V THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, JULY. 6, 1924 I I I. f " , k.. i I t : i a I i t I I , Ifiued Daily Except Monday by i THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPACT 215 South Commercial St., Salem, Oregoft B. J. Huirirk ' Jbb L, Brady frank Jkoai 7 .' MEMBER OF THE Tha Aiirlatd Prrta ia ezrlusirely entitled to the ne (or publication f all ewa dtapatt'bea credited to it or not otherwise credited in thia paper and also Ue local isewa published herein. ' ' BUSINESS OFFICE I --: ! ' Thome Ti Clark Co, New York, 141 145 West 36th St.; Chicago. Marquette Bnild- . HC. W. 8. Grotbwahl, Mgr. i (Portland Office. 830 Worcester Bid-.. Pbone 6637 BRoadway, O. F. Williams. Mgr.) s TELEPHONES: . " 23 i f Circulation Office - - - 23-106 i ; Society Editor Job Department i - - - 583 : Bnsineit Office News Uepartmenl Entered at tie Poatoffice in Salem, BIBLE THOrGHT AND PIIAYER j..'. . : ''"? Press-Ratflo Copy' '; :';;-:'. Prepared by Radio BIBLE SERVICE Boreas, Cincinnati. Ohio. If parents will have tbeir children memorize tba daily Bible elecUoens, It will prove a prtceleea heritage te them In after ax j "j" - jJ-.-' July THE ROAD TO WANT. He that bppresseth ho poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want. Proverbs 22:16. i 'I I ' PRAYER: Teach us. Lord, to play the man in all our dealings with our fellows, and then Thy blessing will be oiir daily portion. THE TENDER, HUMAN SIDE OF GENERAL DAWES r,, Tho more the country hears from and of 'General Dawes, the more the country will like him--- ! j -Anti our people will hear a-plenty from him immediately after the official notification is given him of his nomination as the republican.eandidate, for. vice president, and from that time till the closing of the campaign- ; , And every one will know exactly what he means, and the great majority will feel 'that he means what he' says. He will ... peel, the hide off of the demagogues and hangthem on the fence. He will hammer the daylights out of the hokum bisters -md-thebunkum. boosters, and he will tall a spade a spade and f a hoe a hoe.i He will have nothing to conceal, and he will not ' let the other fellow get away with much artful dodging. The " "people will like General Dawes for this- nearly everybody "" admires a fraiik'and fearless man- J j . " But they will like him still more for his human side, and 'they will not hear from him with respect to this. He will not talk about this. The' people will have to hear of him, from i'f others, concerning this. He is a modest man, notwithstanding 1 certain impressions to thje contrary; given j by accident for " ''instancei' his: "Hell and Maria" explosion Avhen his temper was ja roused by. the pewee tactics of the congressional committee ; by the attitude of pharisees straining at a gnat and swallowing a t . camel, i ;. - ;-1 .-i'.- . ;: General and Mrs.' Dawes had a great sorrow abgut twelve years ago: when their; only sop, Rufus Fearing Dawes. was drowned in Lake Geneva. This boy was 21 yearsJd and in the junior class at Princeton university and h$d been w'orking hard to train himself so that some day he could go ahead with the work his father had started, i This meant that every vaca tipn he had workedi instead of loafing. ''One time he worked in aa engineering camp in South; Dakota where the" party tfiok typhoid fever. He helped as, a nurse until he too was taken ill. Like his father he was generous to the last degree.. He saved $80 from his work that summer and the following Christmas he spent $20 of it in buying baskets of food for poor families. ... At another vacation time i he worked in a gas house in Seattle. .One summer. he worked f or i plumbing firm,' earning $60 a month. The last vacation job he had was in the labora tory of the Chicago Heights Gas laboratory, i He was clrowiied during the last two weeks of his vacation, which he-had taken "off for recreation. , : M ' l His death was undoubtedly the greatest blow that his father ever received or ever will receive. General Dawes' hopes were all wrapped up in his boy and the future. JJ; - ); It was not long, after the death of Iris 'sqn that General Dawes started his three hotels that have been operated so" well for 'down-and-out men and women. The first Hvas built" and dedicated as a memorial to his son. This hotel isftknown as the Rufus F. Dawes Hotel for Destitute Men,". and is located on the west 'side of Chicago, o many hotels and places of this 'kind constantly remind those who are forced to use them that they are up against it and really accept charity. Biit in the Rufus P. Dawes. hotel there is nothing to remind those who stay there that they arc having a hard time in this world. The hotel was opened January 1, 1914, and it has been popular ever since, its reputation spreading from coast to coast. A man can j;et a bed for a nickel or a dime and the meals cost less than seven cents each. During the first four months this libtel Avas open, 74,161 men were accommodated. 5 ; . j:;: "While General Dawes will not talk about his "hotels as a general thing, he will say at all times that he wants it under stood that they are not charity institutions and that no one can Interfere with the private affairs of thcj guests irt his hotels. Aer this first hotel was running along in good shape ho started another in Boston giving itt the .same name ! and running it along the same lines exactly as the one in Chicago. In Febru ary ,..1917, he started the JIarj' Dawes Hotel for Women as a tribute to his mother. Together with his brother, Henry M. Dawes, who" assists him in the managing of these hotels, he wrote the following instructions to the employees in all of them: vi are simpiy noteiReepers, ana tne Alary iiawes hotel is nothing but a hotel run as a first class; re-j spectable place differing from other first class hotels only in its cheaper prices. Since our guests pay for v our service, we assume no right as hotelkeepers to in quire into their private affairs. There isvnothing in the fattt that one becomes our paying guest, either in our hotels for men.or for women, which should subject him or her to any othet? restrictions than if a larger rate per day were being paid. : i " We wish to assure our patrons that so. long as ' they are orderly and deport themselves properly while in our hotels their independence will not; be interfered with, nor; will they be affronted with unasked advice or interference with their private affairs. At the Rufus : Dawes hotels at Boston and Chicago in the .last three years we have, registered and cared for over 500,000 guests, ' and: ve. claim at: no hotel charting 50 times ," their rates is better order observed or greater appre-.. . - ciation of others shown. by guests." ; ; ' 1 Does the reader want a better picture of jthe tender, human side of General Dawes? 'His idea of helping, the 7down and out people is to help them help themselves. He does not pass, by ion the other side and send them a check. Nor does" he humiliate4 and degrade them by-making: them feel thev are obiects of' charity, or j subjects for officious meddling concerning their ilives or habits or beliefs. ' . y T; j j - He wants them treated as men and women ; members of the I great brotherhood and sisterhood of American citizens in which I there 'should be no classes, and no caste, excepting the caste of J sjmpathy and service. ( ' ' ,.' r You are going" to like General Dawes, tremendously; and you will like him better the more you know of him. ; . WITHIN OUR RIGHTS There has been a good deal of discussion about the Japanese ex . ' Manager Editor Manager Job lept. ASSOCIATED JPBESS I 583 106 Oregon, aa aecond-elaaa matter. :.: - ;,?T924 j " 1 clusion and a good "deal of hard feeling ha"S beea worked up in Japan. Japan has exclusion against p;ericans.,S'oAmerir an. f an -o wn a foot of land in Japan. We never objected to that. We re cognize their right to pass such n-Risjaiiuu. . j nis-is not any ami at Japan because 'it. is Japan, but simply a part of the domestic pol icy ! of the,. .United'; States, clearly Within our rights and clearly de- cldKl for our own personal inter est!. ; 'I liie contention that our exclu sion law ha3 demolished or humil iated the national life of Japan js ridiculous. No affront was in tended when congress passed the law, and such; humiliation as the Japanese nation may have suffer ed is due to their Town petulant, unreasoning jvay of taking this legislation. j. j The exclusion law was enacted because the American people are convinced that it would be un desirable and an endangering j of the' friendly relatipns between the two countries to foster the coming to the United Staffs and Hawaii of Japanese in greater numbers than are already under the Ameri can -flag. Surely ; the Japanese people can see that it would not bo desirable for large numbers of Americans, to push their way into Japan to compete with Japan ese! labor, Japanese storekeepers and Japanese1 farmers : for trade and industry upon which Japan ese subjects properly have the first right bf call. A situation would, soon be presented that would lead to racial dissensions, "national an tipathies and increasing friction that might cause war. That, precisely,1 is the situation in jthe United matety 125,000 States. Approxi Japanese are in Hawaii and approximately 125,000 mote are in California, Oregon and! Washington. ' Their coming here in greater numbers would notj onlv be desirable, bat a men acelto the friendly relations of the two! nations. U i j I No question of inferiority j or superiority is involved in our 1m migration law. Quite to the con trary, the American people have a high regard for the Japanese nation, a friendly feeling for the, Japanese now inthe United States, and a sincere desire to remain everf at peace with them. 1 MAKING CHILDREN HAPPY It; takes so little to make child ren fiappjr. Jbis more than a monetary- pleasure they receive upon some little thing being done for then. The children need love and littl attentions remain with them. The re are people we hate through life because of some real or fan cied slight in childhood? There are! others we lpve all our love's because of some little attention. A mother's kind - words ; to a chilA upon leaving for school or a ; picnic will ; brighten tne entire dajj, while' nervous and unkind wori is tear the very heart out of tho child.' I it v A child is a precious thing, but it fs also delicate. Its mental or ganism works all the time, and the cylinders of its little mind record impressions that stay through the years. Being kind To achild is one of the best w-ays ever devised to ren der service to our kind. ! A SICK 3IAX' j The announcement that Senator .La ; FoUette would not make an aggressive campaign but would be practically secluded in Washing ton and speak byjetter and radio indicates plainly that the stories of his ill health are true. This is t0t like La Fdllette at all. It is a weakness that he would have disdained 10 years ago. Little: is to be feared by a cam paign that does not plunge his per sonality! into the "campaign. La Follette! as a man in the back ground will not be formidable. , - . -1 ; j'f ' THE CAT OUT H; If there was any. doubt about the Burdick speakership pledges being made to thwart unfriendly legislation on the part of the cor porations, those doubts can be set at rest, i ;; '' - ;. " i I . i;i :j The Oregon " Voter, the organ of special privilege, is fighting he battles of the unmoral procedure. "'.That tells the story. The cor porations know exactly what they want, and are going after it. l;-f jThank God we; still have the initiative and referendum.' If) Gal oping Goose Feature On Screen at Siiverton S1LVERTOX. Ore., July 5, (Special to The Statesman). Pictures of the Galloping Gopse in the Rose Festival parade at Portland were shown at the Gem theater Jast Friday and Saturday nights. -. The pictures were great ly enjoyed as the goose is a SU vertjon product and was a decided hit at Portland. ; v 3 riie three reel picture featuring Bobbie, which was recently made, wasshown for one day only at the Palace theater Sunday. The pic ture is entitled "The Call of the West" and shows Bobbie making his f way westward from Indiana to-aia-home in-Silvertou, Ore.- BOOK REVIEW Hy W. C. HID RLE ALBERT RICHARD WETJEX "CAPTAINS ALL." by Albert Richard Wetjen. New York. Alfred Knopf, f 2.00.; : In the New 'York L Times book review of June 15, there appeared a 'constructive review of i Albert Richard ! Wet jen's new book ; of short stories, 'Captains All." It was a review not often given to a young author, and a first book. It lead the rev.iew page, was a column 'and a half lone and alto gether appreciative and helpful. In its -specific criticism it noted too many technical ship terms. too many unrelieved short etories, and mannerisms in. the characters, inserted too obviously to attract attention and too little as an out growth of character.: The writer waa alsn Inclinprt to rnmnlain that Mr. Wetjen's sea was not sensu- ousenough. In other words, not Byroniei enough. : Well, all. this is the criticism of assistance, and some of it doubtless; true; but at does not seem -to the: writer quite within the compass of home town, criiicist and this, review, Sir. Wetjerijls going to get plenty of constructive criticism, and more satirical criticism, and some sav age criticism. The constructive ritirism will te useful, while the bubiblea of much (learning blown from literary suds -will be bub bles, j But a reviewer in his home town iuav he pardoned"; for think ing he knows more about the out- tanding strong features of nis writing than a reviewer in New York or Kalmazoo because he is looking for them He may be a wee bit" partial, but al least he has no judicial reputation to main tain. When our local baseball nine comes to town do we go to. the" grounds and yell uproariously over the errors of the honie team have: never done it yet: I have never said; "That was a good play Of BattS, mil unwise, ueiause ii he had., failed: etc.": And when errors occur, with the exception of killing the umpire, I am always sad and half regretful. So in the c,ase of this particular base runner Albert; Richard Wetjen. I find it very easy to keep my mind on the goodly; ; number ?of : home runs. Let us look them; over. "Captains All" )s a collection of stories iyhich engages the atten tion of the reader, grips the mind of him, leaves the snug part of Him a little shaken, and reinforces liis latent desire to have a foun dation to his thinking. They ful fil in high degree the dictum that "The end of the story must be high enough and -worthy enough to justify the preparations made to reach it.',' No lotus Janes Irfre the . mariners to fabled isles. There are no sonnets to Leander. Instead there is "the foaming crash of the boarding seas; the sucking drag of the sea; the iron sea; the chaotic sea." Hitherto the sea has worked now we work, masters, mates and men. In deed the story strain; is but tan apostrophe to work work and discipline. ; And, so Captain Jib bets of the Pickle-Fleet, "That long sea 'og '11 1 get th' glory," an.d listen to the yasualness of it, "Can't 7: stay : to f cuss, though. Them onions s got to. be deliv ered." And so one animating mo tive runs through broken ;'af .life devoted to the integrity ' of: the sea can; not escape it, The brok en direlict Thompson - would deny that integrity, does deny it. But it proves stronger than he.- It casts, him aside, using him ;" even as he cast; aside the; helmsman, using the wheel. IThompson's cry, -'I did not do it tor..yor; for your wife arid children," .was childish babling- lie was: used, , even as Clyteninestra byfj the Jncarnate curse of the Grecian . Ilouse of Tantalus. And the same with value.? : The stars and the flood and the foaming 'sea work - to gether to reach . Webreif' that ihis ecenomies are. cheap like chaff, and as. pitiful 'in-daage'r, in con-; trast 'with the courageof discip ptne and knowledge; of long serv-: ice." A man's career is much like buying cable, if he's cheap about; it he'll break ;rwhen?ithe test; comes.". And these are the terms j upon which; you read Mr. Wetjen's ; book: that the sea has hammered of 'em out, and that you respect not only the process, but the men who can thus meet the sea as man to sea. '' ' 4 These tales are properly named: grim, rought. brutal, reflective sea captains yield us segments of their lives, and J pans on. They: are promote jor brokenfcjil : i '; fit. - : 'i' ' and- are killed, but they -are not I common. And here ; a marvel! A. mjjte becomes a captain and hefs born anew. Itl is as-if a veiled Responsibility hadJoMchd him on the, shoulder an 1 whispered, "You.' Sir!" He ni4y have been bent, beaten, hard ened by years of service but ohce a -captain' there SA a second, birth. It may be manifest in devotion to his ship, the day's work, a lofty sense of duty to women and ch of Idren, or a dignity component- these that runsHhfoftgh allde- faiJIs of action. He is now alien to fer, the Code embodied. author ity! incarnate. Knighted by Odin, fiejjis a chosen hero of Valhalla, ball the -roll of the Captains : . Qaptain Ellison; Cautious KlliHoii. first maf-.. Hy ,li:mrc civvn a , I'oiiinvaiKl. lrjvs Inn Kliif fhise io shiirp; i )ilra ilividfJid loving owner. Shi M-r-pkeil. j titain Klliiii gitrs down wi:h' '"my uip. . i . ; . Gajrtain Jibbetts: Mastt-r of ftn off the littlf rargo ,vss-is that plough from port to Iort. "Th Hirkle r'lest,' ' they jc'all thin r7 varieties siimnioned ' ion stHl-my night to rcsrue linrr on Coqtiille' roijks, , Hard,', crtiellinir , night : 1 took itwo lio-rs to clear Coos bav ; nix. hours ctiK-i il ih. (I and during .struggle to get liner off: rwks. and ont,to sea. Captain hajiils vessel over to jug. and oimerv. a to mate,. '"Now, Mister ! Mate, let's be a lout our lawful affairs j two hundred tons of onijons to he taken to Kureka. an' near fifty thousand ifeet of "lumber to llanlon, all)! waiting' at Marihfield.' v ; Captain of Oie Matnor and Able Saa man Thompson? A hie Heouiaa ThomtiNoui whf (shipped at Seattle is reeognized by thej eujitain as Jlater5, former raptAin' of iMathor. who was broken beesnse of testimony withheld by captain. Mathor swillowx prid and tells Masters h : will a(iings a leak and is obliged to put: in at I Humboldt durinic torni. 'aiit;k!ns finale amends to board if lie will- take Majtlior in. . Mastery refused.; Caplain tris but. fchip drifts., Masters suddenly displaces helmsman and takes her through 50( foot lane. . Don't thank meV I didn't do it for your wife and children! Nojr for the blast-d assengersl jThe Maithor was my ship once. She was my ship! Mine:" ' i Captain of the Carroway: A liyle man chewing big black cigars. Always Seas uaLj; air nonchalaot and matter nf. fact during stranding of hia ship.. '"They're rusjhin 6 the biiats," said . the mate. '!aim, Mr. I.arsen. calm, you'll get sed to (this stuff if you sail the wester nccjan.' " The .wireless operator caitae- to hiii. "Can't get any answer, sir . i . tain, "you 4'ant;dn a damned - thing. WHat'l we do .'" i'.'Do," said the :-ap-Dojn't take it to heart." The helm t and screw done, each .man. appealed to the little gray bearded figure on th! bridge. ruMiiig his chin. .... The last passen wifh a cigar sagging, and his gloved band, gef gone, the crew started to land, the male watching for him, the captain brings a I bedraggled ship'-s parrot Co light. i Pretty i'olly," he croon, d, "did they forget you,"., '- : Captain In Strain:' His ship weil ' wharved among o. hers he is ordered to moke to wharf . by agent of . company. rWiKh" low tide and varying depths, cap- i taih remonstrates. Agent, who has not ha4 enough foresight to gather freight in On place, still ohstinate. Thirty-yars of seamanship railed in to. make turn;: antiety every inch.. ires jam, break, roljng sailor : on deck. An old seaman shouts, - 'Look out for shoal "water, skip pei!'" - A tittle, ferry , boat breasts the ripis. . A khuddering rasp with a steam scijooner. ''Ulankety blank," yells the scHooner captain. .'Uet that liarge' away frosm my ship!" . . . "Kasy,"-' said the majte'to his men. "Stop,' rang the tele graphs noisily. The captain resumed his writing. '.Say, captain, d'yon know .its tak- n you nearly an hour to ; 'shift. My (iaju'dr you're so 'slow." His great fist swung viciously, and the agent sat down ' on jthe deck: with remarkable suddenness. ''And if you want more, stand up." Captain Bobert Thompson:':: His wife illj and in extremity on the Mastern, he majtle a sailor's decision to abandon des tina'.ion. New York, where she could bave , medical attention, and obeyed SOS call to rescue Captain XIalone whom he hated. The iron sea. Captain Black: Philosopher, brutal.' Assaults, young seaman, l.amark, again and again, j Wants to break his spirit. ISaifled. Reflects. 4 Recognize 1hat the boy had never been hostile. at all; just stood firm that he was right. The ci:p tailn laughed, "Kven the gods can, be overthrown.' Captain Ensen: Rought his seamanship i i.i . i . , i i.. oyj-ioug yeiini oi iiotu aim tears. rwrrrs thf value, of ii into being of penurious onjcrr s against cheap value of equip ment. !'...-' (When it comes to the manner ofi telling his story we may as well sa'y, first as .last that Mr. Wetjen has style. ; He is keen" upon - the adaptation of his manner to his in- -tetit, therefore writes easily and wth enjoyment, as attr good-story-tejlers, should. Sometimes so easily that his revision overlooks strength to the weak spots as well as ; the strong. . . : But here I am muttering be caiuso he does not steal two bases. Better to admit that his driv ing sentences are like tire short, srift strokes of . the piston rod in the engine room of the Mathor. This, for Instance: "The wind freshened. ; The sea grew. The, jumping and straining off the hawser became more acute. Full were! the afterholds, full the fojreholds.l'haff full the 'bunkers, and the engine room. Number 2 htch Was smashed in. A sea had broken half the ventilators from the fiddley and had cim ted jthe smokestack. v Another, had shifter th chart house several feet from its rightful position. The aptain di4 not move, though he was very wet and cold." - . : . Sayr are these periods not sure of 1 the end from the beginning; fio thity notattain speed and defini tion; does the incident not serve the object, and with power; are they riot" quick carriers of the storing an; angry sea cdurage, de ciaion. bold action. struggle? Should his theme change I be lieve his style would change also. I Relieve that he cares enough for the word J the sentence, the para graph, thiir linking and inter-relation, fort that. Perhaps I Bhould say ha could not help it. I .lave that faith in him. ' f'" jAs to that curious informing, thkt fugitive breating which is the' west ; wind of style, that strange distribution , of cwnsonantj to; vowel and vowel to vowel, the music of which "as it rises Sand falls we cayy rythm, our fqrtunate author in large measure has, this, tob; or, be it said, we could not ha!ve maintained so, stoutlr he: bad stjle And if ever there was j gift ofj the gods, this is. It may be that the mere; stylist never achieves. But we may - be equal ly sure that the man without stjfle has .no tomorrow. Let us lojk about us. Single out ; the popular novelists. Count them on yojur - fingers'. How ; many .-- hava t jle? v A few well, they are of tomorrow, .Tho . many they '- 1 . -. : : ' ! -.:-.' ..; ' ': : : human document; they are Kood pamphleteersj they are of today. It is a gift, apparently, not (to be purchased at a great price. Given, the increiase is ioy- jefuL I If Mr. Metjen bejjieves this, he vf ill attend to the increase. "Albert Richard Wetjen has now! to his credit jCajptains All, andit has . been favorably re- yiewjeu, m ew torK: lie lias the entrince (o many magazines and papers and I am afraid the edi tors! write him 'congratulatory notes. If I were Manager of the All 9 Qregotxs, I would want to keep him ion 'the home teanb. and I'd hafef the big league scouts like poisfn MARRIAGE PJDBLEHSte i - w Ihase of - i REVELATIONS OF A WIFE (Copyright. 1922 by Newspaper Feature Service, Inc.) CHAPTER E207 I - ; i . : WHi'.LHXiAX FOrxj) A XEW HHASOX FOR FAITH IN HER flACKY STAR." 1 ' -. ' 1 , I Snouhted the stairs to Dicky's roon wjth a queer little misgiv ing -jtugging at niy i heart, same thing which waa -neither pique, lonejines nor 'disappointment, but which held elements of all three emotions. ' J . - (. IfJ Lillian's interpretation of his teleram were true and I had no idaof doubting it, for she knew so much more than I o the artis tic world in which bicky worked ; thgen.he wa3 going itito an at mosphere of beauty, luxury and carefree gayety, in which I had no part ! indeed, which' I inever had seen!, !.-';' j ' F0r I knew of Atkins, Dicky's prospective Tiost. according to L.il ian'sj guess, the man) who had mad; such a success n writing fiction with its I byproducts of dranja and cinema productions, thatl he was able ! to indulge Jiis tastes to the limit in any direction he cjiose." A man of gentle breed ing, fwide ;culture, and posaesed of restBess energy, he had made of the ! camp iff . the Adirond'acks which he had purchased in the first flush' of his success, a fairy land! of luxury as well as a ports- man.s paradise. f j Madge Begins to Pacjc 'it :-zM-i i Here in solitude he fwrote tne novels which enabled Kim to live the.$fe he loved. : Herej when one novel was completed, he invited his dronies and celebrated splend idly, ii had heard Dicky speak, with as npix envy as lira euuny, seuci ous feature ever -displayed, of the fact that whichever artist the capricious Atkins selected to il- Liiistyato tho nnvpl nlwava one r . . , v..u " . of the guests at these celebrations, and that the favored onp mighV al most name his own price with the publishers, for Atkins' selec'tfon was 3aw. ", j ' . Aid now Dicky was to draw the prizl. True-he had . not said so but iLillian appeared to be sure thatjwas what he meant. It would have taken but a halfdozen more words I thought; reaentfully., for Dick;y to have told roe his destina tion! and, old and tried :a friend as Lillian is, l couianot neip a lit tle eeling of pique tht I should be ' Compelled to lean my, hus band's whereabouts from her. 'Iave written,"' he had said in the telegram, but I very well knew wha that meant only) that he in tendjed to write. I might not hear fronl'bim agin until on the eve of hia Separture; from Atkins's camp, he would send me a j remorseful wire or special delivery letter. . With Lillian's assistance I drag ged tDickpr'g pet trunkj a modish looking, affair, from the corner qf his -oom to the centre; opened it, and stared aghast at Jthe hetero genous collection of sketches and magazines which filledj it; a 1 A Problem Solved. "This must be his jjunk over: flow' Lililan commented prac tically., "I'll warrant ; you that youll find the really! important things in his files, all correctly ar ranged. Here! Wait a minute till I get you a sheet.! That will be the best way, don't you think. 'to cover the lied completely-That's where we'll have to dump this if we don't waht to break our necks afterward in picking things up." "I'll gef the sheet," I said, mov ing rapidly toward the linen closet. I knew that for the next few seconds I did not wish to dis cus this trip of Dicky's, even with Lillian. A swift illogical vision had come to me of the charming, beautifully gowned, accomplished women, whop Dicky would meet at! this house party, and there waa a tiny poignant pang of jealousy in' my heart which I was afraid Lillian would suspect, i I pushed the unworthy feeling down with grim determination as I 'selected an- old 6heet, huried back with it to Dicky's room and spread it on the bed. .u 'that's the ticket!'" Lillian al ready'. had her arms full of sketches, deposited, them, on the bed and hurried' back ; for more. I -worked with-her, and in a few minutes the5 trunk was emptied. dnattui.and. lined with fresh sheets write Mr THE BACK TO THE (Copyright! 1924 by ilany devout souls are fearing that in the conflict of.-theo-logies now in progress iintlie world, religion is I in danger .f dying.- We helieve these! fears to he gronndleks. We agree with the 'Chicago Kvenuig Post, which declares r There has always lieeii rcligiini.; savages'liave it our America i Jntians Hclievel in and wi'sliii)pcd the (Jreat Spirit ; they hel eved in' f he happy hunting grounds of another life. - The young iiicn and women of today are intelligent beings and are likely o make their, way safely between 'conflicting theologies. They will riot bewithout religion. Religion is not controlled by dogma." . Moi-eoveV, the, ve;ry ; Presence; of this dosrmatpc conflict is evidence that religion iA not dying, but- that it is! absorbing an increasing measure of the time, thought and study of tliinking people. All iionest spiri't of Inquiry; no matter to what limit it goes, is not fraught with danger to real religion, although old, outgrown 'loginas aii(r Miperstitioos may W AY tremble before it. -Dogmatic conflict, springing from the ""spirit of inquiry and the search for truth, st far from indicating; the death of re ligion, is evidence of religious virility. Evtn honeiit doubt is to be preferred to indifference and'the tinquestioniog acceptance of old itlea.s and traditions, since! it stimulates the doubter to religious activity "and jin religion,, as .in ey human lifetjiere can be men t w i t h out ac t i v i t v. no great This is stimulatediby 'doubt result in former religious convictions. or search: for .truth, is the deadly Every! lover ot relisribn should J thereforeJ support ;-tflj the back-tothe-chuch jtnovement ated by Dr. Sartell' Prentice at Nya'ck, New to overcome ' this indifference. city, including : bank " presidents, f judges, doctors, newspaper editors, labor union leaders, the big local employers and mer chants, and of course, the women, all joined in enthusiastically pushing the, new movement which ;now gives promise of spread ing over the whole-' country. The movement is (entirely non sectarian, including; mertibers of Catholic chij relies and all Pro testant denominations ah well as Jewish syn igogs, and is man aged and officered entirely by laymen. ' I)r. J'reiitice, who Tsla graduate of Amherst college and of Union Theological HemHiary and' an effective public speaker, is-now touring the eountry in the., interest cf this back-to-th'e-ehu'rch movement. ' Jle is meeting with great success and is re ceiving t hp endorsement of the Hpfess and iissistance from all classes. "The mnvemetit is sweeping the United; States," says the Los Angeles Timesj, " ami like a new iroora, it promises to sweep Clean! It is the first attempt to Cafl, not alone sin ners but the righteous j to repentance. Xoij can anyone deny that there, are many righteous' people on he outside of the churches looking in who ought to be on the inside looking out." The Associated Advertising Men's Clubs f the World have taken up the movement, according to the Philadelphia North American, and are calling upon the entire ;nembership of the Association t" to-give tojtheir local church th splendid co-operation, for jwhich their special training as advertising men. and sales managers fit them and to help to bring to, all elements of our society the gospel truth and of right doing, the spread of moral teaching and tHe development of a conscience that shall save the word from misery and ruin." , The! liack-to-the-chuch movement is officered and directed by those who, as a rule, are not officially connected with any chureh. Primarily it iinotfor the benefit oE the churches, but to help society and tKe pndividuals composinj' it. In order that the lenefit arising froi increased church attendance inaj be something more than temporary the church and those charged with their conduct mus awake to' the added responsibility that this increased attendance will bring. Pertinent ouestions like the, following sh'ould be honestly asked - and cnscieritfously answered: How are the new attendants to be held as perman ent adejitioris to the congregation? What, essential parts of the Gospel !of Christ have not heretofore been sufficiently empha sized or have been ignored entirely f What sjpritual longings or needs have the churches not been satisfying that they should 1 strive, to satisfy? : - The large percentage of non-church goers in 'our population is in itself evidence that rnany have not fori id in the churches what ministered to their spiritual needs.' So s lso is the presence of the many new ism?, cults and religious organizations flour ishing jn this country. Christian Science, STew Thought, Pj-' vine Science, Christian jVssembly, and many others are honestly striving to: satisfy the spiritual needs and lpn ?ings of those who come to them. .' . 4; ' Every fstutent of the New Testament must recognize that no existtng church or reljigious organization M this day fully measures up to the New Test a men t standard. The Christian religion, as there set forth, met every ear ihljr human need. It did not merely promise Salvation and happiness in a future life; it healed the body, it purified the heart, it ga ire spiritual power, it afforded ample relief and assistance in all things temporal as wel as in things spiritual and eternal ; sliould'not the church nd all of its'devolit and active elements be striving more earnestly to reach the New Testament standard, the-Christ standard, in these respects? ": ' . ": ' - , '. One thing is reasonably certain, many of the new chureh at tendants will, not long participate in a'religious service which consists in part of denials of the truths of science and of.de mSnds for acceptance of the old interpretations of some parts of the Old Testament. (And, of course,- mental hysteria and in tellectual legerdemain .aire 'hot 'spiritual power and will not long satisfy' longings- for thej pbssession of it. Majn'y persons in this age have' felt enough (if this spiritual, diviner power to knoAV indepeijdenfly of the Ne'w iTestament, that it is ablessed reality. Lei the .'memher.i of ou'r churches strive for this reality, even as. did the. early disciples at the day of Penteqost, until they get a m?n.h larger measuVej of it, and church attendance will vervi largely take eare of itsclf.K ' ' 1 of white, paper, 'a supply of which I ajways keep'on hand. - j- "You are the daintiest! house wife. Made,!' Lillian compiented. as on my knees I fussily smoothed the corners of the sheets. j"J love white paper linings, but I; always forget to buy them unless. I have a regular Aunt Dinah's fclaring out.' ". '; '. '. . ;-;-. .': . "Yes I've noticed how careless you. are' T acofted. Now,; let me think. . L guees . I'll gather": all the shoes together first." ; : ; ; . "You want each wrapped. I sup pose." Lilian returned. "Just toss me some of that paper, and I'll wrap as you select them." j l- We worked " rapidly through shoes,, and a number of other ar ticles before she spoke again j "Do you know," she said. "I'll never disbelieve again in my lucky star " '-. :-. I; '- '.':'. .. i . "How ia that?" I asked mechan ically. ' , j . . . ; H ; '. "Why!; I (was figuring my brain away on the problem of having Allen- Drake in the same house with your husband without an ex plosion of some kind, and- here this flight of . the. Dickybird's sOlves the whole problem!" , . (To be continued.) .: - f eopie are smoKing so mucni now it-is hard to tell when to calif a fire wagon. CHURCH MOVEMENT San Jose Mercury) ery other field of strength or true even t growth or develop- lough the .activity the doubter in his strengthening Indifference, riot honest inquiry enemy of religion. giv. svmpathetic recently iriangur- York, which seeks iThe prominent people of that THOVGHTS FOR EVERY DAY. Ry Editor JJ II. Parker of Tho Conway (Arkansas)' News. a group or young women were deciding whidh one among their girl friends vfas the prettiest. Marry, of course," said one of them. "Why her very eyes speak kindness, she is unsemsn ana her whole manner generous, and is sweet and invites your trust." This select ion; surprised the others, because they, knew of much prettier young .women; but as they reflected they - realized that facial beauty did not constitute all that was involved in determin ing the prettiest girl. ' Dress and other "trimmings do not count mu ch in the making of the prettiest g ltI. It is her person ality, her simplicity, and kindly heart beauty points that always grow more atl ractive aa the years come and Ko. ; The eyes arn said to be the mir ror of 'the soul. Are yours? Or are you merely a butterfly In wo manhood? petter study to have a sweet ha ture 4ind have your ftiends say of you, "Her very, eyes, speak kind ness." ' . - "' The hardes t thing about just loafing Is biiylng cigarettes on 'credit. --7v.----