H OREGON IT'SUNDAYfllORN r.- i- J' Niii Yl . l-l-uil I ALL TmXG'S I r love motion at all things growing,- ,v . andyet' free. . .. j, -The. leaves ami jrrasw together flowing, ,, " A verdant yea. The wind .anion? jibs, free-tops blowing Loves them tike me, . And stoops to bear, them whisper in their going f ... JAll rustllngly; . j ,. Dearly familiar, yet, beyond niy knowing,-- A mystery; . ' '"' ; :' Rooted, yet like strange ships, sails blowing, ' - Set out toward sea. j ' ANNA VAN ilORSSEN NELSON. MASTER .A.SAIIEL BUSH wag a 'Fourth "of July host at one of-the most delightfully entertain ing of the week's affairs. Four- ; tee n yetmg -friends were his guests at' dinner at the home of; Miss Sally Bush Q Friday evening with the table arranged out of doors tinder the trees near the tennis I J -ft- TABLfe D HOTE DINNER $1.00 Vi I . Sunday,. July S . . Red Raspberry Cocktail Chicken a la'Retne i f . 'or Consomme' au .Cele.rl f Fresh Vegetable Salad, Thousand Jsland ... ." ' ; .. i . or ' i Palm Beach Salad, Whipped Cream .! . ' Choice of '"' GraySBefle Special Steak a la Minute Grilled y Squab Chicken a la Maryland Chicken Fricassee with Fresh Peas en Cases . Roast Leg of Midget Lamb, Mint Sauce Baked Young. -Chicken, Celery Dressing Prime Ribs of Eastern Steer au Jus i ' Creamed ' Cauliflower ' . New Potatoes Rissole , ; Snowflake Potatoes - '. , - : Dessert ' i . ' i . Pie. .Cake ' Gray "Belle French Pastry Cantaloupe Watermelon r Fresh Apricot Sundae Ice Cream Sherbet Berries and Cream Tea Coffee Milk -: Iced Tea A la -Carte -i i , . i i "" i' ... . . . ' . 1 1 Just at the time when linens and voiles do their, utmost to lend to the comfort of milady Sve are going to discount prices to clean up be of service to the purchaser. s ' 1 LINEN DRESSES 20 DISCOUNT ADDRED BUNCH Phone 108 i GROWING j; j ; ; court. After the ,7:30 dinner, the gronp assembled for an evening of fireworks, with multi-colored rockets and Roman candles trans forming the night. y ?-;. ; -j ";':".:,::.r, :.;-; ; , Miss Alice Welch arrived home the latter part of the week from Los Angeles where she bag been ' .i i 1 Service 1 TW7 Linens and Voiles' r these summer dresses 1 f : ' : : VOILE'DRESSES DISCOUNT VIA MKA XVTierc it pays to "Pay As You Go.' attf tiding library school. ,. She will vi&ilj in Salem until .August,' at which t ime she , will go to "Port ' land ; to accept a position , In the Portland library. Mias Welch Ja a graduate of Willamette univers ity with the class of 1921. She has had a year of introductory ex perience in the work at the state library. : - - ! T ' ;.j . " ' t'i . wedding of particular inter est to a large number of Salem friends was that performed at 8 o'clock Monday evening at the East Side Baptist church when Mark Skiff. Jr., took as his bride Miss Thelma Dykes of Portland. The impressive ritual was read by the Reverend W. B. Hlnson. pas of the church with which Mr. tor Ski ff has his membership. Only immediate relatives were in at tendance.: , ' The bride, a dark-haired girl, or lovely personality, striking in her1 charm, is a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural college with thejclass of 1921. She is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dykes. Her vocational aptitude is in domestic science, she having .taught her major subjects, since her graduation, in the Portland hight schools. M Mr. Skiff is the son of Dr. and MrdJ Mark S. Skiff, Sr. A gradu- ate of the Salem high school, he for the pact three years been hast connected - with the Dental college Jn Portland. . He will receive his degree in 1925. Mr. Skiff be longs to the Psl Omega dental fra ternity. Mr. Skiff, Jr., is also an overseas man, having seen a year's outstanding . service abroad . with the CSth coast artillery corps. He was. fnrther connected' with the war-time radio work in the field of gome of the largest battles fought. - ; 7 . Mr. and Mrs. Skiff, Jr., left early Tuesday ' morning for a month's honeymoon. They will visit the Yellowstone National park, ' continuing their trip to Lake .Louise in the Canadian Rockies. . They plan to return to Salem the first of August to join Dr. and Mrs.' Mark Skiff. Sr, for a month at Breitenbush springs, j After September 1, Mr. and Mrs. Skiff, Jr., will be at home right when they'll Guests; for -the Alden - Abell wedding,! one of the outstanding social event s oif the Reason, which will take place at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, will arrive at the home of Dean and Mrs.' George H. Alden; early in the week, from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seat tle, Portland and Sherwood.V ; , Today to groom, fdr llllam Henry AbelL,, w.pi corae from Los Angejes,. accompanied by Mr. Rob ert chuyler; "Vafl Rensselaer. Arriving-, also', today, -will be Mrs. VJola S, page, Miss Mary E. Page, anjl .Ml9s : Oertrude ; West from Seattle.,. . ; ,v ir; ;a -. it Oq' Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Richardson of .Sherwood, Mr. Donald .Parker, and Or,, and Mrs. Prince Page of Portland are ex pected Mr. ; Parker who ,is sec ond Tioliniat 4n the Portland sym phony orchestra, with. Mlsa Bruce Putnam, also tot Portland, will play the ; wedding marches. On, Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. lAbell jot , San Francisco will come; for the 'ceremony. ! M ! ..!-'. ;' ' - V ' Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Roberts and daughters, Helen and; Mildred, are enjoying the week-end at Rhodo dendron ; lodge.; 1 ' , ' .. The Salem. -delegation to the, annual YWCA: college conference! at Seabcck on; Puget sound ar-j rived home last night after ten outstanding days. ; Miss Mariad Wyman, Miss Jenelle Vandevortj and Miss Faith Priday attendee the conference from here. j j ; - ." I Mr. and: Mrs. Frank W. Durbii . are expected home ; from Yellow stone National park the middle o'. the wejeic; They are making thu trip by motor, having left last month. i -;. J-;:;,- t Interesting word received from Mr. and ; Mrs. II. C. Miles, sent their fourth day on the water, wa? received; by Mr. and Mrs. C. . A. Kells late in the week.; Mr. and Mrs. Miles are accompanied by their daughter. Miss Eva Miles, who is a delegate to the interna tional London Frjends . conference ; in . England. This ; same confer ence was attended by Mrs. Kells four years ago. In New York th j Miles were joined by, their daugh ter, Mrs.. Lyra Dann, and herJiusp band. The .party, planning to spend three months abroad, land ed at Cherbourg on Friday morn ingj Passage, was : taken on .11 "Olympic," Mr. Miles writing pa ticularly of the crowded conditio) of the boat. - 4 While the Miles family will visit in various European parts proba bly "as interesting a visit as any will be that in Ireland when they will go to the former home of Mrs. Kells. Judge' and Mrs. Henry J. Bean are spending the week-end at Newport. ' The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Socolofsky, born (on June 23, has received the name of Sonia Marie. Mr." and Mrs. Socol ofsky were very popular as stud ents at Willamette university." Mr. Socolofsky Is. a graduate of the class of 1921. Mra. Socolofsky before her marriage, t was Miss Veona Belle Williams. X Mrs. Robert R. Board man ten tertained at two of the week's most charming luncheons on Wed nesday and 'fnnrsday. Nasturlams and gladlolii formed colorful cen terpieces, v Covers at each lunch eon were placed for eight with the guests of honor each time the motherland sister of Mrs. Bord man, Mrs. T. S. Bovell . and ; liss Mabel E. Bovell. of Burlington, Iowa, j The afternoons: were de lightfully occupied with conversa tion relating to Miss Bovell'a (mis sionary experiences In China, Miss Bovell ianding in Seattle a rapnth ago on her first furlough, -JMre. Bovell has ,been a guest of Boardman 1 for the -past months. Mrs. . Bovell: and Bovell j plan to leave for Mrs. two Miss their home In Iowa the middle of July. ;' .;i . -;r..- ' . . The' Yomarco class will hold their picnic on Tuesday at the E. B. Millard home at 2011 D street. Mrs. rtawley, MrsJ ,White, Mrs. Illckerson are In charge. ThoJmn will- join the club for picnic dinner. !:'.': IMrs. iH. N. Aldrich Of Portland ia the bouse guest of her sister, Mrs. Cj J. Bright. 3irr and Mrs. Aldrichi came to Salem S for! the wedding of their niece. Miss Ber nlce Bright, one of the most at tractive of all the June brides, to Mr. Rkibard Slater, the son of Irs. Josie Stewart, a week .ago. yester day, the bride's uncle, Mr. Aldrich. giving her , away. ? ;- Mrs. ; Aldrich and two daughters, Helen ;jaaid Lola, remained for a week's visit. ; r . j x . : (; i Mr, and. Mrs. Herbert Hauser and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith have chosen . Newport for their beach vacation. i- . .. Newport hag attracted a number of Salem people for .the .week-end. Among those going from here are Mr. and Mrs. Karl U. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lain son. - i 1 Officers for the Jason Lee Ladies Aid society .were elected Wednes day as -follows;. President,. Mrs. L. H. .Roberts; vice president, Mrs. Emma E. RoberU; secretary, Mrs Bert Waller, mn& treasurer, Mr Miss Ruth Fuson and Miss jriol die Gibson returned the last of the week from a; motor (rip to Cali fornia, Crater Lake, Klamath Falls and other southern points. ' . ' .;' i . Mrg James Teed has as her in foresting house guest during the rm of the film "The Chethahcos" at the Grand theater Miss Glady.H Johnston, the . star jand heroine appearing in person in the picture. Miss Johnston and Mrs. Teed were girlhood chums, both being very musical. ' 1 ! 1; i . . :. ,r . ! . j it Mr. and Mrs. Francis Newberry, after.'aj large number or farewell cpmpliments on the part of their many friends who are sorry to have; them go will leave thin morn ing for Santa Rosa, Cal. Mrs. B. p. Darby will take them. -by motor as far as Grenada. . i i ; i Mr. and Mrs. William - Brown, accompanied by their small grand sons Chandler and j Werner, left yesterday morning for Seal Rocks where they will occupy their love ly summer home. , A group spending the Fourth of July, at Neskowin included: Mr. and ; Mrs. C.' T. Mclntlre, Mrs, Grace . Thompson and daughter. Fay Louiee, Mrs. Hapry Rowe and daughter, Kathyrn; jMrs, Alsa N. David and two daughters, Jean Frances and Ann Joyce of Atlanta, Qeorgla; and Floyd Mclntlre. Mr. Mclntlre joined the! group from Portland. - . -X- i ! . , Mr. and Mrs, and-; Mrs, E. B. Daughterty aqd .family .are spend ing the, week-end at the coast. Mr. Daughterty is superintendent of mails at the local post office., . . . ' Mr. and Mrs." S. B. Gillette and MrsJ J. A. Bishop plan to return tomorrow from" thejr" beach-vaca tion at Newport. ( ii Dr.' and Mrs. Frank E. Brown are expected to arrive home. to morrow from a tenLday ncrthern tripi.t j. - ' 'j: ''.' -y, - '' .: '' v- J' K'-'' ' r:''l a.'' !- With the Ladies Aid of the First .Evangelical church meeting so close to the Fourth of. July holidays,; the meeting on Wednes day 'at the, church was attended by. only a small group., The time was spent with quilting. The so ciety .will continual -its meetings throughout the summer, meeting again on the first Wednesday in August. Mrs. C. J. Bright has taken a summer. apartment at 1444 Center street. Her many friends wiH be glad to find her at the H. C: Wyatt address'. .. ;? ' I -,- Dr. and ., Mrs. William H. Lytle are ; Newport guests at the R. M. Hofer cottage' for the-week-end.' -j !;';;;-' ; -: y Hri and -MrB. Mason Bishop and Mr. , and iMrs. Clifford Elgin are spending the day atjCascadia. They motored np yesterday afternoon. . . :t-!.,...f 'v.'.:-':.. .-C A , large group of local people attended the ; Presbyterian Fourth of July ipicnic" Friday in Albany, motoring: down for the day. Among those, participating; in the varied affairs of the. occasion were Rev. and Mrs. Ward WlUUs Long and little daughter Lois! Evangeline; Mr.! and Mrs. C. A. Kells and fam ily, Mrs. R. M. T. Hester and son, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adams and fam ily,! Or, and Mrs. Altman, Mr. and Mrai p. P. Bishop, bean and Mrs. George H. Alden, Mrs. Hogg. Miss Hogg; Mr. and Mrsi Filslnger and family, Jred Erlxon, Dr. and. Mrs. F. -G. Franklin and Howard Zin seri Vs' ; - :.. ; -i-. ' '. V ' ;i:'. j.1;: ;'-v.; ".i.V .The July -picnic' of the Salem OAC club will be held at the Geo. Weeks landing on the evening of Thursday., July 10. Everyone is asked to come ready for .swim ming; ' " I Mrs. Florence Hawes of' Marsh? field; who has been a house guest at the H. H. Vandevort home the past week, will return -to her home tomorrow. I Mrs.. Hawes was of the Flinch among the guests club, the members' of which en Cocmtess Sued by Two Husbands at Same Time; , ITYeaV Old Girl Is t Countess Maxlne von Vlardigan and - Mr. Hflenl Hamburi? are providing .unusual caae. for lh Ztrott ourtm. TJm oauntesa (at rihO..,marrld- ur times, l to g sued by. two of hr .huabaads' Xer- diwrce. each chaj-stng pi&naxy. Zlrmt ambors fat;t't obtained. a drvorcs . from her ' flnt huabfcnd. i-- xi t 4 lt III " ' sw . i I KJ"- I ; V- "' -I '' " -- i -- m JLfl ; 'wsemtm.'mtK ' - '-Mriirtfii-ii;iih-iiT-Jtf-'l-tliirr',''riiwiii Vrr iiriiftiaiiii'niiiMmriirfiirriiiT-riiTitrtt Joyed the Fourth of Jq.Iy at Tay lor's grove. IT . . J ' ' . Mr. I and rs. Harry Xliles and son Richard, and Mr. and Mrs.. F. Dawsofi from Hoquiam, Wash., were fourth of July guests .of friend. in Salem. I i ; , , ;-J"... v - r S- Mrs E. Worraly of Chio, Cal., arrive last night to; be the house guest :of -Mrs F.- P. Talklngton. 394 North Church slreet.1 i : ' t, , J . -; - : -: : : -:S ,"', Mrs Ada' Strong. Mrs.! George F. Rodgers, Mrs. William Boot and Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner have been spending the Fourthsof July week-end in camp at Taylor's grove, i a Love Mehama. . . Mlsa Margaret Alden and. Miss Bruce fPutnam arrived home yes terday! from a delightful week at the beach, Miss Alden going as the guest of Miss Putnam, -i " ;. - , I ;.!:.!; i" - Mr. and Mrs. Henry W.- Meyers are expected home from j Seattle Thursday of this week. ,i .!- I '- ! : Mr. and Mrs. L. IL Suter and Mr. arid Mrs. E. M. Palmer will leave Tuesday for the middle west ern states. Mr. and 'Mrs. Suter will make tb? .extended trip by" inotor,stopping In Montana brief ly andjvisiting later at the home of Mrs. Snter's .sister in North' Da kota. ; fThey are also anticipating a. visits to Tellowstone : national park, .arriving hack in Salem in September. While Mrs. ' Palmer with tie children will drive, j Mr. Palmer? will accompany his car of stock to the new Montana .ranch, of whih he has recently become owner.I - if,' v Among the out of town guests fprthef Fourth of .July peason were Mrs. A B. Setteriand and daughter of Matiton, Wash., who visited at the home of Mrs. Setterland's mother, Mrs. G. G. Green. I . - ;, ;, ; The I Woman's Foreign and the : Womb's Home Missionary . socie ties of the First Methodist church will meet together on' Wednesday afternoon on the lawn at the home of Mrs. M. C.;Findley, 225 North Twentieth street. j: j.. i. . ... : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parmen ter and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Mark ,S. Skiff Srw spent the Fourth at Cascadia, motoring up for the day. 1 - , ,;--;;;,. :.!;. ;.I:eJ- h'i :'.;: , Judge and Mrs. John I. Rand wereguests in Portland yesterday for the wedding of Miss Joan Hyde, to Robert .Hinenxan of Se attle, the ceremony taking place at the home of Mrs. William Li cht ner. The . bride, the attractive daughter of Judge . Charles Hyde of Baker, Or., is a niece of Judge and Mrs. Rand. i ; ! : ;f V:-.-. !;S I ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Kozer, ac companied by Carl Gabrielson, will leajre tomorrow for Salt Lake City. The return trip will be made through California. ! i 1 y 'y. ' i - Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hopson have as their, guest their daughter. Miss Zella ilopson. : Miss Ilopson is an instructor In the Seattle jpuhlic schools. i :. " The June 20 Issuejof the Ore gon Magazine, Salem's distinctive publication edited by Murray Wade., features a number X)f Sa lem authors including Albert Rich ard Wetjen. Rnth Mae Lawrence and Marjorie Mellinger. Mr. Wetjen is interestingly writ ten of in a column "Of and About Oregon Writera", his 1 picture in characteristic pose appearing with the article."',. Something is told of the remarkable success this young author, who, born .In London in 1900, has achieved in the field of commercial fiction writing..! . A review of Mary Carolyn Da- vies new book, "The Skyline Trail," by Mr. Wetjen, is Included In this issue of the Oregon Maga zine, f , -j ;' i . T . , A quatrain, '. by Edna Garfield, called i 'ChlW.-Voioes,, emphasizes in this number a pretty sentiment. Articles hy both Miss Marjorie Mellinger and Miss Ruth Mae Law rence are antlcipatedj for later issues. Miss Mellinger, whose specialty Is the Indian; folk legend, .will diverge a little for the com- Seeldng Her Second Divorce Louis von! Hofman. some time ago. declaring ( that she . realised. they were both too young tobe marriel and -charging nao-pport. x was but fiJaen SVfmonhs ago he married Joba.liaibbiu-s., . -dja her present cutt ba ,ciuu-gea aX? artloa and non-support. .... i . ; l?i Special Sunday Dinner $1.00 Service from 12 p. m. to 8 p. m. ? Fresh, Shrimp Cocktail : Chicken Prlntannere New York Cut Sirloin Steak with Mushroom Sauce Baked Individual Fried Half Spring Chicken with Country Gravy Baked Young Chicken with Celery Dressing Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus -: - j - I ' ' - ' - !: Creamed New Potatoes Buttered Hot. Pineapple Salad with Whipped Cream ; , Choice of Pie, Cake, PnddingJ Ice Coffee. ! I log year and write for the Oregon Magazine along the line of -Indian research Miss 'Lawrence, a: suc cessful contributor fo a 'grbup of the eastern sports magazines, will write during the year success stor ies concerning different growers in the valley. ? , - The pictoral beauty of Mrs. W. P. Lord's inspirational garden at 796 Sooth High : street, is repro duced In . an effective .manner in the July number of "House and Garden." with an -entire page given to photographa of various sections of the grounds. The page is headed. with the words "Two Sea sons Jn a Western Garden;" and the sub-title,! "The Garden of Mrs. William P. Lord." 1 - Many Salem friends remember the .garde with distinct pleasure as it appeared late in June when both Mrs. Lord and Miss lord graciously conducted all who called about the lovely grounds. Bricks Brought Bishbfi ... Jnto Prohibition Fold LONDON,' July . AP.) Brickbats! were the chief cause or the conversion to teetotajlism of the Bishop of London, this pre late said recently at a public gath ering. j" j "I was led to become a teetotal ler in a fit of youthful enthusiasm 4 0 years ; ago,' the J bishop de clared, 'because 'J saw brickbats being hurled at women trying to hold, a temperance meeting in a town I will not name. .When l taw that these devoted people had the whole of the publicans in the place; heaving bricks at them, I said to myself that a cause that wanted backing up "with brickbats was not the; cause for me.' I have been a teetotaller ever since," and I am glad of it." -I -I .. Spa Ice Cream 1 absolutely different from most 1 Ice Cream made nowadays. Siiik Is the Last Day Savings Are Extraordinary TKe Season's Best Silli Valuss ? Values from Sti 54100: il ?7Q Your choice 4:A::i;:A'--r-'y:iPtrT ' Prints of all descriptions, light and dark colors, also plain colors in crepe de chine, taffeta and radium silksl . i !; - I. . - ; : ; YOUR MAIL ORDERS receive caTefiU attention. We prepay the postage or ex press within a radius of a hundred miles. i SATISFACTION GUARANTEED on every purchase pr your money cheerfully refunded. Sr aiogg imw Salem-' Store 466 SUte St. "Soup : - Chicken Bouillon en Tassee Choice or Boneless Chicken Pie New Peas bread :; .Desert: , ; . ..i , Cream o r Fruit Jello .Tea Milk y USED AND KEBUILT TIPE - . WRITERS-"- .--.' At a Savings "of SO to CO f - Per Cent. Underwoods ' lloyals ; : -. Kemingtons - - ,1 C. ..Smith Positive Guarantee -given with Every Machine RUBBER STAMPS and SEALS Everything in - rubber- tamF3 - ' made in our own plant All Makes of Typewriters Over hauled or Rebuilt by Expert Workmen. " y - All Makes " Rented; S3.00 per Month; $7.50 for three months COMMERCIAL BOOK ' STORE . . r1 , . Salem, Oregon f v 'If It's for the office we have it 1 "7 Yd. large and small patterns a Pctland Silt hop J SS3 Aider St. 1 JT n )! 1 i I i I V i t V f i. Effls Fuestman t -1