SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1924 SE miwmm SEES riO LET-UP at leaders'. Jiowever, are ) being backed as dark horses, and among them are Carlos Manuel de Cea pedea, secretary of state; Gover nor j Alberto Barrearas, of Ha vana province, and Governor Ro berto Mendez Panate of Pinar FOR PAUD HEBE TILE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON' GOOD Ml He Will Spend Some Time in Making a Special Study of Packard Car .A. J. Feilen Is going to be with the MacDonaid Auto company here,' at 560 Perry street, in charge of the 6ervice department. Mr. Feilen has had many years of experience In the automobile business.' ' He was field mechanic for Vick, BrosJ on Fordson' tractors when they had that agency two or three years ago.' , He will spend two or three weeks in the serrice department jot the Packard people at Portland, making a special study of Pack ard 'cars -and he will know erery single thing that goes Into such cars, and what they are all for. Motors Breed Class Jealousy Says Sumner (By Mall) LONDON. June 17. In the nnininn nf Lord Sumner the safe- ty rator and artificial silk are two . of the most striking inyentions of the present ' day. Speaking at a ISflence Guild dinner. Lord ".The safety razor has exposed the face of man and artifical silk " has revealed the legs of women, Of the motorcar, I doubt If any in Tentlon has done more to sow, to water, and to ripen a feeling .of t Jealousy between classes." Kozer Shows Proceeds of State Tax on Gasoline The state tax on gasoline and distillate collected on sales made during the month of May, 1924, r amounted to $238,768.38. ac cording to a statement compiled by Secretary of State Sam A. 'Kozer. Taxes were remitted on 7.679, 024 gallons of gasoline and 335, 904 gallons of distillate. Of the total collected the sum of $78, 469.78 resulted from the opera tion of the original law imposing a tax of 1 cent per gallon on gas oline and cent per gallon on distillate, while $160,298.60 was returned under! the additional tax law providing for a uniform rate of 2 cents per gallon on all kinds of motor vehicle fuels. . L ; The May; sales' . of gasoline represent an Increase of approximately-15 per cent over the sales made daring' the preceding month, i3 til late sales having . declined : about $5 per cent. . : ?j To date the motor vehicle fuels ' tai measures' have brought to the CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR. CAR MARKET 'This is a Public Market therefore appraisals on all automobiles are FREE .;- - ! f. - '' i This is , a service estab ' lished by this market to stabilize priceson used cars. If some one approaches you, about buyinga used. car It is probably because the owner won't accept our price and wants too much for his ma chine. Bring it to us and we will tell : you Its true value, and remember there Is no charge for this serv ice. 1921Stude. Light Six ; Touring ...,...$695 1920 Cher. Baby Grand Sedan' ..400 1923 Overland Touring, 5000 miles .u. ,450 1923 Dodge Coupe . . . 885 1920Stude. Sedan .... 895 1922 Overland Tour... 340 C5 Nm hrtitaU to bar uiod cr when inch models wo offer ore Tollable. Via kro oomo extraordinary , bargains that yott should inspect immediately. . i . 855 X. Chorea t Phono 885 tmrnssm "ST A gyratory crusher- used in the of stone us they come from the quarry like this. . state treasury ! the total sum of 5,951,570.50. j Of the amount; collected under the law of 1921 there has been re turned up to June 30, 1924, the sum of $158,527.94 to operators of . farm tractors, motor boats. commercial cleaning establish ments, etc., pursuant to that pro vision authorizing refunds of taxes on such motor vehicle fuels as are used i for purposes ; other than in the operation of motor ve hicles upon the public highways. Motor vehicle fuels taxes are credited to the state highway fund, becoming available : for expendi ture in the construction and maintenance of Btate highways. ; 'Pay As You are Paid" Jewelersi Known All Uver Coast, j To Open : Burnett Brothers- "Pay as You Are Paid" "Jewelers will shortly open their sixth store In the City of Salem. Under the terms of a ten year lease signed recently with the owner of the Klinger block in State street the, store formerly oc cupied by the Electric bakery will be ' remodelled and transformed into a veritable' palace; of dia monds. ! "We were attracted to Salem. said Mr. Burnett, 'by the beauty and the stability of your city. We believe that the town1 will grow and that added , industries will greatly enhance its prosperity. We feel that there: is ample room for us to be of service to the people of the Willamette valley and We have no doubt' that' the : business will be highly successful from the opening day. (Atf? least we shall endeavor to deserve to be!" , The Burnett; Brothers -eight in number a r e i n o w operating stores in San Francisco, Portland. Seattle, Chehalis, Tacoma and KVerett. The volume of business done is considerably over a mil lion a year and is one . of the largest in volume' in - the United States If not in the world.- The policy of the concern wa3 recently changed a broad and liberal credit : policy i being lnagurated. Just as people buy motors, houses and books on easy monthly pay ments so now one may buy dia monds and watches and silver, and as a consequence people who have always wanted to have the lux uries are now enabled to get them and to pay for them in a way that makes no great inroads on the weekly or the monthly pay chack The opening of the Burnett jewelry store in thia city will be celebrated in royal fashion and in a memorable way. Full details of the event will be printed in. this newspaper. ' The remodelling of the old bakery is how in progress and fixtures and equipment cost ing approximately ten i thousand dolars are in the making. ; - "We want the Salem store to be 1ETTBR0S Ml 1 one of the most attractive in thisup to be a boy. Big Volume Does It! ! arso v sWWIU III I COSUII . ! a. !." VIF'll t ' .1 : 1 3ii tnai Soy Uttk Amsoror Tm OMl You e1 buy a Willard ! """" Battery a low as $ JOE WILLIAMS Automobile Kletftrical Work ; : of All 531 Court St. r rpment mills. The huge pJece are first crushed in a machine city of fine stores,' and we shall spate no expense to make it an institution i of which everybody may well be proud", said Mr. Burnett yesterday, j It is expected tha the opening will be ani nounced in about two weeks. ' Two'; Per! Cent Dividend Just Announced By Ricken-: backer Motor Co. Rickenbacker Motor -company announces another quarterly di vidend of 2 per cent. This is forj the second quarter of 1924, Is payable uly 15th to all share holders of record as of June 30th. f This is the seventh dividend paid from earnings by this young concern, me loiai ; 10 a ate ana in cluding this onej being 17 per cent. .' '!.'' - '.' ' -U. ,The executives are optimistic regarding the outlook and confi dently expect a pronounced revival of business in f the Immediate f u- turK :! ;! i ' n- ln fact", says Mr. Everltt, "our demand kept up long after other makers began to feel the slump that set in in April. Stil more remarkable is the fact that, o Pall lines Of- business thi automobile industry seems to be least affected by these tempor ary depressions. :, f'Just as soon as commerce gen erally picks up rbuildlng opera tions resumes and general mer chandise ' begins to move the result is quickly reflected In de mand for motor cars. yWe look for a splendid sum mer and fall business and are mak ing greater plans than ever for i?5." ; ; : Indian Who Had Historic I 1 Mission in Alaska Dies tOUJLAS, Alaska, June 11. (Mail.) Dick Morgan, an Indian who -died recently, was a historic character of Alaska, it was re called by the Rev. A. P. Kashevar of i, of Juneau. - ' . ; - if organ, whom the United States naval authorities had em ployed as a policeman nearly 50 years ago, was sent with a mes sage! from Captain L. A. Beerdslee to! settle differences that I had arisen between the Kockwontahn and Ganaadi tribes north of Sitka. Morgan informed the chiefs of the warring factions that they were to prjeserve order and to permltjthe white men to go through the Yukon passes. ! t: : Morgan returned February 12, 1880, with word to Captain Beerdslee that the! Indian factions woud renHrtn peaceful, and that the white men could enter the country without fear. - As a result of this parley the Chilkat country was opened to miners.! I A boy usually: grows up to be a man while a man usually grows wiuaraute largest RlCKENBflCKtR battery maker can pro- Try- uiv lunvab: jiiibcu reliable j battery on the market today? j Kinds Phone 198 Political Activity! Due to Pres- . dential Year, Is Not I Felt- "Desnitft the fact ihut thU h presidential year, reports -from Gardner dealers and distributors throughout the country indicate1 a continued brisk demand for cars," says Russell E. Gardner, Jr., pres ident of The Gardner Motor co.. Inc., of -St. Louis. ; "Today, the average person is fully awake toHhe fact that life is Just as sweet in a presidential year as any others Freed from chronic pessimism' that formerly was pre valent on the eve of the selection of a new national leader, he .is no longer content with a mere exis tence, with food and shelter ajone. lie welcomes the automobile ;aa a means of transportation tot the open country, for short huf ting and fishing trips on which he can take his family or a few congenial friends and as the vehicle which brings hfa wife freedom from the four walls of a house. 5 "As far - as Gardner is con cerned, we are working on full schedule trying to keep pace' with the demand that this attitude on the parj of the car-buying public has creaked. Though our produc tion schedule for 1924 is the largest .in ,our history, we have been pushed to the limit to keep up with the orders Gardner deal ers in all sections of the country are sending in. We look' for a further acceleration In sales dur ing July; August and September." It' CUBAN CONVENTIONS DELAYED BY MIXED POLITICAL. SITUATION HAVANA, ; June 22 Cuba's national political f conventions to rominate presidential candidates will be held later than ever this year, for while they usually are over befortf May 1, Indications now are that the first one will not meet until some time -in July. A president, vice-president and half of Congress are to be elected November 1. ' -r President ', Alfredo Zayas was elected In 1920 by a combination of the! Conservative, party with his popular party, and, interest to day centers ; largely in whether he will seek : re-election and who will be the candidate of the Lib eral party, normally the strongest one. President Zayas has repeat edly stated that he will seek re election only, if drafted, but if newspapers' of various shades of political belief are to be credited, opposition to re-election never was so strong throughout the island. General Gerardo Machado.'ia. yer, is shown by the provincial conventions to be the outstanding candidate for the Liberal nomi nation.; Half a dozen other Liber- No "Chewing Up : C-T-C Cords If you've ever driven over tirc eating crushed rock and moun tain roads, you will doubly appre ciate the ' especially toughened tread on these great over-size C-T-G hand-built low inflation cords. : .; " . ' C-T-Cs were designed by some of the oldest and best-known tire experts in America to particularly withstand the more severe motoring conditions of the West ,"; . . - :. Better materials are used throughout; the sidewalU and carcass are heavier and; stronger; the output is limited . Eurposely to Insure more perfect i, and-workmansbip and more rigid in- ; spection. The result is better i all ; round tire satisfaction. , : TVn la aJo C-T-C ka4-ont BoJ Iom tiro for oztroM lov laIatioa.' wkkk fUa mmj HnoiN vbool mm timu C-T-C ToJooo mU mimmf ' tolen Automobile Co. Valley Motor Co. Ira Jorjcenson Vick Bros. Colombia Tire Corporation 1 Factory Branch, 477 Court St ' Marion Automobile Co. TE TIRES del Rio. The fight in -the Liberal party seems to be delaying its national convention and the! other parties are waiting on it; j Little activity has been shown publicly for any one in the Con servative party, whose outstand ing leader is former ; President Mario G. Menocal, the man who was largely instrumental, in mak ing Zayas president. ' Friends of General Menocal. have, mentioned his name from timfe to time, but thus far no "real icampaign has been waged in .hia behalf. Santi ago: Verdeja, representative In congress from' Matanzas, has had some backing for the Conservative nomination, .'ind has announced that he was receptive, but General Menocal has not made his posi tion plain. r---""i I .'""" '.".'.' The Popular .party leaders have announced that Zayas is the only man their party will consider as Its candidate, and; are known to bo working for reconstruction of the ! "Liga Naclonal" as the Con seryative-Popular Combination of .1920 was called. Blackfoot Indians to Have Bible Printed in Own Lingo SASKATOON, Sask.. July 5.t Blackfoot Indians' in Canada will have the first Bible ever written in their, language, in fact the first book - of any .kind, when Canpn H. V. G. Stocken, for many years missionary : to the - tribe In the Canadian ' prairies, completes the work at his home in Victoria, B.C. Canon Stocken is printing the Blackfoot Scriptures on a small press built for the; purpose. He originated the language charac ters, which are syllabic and resem ble i shorthand. He startedwith 72 characters, but hasr reduced them 'to 40. They are so easy to master that some members of the tribe ' learned to write in a few evenings. These Indians soon be gan to write letterai to each other and to Canon Stocken. Silas Wolf Collar, an old brave, helped the missionary in his task. Germans Should Learn How to Oil Motor Cars BERLIN. June 19. (Mail.) Airplane pilots flying over, Berlin have so often called attention to the fact that the German metropo lis Is screened from view by a cloud of soot, that the newspapers of the capital are taking up a campaign torrid the city of the smoke nuisance. f t One of the chief contributors to the clouds of .smoke 19 the Ger man i automobile, it M plaimed. Auto science is not the property of large masses of people as j in America, and only a few even of the chauffeurs know how to pil their machines'. Then, too, they use an inferior gasoline. The re sult is a pestiferous emission from the exhaust pipes. .1 to TUBES if" I 'J m m s 1 1 1 i i m iaooot uj cmmm. I I vj I i US I'll! F A b- A ;lr Ia AND We KeMy - I'.'. : ' " : : I '-' ' ; ' " 1 - : i Reduce Marion Autom Son SuonooDonec? You can, literally, get "recreation be Mmade overM again, when your physical 6elf is! rested, your energy and; your strength conserved by the use of this Ford Runabout. ' - ' Simplicity and good taste are embodied in the j lines and appointments of this popular car. Uninterrupted use is in sured by nation-jwide, waround-the-corner" Ford service, j Better get your : toraer in now i TMrii Cor $295 Coup tS2S , TuJUt SoAm $599 ForoW SoJoa lJ V I. All pric . o. k. Drro . h': j ..;s.-:. VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY ' I Salem, Oregon ; THE have "em SpringfieH Tiir In all sizes from 30 x 3 td 401x 3 d Prices Salem's Largest Garage 235 S. Com'l Open Day and Night i ' -v - h -' " ! : ' .: - p i Detrok, VticbJga ; N Qi C7 J 'T 2GS j " Si , ' 1 RO.ti.Dtroit K I XlXsl ! - ' " ' 1 Dtiwwwtiblt fit t UNIVERSAL ViiMiitOTii modmtby makimMmutmmlldomn tiwmooiT faKi i y t f 1 I i .4 obile Co ! V l-i ! Phone 3S2 i.T I. The Runabout : CAR Tl STORAGE RAGE-O XIUES DATTEIUES ''J) - : i . t - - i'j'i-: '