rt4- THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING; JULY 6, J924 3. Phone UNION 1243 525 Court Street Phone 1397. Country Work Promptly Attended to ABSTRACT COMPANY Announce the removal ot their place of business to better and I more commodious quarters at 525 Court St. Opposite the court : house. I . 'i I :' , " j Before building your new home have us examine the ab stract and be sure that ft is correct. j ;';U; S. PAGE, President. W. E.' HANSOX, Secretary. E. D. BRANDON General Painting Contractor ; j i i . - : ". Painting in All its Branches ; . -i- v r ' H . I H . ' . :' - '., . ;,:.E-.-i; .v : . 287 South Church Street PIPE AND PIPE LESS FURNACES i Installed in Your Home, at Factory Prices ; Over 200 Satisfied Users in Salem '! A FUEL SAVER CONTROL 'Manufactured and sold by. v. II. BERGEic i COO Vorth High Street ; PHONE 1048M V Shop 803 North Liberty St. C Do You Want To Get More for Your Money? If you get this in your receiver, come in and let us tell you how a MILESTONE HOME can give you more for your nioney than you are accustomed to getting in home owning. i MILESTONE CONCRETE PRODUCTS Oregon Gravel Company ! j 1405 K. Front Phone 180 HERE, MR. HOMEBUILDER fs the' BEST,' SAFEStJ STROXGKST. and, in the long run. the CHEAPEST Material out of which .to build your borne. ; .".' ft in burned chAX iioiaow nmu 1. NO TILE it insures. Fire. Safety r Healtli and Comfort. i Ask for Catalog aad Booklet of SALEM BRICK & TILE galeui Oregon Phone CO. 017 uum r ; Slfrs. of Burned Clay Hollow Building Tile, Brick, and Brain Tile -i 6 Per Cent t ar Lhcaper Than 205 Oregon Bldg. - . "V ;s V Station O.G.C. Salem, Oregon Broadcasting to the Widewake Buyers ' ! v Plans LI LOANS On Modern glomes 5Y7o Semi-Annual Interest 5 Year j Loan I Will Loan Up to 507 of Value . ALSO . , -'! Monthly Payment Loans Any nuiiding & Loan to. Hawltins & Roberts Financial Service BUILDING PICKLE PLANT AT WOODBURN Not :j Less Than 1 50 Acfes Cucumbers Guaranteed, - Plant Cost $10,000 (The following news Item, giv ing information of great Import ance j to srhe 55alem district, is printed the Woodburn' Inde pendent 6f Thursday: ) ;i It Is proposed by the Oregon Packing company to construct at once ! on ground leased from the Woodburi Frul Growers' Cooper ative; association a plant for the curing and processing of cucum bers witty a capacity sufficient to handle an annual crop pf not less than 13d acres of cucumbers to be planted within a radius of not less thaij 15 miles of the city of Woodburn. with the exception that sucnt territory must not extend south farther .than two miles in order not to conflict with the Ger vais contracts. -The building was begun tiis week and the cost of the structure and necessary equip ment wMjl be from $10,a00 to $15. 000. This new industry is made probablej by the guarantees signed by the business men of Woodburn that Mthre will nof be less than 150 acres in any one year so long as this company may elect to op? erate such a plant. The Company in this contract agrees to pay prices' not less than those of competitors in this sec tion, or if there be no competition then, the average prices paid by the company throughout the state of Oregon. The company also engages in the business: of packing fruit and vegetables.. i and there will be la big market here at least for cabbages and pumpkins. Work on the construction be gan on klonday. The building Vill be 80 py 140 feet, frame,' rustic on outside, and with the redwood tanks Will cost about $10,000. This means business on the part of the company, which started building as soonj as the banks obtained the necessary number of guarantors. The Spaulding Lumber company furnishes the lumber for . the building. The grower Iwilt realize over ttoO an acre and the plant will : pljace In circulation in the neighborhood of $100,000. annually.1- I ; Riqdoh Mortuary Work Is Got Under Way This Week Cons; truction work for the new mortuary to be erected . on the: southwfest corner of Cottage and Chemeketa streets for! Rlgdon & Son, got under way this week and Is expected, to- be completed by Octobejr 1. The building will be of concrete construction, with stucco j. finish and cost between $30,000 and $35,000. : Cart Eng strom, Salem contractor, will have; charge of the work, with Freeman & Struble of Salem as the archi tects, j I ' ; When completed Salem will have one ofj the most modern and clas sical appearing mortuaries on the' coast. , The new location makes it possib e o hold ; funerals in one of the quietest portions of the cityj r '..-' : - .1 ' v.!. J Progress Is Being Made On Ferry Street Property ' ; . ; . . f.-j Progress is being made on sev-j eral rew buildings onj Ferry, "be4 tween High and Liberty streets.! Workmen are going ahead in add ing a second story to the Hughes building, which win be used as a hotel, with T. G. Bllgh in charge. The lower or main floof will be Used chiefly by j automobile men and accessory dealers.: The new; T r II- . m me ixorinwcsi rhone 1427 Otto Klett natatorium', at Ferry and Liberty, is also progressing, and the 'basement has been practi cally completed. Damage to the roof of the new concrete garage being erected on Ferry at South Church street, is being repaired and the building practically com pleted. - Low Record Established for Building Permits : Building permits were - lighter t his past j week than any other week over a period of a great many months. Only two permits were issued, from the office of the city recorder, for dwellings, .with a) total cost or but $4,000. One of the dwellings will cost ! $2500 and the other $1500. I CAS N KUT ? RUN X I N CONTI X- I ' ; . j : rousiA' 1 I The WalHer Canning company; plant has been operating day and night in order-; to care for fruit maturing at this time, and It will continue at the high rate of speed for several days yet. The plant will be closed at noon today in order that, the employes may have 60 me opportunity to celebrate the! ever glorious. - ! I The pack of red respberries and Royal Aiin cherries is about fin ished. The' cherry pack has been heavy, larger than expected. The yield of the C. A. McLaughlin .orchard alone was about 17 tons. Black cherries and logans are now receiving j consideration and large quantities of them will be handled. - An unusdal condition exists the product of the plant.. The de mand is so; keen that brokers are coming here from Portland In an effort to ' contract for fruit and vegetables in car lots. Usually It is a selling proposition to dispose of a cannery pack, but this year there i3 a; shortage in other locali ties making the demand exceed ingly keenl -Independence Enter prize. - ' i . FOREST FIRES t r j ; t TORTLAND, Ore., July 5.t July opens, with the forest fire situation oil the Pacific coast not greatly changed during the past month, being in the main still well in hand but extremely critical, ac cording to the bulletin issued to day by the Western Forestry and Conservation association from re ports by Official and private agen cies in five states. ' ' j Although in moat localities the dryness and hazard has increased, temporary favorable weather has also enabled coping with the ob nornially numerous fires of early June, so that the patrol and fire fighting ' forces have held their own. Nevertheless, it is one of the earliest and -most threatening seasons ever, experienced. Grave concern is expressed in nearly all the" reports that without rain, the situation may get out of hand at any time unless' settlers, loggers, and forest i visitors use excessive caution with fire in any form, in cluding matches and cigarettes. Slashings are becoming almost ex plosive and: fire near them should be extinguished instantly. i j Two airplanes have been sta tioned at Eugene, Ore., by the war department to assist protective agencies if the smoke blanket ob scures the mountain lookouts. The Oregon state chamber of commerce, urging similar action elsewhere. : is making a drive through local chambers to organ ize citizens' "Stop Forest Fire associations," with members fur nished educational material and blank pledges of care with fires, matches and cigarettes.' The for est "service has initiated a speak ing campaign through the facili ties of civic associations. Two of the largest oil companies doing business on. the coast are arrang ing to distribute warnings to all customers of filling station. In California the situation is doubly ' Serious because there is little hope of more raini. The na tional forests have had over 400 fires already, 180 of these caused by lightning, with some 35,000 acres burned. The government has made 66 arrests aind already secured over 40 convictions. - Out side of national forests,; California reports 13. recent-fires, covering tit nnn ntrn of forest and open land with a money ; loss of $120.- ooo. -v i ';::. -: i, v- :- - Washington and Oregon have lost only a few million feet of merchantable timber, but fires have run into the hundreds and before controlled have done heavy damage; to second-growth, logs, emiinment. and improvements. . ? The worst existing t conditions nf lowl humidity and potential t thU date are in north eastern Washlngtonand along the Oregon-California line but may be duplicated anywhere almost instantly by wind and low hu ii.iliiiliiii'i'liiiiii'i'wHpiiriiiiiil!iiiii'i'ii ll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiwiiiiii,iiiiLiiii'iiiniiiiiiiiiiiWiwiiimiini mil mwii.wiiiim iihiiwihi um um y Miiiuiim miu niiwuiiinn iiiiiiiimiiiu fmnmiwi " 1 - L ' .........i....... r: - T -"iimiiurm iiiiiiii im 'i r inr-' ijiiiuin-ln in - - - t r- 1 r-I: : tmmmmmummmmimmmimmmmmmmmmmm waamauwJiWiiOTnHraui '"'""B n 1 L"" a""1' " ' !! 1 ' .i- " 1 ;r '- - " '"'- . v';:'' ' ' i - g ' ' ' ":-ln... '. ' " ..I...".. ' ' -..i n ' - ---iniiiii hi iiij.-f .L.iJ.,; miliiilii.iil.imltlimir.llil mi n .11111 nam 11 i ' i.m". ' . - 1 1 - '1 a ; 1 Crusade Against The Df inking Cup Fc deral. state aiid municipar healfh authorities, aided by public and torivate disease prevention' or-i ganitations, are united to make. arrrhssive warfare! 'during the! oo' ; ! summer months against the com mon drinking : Cupj jand certain types j of public fountains. The crusade is based upon a stringent enforcement of the laws that now are written in the Statutes of all but three of the Elates and the iocs ! health regulations that apply in every city and Urge town of importance. . ' - , j j . ' "' ' Threcords of Illnesses that af flict: ihiundreds of thousands of persons each year--and which leave j their deadly j mark upon children during the; warm months show that the greater number mmunicable disease are trace able to Infection taken from com mon receptacles. Among these are;: common colds, grippe, influ enza, j pneumonia, diphtheria, ton sili Itis, measles, tuberculosis, .scar let fever, typhoid fever and in fantile paralysis.- ( I . The menace of these illnesses -; all jot which are sputum-borne dis-ceses- is through discharges from the mouth and .nose, left upon cups. drinking glasses and other vessels of general use. The germs are deposited upon the receptacle through the drippings that flow bajk from the iiymth, are exhaled Intb the cup or are imprinted by th Hps. These await the next user of the glass when, it is not properly cleansed In the case of some types of the so-called buhK ble fountain bacteria settle in the bowl or run oft the nozzle to pe forcibly cast into j the nosp and tbi mouth of the persons who fol low in the use of the fountain. These germs are conveyed by pej-sons actually III, by others' con valescing from attacks of disease and often by persons in full health whose resistance has made ' them non-Susceptible to the disease gefms they carry, iln all these ca'es the persons act as convey ers of. ' germs that have a high morbidly danger and often carry fatality. . j The health authorities and thelr: vouunteer assistants regard the peril as virulently present in j the tin dippers, the glasses on push cdrt ; stands, the containers used by juvenile or, other wayside bev erage vendors' and glasses in of fices and factories. Its greatest presence, howeverj is in the glass- es used in certain soda ioumaing where the law is evaded through intent or carelessness i The laws and regulation obtain g throughout the country pro vide for a Complete sterilization or the use of paper cups in such circumstances where neither time dor facilities are afforded to make the glasses sterile. Often, par ticularly in the rush hours, clerks Will neglect to comply with the liw j and consequently the glass. Which one health authority in ew, Jersey called tne "goblet of death"; gains an accumulation ot disease laden germs'. ( Professor Alvin Davison, the noted .bacteriologist of Lafayette dollego in Easton, Pa., recently conducted a series of analyses up on, the germ-content of. glasses tjaken from various soda fountains and water coolers. He found that in many instances millions of bacteria remain on the brim or Inside the glass. In several case? He found as many as 300,000 germs within a half Inch of the top of a rlass where the: lips oi the next drinkers would come In immediate contact with them. ' Sugar Enters by the Ton Into Southern Moonshine S Mull . COLUMBIA, S. C, July 6. her lips and downs of the sugar market, have real meaning for the jmakers of moonshine, accord jng to Robert Kirksey. V United illatesl marshal for the -western dis rict of South Carolina, ills jur sdictifin includes- that "portion of he mountainous regions of the ktate known ; commonly as the "l)ark Corner," which had a repu tatioU: for producing "good corn' in blcokade stills long before the (Volstead edict. ; ; ; Sugar and molasses. Kirksey said, play an important part in the manufacture of moonshine liquor and the lower the price of those staples the higher the profits of tllie manufacturers, who often buy sugar by the ton. . : KANSAS NATURAL GAS ! MAY BE REPLENISHED BYl SHALE DEPOSITS NEODESIIA. Kan.. July 5. Natural as experts and users of the product who have felt appre hension Over the possible1 failure of sand gas wells, seo in the de velopment of the shale gas; indus try hope Ithat perhaps for another generation or longer the supply will be bpuntiful. - ; When! the great natural gas fields , in this section began to show exhaustion, oil men as well as. the. plople saw the impending return t other fuels. In 1023 Heyeral practical gas men began to discuss ;tW possibilities of! devel oping wat are known as shale gas or brown lime gas wells on a commercial scale. These men recalled Ihat at various places in this sectfon there were small ; gas wells, wh'ich had been producing steadily lever since they .were drilled. But the gas from these wells was wet. How to commer cialize te product by finding a method i bf separating the water from thelgas became the question, A gropp of Neodesha inen or ganized fo handle the new; Indus try on a large scale. The com pany leaed hundreds of acres of land in Jhis vicinity; and drilling oneratious were, started. ! Wells were drilled I with great success, and the! men asserted they en countered little of the uncertainty met in drilling for sand gas. In additioni they said there are as surances! the wells drilled will have remarkable longevity. r: The Industrial promise of lime gas. Is a large factor. i j The source of shale gas re mains unsolved, although j the U. S. bureaju of mines has advanced the theory that' the gas, which is produccq in encountering tbe shale ami salt water below ithe Os wego Jiipe, is absorbed in-the wa ter) andf earried many thousands of miles, r The large 1 amount of ga3 absorbed by the 'water is giv en as tle reason for the fict that the gasf does not decrease when being di-awn upon. The ) bureau bellevesj that until many thou sands ot wells have been- drilled the decrease of the shale gas sup ply; wilU not-be appreciable. Approximately 500 wells are producing shale gas, some of them througfaf plugs, some 'Outside of the tubing, and others through apparatus rigged up for farm use. Helpful Suggestions for the J One m IN the old days It was the way to keep trying- oat new recipes for different kinds of cakes. . But the best of modern : cooks have taught that .this is a poor; custom. The modern' method la to secure & standard recipe and ; then ' adapt that to the various, needs or de sires of the family, changing Its shape or its frosting or its flavor, but always when possible adhering to tn Dane recipe. I Thus it is possible to make plain cake, cocoanut cake, marble cake drop cakes of different flavor and many other varieties all from the beet possible basic recipe. The ingredients must be of the best quality. Patent flour is used and rich milk, the freshest of eggs, and tho most delightful of flavoring. Here is the general recipe from which all the other . adaptations xe made: : ' 'M RECIPE FOB ALL CAKES Use level " measurements. Sift flour one time before measuring, ttcup shortening - 1 'cup sugar , 2 eggs S Y ' Many of them have produced con stantly for upward of 30 years. Shale gas comes from the tub ing a perfect mixtures of water and (gas.; It is received Into a standing separator, the gas going out of the top and the water re turning to a connection at the bottom of tho separator, through a pipe line, thence into the big hole between tbe drive .pipe and tubing. - Chemical tests ! show that shale gas contains 98.3 per cent methane, and ethan'e and practically no nitrogen or oxy gen, which -, are noncombustible gases. . Ati -r:r.' 'j'" The Ume gas contains-, at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and at eight pound pressure. 9 80. to 990 BTU's (British .Thermal Units) j This content is : higher than that of many sand gases, which fact is pointed out as a basis tor its value as a domestic or industrial fuel. . ;;: ; -1. ;,,-; . i '-.; Heroism of British Sailors Recited on Dover Docks DOVER, England, June 16. (AP) -A dramatic incident of tbe war fa recalled by the necessity today ofj removing a British mon itor which was sunk north of the fairway at tjiq entrance ol Dover harbor. ; j - j .' : j The vessel had just tagen on board a supply of shells and was anchored near the harbor en trance, awaiting a chance! to slip out to sea, when? she caught fire. Anchored beside her were jtwo am munition boats. Tbe danger of an explosion and disaster on a, large scale was imminent. Troops were ordered out, townspeople were cleared ) f rom shore. " . To save tho harbor and town the monitor's ' bottom was blown out, and many of I her crew perished. Two New Churches are Now Well Under Way in; Salem Work on two new churches is progressing rapidly, that on the new Unitarian church.) northwest corner of Cottage and Chemeketa being particularly .advanced and win soon be in the final stages of completion. The. church 1b located directly jaeross the street, from the new Rlgdon Mortuary j Extensive alterations, amounting almost io a new building, are be ing made oni the new Christian Science church, northeast corner of Chemeketa and Liberty streets. This work will be completed in another month or two. I Recipe Makes Three Delightful Cakes 4 1 J S teaspoons baking powder M teaspoon salt j 1 teaspoon vanilla . 1 2 cups Spring patent flour 1 cup milk j " ' ! Cream sugar and shortening to gether. Add eggs- well beaten. Sift flour, baking powder; and salt together. Add alternately with the milk to the j first mixture. Beat thoroughly. ( , ; Lastly add ! the flavoring. ; Place in two well greased layer; pans and bake 25 minutes in moderate, oven (250 F). This recipe makes a two layer cake. ' For a cake of three large layers double the recipe. BUTTER ICIXG , j l$ cop butter ' . i - -r -.'. CHICAGO WILL SPEND $2,679,000,000 FOR DEVELOPMENT WORK CHICAGO, July 5. Projects which will entai I an expenditure ; cf approximately $2,679,000,000. are In various si ages' of develop ment for the bciutification, util ity, health, comm ercial and Indus- trial progress of Chicago, accord ing to : the Chicago Chamber of Commerce. Projects under way, crsoon to be, total $1,374,587,000 a summary shows, while those in the preliminary $l,305,100,000i stage 'will cost The latter in- ciude the varions terminal propo sitions, municipal purchase of tbe surface and elevated lines', con struction of a ubway and pro posed new post office and federal building. j Widening, opening and extend ing numerous streets and boule vards, new bridges, sewage plants, new buildings, hotels, and stores, the ' union station' and Illinois Central project,' and telephone im provements are among the activi ties' now under Way. The cost of theprojects, tbe summary Ftated, would equal in value all tbe farm property of the state' of Wisconsin. Nine major projects of the Chi cago Plan, commission are yet to be completed, dealing chiefly with street and boulevard revisions. A continuous lake front development extending from Jackson park oi the far south side to the Chicarc river near downtown, is pointed U as a "civic marvel." , Utilization of ; the. "air rigjits" over several hundred acres ofj railroad tracks is the heart of the city represents a $195,000,000 project. Transporta tion .extension as, outlined in volves an expenditure of t58tt, 943,000. - Railwny terrilnil solution is forecast by the association In plans which ealll for $318,000,000. to be spent. Seven new -'hotels are valued at $p4,00,000. Edu cational institutions have a pro gram with a toal of $54,500,000; reconstruction nf the Fine Arts building,, erectic n of the stadium, Shedd aquariuri and prospective, zoological " p&tk, $10,500,000: clubhouses, $4)7,000,000; public utilities, $73,550,000; sewage treatment works, $120,000,000. rnd $200,000,060 worth of minor building. . ; Upwards of 100 major projects are itemized and the status given in the report pf the association. 2 cups confectioner b sugar cream 2 to 3 tablespoons Cream butter and add sugar gradually. continuing the beating. Thin with cream until right con- "sistency to spread on cake. De and strips of corate with aneelica, or nuts strips of citron may be used Instead. orange: DROP CAKI4S Uae 1 cup oran ge juice Instead of 1 cup milk in the recipe for th plain cake. Also substitute orange flavoring for vanilla. Bake In well in moderately creased muffin tins hot oven (400 F, ) for 20 minutes. J Ice with Butter Icing thinned with orange juice instead of cream. MARBlJE CAKE t To one half (of the plain cake recipe add 2 squares of melted chocolate. jrp the chocolate ; mixture in well greased loaf pan alternately with plain cake mix ture. Bake 45 minutes in moder ately alow oven (S25 F.) Ice with Butter Icing and with wax paper spread thin coating melted choco late over icing. ' Other variations may be mads by adding spices or 'nuts to the plain cake and also by varying the kinds of icing used Ftom Home Srrvitt Dept.,, H'athbvrtt Crosby Company, 4? SjffjiA Minn, is -. fsrm midity. . ,