THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, ' JULYi2, ' 1921 i vi VI n ! WITT NEWS IN D'Arcy to Preside, Judge Peter H. D'Arcy of Sa lem will be chairman of the pio neer 'day exercises at the Willam ette jValley Chautauqua in Glad stone park,; near Portland, July 16. , Stphen W. Matthieu, grand son of-P. X. Matthieu; of Cham poeg fame, will give the princi pal address. A basket, dinner will be 'served at noon. The reception committee for pioneers and their descendants consists of Mrs. Eliza Elliott White, Mrs. Mary Barlow Wilkins, Mrs. Arseno. Matthieu Burton, Mrs. George A. Harding of Oregon City, Colonel Robert A. Miller, Ivpn R. Hnmason ttnd Harvey -G.! Starkweather. . f ' Pacific City Boach .' ; ." Your nearest beach, in South ern Tillamook county, will cele brate i July 4th, 5th and 6th. Among the features will be a FourtH of July Oration by Honor able BvJU' Eddy of Roseburgj, an aerial circus with night flights in illuminated planes, stunts in mid air, wing walking, etc.; vaude ville performances, boxing bouts, baseball games and, old fashion clam bake, seven big dances by Pacific City 7-piece orchestra. Don't miss big event. ;i ' ; Jly3 Stockman Injured -; , Mayro McKinney, pioneer stock man of ; the Turner district, was brought to the Deaconess hospital Tuesday morning-; suffering ' from injuries -received Saturday when he was thrown from a load of hay. Though suffering from Irii ternal Injuries.,, they will not prove fatal, it was. announced at the hospital.) X-i 'I'-: r ..' '- ' Yoor Last Chance To buy . any sujt In stock (ex cept ble sergesj for $25. Today is the last day. Dress up for the Fourth." The Man's Shop. Jly2 Women Meet Today . . ' :' The Ladies Aid society of the Pason Lee church will hold an all day meeting today, beginning at 9:30 o'clock. 'An election of of fi bers will take place In the after noon. i Feed Store Robbed a Though prowlers : entered the D. A. White & Sons feed store at 261 State some ? time Monday night only; 1 0 ' penhles were ' miss ing Hie next 'morning, it was , re ported f tj the police. - Entrance was gained byJ cutting a screen and breaking a window facing on the alley. - . . ' , . : $23 For Any Suit ' ' Today is your last chance to get t any suit in stock (except blue sefges) .for 'this low price. Come in early and let- us fit you up for the Fourth. The Man's Shop. Jly2 Naturalization Day Applicants' if or. citizenship pa pers"" will come V before Judge George G. Bingham in the circuit court at lCjf o'clock today. Nearly z o are expected to come lor a II : nal , hearing. Those who are suc cessful in , passing will be invited to attend a special .luncheon of the Lions club at the Marion ho tel Thursday noon. Rev. Marten Fereshetfan, himself a naturalized citizen and a member of the club, will be the principal speaker. ..-I--.7-. ' ' Some Fine Cherrles-r- Comrade J. J. Newmeyer. com- maiiuer oi tne locar OAK post, brought to the Statesman office yesterday a large limb of a tree completely loaded with cherries Heat! Hurting Retries ' ; More damage than was antici pated was dealt the fruit by the severe hot weather Sunday and INSURE AND FEETj SAFE j CONCORDIA ! INSURANCE I MRS. JJOYE3 147 N. Com!. Room C VJOODRY ! Phone 511 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 457 The Seavy Bell Insurance" ' i: Agency ' r 1 General Insurance 1 "BiDy" Bel! Just Returned from the Electronic Convention at i Kansas City and have in stalled the latest equipment tor the diagnosis and treatment of disease (Dr. Abrams method). Dr. P X. White 1 BOO V. h. Rank Rldg, I ' j Salem, Oregon : ,: LA D D BANKERS Established 1863 General Banliins; Business. Office nours frcn 10 a in. to 3 p. rL 1 Monday, it is shown by" the con dition of loganberries, raspber ries and black camps f now being received at the canneries. Blister ing is apparent on, considerable of the fruit received, although it probably will do no material dam ago to that put in the cans. 1023 Chevrolet i . ! Perfect condition, j Newton Chevrolet Company. J Ask : for Knight. Jly2 Hates ' Kquallzed I The public service commission yesterday issued an order equal ising the water service rates 'of the Bay City Water company. It results in neither: an increase nor a' decrease. ' i ; . " Bar- Tests Near The state bar examinations will be held in Salem under;: the di rection of the state supreme court July 8 and 9.- So far about 75 prospective attorneys have ap plied for permission to take the examinations. : 5t' Opening Dance at Auburn Hall, Thursday, July 3, admis sion 50c. i i J2 Hearing July 28 ; ) July 28 has been set as the date for a hearing in the circuit court for Marion county to review an order of the public service com mission issued December 22, 1923, reducine by-about 25 percent the freight rate on shipments of hay. grain ,and other Jarm products on Intrastate shipment j in I Oregon. Seven railroads operating In Ore gon enjoined the commission, from enforcing the order pending a re view In court. .' j ' Dress Us for tho Fourth You can get any suit In stock at the Man's shop 1 (except blue serges) for 1 25, so why not look your best? This Is the last day for this offer. ! f Jlyz War Records Available Any Oregon ex-service man un certain as to dates of his military career -and In doubt as to the cor rect answers to questions asked in the adjusted bonus application blank is welcome to call at the adjutant1 general's office where file3 will be consulted and the correct information obtained, it was announced yesterday by Maj. Carl Weller." Assistance in filling Out i the blanks and In . taking of fingerprints will also be given. anl Doner to Wed Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, accompanied by their son- Paul "Doner. wiU-4eave f or. San Fran cisco -.thlsionoadng. ; where Paul Dopey will be married on August 5th.. . . .,.-- Estates AppralseC -.5 Walter D. Shaf f left, tfn estate of S 1 3 .4 1 8 In- real estate in Marlon county and personal property, ac cording to the reportf of William Cormlsh, J; W, Mayo and John Dozler. appraisers, The estate of Anna B. Whale has also been ap praised by August Huckestein S G. Robinson and Thelma TaUman Trailer for Sale '. . Extra eood trailer $60: also Ford touring $75t; Phone 1974J f. jly2 Three Get Licenses -'Three applicants lor marriage licenses : called ; at the county clerk's office Tuesday. These were Henry O. Gehrig, Portland, and Selma V. Sch'arf, BHgh hotel; Charles H. Rosslter and Caroline O. Slegmund, both of Stayton and Chester E. Armstrong and, Zena Zellner,' both of Geryais. f Supervisor on Duty W. W. Fox assumed bis new duties as -rural school .supervisor Tuesday, taking the place of W. H. Baillle, who resigned some time TKFWMTNAL- services Cars for hire without drivers, PHONE 2020 ; Day and Night Service I Popular Priced , Tailored Suits $25 to f45 Men's and Young Men's D. H. MOSHER TAILOR Promotes Good , Health IREENWOOD , Cottage Cheese V? One-Tbiird Cream H. E. RIDEOUT, Proprietor USH 1 i r 1 r: r u BRIEF ago. Mr. Fox has taught in! east ern k Oregon and - for the last two years, has been teaching at North Howell, j He has lived in Marion county for the last three years. Amends Her Complaint lT- I Myrtle1 Hill has filed an amend ed complaint against S. B. Hill, alleging that he called her vile names, had threatened her life and unjustly! accused her of Intimate relations with other men. She de clares his conduct was such that he droves her from her home on the Jefferson road about 12 miles south of Salenx in the fall of 1921, but that they became reconciled when he promised to behave him self. In September, 1923, she was forced to leave again, she alleges. She asks f or one-third interest In property she values at $35,000 and $5000 in permanent alimony. . Come Out ' ., : j J. , I To Dreamland and see big open air fireVorks July 4th. Some fire works. Best dapce in valley Fri day and Saturday, 9 p. m. Real ten-piece orchestra. The Valley Orchestra. t ' , Jly4 1 Final Account Filed i ! . : J. F Jones has -filed his final account as administrator of. the estate of Cassius H. Ide. The ac count was approved by County Jnrftro XV TT TVwnlne ! ' Rlrths jare Reported- Recent births' which have been reported to the office of the city health j of fleer this week are "Ei leen, td Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Teel, 1457 Market, at the Court Street Christian church Maternity home, June 27. The father is a machin ist;; Marion June, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sti filer, at the Deaconess hos pital, on June 20. Mr. Stiffler is a local photographer; and Myrl Edwards to Mri and Mrs. William C. Caldwell, Route. 4, on June 21. Iiunches Served Picnic lunches putt up, box lunches at .all 'hours, i Bake-Rite Bakery. 18 OE Train Delayed f -r . : j The northbound limited train on the Oregon Electric Iine,J, due out of Salem at 4 o'clock, was delayed for 20 minutes; Tuesday afternodn by an overheated journal on the forward trucks .of the. motor. Be - cause of the delay, the southbound train iwas correspondingly late, j Dress Us for the Fourth-- V You can get any suit in stock at the Man's shop i (except f blue serges) for $25, so wby not look your iest? This Is the last day. for this offer.) Jly2l Sent to Prison r? -- J. :i '" Twp men sentenced! from . Clat sop bounty were received at the penitentiary: Tuesday.; The men were Milne McBride, .16 ; serve fiye years for assault with intent to rob, and GeorgeAlex McDonald, two years tor forgery. ! j Denies Reckless Drivings I Denial of charges of reckless driving werentade in the justice court by 'Lawton' Girod, who was arneSted upon complaint of 'Fried Kurtz. : Girod entered a plea of not guilty and will be tried in the justice court next week. Held tor Slavery Charles C. Frisbie, 40, was held to the federal grand, jury on a charge of white slavery when he appeared bef ere Lyle J. Page, fed era! commissioner for this district Tuesday afternoon, i t Katherine : I- ; DIED - ' '! i McCORKLE-f-June 30, Marian Al nert McCorkle age 64 years, husband of Mrs. M. A. McCor i kle, father of Geo. McCorkle of Woodland, Wash., Mrs. Wil liam Wolfe of Portland, gdan father of Marlon ; Albert Mc corkle, Kenneth Wolfe and Miss Dorothy Bell, brother of John McCorkle.s Funeral -services will be held Thursday,July 3 at 2 p.m., from the Rlgdon mor ! tuary, nnder the auspices of Sa lem Lodge No. 4, AF&AM. Rev, H. D. Chabers officiating. In terment1 City View cemetery. GOODRICH Ed. W. Goodrich i died July 1, age S8 years. Re- i mains will be forwarded from 1 Rigdon mortuary:' to Portland . for funeral services and inter 1 ment. 4 t '. u " ;! ; . Salem iHbrtuarp nomnti airs rrauuui DIBEOTOSS nM ism ametoss Wsxk IMmti rtlMi ' WEBB'S FUNERAL PARLORS i pruKcnAXi pmsoxfxsa ! ! ) .1 I Cipert Embalicw J ! SOI B. Okimrek Tkcss lit " RIGDON Cz SON'S ZZOXSTUAIIX - Cainal4 Cerrlst ! s u m. BwnM isa : Sweet man 35, was held as a ma terial witness. The charge j of automobile theft was dropped. The couple were taken to Portland by Deputy United States Marshal Morelockv Frisbie and the woman were arrested by the sheriff Mon day morning. They had beein liv ing together at Mill near Winter for the last two weeks, the man engaged In odd jobs around the city wlle the woman was laken into custody at a cannery.! Fris bie was arrested at the postoffice when he inquired about his mail. Your 'Last Chance r To buy any suit in stock (ex cept blue serges) for $25.' ! Today is the last day. Dress up for the Fourth. The Man's Shop,: Jly2 White Mlcd Found i i i ; R. D. Teter, who lives : on the Liberty paved road out on route 4, yesterday found in his 'hay In his barn a nest of pure while mice. There "were seven of them.. Three were killed and four, captured. They were pure , white and have red eyes, and they are a good real smaller -than the ordinary, mice found in this locality.- But they are lively little fellows. ' Where they came .from Mr. Teter does not know.1 Perhaps some reader may be able to inform him. ; Pay Your Irrigation $BM-- Flat irrigation bills now due. Ten per cent discount If paid on or before June 10. J10 DAIl Head Coming Mrs. Anthony Wayne Scott, of Washington, D. C, president gen eral of the DAR will be the hon ored guest of the state order in Salem on September 26. The Ore gon board of 41 members Is sched uled to meet here at that time. Mrs. Seymour Jones is state re-i gent and representative of . the president general , in Oregon, and; because of this tie entertainent of the distinguished visitor will be accorded to Salem. - Mrs. Elmq S- White, corresponding secretary! to the state regent, will act as gen4 erai cnairman 01 iue comuiuie on arrangements. S23 For Any Suit Today Is your last chance to get any suit in stock (except blue serges) for this low price Come in early and let us fit you np for the Fourth. The -Man 8 Shop. Jly8 Pedestrian is Hit J. Sandifer, of route 5, re po hi: irted to the police last night that his motorcycle had run over the foot (of an elderly man j at State and Commercial.':1 The man was not seriously injured, he reported. Prune Growers to Meet Members of the North Pacific iratlve Prune exchange will leet for an afternoon -and night session In Salem next Monday at the Chamber of -Commerce rooms. ne question - oi ; orgaauanuu iu ialem and vicinity will be dis cussed.- This is the first organiza tion -ot its kind to be ponsidered in the district since the Oregon Growers ' were organized almost five years ago. ' r McCorkle Inquest Today - An inquest to determine if poa-. sible ho M- A. McCorkle met his death will be held was announced1 Tuesday night by Lloyd! TJ Riedon. coroner; McCorkle's body was found near the South ern Pacific station about 9J30 o'clock Monday night, where ihe had been run over by a train. Raleigh People Meet f 4 Forty-seven- members and five special agent's : of the Oregon Raleigh Products Retailers attend ed, the annual state meeting held afthVSpa 1ast"nlghtinThey wjefe dinner guests . of the Oakland branch manager. School. Districts Report Two more schol districts have filed their annual reports with the office of the county school super intendent.; These are Champoeg, with F. E. Osborne, chairman, B. M. Smith,; reUring and director; Henry Zorn -was re-elected clerk. Auburn; C- C. Armstrong, chair man, A. L. Lindbeck retiring I and new director; Ethel. Johnston was elected clek to take the place of Lloyd Lee who retired.' I . . PERSONALS I J. L. Kirkendall. of Cama val ley, was'in Salem Tuesday. ' i Harry Pinkerton, of Dallas, was a business visitor in the city Tues day afternoon. 1 ' - j : Mr. and Mrs.-John Trashsel, of Beaverton, were in the city recent- Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Florence Ask Your MARION Buy It By Marion Salem, were in Salem Tuesday frdvn Eu gene., -j ' ' -o The Misses Gertrude, C. and J. Aietsam, shoppers of ' Tigard were-' recent in Salem.; :r ; . i Mr. a4d Mrs. S. M- Willet and to Salem ves- daughter5 returned terday after a short camping trip near Stayton. . v i: Earl Shafer, son bf.Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Shafer, who! was graduated f rota the University of Oregon this spring, has accepted a position as instructor In matbmatics at -the Greshamj high school. In addition be will coach athletics. ! Victor? Carlson, who! has been of the Western acting as manager Union office during the absence of Eric Butler, resumed his duties as nbht manager last night. I Miss i'aunne .Fprter, daughter of Rev. IF. T. Porter, Salem min ister, arrived In the city yesterday to spend; the remainder of the sum-.: mer with ;Miss Viola BirdweU Miss Pdrter's home is in Califor nia.!.', r . .- r,:'; C. H.' France; and wife, of Kent, Ohio, who have been visiting Rev. Marten'! Fereshetian -i and .family, will start homejtoday returning by way 6f the Canadian Rockies. The two families were friends in the east. ! .'. V " ! . f ;r ::-"l.- ;i Mr. and Mrs. y. C. Rush and family, of 205 South Twentyrthird street, left for Tacoma Tuesday, where Mr. Rush wljl be employed. He has been connected with the Gingrich Motor company here for the last two years. . Li'. N. Gooding,! instructor at OAC, and several etndents from CorvaUis, ars i In: the i city doing some special field work. - " A. t?""tindbeck and family of Auburn returned! last night from a vacation trip to British Colum- bia. SMITH IS SATISFIED -! -;:-:-.:) NEW YORK.., July, 1. Com plete Isatisf action with' the ' day's 1 balloting of the democratic nation al convention, which saw Governor Smith iof New York Increase his strength from 305- to 323, was claimed by the Smith mana gers tonight after" the convention had adjourned; until tomorrow. FIRE CONDITIONS BAD priftTTANDL Julv 1. Fire- fion ditlons in the! Oregon forests, be- camn more serious with continuea drv iweather today and with a number of small Diazes wnicn J . ' ..... . . were? started by lightning Monday night1.!;:' j i t'ir'-; 79 Year Old Man Tells How Korex Compound Helped Him l 'I am 79 years old and I felt (he effects of korex compound in 2 days," says C. H. King of Tins mail, Arkansas:. "I had tried othr treatments without success, then 1 1 tried korex. j It makes a man out of an; old drag,, ! If you are! tired ; out and run down, try korex compound and see how aulcklv you will feel better Enthusiastic l users air over are describing remarkable restoratiQ,ns to the vigorous1 alertness andfef flciency of yqjinger days, as the result, of using, korex;- compound. Prematurely old folks the weak, aged, run-down Knd ailing will be interested in knowing - that the American distributors of korex. the Melton Laboratories, 546 Mel ton Building. Kansas City, Mo., have L .arranged' ' for korex com pound to be sold Itf Capital Drug Store, at 405 State f St., Salem, Ore.: Just ask for korex com pound. 'Thousands are using .it t , ... . . Vlt-S i S! fitnTiTiTiTTTil Xfnvigorxiitnyjonicg Mm I in- Kvong Fook & Co. v- Chinese Bazaar. We carry a big stock of all kinds of goods. ( . '. I Paper Oil Sun Parasols and Fire Works at wholesale and. retail, 1 ' . j ; 264 N. Comn St. ! 1 1 . Salem, Oregon - ' tii' ! I Grocer for CHEESE tho Loaf tt Creamery: Oregon MADE YOUNG ASAIM IN DAYS j i HI IKES on CMt'ipeids! Week Here and Is In Love With ,Coujitry Charles E. May of IoIaKan., for twenty I years associated with newspapers! In, Ihe southeastern part of the stat; is in Salem for week's j visit With the Bert F. Adams .ifamfljf lit 1890 i Ferry sireeu 4 ms 1 iun May s nrst visit to the Pac)fc Northwest, his trip here: having been made via the' coast route! through .Califor nia. Asked i by! k Statesman ; re porter his opinion ' of this coun try, Mr.' May Was enthusiastic in his ; praise of thfe wonderful scenic beauty, ' the attainments In : the matter of fruit '. production, and the interesting jstages of develop ment of the country, which! now seem to be onlf just starting; jn "I was! considerably disappoint ed (with California, in that where they do not haye handy irrigation facilities, the entire state has the same desert monotony, that one meets in crossing Arizona and New Mexico," Mr, May said. "It was inaeea reir esning ,10 cross tne line into Oregon where all was verdant and beautiful, where run niag stream met the, eye in place WE fAld CASH FOR t tOUR FURfllTURE ANj6 tools Capital Hardware & Furniture Co. Best Prices Paid 285 N. Coi'l St. Phone 347 Xarmer Transfer Storage 3o. Will b located at .143 Soutbjj Liblity t. next to 3raber Brofe' Plumbing Shop ifter lfuly ift. We would ap ?reciate you patronage at our lew location; more than ever. SB re Lariner Transfer & Storage Co. l4oOe 030 days of .;''!NDtice':e responsibilities. of dry creek 'beds. They -tell in the middle west of California as the : land ; of flowers. ' Where do they get thatjstuff ? J have seen a far more beautiful and exten sive; floral landscapes 'here ' than I saw anywhere on my trip. And these .'.wonderful j roses- and the unbelievable size and flavor of the cherries; and' berries; i - It has all been a wonderful revelation r to tne. Truly, Oregon . folks hat something to crow about." -"; '. Asked as to conditions In east ern Kansas, especially' as to. the dairy Industry, our Kansas visitor says that the farmers of that sec tion have learned the bitter les son of trying to farm great areas with te one-crop system, and are turning to j the smaller tracts with intensive methods! - I I . ."Bourbon county has taken the lead in our section in turning jto the cow -ax&d the, hen as the solu tion of the farmer's problems, in stead of leaning on farm blocs, and legislation at 'Washington3 to keep the sheriff " ' away., Bourbon county is a , ' dairy county, and where ten years- ago poorly kept shacks and miserable roads pre dominated there ..are now" beauti ful farm homes connected with hard surface roads. -Allen county is falling in line with others and the faxmers are! turning their! at- Irrig A Plain rpHE WATER COMPANY, is today pumping al- A most one-third more water than last year, but on extremely hot days the use and abuse of water for irrigation deprives people living in the higher parts of the ity. of ater; for domestic use. Under the unusual weather conditions of this summer, j many towns have had Jto restrict the use of water for irrigating, same communities being al- lowed to irrigate only one hour each day. The rules of the Salem Water,-Light & Power Company permit a liberal use of water, and if lived up to, there will be enough water1 for everyone. f It is against the rules of thi Company for any consumer whether metered or not to irrigate thru an open hose; The matter of irrigating with a hose having a nozzle should be strictly i observed, as it is a very important factor in maintaining a uniform pressure; for all parts of the cityj, The nozzle should not have an orifice greater than one-fourth inch. - . The flat rate consumers irrigated: from 6 to 8 A. M. and from 5 to 9 IVI four days a week, the residents of houses bearing even numbers irrigating Monday Wednesday,. Friday, and Sunday, the resi dents of houses bearing odd numbers irrigating, Tuesday, Thursday,! Saturday and Sunday. We bespeak your cooperation in adhering to these . regulations to the letter, thereby assuring everyone of an adequate supply! It is the part of a pooa ciuzen 10 De careiui in " i i it L mis unusuauy noi weamen Salem Water, Light Proclamation Whereas the Fourth of July , comes on Friday and is a legal holiday arid all busi ness will be suspended on that clay and whereas Saturday ! breaks lintb existence between the Fourth of July and Sunday, I, C. S. Hamilton! declare jlSaturday las a; holiday for all my employees and my store will be closed on Friday and Sat urday so as to give my employees three freedom! unbroken by 340 Court Street t .. - - : ',1 . - u ; S . y - i f . : - : -. j. 1 f- r- f i U m m JLJ A Branch Summer School Ii aoir hng conducted la Portland, Or4 during Jane, July and Aognst bj th Urgett, best nd most widely: known institute inu, the world for the curing of Stsmmerinj, SluttfriDj end u speech, imperiectran. Aaaresa Kortbwest School for Stammerers, 909 Sore reign Hotel, Portland, Or. tention to dairying. Our section t is on the 'eve of long-sought pros-t perity. And the dairy; cow is tho '' cause of It all." J Experience Isn't such , a great ' teacher it yon spend all your Umo cn the same lesson. rmfbiHutfloi ft ' c on me f Question not to waste water auric ., :iv . -. ' . e & Power Company; business Tli . 11 fall t - - : i : ' ' - .: - - - -