The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 04, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' ' ' '
Advertising Is a bridge-spanning
the river of doubtful values
-r-to the ' short of worthy merchandise.'
! I!
Convention Adjourns Till 1 P.
M. Today Without Reach
: ing Any Agreement on
Party nominee
Favorite Sons Blamed By
Rockwell; Veto Power of
-McAdoo By Roosevelt
DEN, New York. July 3.
On the sixty-first ballot the'
leaders stood las follows:
McAdoo 469.S
, 'Smith t..V.... 335.5
.Davis . . .'. . . . .. 60
1 Ralston ....... 37.5
McAdoo and Davis un
changed; Sin tin gained 5 and
Ralston lost .5.
Today's Convention Program
Convention called to order
t 1 " p. m. by Permanent
Chairman Walsh.
, .Invocation - by the Rev.
Mansfield .Spencer of the
Church - of .-the Strangers
(Independent) of New York
City. - .
Singing of "The SUr Span
gled Banner."
Reading of the declaration
of Independence by August
Resumption of the call of
roll of states for the nomina
tion of a candidate president.
.July 3. Even by surpassing the
party record for continuous bal
loting the democratic national con
vention has failed to nominate a
candidate for . the presidency.
At the close jot the 61st ballot
' the convention ; adjourned after
midnight until t p. m., July 4th,
with the deadlock tighter, than
"-ever, and the ' grip of both prin
cipal contenders unshaken, i
The McAdoo management plac-
ed the blame on the favorite sons,
who they said,' by remaining in
the balloting when they should
have withdrawn, had prevented
the real strength of both gover
nor Smith and "Mr. McAdoo to be
shown. . . i f.
At the adjournment, after a see
sawing process that had swung a
1 handful of stateB back and forth
among the leaders, the situation
appeared to be almost precisely
' where It haf been 24 'hours be
fore. McAdoo remained fn the
lead, with Smith holding second
place, and all others trailing be
hind. ' ;'':--- " ;:; ;
So serious was the tangle ' and
so determined the plan of cam
paign that was being laid down
by the strongest of the contend
ers elements - of 'the convention,
that the party chief consulted pos
sible . methods of amending house
" rules. : i ; '
A plan proposed was that both
McAdoo and Smith be called upon
to withdraw,-- permitting their
strength to go to some candidate.
This proposal . was pronounced
"absurd by David Ladd Rockwell,
; (Continued from page 2)
! OREGON Fair Friday; -no
change in temperature.; Mod-:
erate-northerly winds near the
coast. I '
; (Thursday)
Mexlmum temperature. .91." i
Minimum temperature, .66.
River. -1.4, stationary. ' I
Rainfall, none.
Atmosphere, clear. -Wind,
y i
r I
1 1 11 ll -i
Highest Number in Party
History Was 57 to Nomi
, nate Douglas in 18 60
New York, July 3.- When the
Democratic national convention
reached the fifty ninth ballot
tonight it tied the record of the
party history, and as no nomin
ation was reached, the convention
then began setting a new record.
The greatest number of ballots
heretofore cast I in a convention
was that of 1860 which nomin
ated t DougIa3.! 4 The convention
began at Charleston. S.- C., where
57 ballots were taken, it." then
adjourned s and j reconvened sin
Baltimore where two more ballots
were taken 59 in all and Doug
las was nominated. ,
' The next approach to the old
record was in the Baltimore con
vention of 1912 which took 46
ballots to nominate Wood row
Wilson and coming after: that was
the San Francisco convention of
1920, which took 44 ballots to
nominate James M. Cox.
Hitchcock Drafts Resolution
in Desperate Effort to
. Break Deadlock
New , York, July 3. Tired And dis
couraged, but not knowing whith
er 1 to turn, the aemocratic con
vention battled blindly, along to
night in another futile effort to
find a nominee for the presidency.
As the number of -ballots went
on well past the half hundred
mark, the long roll of the states
was repeated over and over In
weary monotony, ; and ; over and
over the same replies were shout
ed back to the! bedraggled tally
clerks until they knew - them all
by heart. f v
Party chiefs j confessed them
selves completely bewildered by
the situation and although they de
sired many plans to get the con
vention out of Its troubles, they
were able to agree . on hone. .
As the see-saw of the balloting
went on without -decisive result,
agitation for a change in the rules
to end the deadlock reached a
point 'where Senator' ; Hitchcock
drafted a resolution calling for the
elimination on each, ballot of the
low man.. The senator said he
would introduce it tomorrow un
less tonight's session brought
gome indication of a break.
The resolution saysf
"Resolved, that it Is the sense
of the convention that beginning
with the (blank) ballot the candi
date receiving lowest ballot should
signify' to his supporters his with
drawal as a candidate until only
3 candidates remain before the
convention." j
SjiflDES OF Mill
17-Year-old Bandit Shoots
Because "He Refused to
Hold Up Hands"
SEATTLE. July 3. Ovan Tug
gle, 17 who j was said by detec
tives to have served a jail sen
tence in Los Angeles for robbery,
told local officers' tonight he shot
and fatally wounded Arthur Riley,
42. In his room in a lodging house
here tonight when Riley refused
to obey a command to hold up his
hands, according to the Police.
Two others, who were captured as
they fled from' the scene of the
shooting, Thomas Leins, 20,! a
sailor fromtheUSS Pennsylvania
and Wm. Clancy, 17, said they
participated j in the j affair. A
fourth member was 'being - sought
by officers.
The motive of the alleged rob
bery was hijacking, the police said
the youths informed them.' -'
A gold watch, diamond stickpin
and $54 in currency was found in
Riley's clothes, ,
! i ;
Many Initiative Bills-Fail; for
Lack of Sufficient -Signai.
tures Filing Period Ex
pires 1
Anti-Hanging, Single Tax,
Grange Income Tax Fair
to Get On
Toe ballot at the' November
election will contain four initiative
. .i i - - i
and fout referendum measures,
according to Jdevelopments. yester
day, which' was the last day al
lowed by law for filing completed
initiative petitions' ' with the sec
retary of state. "Of the referen
dum measures three were referred
to the people by the legislature
and j on one the referendum Was
invoked by the people at the in
stance of 'the Associated - Indus
tries of Oregon. . This latter meas
ure lis the act prohibiting the sale
of nilk and butter substitutes, and
is known as the oleomargarine
and condensed milk bill.
, Measures Bcferrcd.
The - measures referred ' by the
legislature are: A measure re
quiring a literacy test for voters;
an amendment measure providing
for the condemnation of roads and
waterways' for the transportation
of materials beneficial to -irrigation,
and drainage; and a proposed
amendment to the state bonus and
loan act extending, its benefits to
veterans of. the Spanish-American
war - . ' ' -- i ;
The four initiative -measures
thatj will ; go on the ballot, com
pleted petitions having been filed,
are: A measure providing -for a
board! of naturopathic examiners;
a measure making operation un
der the workmen's compensation
act compulsory, initiated by the
Oregon Workmen's Compensation
league; a measure initiated by C.
C. Chapman for the repeal of tie
state Income tax; and a bill to
I (Continued on page 3)
General Goxey
Suspend Bobbed Haired Girls
CLEVELAND, July 3. General
Jacob Coxey, of "Coxey's army"
fafe:, was today denied credentials
to the progressive political conven
tion and announced wrathfully
thai he "would see about it." The
committee explained that he did
not! represent anyof tho-organizations
affiliated with the confer
ence. , , , .
! Hair Mast Grow Out
COLUMBUS, Ohio. July 3i -4
Because 10 pupil nurses at Grant
hospital bobbed their, : hair. Miss
Mary A. Jamieson, superintendent
tonight suspended them "until
their hair grows out again."
.: : j; '..-' :-4:',:, : i ' : r I
-Klan Condemns Underwood i
MONTGOMERY, Ala., July 3.
Senator Oscar W. Underwood Gov
ernor W. WI Brandon and the en
tire Alabama delegation at ,the
democratic national convention,
were condemned for their .advo
cacy of the anti-Klan plank, by a
speaker at a Ku Klux Klan cere
monial meeting here tonight. '
" French Celebrate July Fourth
MftlS,; July 3. (AP) The
Fourth of "July -'celebrations in
Paris will; be deprived of the pres
ence of Ambassador j llerrick, who
haei been suffering from an at
tack of ptomaine poisoning, but
will be attended' by representa
tives of the American . Olympic
team,, who ..withmembeM.ot .the
Paris chapter of the Sons of the
American Revolution will place,
Expense Fund to Keep Em-
. barrassed Delegates From
I Going Home, Proposed ,
New York. N. Y.. July 3. Fear
ful that many of tho ! delegates,
embarrassed by their r unusually
long visit to New York will go
home before there is as nomina
tion, Bryan brought forward a
proposal ' to raise a general ex
pense fund out of ; which to pay
the expenses of those who are in
He submitted his plan to David
Ladd Rockwell, the McAdoo cam
paign manager, who approved it,
and prepared to lay it before the
national committee.1 Mr. Bryan
did not announce how the money
would be raised but said he. would
guarantee it .would be J forthcom
ing if his suggestion were adopt
ed. :i - f -
Committee: for Progressive
Political Action Wants no:
j "Pink" Connections
.'CLEVELAND. O., July 3.f
"Communists Not Admitted" ws
the invisible sign over the door
leadi&e to the credentials commit
tee offh e conference, for progresi
si ve political action, opening herd
tomorrow. - Neither as delegates
nor' as spectators, if the conven
tion managers have their way.
will adherents of that political
school be admitted.-" f .
I ... : : f -
The committee today closely
inspected the credentials of ar
riving 'delegates, approving only
those from established bodies
known to have no connection with
the communists. i: . -.
' Persons asking for visitors'
seats to the convention, unless
they were ! known were asked
their names, and the blunt ques
tion: ' .' -' I '
"Are you a communist?"
I If .the answer was in the affir
mative, seats were denied them.
One of the problems before the
committee was the status of Wm.
Mahoney of St. Paul, a member of
the national committee of the
(Continued on page 3)
's News
Denied a Seat
wreaths on Lafollette's grave and
on the statute of the American
uuuBuuujr. i
Proposes Moving Convention
i NASHVILLE, Tenn.,: July 3.
William J. Bryan's influence to
effect adjournment .of (the demo
cratic national convention to
meet in another city is sought In
a telegram sent tonight by John
W., Gaines and ; John f A. Hitts,
Nashville democrats. The mes
sage charged the New! York gal
leries with "insultingj our party
and our nation" and said the dele
gates were "exhausted -and need
time for rest and matured, sec
ond thought."
:: .
Obtains Funds f on Polar Flier
ROME, July 3. A public fund
to enable. Lieutenant; Lbcatelli, the
Italian ace to lead an airplane ex
pedition to the north pole, -was
started' today. Locatelli was to
have piloted the Amundsen ( polar
expedition, , which was recently
postponed . because of lack' of fin
ances. 1 i i 1 -'
) "iv . mH:-i: , .
Sprays Celery. With Arsenic
( LOS ANGELES, Cal.. JulyC
Charged with spraying a stronger
solution of arsenic on celery than
is allowed by law, II. Utsuki, a
Japanese farmer, was arrested at
Culver City, : west ,df here, today
and. was -fined f 300 in justice
court. ' Alia . celery f crop, consist
ing ot-300 crates valued at $6 a
cratet was confiscated.
1 : ' : -rl:-: -
k JULY FOURTH ' ! , n,l ,
II rE Join
symbol of
La Follette Seems Sure to
Accept the Offer of Pro
gressive Support
WASHINGTON, July 3. Sched
uled in his home, but in continu
ous ii contact with the democratic
conention - proceedings at New
York, by wire and by personal
representative. Senator La Follette
of tWisconein," prepared- today his
message to the - third party con
vention at Cleveland.
None of his friends doubted that
document, along witn excoria
tion of the republican and demo
cratic party platforms . and con
duct, would be a notification that
he Intended' to accept' a presiden
tial! nomination. ,i I . --j ':yW'r
CLEVELAND, July 3. -The na
tional conference .for progressive
political action wilt get under way
tomorrow with leaders confident
that! Senator La Follette of Wie-
consin will send word that he. in-
, tends to become an maepenaeni
candidate for president. L
Such an expression is expected
in response' to a telegram ; sent to
the feenator today by the national
committee of the conference urg
ing him to make known hla posi
tion and; to comment on' tho polit
ical situation. - j.i ' '
"(tecognizing you as the out
standing leader of the progressive
forcfes or. tho United States J' said
the jtelegram, "w ask you wheth
er i you will under present . condi
tions become a candidate for pres
ident of the United States. .We
sh0ild also appreciate a message
from you setting forth your view
of the present political situation."
I ( Continued on page 2 ) , r
First of Park Services
Sunday Afternoon
Runrlav afternoon will be the
first! of the summer church meet
ings! to be j held in Wilson park
this summer. The training school
band will give a sacred and pa
triotic concert at 3 : 30. The reg
ular program will begin at 4 p. m.
, j J. .L. Brady, editor or the
Statesman, .will be the speaker.
Mr. kBrady will .give a ,patriptic
address. Walter Jenks will pre
sldej Rev. W.. C Kantner, will
leaidj the Scripture and offer pray
er, i Joe. Nee will slng and lead
the roup singing.
i! '! ' - t;..; .? rv-,. '
with you In saluting the fl
ag of'
eyes mdy rest upon no i
fairer i
the Liberty, Justice and Power of
dred and twenty millions of .Americans, the object of
love and. respect to all who know IL. The dreams of
centuries are wovin la fits fabric, -for It was not fash
ioned in a day.! Human hands and hearts and blood,
with the help of Divine Providence lifted it heaven
ward nearly a century and a half ago and since that
immortal day life has held a new meaning and much
for mankind.
Let. the hand that 'would strike our emblem of Free
dom be palsied, the assailing tongue! be dumb and the
serpent-like heart J that ! would, augment strife and dis--
cord beneath its protecting aegis be .stilled
' . i
South Methodists Defeat Res
olution to Adjourn With
out Any - Action
July 3
Proposed unification . oil tho 7,
000,000 Methodists of the-country
Into oneT moved a long step for
ward today when the Southern
Methodist special general confer
ence defeated a resolution which
would haye resulted in immediate
adjournment and received the ma
jority Report of Its ; members of
the joint committee ; whieh drew
up the plan : of union. '
At the outset of today's session
debate was resumed on the resolu
tion Which, setting forth j that le
gality 'xif tho 'conference- was in
doubt, proposed a sub-special con
ference! next May. i .
Men Charged Wth Camp
Leftis Murder are to Be
Arlraigncd Separately
TACOMA, Wash., July f 3. Sep
arate tylals for Roland II. Pothler
and Robert Rosenblu th, j charged
with the murder or: Major Alex
ander Cronkhlte at CamplLewls In
18J9, were granted by Judge E.
E. Cuhman, In federal court to
day. Judge Cushman !i ordered
separai e trials after Jas. H. Os
borne; special "government prose
cutor, declared he woud refuse
to' try the two men together, and
that if joint trials were ordered
he-would dismiss the indictment
against Rosenbluth,- try Pothler
and then eek a new indictment
for Rosenbluth. :i
The j trial of Pothier will start
September 30 and that of Rosen
bluth immediately thereafter. The
fact that the trials will be bitterly
fought! was indicated when attor
neys fbr iRbsepbluth aiyl Pothler
filed a lisf of witnesses they ask
ed thej government to bring here
for thj trials! f Among more than
a hundred witnesses for Rosen
bluth j were Secretary j of War
Weeks; , Secretary of Commerce
Hoovef, former Attorney General
Daugherty, Wm. J. Burns and for
mer Senator;W.MV Calder ol New
Ycrk.1 ' . -" ;
1 l ----- - . - - . ! .- - -. . r - I HI
our country..
vision the
one hun
by its own
World Power Conference Ex.
' presses' in Favor of In
dividual Initiative
LONDON, July 3. (By the AP)
The discussion today .before, the
world power conference seemed
to indicate a preference for private
enterprise as opposed to govern
ment ownership or control, j
Guy E. j Tripp, chairman of the
board of the Westinghouse Elec
tric and Manufacturing company,
considering that, under the! exist-;
ing system lot public! regulation,"
the American people were better
protected by prifate interests
against waste, extravagance and
dishonest methods tan I they
would be by public ownership..
- Among f others who supported
private ownership were George O.
Smith, director of the 'United
States geological survey, and' John
W, Lieb of .the New York Edison
company. ! , !- '.--- r . ')
In the technical section numer
ous engineers advocated using
steam at ' much higher tempera
tures and, pressure than is now
customary as means, of reducing
the consumption of coal.
Cost of Living in H. Y.iMay
Do Much to Break the
Convention Deadlock
. .' i ... , . . . . - ' ! i -NEW
. YORK, July3. - .Hotel
bills are working . for everybody
in the democratic ! presidential
contest at Madison Square! Gar
dett, adherents ; of a candidates
agreed today ? as the balloting
approached ! the " record-breaking
point. : v
Tle mounting
bills received
the thoughtful considerations of
scores of delegates and . in many
quarters .of the hall the subject
had - taken j its place besides the
issues of the convention.
From (scattered sources -came
the suggestion that the cost ot
living might do more to brsafcthe
.deadlock than the most earnest
pleading; the floor managers
of the convention.
Today was the , tenth since the
convention " assembled. ; Many- of
the delegates ; already have ; been
In tt z tor Jwfi lull weekj,
' If classified adrertising does not
bring you satisrfactionary returns
a hundredfold over the cost there
: of. then the many letters from-our!
satisfied - customers' ' are untrue.
Bobbie Burns, V7. Ai Andcr
son and Dale Arthur are
Sought : By Penitentiary
.. Posses Phillip Forester
Caught rBuIlets Fail to
Hault Fugitives
Under, a fusilade of 'bullets
from the rifles of sruards, f our
convicts escaped from the
sate penitentiary early last
Bight while being brought in
side the walls from the prison
brickyard just after quitting
time. One was immediately
captured. ;ihe other three are
being sought throughout tha
Willamette valley by posses of
)rison guards and by local po
ice officers and t sheriffs.
V The three ;wrd are at larpra
are: .Bobbie. Burns, -Marion
county, 15 vears, robbery of
banlrat St. PaulrDale Arthur,
Clatsop county, five years.
uuraaryr ,.v: a;. Anaerccr.,
Multnomah county, two yers
burglary not in a d welliu
. The .man who -was couhl
after a chase of six blocks in
the east Salem residential dis
trict was Phillip Forester, ccn
victed in Jackson county fot
assault , with a dangerous
weapon and sentenced to eight
years. '
Four Flee From lino
The 30 men who work In the
brickvar1 - Ilnrfpr vnn inigri).
" w eunipo n ci o
lined up as usual just before 6
o'clock for the count at quitting
time.1 All were in line. While
being takV toward the prison.
Lute Savage. a guard who was
walking in front of the line of
convicts, observed the four dodge
under some freight cars that had
been, switched into the brickyard.
He gave, the alarm and W. E.
Lamb and Pat Murphy, guards on
the wall. .'opened fire on the fugi-'
tives. Savage also fired In it heir
direction, but could not see them.
None of the Jjiillets took effect.
j ! Automobile Commandeered
All four of the convictsran
through a field that joins tjie
brickyard and got into the resi
dential section of - East Salem.
Forester was caught by Guard Pat
Murphy, who chased, him six
blocks. Burns . and Anderson
reached Twenty-second street
where the fugitives commandeered
an ' automobile belonging to
Ford Boyd and fled north. The
car is a Chevrolet, license num
ber 37,273.' Boyd saw the men
take the car and immediately re-
ported that he believed they were,
convicts because of their garb.
j ; Discards Shirt, Runs
'Itzwas first believed Arthur was
with the other two when they
took the automobile, but appar
ently he was able to turn back un
observed, and hid- in the. garages
of the state highway department
that : are located near the prison".
He was later seen to emerge from
his hiding place, discard his shirt
and go south on a run. " The shirt
was found and Identified as the
one worn by Arthur. -
Warden," A. -M. Dalrymple im--medlately
"sent a posse of guards
and prison officers' on the trail
of the fugitives and notified polloa
officers and sheriffs in all western -
Oregon towns. He is ot the opin
ion that .Burns and Anderson will
avoid ' Portland - and attempt, to
uiue m iu rural aisiricis.
Forester, the man who was cap-
tured. was uncommunicative, but
said the escape Was made on a
sudden impulse and had not been
planned beforehand. He is a Can
adian subject and has been claimed
for, deportation by Immigration of
ficers,?- ;- ' -' 7 '
Burns Old Offender
Burns Is a veteran convict Ha
is doing his present term for rob
bery of a bank at 'St.. Paul, .Marioa
Contlnnea a Pa59 2-1 ' ;