. ! . ... ... - - .3 - ' 11 1 i i .i- " ' . . - V. "I "' j -p - U -. - .' Advertisements remove the blindfold from baying Read them carefully. Read the Classified Ads each day. You'll find it profitable. i SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING; JULY 5, 1924 SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR PRICE FIVE CENTS. J X itl V i r i t I- - h . n f V V 70TH BALLOT SEES 00 END TO DEADLOCK Convention Adjourns after Two Fourth of July Ses sions. Without Reaching Any Agreement tlcADdO CLIMBS TO 53d LACKS 20 OF MAJORITY Californian Needs 202 to Nominate; Compromise: Only Sofutiort MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, : New York, July 4. In a renewed ; drive late tonight to reach" a ma jority In the democratic national convention William G. McAdoo ran ; his total to 530 votes, just 20 be low the halfway mark and 202 i below the necessary number for a ; nomination. " ; ' --'. The total of the 69th ballot was 24 greater than had ever been cast for: him before: the previous high mark, having been 505 on the 40th ballot. Encouraged by this showing, the field forces of, ;the former treasury secretary were -busy seeking .to add to their forces. L Announcement of the 530 votes for the Californian was . greeted ; with cheers from his followers and fwaa made the occasion for anoth k er ' demonstration . and march -'- around the convention hall. Chair man Walsh finally halted It by the Tlrorons use of his gavel.;'.'. When the tally clerk announced that Governor Smith had received 335 on this ballot 3 below his maximum the signal was given a flmith demonstration.' Itt which the galleries - Joined with continued cheers and roars. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, Kew York, July 4. Two fourth of July sessions of the aemocrax ' ic convention failed to produce a nominee for the presidency and tonight, at the end of 70 ballots, the party leaders began seriously " to consider the administration of heroic measures to brealc the dead Mock." : 1: . --Durlnir. the day two favorite sons had been eliminated, McAdoo had reached a new high record within 20 votes of a majority of the convention; Smith had again touched his high water mark, and the series of maneuvers oh the convention floor had re-klndled the animosities of the warring , groups and apparently made a compromise more difficult. The floor j skirmishing was started by the Smith forces who first proposed in a. formal reso i. lu'tion that all that the candidates be Invited to address the delegates ; Jn ' executive session .before there was a further ballot. The pro posal failed of the. twothlrds re quired for adoption, with the Mc- Adoo forces Toting against It, and later a' proposal to invite Governor Smith alone to speak from the con vention platform was similarly re- '. Jected. " ; ! The leaders' of the groups which are outside both the Mc- Adoo and Smith camp believed ' they might succeed tomorrow in convincing the managers for both I candidates that, further bat lottn would be futile, under the present lineup and that the nly hope of a decision was an agree ment upon a compromise' noml- ; nee. i r 1 : : - ! ' . . Efforts were being made after tonight's adjournment to bring some of the principal supporters of the two leading contenders to gether In a conference with a def inite ' plan for compromsie, under . consideration. Various comprom ise candidates were to be put for , ward in-the conference should it first be found possible to convince the conferees that neither Mc Adoo nor Smith can be nomlnat ed. I r ' : '. - -' 1 A second and entirely different plan to break the deadlock, and 'release the convention embarrass ments was under consideration in (ConOn-,d on page .) THE WEATHER OREGON: Fair I without shange in temperature Satur day: moderate ; winds mostly west by northwest. : LOCAL WEATHER s (Friday) Maximum temperature, 89 Minimum temperature, 64 River, 1.4 stationary Rainfall, none Atmosphere clear Wind, north 1 MANY FIRES CALL DEPARTMENT OUT . INDEPENDENCE DAY The Fourth of July was a day of more than the usual number of fires' in Salem, most of them due to firecrackers or other celebration activities. Besides the tire that damaged the P. Newberry home, and the roof fire at the .Fred. Gahlsdoff home. s 985 North Church street, there was , anr other residence fire that theatened to become serious, . but . that did little damage. . This was at the J. T. Hart' home, 1467 Market street., The fire was mainly under the house. ;. j , ;-.-.;; : :; A grass fire a.t 1736 Front street,: called out the depart ment at 9:10 last night, and another grass fire at Fifteenth and Mill brought out the fire trucks a few minutes later, at 9:30. Five minutes later, or at 9:35 an awning fire at the Salem Electric ; . company's place : of business called the -department out for the, sixth time during the day. GscBli Federal Secretary of Educa tion Favored By Presi dent Before N. E. A. WASHINGTOX, July 4. Nearly 15,000 American teachers and ed ucators stood and cheered1 here today when President Coolidge in an address voiced his approval ! of a pending bill to create a federal department of education presided over by a cabinet member.' The speech closed 'a seven-day con vention of the National Education association. jv i'.y."r.-i- The education plan desired by the . teachers,, embodied, in the Sterling-Reed bill before congress. has his endorsement, the president- said, "bearing In mind that this does not mean any interference with the local control and dignity. but is rather an attempt to re cognize : the importance of edu catlonal effort." Terming ignorance "the most fruitful source of poverty, vice and crime," .the president pointed out to the teachers that there are in this country three million native born illiterates, as well as 14,000,- 000 foreign born illiterate white persons, who must be given an op portunity to read and write the English language, "that they may come into more direct contact with the ideal! and standards of our political and social life." i , He asserted that "our institu tions are constantly and very properly the.strb ject of critical in quiry unless their Origin is un derstood, unless their value be properly assessed, the citlien falls ready prey to those selfish agita tors who would exploit his pre judices to promote their own vantage." .-. ad AGEflTS SEAflCil FOR 0 Men Who Asked $50,000 From Senator McCormick Is Sought in Illinois BYRON, 111., i July 4. Of fleers and private detectives are search ing for two men suspected of hav ing written a letter to .... United States Senator MedUF McCormick and his wife, demanding $50,000 be placed under a culvert : three miles north of the McCormick farm home near Byron. The let ter did not threaten any one or mention the (kidnaping of anr member of the senator's family. After the letter was received last Thursday, Just after, Senator McCormick had departed for Eu rope, private detectives were em ployed to trace the writers of the epistle. A decoy package , was placed, under the culvert designat ed in the letter and two men, who later passed under the culvert and picked up the package were taken Into custody by the detectives but later were released. : ; . Reports of the tracing of the decoy package ; leaked out and report was circulated that Mrs. McCormick had received a letter demanding money on the threat that her son, John, 8 years old would he;, kidnaped. unless" the funds were placed under the cuK WRITER OF DEMIUiI BOURBONS ARE IN SEARCH OF SOI REMEDY Resolutions Drafted to 3reak Deadlock Meet Up With Little Favor; From Parti san Leaders L COX AND RALSTON HELP BY WITHDRAWING NAMES FairitlHope Helfi That Other ( - - ravorite sons will Drop! 1 I From the Race i MADISON SQUARE OARDEN. New York, July 4 Groping i for some way to end the deadlock, the democratic national contention .re assembled ; for its night session with a .variety of remedies In prospect for consideration. Resolutions proposing to break the unit rule, to abolish the two- thirds rule and to drop off the low man on each ballot, were In the pockets of leaders, waitine to be: sprung if they could be agreed i upon : by ; a . few sponsors,1 With Ralston and Cox two of the favorite sons out of the way mere : was a faint hope that the remainder of ; the favorite sons string,1 might be Induced to with draw ; and permit the strength of the convention to divide defin itely between Smith and McAdoo, so that those two could fight It out, i ; .: :: - f As the delegates assembled .for the night session the. band ap propriately played "It May Be for Years and It May Be Forever." The session came to order near ly on time and prayer was offered by the Rev. Paul F. Landis, min ister of the John Hall Memorial of New York The ; first (business o t. the . ses sion was the calling of the roll of' states for the 67th ballot. Chairman "Walsh then had read a communication from w. u. mc Adoo. It was read by unanimous consent. ' ''.'' 'The convention ' today voted quite properly against a' proposal to Invite all candidates to address It," the letter said. "Subsequent ly, a proposal to invite the gov ernor of New York to address it; was; rejected by a vote of the con vention." i Mr. McAdoo wrote he was sure the action was taken because of the j disposition to conclude the business. But he concluded with a suggestion to his friends in the convention that they invite Gov ernor Smith to make an address. Gavin McNab then, on behalf of the California delegation, asked thati the vote by which the con vention refused to Invite Gover nor Smith be reconsidered. He proposed a unanimous consent that !i Governor Smith be invited to speak at 10 o'clock. ;t -Meanwhile Michael Igoe of Chicago, a Smith delegate, j was recognized, after much shouting and distress. ; Meanwhile Chair man Walsh was walloping the cel ebrated light-headed gavel so vig orously that the head of it flew off again and this time it bounced on the head of a man standing im mediately below tho . speaker's (Continued on 'page 6) tlOTHSFOH Oregon, Washington '? and Given Shares of Improve- f I ment Funds ; .'! -i. WASHINGTON. D. C. July 4. Allottments for. river and .har bor! improvements under the act of congress approved June 7, an nounced today by the war depart ment for the fiscal year include: In Oregon: Coos Bay $665,000; Coos River $3000: Yaquina Bay and Harbor $21,000 Clatskanie River $6500: Willamette River above Portland and Yamhill Riv er j $18,900; Columbia River and tributaries above Celilq Falls! to the mouth of the Snake River, in Oregon and Washington $4000; Columbia and lower . Willamette Riter below Vancouvep, Wash., and Portland? 3 7.0 00. ' ! j : In Oregon,. Washington and Idiho::-;! -;j Snake River $10,000. In Washington: . X Skamokawa. Creek $1800; Grays Harbor and Bar entrance $81,000; - Grays Harbor ' between Aberdeen" and Chehalla RIfer $41,000; Seattle harbor; $25,00 0& S IE MADE AUTO PLUNGES off:, precipice CARRYING BABY Portland . Couple Run Vainly ! After Car as it Goes Over Edge of Cliff BEND. Ore.. Julv 4. Running vainly lo check the progress of an automobile carrying Wanda Mfiy, their 3-year old daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King of Portland. qaw.tbeir automobile plunge over tpe brink of Crooked River can yon this morning, . bearing the baby to i her death. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fleming also of Port land, were of the party, and Fleming got his hands on . the car Just as it toppled over the edge of the precipice. i The Kings and Flemings,-had Stopped to ' admire - the grandeur of the canyon. Wishing to enjoy the view they stepped from the automobile and made their way to the edge of the' precipice, leaf ing the baby in the front seat. IS SERIOUSLY ILL Calvin i Jr. in an Alarminfe Condition Due to Acute f Septic, Poisonin i rr WACHIVnTftV T.. t.. t r Illness 'again entered the White House today when Calvin Coolidge Jr., younger son of .President and Mrs. Coolidge, developed an acute case of septic poisoning. , ; The boy, who is 1.6 years of age, became ill yesterday and late last night his condition became alarm ing. Five physicians were called In and it was determined . that poisoning resulted from a broken blisten On the right foot, brought out during a tennis match, had spread throughout his system. An other consultation late today was followed by the announcement that the condition, previously de scribedf as serious," was mchVaj;- ed. :. , Mrs. Coolidge is in constant at tendance at the bedside, while the president; after keeping a speak ing engagement this morning, be fore the National Educational as sociation, remained in thie White House the rest of the day. ; The blister on the foot developed during a tennis match young Cal vin played last Monday with his brother John, 181 years of age. Yesterday he complained of in tense pain In the body. Physic ians were summoned and the seri ous nature of the illness was then learnect.l TheVe Is little which can be done at this stage. It was said, with the problem largely up to the endurance and strength of the youf. ; His 5yuth is In his favor, but he has gfown .very fast during the last year. Likewise he is of slight build, i I . The: illness, caused a gloom to descend upon the White House on this, the 52 hd birthday of the president. ;' 1 Boy Is COOLIDGE'S SON Gleanings Struck Circus Moiikey f Attacks ROCKWAY, Ore., . July 4. Junior Schutte, son of E. W. Schutte of Portland .1 was injured. probably fatally here? today when he .was struck by the: propeller -of en airplane which had Just landed on the beach' after taking passen gers aloft. The lad was one of a crowd of onlookers gathered on the beach and according to spec tators, ran in front of the seaplane and was' drawn against the propel lor by the air suction. ; . Following the accident the pilot took the injured boy and his fath er to Tillamook by plane, for medi cal treatment. 4 J Boy Btf er By Monkey BEND, ', Ore., July 4. :Jack Davis, nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank May of this city was attacked by a monkey, kept nt one of the side shows at the Fourth, of July celebration grounds! here early j today. The boy wa badly bitten about both legs and .was almost crazed, from fright by - the time he had torn himself loose from the animal. . Sailor Arrested For Shooting; . SEATTLE, Wash., July 4. : William Van,' first class .seaman of the . battleship V Pennsylvania as arrested here late this after noon and is held in the vessel's brlg r in connection : with ' the shooting; of Arthur" RITey. ' 42 In a hotel here last night. DELEGATE HIT BY HEAD FROM WALSH'S GAVEL v ;:'M. .,; i Herman Schoernstein of New York: Suffers Concussion Ik A of the Brain MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, New York.' N. Y:, July , 4 Herman j Schoernstein of New Yorlcj suffered concussion of the brain tonight when he was struck on the head by Chairman Walsh s gavel as It flew pff -the handle and bounced; into ..the delegate space, j... V . , , i : Schoernstein,, taken to the con vention i hospital after the acci dent was unconscious for -five mlnutesj . '. ; The "head of the chairman's. gavel has been flying off at least once! a t day. Heretofore .it had mjssed any human mark. U schoernstein s condition was pronounced not serious and the physicians said he could go home in a few! hours. TO II PROPERTY House Near Fourteenth. and Chemeketa Partially De-4 5 stroyed Friday j Fire,' supposedly started front' a fire: cracker, did several hundreds of dollars worth of damage to the residence property owned by Mrs. T. B. 'Kay and occupied 5 by ?F. Newberry, near Chemeketa attd Fourteenth t about 11:30 o'clock Friday morning. The loss is cpr erefl by: jnshrance, while1 the prp erty is valued around $4000. Neighbors first- saw the fire, whifh broke through the roof in the vicinity, of . the chimney. It tu at. first thought that a fire in the stove had caused the con flagration, but Mr. Newberry had moved ,a ' majority of his .house-. hold effects f rpm the ; place the day before and., stated that there had not been a. fire In the Btove all I day.! r Because of this. the the blaze originated with a firecrack er,! though how it got on the, roof In the firet place is not known. A "dead" hydrant at the corner of Chemeketa and Fourteenth de layed the (ire department until a pump hose could be lowered to the creek, a short distance from the corner. I . About, 10 minutes after the de partment checked In at' the sta tion returning from this call, they responded to an alarm from 985 North Church, where they extin guished! a roof ftTe .before much damage had been done COOLIDGE'S BIRTIJDAY , JwAsklNGTON, July 4. (By Associated Press.) - President Coolidge celebrated a double birth day Friday; his 5 2d and the Na tion's 14 8th. ' By er .' .'I Farner-Lnbor Forces' Meet SEATTLE, . July 4. Washing ton farmer-labor forcesunder the leadership of James A. Duncan of Seattle, will open their state con vention here tomorrow morning Credentials have been received from about 150 delegates. Cody Statue Unveiled CODY.Wyo., July , 4. As the sun sank behind the continental range today, flags veiling a statue of Colonel William (Buffalo Bill) Cody were drawn aside and t monumental likeness of the fam ous scout on Mettlesome broncho was dedicated as, a reminder to America oi tne spirit mat won me west. I MacLaren Laves for Japan ! SHANGHAI, July 5. A Stuart MacLaren, the British aviator on a world flight, left here at 9:35 this morning for Kagosbima,' Ja pan. ;: ; ' . '. Kngene Lad Drowns , j .EUGENE. Or., July 4. When Walter Kapping, 14-year-ofd ' son of Mr. knd Mrju, Louis Kapping of Junction City dived to the hot torn of a swimming ; hole in the Willamette river near Harrisburg this afternoon to show' his com' panlon how long he could: stay under water, he. failed to come to the surface again. ' FIRE DDES DAMAG Pay rropell Boy I1IS UNITED AGAIN EEHT Southern Branch Late! Yes terday Voted Overwhelm. ingly to Accept Joint Uni fication Plan GENERAL C0NFEREN CES TO RATIFY IN. 1925 Formal Acceptance . a n d Actual union to Be Made; 7,000,000 Affected CHATTANOOGA. .Tennj, July 4By the Associated Press Southern Methodists late j today. In special conference, here! voted overwneimingly to accept the proposed plan for unification with the Methodist Episcopal jchurch devised by a joint committee of the' two -organizations and adopt ed by the. northern general con ference recently in Snrinefield. Mass. . Opponents, most of them in favor of unification but not under, the particular plan recom mended, could muster only 75 votes against adoption' while the ... iri..l 1 X - . It . . . uiiiiiuaiiuuisie ponea a lotai oi 297. A two thirds majority was necessary for acceptance j and It had-been cast when the secretary still had nearly .100 delegates to poll. . j The plan of organized union has yet to run the gauntlet of! the an nual conferences of- the two churches, the northern conference voting in 1925 while the southern conferences were requested in resolution adopted today; to act during the same year, fin the north , two thirds of all the mem bers, voting in the annual confer ences must ratify the proposal whnelp "the south the1 j-eqnlrell majority is three fourths With ratification by the annnal conferences, the college of bishops of each church would meet Joint ly and notify their respective gen eral conferences that the : union haa been effected. The eeneral conferences then will be called to meet in joint session to put unifi cation into effect. The southern general conference meetsi in regu lar Session in May, 1926,' at t place as yet undetermined. Since the northern conference doee not meet again until 1928 a special sessfon will be called, probably In May, 1926, to be held jointly with the southern conference.' - Should the merger finally be come effective it would unite Into oriel body approximately seven million Methodists in the country and -heal a breach that has existed since the separation in 1844: Itf was 80 years ago this month, 16 years before the outbreak; of the I war between the states, that thefchurch divided on the ques tion! of the powers of the general conference and the rights of the episcopacy,: according to Bishop Horace MJ Duboz of the 'southern chufch. ' I .. . j Bishop James O- Andrew, of Georgia has married a Georgian wh& was a slave owner!. Under the flaws of Georgia the i slaves of hiewife became legally j his own, , I (Continued on jag 4) i j Indianan Drops Out to Help Break Deadlock in Spite' of Taggart's Wish s- i SEW YORK. Ju.ly 4j Against the! wishes of Thomas1 Taggart and the (entire Indiana delegation Sen atof RaTston today eliminated hlm sel from the "Democratic presi dential nomination contest. After repeated pleas; from the senator by telephone) and tele graph to withdraw his! name for the sake of party harmony. Tag gar called the Hoosier delega tion together and they agreed to accede to their candidate's wishes. onight, however,; some of them persist iRalaton is not entirely out of theruhning. : f : j The wheels of the sulkies were locked and we got: out that the race might go on," Taggart said In explanation of the senator's withdrawal. . i - At - a -caucus to consider with drawing Ralston's name It was agreed to permit Taggart lo cast thel : delegation's -.balPoU for tha present. . - . - BY AGR RALSTON LEAVES iCOiHIOH FIGHTING BOB TO ENTER RACE v. - - . .- - - ... . v - . .... . IV . v SENATOR LA FOLLETTE V Senator Robert M. La Follette yesterday signified to the conven tion for Progressive Political ae tion meeting at Cleveland that he intended to enter the. race for the presidency of the United States as an Independent: candidate. He opposed the formation of. a third party at the present time.' Loot Poihtto Two Escaped uonvicisr i oioien auto Recovered . Belief that Bobbv Burns and W A. Anderson, two of the three convicts who escaped from , the penitentiary Thursday nizht were responsible for- the. burglary of the Hauser . Brothers . sporting goods store the same night, was expressed, yesterday b7. local : of f icials. i "Two, guns, two - flash lights,; aTsafty raxor otnd two packs, with a auantltv of ammu tt1cVwre'stlrlnviromnhe store it was discovered, Friday, morn ing. About; 1 8 In 'cash was also stolen, while papers from two spe cial boxes were found strewn over the floor of the store. Severa dollars worth of stamps were not molested. - The Chevrolet automo bile stolen from Ford Boyd was found abandoned two miles south of Junction City Friday noon i The store was entered by means of a crowbar forged from an au tomobile axle. 'The rear entrance to the store, opening Into the al ley, was the point of entrance Here a padlock on the heavy wooden door was smashed, and after prying off another padlock on an iron parred uoor leading ;to the basement j the men were able to enter the building. From the loot selected, it is almost certain that two men participated in the burglary and from the nature (of (Continued on page 4J Alone in Washington Wis- uuii&m joenaior uirecis Moves; to Use Radio . WASHINGTON,' July 4.Sena tor La Follette spent today at home and almost" alone while .the Cleveland convention which ig ex pected to put him in nomination was in session. He was active, however, by long" distance tele phone communication, once or twice with I his representatives at Cleveland to correct a point or two of the message in which he declared his willingness to run, and by rad!o.f keeping in touch with the proceedings of the dem ocratic convention at New York.! , Informed by the Associated Press of developments at j Cleveland, Snator . La Follette withheld all comment. His adherents and supporters! were all In that city and It was said that his political fortunes would be left Id their hands, f As to 'the 'vice presidential candidate to run with him and all other matters, the senator was said to have no word. . Only his secretary and his wife were with him and the seclusion to which he has clung . in recent months was maintained unbroken; and would be. his advisers said, even after t the nomination at' Cleveland. '. ' : " ' ; : t. The campaign plan 19 that .he will remain a his home address ing audiences by radio; at Inter vals,, although the organization which will direct, his candidacy will have headquarters at Chl cago", , . L GISSTW ! FROi STORE LAfLTg. L'FOLLETTE IS TD IKE Mi FREEflFyTi' Wisconsin Senator Sends Message to Progressives Indicating Intention to : Run for President OPPOSES FORMATION i OF HEW THIRD PARTY Convention to Fight Over Question of Another Com . ' lete Organization , CLEVELAND, Ohio. July 4.- Senator Robert' M. LaFoIlette of Wisconsin' formally announced to day that he would be an independ ent, candidate for. president.. He disclosed thi Intention and: opposition to Immediate formation of a new party in a message to the conference for Pittsburgh po litical action, in session here. Immediately after the senator' statement had been read to the convention by his son, Robert M. LaFoIlette, Jr., a motion was of fered by.' Herman . Wills, a - vice president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, to endorse the ' candldaey.A With delegates yelling ;"letVgo.?'. opposition to this procedure y developed from socialist sources. Morris HillqulC New - York, begged the convention, not to act ' until It had fully organized. Amid confusion," Judge Jacob Panken of the New York - municipal court, made a point of order that until the ' convention was organised it could not act. .This was upheld by Wm. Johnston, chairman " of the gathering, and the attempt to rush through the LaFoIlette en- . dorsemenwas dropped Friends "pt LaFoIlette were con vinced by the demonstrations tlat ' accompanied mention, of his same through the day, that approval of his candidacy would be given to morrow before adjournment. , L Challengers of today's attempt ed procedure let It be known that their object wa not to keep th convention from endorsing La FoIlette, j but to give opportunity for them to present their conten tion that the time is ripe for for mation of a new party. This que tion will be threshed out on the ' floor tomorrow. ! While it was known that LaFoI lette had a communication to tha convention, in response .to the conference's national fcommlttee requeet tor a, statement as to his plans and views, its petition today came as a surprise. For hours the delegates had listened to ora- tory by the chairman and some invited guests and delegates. Committees had been appointed and the gatheYing was. marking time while they were trying to get going. The credentials commit tee', which had been at Its . task for more than two days, finally came in and offered a partial re port. , - ..: 7' . r' The delegates were getting ready; for an early adjournment until tomorrow. Suddenly Chair man Johnston Interrupted the reading of the names of 'accredited delegates. - Senator LaFoIlette ba sent a message to, the convention," he announced, explaining it would be read by the senator's son, whom he introduced as "a chip off the old block." n a ringing voice and - with pugnacious gestures which emphasized the chief points of his father's statement, young LaFoIlette soon had the delegates standing and cheering. A demon stration in which there was some parading along the ateles. was precipitated by the following pro mise of Senator LaFoIlette: "I am ready to enlist with yon y to wage unceasing warfare until the American people . have been restored to the full enjoyment of . their political and economic rights." , ? .The message .was a lengthy ex position of the senator' views on domestic and international politi cal issues. After a bitter-arraignment of both the old parties, which he declared could not be trusted to "carry out their, pro mises, it eaid: i : . "I shall submit my name a3 is Independent progressive candidate for president, together with the. names of duly: qualified candi dates for electors, for filing on the ballots In every state in the "union. . - My appeal will be ad dressed to every class of the peo ple and -to every section of tLa country. .(Contlrifled on pasa 4)j