in
L eludes:, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn,
i Mr. and Mrs. O.-L Martin, and
f Mr. and. Mra..F. G. Delano, r
Among -those planning to par-
Slicipate in this summer ?vent are:
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn.. Mr. and
Mrs. W- I. Needbam.. Dr. and
Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mr. and Mrs.
i J. C, Perry, Mr. and 4 Mrs, Cal
)PaUQn,.-Mr. and Jtfrs. E. C. Qtrinn,
I Mr- and. Mrs. Ralph Whiter Mr.
land Mrs. II. O. White, Mr. an
Will sacrifice beautiful 7 - '
: Grand Piano
- People; movedrttA-California
and left their -hautifnl grand
piano to be sold. Will give
terms of $15 per 'month.
Geo. C. Will, 432 State St.
Latest Style Regular $2.50
Selling this week;only -r-at
AH Sizes and Colors.
Tfi3 Captial Exchange
P. STXIKJtCkrPropl ;"
342 'Jforth, tommercial" r
!" Phone 1368-W. ""'
Mrs. Clyde Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Hubbs of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs.
HarryJ Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
McElvain. "Sir. "and Mrs. Ernest
Thorn. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Carper,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. j llhlett of
Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Casey F,
(1. L. Mar
ti. Delano,
Martin. Mr. and Mrs
tin, Id. and Mrs. ' P.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Bentson of Silver
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bowen,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue, Mr. and
Mrs. P. E. Pullerton. Mr. and Mrs.
O. L. I Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Gab
riel, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gleason,
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Green, Mr. and
Mrs. Roma Hunter. Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Jiuckstein, Mr. and Mrs. C.
M. Inman, Mr. and i Mrs. E. Ai
Kurtz; -Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kapp-;
hahn.J Mr. and Mrs, Iouis Mish
ler. i' ' i .
The members of the Congrega
tional church will hold their an
nual picnic on 'the lawn of the E.
A; Miller home, 1500; South High
street; The; men of the church
will join the women, who will
meet during, the afternoon, for a
picnic supper at sir o'clock. '
J ' j -Mrs.
W. C. : Kantner, after a
difficult throat operation at the
Salem hospital, was able to return
to, her home yesterday, s While she
i convalescing nicely 'it will be a
number of days before she is
completely recovered.: ;
-. .'.: I
Dr. and Mrs. E. C Hickman
and daughter. Mary Elisabeth, ac
companied by Mrs.; Hickman's
mother,' Mrs. J. T. von Berg, of
Albert, Lea, Minnesota, will leave
on Monday for, a ten, day motor
trip up the McKenzie jiyer. Later
they will visit Crater lake and
the Oregon caves. ' , '
i Mrs. von Berg, who is accom
panying the Hickmans, was a
visitor in Salem earlier, in the
season. In June she attended the
commencement exercises at the
University of Oregon at which
time a sister" of 'Mrs.' Hickman,
Miss Dorothea von .Berg, received
her degree. .. Since the exercises
Mrs. von Berg has ; been" a guest
at" Seaside', of her daughter Miss
Eva von Berg. ' ' I 0
Last week the Hickmans en
joyed a camping trip at Rock
away", .They, returned m . Tues
day. I ' j
Miss Grace Taylor ; arid, Miss
Gladys Steele, atfcordftig toc"etit
word ' Tecetved t Jiere,"? seut'i from
New Orleans, are ''now on their
way .home from Detroit " where
both attended the nurses conven-
Yon can always buy
with confidence in
, ... tt - : : r ,
f - ' STOOGE y '
4 1:
It is our aim to give the best possible
value to our customers at alLtimes
Children's English1 Rib Hose .in black, QQ
brown and sand Special a pair 0G
Children's Black Cotton Hose, T r ! A
Special good values. Special a pair OCand 1 7C
Women's Cotton Hose, they're good sensible,
everyday cotton stockings. Splendid values. Black
a:.......:.,...:...' 19c, 25c, 35c
Women's Silk Hose
In Black Only
Meet every .demand for service and
J comfort. Special, a 1 pair .-.IX;. ...
. : , .; , '
Handreda of remnants In jnst the right lengths for chll-y .
rtren'n 'wear or women's dreswes, blouses, kimonosr etc. -ii
Volte, Ginghnm, Cotton Suiting, Windsor' Oepeir and "f,
, Percales - ''
receive prompt attention. We pay the postage or ex-
press within 4 radius of a hundred miles.
Salem Store,
466 State SU
, Portland Silk Shop,
383 Alder St.
1 orzzr 1 j mm r m
lion, and. front Washington, n. C,
where Wi$s Taylor attended 'thp
convention of the. National Educar
tlonal ; 'asfiOciatfonnThejr are rei
turning by the southern route
and plan j.- to make "stops' in Ixs
Angeles and in San "Francisco.
Miss Taylor 'and Ifss' Steele have
been gone for five weeks, having
left on June 10. i
Mrs. Adt Strong left 'earlier in
the week: for Agate' Beach where
she will ; jin the P. D. Thielsen
family who are occupying their
cottage for thefsumnifr.
1 . , .
Miss Mary Elizabeth Hickman,
daughter Qf Dr. and Mrs. E. C.
Hickman, fs visiting with , friends
in Tortlani. She will return the
first of thtj week. "
, : . i , -. ..
Miss Rith Field is expected
home tomorrow from a ten day
visit in Vancouver,, Washington.
Mrs. Zeria Thomas, of Salem. Is
now . in Portland Xor the summer
taking extfnsive music wofk,ua
der Mordaht A. Goodnaugh-:
, 1 . I : .
A number motored to the Jef
ferson city park oa Tuesday eve
ning to honor Miss Christine Hal
verson at la picnic dinner. The
uffair was Sin the nature of a. fare
well compliment for Miss Halver-
son who leaves in the near-future
for a five Weeks trip to California.
The hostess-guests were: y Miss
Jane Wyajtt. Miss Marjorie Will
son". Miss Mary McKinnon. Miss
Alice McKinnon, Missl Mollie
Schwabbe, Miss Salome Socolbt
sky, Miss Miriam Lov'el'K Miss ''1m
ella Pattph.Mu. Margaret Mont
gomery, abd Mrs. Helen Stewart.
' !:- j ' V '
Announcement is made- of the
birtn7ot.4 daughter, weight nine
and bne-hjalf pounds, born yester
day morning to Mr. and Mrs. Man
fred Mohr. "Mrs." Mohr was Miss
Signa Pstrtn before her marriage.
Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Laughlin
moved the first of the week from
their home at 666 South Summer
street to Court street, corner of
Seventeenth. ;
A'-y '
Mrs. W. E. Anderson and hlr
niece, Mjss Jenn Anderson of
Spearfish, North Dakota, accom
panied by Miss Dorothy Marsters,
were guests yesterday "in Corval
lis. i "
The Woman;a Missionary society
of the- First Congregational church
will mee at 2; 30 o'clock this af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. E. A
Miller, 1500 South High ; street
An interesting "program has been
plannedrj with the following the
hostesses! for the day: Mrs. M. D.
McCallister, Mrs. Reitz. and Mrs
William McGilchrist. Sr. j
? hi- : : -v 1 I - I" ' ;
The members of the Three Link
club will meet this afternoon, in
the club : rooms. .
: " s . ;
Mrs.-Lester Barr left yesterday
for Portland, and Newberg. In
Newbergl she will be the guest of
her mother, Mrs. Malcolm McDon
aid. Mrs. Barr plans to return
the first of the week. !
The Missionary society of the
First Presbyterian church will
meet at 2:30 o'clock this after
noon in the church parlors for a
patriotic and Americanization pro
gram. The talk: on Americaniza
tion will j be given by Mrs. W. W.
... j .... .
This year Chatitsucpa twxngs
to you one of tiie foremost
speakers of the nation, Edward
Amherst Ott. His lecture,
" Sour ' Grapes,' is one of the
great classirs of the pJtfbrxxu
Sixth mght imly. 1 1
Emmons. A group of pupils from
the daily vacation Bible school will
give an. interesting, demonstration L
tyUfK,, -v: iUS JfU , tiuu-
son wilt give; a'piano'solo.' " ' '
The afternoon hostesses are:
Mrs. Henry J. Millie, Mrs. J. C.
Wyatt, and Mrs. Glen Adams. '
! Dr. and. Mrs. C. L. Sherman and
three, children, ; Eleanor, Elaine,
and Charles.jjr, returned the first
of the week from a five-days out
ing UP the McKensie river.
Miss Susan Chaffer is enjoying
her summer j vacation In Everett,
Wash., as the guest of relatives.
Miss Chaffer, in a letter to Mrs.
P. W. Brown, writes of seeing oc
casionally her relative, Charles
Cone, formerly a teacher at the
McKiniey Junior high school. Mr.
Cone iti engaged in chemical work.
Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Moore and
daughters, Lucille and Dorothy,
motored on Monday to Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bechtol of
Montpelier, Ohio, are spending the
week with Dr. Mary C. Rowland;
Mrs. ; Bechtol is a cousin of Dr.
Rowland. " Leaving this week-end.
ihe Bechtols will visit in Leba
non.! - ' ' ' ' " '
Miss Marlon Zinser. went to
Newport Wednesday to enjoy her
vacation at the beach. She holds
the position; of stenographer at
the state .school for feeble mind
ed.;! . :
' Mr. and Mrs. George W. Alien
of Portland, who have been
guests at the ihome of Mrs. Al
len's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Huckestein, j since the. Fourth of
July, left , Wednesday for their
home. On :the Fourth Mr. and
Mrs.; Allen j and '( Mr.' and Mrs.
Huckestein. together with Mr. and
Mrs.; A. E. Huckestein enjoyed a
picnic outing to Jefferson.
l Miss Mary Findley will leave
this t morning j for. .the . Metholdist
Epworth League institute in
Washington.! She will stop at
Portland and Seattle. . The Insti
tute opens the first of next. week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J.. Preciado,
after, "an enjoyable two weeks vis
it with Salem relatives and friends
left by automobile Wednesday for
their home at San Bernardino,
Cal. They Iwere accompanied, by
Miss Eva Sande, who will spend
the summer at that place and Los
Angeles; " . : ..(.- ,
! ,
Mrs. Blanehe Burroughs, ;Miss
Ethel Burroughs, ' Mrs. Emily
Wormley of Cbico, Cal., and Miss
Celia Burroughs of Oakland! are
guests this i week in Salem at the
homes of Mrs. F. P. Talkington
and Mrs. Margaret Burroughs1. Af
ter their Salem visit the group
will take a j trip up the Columbia
highway and later to Rainier' na
tional pafkw
; .
Miss Carol Currey plans to leave
the middle of next month for Hon
olulu where ' she win teach next
year. She will sal on August 12.
r-.;- Uy Marion ellet . f
HE time U ab hand, It seems,-. Afl'a- Fleciei caught the unreient.
ing into-a proper literary Eist and ' th cold aloofness of her
perspective hand real w4r Bjilendor. Inl his story he tells how
ryarhs may , be ' .written, llassan. one confectioner of Bairdad.
There are already fewer novels and Came to mukef "the' golden 'journey "to
tnuKttxinc. storiei glflng voice to the Samarkand," !hon he learned of the
soul-travail, the -' heart-echef; and the treachery , of f princes, and saW" two
grief tbut are' part" of the -frightful lovers choose Sx-tween eternal scpara
game of jMars. : ,1 tion and a ifay of happiness closed
Kipling Is writingwar yarn about hf . death' In torture at sun-set; and
men and, trenches and raids and ra- bow at last In soul-weariness he
tlohs just as he used to write about turned to the desert to 'listen for
India ' and the liarrack-rooin ;with the voice of the emptiness of earth.'
pamos uu.t wjto woiHiroqs , liumor. JCassan left the market place of Bag
One of the best of these, "A Friend dad and joining1' the treat summei
of theFaniily,". appearing In the July caravan pasrfd through the Gates of
issue of ; Hearst's International, has the Moon. f -
the real Kipling twist. It i the story It Is'a draroa of color and passion,
of . one of, those quiet Insigniflcnnt written to the tune of camels' bells
men whom the war brought; from the and tinkling innktet and heavy with
God-forsaken sheep-walk of J" Aus- the; mystery bf. Untold. tilings.
tralia, ij man used to the open skyi " , i
to loneliness and to sheep, "the one A Slirewd Bit of Satire, Sharp
created tiling he'd ever open up on." n.,f i A Alt it i. J .
Hickmot had a kn.ick for occluding UuL Aj'f at AU ""kind
us personauty, "like turning off. a
tap. 'He was anaturol born camuu
flager. lie could camouflage himself
and he could enmouflage air. raids to
E. ONTAGUE Is Inclined
I'll! A L
i urueye m( ior a really
aristocratic scamp the vul
ture pt remorse is little more
order. . SUgiag a private; air raid oamea longing to do
for the jjake.of a rlend U a mere "I1 over again, and more carefully.;
nothing to a man who is' used to God- In Thm Hit Ltt Loots just' such a
forsaken!-' til aces and to slieen: -and delightful ! young Irish rogue eraces
that it . why, as the narrator, con- the office of a conservative newspaper,
eludes with a touch . o( the old iw- A IUnd may be of inestimable value
perialistic ' pride ' of the, islander for. at a rfporto)-ial post. He may, by
his" provinces, 'I'd hate to have ah th magic ofhia words and his intre-
Australian have It In for me for any- Pid' irreverence; convert a criticism
thing. I'd done Jiis friend.", - of music Into the .report of an art
yU DnmacJ Color Wftgrto' ff ft'LS?
' JO I Itne Of Camels BelU ' himself dismissed from hoth J1
B or the most successful pro- plorable accident which befell Colum
iluctions on the London stage f"ay. 1 ' i ! ; '
during "the past season was If Montasne's storr is built noon
that of James Elroy Flecker's any moral precept, it is that ,"John
? play," HoMtan, enacted accord- Bull the publicist and Shaun Mc
Jng to the text of an edition recently Grath the leiml exile from Erin are
Issued by (yvilliam inlerdependefit." Now Fav's employe
London). In his short 'career Flecker er was a -goodly man -and just and
probably nver wrote a -more fear- well skilled In the ethics of petrl
somely beautiful piece o literature, faction, but Fav'bad a war with
and, with, the recent publication of words and wth typewriters and even
the play, in revised form and the sub- just r men aometimes haw to aduiit
sequent proauction, it is coming into their mbtakes. ' r- -
an- Inevitable if tardy popularity. It's a shrewd bit of, satire levelled
Huston. Is an Oriental drama that at a certain' jelass of men, nhose ex
eyen a. lover of the Arabian Xjghts acting servants; of mankind'', "bitter
might approve. .There is in i it -none, ly seth doing the masses good.' It
of the tinseled gaudiness of the con- is sharp, but It is not utterly un-
vpuiiunai tjcciueiiiai imiccpiioii of Kinu.
Nineteen attractions nineteen
big reasons) for buying season
ticket ! Here are a tew of them
a .. i . . . , , j
Guatemala Marimba Band
Cosh Opera "Robin Hood"
Drama-t-rTb Great Cooaaoasr
Chief Stronghestt -Arthur
77alwyn. Evana ;
Auk Concert Artists
Stmtam ticket tola positively
Safem, July 16th to 23d
No , Sunday Programs ;
J- i " ' V .-".'. r ' j .
Season j ticket prices: t Adults 93,
student $2, children ft
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Cleave,
son T. A. and wife and Mr. and
Mrs. ; Crowe of,, Moscow, Idaho,
Mrs, Phoebe Payne of Labish Cen
ter returned Monday, from the
coast. A -:, ; 1 - :
Mr. E.'Kirkpatrlck: and family:
of Fresno, Calif., have been visit
ing his sister, Mrs. W. B. Davis.
,Mjss Bernice Salisbury ot Port-
and; Is visiting her aunt, Rev.
Leila Luckey.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clemens gave
a delightful picnic to their rela
tions and many friends . on the
Fourth in their park. People
came, and went all day-,-, About
50 were there for the picnic sup
per. The Ben Clemens, park win
be one of the popular picnic
grounds,- being, three miles -from
the Pacific highway. 1 M miles
from Silverton paved road on the
new road ! opened past Murphy
cemetery and Haxel Green school
house. . i 1 -'';.--
It took a man from Iowa to
show us how beautiful a grove of
our Oregon firs could be. The
Underbrush: has been cleared out.
leavinr ferns, ocean ppray and
other shrub. The natural spring
of sood water tarnished with a
pump, the swimming pool with a
giving board, a stove for cooking.
Ralph Van Cleave's baby has
been . sick.-! . . - I
Mr. and Mr8. F. ' Hashlebacker
eave a picnic to friends , in their
wnoda. . Friends Of Mr, Hasnie-
backer he knew In Switzerland 25
years ago added to their pleasure
LIVESLEY. Ore.. July 9. Mr-
and Mrs. Will Coolidge ot Salem
are staying with Mrs. Alice coot
Idee for the .summer. ;
" Noble Henningsen and brother.
Howard, went to Dallas on the
Mrs. L.1 M.' Query of Portland
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C D
: Mr. and Mrs. Jay Harnsburger
Jessie Ekln and Bonnie Daven
port spent: the week-epd at New
Port. . ". :if i;-"','f :.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas
went to Pacific City on the fourth
Mr. and Mrs. John Orsrbom
spent the fourth at Ketarts.
Gordon Greenstreet of Portland
f '-',': In "Beaii B rummer
.John Barrymore, paragorr of acr
tors, and the last word in matinee
idols, graces the screen thfs week
:end at the Oregon theater- In the
starring role of "Beau Brummei,"
the screen adaptation of the famed
Clyde Fitchi playj This classic of
the screen opened yesterday to an
enthusiastic audience who thrilled
to the impersonation given of the
most vivid character that ever
flashed through the Social life of
Europe. . : , -V ';:,-.;- :
Flair Is what this role requires,
and flair' is just what Barrymore
possesses. ; As' the dandy par. ex
cellence, the dandy who dominat
ed the court of the Prince Regent,
the exquisite dresser and Insolent-'
ly superb wit, John Barrymore
carries off honors. He seems
made for the role, being, like the
character of the Beau.: the perfect
flower of a gentleman. .
; Barrymore throws all his unique
talent to interpret the gorgeous
ness of life, the; singularity and
dramatic quality of Beau Brum
mei, who .began life obscurely,
rose like' a meteor to social, fame,
got a memorable snub and re
treated to "disgrace an J - j
Ha is splendid when he IciiL.-; ,
himself into the good graces, of
tlie i Prince .Regent,; admirable
wjhen jie :savP9. the,reputatlon o
ai too impetuous young lady,1 en-
viable Svhen he collects "around
him all the cream of English so-
ciety to listen to bis epigrams and
ekamine. his cut of -clothps. and"
pjltiful when, toward the close, he
bjecomea a parody of his Jiast
splendor. .' v -
. f We follow the hectic career of
the Re-au with rapt intpresf, and
regret the speed with which the
picture comes to an end.
- The supporting cast,
riervee ' high praise, consists of
Mary Astor, Willard Iouis, Irene
Rich, Alec : B. Francis, Carmel
Myers, William Humphreys, Rich
ird Tucker Andre de Beranger
ind others. The able direction Is
jty Harry Beaumont; . V. , :
j; We, recommend "Beait: Brum
mei" as a picture you will like.
: Incline to full feel Ins after eat
ln, sassy pains. constipation.
Cleansing and comforting - only ,2S
Mrs. Charles Richardson iorWash
fheton spent Thursday and Friday
with the! t relatives, Mr. land "Mrs.
p. A Henningsen. vi
. Mr. and : Mrs. S. C. pavenport
arid family motored to -Dallas on
the fourth:
Mrs.' F; Borgelt accompanied
her daughter and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe; Rlngwald, to Newport
for the fourth! . i
A. Brown and wife wjio nave
rented ;thesttre belonging to No
ble Henningsen, went, to a coast
resort on the fourth. i ,,
oEfe iilennlrigseh of Portland
was at home from Thursday until
Monday morning. ; " ' '
Mr. and Mrs, Bud Stutesman
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitrwater and
daughter, Marie, went to Portland
:he fourth and spent the week
end with, relatives.
Mrs.! J. W. Thomas who has
been ill for several days was taken
io the peacone8s hospital Monday.
' Sir. and Mrs. P. A. Henningsen
made a trip to Monmouth Friday
where they , visited relatives. ,
Mrs. Julia Henningsen attend
ed the W9st Salem picnic at the
Dr. Miles farm ion the fpnrtb.
Mr. and; Mrs. B. Kersey and
family of asadena, Calif.,: spent
Saturday apd1 Si nday at the home
of Mr. and? Mrs." H. B. Carpenter.
; Misses A;nhie and Jessie Marlin
fipept Monday with Mrs. Coolidge.
Mrs. Alitje Coolidge is entertain
ing Mr. and Mrs. J. Fell and Mrs.
Jennie Brdwn who are motoring
lrom Iowako Los. Angeles, Calif.,
Dallas Fire Loss Is
Heaviest During June
The fire! lloss in Oregon during
June, exclusive of Portland, to
taled 1415,08, according to the
monthly report of 'Will Moore,
state Insurance commissioner.
Fires aggregating .losses of $10,-
000 or more were: Alpine, mer
cantile building, hotel, garage,
$42,000; Bend, docks and logging
cars, flo.OdO; Coos cpunty, gar
age and barn, siz.uuu uauas,
lumber miil, $175,000; Empire,
hotel, warehouses. mercantile
buildings, i-esidence, barns. etc.V
$20,000; Klamath county, olt der
rick and DlanV. $20,000; Klamath
Falls, laundry, -$40,000; Lake-
view, warehouse, $12,000.
Salem's Hosiery
i r
Is the Feature
Price 1
Eighteen Colors Besides RIack and While.
- '. i. l i- " ' - t
Chiffons and Regular Weights
lo m
'' : : :: ;
i Advance
vv,!L. - i .ri PRICES
.".". :':.".: ':-.-' ' , :Y.' V i ' !,
m .it. ;:?: Li:'.:.r-?
f.fei hari'-:'b ,-Mfvi-rfT!
X r.
mrT ft XT' 1
ONlfY't'-r, jZ?
'in- i.M
f D) fiStD ) I tTK f :v : hi
1 Hi
1 3 Performances Daily
The SpreeS Wonder Dog
Famous Belgian Police Dog ;Actpr who has ap-
j iti.. uci. U-t A m.T;Vi.Tin?
peared - with "Strongheart' and
in many pictures and his master ;and, trajner
!- ; :. I ALSO ::;. ; h ' !;
Firt Pictures of the
Portland Rose Festival
is -"f i -j . : ::., f i ,J , ;. ;,. .
(The entire program under the
auspice of (be; American Legion)
, , k 4
"I did not think
Tan wear & brldtl cows
ror notlr,,-r-nd tkn
wa B a u " BrammrKa
faith' in lore and women
battered. Tjje.tnrBins
point which ehanged a
loreahle youth -int 4
nerinr -rTnie who rojt
to success on' a elothear i-.
horse, whose t only; for A'
fune was uin diH-iH.t"' i f
aad wnose lame lay i .
mm mm im
1 -l,v:.;,,'fiiijKis,Bia
is visiting, with Mr. and Mr- S
;13.-Rlchardson -?fcnd-Mr-i-aa4
f tn.'o.T "! "1:-
A .1