s r JD uJQty' fflfatt Gallon : a foBtiOti foQZtG Don't let the day slip by without reading the adTer-. tisements. They are interest ing too." j TODAY TEN PAGES y - SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY jMORNING, JULY 3, 1924 PRICE FIVE CINTS. SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR 1 ; j i V LilOOUOTES FranticWork of Managers Gains Nearly 100 Votes for the Californian During 1 DAY'S" Proceedings T1EV7 HIGH MARK IN THE . BALLOTING PREDICTED : i- t.!cAdoo Leaders Playing Full -Strength; Smith Support. : ers f Checking . 'Today's Convention Program ! 'Meets at 10 a. m., eastern day light sarlng time. v .Invocation. ; 'li; :fv:'i:i Continuation! of I balloting for presidential nominee. 'MADISON : SQUARE GARDEN, New York, July 2. Win. G. Mc Adoo, ran to a; new high mark In tonight's balloting In the Demo cratic national convention. He bassed the much sought goal of 500 votes by dint of much frantic "work and persuasion and maneu- , Vering on the part of his follower "managers, who declared they 'hadn't finished their work yetl , . Running close. id the,43 and 44 record Baltimore ballot, respect ; ively, the Madison Square Garden exhibition gave promise of setting . a new - mark. McAdoo hit his high mark so far in .the 'fortieth ballot when he polled 605 votes. Smith at this time had dropped a little below bis - high -level, 323, made on previous ballots. At the close of" the thirtieth ballot last night Mc Adoo bad stood : at ; 415 votes. Thus he gained -nearly a hundred in today's balloting and the votes - 5ie got were taken principally from John "W. Davis, who fell to- sev enty on the last ballot tonight s. McAdoo people went into . to night's session attempting to es timate what damage had J been .done to their cause by the riot- ousjperformanceof the late after noon session when' Wm. Jennings Bryan precipitated' a tumult with his. approval of McAdoo from the platform and j caused cries - of "oil." At t first ' thfe ; were ' various predictions of what the effect might be at the night ,sea 1 slon, but when' the leaders got outside and thought jit over, it became apparent that the prin cipal effect of the Bryan Incident had been i to solidify the Smith forces and to spur the : McAdoo people on to a nev record. To pass the .600 mark tonight and adjourn while it was held there was their first goal. . They made it. : ) f !- -fv - . . To' attain the majority was their next goal. Whether they can do itwiltibe, decided tomor row.. H ' '; : h . J . There: In tbetbfflng, lies a new ' threat of an attack on the two thirds rule aftervthe majority had been attained. That!, issue Temains to be clarified.' There is 'no antbenie information concern ting the McAdoo 'plans available tonight; - They day's proceedings were full of incident and ; color. Twelve ballots were the ; accomp lishment of, the two sessions of the day." The desertion of two ('votes in the New York delegation from 1 Small to McAdo ; gave the , McAdo people all they wanted for a demonstration at the ; day ses sion and the sliding of ; Missouri and Oklahoma to the ' McAdoo ; standards ; at the night sessions furbished the occasion 1 for the - jlemonstratlon tonight, i i . ' Tbe real sensation was Bryan, on tbe platform to make a' speech on pretence .of explaining his vote, launching an attack on big business and organized -wealth, and presenting a list of candidates Srhom he ; considered available -headed by McAdoo. i - i ; Strategy - from the MeAdoo's managers picked up enough votes to pass the 500 mark was said to 'be an arrangement by which ; (Continued on page 4) THE WEATHER OREGON: iFair in the -Inter-iori partly I cloudy on; the coast; cooler In the interior Thursday night; moderate northwest winds. , C LOCAL. WEATHER : . (Wednesday) Maximum temperature, 92. Minimum temperature, 70. 7 River, -1.4; stationary. Rainfall, "none. . Atmosphere, part cloudy. Wind, north. Convention Vote on The Porty-Sconl Ballot McAdoo, 603 410 Smith. 318 610 Davis. W. Va.. 67 Underwood, 39 Cox 65 I Glass, 28 Ralston, 80 - - Robinson, 24 Ritchie, 1T Davis,- Kansas,- 3 Sanlsbary, 6 ' Owen, 4.1 Spellacy, 1 Not voting. M Totals, 1,097 On this ballot McAdoo lost. 1 votes; Smith gained one; Davis 4 lost three. McAdbo'a high mark was 605 on the 40th ballot." The changes In dicate how tight the deadlock has become. ; Maiden Voyages Compfeted, Planes Wing Way on Sec v ond Lgps to Coasts CHICAGO, ill.'. ' July 2. Tbe maiden trtins-continental air mall f 1 i h,t : successfully , completed, plane? on the second day's flights were winging their way along the 885 mles light way between Chi cago and -Cheyenne , lomgni. .'Flying ahead ; of ' schedule,' the west bound ' plane was, , nearing Omaha ai midnight tonight, after leaving Chicago at 6:33 p. m Central standard , time, and the east bodun plane, which took off from San; Francisco at 6 a. m., Pacific time was flying Over Ne braska near Nortb Platte. . The two west bound planes that made tbe initial flight from Mine- ola, N. Y arrived at. San Fran cisco together at 6:45 o'clock, Pa cific time, completing: the coast to coast trip in the scheduled time of 34 - boars -45 minutes. The first east bound mail arrived at Hazelhurst' field. New York, at 5:11 p. m., eastern time, six min utes behind schedule as a result of a delay in bopping oft at Cleve land caused by a mail delivery truck, f ' .'...;.; t . OMAHA, Neb., . July 2. For malities and novelty of the first flight over, and with mall to be moved along onZ minute-saving schedule, fliers of the night air mail service tonight bad settled into the routine of carrying the transcontinental v mail a on time. W. C Dopson, who left Chicago several " hours earlier,' was the first flier to land at tbe Omaha field I tonight.' - lie arrived .at 11:30, central 1 standard - time. Frank Yager hopped off a jshort time , isXit for Cheyenne,- JVwo., with one stop scheduled at North Platte.! . j - : ACCEPTS RESIGNATION PEKING. July 3.- President Tsao. Kun, has. accepted the Ves- ignation of ; the premier, Sun Pao-Chi, which was tendered yesterday. . s V4. T E 8 Many Salem People to Spent! the Fourth at Neighbor, w infe City . the fourth of juiy celebration at Dallas will tie given a send-off with sunrise salutes and will con tinue with a' full; day; of sports and special features until late at nlghW A parade is planned for 9 : 30 in the morning and a pro gram in the 'city park at 10:30. Justice Charles A. Johns of the Philippine supreme court, former ly of the Oregon bench, will give the address, of the day. A, big free barbecue will be pro vided at noon followed by races on Main and : Academy streets. A ball game between the town teams of Valsetz and Dallas for a cash prize of: 150 will be played at 2:45. The feature ;of, the after noon will be a bigpenny scramble for the children. ; It is planned to toss up 2,500 pennies for the little ones to try for. A show at the fair grounds : and dancing at Woodman's halt and the armory will. round out the day. July 3 the loggers will meet In convention at, Dallas. July tbe pioneers will have a picnic in tbe city. t '- 4. . -. ' Special , trains will leave from I Salem on July 3 and 4. . 1 ilL IS. - HELD SUCCESS ALUS TO 1 3 DAYS PRO 1 ED PRINCE Last of "Senior" Genro Who Helped Build Present Jap fanese Empire Passes to the Beyond MARKS TRANSITION-TOT NEW PERIOD OF HISTORY As Statesman and. Close Ad- visor to Throne He Saw . i Feudal Ideals Leave ,T0KIO, July 2.- Prince Mayso- hayaj Matsukata! died tonight; marking by his passing the close of a distinct period In Japanese history. For he was the last of the J "senior" ; genro, that small and picturesaue erouo of ancients who led In restoration of the em. peror to power and the building of a modern empire of Japan; Of the "genro," or elder states men, . only one remains-Prince KInmocoi Salon ji. The latter, howfever, was admitted to the se lect genro council only half a doz en years, while Matsukata was a survivor .from feudal times in Japan. . Whether the genro will con tinue to exist is an unanswered question. ; v r'The genro council has no place in the constitution of Japan; It has; been a natural growth, ; the product , of the peculiar clrcum stances of the last half century of Japanese politics. A small group of leaders, through the eminence of itheir .gifts, and the value of their services .to the state, seized power and held it without const! tutional warrant long: after their share in actual government was finished. Tfiey became the advis ors closest to the throne; the ei peror : asking them for consulta tion when crises faced the nation The old genro and Matsukata saw Japan move from a feudal nation to the front rank of mod era day powers. Matsukata,' in his youth, fought as a Japanese Samurai, armed with a Ions; spear, In the : battles . which precede the overthrow of the Shogum and the re-establishment of the Mikado as the only ruler of Japan. He lived to! master the mysteries of modefn national finance, to see- the rise of three great new empires and the fail of one; to see the coming to his. own once-feudal . Japan of steam, electricity, great guns, air planes and radio. - - ' . ' . jMatsukata, incidentally, .was . a vegetarian and attributed his longevity to his abstinence from -mat. v. ; j- NOT Gleanings From Day's News Pile Up Surplus of Millions Broadway Limited Wrecked WASHINGTON, D...C; July 2.-1- Official figures made public by the treasury tonight' show the govern ment ended the? fiscal year June SO, with a surplus of $50 5,3 66, 9S6.31, the greatest ever piled up. At the same time, the national debt was cut $1,098,894,375.87, reducing It to $21,250,812,989. . V Two Hart In "Wreck, t LANCASTER. Pa.. JuW 2.-L- The "Broadway Limited," one of the Pennsylvania railroad's fasrt est passenger trains from New y)ork to. Chicago, was wrecked to night, one mile east of this city, eight of the nine cars leaving, the rails'. ' Two women passengers and one member of the crew were slightly hurt. - . - . Spanish Queen in England LONDON, July 2.The queen of Spain, with the Infantas Bea trice and Christine; arrived here tonight. They were - greeted by Queen Mary, the other royal' prin cesses and the Spanish ambassa dor, and members of the Spanish embassy. The Spanish queen will pay a visit to the queen Mother Alexandria and the Princess Bea- trice. . j . i v - f :: Policeman Killed By Bandit 1 DRUMWRIGHT, Okla., Junly 2, f U. S. . Lenox, Drumwrlght po liceman, was killed and Police Chief Jack Aray was probably fa tally wounded' in a gun battle be tween officers and three bandits Who robbed the Avery State bank oday. : . SOUTHERN PACi APPLIES FOR A. MERGER PERMIT Would Acquire El Paso and Southwestern Road as Part -of its System ' WASHINGTON, D. C . Jnly 2. The Southern ' Paclf Je' Tallroad toaay 'applied to the interstate commerce commission for' author ity to acquire tbe: El Paso r.d Southwestern railway system. '. Authority was also sought to is sue $29,400,000 of five per cent llateral trust bonds ; to mature May l; 1944, and 280,000 of common stock with which to finance the acquisition.; www mi A Prospect That it Will Be Ready io Take the First : Fiber This Fall While Hon. T. B. Kay was.at- tending the convention of the Ro- tary clubs of the world at Toronto he met-C6l W. B. BartrunV and his brother and Sidney Starling, who are interested in linen manufac turing In Canada and 'the United States, -and - who are- considering lauaching- an effort for f a linen mill in Salem. They visited seve ral linen mills In Canada and the United States: 'and made an In vestigation-' of theirT methods and markets, etc.. . ' : r It Is tbe intention of jCol." Bar trum to return to Salem very soon. He was to start on Tuesday, but he may be delayed for a few days with pressing business In, connec tion with plans for launching the effort here. : tt is to be presumed that Mr Starling and Col. Bartrum. both of whom have had the Salem pro ject in mind, are to join forces Their idea' is to put . up a mill capable of - spinning i yarns ..andr twines and of weaving crashes and towels and of making fine linens. ; Ready for Fiber The retting of last year's crop is going on steadily at the state flax plant. It will go on till the fall rains set in. and until the weather is humid enough for scutching,-about Octoberlst, after which : the state flax plant will. have fiber for sale; will be in the market with fiber at least till th dry season of 1925; and continu ously, in case It Is decided to put In appliances for humlditlng, in the. scutching mill. It is the idea of Cot. BartrOm and Mr. Starling to be in position to buy the state's fiber as fast as it is turned out, and to commence spinning as soon os possible after the first of October. , Some Fine Samples Mr. Kay brought home some fine samples of table linens and Engene Faces Water Shortage EUGENE. Or., July 2. Certain sections Of .JEugene are "suffering from a water shortage during the present hot jwriod and no relief la in sight, according to city officials. Residence sections on the heights about the city are without fire pro tection, it was stated, today The cause of this shortage is the un precedented demand for water and lack ! of filtering 'capacity. . Ad ditlonal filtering .equipment is be ing installed. -' ' ' . . ";,'-; j :". ! ; ; ;' . Fliers Hop Of f for Umballa v V LONDON,' July 2.--Tbe Ameri can army around-the-world; fliers hopped off : from Allahabad for, Umhallar British' India, according to a dispatch to.the Dally Tele graph. . The take-off as ..made In a drizzling rain which, later de veloped into a ' heavy downpoar. Umballa is about 500 miles-northwest of AUhabad. ; Anderson "Convicted of Forgery I NEW YORK, July 2. The con viction of Wm. H. Anderson, form er state superintendent of the &rt ftaloon league, who is serving one to two years, at Sing Sing prison, for ' third " degree ', forgery, was unanimously affirmed today by the appellate division of tbe su preme court. , ' - ; j- ? MarljarpM Itearlws Shanghai -l SHANGHAI. July 3. (By the AP.)- Stuart MacLaren, the; Brit ish around-the-world flier, arrived here at 11:25 this morning. LB M 11 MAY TICKET TO BE Leaders of Convention "for Ac- Progressive Political tton" Declare Third Party to Enter; Field . , TT1 LA F0LLETTE ASSURED OF THE NOMINATION Platform Offered in Vain to Republicans, to Be Basis of New Movement - CLEVELAND. Ohio. July 2. Declaring .that neither the repub llean'nor democratic platform was acceptable to them, the national committee in charge of 'the con ference 'for progressive . political action ' today : drew .-up plans . for the conference of. the organization in this city July' 4 and 5 j Wm. H. Johnston, chairman of the committee, said, that there no"1 doiibV . that ' a national i - was ticket would be placed in the field to run in. " ; i f ' ; ( .-: ' ':.- ! :'. iVirtually Tall 'the "delegates who are here are favorable to, the pre sidential candidacy of. Senator Robert M. LaFollette and are in sistent upon bis running. ' ' ' f Th is' . sent! men t was echoed by Jl A. H. Hopkins, chairman; of the committee of 48. Other lead ers I predicted that, the conference would not only i nominate La Fol lette, but would, adopt' the plat form which, his followers offered in vain to the recent republican national convention. r J . ; ; i j ; Reports to the committee Indi cated, It was said, that at least 700- delegates would : I attend j tbe conference, '. c Arthur Holder, , exe cutive ; secretary, , twaa authority for a statement that .32 states had -; been organized 1 under the banner of the conference. 11 Jj Only "true . progressives, repre senting reputable organizations," will be welcome to the convention, it was announced. To that end a credentials committee : was' select ed charged with the duty of ex eluding communists. 1 1 ii This ' committee . consists : i of Chester, Thorpe' J of I Columbus. Ohio, representing the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen and Englnemen; Robert Fechner, "E?os ton, representing the Machinists union Miss ' Isabelle Kendrig. Washington,' representing t h e women's Committee on political action; George Gobel. Newark N J., representing ! the socialist party; D. C. Dorman, of the Non Partisan league ol Montana, and R. ' T. Wood, president of the Missouri state federation of labor Under this decision the national farmer labor party, formed atlst. Paul last month, will not be I re cognized here although the chair man of its executive committee, (Continued on page 4) Eastern Washington Is More Optimistic Only 30 Per , vCentbf Last Year i! : WALLA WALLA. Wash , July 2. Better yields of wlieat than crop estimates indicated are being reported by grain growers in this section who have started harvest ing: - Within ther noxt -veek prac tically all farmers near here Will havestarted to harvest. . The in crease, of the crop over earlier forecasts may "run as high as 20 per cent,, according to. some of the growera who 'say. it is due to the fact: that fhe heads of the wheat are well filled. - ;-i . i SPOKANE,- Wash., July 2. Wheat is ripening rapidly during the i present hot - weather and an early harvest is in prospect.' Ac cording to Walter Robinson, n)anager Of the Washington wheat growers, i harvesting is already under way near Rathdrum, Idaho, ahd in parts of Spokane county. Mr. Robinson estimates that! tbe hpt ; wave "will "put the ' state wheat production to below 20.000,000 bushels, as against 6 100 0,0 00 bushels last year and a normal production of 50,000,000 bushels. Harvest is expected to be . inj fun swing next Week- la Walla. Wlla valley, ' A WILLIAM J. BRYAN I i OLD ROLE AS V Wro.p Jennings;- Bryan, parallel-f; ing ? hfs speech to 'the .convention bit il 91 2,' which; brpkevtheVdead lock 'and resulted in" the. nomina tion of, Wilson, yesterday, took the platform, in an. effort to. stem : the Ude of, opposition Ho; William. G Otherwise Salem ' Will v Be Quiet; Neighboring Cities . I ; j Have Programs ; ' I; With only- one celebration of the Fourth of July i Salem, .that at the state prison, residents- of the city ara today making a gen eral exodus for" the mountain and seaside resorts to spend either; the day or the remainder of the-week. Several celebrations are In pro gress1 in the county or district, all of which are In easy driving-distance of Salem. - Atpallas today the big three-day celjration will get under way. . A big barbecue will be staged at noon Friday and k. Round-up and loggers conven tion .will feature the celebration. . Stayton is making plans to en tertain several thousand visitors Friday. The Salem Cherriana and theif fcand wili be on hand for the occasion 'and to help foster the community spirit that that is be ing i developed between towns in the .county. Canby is planning a celebration of its own." r Salem promises to be a. lone some village Friday, ; ; . 1 Inmates of tbe state prison will have a big ' celebration of ' the Fourth of July Friday, with a variety of athletic contests and fit ting ceremonies,; A special dinner "will also be served at noon. Prizes fori the winners of the contests (Continued on page 4) Order Prohibits Shooting on All Days Except Fourth 1 Dry Spell Cause Mayor John B. Giesy yesterday announced a ban, on the shooting of fire crackers and fire works on all days except . the fourth of July.. The dry ' condition which prevails in and about Salem, to ether with the lack of water, , is given by the mayor as the reason fro his order. Last year he was lenient in the matter and does not desire to entirely deprive tlve kid dies of their fun this year.; The complete '' cooperation of the citizens of Salem is asked to enforce the order. The danger ot fire and the low . pressure in the city water mains combine to make extreme care necessary. -It Js sug' gested;that such. fire works as are set off on the fourth be carefully guperrlsecl by adults V' -1 w $4 '. H CllMl IWIIIIWU -if , PRISON WILL CELEBRATE4TH MINES ft BAM F REWORKS ASSUMES NOMINEE MAKER ft; :-: as WILUA.M JENNINGS BRYAN .... r.. ."v ,, v: McAdoo - Although ne - was hissed and boded I from the ' Smith parti san. galleries - and heckled .from the floor, Mr. Bryan made. an im pression. - I H,is .'dramatic ;;appeal had the - effect of causing the;Mc Adoo vote' to -climb ; in i balhotirig during sthe "evening. Seattle Mayor Characterizes Mrs. Landes Opinions as i I Without Basis ' i: SEATLE, Wash., July 2. Claiming that charges of lax law enforcement in Seattle' made by Mrs. ? Henry Landes! who Was act ing' mayor during the official's absence iri" New" York,! were based on "idle gossip.". Mayor Edwin J. Brown.' Inj an open better today to Mrs. Landes, declared that he wel corned an 'investlgaflbn by the city council of the police and civil -service departments and promised to give his assistance. In his I letter to Mrs. : Landes, Mayor! Brown chiefly dealt with law enforcement conditions to which, as acting mayor, she refer red last week In letters-to-Chief Severyns who was reinstated by Brown on his return to Seattle af ter being discharged by Mrs. Lan des. Mayor Brown asked for evi dence 'to support her allegations and also desired to know the lden tity of the "leading spirit; of -'the - -, (Continued on page 3) HOT 111 DEGREES Heat Wave Sweeps Through - Eastern Washington; One Death Is Reported SPOKANE, July! 2.4-Wenatchee with 111! degrees above zero and Chalteroy and- Winona with. 110 jvere the'fhottest places reporting for the Inland empire today. : At Wenatchee the first death at-i tributed to heat was reported when Mrs; W. II. Body (of Seattle died after arriving by automobile with relatives. I Grangeville.' Idaho, re- norted fia fires in! the Clearwater and SO in the Sol way natiorial for est.i all believed to have been caused by lightning last hight. Firo which has been burning III the Cleelum ' district of the Wfr natchee forest was reported to be under control but another small o'ne. was j reported. ::. j ' : V Other iigh temperatures today were . Lewiston. 106. a drop .since Monday when 10S was reported: Deer Park, 106; Colbert arid Walla WallAtl03 At Colbert, jin Spo kane county, a hot wind jwas re-I ported to be - sweeping the grain fieldfl. Spokane, with 102.4, wa said " to - have experienced the sec ond hottest day in her history. HELB GOSSIP , . - - r- LA D BRYI HISSED t GALLERIES Speech on Behalf of McAdoo Produces Wear Riot Amen 3 Smith Partisans in tho Audience !h , COMMONER DEFENDS OIL!: DEAL OF CALIFORfllAFJ Other Acceptable Candidates are NamedRalston Is Given Support NEW YORK, N. Y., July 2.q That stormy !petrel of democratic politics, Wm. Jennings Bryan, ad ed; another tumultuous chapter to ills , long career today when Le went "before the democratic na tional; convention in an attempt to stenv the tide of opposition to Wil liam G. McAdoo.- r Interrupting, an air day succes sion lot Inconclusive ballots for a npminee. for the presidency, the fhree-ilme candidate of his party plunged ."the convention into a near riot and finally was all but driven from the platform by. heckling del egates andlbooing galleries. , .;,-;, Besides Mr. McAtioo,-' he men tioned ' several ; other; presidential aspirants who .'would be satisfac tory . to him but none of them aroused more than momentary en thusiasm, i. ;, .J. ,. ;, Neither did the conferencea of the! leaders during an ensulag re--cess materially alter, the situation and the. cconvetUlon went on into another night session with ita dis agrement. over the.J nomlnatioa still in ;.a Jumble. ; McAdoo ; ar 3 Smith, both unable to make taater- . lal j headway, kept , their " rela-tivs places at Hhe head of the list. :Mr. Bryau.obtalsed hl leave ti Speak by requesting ; unanliotj consent to explain his vote on th 38th ballot. , . , '- i' The speaker began with a plea lor' party harmony and moved on amid applause to declare he would name none of : the men to whom Ljhe ; objected and wanted . only to call attention; anew tQ several he cosidered eminently, qualified. ; , The first, name he mentioned was that of Dr. A. A. Murphre of Florida state wniversity. Laugh ter swept the floor and galleries and a few good natured gibes were shouted at the commoner. There were ripples of 'applause as he presented In turn the names of Joseph us Daniels bf North Caro lina; -Senator RobinBon of Arkan sas;. Senator Ralston of Indiana; Senator Walsh of oMntana and E. T. Meredith; of Iowa. Both ap plause and laughter, answered a presentation of the qualifications of Mr. Bryan's brother, the gov ernor of Nebraska - :.' The name of Mr. McAdoo had been reserved for the last, and the speaker stirred up -a demojiatra tion of approval from the McAdoo delegates and : a rumbling ava lanche of boos and hisses from the Smith supporters In the . gallery by declaring the former secretary of the treasury was entitled to the nomination "whether you like hlra or not, whether you nominate hint or not." " . , , Cries of ."oil" and "we want Smith" rolled out in Increasing volume as' Mr. Bryon sought to to on with his speech. In tbe midst of the uproar, Joseph F. Fitxpat rick of Jersey City, climbed a chair in the New Jersey delegation ard shouted up to Mr. Bryan a ques tion about MeAdoo's acceptance of a retainer from OIL- . "Mr. Doheny's retainers related to oil in Mexico," retdrted the commoner. "I will go further and say-that if any oil ever touched McAdoo the Intense and persistent opposition of Wall Street has washed It all away." : . N 1 Then, while the noise and con fusion continued. eDnnis F.JDunr lavy, of Ashtabula, Ohio, shot back a questio about a tax refund- i ing 4ntbe case of a Youngstown, concern - tor ' which McAdoo was attorney. I: .-- : .. "Then you are. not content t rest your case' on oil?" Mr. Bryaa began but he was drowned out again by a chorus of boos in whicU many" of the: delegates Joined. E. II. Moore of Ohio, In char. of the Cox forces, got the atten tion; of. the chairman with a de mand for tbe "regular orier," but - Senator Walsh ; ruled .that .'tt speaker -was entitled to continue until he had spoken for 30 rr.:..- utes. ... ): i-.' . :: . ; '7 - Finally making himself hear t(Contlnued. on pagi 42, A J