J Part Two ft' - - ; . -J 4. - .Pagesj 1 to 8' ll . ; r : r 'VENTY-FOURTH YEA& 1 : SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1924 ;oads iORTS i j 4 and ; D(ow o Go For the Pleasure Seeker and thfc j - : i -k i . ?w s n s Sites ROADS RESOtlTS mere and HoW to Go LLl FfflES j . i . - M BATTERY 1. 'Batteries Just Received Joe Williams, Local Wiliard Agent : other great Improvement in ge batteries was recently an ced by one of the most con st .producers of better bat- in the industry. It Is, a which -will reach the user new a condition as when it fhe factory for the serTlce shelves or i the car man lurers stock. I p Jr many years it has been the of all storage battery man yrers to build a battery that ' J combine all that is de d hi the ideal battery, lij ideal battery would de ?, sufficient energy toturn . )the stiffest motor "In the ip. weather. The Insulation een the plates ' would be ab ieijr, uniform' In porosity and last the life of plates. And . kuch a battery would reach uter without the loss of a mot tro its possible life, proof ot would lie in filling the bat r )with electrolyte before the : j At the customer." ' " v "v ""' A part of the dream came true ver&l years ago with the intror ctlctn of Threaded Rubber In litipn In Wiliard storage bat- E7J the rest of the dream, and a j idest J?art of it was that this " battery could be formed and iried out in such a way as 3.1 n the 'full charge.. This 'esirable for a number " of s. As- insurance to the J that the battery had not a old on the service station 3 or in transit from the fac- the consumer, and to pre ielays due to charging be eliverr were the chief rea ar such a battery, i battery comes to the user le electroyte solution is ad 1st before the battery, is it in service. Then and not thin does the life of the y begin. . " ?aded Rubber Insulation Lhis possible. It is not neces to keep Threaded Rubber tlon wet to insure against ;d-for expansion or con n as is the case with wood tors. : .- I " Williams, local Wiliard man ceired' a shipment of these iatteries, and claims that re for superior to the old BOYER CHOOSES CHRYSLER! SIX M i --r-wtv Viv. -ri .yi-.i ioww.TiiTirwi rtvflnrnoriwitiv -waooossitirgiagut'ioii nionw qB-irtCiusiixri-.NWrtBSBirMi stiswssaiiiwvw.siflasfa Ji HUNDREDS OP CARS 3 Procter & Gamble cora aas in use today," said the ! expert, "several hundred ZAL COLUHBIAS I for -1 'tf r ) i , me V1 Models JJ, f for Boys I l Ai , y J 7and GirUlVA j Juvenile s a great bicycle for the Ids Stands the hard ocks a youngster gives a heel, because it is built .lh the same careful xvork zriship given to the com rrfiiwihui line with aster brake, and Federti J " . Ci yor boy or girl the opportunity of staying nd 'pleying in the open to fully , enjoy the mildly invigorating exercise these bicycles af lord. :-' j X.C.iy I.LOYl) K. ItAMSDEX 7 Court St. 1 PACKARD MAN ON THE BALLOON IE He Says This Type, of Tire Will 'Tend to Do Away . With the Road Hog ! Joe Boyer, winner this" year of the greatest speed and endurance event in motordom the Indiana polis 5 00-mile race, which has be come the annual Decoration Day attraction for the entire middle west has selected the1 Chrysler six roadster for his personal use. He drove it, from Detroit to In dianapolis before the race. Ford cars . of the roadster type. They are used In every part of the pairs, store and miscellaneous United States and! Canada and under all sorts of conditions. The average operating cost of these cars for the first eleven mentha of 1923 was 7.6 cents per mile, as against 8.4 cents' per mile in 1922. This ; Includes depreciation, tires, gas and oil, replacement and re pairs,, store and miscellaneous Items. The initial cost of, the car is written off in eighteen months. Mr. Thompson's survey shows the difference in operating cost between good road and bad road states, amounting In some cases to 2.8 cents a' mile. In California, for instance, where the ' concrete roads are always good for auto traffic and where cars can be used every day in the year, the average cost of operation, he says includ ing a heavy depreciation charge, is 6.4 cents per mile. ! f ; . New Cable Lines to Connect Alaskan Cities and Seattle KETCHIKAN. Alaska, Jane 10. (Mail.) With the completion of a new cable between Seattle ana Seward, Alaska, next fall by the United . States army, ; Ketchikan will bq one of the largest cableH stations in the world, according to officials handling the laying of the line. , ' -" I The first section of -the new cable which links Seattle and Ketchikan was finished May 31. by the cableship Dellwood.i The Dell wood then went to London to load cable for a second section which will connect Ketchikan, and Seward. ''Another-new line is t.o link Juneau, " Wrangell, and Pet ersburg with this city. Ketchikan will then be a: reiay: office for four lines, two going into . south eastern Alaska, one to Seward and one to Seattle. All these cables will be used commercially. V; - The new cable will be- equipped for duplex operation, enabling six times .. as much traffic . to b handled as on the old lino from Seattle to Sitka. : 0LDSMQB1LE FILL T EOOIBEM According to L. H. Kurtz bpet Models in Most Demand i The 1924 Oldsmoblle is meet ing with a highly favorable recep tion lo European markets, J ac cording to word just received from L. H. Kurtz, advertising manager of - the General Motors Export company, who is making a three month's business trip through; the principal countries abroad. The sport models are in most 'demand by Europeans; he writes. t v European buyers of automobiles favor a car not to heavy, one that has ' a small bore yet powerful engine, and above all one that is economical of gasoline, which is far more costly abroad than t in this -country.;- According to; Mr, Kuttz, the Oldsmoblle is filling these exacting requirements of the Europeans." j-- '' ' . . i . Education pnly Ansvver; , t , To Problem of Insanity LONDON, Despite the Britain there June 18. (Mail.) fact that in Great is today; one insane person in every .200,' contrasted with one in evory 650 in 1870, there is t no ! Justification for .the theory, so often expressed, that a process of racial degeneration 3 under way, in the 'dpinion otTT. J. Lidbetter, of - the Eugenics Education Society, expressed at the recent Conference of the Na tional Union I of the Professioal and Industrial Blind of Great Britain. ; j ( f ' Despite the Increase in the num ber ot Insane, Mr. Lidbetter said. herself was constantly regain the normal nature striving to average, ven in the highly organ ized and complex communities of the present day. Those of weak mentality, he said, attracted each other, and eventually brought about their own extinction in this way. Discussing sterilisation, which he said had been acclaimed as a success in, some portions of. the United States, the speaker assert ed.. that it - did .not , serve its pur pose altogether, because many in sane' parents had first been par ents, their insanity appearing later. Although he suggested that both sterilization and segregation would prevent the birth of many undesirables, he , advocated edu cation, both of the Individual and the public in general, as the final solution of the problem. : It. N. MacDonald of the Mac- Donald Auto company, who rep resents the Parkard car In Salem, thinks a lot of the balloon tire- He thinks the' balloon tire will do away with the road hog. - .How? -. : j.' i ;:' :j He says the balloon . tire prevents skidding; . that a car with balloon tires can come up on the road af ter turning out, without any dan ger pfskiddiBg. v , Balloon tires, he saysv carry but 2 5 pounds of pressure to a six-Inch tire, while a ; regular tire of the same size carries 70 pounds pres sure. .. i. 1 - I . . Francisco Is a different creature. She has adopted the ways of Amer ican flappers, dress, bobbed hair and independent ways. She has shed hsr eastern obedience. She marries;" whom and when she will, and specifies the conditions under which she will take a husband. Furthermore her parents require much larger settlements than do the parents In China. The Immigration law prohibits the importation of brides 'from China. The : American Chinese thus Is forced to consider the Chinesn girl i already, here.. She is credited with having, expensive tastes, j She expects, contrary to the Immemorial customs of China, a regular courtship, with trips to the theater, dinners, bo'xes of candy and Jewelry. She is no chattel. . L . . , Biblical Scenes ReproducerJ I In British Empire Exhibition j LONDON, June 20 (Mail.) The temple of Solomon, the taber nacle and many of j the other shrines of the Holy land familiar to readers of the . Old Testament re reproduced in miniature in the Palestine exhibit at the British Empire exhibition. One is shown the holy of holes which the high priest alone could enter, and then but once a year for an annual sac rifice. - The palace where Solomon kept his queen and the apart ments that sheltered ; his sumptu ous assortment of wives and con cubines are faithfully reproduced. I The plain temple : which re placed Solomon's magnificent structure after its destruction and also that of Herod, .built during the lifetime ol Christ, upon j the same spot, also ,are reproduced. ' One is shown the place where. Christ was brought as a babe, where lie went "about!.. Ills fa ther's -business" and became lost from His parents as a ybuth, and also the part of, the tenple from which He chased the money-lend ers. , LIGHT WAU8 8AVT3 GAS KLIS r T71 0 T T7 XT - -i o (AP) The ; sombre hned wall papers o prevalent In Germany r are giving away to lighter shades.' The change is not due -to artistic' Reasons, however, but to the edu cation of the .public to the fact .hat light toned walls save gas and electric bills. Berlin Business Men Build Huge Houseboat for Club I BERLIN, July 6. (AP.) A m onster J houseboat with sleeping accommodations for 215 tired bus iness men is neaflng completion on the Havel near Berlin. This modern J Noah's ark will be ,150 feet long by 21 leel wide, and will oe propelled by gas motors. The "Baldur' as this floating tourists' ; hotel has1 been called by Us owners, the Green Home So ciety, is the largest ship with liv ing accommodations afloat on in land waters of Germany. The in terior. Simple but dignified in structure, is a ; spotless white. Every cabin is provided with elec tric light, flowing iSvater and two bunks. : The eating facilities1 will be; similar to those of a railway dining car. : : The central idea of the "Baldu The : central ! . idea of the "Baldur" experiment is that of taking the members of the Green Home Society, who are residents ot . the t metropolis,- out of. Berlin on : Saturday nights .and bringing them tq one of the beautiful' spots in the Mark of Brandenburg. The "Baldur" is to be equipped - cainoes and athletic paraphernalia. Quality Durability H :f one aiie : W 1 Uf Service Price GENERATOR, STARTER AND M A6NETO SERVICE E. H. BURRELL ORTHODOX WIVES NOW DENIED CHINESE HERE BY IMMIGRATION LAW ; SAN FRANCISCO, July 4. The new American immigration law, with its provision excluding aliens ineligible to citizenship, is having quite an effect on Sak Francisco's historic .Chinatown. The ortho dox among the Chinese men are just beginning to realize that they will have to abandon the custom of. sending to China after mar riageable girls.- Consequently the law is expected to make a radical change In the domestlo situation on upper Grant avenue and its byways... . - j :-, .-m , --''j. i The young Chinese has been in the habit ot going back to China, claiming a bride, to whom he often had been betrothed .since child hood, and bringing her back here. This arrangement had several ad vantages for the husband. ! The marital settlement required . with, his parents-iirfaw was much less in China, usually not exceeding a few hundred dollars., The. girl had been raised to Oriental d& Hiitv and followed him prepared a xconf nnv Ki-irt of . home . he " f ' might provide. The Chinese girl raised in ban TIRE PREC ' HAVE DRbpPiSD New Low Prices on Fisk Tires 30x3 No. 96 Fabric i $ 6.55 30x3 Vz No. 96 Fabric 1. .. 7.50 30x3 Vz No. 96 Cord 1. 8.45 32x4 ' No. 96 Cord l:.-....... 14.80 30x3 Yt Fisk Premier Cord....? 9.95 32x3 Vi Fisk Premier Cord.... 143 31x4 Fisk Premier-Cord...: 15.C3 32x4 Fisk Premier CorrJ.. 170 THESE ARE FISK FULL OVERSIZE I -4. .- . . , . ... , - '-I- 1 l . ), .:.- GUARANTEED TIRES 4 r JIM "BILL" N. W. Cor. Court and High St. Phone 44 f ... . New Packard! Atathdirized i - aiid Sales Statioini Now open at 560 Ferry street (between High and Church streets). T ' We warii every Packard owner to visit our Service Station. Wfi are here to wAnilav VAii prvir no matter what it mav be. rrom a pleasant uood JLlay to a IMIUVl J w w -w - j complete overhauling:. We will welcome your visit at, any time. $2875 Patkard Single Six-Five Passenger !, Delivered in Salem i f Straight Eight-Five Pajssenger . . . $4d60 "Only iPaohard con build 6 Pochard99 MaoDomald Auio Cbsini3)'ainiy Temporary. Qff ice at Ira Jorgensen i - i 5 190 South High i - Phone 675 Service Station! 560 Ferry; . 1 PHONE 203: 238 NORTH HIGH ! t - hr ' 'jV1 t