! ' i. ! t THE OREGON STATESMANTSALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1924 arket Place lassified aieni s N r Great Section ; - 4' V J N n 1 1 WOOD FOB SALE llv WHY NOT BUY THE BEST OAK. ASH. first and second growth Fir at reason' ablo prices. Phone 1879W. Il-jly25 CALL 1855 for' your coal and wood. Low sumraei prices. Immedimt or later delivery. 11-JnelStf IUB BALC DBT MCOWD-GROWTH fb wood, 4 fW for tauB4iat dalivor) Phaa 104. . 4 fll BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 FT. AND 16 inch. if. -Dry mill: wood.. ' ' : r - - v 3tf 8eeond Growth fir. Dry old fir. 4 foot Ash and Oak. f Prompt delivery and reasonable price Fred E. Wells, 280 South Church, WANTED miscellaneous 13 VfAXTED RED RASPBERRIES AND loganberries. ; Will contract balance of - crop of lojans. Ward K. Kichsrdson. ' - - : i - 13-j3 SUMMERTIME IS HERB. DOX'T NE glect your insurance. Insure and be safe. Mrs. 11 oyer. 147 ;N. Commercial r- 8t Room .' - 13 jn15tf WASTED MORE APARTMENTS AND bouses to rent. Mrs. Mover, 147 N. Com!. 8U Room 6. - 13-jnel8tf BASEMENT DIGGING AND TEAM worl by contract. Call 10r. Ia-prl7 WANTED MEM AND WOMEN Tf tako farm paper subscriptions. A. go proposition .to the ricat paople. Ad , ore the Paoifte Homoatoad, ftutoaasi t Bldf-. Salem. Or. t WOODRT THE AUCTIONEER BUTI aod faxmHar for eaaa. Phone Sll - - . . , 1 -n- .' MISCELLANEOUS 14 COMPLETE PROTECTION FOR AUTO tourists includes: , Fire " Insurance 1 Theft Insurance (Against theft of ear.) , . . Public Liability (Accidental injury to others.) - - , - V .' Property Damage (Accidental damage to property or ear .of others.) Special Motorists Accident Policy for 3. Phone 57T. ft A. C. BOHRX8TEDT 147 Noncommercial St. Salem. Oregon. . . ,- - 14-jly2tf ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE Welding . ,rri. CD. Op pen, 849 Ferry and 17th and Oak. . ; 14-jlylS WOOD S.A WING -PHONE 143. 14-jlyl5 INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE. -'CON-eonHa." None better. Mrs. Moyer. 147 N. Commercial St. Boom 6. "v V , . 14-Jnol5tf PREPARE KOW FOB A RAINY DAY ; :y-. ' . !--,- . : Mathews The roof '-nan.' repair and repairi your roof while the sun shines. . ... Pnoo ( 167, 1 1-jnelOf ; tAGENTS WANTED 16 ATTRACTIVE SAMPLE OUTFIT. BIG 'demand makes selling easy. Arch sup port sboet. Popnlar prices. Comfort plus istyle. Admired by every wearer. Stylo-Arch Shoes, Cincinnati. 16-j6 AGENT WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES. . Sell Madison-"Better-Made" shirts for largo manufacturer direct to wearer. Nq capital, or experience required. Many earn S1O0 weekly and bonus. Madsson Mills,; 562 Broadway, "New York. 16-j6 i d IIKL-P WANTED female 17 EARN S3 910 WEEKLY fCOPYIXtJ j- Barnes and addresses. ' Send stamped ; envelope, for particulars. Palace Mfg. Co.. Toledo, Q. : 17-j6 WOMANRUBTLER. SELL 1 INTERNA tional .Hosiery, -- represent the pioneer mitt J. -sell direct to wearer, beautiful fTO-xta: cotton. lisle, silk; fashioned and I full fashioned, wonderful colors, medium weights and chiffons. Experi- .- eace - unnecessary. Eull instructions freei Full or part time. . INTERNA- TlONAt. MILLS.! Inc.. Norristown. Pa. ; : 1 - - ' 17-j6 HELP WANTED male 18 WANTED TRUCK- DRIVER. - PHONE . J X 18j9 WANTED HONKST YOUNG MAN TO drive Ford, delivery,-also take. orders; - please give phone. Box 4023, States- mb. ' - - - . t-v - ls-j6 IFYOU ARE JL 6ALAK1KD MAN AND hate spare time 'outside of . business ? frouro. it can show- yon how you can ; n it profitably by :repreenting us. You can earn while you learn. Lafr ? yo nay 'wish to give your full time. : Only those, with best referenees need I apply. Great Western Insurance Com- pa ay, Hubbell Wdg., Des.Moinrs, Iowa. r j j - -' - .i8-j6 FIRST CLASS INSURANCE MAN wsated - at; once for best. proposition in state. , Income. Accident insoraace. Erery pol ; icy non-cancelable. Mrs. Moyer. 144 N.-Conr'L St. Room 6. 18-jnel8tl . SALESMEN 20 L1FEOGRAPH BUSINESS BLOTTER i cards are .fastest selling sp-cialty of . their kind in U. S. A. Lire repre- i keatstiTe needed. Write for territory tamediately. . Lifeograph Co., Los An- i getes. Calif.. 20-jtt SALESLADIES AND SALESMEN WANT ed, for Salem. Eugene, Albany, Corral lias and! all towns. Excellent line silk . hooiery; aplendid eosomiaaion. - Write: Roybl Hosiery Mills,. 427 E. Burnside HlLPjtlsilvS : .r VIA1ST :AND FOUND ,22 JX)ST BLACK SILK .BELT, LAST - week.' Phone 1824 R. 22-j6 LOST---POCKEf BOOK. ON TILLA - mook road, containing $35. Return to i 813 Center -8t. ; ' ' 22-jly4tf LOST SOMETHINCr -F1SD ITi PHONE 1 want ad to The Statesman. Phono S3. " ' 02.m,t4 PERSONAL 23 FKtTTY MAIDEN WORTH $63,000.00, lonely, will marfy. ; Write Etb, B-1022. WsWhiU,-. Kaasas. . i -- t , , . 23-i CATHOLIC CORRESPONDENCE CLUB Bobklet free. Address J. KEEN A, L-Bos 23. Grsnd Rapids, Mich. 23-6 MARRY IK LONELY; MOST SUCCE8S ful ; "Home Meker" ; hundreds rich. 1 strit-tly confidential: reliable: years' experience; descriptions frer "The Hareessful Club,": - Mrs. Kith, Box 3SV Oakl-fnd. Calif.- .23-i6 LEADING CLUB LARGEST, MOST RE liable for lonely -.people, confidential descriptions free in plain sealed ene-f- 'lope. 'Thousands wealthy members. If sincere, write.1 Established 20 years. (Hd Reliable Club (name copyright d, Mrs. Wrubcl, Box? 26, Oakland, Calif. ' -: ; 1 23-jB IXJANS St WANT "LOAN Ol2500 FOR LONG, term OH per rent on 11 aero tract close to ' Salem, .all-in prunes and walnut. -13 year old. With new 4 room modern bouse. Mra. Moyer, 147 N. Commercial SU -: ' ' 24-jne28tf WANTED MONEY $1300 for 5 years on now, .moJera bungalow. First class se curity. Jtrs. Moyer, '147 N. Commer cial bt. 24-Jne28tf GOT ERN M ENT LOANS ON FARMS SH rr coot. T. L. WilkiQfon, 203 0. . tlool bnk bldg. e pr9tf REAL ESTATE city 25 OWiNj YOUR WILti SACRIFICE 4 ROOM BUNGA . low, fruit, garage, woodshed, chicken . park, on ery easy terms. See owner. 1231 Howard., t --- 25-j6 FOlt iSALE OR EXCHANGE FOR j A smaller house, a strict!' modern 8 room residence close . to state houe. Price 7500. This residence is well located for roomers and boarders, -John II. Scott, 303 Oregon bldg. ; 23-jG . "I .' LOOK - I :,;-.: J We have 6 good house, to exchange for earms and small' tracts; store and -7 room bouse for small farm close in: 7 room house and 3 i lots for small house nil 1 lot close in; 1 acre and small bouse cIoh in -for house and lot, ;! ' THOMASON. f ,i : 331ti StateSt. 23 jCtf WOODS; BARGAINS NINE ROOM house; ' clone ; in, $2000. Seven room . house, close in on pavement, $2700. Ten room house, good location,. $3300. New bungalow, $1230. " Nine room strictly modern house.: swell location, $7500, 320 acre dairy ranch, $33 -r acre; take part citv property. F. L. WOOD . 311 State St. 23 jtilf f NOW IS TltE TIME TO BUY. i COME ! in and look thes-e over: I - ! $32UO - buys this 6 room modern bunjslow on Wilson street, south lot. 30x100. a sure bargain. Alvo 22 acres near Indep ndence. no buildings, on highwsy ; price ' $30O0. L , Will trade both for modern residence-' in ; Sslcm, Ore., up to $4300. I : ItJ?-- $2630 " buys a 4 room cottage on North 17th street, plastered, basement. pjTenient. lot 45x133.1 i ! 4 room bungalow in 'Richmond dis trict,: ntw; come in and look it over. Price only $2150; $2iKf will handle. Here is a real trade 9 room: mod ern , cottage, ' nearly new. on Marion , street; partly rented and bringing a fine income. Price $9000 ; -will trade 'for a farm near Salem. 30 acres of fine river bottom land alt in cultivation; 3 room cottage, good well : and pump, 4 acres lopsns, 24 acres in filberts, one -year old; Will trade for city property or what have , on I - ) : 6 acres of fine land near the rity limits of Salem. Fine 6 -room serai bang low, good barn and outbuildings., 5 acres of fine wheat ready to cut; - all tor $6500 or will trade for city , property. I Moisan & Ulrich 122 North Commercial. . Phone 133 23 J6tf FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN 5 room bungalow. East front, good loca tion, one block to car line. Price $4, 400 ; terms. ' KRUEGER ? 147 North Commercial St.j-T'hone 217. i 23-jly5 TEN BEAUTIFUL -aCRE HOMESITE8 just beyond city limits; high, sightly, . wonderful view. Each $400, 10 per cent down, $10 a month if taken soon. Splendid valua. Harris, Phones 1013, 1042J. i 25 Jne3tf GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES Modern home 7 rooms on Capitol St. Price $6500; will take smaller home , as part pay. .. I , Modern 8 room home on north Summer street, $5500 ; will; take part in ex--. change. Prefer smaller .house. Sev : ersl other good buys and exchanges in city and suburban homes. ' See CHILDS 4 BECHTEL ' 540 State St. i . . 23-jly3tf WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 3 1 modern 5 room homes in Salem. 2 modern 6 room homes in Salem. 1 modern 7 room home in Salem. Call : and let us know what you have. McGIICHRIST t PENNINGTON Boom 209, U. S. Bank Bldj. Phono 140. i j 23 jne28tf ., Best Buys and Exchanges 13 room apartment in rood repa'r, income' $90 per month. Will consider trade;- price $5250. f -5 room bungalow. North Salem, want acreage of about equal value; price $3f)00." ' - ; i ..."';; " 2 new stneco, bungalows, stucco gar age -with each located -at Anneheitn. Calif. ;-i income $100 per month. 1 Will exchange for acreage 'near Salem,, not over $16,000. - - : Restaurant in best location in Salem, only $1800. Money to loan. . L i: Socolofsky, Realtor 341 State St. . Phones 970 1212 M I . 25-jltf LOW PRICED HOMES OF BEAU VALUE . i $1000 Buys 3 room home with large ' brick and cement fruit house, large lot.. some fruit, i Located 14 blocks from heart of city near South Com mercial street. $300 down, balance . le-s than rent. HERE IS A REAL BUY WELL LOCATED. ; $1100 Buys new four room bungalow v , with two lota, j Built-in kitchen, screened porch. I THIS HOME IS RIGHT UP TO THE-' MINUTE. .ITT US. SHOW YOU THIS TO t DAY. Terms $300 down, balance like ret. ;.-:(., $1350 Buys 4 room plastered home ' in North Salem. . on paved . street and alley. Modern in every way, ' North front, full basement. Terms: ' $200 down, batanco $20 per month. $1750 Buys 3 room garage house with 90-100 acre of 1 land. Corner lot 1 on South Commercial street ear : line. Paved street. Acreage set . out in young Filberts and Walnuts. HERE IS A REAL SNAP IX i SMALL ACREAGE IMPROVED. . Terms: $200 downi . balance $15 " per month. i ; SEE US TODAY ON ANY ONE OF THESE IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO. v i W. H. GRABENHORST Ic CO. 275 State St.-- Phone 515. 2.Vjly2 MINUTE MOVIES I '...' K '. r-. - ' i i k-. i rs j. r-N 111 J V : I i, irTA r , ,r-v i ,r- r-,. i - i , r. t, vr, .1 . r - , - . - - j : rAOW' T1LM- ill 1 1 &TGOOCtW0f ACDEAJr f ffigjj A ' . r l fief a xJm 7 . i (m 25 b ROOM NEW BUNGALOW, DOUBLE Construction; corner lot, $500 down $40 a month.1 :Priee $4200. i GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE ! 492 N. Cottage 23 jneCtf i ! . y "WE ALU DIG FOR DOLLARS" New 4 toom bungalow, basement, furnace. Wonderful view, paved street. This is a bargain at $3500. i 6 room bungalow, paved street.- A snap, $3000; terms. j . New 4 room bungalow, basement, furnace. $2000; terms. If you Have equipment and $1000 I can sell to you 157 acres, excellent soil. 6 miles from Salem, good road. Will give 20 yeara to pay balance, RICH U REIMANN ) Realtor J 307-308 Orkon Bldg. Phone 1013. 1 25 jne2!)tf FOR SALE MODERN 8 ROOM HOUSE, basement, built-in features, garage. 161 South 14th St. . 25-ml8tf FOR QUICK SALE BRAND NEW SIX room bungalow. Hardwood floors, fur nace, basement,1 laundry trays, built ins. Garage. Lot SO by 162. j Paved . street, graveled 1 alley. Rock driveway through lot. Concrete walks. l i Shrub bery. Located only 8 blocks from State and Liberty, at 851 South Liberty St. Phono 1784. f 8-aprl3tf FOR. EXCHANGE 6 ROOM HOUSE and 5 good lots, for cloe in acreage. 6 ' room house and 8 lots for close in acreage. l room modern house and 10 lots for large farm or eastern Oregon : land. Stock ranch in Valley and rity property for going farm in eastern Ore gon. City property in homes from " $1, 200 up at your own terms. J Barber, 200 Gray! Bldg, 25-jne22tf REAL ESTATE city 4 ROOM HjUSE $ 1650. 5 BOOM house basement, furnace, garage, "close in $3, ' 650. 5 rom new bungalow, basement, furnace, everything modern, I $4200. 6 room 'tungalow, furnace, fireplace, double ga rage, new, $5200. 6 room house close in $4200. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. i !: 23-jnel4tf FOR SALE BY OWNER MODERN Bnrt galow, $4000 with terms. Five large . rooms, full basement. Call at 1850 So. High. '.; 25 jly5 287 HOUSRS FOR SALE BY ACTUAL count ' to select from. Several farms ' for trade. Fair Equitable dealing. FLEMING REALTY CO. 1 -. 3M State St. 25-jly4tf FOR SALE--NEW THREE ROOM BUN gslow $l:!.')0. Modern five room bun galow cl( se In $3600. Stock tndse. $12,000. 80 acres timber land $2000. "Exchange five acre tract close in for house.: California income property for auburban home; Want to buy a home 91200 to $2000. For rent modern fur nished' hojuse close in $40. F. L. Wood, 341 Stat St. i , 25-jne25tf MODERN 5IX ROOM HOUSE COM : pletely, i ewly and artistically furnish- i pw and Lib 25-Aug2 FOR SAL? GOOD BUSINESS LOCA tion, close In, ideal for filling station. If you vfant a business site see this. For trade. 3 lots with 14 year old fruit trees in Oregon City. East front close to school and just off highway . to trade. Would make a b autiful home.: Will trade for small house in Salem, balance cash. Mrs. Moyer, 147 K. Commercial St. - 25-jne25tf 4 room House $1650; 5 room neat house, $3200; 5 room house $2130, 492 N. Cottage 25-jne6tf PRINTED I CARDS BIZE 14" BT 7" wording "For Sale, Enquire at." Pries 10 ceata each. - StaUaman Busineas Office. Ground Floor FOR SALE OR i RENT 3 ROOM FUR- nished bungalow $2800. j. 6 room modern bungalow.; close in, furnished throughout, $6300. 3 rootn new bungalow,- basement, furnsee, I fireplace, sleeping porch, ga rage, oak and fruit trees, f IjOO. New (8 room bungalow, hardwood floors, basement, furnace, fireplace, double f arage, $5230. 3 roc m new bungalow, corner lot, $4200; $500 . down. $40 a month. . Lots, close in for sale by GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage. 25 jne27tf PRINTED! CARDS SIZE 14s BY 1W. wording "For Rant," price 10 eonts each. Stateamaa Business Office, on lenw4 jSlo i BUSINESS opimrt unities 20 ; BKAl'Tlft'L EAST FRONT. LOT 'ON North jSumn-er St., reasonable fnt quick sile. Dr. Fred Ellis. J 20 j rt BUjSINESS INVESTMENT Jf yon are looking for a good liuki neSs; :i0OO to $10K)0. come in: ami see Mr. Fleming. Room 7. at Hit State St. YOur busin-ss held confidential. THE FLEMING REALTY CXX t . 26jly4tf 11EAL ESTATE farms 28 TO EXCHANGE ' 23 acres with rood improvement"!. all fine Und. only H'-j miles from Sh lem. - Good road aud near school. Suit able fot dairy and chickens-.; )Vint Sa lem or I'ortland property. THOMASON. 331 , State St. 28 jly4tf 5 acr s improved and ' spring : water, $1600. . ; 85 acres, equipped dairy, $12,000. 100' acres, equipped gram and hay, bogs and cows, aio.ooo. ., j C00 acres, eastern Oregon fenced grax inz Band. $40O0. -l. 18 acres improved; 4 aeres bearing' prunjes, J320O. some trade on the above. , i Robinson Oregon Bldg. 't . 28 j'.v4 GOOD! tlHANCES FOR INVESTMENTS Good 150 acre ranch 9 miles from Salem. buildings, fruit, . water, wood. Exchaif ge for acreage near Salem and. give! tkin- on balance. Finej 5 acre tract close in, 7 room house, j barn, other buildings. 'Water systemi Exchsnge for good residence. Lare modern bungalow close in, fine lot. Want 20 to 40 acres with improve ments.! Good 240 acre stork ranch in British Columbia. Good improvements, stock and , tools. Want acreage near Salem. , If yjou want to boy. sell or exchange See i Pfirine & Marsters, 212 Commer cislCltab Hldg. J 2! jly?tf ! (All rights protected by TBe George Matthew Adams I I vi 1 r -I 1 w VlMUgPV UP THERE. "CMAHP J V REAL ESTATE farms 2S A REAL SNAP! 20 acres of ; bearing prune orchard near Liberty school. ; Prie for quick ssle $5500. Has- fairly good' crop for this year. : ! W. H. GRABENHORST tc CO. 275 State St. ! i ? , ' 28 jly2 HEAL KSTATv suburban 30 $t(UMI; YOR SAl.Kr A SAKE INVEST !; ment at Nyebeah, 7 two-room cottages, -. 1 npartn-ent house of ; 4 apartments and ti room hoiie lor the owner. Will sup f port a MuuH fiimily and room to build i cottages. If yoii , are looking for a ;! safe and sound investment,' here you ar.' Box 46, i Newport, Oregon. : ' i I - - 30-jlyG ; j ;i USED CARS for sale 31 TRADE DODGE TOURING CAR FOli Ford coupe or roadster. Will pay cash 'difference. Sbmrmk tiaruge, vomer Commercial and Miller. 31-j SPECIAL THIS iWEKK 5 BI G CHAS SIS $33 each, j Valley Motor company. Phone 1995. j i ? 3l-jly6 1919 CHEVROLET YOURING. GOOD . (ires, looks good and runs good. $100. Dodee tourmgJ almont new, oversize cord tires. Almost every kind of ex tra equipment on it., $300, j; a Nearly new I Ford i! louring1' ; car.- Wa can save von a bit of money on this. i NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. " ; i "i i - . i. 31 jlyStf FOR SALE FORD TOUIilXGi CAR $75 ; also good trailer $60. Jhoue 1974J. i - ; f - j. 31-jly2tf USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring cars $ 83. to $350 Roadsters $ 7afto $325 Coupes L-4 $275 ! to $450 Sedans ......... $225 to $450 Light deliveries; $ 65 to $275 Ton -trucks $ 85 to $385 "Bugs" . ---- $125ito $225 All cars are guaranteed. Liberal terms. See our low priced Arars fori . -fruit haul ing and outing trips. $65 to $150. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1995 360 N4 High St. 31-jne5tf j;H Certified Cars v ; We are listing hese a few particular ly attractive bargains in the way of used cars : .It U $675 1924 Cher. Business coupe, 5 new Good year cords, S&M spotlight. Driven 30O0 miles. I .' . 3 - $479 - 1924 Chev. roadster, MeClaren ebrds. Automa ie windshield cleaner. Driven 6000 miles, i .'. $475 . " i923 Overland touring. Red Bird motor cord tire equipment. Driven 11,000 miles. : i-' - $ 493 ; H ' 11920 Buick ? touring', new paint. Me chanically excellent. SAM spotlight'. Bumper . - .f !' 'j .-$123 ' 1918 Stbdebaker touring. Nearly new cords. Spotlight, Motor meter. Recent ly overhauled, ' 'ii i $283 ' 11919 Oakland touring, new paint. Motor overhauled. , Very good tires, spotlight. i ' ,- V ;!$365 : 11920 Dodge (roadster, spot; automatic i windshield cleaner."- New paint. ' ! .-$595 1920 Studebsker Special touring. Paint i ed gray. Overhauled by Marion - Auto 'Certified Public' j L Motojr iCar, Mart i 255 North Church St, 31 jneSStf Napoleon's Tea Service To Be Exhibited in Chicago CHICAGO, July 5. -4r Napoleon Bonaparte's 'silver gilt tea service, consisting of . 1618 pieces, which he presented to his sister, Pauline Borghese, will be exhibited this summer by (the Chicago .Art insti tute. It is i a part of the collec tion of MM; Kdith Rockefeller McCormick.i who has lent it for exhibition purposes for the first time.'- ' .: j ' ,:. The set was made by the im perial jeweler, M. G. Uennais, af ter designs by Fercier, 'Who was leading Parisian designer and architect of the period 1800-1806, Its owner says. It bears the coat of arms of jthe Borghese family. Institute officials . declare . the Roman influence is strongly marked in the service, as under the' first enijpire Napoleon ad hered to -the classic - style. Al though the classic style in France was originally revived ; by Louif XVII ' through the discovereies made in Pompeii, under Napole on's rule the tstyje was carried to the extremes' and designs of or nate embellishments ; appeared, which was in Keeping with the as pirations of the first empire. P1UXTKR.S si:t u uaklic DUBLIN. June 16. -(AP Mail.) The Irish Free State, by virtue p.f its membership in the League of Nations.) has become u mem ber of the International Iabor of fice at Geneva. As documents are printed' in .'the languages of all countries which are members. The copies have now been issued print ed in the Irish language. ' j Read the Classifier! Ads. CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business : AMBOXAKCB AMBULANCK SEUV1CK, DAT OR night Phone Ph6. 173 Spqth Liberty. 'AUCTIONEERS P. N. WOOORY I -Expert Livestock, fumtrure, real estate AUCTIONEERS ' ! Rea. -1610 N. Summer Phone 511 for sale dates. j-;- .11 r U' E. TALBOTT i . Auctioneer Phoie 470 203 U. a Bank Bldg S9 ' O. 8ATTERLEK j ! Auctioneering . i Room 25-26,- lir. yman Block Pboue 430 or 1211J. v I jpe-12tf AUTO PAINTINO HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH our new permanent finish. ftwaurv Cams High Street at Trade. . AUTO REPAIRING WILLAMETTE JUNK Cfc). Buyers of old cars, metal, rags, pa per.' Auto ; wrecking. Parts for all cart 50 to 55 iper cent off list price. 975 N. Commercial. Phone 588. - m 25 tf Cylinder grinding, , crank shaft true Ing. We're specialists. Donerite .Ma chine Shop. Automotive imachinuts, 849 Ferry St.'- 1m' : BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN 531 Court St. J0E WILLIAMS PRESTO-LITE B A T T E R f! SERVICE Station. Expert battery and el'-ctrical work. Ierria Broa Phone 1808, 418 ' Ooort. -1 : -i . R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTER! E 8 tartar and generator work: 171 South f)otnnfreial- 1 I BIOTCLE8 A2TD JRI0 LLOTD E.i RAM8DEN DAYTON BIOY clea and repairing: 887 Court. j 1 1 - i CARPET AJTD IBTJO. WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Pinff Bug Works Rag and fluff ruga woven any aizo without seams. New mattresses made to order.: Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff ruga- 13V6 and Wilbur atreeta. Phone 1154. Otto F. gwieker. Prop. - CHUTESE PHYSICIAM DR. U T.i DICK; CURES ANY KNOWN disease 158 8. High St.. Phone 288. CHIROPODIST f DR. 8. T. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA tknal University Bcianeea. Chicago. Masonic Ten-l. Phone 640. - '- CHtROPBACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT?, PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19-U. S. Bank Bldg. Phono 87; res. 828 K. CLEANERS DYERS SALEM CLEANEKS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phone 1868. Wa ipo eislire on on- day service, f ..:. 00SULTIHQ ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Constructing engineer. Surveys, eati mates. Jno. H. Neet. j 1 Oregon Bldg Phone T76. , 1 CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL. AT 438 N. Summer atroet. Phono, 674 J. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. Oonnral : contracting and building. Esti mates gladly ; furniahed. Pkona 1?7R or 59F12. - d3Ctf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE It" BY wording "Dressmaking" 5 pti c e "10 . eenU ea-h. Statesman Business Office Oroiind PIootl j' . ' . ' '- M; ; I ELECTRICIAN SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A SONIC building. Phono 1200. i ELECTRIC FIXTURES A N I SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. Ljiberty. IiZ EN K R ELECTRIC - C O . tt.. wiring k tmir or eonteact, Ea limitu iKirnished. phonei 980. 471 Court 8.' HALIK ELECTRIC - - shop -I .: eiactrli Flxtnraa ' A Washinsi Machines Vacuum Cleaners :5 837 CojurrSt. " ' Phone 488 Rea. Phone 702 3 FINANCIAL ! I can make your farm or citr loana, boat ey- w " v - mo; and if yon have money to place, ae nt I always have taker. O. W- Lttflar.: Ore son bldg i ee me x aiwas ai Loflar. Oregon bldg ' j - . LOANS ; I "' rarm and City. I Most liberal rate and payment prisilegea.N ' - I l HAWKIN8 h ROBERTS. 108 Oro. Bids. Salem, Ore. ..! i, ' .11. :, : -tf LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on city or farm property, rieserve I'e poalt company, 72 Fourth Sueet, Port Service -Trade Mark Registered V - "' 'jm '1' 11 A . . us GOLF lESSOSy MDOOt?S, AiiAjTEr: . - ---: MPS dvfficult t - I"-' BUSINESS s - i and Professional Firms Arranged is Alphabetical Order for ! Quick Referenes r --"rr-h':' rtNANCXAL Farbi! Loans ; I- - ' i J ' ANrKR$ON &rRfTPERT 400 Oregon? Building ' i ! ' ' 1 -1 ! FARM LOANS 1JES8 INTEREST, longer time, no commission. Protects gainat adversity.- : City loana, lowest rates, monthly, instalments, prepay : ment privileges. 3. C. Siegmund, room , over Ladd Bush bank. ' City Loans : On improved property or for improved purposes. , THE BEST and easiest way to pay on loan is our monthly installment plan. , 96 payments of 914.14 repay a loan of $1000.00 and . interest. . Eqaitable Savings Jk Loan Assn. ANDERSON A RUPERT, i . Agent. - 400 Oregon Building ! f ARM PAWS IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST (arm paper, send 15c to the pacific ! Homestead, Salem, Oregon for at three ' months' trial subscription. M o n t i o n i thia ad. ; POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cant utamp for special three month' trial for the best and oldest journal in ana west. . The article and advertise ments aro of special interest to the Soul try breeders of the Northwest, urthwest Poult.y JoornaL 211 Com mercial street, Sklem, Oregon. r" : nRZ8Ts '-.!.' - CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral w r e a t k a, decoration. 0. T. Breithsupt. floiut, 123. S. -Libarty Phone 30. P0NERAXi DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO tors, 210 Centtr. phone 1650. , " FURNITURE STORES G1ESE FURNITURE CO. J U A L I T Y furniture for lea money. 872 Court, - Phono 464. ' PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW i and second hand furniture; ,271 N. 2--i--- GARDEN PLOWING v GARDEN PLOWING. DISCING. GRAD ing. top dirt. Tueker.- 1123J. m4tf BEMSTITCHIMO HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, PLEAT ing. The Petit aihop. Room 6, over '- Buaick. . . 2tf SALEM ' ELiTE H EM8TITOHING . pleating, button, stamping and needlt -work; 328 Oregon bldg. Phone 879 MRS. C.;E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING . stamping, buttons. ' Room 10, over Mil ler' s'-ore. Phono 117. " . ; HOMSOPATHIO PHYSICIAM PR. L. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHI8T Doe a general practice. Treat Goiter, Gall Sto-.es, and I Droisy, arising from . disease of heart, liver or kidney ' without operation. . Office and reai- : donee, 294 N. Liberty 8t, Salem, Or Phone 147. i - - BaKEKBHaHBHAaeE--s--aM-B9-iai ' j- " .-'-.' INgU&AaTCB - ', ' ' WARREN F. POWERS ' Ufe, Accident,: Fire, Automobile 219 C R. Nafl. Bonk BIHg. Phon 07 LADIES TAILORING D-. H. -" MOSHER -TAILOR FOR MEN and women, 474 Conrt St. ifATjrWDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, ,818 8. Liberty atreet. Phone 25., oMeat largestbest. Established , 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY i Quality work; prompt service; , .1264 Broadway.- Phone Jos i . LUGGAGE COME HERE I , The best buys in band luggage and trunks. MAX O. BU REN , Furniture 179 N. Com'tSalem MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MXTSIO LESSONS A COUR8H IN BUSINESS i PIANO playing. Popular syncopated sundard muaU. 4 Bemi-clasaie and . ballad 12 .lesson.. Waterman Piano School. Me- Cornscs: Bldg MTJSIO STORES SHERMAN. CLAY CO., PIANOS i Stein waya, Duo-Art a n't others.: Mooro'a : Muaic Ho, 41 Court Street. OEO. O. WILL PIANOS, PHONO- grspht, wing macnines, sneot music, and piano atodie. Repairing, phono graphs and - sowing' machine; v 482 State atreet. Salam. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni- ' tnT Co.. Music Dept. :: ; ' ' NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS nn a ; ST. A noHTItt ACUTE AND ( chronic d '. MUM; '415 Oregon Bldg. J fnoae mi. g. Patent Office) .-, uy."' V irt t ir v-. . THATS ATERRELE olpJbut howcai irarfc vmjm Ppm 1 -V 1 1 v rti -nil j I AHIN ll flb VCKT i - t - i Bud r u ssr i -m- v r DIRECTORY - t" TORSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 149.tR y j -;'-...' ' jne-28 rOR PRACTICAL NCR8K PHONE 1524. . i n25tf FOR PRACTICAL KDK81 PHONB 1483M. n25tf HT7B8EBY STOCKS - FRUIT. NUT AND SHADS TREES -f PnnTcy Bros.. 237 Stat. - I OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. Charge rMnable- Examination free. 282 N. mmecial St. j PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTINO PHONB i GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, ote RoUabla workman. ; i. j - ! ' GET MY '- I FREE SAMPLE BOOK ' ; for comparison I MAX O. BUREV - ; - Furniture 179 X. Co-n.--Salera FIAJTO TOTTERS EDWARD WELP EXPERT ENCID Pi ano tnner. Leav order WUl'a Mull Store.' : - ! - PLUMBING PLUMBINO AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros, 141 8. Liberty Phono 550. T , j i . 19J PLUMBING -REP AI RING i- AND COIL work. Phone 495W. Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. - ! RADIATORS. FENDERS. STO. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES mad, or repaired. J. 0. Bair, 286 Stat St.! J- RADIO RADIO DOCTOR . . I SALEM ELECTRIC CO. I F. S. BARTON, Prop. Masonic Temple-f Piione 1200 REPAIRING r ALVIN B. STEWART ' 847 Court St. Umbrellas. Cutlerr and Kara Lawnraowers, raxor-blades, : aeiiaor koivea and tools iharpened. I SCAVENGERS S0O9 SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bage and refuae of all kind removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Cess pool cleaned and dead animal 'ro- moved. Phones: Office B5. Res. Z068 SECOND HAND OOOC .-).'' I I 4" WANTED rVXRYTHINO IN CLOTH ing and akoe. Beat prices paid Cap Hal Exchange; 842 Nor'o Oommorei Phone 13o8W. i j STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING' , STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED! -: 40 "years' experience. Depot Nation " fence, sixes 26 to 88 in. hirh Paints : oil and varnishes, iete., loganberry am: hop hooks. Salem Fence aud cStov, Works. ?50 Court Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AKD HAULING ! i CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 22f ' State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding. end storage our specialty. !Get ' our rates. I r WE MOVE," 81 ORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold gooda. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood4 Call on us for prices. We give good i measure, good quality and goo4 Service. Lariuer Transfer Co. Phone ;93( TRANSFER AND HAULING OF A LI TRAKSPOBTAaLxO j PARKER'S STAGK7,INE8 . 3. W. Parker, General Manager Central Htage' Terminal -Sslem, Orgor SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Loaves Salem, Central Stage. Terminal 7 a. m; It a. m; 5 p. m. Leaves Silverton News Stand: 9 a. m. : 1 pj ra.: 6 p. m. . Rslpm lndependenco-Monmouth Division leaves Bale in. Central Stage Terminal 7 a. m. ; 9 a. m.; 11:10. a. m. ; 1:10 ji. m 5:10 p. m. i Leave Monmouth, Mnmouth Hotel; 8:15 a. m. ; 1 p. m. , 1:15 p. m. Leave Independence. Beaver Hotel) . 8:30 a. m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. 4 p. ; 6:30 p. m. . Leaves Central Stag Terminal, Salon i for Dslfk t: . I 7 a. m. ; 11 :10 a. m.; 8:10 p. m. Leave Gail Hotel,' Dallas at: j 8 a. m.: 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. -We mak- connections at Salem to 1 sll paria of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. s - I ' 'J. W. PARKER. General Mineer.1 J SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER 00 Office; 801 South j Commercial St. Ta per ! cent discoant on domestic fla . rate .paid in advance. No deduction for abaence or any cane nnla wato is shnt off yoor premises. Swat (the flies now or -the flies will swat you later. . -" I'eoDle who think too much I' of themselves do not tliinjf f nough. By WHEELAN 'ii-3k tJ-mjm TliC- i-kl T-' r. s.r-. l ) I OLX5W1T To MAKEjAT'q PLFWER - Mc- 5AID 1 U'AS etsr PUPIL I lo CVVE E A I yt-ANDiCAP f VOU WF-RE pNEVERONir." rwbmtii THE1 END Child Welfare Made jn Public Duty h Sweden T ! STOCKHOLM, J vi n e 16 (Mail.) -Compulsoryl removal eft wayward or depraved children from their homes into public custody, , and Bubseq uent. super vision up to the Jge of 18, is, pro vided 1 for in a new Saw for the care of children which has just been passed by the Rlkfdag. The law furtne.r provided for. public care of children who are found to be exposed to undesirable influ ences and in danger of becominj depraved. -! Children, - removed from their homes by , governmer t inspectors' and matrons in com plianca with" this law are placed in government institutions, or in Rood privato' homes in the countryL where they receive expert traintnK ; and can grow up in healthful surroundings.; Social service of a Biniilar sort has been carried on in the cities oC , Sweden, especially Stjockholm. for many years by municipal and atate . boards, who place the children ia . desirable homes- far out in the., annual com- , hOinefl. Iji bond of af-. co.unfiry,"and pay an pensatioii to?" these many cases a strong (ection grows up between" these waifs of ithe, slums and their fos ter parents, which culminates in Jegal adoption. t i Under the new la w every city and parish will have a special board; for the care oB children, in- eluding local pastors and teachero is! permanent members, while in spectors will travel all over the country for the purpose of observ ing and controlling individual de e'opment. Thousands of cou-ntry home receive the" poor children of the city as guests during the sum mer and send them pack to their homes with cheeks roiund and rosy. : Xation-wide and ejnergeiic phil anthropic1 work is aljso carried on' by the SwedJsh society "Save the Children," the campaign culmin ating in an annual Childreq's Day. when) large sums are I raised in order to provide summer vaca tions in children's colonies, by the seaside, and in eome cases on Is- lands! specially jeserved. -4 ;::- ' ' : 24-Hour Clock System h ; for German Railways " MlfXICH. Germahy. June 16 ( Mail J-- Considerable pressure is. being brought to hear upon the ; irrman railway administration to adopt): the system 61 time by the loursj of 1-24 instejad of 1-12 a: . n. and 1-12 p. m. jTrave'lers re turnibR. from.,. Switter land. Italy and '.nstria- point t ut how much easiej' the system in vogue in these countries i-3, where everybody knows that 17 o'clo k is 5 p. m. - Several years ago an internar tional congress for standardizing the railway time tables of con tinental Europe was held at Basic, in Switzerland. At thia congress it was unanimously decided to in-, t reduce, the '24-hoir system a soonji as possible. The German railway administration hold. 3 that the expense of installing the new system is too great for the Ger man; state. Crippled Scotch Soldiers Make First Class Texties WASHINGTON. (AP) A woolen July 7. mill operated, soldiers and solely by disabled sailors, haa just been establish in the coin- Kdinburgb, Scot land merce department has been ad L, Bonney at. vised by Consul W Edinburgh. The experiment. .which result- ed hi the establish mien t of the mill. was - started in 1 16. and sinco tlienV has proved b yOnd a doubt that limbless men re employable. and can take thei place in the factory pro- abor market. Thte duce coats, ' t rave lling rugs. scarfs,: tweed3, a terials. which are d other ma- told in corape- tition with other m ills. ' Alaskan Baseba I Hampered By Distance Between Cities . KETCHIKAN, Ai aska, June 10 ------.( Mail. --Alaskahs play. read. of and enjoy their baseball like their cousins in the states. ' : l. Ketchikan, Jttneiu and Anchor- , age have baseball leagues which . ire composed of qity team. Be cause of the great distance sepal- f t has been im- Ating these cities a possible to. play "n atcli Kames. ' Ketchikan, which He? '75 milea from the international boundary line, plays ganies every -ji-ar In Canada on Dominion Day. and the Fourth of July. Gaines bfs year have been; "t-chrdul ed Wit h Aiijnx, a shielfcr . i:oin- x British ' Coliuub ni unity. . ' - liADIO WEAK AT Sl'NSKT- J u I y 6. afternoons are WASHINGTON ( M a i t. ) -- S u m m o r the wornt "period for radio, tliet bureau of standards of'-th co HIl- merce depart nir.iu ha. fouftd. The annotinceijieiit whs? made- , after- extensive t etsi.j, w h i v h showed Hrat duHnR ' hot after nons radio signal j-,itre Weak and. trong. mjift". on the disturbances- are Observation.? strength of rad'i signals" from high power Eu showed that the s ro?tettii elatioHK finals arc weak- eVi at tje hoii r if ounsel at ' the European stations .ft