The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    i .
Folks There Is one way that
1 ; h
. you can buy with assurance
Ithe advertisements be your guide.
Gaine for Ralston and Glass
Accompany Attack of coa
lition on the flalifofaian's
Ranks; McAdoo Loses
196 1-2 Votes in Balloting
of Day; Dark. Horses Ap
pear to Be Coming Into
Their Own in Convention.
-DEN.;. New York, July 1. On
the. 87th ballot the coalition
forces' battered down the Mc
Adoo strength stil further and
the leaders in the contest etood
this way: . -.' s -
Smith . ......
McAdoo . . .'. .....
; Balston . . . .
Glass .... . . . i . . .
' Davis . . . . .. ...
Underwood ..j . . .
; Meredith VjT. V.;.
Robinson '-. . i .'; .
, m
Davte, Kansas
Owen .... . . .
i Bryan . . . . . .
Walsh ......
Mrs. Miller
Roosevelt ... .
Cox .........
Total 1,0 9 5 iabienlt 2 Vi
This was a loss of 20 for
McAdoo and a loss of 1 for
Gla. : It was a gain of 1
for Smith, a gain of 1 -for
Davis and a gain of 1 for Ral
ston. - -T"
New York, July; 7:- Charging
' down on the McAdoo lines with a
new ferocity, the coalition forces
In jthe democratic, national con
' vention tonight swept the McAdoo
r' rotes down to their lowest point.
Governor Smith, j for the : first
i time, took the lead over Mr. Mc-
Adoo and reduced his opponent to
, a point where ' he had lost his
f power of a one third reto over
the selection of -a. candidate.
. Then; when the coalition, forces
were riding on the crest of the
wave, they got an adjournment of
the convention nntil tomorrow
morning at lO.rSOp'clock.
The convention actually ad
Journed as a mark of sympathy
for President and Mrs. Coolidge
on the death of their son, but be
fore the word of the president's
eon's death wa read." the man
agers of the coalition forces had
planned the adjournment at high
water mark. :
X The smashing attack on ;the
y McAdoo lines " was accomplished
v. by gains for ' Rateton and . Glass.
, The attackers took back trophies
j for each candidate.
' The session had opened with
V advance announcements of a raid
f was no indication of how far they
on the McAdoo forces but there
would go.- If the McAdoo man
v agera had any Idea that foe col-
"f " (Continued on page 4)
OREGON: Fair weather with
OREGON: j Pair, no change In
temperature' Tuesday; mod
erate northerly winds.
I : (Monday)
Maximum temperature,. 78.
Minimum temperature, 57.,
Rainfall, none.
River, 1.4; stationary.
Atmosphere, clear. . .
Wind, northwest. ' '
kr g) rfo ruf nl n -n n t J( (qi n i w i nr i
: j : n ito Un Ml IJ ; i m li El r V no ) y i U in A !.
.- " ' , . . : t . - ; - - . 1 i ' . . ... . i - .-. v. ' : .1 : - i - : i . : . . '
illllli IS
' . LuU i J
"Pir Finn
! fctLU
. u
1 1
Gov. Al Smith
f ' . : : '- ! h -. j . '
Governor Al Smith of New
York took the lead in the Demo
cratic conrention . balloting late
last night on the 86th ballot; as a
result of repeated raids which the
coalition' of managers had made
on the support of McAdoo. The
gqVernor's vote hovered closo to
361, while McAdoo's fell away to
a scant 333.5 the lowest he has
registered since balloting began.
Glass and Ralston were coming
up on the face of late returns.;: -
Water Emergency Studied
X y ing Puzzler
i Resignation of Alderman L. H.
Suter of ward 1, appointment of
a special committee to Investigate
an emergency means of keeping
up the Salem water supply, de
cision to pave several streets, and
what to do about a building that
Walter C. Winslow proposes to
erect on North Capitol street were
the high lights at the city council
meetiag last; night. '
Alderman j Suter resigned be
cause of III health. The resig
nation 'j was accepted with rgrets,
and a ; vote Tof thanks given i the
tiring councilman for his services.
He was asked to allow the resig
nation not to become effective un
til the next ; meeting, but insisted
that Immediate action be taken.
Mr. - Suter recommended that J.
(Continued on page 4)
Gleanings From Day's News
Hetiry Ford Continues Loan
f SEATTLE, Waah., July 7.
Mayor I. ' J. Brown, of this city.
today ikited the. Seattle council
to invesigate the police and civil
service departments of Seattle
and ad(M: ; "If will be glad to
assist Inpvery way."
Dot lit Gets $5,000,000 .
DETRQT, Mich., July 7.
Henry Fd's loan of 15.000.000
to the citypf Detroit was renewed
today witl interest "at three per
cent. Richr d . W. Reading, city
mer rate
cent. '
announced.T he for-
interest was four per
I'roriibitlolIHrertor Exonerated
DENVEli Colo..' July .7. Em
melt II. Mqjenahan, former fed
eral prohlblon director for; Colo
rado, today Was exonerated of a
charge of fobezzlementj which
has been paling against' him in
federal coul for more than a
year. -
: ; - , : . , . .- v-y-- - ; : : --,-. -,
Party Decides to Name 'No
Ticket and to Enlist Under
the Wisconsin Senator's
Influence of Debs Causes
Convention to Swing to
i the Progressives
CLEVELAND. Ohio, July 7.--(By;
the Associated Press). The
national convention of the social
ist party of America tonight for
mally enlisted under "the LaFol
)ette presidential banner. It adopt
ed a resolution offered by a ma
jority of a committee of fifteen,
recommending that the convention
concur in the action of the con
ference for progressive political
action in endorsing the LaFollette
candidacy on-hie . platform. ' - - i
The rote on this report was
106 to 17. -
-The action came after a six
hour debate in which the 157
delegates in the convention took
part. It was conducted under
strict rules, each side being given
fifteen minutes to start and finish
the i discussion and miscellaneous
delegates! being allowed five min
utes each. Two exceptions only
were made to this, Alex Capin,
editor of !a Jewish newspaper, and
Daniel iioon, mayor of Milwau
kee being given double time.
Eight of the speakers argued
for a minority report which would
have resulted in a separate social
ist national ticket and platform,
and three spoke , for a substitute
which would have accepted the
majority! idea 'with reservations as
to the vice presidency. " , ,
By adopting the majority re
port, the; convention concurred not
onl in tFollette's endorsement,
but! also in last week' conference
decision to postpone a rice presi
dential nomination until after the
democratic convention. It also
pledged j Itself to ooperate with
-the. J conference In the national
elections and in such- state and
local election as may be endorsed
by the smaller units of the social
ist part. ' ' -: ' . i ;
The convention asked Increased
(Continued on page 7)
Police Probe
I 'Morrocans Kill Garrison ?.
MADRID. July .7. Native
tribesmen killed or wounded half
of the Spanish garrison at Kpbad
arsa. Morocco, during a seven
day siege, which was broken only
by the arrival yesterday of fresh
troops, according to an official
note issued today.
. Freedom of Worship Asked
DECORAH, Iowa. July 7. Res
olutions calling for freedom of re
liglous'- worship and absolute sep
aration of church and state were
adopted today, at the closing ses
sion here of the fifth'annual dis
trict convention of thej Norwegian
uuineran cnurcn oi America, j
'(' ...
Meets "Young Cyclone
.- OMAHA, Nebr..VJuly 8. Frank
B. Yager, air mall pilot flying be
tween Cheyenne, Wyo. and Oma
ha was forced down at Chappell,
Nebr., j about 25 miles north of
Julesburg.'Colo., by what air mail
officials here termed "young cy-cjone-iaf,
?;H last nighj, : -
Explorer Brings Pale Faced
and Golden Haired Wilder
ness Savages
: NEW YORK.; July 7. Richard
Marsh, 'civil .engineer and explor
er, arrived late yesterday on the
liner Calamares : with three "white
Indians" whom: he discovered in
the San Bias wilderness of Tana
ma.! His charges, together with
five copper colored mefbers of
the San Bias ' tribe of Indiana,
who also accompanied him, were
detained j aboard the ' ship by the
immigration authorities, pending
the filing of a $500 bond for each.
! They, have . white skin, burned
pink by the tropical sun, pale
blue eyes, golden hair and white
eye lashes ; and brows. I One of
them, a girl, has bobbed hair, the
work of an American barber in
Colon. ', i
Seven Battleships Touring
J the World;' First to; Enter
' in 40 Years '
7. Seveat British battle :craft. the
first largo British squadron to
enter an American port for forty
years, steamed through he Glden
Gate this afternoon to pay a visit
to ; the U. S. on the way home
from a round of-' the .British Do
minions , the world over.- Headed
by the fcattle cruiser Hood,
mightiest Sf all; fighting craft
afloat, they steamed through the
summer sunshine into a 1 bay gay
with the satl3 of welcoming yachts
and cast anchor on "Man O War
Row" almost within hailing dis
tance of a squadron of American
battleships gathered to welcome
them. San Francisco, ,1 the Am
erican navy, the American con
tinent gave the visitors a royal
welcome. m
; Hours before the squadron was
due to cast anchor in the bay, the
destroyers' Hull' and Chase steam
ed outr to a rendezvous north of
the San Francisco lightship,
dropped down to half speed, and
hung about until keen eyes
picked up the dim silhoutte of
the Hood in the haze to the west
and north ; l y '
' Navigators wre sent aboard the
the two flagships to aid the vis
itors in conning their way
through the Golden Gate.
Capital of Wealthfest State
is in Hands, of Anti-government
situation in Sao Paulo, second
largest city in Brazil, is in the
hands, of insurrectionary .forces
which took possession of the gov
ernment buildings Friday night
and Saturday1 morning, remained
vague this afternoon. This city,
which Is the . capital of Brazil's
wealthiest state, was still cut, off
from communication' and the cen
sorship j in Rio de Janeiro has not
as yet been lifted.
The despatch which passed the
censor last night, saying that the
insurrection had oeen suppressed
and order restored, has not been
confirmed from other sources, t
It is learned here from reliable
sources that the outbreak was en
gineered by political opponetns of
President Bernardes residing In
Rio who, working through sym
pathizers in Sao Paulo, induced
a contingent of 'persons there, sup
posedly supporters of Senor Ber
Bardes. to Join them.
Service Man Uses Fisf s to
i Convince General of His
l- - n:n.L!i!i4.:
WASHINGTON. July 7. Bri-
ii . 1
feadier General Hines, director of
I t - i v -
the veterans' i bureau, was in
volved in a fistic encounter with
former service man in' his office
it the bureau today. suffering a
?ash joer the left eye and bruises
which required medical attention.'
According to witnesses, the
- i . i - t . .- .
veteran who engaged in the affair
. i ..... . . ;f i . . - ... j ....
was Thomaa B. Deaver of Hous
ton, Texas, who had called to pro
test that a medical examination
made at San Antonio, had Injured
his claim before the bureau. Of
ficials said no charges would be
American Bar Considers
Press, Election of Judges
and Women's Place
lations between the press and thje
bar, seperate elections for Judges!
uniform marriage laws, and the
place of woman In the legal pro
fessions were among the topics
discussed at the sectional meetings
preliminary to the 47th annual
session of the American Bar As
sociation tomorrow.
r Possibility of a conference here
tomorrow between United States
Attorney General Harlan . G.
Stone and the attorneys general
of a number ; of v states was an
nounced by F. S. Spillman, attor
general of Nebraska, at a
meetings . of states attorneys gen
The purpose of the confer-
with Mr. Stone, Mr. Spill
indicated, would be to dis
methods i of : proceedure
or more oil companies.
against some of . which anti-trust
proceedings have been brought In
the 'federal courtsjof Chicago. -,-',-'
Tjie - National Conference on
Uniform State Laws, meeting in
conjunction with the sectional
divisions of the . bar association
took up, the question "of uniform
marriage lawst today, Mrs. Jen
nie Barron, Boston, representing
the ; National ' League of Women
Voters,; asked that a law be en
acted- requiring, a health certifi
cate and with a minimum wage
clause before marriage.
Busy Week for Band;
Fine program Tonight
Beginning with a concert In
Willson . park tonight, the Cher-
rian band will open a, Btrenuous
week, for Wednesday night the
band will, give a special concert
in Monmouth and Thursday night,
with the. Cherrlans, wiirappear at
Woodburn. JThe regular -Friday"
night concert; will be given, at the
usual hour, but at the playground
on North Fourteenth street, as. a
feature of the formal opening., P
Several solos are announced
tor Oscar B. Gingrich tonight,,
with : the following program ar
ranged by Oscar Steelhammer, di
rector: ' . :' 5 . - - - -. .1 ;
March, "Avenger" . ; . s King
Selection, "The: Maid .and t he
Mummy" . . . . . Bowers
Waltz, "Wedding of the Winds" :
Popular numbers - ... ; , . . . . . ; .
Vocal ' boIqs. "Heart : Bowed j
Down-; "Where . the Lazy ;
, Daisies Grow" .......... .1
- , . .O. B. Gingrich. ' j
Overture, "Serairamide", .Rossini
'Celebrated Minuet" i .Paderewskl
Selection. "The Firefly". . . .Friml
March "Alcazar" . . King
"Star Spangled .Banner.". ..... ...
, VANCOUVER, B. C, July 7
Thousands of acres of logged over;
and timber lands in the southern
British . Columbia v coast- district
are ablaze, r . - ' -
l; -1 -: : ' f .
Meeting with McDonald In
Paris Today on Dawes
Plan Forstalls Any Action
By Opponents : 1
Leaders Puzzled Over! Sud
den Decision for Confer
ence on Dawes Plan
, PARIS. July 7. ( By the
Associated Press ) .The swift
maneuverof j Premier ; Herriot of
France In . getting Prime Minister
MacDonald of England to come
to Paris . tomorrow, thus fore
stalling former Premier ' Raymond
Poincare and his other opponents
in the senate, who are prepared
to put him . on the gridiron. has
upset all calculations In political
and parliamentary circles.i ;
The conviction that the Herriot
cabinate was , in danger, hid pen
etrated even-1 government clrctesT
Postponement of the j debate In
the senate, necessitated by the
visit, of the British prime minister,
makes little , change in the sit
uation, but tit gives ; M. illerrlot
time to make a futher effort to
come . to an agreement wit ' 1
British . premier before he is
interpellated in the ' npper house.
It is admitted that it will make
an enormous difference if the
premfer is able when the debate
comes up, probably on .Thursday,
to tell the senators that France
and Great Britain are finally in
complete accordance as to how
the Dawes plan should the' put
into effect.
LONDON, July 7.r Prime Min
ister jV MacDonald surprised the
house - of commons today by the
announcement-., that ."misunder
standing which had arisen with
the French government over the
invitations to the inter-allied con
ference at . London had .decided
him to accept the -suggestion of
Premier Herriot of France to pay
a hurried visit to Paris to smooth
out the difficulties. I
The members of the house were
evidently uneasy and mystified.
Both former Premier Asquith and
former Premier Stanlejr Baldwin,
(Continued on page 7)
Calvin Jr. ,Was
Attained Marks as Student
WASHINGTON. D. C., July 7.
Calvin Coolidge Jr. was a typical
full of vigor, but in public almost
American boy,' mischievous and
quiet . and demure. He always
was the first with a hearty laugh,
however, at the elightest provo
cation. "; -'.
"he has a remarkably sweet
disposition for - a boy,' a r close
friend of the family remarked re
cently, "but makes no mind about
it. he's ajl boy." - : !
Calvin was born. April 13, 19.08.
at Northampton. Mas.."and went
through the grade schools of that
cty after his father h?d coma to
Washington as vice president in
1921. Both he and 1)1 brother.
John, who Is 17 years of age, the
next : year entered Mercersburg
academy, at Mercersburg; Pa. ' .
.John being graduated last
month while Calvin had another
year before him, ..John Is to en
ter Ajuherst, the president's alma
mater, this fall and Calvin was to
have followed him. , . , ;
AnJ excellent student, usually
ranking high in his classt Calvin
Roseburg Official Fools Pri
soner Who Was Working- ?
City for Meals
ROSEBURG. Sr., July 7
.When Chief of Police Ketch today
offered; to find J.' T. O'Connori a
prisoner with Suicidal Intention, a
deep hole in the river j where jhe
mightcarry out his expressed de
sire to endj his life, j O'Connor
promptly took advantage of ihe
open jail door and left; with hur
ried steps for; greener fields, j
O'Connor was picked up Satur
day standing near the) river, de
claring his intention of ending
his life in the water. Officers be
came convinced, after keeping him.
in jail orer Sunday, that he was
merely ''working'the city for free
food and lodging. lie insisted,
however, that he intended to end
his life, at the first opportunity;."
"The place you picked out teas
too shallow, the policej chief told
O'Connor. ji"I know where the j-e's
a deep hole. 'I'll be back -in a
few minutes and take you to if."
The jail door was opened
O'Connor left. j
Services to be Conducted at
Church Active Career ;
The funeral of Mrs. . Montague
Lord, widow of the late Governor
Lord, will be held from the First
Congregational church today at
2:30 o'clock, ; Rev. W. C. Kantner
officiating, and. interment will be
In Mount Crest Abbey mausoleum.
Pallbearers will be Paul B. Wal
lace. Chester Murphy,' John H.
Carson, B. O, Shucking, N. J.
Haas and R. J. Hendricks, j
! Mrs. Lord died at; the Salem
hospital a few minutes before
midnight Saturday night." She
had been showing improvement,
and her family believed she would
recover. I Saturday and Saturday
evening ehe had her eon, W. P.
Lord, Jr., called o her bedside to
read her te news - of the demo
cratic political -convention In New
York, ah4 she expressed sorrow
for President Coolidge in the ill
ness of his eon. - - j
'Mrs! Lord is survived by two
sons, Montague Lord; of Manila.
P. I., and W. P, Lord. Jr., attor-
( Continued on page 5)
Full of Vigor
was .bright knd studious but not
a "crammer In the school boy
sense of studlousness. ,Hei also
was a good debater and had quali
fied for the academy debating
teamji lie was interested iik ath
letics but his slight . build j kept
him from making any -records
along that line, although hie"was
an enthusiastic: tennis and! base
ball 'player. v " r I-'
Summer yacatione usually
found j Calvlp with ";his brother
John at their grandfather's! home
in Plymouth", Vt., but- last; sum
mer John attended the military
training camp at Camp Devons.
Mass.,; while Calvin worked on a
farm In the Connecticut yajjley of
western Massachusetts. 1 was
when at this work bte father be
came 1 president..: His employer
said to him j; excitedly: "Si your
father is preslcrent of the United
States," and; the boy replied;
"Yes, jslr, I auppoee .he is. j What
do yon want me to tackle today?"
He had taken employment un-
. Continued oa pagi 4 s
i be m mm
The advertisements In this pa-
per help you buy Judicuously by
describing good worth while;
i -
j . ' ---- ; ii
Blood Poisoning in Foot Re
suiting from Infection in a
Blister Received at Play,
"Gradually Beats Downlla
roic Efforts of Boy; Pres
ident and Mrs. Coolidge at
1 Bedside Until End,
7 Calvin Coolidge, Jr, Eca
of the president, died tonight
at Walter Reed hospital of
blood poisoning, j
The end came after the boy
had battled with the: utmost
bravery and fortitude! for five
days against a disease which
had racked his body with pain .
and sapped the reserve
strength-of his' frail constitu
tion. i . .
President and 5Irs.Coc!IJ3
who had maintained constant
vigal at the hospital,; were cA
his bedside, hopeful and cheer
ing nd comforting itheirsoa
to the last.' ' '
i :A sinking spell, the fourth
he had suffered in 24 hours,
brought death. Notwithstand
ing the use of oxygen and
other restoratives, the cour
age which had withstood cris
is! after crisis and had beaten
death off repeatedly,-was un
able to meet the attack. .The
collapse began at 6:30 o'clock
and 'he gradually sank into
eternity. He died at 10;30
Every resource of medical skill
was brought -into play in the vain
effort to save young Calvin's life.'
An operation was performed on
the left leg last Saturday night
to drain off the poison and blood
transfusions and oxygen were re
sorted to in the later days of his
illness. ' , j; ,
The natural strength. of a boy
of 16, however, which was count
ed on as the most; powerful re
sisting .force to the ' creeping
poison, was unable to meet the is
sue, and after having fought a
brave but always losing fight he
succumbed. !
- One of the final f complications
and the one which the physicians
were; unable to meet was the for
mation of gas on the stomach.
The 'organ was -wished out re
peatedly in an effort to put it In
condition ; to, retain; nourishment,
but the effort was unsuccessful.
, Yong Calvin was removed to
the hospital Saturday : and an
operation the same night revealed
inflammation of the bone marrow
of the left leg where the infection
first localized -in part. A slight
rally , followed. , but on 'Saturday
night his condition grew so seri
ous 'that blood transfusion and
oxygen administrations were re-
(Continued on page 2)
Newspapers Lead
Tl Gil Ap Record of My 3t
reports the reralts of m urry ot
- , middlfli wwt.rn city of mor
than half m million opI to find
; out : whero tho buying pvblio T
v eeired Its inspiration for their
'purchasing. Tha question, waa
sVd what form of- advertising
influenced them most, Bjagvxine,
streetcar, billboard or neviipapor.
In order, to bo fair, nwpapr
were pat at the end of the list.
The results were follows: ...
J Kind of Kumber Per eent
Adyertisinf Inflnencod ' FopoUtion
L Kewspsper 110,868 V0.S
Mcgasine 9,059 7.3
Street Car 2.036 V, -" 1,I
Billboard '.731 N. ' 0.8
mm u