r - v. T THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON . jTHURSDAY MORNING, JULY 0, 1924 'At 1 action Mi Plac lass rem s G ifled Sa Great Jt ) A i 1 ri 4 I t. I - 'jt (i. f f WOOD FOR SALE It J INCH OLD FIR, 4 FOOT OLD FIR, . second rrowth oak snd ash. Pnoae I9F3. M. O. Usyfield. Ilj6tf 14 INCH OLD FIR S A CORD. 16 iaea 4tj second mttk. Phone 13B1M ; . lljlylS 1C INCH OLD FIR. 4 FOOT OLD FIR, second frewta - oak and ash. Phone 1F3. U-Jae27tl ,WHT NOT BUY THE BE8T OAK, ASH. i first sad second growth Fir at reaeoa able pricea. Phone 1879W. ll-jl25 : CALL 115 -.Kl;r"i for yeur cttl and wood. Low summer i pries. Immediate or later delivery. . ll-jnelSU ftOR 8AJUC DRY SECOND-GROWTH ft wood, 4 ft, for lavneslinte) dsllvsry v ; Piom 101 , 4 fl BEST ORADS OF WOOD 4 FT. AND 10 Inen. ' ' : Dry mill wood, i Iry Second Growth, fir. Dry old fir. 4 foot Ask sad Oak. -; 1 Prompt delivery and reasonable priee i Trod K. Walls, 80 South Chare. Pkmo 1S49. i I U-inelBtf WANTED tnlsceUaneoiia 13 .RANCH WANTED TO RENT OR MAN S age-en percentage. Might consider low - term pnrchase. : Address full particu lars. Frank Leone Ue, Gen. Del., Salem. i 13 jly!2 il i RELIABLE PARTY WILL CARE FOR homo while owner Is away on racstion. : References exchanged. Phone 1578 J. - . . , . " 13-jlylO WANTED BLACK 3IAZZARD 8EEDL ing cherries. Pick them, dead ripe. ' Pearcy Bros., "237 State, , 13-J13 BASEMENT DIOOINO AND TEAM wort i by eonlract. Call IT. Haprl7 WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TC taka f am pa par sabeeriptioas. A go proposition to the right people. Ad area the Paeifle Hamostoad.. Btstsamat Bldg.. Balsas. Or. . WOODRT THE AUCTIONEER BDT1 aaod raraitare to sesa. Phona 611 MISCELLANEOUS Id FOR 8ALE SIX ROOM HOUSE, TWO lots, . barn. Highland ; Ford track or ', tractor considered; terms. Phone own er. 2024-W. 14-J15 WE BUILD .CABINETS OP AI,l De signs ia new or old bouses. Price and workmsnship are guaranteed satisfse4 lory. Phono 17 67-M. 14-jl3! ELZCTRIO AND ACETYLENE Welding service. C. D. Oppsa. $49 Ferry and ; 17th and Oak. 14-jlyl8 WOODSAWINO PHONE. 142. 14-ilyl5 INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE. "CON . eordia." . None better. Mrs.- Moyer. 147 N. Commercial St. Room 6. ; - - 14-Jnel5U PREPARE NOW FOR A RAINY DAY- Lot ' - ; Mathews The roof man, repair and repaln rmr roof while tb ana ahiaes. : Phdaa 167 14-jnel0 HELP WANTED female 17 WANTED WOMEN TO WORK ON berries. Northwest Csnning Company, Trade and Liberty Sta. Phone 415. - - - 17-jt3 JTELP WANTED male 18 EXPERIENCED EIECTRIC WIREMAN. Address P. O. Boa 3 3 A, or phone 690R, Albany, Ore. . - - -- 18-jlylt . . . male and female f 19 i 'n i in ' ' ' LOQANBERRY PICKERS Phone' 88F31 : - ' l-jlyl2 WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS ; - 8 miles south on, Liberty road. K C. Day. . ' ' 19-jlyl2 LOGAN BERK Y PICKEB8. PHONE 49F5. LOST AND FOUND 22 LOST LADD BC8H BANK AND chock book., Thomas M. Carry. Find : ef leave, at Statesman office. ; 22-10 LOST SMALL- BLACK AND- WHITE dog. Answers to nsmo of Buster. Re wkrd," Phone 814M. 22-jlyll LOST. B KINDLE BOSTON TERRIER dog Satnrdsy, oa the River road south of Salem. Report at 600 Mission St. . Reward. - - 22-jlO LOST POCKET BOOST OX TTLLA Book road, eoataining $35. Return to - 215 Ceater 8t. ' 22-ily4tf LOST SOMETHntO FlltD TTT PHONE a wast ad to Ike Statesman. Paeae 28. S2-mtf PERSONAL 23 CET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL . paper published." ' FREE for! stamp. "rrTMndnt, Toledo, Ohio. M 23-o8 LOANS 24 C0VE&NMINT LOANS ON FARMS IVk far coat. F. L. Wiikiasoa, 202 F. B. Vatinasl sk bldr S.tti HEAL ESTATE dty 25 : . oww YOUR . HOf.lB THREE ROOM HOUSE, LARGE LOT, paved street; $1650. 5- room house, bsrn, paved street, cement wslk; $ 1900. -. roonr -nr bungstew, paved street, $3500; $400, down, $35 a month.; J large business corner, $19,000. Fairmount Heights lot, $221)0. . tFairmount Heights lot, $6O0. . , ' Other lots and houses close la for -sale. - ' I "GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE -: 492 North Cottage 25-jlylOtf BARGAINS ONE OF THE BEST .homes lis Soeth Salem, near Liaeola school; " two lots; 7 rooms; modern, $3500; terms.. . J 5 roam, plastered, modern except best, two lots, fruit, $2500. $300 rash, - real like rent. North Salem.. 'New houae, plastered, modern except beat, $2000; very easy terms. j Rooming bouse and apartments, fur niture sad lease. Want car. . Paying - b a sines a. Sea Barber,, 200 Gray Bldg. ? -. i 25-jlyl0tf ; FOR SALE Nest -4 room house on 24th St. Gs ' rsge. Price $2150. Good terms. 3' room house ia North Sslem. Price $550. Owner leaving and must sell. . tModera 5 room ' stucco bungalow. "East front. - Oao block to car line. Price '$4400. . Mod era new bnngatow in South Sa lem, corner lot, paved street. Price . $4500. Strictly modern 5 room bungalow in the- Oaks addition, paved street, cement walks. Price $5500. . Classy 5 room bungalow In tba Rich mond addition. Price $3500; terms. -' KRUEGER 147 North Commercial St. Phone 217. '.!' ' ' ' 25-ilylO FOR SALE BY OWNER MODERN three room plastered bouse, l.arre lot. Osrsre, fruit trees. 270 Rural. Phone 1130W. . 25-jlyll FOR SALE MODERN 8 ROOM' HOUSE, basement, built-ia fes tores, csrars. 161 REAL ESTATE city 23 i GOOD BV NO A LOW BITT8 , 4 large rooms with breakfast nook, and puill-ins. Large bsth room, hall 1 and closets. Full cement basement, fur i Bare and laundry trays. Oarage and i paved street. Only four blocks from postoffice. A real buy for S3800 with f rms. ' . ""!. -: :;. V :' : ' 5 rooms with large bath room, hall I and built-ins. Hardwood floors, f ire- place, baaement. .laundry traya and fur- nace. Paved street. Fairmount Park addition. Price only $430O with terma. 5 room bungalow of stucco finish, modern in every way in North Salem. Price $5000 with terms. f - s 5 room bungalow in East Salem, just built, for $3400 with best of terms. These are all new bungalows; you : can have immediate , possession. See us to? buy your home. ; i CIUIDS A BECI1TEL 540 Stap St. i 25-j1y9tf LOOK Wo bare 6 good houses to exchange for farms and small tracts; store and 7 room bouse for small farm close in: 7 room house and 3 lots for small house and 1 lot close in ; 1 acre and small bouse -lo in for bouse and lot. THOMASON 831 State St.' 25 j6tf ' ' t- . - i : ; " - - i ' ' I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. COME in snd look these over: $3200 buys this 6 room - modern bungalow on Wilson street, south lot, 150x100, s sure bargain. Also 22 acres I near Independence, no buildings, on highway; price $3000. Will trkde ' both for modern residence in Salem, Ore., up to 845UO. a $2650 buys a 4 room cottage oa North 17th street, plastered, basement, . psvement, lot 45x185. 4 room bungalow in Richmond dis . trict, new; come in snd look it over, price only $2150; $200 will hsndle. Here is a real trade 9 room mad era cottage, nearly new, on Marion i street : partly : rented and bringing a fine income. Price $9000 ; will trade ' f-jr a farm near Salem. i 30 acres of fine river bottom land !. all in cultivation; 3 .room cottage, good 4 well and pump, 4 acres logans, 24 " acres in filberts, one year old. Will trade for city property or whst , have : ' you f , 'r - 6 acres of fine lsnd near the city limits of Salem. Fine 6 room semi bungalow, good barn and outbuildings, ' S acres of fine wbest ready to cot; t' all for $6500 or will trade for city .'property.- .'" -u Moisan & Ulrich 122 North Commercial. Phone 1354 5-jetf TEN BEAUTIFUL l aCKE HOMESITES just beyond city limits; high, sightly, wonderful view. Each $400, 10 per ceat down, -$10 a month if taken soon. Splendid value. Harris, Phones 1013, i 1B42J. 4 25-Jne3tf Best Buys and i Exchanges ? 12 room apartment ia good repair. Income $90 per month. . Will consider trade; price $5250. - 5 room bungalow. North Salem, want acreage of about -equal value; price $3000. i I 2 new stucco bungalows, stucco gar age with each, located at Annabeim, .Calif.; income $100 per month. Will exchange for acreage sear Salem, not over $16,000. . ? Restaurant in best location in Salem, i0nly $180O. -; ...q.,: Money to loan, i j Socolofsky, Realtor 841 State St. ' Phones 870-12 12-M : s 25-lltf LOW PRICED HOMES OF REAL 't- " VALUE ' -' $1000 Boya 8 room home with large brick and cement fruit house, large lot. some fruit. Located 14 blocks j from heart of city near South Com- merciat street. $300 down, bslsnee - less thsn rent. HERE IS A REAL BUY WELL LOCATED. $1100 Buys new four room bungalow I with two lots. Built-in kitchen, screened porch. : THIS HOME IS RIGHT UP TO THE MINUTE. I XT US SHOW YOU THIS TO ' - DAY. . Terms $300 down, balance like rent. i $1550 Buys 4 room plastered ' borne . - in North Sslem, on paved street snd alley. Modern in every way. u ' North front, full basement. Terms: $200 down, balance $20 per month. $1750 Buys 8 room garage house with 90-100 acre of land. Corner lot on Soutk Commercial street csr line.. Paved street. Aeresge set . out la young Filberts and Walnuts. HERE IS A REAL SNAP IN SMALL ACREAGE IMPROVED. Terms: $200 down, balance $15 per month, i SEE US TODAY ON ANY ONE . I OF THESE IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO. , ; , ! W. H. GKABENHORST A CO. 275 State St. -Phone 515. . ; 25-jly2 ! WE HAVE BUYERS FOB 'S modern 5 room homes in Sslem. ; 2 ' modern 6 room Jbomea in. Salem. ; 1 modem 1 room home ia Salem. : Call and let as know what yon have. ? McGII CHRIST A PENNINGTON Room 209, U. S. Bank Bldg. Phono 140. j .. ,v, . :.; 25-jne28tf ; "WE ALL DIG FOJt DOLLARS" - New , 4 ; room bungalow, 'basement, : furnaea. Wonderful view, paved street, i This is a bargain at $3500. 6 room bungalow, paved street.- A snap, $3000 ; terma. New : 4 room bungalow, basement, i furnace.! $2000; terma. If you have equipment, and' $1000 I can sell to you 157 acres, excellent soil, 0 miles from Salem, good road. Will give 20 years to pay balance. ; RICH Lv R ELM ANN - : Realtor ! : 807-308 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1013. jj. v i , 25-jne29tf FOR SALE GOOD BUSINESS) . LOCA- : tion, close in, ideal for filling station. ; If you want : a bnsiaess site see this. For trade, 8 lots with 14 year old fruit trees ia Oregon City. East front close to school and just oft highway ; to trade. Would make a beautiful : homo. ; Will trade for smsll house, in i Salem, balance cash. Mrs. Moyer, 147 N. Commercial St.' . ' 25-jne25tf MINUTE MOVIES r TltE DIAMOND 1 GOOD " OH 0 IS RESCUED By A . COUPLE Or llEAL ESTATE city 25 WOODS BARGAINS NINE ROOM house, close in, $2000. Seven .room house, close in on pavement, $2700. Ten - room house, good location, $3500. New bungalow, $1250. Nine room strictly modern bouse, swell location. $7500 3'J0 acre dairy ranch, $35 per acre:; take part eity property. r. u. wood,- t 841 State St. 25-jCtf 287 HOUSES FOR SALE BY ACTUAL eouutjto select from. Several farms . for 'trade. Fair Equitable dealing. , ii FLEMING REALTY CO. ( 341 State St.. 25-jly4tf STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN I Highly improved 80 acre farm close in to .exchange for city property. Dandy nice 5 room buogalow $3500; will, exchange for smaller bungalow. liarge 7 room .bungalow, fine home, well located, $4000; exchange for small business. , ,- ! 10 jscre suburban home for cheap stock : ranch further on t. . Moaey to loan on good security. !i PERRINK A'MARSTEKS Commercial Club Bldg. 25-jly9tf FOR EXCHANGE 6 ROOM HOUSE and - 5 good lots, for close in acreage. 6 room i house and 8 lots for close in acreage. 13 room modern houae and 10 Iota Cor large farm or eastern Oregon land. ( Stock ranch ia Valley and city ' property for going farm in eastern Ore gon. 'City property in homes from $1, 200 bp at your own terms. Barber, 200 Grsy Bldg. 25-jne22tf MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE COM pletely, newly! and artistically furnish ed.? See owner on premises, corner Osk and Liberty. ; 25-Aug2 PRINTED CARDS SIZS 14" BI TH" wording "For Sale, Enquire at." Pries 10 i Santa each. Statrsmaa Baaiaass Off tea. Ground Floor FOR SALE OR RENT 5 ROOM .FUR aished bungalow $2800. 8 room modern bungalow, close in, furnished throughout, $6300. 5 room new bungalow, basemeat, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, ga . rsge.f oak and fruit trees, $4500. New 6 room - - bungalow, hardwood floors, basement, , furnace, fireplace! double garage, $5250. 9 room new bungalow, corner lot, $4200; $500 down. $40 a month. . Lots, close ia for sale by I i GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 493 IKorth Cottage. 25-jne27tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7", wording "For Rant,' ' price 10 - cants sack.) Statesmaa Business Offiee, oa Wrownd FVv ' : BUSINESS opportunities 26 j BUSINESS INVESTMENT If jyou are looking for a good busi ness $3000 to $10,000, come in and see; Mr. Fleming, Room 7. at 341 State St. Your business held confidential. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. SI i 26-Jly4tf HEAL ESTATE farms 28 Hop Vard For Sale BEN F. WEST 370 H State St. A 920 ACRE FULLY EQUIPPED E AST- era Oregon stock ranch, including 60 bead) cattle for sale st $10,000. A Willamette Vsllev . fsrm no to 85.000 will be accepted in part payment. : A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. " ZB-jiyioti Dairy 6i acres all in cultivation and fine soil, dandy barn and comfortable house, on paved highway 8 miles of Salem, dandy stream of water, timber for fu'L Haa ($20O0 worth of cows, hogs, chick ens, team, farm machinery, and 35 tons of hay. The l best I have ever listed for $9000; some rash and a small home in or near Salem. , 88 acres partly equipped for $4500; part (trade. I 18 acres Polk county, 4 of bearing fruit comfortable buildings, 3 miles of Dallas, $3200; terms.. .'I I -. Robinson OrfgOn Bldg. 28-jlylO ,! - TO , EXCHANGE t Z' acres with good improvements, all fine land, only 31 miles from Sa lem. I Good road and near achool. Suit able if or dairy and chickens. Want Sa lem lor Portland proprty. THOMASON, 3316 State St. 28-jly4tf j j A REAL SNAP I ' 20j acres of bearing prune orchard Bear! Liberty school. Price for quick sale '$5500. Has fairly good crop for this lyear. ; i W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 275 State St. 28-jly2 USED CARS for sale 81 Before You Buy LOOK AT A Certified Automobile ' 255 N. CHUDCH ST. 1921 Cbev. tonrinr, new paint, spot lirlit, wind shield clesner, new tires; $275. 1922 Overland touring, looks like news - $340. - i- ? , ' 1920, Dodge roadster, new psint, spot (light, wind shield cleaner, snub bers j $365. i 1920 Cbev. baby grsnd sedan, new psint, vixor, spot light, mirror, plush upholstery, bright snd elesn; $400. 1920 Buick 6 touring, a beautiful ear to drive or: look at; $495. - 1921 Studebaker light 6,' original . paint, bright as new; $695. 1922 Hupmobile special touring, bumper, spot, vitor, disc wheels, mir ror, i wind shield cleaner; $775. .These carl are overhauled and are ready for hard f aerviee.., , Certified Public Motor Car Market ' 1 1 ".- ' 81-J12 CHEVROLET TOURING. GOOD TIRES. looks rood and runs good, $90. Nearly new Ford touring car; we can save you a lot' of money on this. j NEWTON CTEVROLET CO. :'.;-! - --I stmt tTJBlTtUE ISEES MME. PlNCUFTTE. VJJU0S SU3PCCTHCf WAViM$ 1 SToiexj WE CMAM0ND ITOP -SOETWIAJG- fCM TH& , STEAMER TO A CONFEDERATE . HE DiVS ATtfeB THE PACk6t eat isSsTonned eA blou; TUB. MEAD SMsT -rV4ANKS.MEIs. - cjswr NOW VUT USED CARS for sale .81 THESE CARS HAVE BEEN TAKEN IN on Packard and reconditioned for sale. Frsnklin dmi-sedsn one of the latest models, driven only 4000 miles, fully : equipped, i 3' spots, trunk rsck, bumper and five balloon tires. Front seat turns back for j sleeping accommodation. Six hundred dollars less thsn cost. , 1822 Buick 7 passenger with Hex en cloiure top, fully aquipp-d with almost new tires, ) finish- in fine condition, $1250. -!. .i - J Lste model Jordan; 7 passenger fully equipped, ! 8700. J Liberty chummy roadster, $-100. t All cars guaranteed and to be sold on libersl terms. '.. l MacDONALD AUTO CO. I Service Station, 560 Ferry St. 31-jlyl3 FOR SAUK 5 19 J2 Gardner touring, : first class Shape, $(iOO. 1 1923 8tar coupe. A-1 shape $G25. 1917 Ford touring, $83. '(:"' ! 'V (Terms) . - BURDF.TTE ALBKE MOTOR CO. 186 South High Phone 1828. 21-jll USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring cars $ 85 to $350 Roadsters $ 75 to $325 Coupes j.. $375 to $450 Sedana i - $225 to $450 : Light deliveries $ 65 to $275 i Ton trucks ;. $ 85 to $385 "Bugs" $125 to $225 All cars are guaranteed. Liberal terma. see our low priced ears for fruit haul ing and outing trips, 865 to $150.. I VALLEY MOTOR CO. ! Phone 1995 260 N. High St. 31-jneStf PUBLIC NOTICES Notice of ' Intention ' to Improve i Mission street from Commercial T street to Saginaw street, 1 Notice jis hereby given that the common council of the city of Sa lem, ' Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to im prove Mission street from the west line of Commercial street to the west line! of Saginaw street at the expense pf the abutting and adja cent property, except the street in tersection, ; the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Sa lem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a three inch bituminous wearing surface on an old redressed macadam base in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by said council July 7th, 1924, and which are now on file iin the office of the city 'recorder ana are ! nereDy maae a part or this notice. '.'. v r The common council hereby de clares Its purpose and intention to make the! above described im provement by and ' through the street improvement department of the city iof Salem. , By, order of the common coun cil the 7th day of July, 1924. j H -r-M. POULSEN. City Recorder. ; Date of first publication hereof is July 10, 1924. jly22 I NEW CORPORATIONS 1 J The following articles of incor poration were filed yesterday: ; ' Astoria i Flour Mills company, Astoria; incorporators, Edgar W. Smith, L- C. McLeod. G. C. Ful ton; capital,' $1,000,000. j I Eugene Clothing' Manufacturing company, Eugene; incorporators, Carl Koppo, J. E. Shelton, O. C. Erickson; capital, $5000. ! f Wade j Brothers, Eugene; incor porators, I. D. S. Wade, Fred B. Moxley, Mary F. Wade; capital, $50,000; mercantile. f Photocraft Studios. Salem ; in corporators, C. M. . Cof f 0y, X. A. Brockman, W. H. Parker, Lola M. Shrode; capital, $15,000. Under; the blue sky act a per mit was Issued to the Pacific Brotherhood Investment company to sell stock in the sum of $200, 000.' Ceneral offices are in Spo kane.' - 'y f -. . I Under the blue sky act a per mit was ' Issued to the California Oregon Power company of Med-, ford to sell stock in the sum of $1,000,000. OWN YOUR HOME SEE ADS UNDER THIS HEADING ON THE CLASSIFIED PAGE TODAY it ' :: (All rights protected by The George Matthew Adams vi-!r-l J- IM ALU A ClXJQ3 fJONi) ' ow SUEy " ADDRESS TAKEN FROM . NME. PlNCHETlES CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Bnsineui AMBTJLANCB AMBULANCE SERVICE. 1AT OR aigkt. I -r AUCTIONEERS ;u- i ' ; t. N. WOODRT -Expert; Livastoclc, furniture, real estate AUCTIONEERS , Res.! 1810 N. Summer Paoae Sll for . sale dates. , j L. E. TALBOTT I- Auctioneer ' ' Faona 470--202 U. S. Bank Bldg. v ' I :4 -.', I , O. 8ATTERLJEK - Aactioaeenng Rooms 25-20, Breymaa Block Phone 430 or 1211J. jne-12tf ATTTO FAUmNO HAVE' US REPAINT TOUR OAS WITH our new permauent. finish. aaaurr Caaa s"..-.. Higk Street at Trade. AUTO REPAIRING) WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. Buyers of old oars, metal, rags, pa, per. Auto wrecking. Parts for all car 50 to 75 per cent off list price. 875 N. Commercial. Phone. 588. m-25-tf Cylinder grinding, crank shaft true in g. We're specialists. lonerite Ma chine Shop, i Automotive machinists, 849 Perry Bt. BATTERY ASD ELEOTRICIAN Court . Stv JOE WILLIAMS PRESTO-LITE BATTER T SERVICE Ststion. Export battery and electrical work, j-arria liroa, faone 1B0, sua Coart. ' ' R. D. BARTON EXIDK BATTERIES - starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. BICTCLES AND B.41RINO LLOTD E. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICT clee and repairing; 887 Court. iOABFET AID RTSO WEAVING SALEM CARPET -CLEANING AND Piuff Rug Works Rag and fluff ruga wovea any sise without seama. New, mattresses inade) to order. Old mat- " tresses remade. ? Feathers renovated. I buy all kiada ef old carpets for fluff rugs. 13 Va and Wilbur streets. Phone 1164. Otto P. Z wicker. Prop. i OSIEM PHYaUCIAM DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 158 B. High St.. Phone 283. OHXROPOCISS DR. 8. P. BOOTT, GRADUATE HI t tonal University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Tern-'. Pkona 80. OEXBOrSAOTQYa DR. O. L. SOOTT, PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; res. 828-R.' - : ' . i CLEANERS DYERS SATFM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phone 1868. We spe cisiiie on one dsyjervlce: 1 OOVSuXTZKa -SKOXNEEBS CIVIL. OON8ULTINO. CONSTRUOTION Oonstraeung eagiaeer. bvt-"j, wm mates. Jne. EL Neef, 819 Oregon Bldr. Paone T75. OO NTRACTO ES rOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT N. ISammor atreet. Phone 874-J. CHERRY CITY OONTRACT1NO CO. General contracting and building. Esti- auates gladly farnTakea. Phone 1867R or 69F12. ' t36tf DRES3MAKINO PRINTED CARDS "SIZE 14" BT 7H" wording "Dressmaaing : price u seats each. Statesmaa Baaineas Offiee Ground floor. ' " " ELECTEJCIAN1 SALE If ELECTBJO CO. M A 8 O I C boildiBg. Pkona 1200. . ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co.h Psoas 1984, 222 N. Uberty. f IiIINIR ELEOTRIO CO. Houae wiring by Saw or eontraat. Es timates furnished. Phann 980. 471 Coart St. HAliXK ELECTRIC SHOP . dectrlc Fixtures i Washing Machines . Vacuum Cleani 37 Court St. f Phone 488 .' Res. Phone 702 J :, TINANCIAL . ; LOANS LOANS LOANS j I can make your farm or city loans, best service given. ; If you need a kn, see me; and If yom kave money te place, see mm I always hsve takers. O. W. Laflar, Orecoa bldg. ,-. !.-.'? - LOANS . ' f ' Farm and City. ' ' Most liberal rates aad psymsas privilecs . f i HAWKINS A ROBERTS. f SOS Ore. Bldg. Salad, Ore. . i . 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM a eity or farm property. . Reserve Da : posit company, 71 Eourtk Street, Port . IMA M ..--!. Servlco - - Trad" Mark Registered U.'S. Patent Office) IFEANUWiLE PlNtHcTlc LANDS RN0 MASTHJS "Tb j THE . J PLACE M v iTliFRE I -r BUSINESS uid Profcsaioaal Firms Arrangeti im AlhaUtical i . Oraler for Quick Reference rXKAJTCIAL i Farm Loans i f i 5H y ANDERSON a RUPERT. 40G Oregon Building FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, no commission. Protscta agsuist sdversity. City loans, lowest . rates, monthly instalments, pre-pay- ', meat privileges. 3. C. Siegmand, room , over Ladd Bush bank. : - j City Loans On improved property or fas' Improved purposes. THE BEST and essiest way to psy oa loaa is our monthly installment plan. 98 payments of $14.14 repsys a loan of 81000.00 and interest. ii Equitable Savinga A Loan i Assa. ANDERSON RUPERT, ' Agents . - 406 Oregon Building r ARM PAPER TP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to tke Pacific Homestead, Salem, Orsgoa for. a three months' trial subacriptioa. M a a t i a a this ad. i POULTRYMEN BEND EIGHT TWO eaat stamps j for special 'three months' trial for the best aad oldest journal' ia the west. . The art ic lee and advertise ments are of special interest to the . poultry breeders of the Northwest. ., Northwest Poultry journal, 811 UOnv roercial street. SUetn, Oregon. ; ! FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral w r e a t k a. decorations. O. T. Breithaapt. . flosist, 128 N. Liberty FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIRX0- tora, 810 Center. Phone 1650. FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture lor leas money. 172 Uourt, - rsone 404. j PEOPLE'S FURNITURE 8 TORE NEW aad second : hand famitare; : 271 ! N, Commercial. GARDEN PLOWTSO GARDEN PLOWING. DISCING. GRAD- ing, ton dirt. Tucker. 1125J. m4tf HXMSTXTCHXNO HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. F'jEAT- ing. The Petite Shop, Room 6, oVer Basieks. j : n29tf SALEM ELITE H EM8TITCHIN0 pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work ; 328 Oregoa bldg. Phone 879 MRS. O. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler'e store. Phone 11 T. . . HOMjcSOPATHZO PHYSIOLUr ; DR. L, G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIST. Does a general practice. Treats Goiter, Gall Stones, and Dropsy, arising from disease! of ' kesrt, liver or kidneys without operation. Office and resi - denee, 39 N. Liberty St, Salem, Or. Phone 147. J ' INSUaAjrCB ! WARREN F. POWERS 1 Life, Accident, Fire, Automobile 219 U. 8J Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone 807 LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and wouien, 474 Court Bt. b II I 111 LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 318 8. Liberty street. Phono 25. oldest largest best. Established 1889. '4 CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 1264 Broadway. Phone 185. , LUGGAGE 1 00MS HEBE I The best buys in hand luggage and, trunks. MAX O. BUREJT Furniture 179 N. Com'L Salem ! MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY . PSone 517-W. ' j MTSXO LE8SON1 A OODXB1 IN BUSINESS PIANO playing". Pnnalsr avneonatad standard masts, lessons. Bemi-elassio and ballads 12 Waterman Piano School, no- Cornsck Bldg. MUSXO STORES SHERMAN, CLAY A CO, PIANOS Steinways, Duo-Art en otbers. Moora s Muaie Hoase, 415 Court Street. GEO. -O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, aewing maehinea, aheet muaie, aad plan studies. Repairing phono grapaa and sewing aaaehiaaa; 4J2 Stat street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stilt furni ture 004 Music uept. XATUROFATHIO PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND ehrenie diseasoa; 41S Oregoa Bldg. Phone 110- ! ' glEBPE. ; plNCWETO. wer husband who mas picked ! UP "TfcE. PACKAGE JjQ AND HAND OVER TMSyfpi . r s diaonP f u ? 1 ylVKC Ll i4' )m DIRECTORY VURSES FOR PRACTICAL! NURSE PHONE 1493R ..:-(- jne-ZS FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE : 1524. k ' . " 25t rOR PRACTICAL NUB SB PHONE 1484M. i a2Stf aTTRBERY STOCKS PRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 28T Bute, i i OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. i Charges reasonable Exami nation free. 262 N. Commercial St. i PAPEBHAXGXVG AND FAXNTUfG i PHONE GLENN i ADAMS FOR HOC8E decorating, paper kanging. tinting, eta. KeJiebl workman. . . 1 , ' GET MY ' ! FREB SAMPLE BOOB for comparison MAX O BUBEV Furnltnre 1 179 N. Com'l. Salemf PZAXO TUJTERS EDWARD WELP BXPESIENOBD Pl an toner. Leave orders Will's Masie Store. r - 4 PLUM3UIO PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsber Broa, 141 S. Liberty. Phona 650. , , . .- f9tf PLUMBING REPAIRING ANT COIL work. (Phono 495W. Shop 127 Union street. 'A. L. Godfrey. j RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES mads or repaired. 3. C. Bair, 286 State St. ! I RADIO ' RADIO DOCTOR BALEM ELECTRIC CO. i 8. BARTON, Prop. Masonic Temple Phone 1200 . RJEPAXRIVG ALVIN ! B. STEWART ' 84T Court St. Umbrellas. I Cutlerv and Kara Lawnmowers, i rasor-bladss, .scissors. . KDH-ee aai tools ssarpeaed. SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE r GAR bsae and refuse of all kinds removed by the month, j Reaaonable rates. Csa pools cleaned I and dead animate ro- movea.1 Phones : Office 85. Hes. 58 zoosa HAND GOOD a WANTED i EVERYTHING IN: CLOTH ing and snoea.1 Best price psid. Cap ; ital Exchange 843 North Commsreial yfcone 18C8W.) : j STOVES AND STOVE REPAIKrMO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED! 40 years rxperience. Depot Nationa 'fence. sises:2d to 58 ia. biirb Paints Oils and varnishes, ttc., loganberry ana hop hooks. - Haiem l esce and 8(t vnrsrs. g&O jOjirt Htreet. Phont- V4. 1 TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL CTTYi TRANSFER CO 524 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get jour rates. . j - ; . - j WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOCfSE- hold goods.! Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also mske coun try trips. Wei handle the beat coal land wood, -i Call oa us for prices. We jgive good measure,! good quality snd goof aervicev ijarmer xrsnsier Jo. rnoae vst TRANSFER AND HAULING OF. AH kinds. Phone 19F3. ! TRANSPORTAxON PARKER'S STAGE LINES I X. W. Parker. General Manareri Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregoa BA1X. M OIL. V tltlU.H J.UV1S1U.N Leaves Salom, Central Stage Terminal 7 a. m; 11 a. m; a p. m. Leaves Silverton News Stand: 9 a. m.: 1 p. m. : 6 p. m. Salem-Independence-Monmouth Division Leaves Salem. Central Stare Termiaal 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.j 11:10 a. as,; 8:10 p. m. . 1 7 Leaves i Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m.; 1 p. m. , J:15 p. m, ,. Leaves Indepebdece, Beaver Hotel: 8:80 a. in.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. im. 4 n. m. : 6:30 p. m. , ! - Leaves 1 Central Stage Termlnat Salem foriiisiiss st: 7 a. m.; 11 :10 a. m.; 8:10 p. Leavee Gail Hotel. Dallas at: ; 8 a. ra. : 1 d. m. 6:15 n. m. We make eonheetions at Salem' to all parts of the valley. Extra trips, by ap pointment.. I f f J. Wi : PARKER, oeneral Msnsrer. 1 WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER OQ Office, 801 South Commercial Bt. To per cent discount on domestic; flS rates paid in sdvsnes. No dedoetion for absence or any. eaaas anless wst4! is shut off yonr premises. I i If you're "busy you don't have much time to be unliappy. And you don't have much time to be happy eitherJ a cynic might ladd. By WHEELAN I lETTE-y TO EPiSC 1 . f- fere j ' whit "T" -.1 , i BaaT4sTs-aJsmJsTBaaaTBfa l ' 's.- t PUBLIC NOTICES Order Directing Iublicatlon of Subpoena to Answer In the District Court of the United States for the District of Ore- gOUj- I J . .- 4-'' In the Matter of G. G. Quacken bush, Alleged Bankrupt. . ' Uion the reading of the affi davits of H. M. Isaacs, one of the attorneys for Howe Rubber Cor poration, r a corporation, j and Kelly Springfield Tire company, a corporation, petitioners In the above entitled matter, and It sat isfactorily appearing . therefrom and! from the files and records of this cause that G. G. Quacken- Dusn, alleged bankrupt, has de parted from and resides out of this district and can not, after due diligence, be found within the dis trict, and it also appearing from the petition herein duly verified by said petitioners that a good cause for the adjudication of said G. G. Quackenbush, alleged bank rupt, exists herein, and that said G. b. Quackjenbush is- a necessary and proper party ; respondent hereto, and-lt further appearing that a subpoena to - answer .has been duly issued out of this court in this matter, and that personal service of the same can not be had upon said G. 0. Quackenbush for the reason hereinbefore stated, and by the said affidavit made to appear, and that the marshal for this district having duly made a "not found" return on said sub poeha; Layton of attorneys for petition- It is ordered, "that the service of subpoena to answer in this a 4 4 n 1 J . . . . mimci ue uisue upon toe respona ent and alleged bankrupt, G. G. Quackenbush. by publlciatlon thereof in ."The Statesman," a newspaper of general circulation in the city i of Salem, countv of Marion, district of Oregon, and that said publication be made not' less than once a week' for two con secutive weeks. It Is Further Ordered that a copy of the petition and subpoena -A nv.aM.Mw .4. !. .... 4 t. .a .1 . . ouawci, uuijr L'ciiiiieu luereiu, be mailed ; to respondent at the town of Los Angeles, Los Angeles county, state of California, , his last known address; and It Is Further Ordered, that said G. G. Quackenbush, alleged bankrupt and respondent herein, be and he hereby is-granted and given up to and" including the 28th day of July, 1924, to answer or otherwise appear and plead herein; that in default of same he 'ie adjudicated an involuntary bankrupt in accordance with th bankruptcy laws '- and the rule and practices of this court. - t Dated this 8th day of July,. 1924..' . ii; R. S. BEAN, Judge. J 10-17 . Xotice of Intention : to Improve North Liberty street from Hood street to Norway street. Notice Is hereby given that the common council of the city of Sa lem, Oregon, deems : Ii necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to Im prove North Liberty street from the south line of Hood street to the north line of Norway street ii iue expense en me aouiiing ana adjacent property, except the street Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of . said street to the established grade, constructing .cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a six. inch cement concrete pavement thirty1: feet wide in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted' by the said council on July 7th, 1924. which are now on file In the office of the-city recorder and which are ; ucicu maun a ai t ui luia UUllCCi The common council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to make the above described im provement by and through the .-, street Improvement department of1: the city of Salem. By order of the common council the 7th day of July. 1924. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is July 10, 1924. jly22 rs..u r j r . . iviuuii uidiii uesujjyeu oy Activity of Field Mice SILVERTON, Orel July 9. (Special to The Statesman.) Examination of grain fields near biiyerton prove tnat much grain is being destroyed by field mice- this year. The mice are unusual- ly numerous and very active "i where the cutting of grain is con cerned. After the hay fields were cleared the mice seemed to mi grate. Into the fields and redouble their efforts at making a living for themselves and their numer ous progeny. Tunnels running In every direction are said to have been made in many places and in one field of oaU recently cut it is estimated that one fourth of the ' grain has been destroyed in cer tain places. J. . 1 1 t Used Emerson Piano $150 ; This old Standard make should go at once at this price. Reasonable terms. Geo. C. Will, 432 State St. Eouti li.'k St, 2S-ml8tf