8 .T- THE OREGON STATESMAN, iSALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1924 J II "ICEBOUND" AT LIBERTY 1 v. i FT Alicje Chapin Takes Leading ChdrJ s Ray Appears Again the Liberty in "Smudge" nple m "Icebound" nay- j mg at Oregon Today ! nilinm ;! " . ' t ih'VWVj ''. ;!' innminnr mni I VI A'M&Wm-xs&l : ! ';;(--' i ! O .-. A"- 1 nict.ar(l Dix and l)pis' Wilson FEME AT Plastigrams, Latest .Tiling in Moving, Pictures at Ore- gon This Week f Commencing lotlay the Oregon theater will offer the latest thing in moving picture developments Plastgrams, the third -dimension in ..moving .pictures, a " short feel showing widely different scenes and subjects, which will be shown in conjunction wi.th the regular programs scheduled through Sun day, Monday, Tuesday and :Wed- nesday. ' 1 ; : i "Plastigrams" are not really the solution of "the third dimension in the movies, for they must be viewed through special lenses handed but to the audience by the ushers. The lens consists .of a cardboard framed spectacles, j the lenses are colored, the red going ever- the Tight -eye and the green over the left. , ' 1 A biof trick work introduces the third dimension.; Double ex posures on dffferen,t scenes pro perly tinted cause the screen to Appear as a mixture of red and green colorings. If you put "on the special glasses and. closed one eye you will . see fish swimming in an aquarium. ; ; If yon look at-the screen with the other eye, then you see a monkey calmly Lvie wing the world. 1' The third dimension then fol lows, and for this yon look at the screen through, the glasses with both eyes. The opening shot shews a man pushing a pole Off from a roof. The pole comes rtght off the screen at you. Then there- is a slide trombone piayer who knocks your hat off with. his instrnment. There are many other swinging objects which come out and r seem to touch you on the nose. :h;" . ;.. '-j- .. if the various -scenes don't make you duck you have no need of a nerve, specialist. He found OJ Ray's a real than ever as ia wi uuoy v-;v:v -tt- 6 3s; in ' Icebound";' at the Oregon today. 'While Paris Sleeps" : j Coming to Liberty What i&- considered by critics to be one of the finest portrayals of Parisian life evier depicted on the silver sheet comes to the Liberty theatre1 on Friday in "the picture. "While; Paris Sleeps." ' This picture is'an adaptation of the story "The Glory of I.ove," by Pans, and has Tor its locale the Latin-Quarter of Paris. AH the mystery, glamour- and romance of that interesting! section of Paris has been woven' in a picture that abounds with suspense and; thrills. The story deals' ; with ; an. un scrupulous sculptor who is de termined to win the love of his beautiful modeljby fair meansror foul. She meets a young Amer- '. ican and they fall in Jove with each other.; The adventures and complications which, beset their path and the intrigues in which they become involved makes an enthralling and) entertaining pic ture. j : :!'.-' " Maurice Tourneur, who has been called the' "poet of the screen because of the artistic realism which he injects into his productions, has spared no effort to reproduce in his settings and scenes the atmosphere so typical of Paris' artist quarter. Lon Chaney, who is considered the greatest character actor on the screen, gives a realistic touch to the role of the sculptor The role of the young American is por trayed by John I Gilbert, and Mil dred Manning lends her beauty an dhistrionic ability to the char acter of the charming model.'' Other members of the cast are Harden Kirkland. Jack P, Mac Donald and F. Farrell MacDonald. NEW CORPORATIONS I k, . . , . Articles of Incorporation were filed here yesterday by the Lane Auto company at Eugene, with a capital, of $20,000. The ; incor porators are L.' C. Abies, ; K. C. Abies and George IT. Dingle, . Under the blue sky act a per mit was issued to the Portland Electric ' Power j company to sell stock in the sum of $250,000. 54-o... his wife through a cloud of in mrs-W k ted confetti they threw was printers! ink. little sun-ray here!; - And you're going to like him more the editor who supplies his own front-page thrills and iu uicuuuu uis uwa weUUIDfc. ; ;t; j:.-i----i.-r; ;i';- - a - LIBERTY Mrs. Alice Chapin. mother of i Harold Chapin. the brilliant I young playwright who was killed in Itpe World VVar, plays one of the greatest mother rotes in "Ice bound," which Will open' a run of two cays, at the Oregon v theater today. The picture Is an adapta- tion by Clara ' Heranger of ths Pulitzer prize play of last season wen Davis. ; i rs. Chapin is really an Ameri- actress, but has had such success for a quarter of a century in Great Kritain that she has been claimed by England as one OE its leading actresses, f i Mrs. Chapin was born in New Hampshire and j knows from ex perience the type of mother she portjrays in the de Mille picture It a that of Mrs. Jordan, head of the flan. ' . . -; ; i The theme of Ice1ound" is that Of the rebellion of youth against the hard life and. heart lessiiess of a New England family. Thjfi youngest son of the Jordans, from war-life in France, back hunkers for tlie warmth and pret ty girls which he found in land, and existence.. south fights ern Kuropean against home Richard Dix plays-the returned soldier. Lofs Wilson has the role of t)ie heiress j of Mrs. Jordan, wbjre discovers that the dead moth- er's J wishes back of the traditions. include the bringing boy to the Jordan Alaska Picture Ends Today jBaby Margie, the cunning youngster who takes such a-prom inent part Int. "The Chechahcos," the Alaskan epic which is . now playing at the Grand theater, gave the members of the company a wild night during the filming of the production in the land of the midhight sun, t., During a slight delay in one scene Baby Margie curled up in a pack sack on a dog sled and went to , sleep. It happened the par ticular sled on which she had made her Dunk was" needed to bring some supplies from a point 20 miles away. '"Shortly after the sled; started away the youngster was missed and the entire corn pan;'' joined in the search. - As the night hours wore away it was felt that she had fallen to .her deal h on one of the glaciers, i As 'the saddened company gath ered for breakfast the dog sled returned with the supplies and New Show Today ! A thrills and the Chdrles Ray and Ora the "dead joungste" They made such a fuss over hef that Margie got disgusted and asked the driver to take her for another ride. "Peter the Great" L I , Coming Tuesday I Boy, have you seen Dagny Servaes ! : : ; Some Servaes, I'll asseverate! j Slickest .little morsel of femi ninity from across the ocean. ( She's, the lass who played with Emil Jannings in "The Iloves of Pharaob."' She has ; the I leading woman's role opposite Jannings, again "Peter the Great"? at the Ore'gon theater next Tuesday. pagney -ia Europe's most beau tiful woman and star of the Viennese musical comedy stage. ; We've seen most of these dames the films have brought from over the briny,: Pola Negri heads the list for warmth, SIgrid Holmquist for dainty, frail girlhood, Henny Porter for statuesque beauty, but for a combination of these quali ties take a look at Dagny Servaes. She's as pretty as they make 'em, not frail. . not heavy, but just right. Her features, are Grecian without the classic coldness. ' Dimitri ; Buchowetzki, the Rus sian producer, directed "Peter the Great," a;life story of the great est man Russia .ever knew, with all Its action and romance, court intrigues and scandals. t "Rena" : Starting -At Grand Saturday ; A highly amusing yet tensely dramatic story has been told by Rupert i Hughes, world famous novelist, In "Reno," which will be the film, featured at the Grand theatre, starting Saturday. Besides; writing the story, LAST CHANCE TODAY Critics from coast-to-coast termed it "The Wonder when you see apt Austin E.Lathrop pvcsenzs Pit' a SI -rr ' !, i '.':,! ' '.; Appearing in Person MISS GLADYS JOHNSTON, ! Star and Heroine of the picture, will delight Salem people again with her cello solos, i PROF. GEO. EDWARD LEWIS J j Producer .of the picture, and world-wide lec turer and explorer, will Introduce the picture it each performance. , ! " J:"::''' ''',: !" ;' x f""' 1 .':GAMD.. . v.. ' i " . - ; s Care we at the Liberty Hughes directed U.I The author took: his place among the best di rectors in motion pictures with his "Souls for Sale" which is still en joying tremendous popularity, and his, (production of "Reno"1 will serve to further advance him fn the directorial field.! , The story .is built around t.he ciivoice situation which is , rampant in the United States, '-; :V, , A. V Guy Tappan. a muchly married man takes a third Wife in Reno, leaving his second York City with their! wife Jn New two children. Guy finds' he is penniless and his new wife makes the same dis- covery. How Guy discovers his states', forms legal status in some the; basis for one of the most dra- matic stories told inj recent years. For Instance, in one he is a. bigamist, in state he finds another he Is not married at all, and in a third he faces the. attacks of three wives all of whom are legally his. A, beautiful love story runs throughout the feature, and in ail. the; picture promises! to be one of the best of the year Silverton Choral Society t i Enjoys Picnic in Park . j ; ; . : t , - , ; . -' ; . t SILVERTON, Ore., July 5.---( Special to . The Statesman). Silyerton's Choral which ; Mrs. M. G. society, of Gunderson is president and T. Kaarhua director, met in the city park Thursday night for an 4 outing. About 30 members were present.' A supper was served and the evening was spent In the park and at the swirii ming pool. The society is a vol untary organization;. Occasional concerts are i given but what . the society works hardest for are the cantatas at Christmas time and at Easter. No rehearsals are being held during the summer months. i i r have unanimously Picture" So will you .tYt 1 4 U.4 ( 41,. ; i- puiSMlllMg BlUIJ Ul aays wnen goia meant more 'than a woman's honor; i The First Picture -Ever Firmed in Alaska " J ' f rzi- 'i . In Shis latest production, "Smudfe," which is coming to the LlbertyS theater 4oday, Charles Ray, l appears as a democratic young ICalifornian "who. In ' the face of jheavy odds and opposition, defeats! a practice j which has caused much trouble J in one of California's orange belt towns. ' The jjscenes are laid in the beautiful orange and lemon groves,! ant "ay Mas a 'lne cnar" acterizttion to add ; to a most novel slory, from the pen of Rob Wagne. There is enough excel lent ?conedy to balancp the excit ing incidents' which nearly thwart the yotng man's purpose. . ' A; Iore story runs through the picturej which Ray regards as one of the, Jbest in which he has ever appear4d. The supporting cast includes Ora Csfrew, Charles K. French, Florence Oberle. J. P. Lockney, Blanche Rose, Lloyd Bacon and Ralph McCollough. : Kantejberg Is Accused Of Impersonating Officer J : 'f " : " ! : - . Beri Kantelberg. 1375 North Twelfth street, one o the most persistant of the traffic violators in the! city, according? to police recordsl is in the limelight and willibeln the justice court .Wed nesday moTning to answer to a charge I of Impersonating an offi cer., Kantelberg was arrested by Stat traffic Officer Griffith, who found iim giving orders to.a mo torist jafter having stopped his car, pretending to be a state of ficer. ! He will be prosecuted by John Carson, district attorney. J Kantelberg's first claim to pub licity was about a year ago when he; was? arrested while' out Tiding with a girl, steering the automo bile.; itj was said, with his. knees. Since tjiat time' he has been haled into the police court at intervals for va'rousV Infractions of the law, running from speeding. to reckless driving and driving after dark withou lights. His driver's license was suspended twice,1 the last time for a period of 30 days. Before his timfe limit had expired he was again arrested for riding his mo torcycle and fined for operating a' motcr vehicle without having a drivers license. ! I Marked Decrease Shown i !n Employment Seekers per cent; decrease in visit ors atithe office of the United States 'employment bureau at the New Show f i j Today ?.. . . "Ill': I l D Iff 4 MUt ' m jtMV'a I x ft Mw nCtMY : Featu&G toA KiX?:! "Icebound" will hold you ,f Mew HjTn ' k3J Vl?jF v ' icIIbonnd. There's tremen- 1 II - V 0ou tory-powfr In this ro- Show y VW , s i hranre of storm-swept, sun- " , - lI ' 'uhlnoscfklng souls, i Today JIM ( V A ? & A " J olin Bar ry more and Irene week. YMCA was noticed this- week in comparison with the! number the preceding week, according to the report of Sim Phillips, who has charge. During the last week a total of 415 men and Women sought work, with 322 In demand. Thereiwere .24 7 referred atid 224 reported placed. j j i Agricultural laborers, for the men, headed 4he list with 211 re gistering, 210 in demand ahd 140 placed. . Twenty-five com njion . la borers registered,' -wjith demands for 20, of which 16 were referred and placed. J Fifteenl farm bands called; with; demand! for 12, the same number reporting as having placed. Ten wooJs laborers sought employment, with' demand for six, three of whom; were placed. " Eight . cannery workers called; with l a demand for the i , . IN - same number. Of these six were referred and five placed, j Only one place was open for the ' three salespeople who registered,; and this was filled. : . j ;' Seventy-five women agricultur al laborers .registered, with de mands for 61, of whom 4 6 were referred and 45 placed. Eight cooks registered, with demands fo?;;fouf.. Two of them reported as having been placed! In positions. Lars Kaarhus Has Arm : Broken By Cycle Mishap SILVERTON. Ore.V. July 5. ("Special to The Statesman). j i - . j The second motorcycle accident within a week occurred Wednes day night; when the machine of Lars Kaarhus fell as hewas de scending the East hill. Just how the accident occurred is not known but Mr. Kaarhus is now carrying one arm in a sling as a result,' the . arm having! been broken just above the wrist. The other .person injured was" W. Sheridan of near Salem who was rendered unconscious in a colli sion' between' his motorcycle and a car jons the streets of Silverton Sunday night. i A NEW TMRILLj-A The Jhitd Dimension Rich : coming tj aw Oregon next Few People Left at i Silverton on July 4 SILVERTOn Ore., Juiy 5. (Special to The Statesman.). 'JAnywhere but! Here,! seemed to be the slogan for many Silverton people if one can judge by the" numbers who went elsewhere yes terday. Partiies began leaving Thursday afternoon and continued well into the day Friday. iMany went for the week-end, others for the day only. jSilver Creek Falls, Spong's Landing, and ; Wilhoit Springs were the most popular of the picnlcfclng jplaces. The cities of Stayton, Mehama and Independ efice proved "attractive to some, while others were not content with remaining in the valley but kept going until, they reached the coast. BULGARIAN TO STUDY , WILSON'S 14 POINTS SOFIA, Jun 17 A chair for thestudy and explanation of the late 'i ex-President Wilson's. 14 points, will be established this fall by the Free University of Sofia. Special attentidn will j be given to the eleventh point, which deals with the freedom! of minorities and self-determination. - 'These lectures are to be delivered at the special requestj of Dimitr Ikon o'moff, who has given 500,000 Ievas to the Academy of Sciences Ip endow jthe cnalr; ; HEADS COLLEGE 30 YEARS ; WALLA WALLA, Wash., July 7- (Mail.) -When Dr. Stephen B. L. Penrose, who In this sum-, mer's commencement celebrated his thirtieth anniversary as presi dent of Whitman college here, took over the school,, only two students attended It." V ; The enrollment now is 500. th institution having ( set that limit two years ago).- Dr. Penrose is one of the oldest college presi dents in the country in length of service. He was graduated from Williams college at 21 and was elected president ofj Whitman nine years later.' REAL SESATIOM OnlfieSarenAtlast ThEfklcot cffmsataicd approach you so rxlali&ifylfy yen (