The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 06, 1924, Page 15, Image 15

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of Human Derelicts
It was. found that among those
raided were 1,20'4 men and 7 C wo
men and girls who had nothing on
their persons to Identify them. In
Germany and other European
countries one Is expected at all
times to carry "some paper of iden
tification, and,- Its absence Is
enough to arouse' the suspicions
of the police. r.-.i 1
- These 1,280 persons were, held
for further investigation,, and the
following facts developed: For
157 of the men search warrants
have been out some ! time; they
were wanted for theft, burglary,
murder or swindling, jln the caso
of 2? li developed that they had
forged papers. : Three 1 men re
ported dead were discovered hale
and hearty. Among these was a
27 year old shopkeeper whose
business had gone bankrupt, .
who then had to live off his fir
father. .When the latter -was ti;
missed from civil service as par
of the economy program of th
government, the yoiing man dij
appeared and left word that 1.
had committed suicide. .
Found By Raiding Police
BERLIN. June 16.--(Mall.)
A recent police raid upon the
public "Asylum for the Shelter
less," corresponding somewhat to
the American rescue missions ex
cept that it Js
a municipal insti
some. unusual re-
; - - j- - v i ' .. -
tuition, yielded
R,ead the Classified Ad:
suits. ' , :i
August 4-11
r f TJ"ltl IK
(Portland District)
FIRST Xarta Liberty and Marion.
R. K. H. Bbank. Morning worship at
11 o'rlork. Subjert. "Tha Spirit Killed
Ufa." Mo4ra healing and tongues
anovemeate and tkntii taey differ from
Nw .Testament teachings. BYPU at 7
eelork. Evening worship at 8 o'clock
a the liwn, wrathar permitting. Sub
ject, "The Beat Samaritan." j :
FIRST Liberty t Center afreets.
W.C Kantner, aainiMer. Sunday svhool
at 10 a. m. Attendance keeping- up. well.
Interesting work done,. New quarter be
gin, hi. D. MeCaliiater, superintendent.
Morning worship at 1 1 a. m. Sermon
subject, VTh Religions Usee of Mem
ory." No evening serrico congregation
Join with other in the park eervices at
4 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday: at
8 p. B.
ST. PAUL'S Corner Chorea and
Chemeketa streets. Rt. II. 1). Chambers,
rector. Jtoly euchartnt at 7:30 a. m. in
tha chapel. Church school at 8:45 a, ra.
Holy- eurharitt with music and short pa
triotic sermon at II a. m. Ail welcome
at St. iPaul'a at all aerrices.
FIRST liberty and Center streets.
C. C. Poling, minister. Preaching serv
ices Sunday, July 6, it llV aa. and 8
p. m. by tha, pastor. Subjects, "God's
Possessions in Ills People," and "Bethel,
tha True Clsion." Bible school at 9:45,
classes lor all grade. J. f. Ulrich, sup
. erintendeat. Senior and junior Christian
Kndeavor at ? p. aa. Leader of tha sen
ior aociety, Esther Thompson. s ")Mrs.
Clrich, superintendent of tha juniors.
Midweek service Thursday evening, at 8
p. m. A full attendance la desired, i Iet
us not forget tha public worship during
1 tha summer saonths. Services will be
.abort and adapted to all who coma.: -. It
ia a aad day for the church when plea
aare, rase' and the world control tha peo-
Sla who claim to be tha Lord'." A
earty welcoma to alt.
er, pastor. Sermon at 11 a. m. Subject,
"My Country." . Sermon at 8 p. m.
Sunday school at 10 a. aa. Clyde Straus
bsagh will lead tha Evangelical league.
Tha time of the service ia 7 p. ra. . There
will bo service at Auburn; the time will
be 3 p. m. ... Thursday evening prayer
aervlca. i . ;
CHRIST EVAN 0E MCA Lr-8tate and
Eighteenth streets. O. Koehler, pastor.
Sunday achool ia English at 9:30 aw m.
Iivine service (English) at 10:30 a. m.
The childrea will render their annual
aaiasioa program, which consists of i reei
tationa and aonga.. ' A short addreas on
missions will bo given by student Fred
Thenar, on Monday evening, at 8 p. m.
Prof. Goade from Columbus, Ohio, will
lecture in the church on "Birth and Re
birth." A cordial invitation. No eve
ning service. '
I FIRST EPtXCOPAL 4'orner State and
Chore h streets. Blaine K. Kirkpatrick,
aniaister. At :15 an old fashioned class
meeting U held ia the northwest corner
room downstairs. At 9:45 the Sunday
achool session welcomes all who are not
-enrolled with " other Sunday : schools. A
complete corps of teachers has been en-
" listed for the summer months, and there
it s elass for every age,. froup. Morning
-worship at fl o'clock. The pastor will
preach en the subject, "The One Who
Itoetk All Things Well!". A largo chorus
choir under direction of Prof. E. W.
liobson, aceompanied by Prof. T. S. Rob
erts at the orgaa. will furnish excellent
snoaie. - A special mala quartette will
sing. The ' music alone will repay yonr
coming. A warm welcome will be ex
tended to tourista aad visitors. Union
park service at 4 o'clock at Willsoa park
at which Mr. John li Brady will apeak.
Because ef thia park s-rvice there will
be- ao evening service in this church.
The Kpworth leagues will ' meet at 7
o'clock. A oniqae aad enthusisatie Ep
worth league institnte rally will be eon
i ducted by the second and third chapters.
Jill young people are welcome.
cial and Myers streets. H. P.. Pember
toa, pastor. Too are cordially invited
to enjoy the following services with us
on Sunday r Sunday-school at 9:45. E.
A. Khoten. superintendent. Yon will, get
Commg to QBtntataqoa oo thm fomrtk
might oWy Ralph KcOerinxo TbB
Great Cotataotktt," at play of tbm La
Trio Cttroauck aanrs Poorer tothocraatt
American pLrf tixaa matytbiag cfau tar
A few ef the other attrmctious.
Thm comic opera "Robin Hood"
Guatemala Marimba Band
Auk Concert ArtJata
Edward Amherat Ott :
Ralph Bingham HatsMtrmt
Ensaat Gambia Concert Party
Atthtnr WaJwyct Evana
Ada Roach Ruth Frectaaa
i tarif iU posafrrerV
; Salem, July 16th to 23d
No " Sunday Programs
Season ticket prices: Adults $3,
student $2, children f 1.
-more out of life if yon know tha Bible.
Fp worth league at 7. Young people ara-
always welcome at this meeting. Morn
ing worship at 11. Communion of tha
Lord's tapper. Evening meeting at 8.
S-rmou subject. "Christianity, a Going
Concern." Short and wortlr while ser
mon on modern Christian life. You wilt
be welcoma at all the meeting. . Excel
lent music, gospel preaching. Christian
fellowship and a devout atmosphere mark
them all. Come ; and make thia your
church....;-;. .; Vt" " l;!
; KE1ZER METHODIST On the north
River road. Leroy Walker,' pastor. Snn
day school at Keiser school house at 10.
Mrs. Arthur Beardsley, superintendent
We are proud of the Keiser young people
and the large , number who attended the
first oped air service last week. This
week Kpworth league will meet at ? p. ra.
in Keefers grove. Preaching i at 8.
All : are cordially invited to attend i thece
unique services. '.
SCANDINAVIAN Fifteenth and. Mil!
streets. David C. Ilassel. pastor. Sun
day morning service at 11 o'clock and
Sunday school at 10 e clock, liust An
derson, auperintendent. The Kp worth
league meet at 7:15. Topis for discus
sion. "How We Got Our Bible." live
nine service at 8 o'clock. The Ladies
Aid will meet with Mrs.' Wikberg, Salem
Heights, Thursday, 2 o'clock. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
We welcome you to all of these meetings.
North Winter - and Jefferson streets.
Take the North Commercial car to Jef
ferson avenue. Thomas Acheson, psstor.
Leroy Walker charge of the junior;
congregation. The public is cordially in-;
vited to join in our services. Live Sun-j
day school with a place for everyone at
9:4S. Junior congregation meets down!
stairs at 11 under the direction of Her
bert Jasper, with the help of his recent!
experience at Sea berk. At the aame hourj
l.eroy Walker will- address the adulta oat
"The Three Looks.". Epworth league j
live devotional service at 6 p. m. Evanj
gelical service and congregational sing at
7. Rev. F. M. Jasper will preach. Ap-j
propriate music by the choir. Midweek;
devotional and study at 7:30 Thursday
Neither heat nor work is enough to keep
yon away during the summer. Come and
enjoy and put something of yourself into
the service.
CASTE CHAPE LI Corner of 17th and
Nebraska avenue. George Chapman,
pastor. Sunday achool 10 a. to. There is
a class for yon come, C. P. Wells, super
intendent, morning worship 11 a. aa.
Senior and .Junior meets at 7 p. m.
Preaching 8 p. m. Ladiea aid Wednes
day aft -moon, prayermeetlng, Thursday
evening 7:30. Womans Missionary so
ciety meet on Friday 2 p. m. Too are
eordialey invited to all : these services
eome and bring your friends and worship
with us. 1 , . '.jv.-. I
Twelfth and Mission streets. Begins at
10 a. m. Mr. Elmer Gandy of the Torrey
Bible 'Institute ot Jjo Aogelea will give
a very interesting chalk talk to the Sun
day school. Mr. Gandy' a services has been
oa land, aea and air. ; His program is
powerful unique, original and forceful,
grips and interests his audience in an
unnsual way. He is aa ' interesting add
instructive speaker, come and hear bun.
Preaching at 11 a. m. ; evening service.
Christian Endeavor - 7. Topic: "Hew
Jesua Treated Hia Friends." Kev. E. 6.
Poling is the newly elected president arid
wil be the ! leader. Preaching at 8 by
Rev. E. G. Poling. You are invited to
join us in worship on this Lords day. AH
are welcome. C. W. Tibbet, pastor.
' ' . AIXIAHCB i
LIANCE Tabernacle on - Ferry street
Fastor II. E. Coswell and Mrs. Coswetl.
Sundany school 10 a. m.t classes for 'all
ages; preaching service at 11 a. m. Ivsv.
W. W. Newberry, Dean al the Simpson
Bible achool of Seattle, will preach
Evening evangelistic service 7:45. Sub
ject: "The Wonderful Name"; week aer
vicea Tuesday and Friday 7:45. Satur
day evening if in charge of young people.
FIRST CHURCH Dorbin and Hughes
hhll. over the J. C. Penney store. Sun
day morning services at 11 o'clock. Sun
day evening services are discontinued dur
ing July and August. 'Subject of les
son sermon "God." Sunday achool iat
9:30 at m. Wednesday evening testi
monial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading
room 200 Masonic temple, open every day
except holidays and Sundays from 11:15
to- 5 :30 p. m. All are cordially invited
to our services and to our reading room.
CHURCH OP GOD 1348 X. Church
street; J. J. Gillespie, pastor. Sunday
achool commencea at 10 o'clock sharp. Be
on time and help in the ainging. Preach-
intr service 11 a. m. Subject: Know the
Child", Lake 2:41-50. Young peoples
services 6:45 and song Testimony and
preaching aervice 7 :30 p, m. Prayer
meeting at 1590 Highland.
Court street, C. S. Johnson, pastor. Sun
day school at 2 p. m.; services at 3 ind
8 p. m. : bible study Tuesday evening;
colege prayer meeting. North Howell
Wednesday evening; young peoples meet
ing Thursday evening. Services at the
Clo vend ale achool bouse Friday evening
and servir-s Saturday evening. Full
gospel measagea. The sick are prayed for.
Come and let us worship the joto.
gether. Everybody welcome.
Corner of Capitol and Marion streets.
Sunday achool lO a. m. and German
preaching service 11 a. m. No eveaing
service. M. JJenny, minister.
'.J- ' TABJERITACLE . ' --j!
TABERNACLt; Ferry street Sunday
evening. Mr. Elmer Saaday from -tLoe
Angelea will give bible chalk talks, vocal
solos, and conduct the song aervice. (The
chalk talks 1 are well worth seeing (and
Bearing, f , , I ; f
Center streets; Ward Willis Long, Min-
: ' I " ? ' :
' " , !. i : I- -
Liberty and Marion j
REV. E. II. SHANKS, Pastor.
A. M. The Spirit Filled Life
Modern Healing Cults and Speaking with Tongues.
P. M. The Best Samaritan"
i Service on the lawn, weather permitting. ; ?
The Church that Welcomes Strangers"
ister. 9:30 a. m. Sunday school. Mr. H.
E. Barrett. Snpt. 1 1 :()0 a. m morning
worship. Sermon , "Jesua, the Congenial
Companion" by the Minister. The Choir
will sing "The King of Jove My Shep
herd I". Organ numbers: ("Prelude in
1 Flat, Chopin arr. Gaul ; ''Prayer, and
Cradle Song," Guilmant; and "Prelude
and Fugue in D" Bach. 4:00 p. m. This
church is participating in the open) air
union gospel service at Wilson park.
7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor societies.
The three groups will meet together la
a .Pre-Conference rally in the S-nior so
ciety room. All members of the societies
are nrgedf to be present and any older
people of I th church who are interested
in the young people's work are warmly
invited to come. There will be no church
service at 8:00 p. m. Monday, 6:00 p.
so. Annnal picnic of the session at Brush
college grounds in Polk county. Elder and
Mrs. A. K. Kwing are hosts. Cof tea and
dessert will be furnished. Elders and
their -families are urged to be present.
Bring eating utensils, a covered dish, and
buttered rolls. Thursday, 7:45 p. m.t This
mid-week meeting will be preparatory to
the Communion service to be held on next
Sunday morning. i -
The Return of Peter Grlmm---Da-
vld Belasco. - 1
Frank Brown, Sea Apprentice
P. T. Bullen. . .
Middle of the Road P. II.
Gihhs. !
Potash ar.d Perlmutter Settle
Things -'Montague Glass. I
The Border Legion Zane Grey.
The Heritage o the Desert
Zane Grey. . ; ; I
The Rainbow Trail Zane Grey.
The U. P. Trail Zane Grey.
Wildfire Zane Grey. j
The Riddle of the Purple Em
peror Manshew & Manshew. ,
The Garden of Allah Robert
The Ridin' Kid from Powder
RiTer H. H. Knibbs. l f
Summertime Denis Mackall.
Santa Claus's Partner T. N.
Page..." ' .; I : .''.! ;i
Polly-Anna Crows Up Eleanor
Porter.- ; 1 . )
Monsieur Jonquelle M. : D.
Post. . I A
Bobbie,: General Manager O.
H. Prouty. $ i f
Mrs. Red Pepper Grace Rich
mond. i :
Jacob's : Room Virginia Woolt.
Some Great- Commodities E.
M. Miller and others. j r J '
Wild Animal Homesteads E
A. Mills. : ' ; . :
Practical Amateur Photography
W. S. Davis. i i p
Modern Short Speeches J. M.
O'Neill. i I
Ancient CiTlliz&tions of Mexico
and Central America H. J4 Spin
den. ' ' i '. I
Tales of Lonely Trails Zane
Grey.: : ;!. ,
Where Rolls the Oregon D. L,
Sharp. 7 jf : :'
The Homesteader's Portfolio
A. D. Pratt. ; . . i ' j "
In the Footsteps of the Lincolns
I. M. Tarbell. M i
Russia; and Peace -Fridtjof
Nansen, : ' ; . iiliaiA
For the Children j
The Texan Scouts J A. Alt-
sheler. ' ' . . j .
The Jester of Saint Timothy's
A. S. PIer. !
Knee-high to a Grasshopper
Parrlsh & Parrish. i -
Washington's Young Aids: E
T. Tomllnson. r i
The wonderful Adventures of
Nik; Sedma Lagerlof. i . j
Japanese Forces in Korea
To Be Heavily Reinforced
TOKIO, June 5. Increase of
the Japanese garrison in ! Korea
from two divisions to1 three is un
der consideration by the high au
thorities of the army, according
to the vernacular press. j
This reinforcement. It is under
stood, is contemplated as a result
of recommendations oft Admiral
Baron Minoru Saito, governor
general of Korea, who has repre
sented conditions in the peninsula
as demanding Increase of Japanese
military strength. Difficulties of
patrolling the -northern border of
Korea against incursions! by in
surgent Koreans or Chinese band
its and the topographical hand!
caps under : which the garrison
.n-t,a o . en
the requested increase. ! .
6:00 Rising Bell
6:30 Morning -Watch
If Luther E. Lovejby, p.D
7:30 Breakfast
8:30-9:10-Blble Study
i(l) "How We Got Out Bible"
I J. D. McCormlck j
(2) "Studies in Romans
j ' Dr. Geo. B. Pratt
(3) "The Church of the First
! Apostles", i r
I ' .H. F. Pemberton
(4)"Men Unafraid' 1
I E. E. Gilbert 1
9:lf-9:55 Classes
II "E Prnnl"
Melville T. Wire i il
(2) "Epworth League in Rural
Community Service"
J. R. Jeffrey
(3) "Sunday School Methods"
Harry Wilson )
(4) "Junior League Methods
Minnie Marcy Bates
10:00-10:15 Recreational (Dem
onstration) j
0:20-ll:00 Classes i j s
(1) "China's Real Revolution
Mrs. A. R. Maclean j
(2) "Guide Posts to Life Work"
I. B. Wood !
(3) "Epworth League Evangel
I ism"
A W. S. Gordon
11:05-11:4 S Classes
(1) "Methodism's New Fron
B. Earle Parker
( 2 ) "Christian Stewardship"
Luther E. Lovejoy
(3) "Methodism, Maker of
John M. Canse
11:50-12:30 -Class Period
i "General Methods"
I " J. Edgar Purdy
12:45 Dinner
1:30-2:30 Rest Period
2:30-5-3 0- Recreation
6:30 Supper ;
7:00-8:00 Social Clinic j
j M. A. Marcy and Mary Find ley
8 : 00-9 : 1 5 Inspirational -'Hour
i ' Eugene C. Hickman i
9:15-10:00 Camp Fire hd
Prayer Groups 1
10:00 Taps - i
10:15 Silence
July 21-27
(Eastern District i
00 Morning Call
30-7:00 Morning Watch
3 0-8 : 4 5 Breakfast
00-9:30 Bible Study
i J. II. Secor
30-10: 00 Citixenshlp
Dr. Clarence True Wilson
of Washington D. C.
00-10:15 Recess
1 5-1 0 : 4 5 Evangelism
Dr. B. E. Parker
45-11:15 -Methods
Dr. J. E. Purdy "
15-11:4 5 Stewardship
W. N. Byars
t - --
11: 45-12: 15-RnraI League Ser
vice W. II. Hertsog
12:30-1:30 Dinner
1:30-5:30 Recreation j
; , Under direction of i
W. H. Hertzog I I
5:30-6:30 -Supper 1 I'
6 : 3 0-7 : 3 0 Social Hour
7:30-8:00 Song Service
; 8:00-8:4 5 Evening Sermon i
8:45-9:45 Camp Fire and
i - Prayer Groups
10:00 Good Nights and Lights
Evening Sermons:
1 Sunday W. II. Hertzog
! .Monday -W- N. Byars
Tuesday : 4
Dr. Clarence True Wilson
Wednesday J. H. Secor
Thursday T. H. Gallagher !
Friday Stunt Night .1
Saturday- '
Dr. Clarence True Wilson
Sunday - i
Sunday Dr. B. E. Parker
Special Sunday Schedule
July 17
7:00 Mornfng Watch i
' Breakfast
9:30 Bible Study
x0:45 Morning Sermon .
3 : 00 Life Decision Service
Supper hi
. u f T caci orifice
8:00 Closing Sermon
July 28-AuKUHt 9 1
(Southern District)
6:00 Reveille
6:30-7:15 Morning Watch
7:30 Breakfast ,
8:30-9:10 Bible Study
9:15-9:55 CiUzenship and Com
munity Service
Dr. L. E. Lovejoy
Junior Methods
Mrs. S. A. Danford .
10:00-10:15 Recreational Dem
i . onstratlon
10:20-11:00 Mission Studr
,r Rev. J. R. Sasnett
s Stewardship
Dr. L. E. Lovejoy
Life Service v t
Rev. Joseph Knotts
11:05-11:4 5 Evangelism
- Rev. J. R. Benton
Fourth Department
Rev. T. H. Temple
Advanced Course
Rev. Joseph Knotts
11:50-12:30- Epworth League
: Methods -Rev;
S. J. Chaney
Dinner ; -: ' . ;
1:45-2:45 Rest Hour
. Faculty Meeting
2:45-6:00 Reci eatlon Hour
7:30-:4 5 Social Hour ,
8 : 00 Evening Service
10:00 Taps i
One in Every 200 Britishers
Called Mentally Deficient
LONDON, June 18. (Malt )
More than 150, persons in
Great Britain, or one la every
use this road
EAVING Salem you follow the
Pacific Highway to Jefferson
which is 1 18 miles from (Sa
lem, then on to Albany .10 miles
farther. Thia portion of the trip
Is all on paving and the I streets
ot the towns are plainly jmarked
with highway signs so you; cannot
miss the" road. T -' " . '"7' "!
j The bridge at Albany Is closed,
to you turn to the left at the foot
of the bridge and take the east
side route to Corvallis, 37 miles
from Salem. This is an excellent
gravel road. i
Follow the Newport highway
signs' out of Corvallis and you will
find a gravel road taking you Into
philomath, 45.5 miles from Salem.
Confectionery, Fountain Drinks,
i Milk and Cream
Bakery 'with; home-cooked prod
ucts, pies, cakes, and .. other
good things. !t
Philomath, Oregon. ,
After leaving Philomath the
road Is slightly rough for the first
few miles but. one is comfortable
at a; speed of about 25 miles.
'About 12, miles from Philomath
proceed more carefully, as there
is a rock crusher and a bridge
under construction, both requiring
short detoura of a few feet on a
rather narrow road. ; -
After these detours the road is
excellent and (fainy straight into
Eddyvllle, which 75.1 miles from
Salem. This portion of the road
follows in succession the Marys,
Little Elk. and Yaquina rivers.
Anyone wishing to tarry and fish
for a short time shoud stop and
Pask Mr. Mauch, proprietor of the
service station and store In Eddy
vllle to direct them as there Is ex
cellent fishing.
Service Station. Garage, -
General Merchandise
C. T. C. &r Goodyear Tirea
r Eddyvllle, Oregon
The halfway station between
Corvallis and Newport
From Eddyville to Toledo which
Is 93.2 miles froni Salem, the
highway, is freshly 'graveled and
a wonderfully scenic trip. The
fact that there are numerous
curves and j-rather heavy traffic
requires that you exercise caution.-
- i . j ; i' .
On reaching the outskirts of
Newport, if you wish -to go to
Agate Beach turn to the right at
the first service station that you
reach and follow the plank road
for .three , miles. If you wish- to
go to Nye Beach follow the high
way - into town until you reach
the stage terminal, 100 miles
am Salemjthen turn to the right
d follow the planking, or if you
sh to go to the downtown sec
tion turn to the left at the termi
nal and follow the planking.
i i .i
000 people who profess no reli
gionneither Jew, Catholic, nor
Protestant, j: Most of these have
come, from Protestant homes. Wo
lost our children. Churches spent
their time with creeds, dogmas,
lectures and ceremonies: for the
mature, and have not yet wakened
up to tbe fact that the mature
hare no reason to exist, except. to
bring up the Immature.? ; ;
200, are mentally deficient. Min
ister' of Health Wheatley declared
in an address at a conference here.
Referring to the number of such
persons confined in prisons for
various offenses, he said that he
had wondered "whether, the per
son who sent the mentally defec
tive person to be punished for
something which he did, and
could not avoid doing, was not
himself a fit subject for care."
"If a person is not; gifted by
God with the power of resisting
evil,'' the minister concluded, "it
is a question whether we, who
have been 'gifted with that power,
are entitled to1. punish that person
In the light! of our understanding."
BERLIN, June 17.- (Mall.)
The claim has been made by Ger
man newspapers that the late
Hugo Stlnnes received more mail
on a daily average than any other
- ' JMM,..M.M..,..,.,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasam
log. It will tell you the
; j j Salem
Clean Cottages at Reasonable
Prices I
, Wood, Light and ; Water
' Furnished
', : Write for Reservations
Ceo. (I. Smith, Box 423
.Fronting the! bt ih
.' i 1 :
22 Furnished rottagaal on U dem
Croat at Nye Beacb. . In view ot tbe
No additional charge fpr lifht, water,
wood and garage. . :
PI rasa write for folder :
Free bus ' Newport, Or.
A Real Place to Eat.
Sea Foods A Specialty
Dining room over the bay
Near boat landing
Bert E. Allen, Prop.
Gas and Oil
Lincoln County's Largest
- Garage
(Formerly The Coffee Cup)
Where Highway and City
, Meet?
-:V. " ... i -!
Fast and personal , service
featured. Meals, Fountain,
Lunches. !
Burt Humbarger, Prop.
Aga(te Beach Inn
Most scenic beach on the
Pacific coast
Three floors of solid comfort
Dining room In connection
An Ideal bathing and I agate
beach sheltered from the strong
winds -.-.',. v:
For-rates and reserTatloni
Katherine George
Agate Beach, Oregon
i Nicoliai Hotel
On Kye Beach
. Newport, Ore.
Bigger and Better1
SO Rooms 91 Up
Running Water Steam Heated
.200 Feet From Ocean
Meals Served
A. J. HOWELL, Mgr.
Phone 18805
Oregon lCaTes Resort
Now Open-at. the Caves
Kitrhrn and Dining lloom ia
Charge ot Members ot tha
Home Economics .Depart
ment. Oregon Agri
cultural College J .
individual in. the world. Figures
were not given, j "
Italian - .newspapers, however;
contend that the Pope receives
more letters and newspapers than
any person In Europe, it being es
timated that his daily mall aver
ages something like 27,000 pieces.
... : -u .y . -. I . - ;
exact condition of the
to Newport
Souvenir Store i
Agate Cutting amlj Mounting
Oregon Pictures, Agate Jewelry
. Ed Stocker, Irop.
Kya Baacb and Front S treat ;
Cboica, freab and rnred meats of all
i kind. Fonltry, ate.
Front iStreet Phone 7505
; Nye Beacb Phone 2551. u
Drop V a Card, and Wo WIS Ssvo
- Ton a StaU ...
Aeeesaoriea, Oils,! Oressea
Kepairtng on All Makea ot Cars
Skating Rink
Hardwood f loo if. 123x53
7ou will find this an ideal place
to spend your evenings half way
between bay and ocean.
The Log Cabin
, Xinnches and Confert!onry 1 j
Special Sunday. Dinner Served.!
This house is conducted by
former Salem people and soTlc
j its your patronage. -C.
Erickson and Johhson, Prf. '
I Park Hotel
Kra.3 Fngb. of Corvauia, in ctarne of
dining room. Bates :t 2.50 per day
(meals and bed). One block front post
office. . ' j
As You Like It
Home Cooking knd, Baking.
. Confectionery in
Everything new! and clean . -f,
In tbe heart of the Nye 'Beach
; . business section
' ; ;' - - i v .
Mrs. Stella F, lemming
"-r.'it-V-.- Prop! 1
Stage Line
We run two stages daily,
both to and frorn Corvallis.
A three-hour ride from Cor
vallis to Newport through
some of the best scenery in
the west, in comfortable
stages driven by careful
Newport-Agate Beach
Development Company
Hotel Gilmore
The Playground of Oregon
In the heart of Surf Bathing, Agate Hunting,
Oyster Beds. All rooms with Ocean View, Furnace
Heat, Hot and Cold Water.
Gilmore Auto Service
P. C. CILMORE, Prop., ' Phone 4001.
Nye Beach. --Newport, Oregon
highway from
If you are interested In buying
a cottage or a lot to build oa,
price right, terms easy. -Abby
Hotel Bldg. Phone 7451
Insurance and! Loans
Ashcraf t Lumber Cc.
Building material of all
" Neat, clean and attractive
Your comfort and satisfaction
" Is our aim
For reservations address
FBED D. COITEEN. Newport. Ore-;-
The Old Playgrounds
; Overlooking Ocean
Cottages and Apartments by ti. ,
Week or Month
. Garage in Connection
We Appreciate Reservations
J. H. H. ANDERSON, Pre?.
Newport. Ore.
New Natatoriu:
is open for the season.
' In connection with the rial
totium we have the best dan.
hall in this part of Ore;o-,
with a splendid orchestra.
Our lunch room serves, tl:
best at all times.
Only four hours drive f rcrr
Salem over excellent paved an .,
graveled roads.
Directly adjacent to the best
part of the bathing beach.
PIT, Coleman, Mere
Gochnour and Read, Pre - z.
Opposite Hotel Gilmore
at Nye Beach
Dr. M. Adell Gochnour. chiro
practor physician with massag
'and electrical treatments. '
Hours from 10 a. m. to 9 p. is
Newly furnished bousekeeptc;
rooms In connection
By the Sea