The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 06, 1924, Page 11, Image 11

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SUrtDATTtfOnNING; JULY 6, 1024 -
' "". rs
. i
i i
4 '
i -
More . Cars From Other
States, in June Than Five '
Months Preced in
i or
During the month of June the
number of automobiles from other
states and countries that regis
tered In Oregon, was; more : than
half ak many an during all the
five , preceding months, gays a
statement by Secretary of State
Kozer. : : ; ,. , '.:
; "As this Is the beginning of the
opening of i the. tourist season,'
eaid Kozer, "the large number of
cars entering the stale during the
month just closed is indicative
that the trend of travel toward
Oregon will. be greatly iff excess of
that of previous years. Many of
these care, since coming into the
: state have " taken ' out , Oregon li
censes as many of the owners have
become residents ;Qf Oregon. The
license fees from these registra
tions between April, 25 and June
30 amounted to $5002.: J
"During the month of June
10,624 rooter cars from other
: states were registered in Oregon,
or. an average jof 425 cars for
each of the days the registration
stations were opened, i , j
."From every state except Del
eware. cars entered the, state and
In addition there were registra
tions from Mexico and the Cana
dian provinces. The -. greatest
number of registrationa were cars
from California, of which there
were 6.286. The state of Wash
ington registration numbered ; 2,
311. .and, the state of Idaho 5 68
and Montana 134.
; "So far during the year 27,405
cars of other states and countries
have entered Oregon arid ; were
registered at the .registration sta
tions established, throughout the
state, as the Oregon . motor ; ve
hicle law requires all motor ! ve
hicles licensed under .the laws of
other states, when entering Oregon
to. Immediately register their cars.
This registration is-Ior identificar
ton purposes and in the operation
It is alao for the protection of the
police powers of the states; mo
torist as well. '.
Tbe reglstratloa Indicate that
the travel is principally over the
highways! leading into Oregon
from the south, as the greater
number of registrations are at
those stations in the southwestern
lection of the state along the main
: Jiigriways. : : . '.; 1 v ' ' ,r,H j r !"
"The following statement shows
the , number of
registrations be-
tween January 1 and June 30
W; R; and J.
General Auto Top and Upholstering Work
' Glass Enclosures a Specialty
545 N. Church St.
i . i - i -j
p opnnaaiiQOpiri the - k
ml z rim m nvi rr vk9 a m n titMtt stw
Oldsmob ile's smooth and
silent engine develops over
40 hoisepower-powerHdir
rected to the road through
thejfe'est clutch buttt-turdy,
- flexible, universal . joints- y
tpugn nickel-steel
, '.I - ' :..' ' '4-1
. . I: v
....... , u
pttt mmln hmyimg my t'ru.-a ..(. LmmiiKg. Tax amJ ipttrt tin
1924, at the respective registra
tion station: j ; H
"Albany 404, Ashland 7,265.
Astoria1 153, Baker 275, Bend 238.
Corvallis 78, Kugene 823, Cold
Beach' 124, Grants' Pass 1,736.
llwhl River 37, Klamath Falls 1,
183. I, a Grande 352, Marsh Held
119, Med ford 4,472, Milton-Free-water
1,110, Nyseaj 128, Onlarlo
870. Pendleton 7t 734. Portland
3,338. Roseburg.803. Salem 2.22C,
Seaside, 13, The Dalles 862. In
pectors C2. j : ,- - : ;.-K
"The following statement shows
the number of vehicles registered
to June 30th, from the respective
states and countries h vj
"Alabama' 14, uArlzona 218. Ar
kansas 23. ' California 15,825,
Colorado 290, Connecticut 13,
Florida 9, Georgia- 5. Idaho 1,
5C7. lllionois 125.' , Indiana . 35,
Iowa 90, Kansas 14$, Kentucky 5.
Louisiana 7, Maine 4, Maryland
4, Massachusetts 14, Michigan 68,
Minnesota 93, Mississippi 5, Mis
souri 78, Montana 274, Nebraska
106, Nevada 132, New Hampshire
"6, New Jersey 15, New MexIco-1T9,
New York 40, North Carolina 6,
North Dakota 66. Ohio 76. Okla
boma 121, Pennsylvania 51, Rhode
Island t. South Dakota40, Ten
nessee 7, Texas -168, Utah 153,
Vermont 1. Virginia 6, Washing
ton 6,999, Washington, D. C. 14,
Wisconsin 51, Wyoming 82,5 Alas
ka 8, Canada 287, Guam 1,
Hawaii .14 Panama 1, Mexico 4,
Straits Possessions 1.
Ford Car No. 10,000,000
! In Trans-Continental Trip
; l' H "; - ' : v .xr .
With Ford car No. 10.000.000
now in- service and making a
trans-continental trip from New
York to Chicago over the UnVoln
highway, the man who efjoys
figuring can have a world of arac
tice. .... ' r;::'':- i'f.?1...
. The. other day one gifted gentle
man Worked qut the tire problem.
He figured that the 40 million
tires used on the 10 million
Fords, if stacked np would make
a rubber column. 2,000 miles
high.;'- i ; i ; ; . .:';T
Then, looking for road trouble,
he -punctured each of the tires,
and then figured; that one man
working! eight hours a day except
Sundays and holidays and repair
ing .a tire every, five .minutes
would finally finish the job in
400 years.-- , " . :i .
i VANCOUVER, B. C, July 5
Transfusion of blood by young
men here at $25 a half pint has
proved profitable.. .- according to
employment i officials, who say
there has been a demand for such
services.;' ' i Hospital f require
healthy men ior the purposel Ad-
vertising has brought plenty of
applicants usually.
Salem, Ore.
gears and . ; .
a m.A4- "V - i
v: .
uoie ana accessioie
j type of axle 'ever
developed. ' . r
iinuo mini
Dealers Now Carry Equip
ment! Especially for Mo
or Vacationists
iiy w. f; watsox.
Salem Branch AVestern Auto Sup
i ply Company , .
Motor1 camping, as a rule, con
sists qf "one night stands; and
for thisreason it Is necessary that
all o th; equipment be o such na
ture'that it can be packed and un:
packed In a few minutes time.
As eating Is one of the most im
portant j factors ; of the camping
life, manufacturers of: camping
equipment have paid much atten
tion to fthe development of stoves,
cooking1! sets, , cooking utensils,
food carriers and like equipment.
Many motor campers carry two
types o stoves: one a two-burner
gasoline stove for normal use, es
pecially! for cooking inside the tent
in -bad jweather, and an additional
steel iwjire grill and broiler for
cooking over a wood fire. The
better jclass of gas stove comes
equipped with' an oven that pro
vides a! means for baking or roast
ing meats on the tour. '
For pots and pans, the camper
can do no better than provide him
self with a set of aluminum nest
ing diahes. This popular idea in
kitchen utensils Is arranged so
that each pot fits inside another
so when packed the complete out
fit takfes np but a fraction of
space as when in actual use. Such
a set usually consists- of three
cooking pots, size six, four and
two and a halt quarts coffee pot,
fourJcu(ps, our plates and a heavy
rytri p'an. AH of the parts tele
scope inside of the six quart ket
tle. , ' i " I J
As an.ajunct to comfortable
eating,! there is an excellent set of
rustless, stainless steel knives and
forkf tbat comes in a handy can
vas foil. In addition to the regn-
lar equipment this set includes a
llong handled cooking fork, a but
cher knife, bread knife, paring
Ives and a can opener.
The selection of the cooklns
and i eating utensils, like, that of
choosing the tent and. bed, should
be determined by the amount of
space jprovided for them in the
car.i compactness being the main
NEW YORK, June: 2 9. A play
The Locked ; Door" was
numbered among the premieres of
the ; past week. The impression
thai it created was tbat the door
might better be locked than op
ened. It is advertised s a com
edy, but proved to be an imitation
of a iFrench iarce, With an idea
that might, in deft bands', be de
veloped into . an amusing - thesis.
It'waf crndely written and played,
nowever. ana nas nuie 10 com
mend it. The playwright sought
to prove that there is more of a
thrill j to be derived from the 'an
ticipation than the realization,
hencd when a youngj girl Is mar
ried to a young man and he ex
plain at great length to her that
the' ceremony should mean notn
Ins; and the newlyweids should as
sumej themselves to be lovers
rather than husband and , , wife,
What we get because we realize
it is I what we are entitled . to by
right; the young husband in
slsttfJ "is less thrilling than . that
which we contest. ' He preaches
so well that the young wife locks
the yjaung husband from the bridal
chamber, and thus ensues what
ever comedv situations ; there are
The jacting was uninspired as the
writing. Reginal Mason gave an
amiuslng characterization of ! an
olcjter married man in the bad
graces if-his wife and seeking
Visitors. to New York have been
amaked at the efficiency of th
Newj York police department Jlp
handling, In a good natured way
the jtremendous' crowds which 'are
natural to any outdoor gatherings
in this city, j particularly In the
light of an i event!- attended as
largely as the Democratic conven
Uonj The Goldman , band, .f the
leading , musical organization of
the icity, gives summer night con
certs In Central Park, and Sunday
evening ,the attendance was esti
mated' at more than "fifty-thou
sand,, the largest attendance 'erer
recorded at any musical event iany
where in the world. j Witb" so vast
a throTiP n this It is n rnmnlfment
to the police department that not
a cringle instance of disorder W&a
leported. , Police Captain Tlerney,
under ; whom the police bandied
this jgreat mass, declares that -the
blotter at police headquarters does
not contain a dozen entries in
year of this sort, i Strangers are
appalled at the crowds which ex
tend for blocks . -of. seats, other
blocks of slanders; brought, to
terminus' by hundreds of automo
biles with occupants. -
Broadway's best bets:
"There is one advantage In
Jazz i orchestra," Olga Warren, the
noted concert singer, admits ,One
of toe i-nstrnments makes so much
nojse that you can't near the
others." , 1,,.. .:V..- 1,.'
j "treonardo, Florence FUnn wit
tny observes, "was a great student
of anatomy, and what, makes his
mm nn mpo
achievements all the greater Is the
realization that In his day there
were no musical cpmediesf."
Kudolph Wurliter, the musical
trades magnate, ruminates after
a visit to ma xmpw voir eraircn:
No' peop4e are in- danger of a
wild revolution , as long- as they
quake before a New York cop."' -
'Jeanne Powers; the; dramatic
actress, thinks that the Pulitzer
prize' for ignorance should go to
the girl who thinks violet ray Is
a movie actresrf. !
When Maclyn Arbuckle . read
that a dancer had insured her
feet for 100.0 00, he was. happy.
It shows that they are dancing
wjth their feet again," hedeelared.
Vlth the summer styles comine
out on the beach, Mary Carroll
thinks biblical history should be
revised. "The coat of many col
ors is now, on Josephine, not Jos
eph-she submits.
A shave cost 10 cents? i -4
We had 5-cent movies?
A haircut cost 25 cents? .
Vage9 were $2 a day?
Shoes cost $3. a pair?
There wero 2-cent restaurants?
Ice cream sodas were f. cents?
The doctor charged .$1 a call?
Cigarettes wore 5 cents a pack
age? .. j
Overalls i cost T0-cents apaiT?
You could get a square meal
r .25 cents?
You could : buy a good nickel1
cigar? I:
You could buy a suit of clothes
for $15? 1
You could get board and room
for S 4 a week? " i " ,v -
You could buy gingham for 5
cents a yard?
. :The Sunday newspapers sold for
S ; cents? . r , -
You paid $1 for the best seats
i'or the best shows?
Ilotels charged $2 a day, Amer
ican plan?; ;
The butcher used to give you
liver Xor your dog?
Your mother sent you to the
grocery store to buy 20 pounds
of sugar for $1?
In -those days you paid 5 cents
for "a street car ride. ,
But who wants to go. back to
those days?,;" "v ' : ' '
Returning to Homes of
Ancesters in Great Numbers
WASHINGTON, July 2. One of
the most j remarkable pilgrimages
in the history of the world is un
der way. j From various sections
Americans are returning to the
places from which their ancestors
came to settle in the 13 colonies
two or three hundreds years ago.
It is known as the Huguenot
pilgrimage and Is one of the most
picturesque part of the Huguenot-Walloon-new
Netherland Ter
centenary, j ' commemorating the
coming, of the Huguenots to
America, j the thre-hundredth
anniversary ' of the founding
of New York by . Hugue
nots and ; Walloons under the
Dutch West India company and
the settlement of the Middle At
lantic states. "
A king, a queen and the presi
dent of a republic will all join in
honoring the pilgrims. They will
be received by many dignitaries
Municipalities, organizations ' and
individuals will give receptions in
their honor. At nearly i every
point visited they will make pit
grimage to local points of inter
est. The: pilgrims did not go to
Europe in a body, but slprting
from various points in the United
Stateswlll gather for the special
visits which will be held durng
Jalyi and 'August; Some, attend
ing thei World's Sunday Schcol
convention, left early in June
Others are now on the way and
still others will join them later.
Come in and let tis
tell you all of ,
the good news
Harry W. Scott
4Thc Cycle Man. j , :.
147 outU Commercial Street
.... Ve have a few good
HeibuUt Harley-Davidsook
Call and See Them Now
- . i
The pilgrims .Include some of the
best known clergymen and church
le;idersot the country. Dr. John
liaer Btoudt of Alientowni Penn
sylvania director of the Hugue-noi-Walloon-New
Netherland Ter
ceiitenary j commission heads the
pilgrims.. Dr. Charles S. MacFir
lahd, general secretary of th fVd-
eral Coujiicil of churches and chair
man of the executive'eommittefi of
th comtnlssion, wh6 was detained,
will take part', in the ceijemonies
hell in Belgium and France in
August. -: . " ' . :
: Thejpirgrims will visit the Ilu
gnenot Icenters in Belgium, Hol
land, the Rhine .country, Switzer
land and the Waldensian valleys.
They will gather In Paris early In
July, i Provision has . ben made
for the1 party to see the world
famous churches, monuments and;
p;useums" there and to meet mem
bers of the French Protectant ed-
erationj ; They will be received at
the new building of the! Protest
ant Federation of France which
was given through the Commission
o Belgium and- France of .the
Federal -Council of Churches.'
Visits will beunade td the bat
tlefields including Chateau Thier
ry. ' ! Memorial services wl' be held
at thei American cemeteries In
France ' i i . f ; 1
,;As forhier President jRoosevelt
was a: descendant of the first set
tlers of New York, e,f forts will be
The, green Pyrailn Visor Is
known as the aristocrat of all
ior. It gives the car a snap
py i appearance and. of course,
breaks the glare of the sun or
approaching headlights. Brack
eta and fiuing-s are nickel plated
can be attached' to the car in
in a, tew minutes' itiroe. j
Priced from $5.95 to
$9.85, according to size.
Other Visors $1.85 to $55 L
WcsteriiGiant r
! : I :
The quality of these fine tires
tv'tesuned to by thousands et
ltihrte i customers. Extra qual
ity xtra weight extra service
Built according to our own speci-
c itions that
is the reason
uera ay. "As
you can buy."
good a tire aa
Etfi HM .
A. tire of Urvdsrd weight ana
Oversize, at prices lower than you
would have to -pay fr tires of
bimilar quality. Constructed to
give satisfactory eervice undei
the most trying conditions.
30x3 T- i
; 30x3 Vs Reif. Size . .
.S30x3Va-QyprtXze .
31x4 Sir. Side. . . .
32x4 Str. Side. . . A
33x4 Str.Siae.....
.32x4, V Str. Side. ; .
33x4 Str. Side. ..'
34x4 Str. Side..
33x5 Str. Side. . . ..:
' j i ,-'... ;
' ... ' "
' 35x5 Str. Side ... . . . 26.50
- . -Order ly '
Our Guarantee
Protects You
made to hold .'a special service ai
the grave of QUentin " Roosevelt,
whieh Ijes- eastward from Chateau
Thierry! Final arrangements for
the tour are being completed in
Europe " by Chaplain 1 (Jdorges
Langa, who was the official dele
fchlB to: the Tercentenary celebra
tions in New York,, ami ' Pastor
Leonard Hoyois, the official? dele-i
gate from Belgium, nnd commit-
tees of outstanding' meiii i
: PASADENA, Cal., July C. A
,1 7 1 South Commercial
The genuine "Williams'' epot
Ughtis a hij?h quality lamp
: very t' durable; the body to
black enamel baited -on and,
highly polished. Fittings are
nickel plated.' Reflector Is
heavily .nickeled and highly
polished, , i ,
Two Sizes t "
$3.45 and $435
Other Spotlights $2.25
' to 912JS
Spare Tire Lock
The "SuDrem!'' A steel case-
hardened 5-16 Inch chain -with
case-hardened point.: Th e
cover is of genuine leather
the lock is a Yale. A size to
fit every tire. j. . (
'V Priced" from
$4.50 to $6.10
Other Tire Locking Chain
j and Cables, 65o to S10
terials sold direct
; -" !
11-plate for Chevrdlets; Fords, Stars, . j n,
Cuick 4 and other small ears . , . J. . . . . . . L , . . w. . . . .
Alf-slzes for all makes of cars sold-direct! to you at unusruslly law 'prjcen. .
Hydrometers, 95c and
, j Fillers, SOc Each ! : j j Dry
Ford A
McKirtrton - :
Same type of core a used-on-Buicka,
and. other fine cars. Strong
and rigid In construction.
Priced, to M 1117 to 1S24
fords, complete with shell
3..??.....:. $16.75.
tOO Store
Salem Store Corner Court and High Phone 796
pew Boy. pcouts' world's record
for wail-scaling in .10.7 seconds
was established here recently when
Troop No.j 1 of j South : Pasadena,
Shattered 4 he previous record of
12:6 seconds held by a North Car-
olina, troops., i'. - j
The event consists of a sixty-
foot rim wjth-nn interyening wall
nine feet high that m Ust be scald
by th eight boys cftinprising tfa
team, i; j . f -
R c a ci tlio Classified Ad si
Your Electrical Equipment
Demands attention! if you are to get the service
u -i you are entitled to. I
Bosch Magneto Service. '
Starter Generator and Ignition Work, j
Electrical Trouble Shooting and Repairing.
- i .
This Week's
-in : ' I . - r--Burch
Canvas Bed $14.75
En5oy your' night's rist
while camping. jT
Kenwood -Camp Blan
ket . -t-..... . . $8.75
Grub Stake :......4:.....$2.'75
Keep - your food warm
while cooking the rest jof
your meal: Jr. -
Folding Camp Oven $4.50
They bake wonderful
"cuitsj . " -j i - . . i : "
Folding; Wood Camp
Stove i.,-j . -.-$3.85
10x10 White Striped
Palmetto Tent-.$3l.75
wonderful beach tent.
Ask for our exceptionally
low prices on Fabric
Tires, r :
t . A. Motor Horns
One of the beet-known warning-
signals on I the market. ' Attrac-
tive I in design and - reliable in
workmanship. The; sharp, clear
sound is audible for a great dis
tance. i . ..... " . -j . ... I
Priced from $4.80 td $3.40
According to size and style.
f Other Styles at Pleasing j Prices
Gaarantcedt 18 Months -(Fords One Year)
- :'. "
t'As good as you can
quality of the Wirard,
to yon at prices that represent a worth-while saving. 6-volt,t
$.2S Each' ; Battery
III this department yoU can
find pracUcally every j little
, bolt, ; nut. Phv bushing and
gasket,' 'a well t as larger
parts, for Ford ! caTs.j W
handle ai complete stock.
Universal ' Damouatable
' ' f .i ' i W1...U . - !
Less .rim; bolts
and - lugs; each.
Bet of 4 -wheela, ; M r? en,
Tims. ,joroplete. .9s.UiOIJ
Comaterbalaacl Crankshaft
Master Brakes
Smergeney ; - . I, - Oft Ofl'
type .,;. 00U
Comblnstion C1Q Kfl
heavy djuty type. V I UivlU
Wkeelcfi Muffler and Cufoat
Make the Ford and. Chevrolet
....i: S8.00
in the Wett
- i ... ) m
. DUBLIN. ;J,une 17. (Mall.)
Trade reports covering the com
merce xf the5 Irish Fre State for
the first quarter, of 1924 were de
scribed as disappointing by Free."
State autborities, who pointed out
tha t im pons totaled t 5,9 4 8,9 6 1
in valhe', '-w'hile exports were worth
only 1,H5.069. With but little
exception the exports "were des
tined to Great Britain or the six
Ulster counties. I .
PJione i 1 07
Step plates
The "Klassy" plate 1 con
aldered the acme of rr
f ection In step plates, llxde
of solid aluminum, with a
heavy barred: rubber mat
Inside the .frame that pre
venta slipping. j
- Price $1.50
Other Styles from $1.33
to 1J60
t !. i
Tonneau Shields
Closed -car convenience and
comfort in . an 'open car
the rAll-Angie Tonneau
Shield, should be aeen to
"be appreciate
s Price $35X0
Other Tonneau Shield,
: (2X75 nd 122.50
Windshield Wirqrs
&.1S, H0 and $14.73
per I Pair
1 ;
buy" properly describes the-
made of the very finest ma
Tester, SQc 4d
Catteries, 45c Each
Rajo Head
; This valve-ln-head cylinder
head, gives the Ford car
real pep arid snap in
creases the power, speed,
flexibility and gives quick
get-away. Two models
with Winfleld carburetors:
2:v.f.r!?!?.... $85.00
Our i
ft 'M