- THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1924 STATESMAN PAGE OF LIVE SPORT. S FROM EVERYWHEI OTO) i, in 3zi 5ssqas II , . - : , . : s ... 1 I ... . NEW WALTER P. CHRYSLER'S I TRAFFIC 1M.K5 m 'y '-; .-. ; PASTNG AT SPEED ' f rJToni stales "are ihi' i-tjr H c srw--d with . walcli MM p tler ears. A cir. polnsi a rr on'.lv raid r.r, should, not e; fased. To re t v It require more speed thm is safe. The IralTe po!Tte. wa ch for the; driver wlw mt get ahed of everyone else, b j 't . The "t'ce are also watching the "trooe." the ti'-mi!-an-httr msn who .folds up everyone -ele for bloc'iSiand m;le. nie. "mofve", hss no more on the hirhay thun has the retrkles ilr'rrr. ' 1 ' TW nwrtor car i tnin$mrti tiOn and ?, hr? ta Jv . Hi, t'- we--J rian m-4 ,l -r ow irr iiit m-wrti to int'. t ea.! U ii and rtta.. c. au J coai.'orlable ; to Le t .. GET TOGETHER; END ACCIDENTS , . -Major General J.oHn F O'Ryan. commander of th Twnr-rveoth f)tiion in the. Work! War, who iT chairman of the Public Safety Committee Bureau of the Westchester N. Y.) CoufttTj Chamber of Com- 'pierce, believe that 'motorists and pedestrian should sdop blaming- each other for accidents and,, instead, familiarire thetnsclte with the trlllc law and fegulat'on and make an end, of accideniar- ' I The.aotoToti,e indinrtry ha boHt a slfih anrf'a humanitarian interest in the, traffic, problem. , Through it National iAatomohiie Chamber of ' Commerce it is a'tempTtnsr to do; everything puib!e to re.ufdy - those condition which, make accident oible. ' ' ! MOiUlA 111 ' FflOP.1 SALEM CLUB ...Two. Homers in Ninth Do it Strong West Coast Team ' ' Here Today . When, the Montavilla : baseball . team staged a ninth-inning rally at Oxford field July 4 it defeated the .Salem Senators by a score of 6 to 5 after overcoming a 5 to 2 lead for Salem.1 Two home runs, by Boland.and P. Mianer, did the trick. Two , were on bases when Boland leaned against the onion; i X9W0-r?He?v-who . tried but with the'porUand Beavers in the spring, pitched for Montavilla and allowed Salem six hits. " The visit ors garnered nine off Ashby's de- fCLUB PERCENTAGES A: w r. - ... - - ? v .- i ' " . rACITXC COAST LEAGUE ' -!'" . . .... . Won. Lost Settl ........r.-.;.....-....- 40;-4O Voraaaa '45 46 IBalt Lake -....:. '....f..:...J"44 4S Oaklaaa x-i...-..-,. .."4S 4 pArOana -.!:. i..v.j.. 42 .-j 47 hoi AneteO 40 ; 51 Pet. .573 .55 1 .505 .496 .494 .473 .472 .440 ! 2 ---'HATXOHAL LEAOTB " ........ i . ' .. - : . - Wn Iost Pet. .662 .609 .543 .515 .480 .439 .397 .366 X-w York Chleao .?. Kraokra j..;... ........ f.Iitthnrth .''....l t l'( HM-inotl ..,........',..u. ... 47 SU ... -4J - 27 ..3 '.32 .. XV . 33 v 3 89 w a k K9ito(t :...,U0. Philadelphia ,.,.-...,: 27i 41 ..I-26--; 45 " ' AXEBlCAK LEAGtTB" Washington 42 31 Sw York v ... . 39 32; tMroit - 9 85 S. Loai i.......,..t...-.i..,....;. ,35 34. Chicago . :r..: 35 35 . Clerelaaa , ..i.:...-1 34-' 37 lota ,P..!1v..;.'-. .It , S7 rbilaaclvbia L... fcS:; 41 Pet. .575 .549 .533 ,507 .500 ,.47 .4.79 .J69 . r ' NOTIGE . Sales Department and office of the Cherry ' r ? i City. "Milling Cd." will' be open July 5. 1 , ". . Cherry City Milling Co. j They All ConieTo THE J0VLh 'always find a crowd of neighbors and friends j at The -Ace Fountain these warm days because everyone lores good Soda and Cream. We serve it with the most delicious flavorings the kind you smack your 'lips overi i;i 'rKt'tter drop In soon if 'you would enjoy f1 J : real treat In charming nurrouiidlnKsi a dri.er. . livery. Ashby 'pitched a steady Same, but his Support was. hot of the best. j . ; The Independence day game was -a',: good exhibition of baseball most of the .way, though! Salem's infield work "was not quiteup to the Senators' standard perform ance. Bishop and Proctor got two hits each and were the. batting stars of the day. , . j This afternoon the West Coast team from Portland, pennant win ners in the Interstate league, will be here for a game with the Sena tors.' " ; i . 1 Zero In 'Wives is the one who tries to open the sardine can with a: corkscrew. - -r I w- PRATUM NEWS I "Recognizing that was fs the most colossal and jTtiinous social sin that afflicts mankind today; that it is utterly . and irremediably , un christian; therefore, we, tbe com munityjot Pratum, at the Fourth of - July celebration, resolve to question our f president of the United States to take immediate steps in calling a conventipn of the nations of the world for the abolition of war.-'.' ; , -. : The above resolution was unani mously passed t at a community celebration at Pratum yesterday at the conclusion . of the Fourth of July address of JjDhn JJ. Brady, editor of the Oregon Statesman. ' The attendance at the celebration-, was good. There was an in teresting program given by the scholars' 'of 'jthe -M. E. Sunday school. - It - was an unusually pleasant occasion. The man who saya, he will try anything oace maytry It ooce'Hoo 'Often. ' . ' t - "" : . ;.. ." .! . . 4 4 - 1 ACE COAST AND Portland 4, Frisco 2 I PORTLAND. Ore., July 5. 4- Pqrtiand won another from San Franlcisco today making it three straight for the series. The score waa i to 2. The Seals outhit the Beavers, 10 hits to 4, and Griffin of t ie Seals did not yield a hit until the sixth, but marvelous support behind Schroeder pulled him out of innumerable tight placi's. Little Mickey Cochrane, the Boston college catcher with the Beavers, knocked a line drive with two on, into the left field blea ;hers in the seventh. Sc ore R. H. E. San Francisco 2 10 . 2 Portland ... 4 4 1 Batteries Griffin and Yelle; Schroeder and Cochrane. Scwttle O. Angels 5 SEATTLE, Wash. July 5- Aftdr pitching . great! baseball un til the ninth. G. Payne, Lo An- gelei right bander, walked ip the winning run after - the Indians had jtied the count, the score being 6 to 0. Wally Hood. Angel out run fielder, hit his second home! in two days, driving in two df his team mates ahead of him. - j Jen kins! and - Byler, Los Angeles catc lers. were injured, Jenkins rece ving a split finger and Byler who relieved him. wrenching an ankle sliding 'into second base. Stfore . R. H. E Los Angeles ......... 5 7 4 Seattle 6 12 1 -Payne and Jenkins, Batterie: Byler, Zanich; Jones and E. Bald win Oakland 2, Salt Lake 1 I Oakland, Calif.. July 5. Accu mulating two runs off three hits la the fifth inning Oakland nosed out jSalt Lake 2to 1 here this afternoon. The game developed into j a hnrlers' duel between Mc Cabe and Mails from the first Inn ing. J the latter pitching himself out lot several tight holes. The first! Bee up in the ninth led off With a double and gave the Oaks e. scire, but he died on third base. Sdore R. H. E. Salt Lake ........... 1 7 0 Oakland ........ . . ... 2 61 Batteries McCabe and Peters; Mails and Baker. i i j Sacramemto 6, Vernon 3 -LOS ANGELES. Calif.. July 5. Sicramento defeated Vernon In a pitchers' duel today 6 to 5. Bill J Hughes, moundsman for the Solons, outpltched Ken Penner of the Irigers. giving Sacramento the edge .of the series which now etands 4 to 2. Rohwer, third baseman for the Senators, scored the winning run in the eighth inning when he connected for a bomb run. Score . R- H. E, Sacramento 610 0 Vernon 5 9 .1 Batteries Hughes , and . KoehJ Penner and Hannah. Wil s and Wightmah j Win omen's Doubles; Rich-' ards, Hunter Men's. - WIMBLEDON. July 5. (By the Associated Press.) Two of the hre classic "Wimbledon chami plonshlps" were won by AmerU can today in tne imai aay s piay of the tennis tournament. Miss Helen Wills, the American, singles champion, and her partner, Mrs. Geo.J WIghtman, defeated the new Wimbledon singles champion Miss Kathleen McKane and Mrs. CovelL 6-4. -4. The other, went to VinT cent jRlchards and Francis T. Hun ter, jwho spent most of the after? noon wearing down their com pat? riots. R. Norris Williams and Wat son M. Washburn, whom they fin ally defeated 6-3, 3-6, 8-10, 8-6, 6-3 H0all French, in the men's sin gles brought victory to Joan Borr ofra who defeated Rene La Coste 6l,j.3-6. 6-1, 3-6. 6-4. The mixed doubles title, the Miss Gll- onlw Britiah final, went to Kathleen McKane and J. R. bert who defeated Mrs. Shepherd- Barton and L. A God free 6-3, 3-6. 6-3. Wimbledon's fifth title wasjdecided yesterday when Miss McKjane beat Migs Wills in the ladies singles. RKDUCE COSTS OF OPEILTIXG FLEET OF CARS ; ! . 7 Salesmen's automobiles cost, an avcrkge of 1 per ' cent less per mile! to operate-in' 1923 than "in 1922. according to W. H. Thomp son. I automotivn ' Ainort 'nf Vio .Procter & Gamble company, whose ent or 168 times round the earth during 1923. The actual -operating jcosf per mile for 1923 was 7.6 cents, as acainst 8.4 rpntr th I previous year. I AMERICANS TAKE TWO NET TITLES MAJOR JLEAGUE GAMES j New York . Philadelphia 3 NEW i YORK.; July 5. (Na tional). The New -York Giants knocked out 15 hits for 21 bases off three Philadelphia pitchers to day and won the third game of the series, 6 to 5. The indefinite suspension of Hugh McQuillan was lifted and he pitched for seven Innings for New York. Ford hit a - home -run with two men on base In the second. I Score , ' . R. H. E. Philadelphia ......... 5 8 1 New York 6 15 1 Batteries - Hubbell. Steineder, Lewis and Henline; McQuillan, Ryan '.and Snyder. Chicago 6; St. Ixuls 2 ST. LOUIS, July 5. (National) Jeff Pfeffer pitched today and then was pounded in the fifth and the Cardinals lost to the Chicago Cubs in third game of their series 6 to 2. Score R. H. E. Chicago , ...... ..... . . 6 12 1 St. Louis 2 11 2 : Batteries Blake and O'Farrell; Pfeffer, Sherdel! and Neiberger, Vick. T-: i Pittsburgh 11, Cincinnati 4 1 PITTSBURG. July 5. (Nation al ) .The Pirates, batted their way to a 11 to .4 victory ,over Cincinnati here -today. Donohue was knocked put of, tlw$ box in the fourth inning after Carey hit a home run. Mays, who relieved him, stopped the : heavy hitting. Stone, starting his first 'game as a Pirate, was effective except in the sixth. , ; Score 1 R. II. E. Cincinnati . ... 4 8 1 Pittsburgh ...... . M. 14 0 : Jattertes Donohue, Mays and Hargrave, Sandberg; Stone and Gooch. i V Brooklyn 8. Boston 4 I Score-! ':',) H. E. Brooklyn 8 14 1 Boston . . . - 4 8 0 i Batteries Decatur and Taylor; Yeargln, North, Benton and O'Neil. j ' . - f ' ' ' ' t - ' :; McADOO CHIEFS DEFY Leaders of opposition (Continued from page 1) .Kj' V. ' . ni.iv nf nrpHmlnirv nature no rettine down to a close discussIonTi There will be another meeting to morrow when it is thought, the discussion of tonight may bring the matter nearer to a head. "So far the meeting has been good. naturd and temperate. Nothing concrete has been taken up tonight. The whole meeting so far has been preliminary to the meeting which will be held tomor row afternoon when it is expected some definite plan may be arrived at."' ' ' ' - - - "' - . Another participant, who like wise, refused to allow himself to be quoted, described the results of . the! four-hour session i as 'slightly more than nothing-J but not much more." T Rockwell,, chairman of the Mc Adoo (ot . president committee, after the; conference, issued the following statement: t ; "Any assertion that Mr, Mc Adoo had withdrawn or intends to withdraw from the race in which he is the outstanding candidate is malevolently; false; -. Such lies are obviously uttered for political ef fect. Mr McAdoo will be nomin ated, by. this convention and elect ed by the people in November." . That the conference had accom plished little in the way of smooth- ing ruffled feelings was indicated by the isuggestion by oneof the irate parting members on a def inite adjournment of the conven tion, without a presidential nom inee was ;a possibility facing the national assembly. . Later it was learned that three separate conferences will be held tomorrow in addition to resump tion, of jt.be general conference in the late afternoon. The McAdoo and Smith leaders will meet separately and not jointly as has been understood by some, while the representatives ot the various favorite . sons meet in a group. - will After; the conference broke up. the participants gathered in about them for an informal dis cussion, ' Jack Dempsey Will Not Defend Crown in Ring NEW YORK, u;y i.- -Definite announcement that Jack Dempsey will not' enter tbe ring this year in defense of his title was made today bjr, Prom'otef Tex Rickard after a series of conferences with Jack eKarns. the champion's man ager., j Rickard's pronouncement confirms reports circulated con-: cerning the titlebolder's -plans since the promoter signed Harry Wills, New Orleans negra heavy weight, and Luis, Angel Firpo. South American championship as pirant, to box in his Jersey. City bowU August 30. In making the announcement. Rickard. said he spoke with eKarns sanction and explained that' conditions are un favorable for' a heavy-weight title lout before 1935. ...... New York 2-2, Washington 0-7 : ; WASHINGTON, D. C, July 5.- Washington- retained its two game margin of leadership in the pen ant jrace over New York by" get ting ;an even (break in a double header with the Yankees, today. Pennock outpltched1 Johnson in thej first . game and won,2 to 0. but; ithe locals bunched hits off Hoy( behind effective hurling by Marberry ito take the final con test,!? to 2. ; Score (1st game) R. H. E. New: York 2 10 1 Washington . 0 7 0 Batteries Pennock a n d Schang; Johnson and.Ruel. Score (2nd game) R. H. E. New;! York V.'. ....... . 2 , 6 2 Washington . . .. .... . . 7 9 0 Batteries Hoyt, Markle and Schang; Marberry and Tate. Chicat?b H, Cleveland 7 CHICAGO, 1111,, July 3. Chi- cago! hit j two ,of four Cleveland pitchers hard today and won. 8 to 7. I Score ; ' ., R. H. E. Cleveland' . j . .'. . 7 7 3 Chicago ... 8 13 1 2 Batteries j Metvier.i Cheeves, Clark; Roy and Myatt; Faber, Coanally and vCouch. .'- 5 lKtroit 3, t. Louis O -S DETROIT. Mich., July 5. Earll Whitehill aided by excellent support pitched Detroit to a shut out victory over St. Louis, while his teammates .were ! gaining three f runs. . It w as Whitehili's second4sbutout in three' starts. St. Louis f outhit Detroit almost two to one but could not bunch them. Score R. H. E. St. Louis ( ...... 6 "1 0 Detroit , ... i . . 3- 6 0 Batteries Lyons, Wingard and Collins, Severeid Whitehill and Wotjidall..- ,1 , ; Boston 6-7,' Philadelphia -2 PjlHLADELPHIA, Pa , July 5. The Boston Red ' Sox obtained ample, revenge for the Independ ence day-setbacks when they took both ends , of a double header from Philadelphia today, winning the I first game. 6 1 to 3. and the second. 7 to 2. Piercy kept the seven Athletic hits well scattered in ithe first game, while in- the windup Fullerton held the home team, ito six, while the -Boston batters were spending a busy day pounding four local hurlers for a total of 25 hits during the j two contests. ' " J ' . ' ! ' ' Score (1st game)- R. H.: p.v Boston I , .6 12 , 0 Philadelphia ........ '. 3 7 2 Batteries - Piercey 'a n d 0'1eill; Burns, Heimach and Perkins. . ".' :;:,-! :'' ':!,, j I Score (2nd game)! R. H. E. Bosjton". . j. . .... ... . . 7 : 13 1 Philadelphia . : .' 2 6 2 Batteries Fullerton and "Picin ich; Meeker, Hasty and Bruggy. . i I : '-,' r " V' TO OPEN TODAY Splendid Array of 2000 Ath letes From All Over World to Take Part - 1 ' : ' -'.;-. COLOMBES, France. July (By the Associated Press). "he eighth Olympic games of modern times were opened formally today with one of the greatest and most colorful spectacles which has ever attended a gathering' of nations from, all parts of the world for the international athletic compe tition. .; t The mpst eolorful feature of thej picturesque inaugural cere mony waa a parade of nearly . 2,000 of the finest specimens ! of manhood, and womanhood ever gathered together who circled the track before 35,000 spectators tin thej magnificent Colombes sta dium. - : ' '. The United States, with the largest delegation of the forty five nations ' participating, occupied a prominent part in the ceremony wh'ich Waa brought tola dramatic! conclusion when, on the echoes; of the voice of President Doumergue of (France, declaring the games officially opened, came the boom ing of cannons. ' ' j Hundreds of carrier pigeons were released while airplanes zoomed) overhead and four French military bands added their martial strains to enthusiastic applauds of jthe crowds. i i Willamette Valley ! Transfer Co. . Fast Through Freight to All i Valley Points Daily. : I Speed-EfficIencyService; "j Salem-Portland-Woodburn ' CprvaUis- -Eugene - Jefferson Dallas - Albany Monmouth i Independence' - Monroe :H Springfield ' ..; -4 ' r SHlP BY TRUCK I OLYMPIC GAMES Oregon Has Low Child Death Rate In low infant mortality rates, Washington and Oregon' head the lists of 30 states and the Di3trict of Columbia. Only 51 children in Washington and only! 53 in Oregon out of every thousand born during 1923 died during their first year, according to a recent infant mortality report issued !by the American Child Health association. of New York City, of which Her-i bert: Hoover is president. Washington and Oregon have exchanged places in thej Infant mortality list during the past year. At the tima, of the 1 9231 report Oregon held first place and Wash ington was listed second'. The 1923 report recording statistics from .the 584 cities of more than 10,000 population In the birth registration area; places Washing ton first. - ' f j Although 78 infant 'deaths out of i every thousand births; Is - the average infant mortality record for all the cities within the birth regi lstration area, wide j variations fromj this average are found in individual cities. For example, Santa Cruz, Cal,, and Winchester, Massf, havp a record of only 26, the lowest record in the 584 cities. Spokane, Wash., with a rate of 48 stands first among cities bf 100, 000 to 250,000 population, while New York and Cleveland, Ohio, hold the best record, that of 67, among the ten largest cities in the 7nited States. 1 j As in 192, Pacific coast states agaid lead all sections of the coun try in low infant mortality rates. Besides Washington "and. Oregon. California stands among the-first fourstates of the birth registra tion 3n rea having the lowest number- of infant deaths, i Thie entire sectional average for Washington, Oregon and- California' is" only 57. Grouping all the citiesjby size it is tlear that the largest icities in the country have the lowest infant mortality rates. Comparatively, a larger number of infant deaths oc cur in cities between 1 10,000 and 25.000 population, as f the- follow ing table will show: ; Population- -Over. 250.000 10,000 250,000 50,000 100,000 . 25,000 50,000 VP. 000 25.000 Rate 73.9 80.5 79.3 78.3 81.6 TJfe American Child Health as sociation's report has become an annual record designed toflnterest the entire country-in the reduction of infant mortality and in the vital I necessity for birth registrar tion Thereport Is paft of the nation wide program of the Am erican Child Health association to further the cause of child health. Statistics-for alt the cities within the Birth registration area were secured from the United State3 bureau of census. Other data con eernihg birth registration which is included in the report-was gath ered Idirectly from state and local ' . '1 . T-! 4 STOP and THINK! f Tbis Means You t Before you enroll in any other school, Retf the facts. No matter : wht you now ire on where you live; yon cm be a big succebl. Th; best part ot it all is.- that so; nin, woman, bor or grrl, who is abie If rjfad. writo and think-: can make food, i All the secrets ot success ran be trummeid up into one word try If you hare the backbone to try, let us raise yob out ot the , 'dub" class, i The Harrard Tutorinf School is a modern Home Study Institute oa fcciejitific basis,. conducted ex clusivejly by Harvard men. Our modern and concentrated ColleRe, Business, tech nical.J, and industrial -courses start yon ujt higher, and move "you jup faster. We will prepare you conscientiously to hold your own where competition is keen. Vou will not lose a single working hour, just let us bring you up during your spare time add you will not Ret into a blind I 'alley" where . you will have to drndgd away at poor pay throngbout a long lifetime. . It costs yon nothing but a. mn to inouire. Do it todavJ It is the shortest and surest way to sucess. 5l : HARVARD TUTORING SCHOOL 5 Boylaton 8treet, Cambridge, Mats. Prices Have authorities. Comparative rates for the icities In Washington and Oregon during 1922 and 1922 are' as follows!: . i i Washington City Aberdeen. , . . Bellingham . Everett; . , . . Hoquiam : Seattle . . . . Spokane . . . . Tacoma . Vancouver . Walla Walla . Yakima .... 1922 1923 70 36 42 70 64 73 54 " 60 "50 49 72 48 58 48 43 32 76 53 SO 60 1922 f 1923 29 69 61 " 42 56 53 128 62 X I. Oregon City Astoria . Eugene . Portland Salem . . . i . . . California Growers Fix Price' for Year's Crop f i - '- 1 1 The California Walnut Growers Association, in a recent issu-e of Its says "Diamond Walnut News, that. San Bernardino' and ' River- side counties soon expect to pro duce big tonnages and adds: "Most of thie -walnut erowera lo cated in the bid -and proved wal nut territpry have little ddea of the recent rapid, expansion bf the California walnut industry. But comparatively; few years ago. the commercial production of walnuts in San eUrnardinoand Riverside counties was! considered . las. .a joke.'! ! j ..-; - Prune 192 1 California Prune and Apricot Growers Association opening pri ces: : . - j "' - :. -. '-: ' Per lb. in 25-lb. boxes "Equality" "Sunsweet" 20-308. .. . Q)16i .. . . . . 16& 30-40s 13 .134 40-50si... 810K J. . .. . 10 50-608,... 7 -J...'. . 7 60-70S.... 3 5 . . . . 64 70-806 ;. . . S .5 - i . . .,(ti .54 80-90S. ... .$ 4U J. 4 90-100s.i. 3 j...v. 4 Cartons, "Suhsweet" Perl dozen 2-lb., medium. 50 to 70s. j. $2.10 CLAIMS M.IDE FOR SEERESS MUNICH, JJune 16. (Mail) Elsbeth. Ebertin claims to , know what is destined to happen in Ger many in 1924-1927.: Her predic tion for this spring, made in Feb ruary, included : failure of banks, the death of! very rich personali ties belonging j to the financial .....(. ;- . . j , , :k -4- -- i : ...... 1 ... - I Cloihes T But more and more ness man is coming .-!!-!'! J : - ''"-! '. - i 1 tance that careful tailoring plaVs in reach ing the goal of success. The Name MOSHER assures you that you mate in fabric, design, D. H. M0SH Merchant Tailor 474 Court Been McCLAREN CORDS 5 to Reduction The Best "Jim Smith & N.W. Corner Court and High Sts. PHONE 44 world," and Ithe revelation of fraud on a large scale. ' j The deaths 6f Stlnnes and Helf ferich and the !failure of the Neuf ville bank arej pointed to by Frau Ebe.rtin's' friends as evidence of her ability to foresee the, future.. THE 4iK&-lii - dBBBBsa I " .aajk m Cowiiwg to Qiasatauqua 00 tbm fomrth mizht only -Rlph Ktin'a "Thav. Great Commoner," a play I lis li of Lincoln. , Th Chrooide aay "Nearer to the) great American play than anything thus far seen in San Franctaco.' . . . HitDVtiilrT A few of th other attractions-. The comic opera "Robin Hood Guatemala Marimba Band -Ault Concert Artiata Edward Amherst Ott Ralph Bingham Humorist , Ernest Gamble Concert Party Arthur Walwyn Evans Ada Roach - Ruth Freeman . Seasoss ticJtrt $mt pomtrrcty V cloet6 p.tm.pptnmgd7 Salem, Jiily 16th to 23d No Sunday programs Season ticket! prices: Adults 3r - student $2, children 1. 1 s Dda-ft 1 - ' h J'.n... ' ; the. Mae the successful busi to realize the impor on the labe of a suit the ulti- have received and tailoring 3R Phone 360 on 15 Tire Made '-"Biir Watkins Reduced h.. v -v A